[Diablo] Vessel of Hatred Oct 8th. ‘The Merch Hungers' clan- see op. - Page 72 (2024)

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      Jubal77 Registered User regular

      April 11

      urahonky wrote: »

      Jubal77 wrote: »

      Project Diablo 2 next season is tomorrow since the PoE league sucks ass and everything else is late league if you want to check out modded d2 scene. It is probably the best of the modded D2 offerings.

      I really enjoyed Project D2 a lot. Makes the game feel brand new.

      I really enjoy Median too but that is a conversion mod.

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      Noggin Registered User regular

      April 11

      Ah D2. I had a song from Pyre come on while driving to work this morning and the guitar made me think of Tristram… always hits me right in the nostalgia.

      D4-wise, I didn’t put a ton of time into PTR, but tried some of it and overall it made me really excited for season 4, especially the new helltides and item crafting. Having “GRs” back I’m feeling kinda neutral about, but feeding the crafting seems like a good enough carrot.

      Hopefully there’s a good theme as well, but it looks like a great update regardless.

      Battletag: Noggin#1936


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      shadowane Registered User regular

      April 11

      I'm excited for the better itemization. Having to sift through a ton of garbage after every vault was terrible and having stats that all sounded very similar but didn't behave the same was also really annoying.


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      Grundlestiltskin Behind you!Registered User regular

      April 11 edited April 11

      Is the drop rate on certain aspects absurdly low or do I just have bad luck? Trying to catch up on the season with the a "starter" sorcerer build (chain lightning). I'm level 72 in WT4 now, have done a fair amount of helltides/nightmare vaults/etc, level 51 in the battle pass, and I've seen the chain lighting bounce aspect exactly once. I haven't upgraded my weapon to ancestral yet because it's the slot that has that aspect so I'm loathe to lose it, but it feels like I should have seen another drop by now after probably hundreds of legendaries scrapped.

      Edit: I also haven't seen the "chain lightning bounces restore mana" aspect a single time, but at least that one I can get the min version from a dungeon.

      Grundlestiltskin on

      3DS FC: 2079-6424-8577 | PSN: KaeruX65 | Steam: Karulytic | FFXIV: Wonder Boy

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      A Half Eaten Oreo Registered User regular

      April 11

      Jubal77 wrote: »

      Project Diablo 2 next season is tomorrow since the PoE league sucks ass and everything else is late league if you want to check out modded d2 scene. It is probably the best of the modded D2 offerings.

      I picked up PoE for the first time cause got bored of LE and D4 new season taking forever to come out. And I’m sleep deprived I’m having so much fun. Kinda scared what a good league feels like.


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      Jubal77 Registered User regular

      April 11

      A Half Eaten Oreo wrote: »

      Jubal77 wrote: »

      Project Diablo 2 next season is tomorrow since the PoE league sucks ass and everything else is late league if you want to check out modded d2 scene. It is probably the best of the modded D2 offerings.

      I picked up PoE for the first time cause got bored of LE and D4 new season taking forever to come out. And I’m sleep deprived I’m having so much fun. Kinda scared what a good league feels like.

      PoE has a wealth of very good content to do. For us crusty angry ol bastids we have done it dozens of times now heh. The base game is what kept me in it for the about 2 weeks and the improvements they made to the base game.

      Keep enjoying it!

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      Zek Registered User regular

      April 11

      The PTR changes got me excited enough about the game to go back and finish S3 so I won't miss a battle pass, and boy, knowing what's coming really makes some of the tedium stand out. S3's content additions are mostly fine, but for the base game systems, the sheer volume of bad items you have to sift through to find good rares and relevant aspects is awful. S4 seems to be solving that completely. Rares are always junk, and if a legendary doesn't have good stats you just salvage it without worrying about the aspect. Plus the removal of the complicated affixes from drops. Seems like it'll make loot management quick and painless.

      I've got a big list of further changes I want from the game, and there's plenty of time to get to those, but these changes alone are huge for streamlining the game. My next big wishlist item would probably be a NMD rework.


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      Eat it You Nasty Pig. tell homeland security 'we are the bomb'Registered User regular

      April 11

      I think I’d still have preferred a proper loot filter but at least they’re addressing it

      There is just still so much friction involved in getting to the part where you make the mobs blow up, it’s annoying

      it was the smallest on the list but
      Pluto was a planet and I'll never forget


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      hush Registered User regular

      April 11

      i def thought seasonal content was weird and didnt like the idea of it

      A Half Eaten Oreo wrote: »

      Project Diablo 2 next season is tomorrow since the PoE league sucks ass and everything else is late league if you want to check out modded d2 scene. It is probably the best of the modded D2 offerings.

      I picked up PoE for the first time cause got bored of LE and D4 new season taking forever to come out. And I’m sleep deprived I’m having so much fun. Kinda scared what a good league feels like.

      yea youre gonna be in for a real good time once its not a crafting league (although the 12 multi mirror streamers were able to create an infinite amount of wealth in maps with the crazy stuff they did), but early on the leagues that were the most fun for me were the ones that added cool stuff to the map. the crafting leagues can be rewarding if you have real good game knowledge though.

      This is the future. This is what we built. This is what we wanted. It must have been. Because we all had the f*cking choice, didn't we? It is only our money that allows commercial culture to flower. If we didn't want to live like this, we could have changed it at any time, by not f*cking paying for it.

      So let's celebrate by all going out and buying the same burger. -transmet

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      Mirkel FinlandRegistered User regular

      April 15

      Any tips for a D4 newbie? I'm just about to finish the campaign with a level 48 fire Sorc as I heard you need to do the world level raise to get enemies to scale past 50 (which sounds stupid and also something the game doesn't tell you at all).


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      Eat it You Nasty Pig. tell homeland security 'we are the bomb'Registered User regular

      April 15

      I’m pretty sure when you hit 50 there’s a breadcrumb that points you to the world diff thinger, though you can increase it earlier if you want

      it was the smallest on the list but
      Pluto was a planet and I'll never forget


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      cncaudata Registered User regular

      April 15

      Grundlestiltskin wrote: »

      Is the drop rate on certain aspects absurdly low or do I just have bad luck? Trying to catch up on the season with the a "starter" sorcerer build (chain lightning). I'm level 72 in WT4 now, have done a fair amount of helltides/nightmare vaults/etc, level 51 in the battle pass, and I've seen the chain lighting bounce aspect exactly once. I haven't upgraded my weapon to ancestral yet because it's the slot that has that aspect so I'm loathe to lose it, but it feels like I should have seen another drop by now after probably hundreds of legendaries scrapped.

      Edit: I also haven't seen the "chain lightning bounces restore mana" aspect a single time, but at least that one I can get the min version from a dungeon.

      Some aspects are rare, yes. In particular resource and cooldown aspects appear to be rare. For instance, Barbs had a hell of a time getting both the shout cooldown and shout resource aspects back when those were required for every barb build. The resource on bonespear crit (or something like that) aspect for necros was another one.

      Don't ask me why they think this is a good idea. They actually made it worse on the PTR by reverting to how the game was at launch, and *affixes* have different rarities (on PTR), so you see a list of possibilities on your gear when you reroll, but it doesn't tell you that 20% of the time you'll get life, 20% of the time you'll get mainstat, and only 1% of the time will you get Cooldown, or a bonus to the skill you want (these are close to real numbers).

      Either of these would be fine, make things rare, *if they told the players*. Just give it a colored border or something so people don't get so frustrated looking for it.

      PSN: Broodax- battle.net: broodax#1163


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      cloudeagle Registered User regular

      April 24

      Fired this up for the first time since it's cheap on consoles.

      Now, it's very possible this is my fault for playing on console instead of PC, but - there are only six skill slots? Is that also a thing on PC?

      Because I'm playing necro and I've been picking one skill per node. But corpses and golem are taking one slot each, I've gotten four skills... and now I can't get anymore? Even though there I think three nodes to go? That doesn't feel great.

      Switch: 3947-4890-9293

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      forty Registered User regular

      April 24

      Yup, 6 skill limit, same as D3.

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      Noggin Registered User regular

      April 24

      Ya the categories aren’t really that meaningful, you don’t need one of each.

      Builds are pretty adaptable between gear, aspects, passives, the book, and paragon… you can usually round out whatever 2+ categories you decide to skip if you’re keeping the both minion buttons.

      Battletag: Noggin#1936


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      Ivan Hunger Registered User regular

      April 25

      Here's a quick rundown of skill categories and their purpose.


      • Basic — Generates resource.
      • Core — Deals damage but expends resource.
      • Defensive / Subterfuge — Skills that either mitigate damage taken, avoid damage altogether, or apply crowd control in a wide area of effect.
      • Brawling / Agility — Skills that reposition either yourself or the enemy.
      • Weapon Mastery / Wrath — Offensive abilities that have cooldown times instead of costing resource.
      • Ultimate — Screen clearing attacks with massive cooldown times. Hard limited to 1 per build.


      • Summoning — Exclusive to Necro. Provides minions who can draw enemy aggro and deal damage. Book of the Dead menu allows minions to be customized toward offense, defense, or utility depending on preference.
      • Corpse — Exclusive to Necro. Skills that utilize enemy corpses as either a resource or an origin point.
      • Macabe — Exclusive to Necro. A catch-all category for any cooldown limited skills that are unrelated to the Necro's two class mechanics, corpses and minions.
      • Companion — Exclusive to Druid. Offensive skills that deal small amounts of passive damage to enemies while on cooldown.
      • Curses — Exclusive to Necro. Applies debuffs to enemies in an area for a very small resource cost (basically free).
      • Conjuration — Exclusive to Sorc. Creates a persistent but temporary object that passively attacks enemies.
      • Imbuement — Exclusive to Rogue. Skills that provide buffs to a set number of Basic or Core skill casts.
      • Mastery — Exclusive to Sorc. A second group of Core skills that create persistent but temporary damage zones which harm enemies that pass through them.

      While taking a "one skill from each node" approach can result in a very well balanced character for most classes, it is particularly suboptimal for Necros and Sorcs. As you can see from the above lists, Necro skills are categorized in a way that's completely different from all other classes, because the Book of the Dead and the versatility of Curse upgrade options provides the same level of customization that other classes get from their skill categories. And Sorcs have two categories that draw from the same resource pool, which will cause them to compete with each other if used in the same build. This is mitigated by how Sorcs can get free casts of skills using their Enchantment class mechanics.


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      surrealitycheck lonely, but not unloved dreaming of faulty keys and latchesRegistered User regular

      April 25

      glad d4 is figuring its stuff out; i really liked 70% of the core game and what it did well - in particular in its general aesthetic approach, even if not fully realised - was the stuff it was most important to get right first time. i'll definitely be giving s4 a try tho i strongly suspect the big expansion will be what really pushes things to the point of people saying "this is how the game should have released" etc before 4 months later everybody is saying the game is dead/terrible again

      a lot of people apparently don't know about boredom, somebody should tell them


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      urahonky Resident FF7R hater Registered User regular

      April 25

      If a game is boring to someone then wouldn't that mean that the game is terrible for that person? I think a lot of the internet is full of people who take offense at the idea of someone not liking a thing they like. And then the other side of the coin is full of folks who go out of their way to say how awesome the game is in response to the negativity. Then we get this wall of unfun divide.

      Almost like we're just lumping ourselves into some weird ass group for some reason. Is this how sports team supporters feel? If someone says a team is bad and a fan of that team gets offended by it and responds about how great they are?

      I really don't know because I don't follow sports but it's the impression I get.


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      Zombie Gandhi Registered User regular

      April 25

      I think it is more about One Thing filling all of your hobby time, rather than a number of things. No one individual game can have enough content (curated or emergent) to satisfy forever, especially folks who tend to max out in short order.

      And I say that as a Destiny player....

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      urahonky Resident FF7R hater Registered User regular

      April 25

      Zombie Gandhi wrote: »

      I think it is more about One Thing filling all of your hobby time, rather than a number of things. No one individual game can have enough content (curated or emergent) to satisfy forever, especially folks who tend to max out in short order.

      And I say that as a Destiny player....

      Yeah I always thought that was the benefit of GaaS games?

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      Noggin Registered User regular

      April 25

      Not necessarily. Anything can become boring if you grind it to death or it all starts to feel routine, but then be fun again later simply because you took a break.

      For example, it seems to me like a lot of the “D4 bad” crowd are mocking it for not having as long a tail as PoE. Even Rhykker was recently asking why people seemed to “drop” LE quickly and thinking people should want their games to last months.

      But I disagree with that. I need the break that finishing a season and waiting for the next one provides. I legit started getting ARPG fatigue from bouncing between D3, D4 beta, LE, and PoE over the past year and dipped out of each of them earlier than I might have otherwise. But I still love the genre and each game.

      Battletag: Noggin#1936

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      urahonky Resident FF7R hater Registered User regular

      April 25

      Yeah ARPGs have really leaned hard into the "grind" and then adding seasons so you can grind some more every few months. So with the new season all your previous grind was for nothing and you start from scratch again. Get that grind.

      Like I said... I think I'm just getting too old for ARPGs. If I was a teen the idea of grinding the sh*t out of my character would be fun... I mean I put tens of thousands of hours in Diablo 2 back in the day. But now I don't think I'll ever get to the "post game" content in an ARPG anymore. Getting to 100 in D4 was the worst science experiment feeling thing I've done in a long time lol.


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      cloudeagle Registered User regular

      April 25

      Thanks for the help, but dear lord that's overwhelming.

      I guess my problem with the game, beyond that (there's a LOT the game doesn't tell you), is that I don't really feel like I'm progressing in a meaningful way. I know, that's a weird thing to say when the game is constantly dumping out new loot, and there's challenges to finish, and rewards from doing... stuff in specific areas (I think?), and the season pass content, etc. But I don't have time to sift through the vast amount of things I can possibly earn and I'm not really sure how I'm triggering all that stuff, so it doesn't really feel earned when the game tells me I've gained 1.5% to my farts by virtue of poking my head into a cave? Meanwhile the story stuff is few and far between, the sidequest stuff is meh, most of the small and some of the medium creatures just seem like indistinct blurs (again: this may be my fault for playing it on a TV instead of a close-up PC), I'm at level 37 and I'm STILL humping around the frozen wasteland, and I just got a legendary helmet that's significantly worse than my current rare helmet.

      Which I'm finding weird because I'm a veteran of all three previous Diablos! And I really dug them. Well, I played through them exactly once and didn't really do the other characters/postgame stuff. Maybe that's my problem? Maybe the game is really geared to provide a copious amount of stuff to people who want to play endlessly, and less toward people like me who wants to explore weird new lands, kill weird new demons, see a few lavish pre-rendered cutscenes, and then call it a day.

      Switch: 3947-4890-9293


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      urahonky Resident FF7R hater Registered User regular

      April 25

      If it makes you feel better they're supposed to be doing some sort of loot update on the next season which is supposed to really help with that overwhelming feeling.


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      Noggin Registered User regular

      April 25

      urahonky wrote: »

      If it makes you feel better they're supposed to be doing some sort of loot update on the next season which is supposed to really help with that overwhelming feeling.

      From what I tried of PTR, base items felt simpler at a glance and aspect management is waaaay better, but I think the new crafting will feel overwhelming to some. Pending changes of course.

      Battletag: Noggin#1936

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      urahonky Resident FF7R hater Registered User regular

      April 25

      cloudeagle wrote: »

      Which I'm finding weird because I'm a veteran of all three previous Diablos! And I really dug them. Well, I played through them exactly once and didn't really do the other characters/postgame stuff. Maybe that's my problem? Maybe the game is really geared to provide a copious amount of stuff to people who want to play endlessly, and less toward people like me who wants to explore weird new lands, kill weird new demons, see a few lavish pre-rendered cutscenes, and then call it a day.

      I would argue that's where the strengths lie in D4. The post-game stuff is really tedious to me and I'm unsure why my friends continue to play after they hit 100 but that's their jam. For me the game turns into a slog somewhere around level 60 which is way beyond the story/find new lands/kill demons. The story and everything in the game is fun to watch unfold and Lilith is a great antagonist.


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      urahonky Resident FF7R hater Registered User regular

      April 25

      Noggin wrote: »

      urahonky wrote: »

      If it makes you feel better they're supposed to be doing some sort of loot update on the next season which is supposed to really help with that overwhelming feeling.

      From what I tried of PTR, base items felt simpler at a glance and aspect management is waaaay better, but I think the new crafting will feel overwhelming to some. Pending changes of course.

      I think my main issue with D4 pre-loot update is sometimes you just have to wade through trash to get anything good. Lots and lots of trash. Thankfully when you're under 60 it really doesn't matter as long as the item level goes up and it has maybe one or two skill increases that you need. But yeah the affixes get really overwhelming right now. Do you have to dabble in the crafting system in order to advance to 60 with the new loot system? I haven't tried it yet. I don't have the energy.


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      cloudeagle Registered User regular

      April 25

      I'm really liking the story and am intrigued by Lilith, but I'm losing the will to slog through yet more frozen wasteland just to get more.

      (Is it just me, or did the ability to quote break?)

      Switch: 3947-4890-9293

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      urahonky Resident FF7R hater Registered User regular

      April 25

      cloudeagle wrote: »

      I'm really liking the story and am intrigued by Lilith, but I'm losing the will to slog through yet more frozen wasteland just to get more.

      (Is it just me, or did the ability to quote break?)

      Yeah it's currently hosed in desktop mode. If you right click-> open a new tab on the quote button it does quote it on a new page, then you can copy/paste it here as a workaround.


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      urahonky Resident FF7R hater Registered User regular

      April 25

      And yeah IMO the landscapes aren't very interesting in D4. I still prefer how D2 did it with hard jumps to new locations versus the open world feel.

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      Noggin Registered User regular

      April 25

      I think the wading is going to be better. And you shouldn’t have to use the crafting system for early/mid levels, it’s largely an endgame thing.

      So currently you hoard good rolls on aspects, find a good item with the stats you want by comparing “damage to undead on Sunday” against “vulnerable damage in the evening”, then enchant/imprint it.

      New items have fewer and simpler affixes, and you still enchant and imprint. From WT3+, items can drop with Greater affixes that are 50% stronger. This will help with the wading a bit, similar to how ancients in D3 or Exalted items in Last Epoch raise the bar of comparison- you probably stop caring about regular items for that slot, and might just watch for new Greater item drops.

      From there, you can “temper” the item with the new crafted affixes from the expanded codex. These are pretty varied and I think they will be available from early on. You can temper one affix to early items, and two affixes to ancestrals.

      From there, a high level character can run the pit for materials used in Masterworking, an evolution of item upgrading with 12 tiers where an affix gets a huge boost every 4th upgrade. It’s kinda like GR gem leveling for your items.

      Battletag: Noggin#1936

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      urahonky Resident FF7R hater Registered User regular

      April 25

      Yeah see that feels like they streamlined a lot of the loot problems in the earlier levels which should make the game feel way better.


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      Jubal77 Registered User regular

      April 25 edited April 25

      I am glad they are changing loot. I would say you should temper yourself thinking that there is still not going to be a lot of trash to look through. You have to do that in any ARPG. Hell even in LE where it is supposed to be "good" you have those 20+ same unique explosion drops you have to go through only looking for minor upgrades or LP or not (because they refuse to let you filter on that). For me I would say I go through more trash there. Because here you eventually just sort and trash anything under certain ilvl no matter. You will still have to go through loot. And there will still be alot of trash. Hopefully less.

      Jubal77 on

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      urahonky Resident FF7R hater Registered User regular

      April 25

      Yeah LE is definitely on the bad side of loot if I'm being honest. The loot filter helped a bit but the idea that they had to even make one is a little silly to me. I like the classes and how fine tuned you could be with all of them but the loot sucked hard. Probably why I never finished the game.


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      Bullhead Registered User regular

      April 25

      Yeah LE was the first time in my ARPG lift where I learned to just ignore loot, not bother picking it up and selling it (esp since the map would respawn everything on a TP to sell). Drove me crazy.

      [Diablo] Vessel of Hatred Oct 8th. ‘The Merch Hungers' clan- see op. - Page 72 (37)

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      A Half Eaten Oreo Registered User regular

      April 25

      urahonky wrote: »

      Yeah LE is definitely on the bad side of loot if I'm being honest. The loot filter helped a bit but the idea that they had to even make one is a little silly to me. I like the classes and how fine tuned you could be with all of them but the loot sucked hard. Probably why I never finished the game.

      Their stance on filtering uniques is really odd. Endgame CoF is really frustrating going thru useless uniques.

      I was showing a friend PoE yesterday and they asked why I got no loot from a rare strongbox, then I pressed alt. I’m surprised that game runs at all after some point.

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      Noggin Registered User regular

      April 30

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      urahonky Resident FF7R hater Registered User regular

      April 30

      So is this season simply just the item rework and stuff? It mentions the Iron Wolves but nothing else.

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      Jubal77 Registered User regular

      April 30

      It mentions the helltide rework and the pit. So it looks like it will be a somewhat simple league but with Andy coming in, item rework, helltide rework etc so probably as much as other leagues. They said leagues would be "minor" updates essentially on a versioning scale. It looks like there is a lot there.

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      Zek Registered User regular

      April 30 edited April 30

      It seems that the only seasonal content this time is the addition of an Iron Wolves side quest chain. Even the Iron Wolves themed helltide events will persist past the season, though they might be season exclusive for now, they don't say. But the main point is that there isn't a seasonal power mechanic this season. I don't think this represents a change in content philosophy, they just had to focus on the other changes which already make it the biggest patch they've ever done. S5 will probably resume the seasonal power mechanics.

      I've noticed in the community a lot of confusion around seasons since the game went to Game Pass though. People are rolling their first characters on Eternal because they assume it will otherwise be wiped at the end of S3. As normal as it is for Diablo-likes to do seasonal resets, and even though D4 has been doing it almost a year now, the average gamer is still pretty freaked out by it. Personally the main thing I don't understand is why the battle pass can't be progressed on Eternal. I suppose they don't want speed-farming it on Eternal to be the optimal way to complete it, but that's something you can balance for.

      Zek on



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    [Diablo] Vessel of Hatred Oct 8th. ‘The Merch Hungers' clan- see op. - Page 72 (2024)
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