Cannelton Enquirer from Cannelton, Indiana (2024)

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Cannelton Enquireri

Cannelton, Indiana

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2 bohewmat coruoos MR OG onKn NiER a lb A Wjk A Practical armer UAS whichm'i ITC CUKt 'you Krc fula m'ar i rc 1 wnftkr ordeWft ke da vour car du tl di each 1 WL cotd If Otten stuck VLr thin Cltv Oil a pe jAvilrowna Bonrhil Troche Ho cania 4o rtH Hswit 'twc reiUt oniy ua hook SbtVir Why Hie butl'e of Adre opened Moses 5 u'id pt vl lecture's nd thru ire thwt pa fwisnnir THE OPIUM Id4 1 Talent ProccM rltre CTrflRrMHrMi ofl good im 4s rehgrons hH tron beUead IhUi mi re 1 I A mlOAKin nf Vul Jihf II Ia ftllA hit ttr ILL enable 1riMaKia no pnrrxo I I ibi Ua bae waai nBeor XT mA about oac Plan Ca 1 Wifi Inn i Th i poio Mlib tins gave up the astair keeping however i IC5 io I ata VI fan Ta fc trta tl Lu dll' is iei pas Mn nrh er i I aft are the Og 1 if staid the slater 3 3 had i silver it ths BN' ufj niHit uxrS hts Yet pmv of Tanker it' tv sixty years war iT wel po you Join bls' trade pn co idi rti Ml Ion illl st hing MUM MUStt were assembled ill front ok' tbs oburoli the largo square to sen Jean Kiiiiurd hoist himself to the top of the steeple 1 (U'Jr it star lost tn the cloudsy tho aixiout crowd began to J' it nut iiuel I Lug IcJ 1U their o' hWpat Ml A fit! Is MOTION of a man bv his surroundings I Show rue a man associates show me a an books show me a man (tn BOt th HCl ears feet jn if A to 1 meter 'bntr 'e cunoin 1" evso hs I Hrs The salvation of niv soul Pray for thty salvation of your own for I am not sorethat I have a soul flerete' murmured the priest ''The cause is said in his turn the Justice of the Peace who gave judgement ass illows: Considering that Jean Renard tricked the cure but that the cure hud first tricked Jean Renard Gpiisideririg th'it he trade of a to his questioning sn iiL bucket Which sows other however thirsty 'ligent nostril will widen query ovyr thtekiist tio bit offered by the fairest bf A mars is neveralibied by either sigh tor whinny that her tool is ivMaRy iibribnhitt 'eheias certified the siict'by of her nose Blind diorses az a rule will gallopwiliHy bbOjitU' pasture without ttrik ing the siirrouiidihg'enci The' sense of smclttnfcrms' them of Its proximflv Wat a Giant and siod an Iron Badatead i 1 babe and havihif no bube of her pwn adopted hup Moses of ordt nary sue against Og of extraordi nary dimensions Besides that Og was backed up 11 sixty fortified cit ies Moses was backetsup seeminglyby toothing but the desert that had 011 illrai an i Rtt br Talmage gave another IP Justration Sunday lo his sermon nt the Brooklyn Tabarnacle fifths derful power btil tawing useful write oal fronton rdek llltli tuis Spue sopUh'afr was not in i "Whereas fmailv Jean Renard affirms tlrat ho has no soul and in that case no use for prayers We tiierefure re cot the sms of the de reiioudievdle and do condemn him to pay the costs there of And all Grenojtiiieviile laughs yet ns an and had falsciv pretend 4 0 lu dul of ow dweiie hav ing limy an American deg'ree said Lord Caiernlgi Pis appeal was dis nn' sed and he w11 now Jjgve the pleasnre rrf slaving into the treasury of the the sum of lUU I He Was Homely Too Pry ft 71 )1 I hers lsneedm'1 this bnilnefli eai iuid the auctlneer plenty of wind wieaia kiew i Co Ldn 'or Ge a boule of rtnM wl i td take it faitMullv SMrf fe vOM I ve been through 't'4'sr'C 415 rAStr "I gav a Jean Tfenarda first cl ass serclceT thoup tlrCcu rft VtjtutnsIy wjw "naturbliy refused to pay 'J did riot ulsk vo i for burial sery insJeur Cure 'Xriie asks thrit my son am) yet fiuisli that i You were itsd sirens Show mo ila hikrches and4 will tell you tne moral and liglons status of plard irm the fucLtbut 0Ji peihtcad war thlr tjCcft ana A hats fjjrtlopf I tui dude the glanl hfesdlsiWtth aboM fleven feet high But let no rnan by this thought to surrender to Cnluvurablv euvironnrientsi A iw Can 'tmiljyjps own beo stood Chaifierv and 4 1 ugh Mdlw wri born sfotiA mnsorA buj they one be Cante An immortal scutplor aud the other a Lhilstnn mitist na ir yil ter de Ttiruei Ihn jhi ntur in iklro mre Jo'vft Sk I'R i ikd tli'grr It id 'Iff American Traveller tktaf I At uixiiit this epoch tlere was a1 auge in the MrtVoitlTy xf Grco omtlevdle '1 new magistrate in Tmgtmrted thu Tub try asking the Kure to repaint the flag cos cred with ownea iutsieefie 11 lac Uie giant of the iron bedstead' line out against him With another a fresh host against one that seemed worn out tilings must have Ao account is his back was attached nq co*ck ru splendent in uew gild Be entered thc church to pass by a window at of he i re :7 When he apipcared throwing one of his ropes over the first she steeple tlrercwas a JiiurmursoTcon stcriiation from the watering crowd but roc heeamo paroxysm when an near the middle of his ascent almnst lnit eqmttbrroin by thiri bii akmg of an iron eaten by rust he unturned faces were palnwi th emofion but tne dexterousslater piieklv grasped a higher hook Nevertheless he long hi mounting Itzwas nearly 3 clock in the afternoon when lie touched the base of the cross at the top of tlo steeple JIelaslel himself fast thereto feet and body and' began Its first work the painting of theg Imiliuut half ap nout cheers end rifiptaiise brOke from the crt'Wd the itimiai dolors floated over the Ik in di strt food purifiesold through druggist' beeauM you nly pay io? thu yotnl ycu get 5 Cti you ask more? Th Discovery act Dually veil el! th year round On the jriow at dawn the eni't rise's i 1 ic rr sVa fr'gi f'J If I Joan fion'U'd huijg li 1' nown wni from tjiotofiof the str pie Liy i''td ftttiUiekl bvjhis hipM linfortmiate map had fiiubt' i letl lib' i rcb Wstrg "id li ostmaster General Wanamaker wHnee proprietor and editor of a new paper When he ws '8 year old lu etarted an aipateur journal in Phil delpnia lie obtained a hundred sub criben at the tart and when passed ftttc ntj dilation had somewhat ircrrinj sheet had advm'iI'rments ttnr al I pocms ndof wumli were tbs work of the propneiw A Him lo American Iloelore It muv be oiiveniLntfor American "dSKbrslpwiow' wAyrrw Iondon ca ble that IN this free country NN American diploma of medicine does iiof i'iilHls the s)ssessor to all him self If he does hi may be prnseented A doctor has actually been prosecute i for this offense and com icted and upon TJit aj plication to quash the conviction the1 Lord Tuet Justr qf bi'giand the opnitoii that within th! meaning of the law of hnglandour country luff! 'V ant orrot ft was a dishonor He suspended fhnri re an'l nAist remain Urn(ll Oc Stea ILOOMm i tn ntr 'isa Oosei'wMea two Im klLMtt Sc 's I isnnaMTO Nothing was left of the giant except a museum at Kabbatti to show now tallgmd stout he once was So ahull the last giant of opositiun in tue Church march succumu Not sixty cities captured but all the cities Not only one side of Jordan but on both sides of all the rivers The day is coming Hear it all ye who are doing something for tneconquest of the world for God and the truth the time will come when as there was nothing left of Og the giant Iui the iron bedstearl kept at Rabbath a a curiosity there will be nothing left of the giants of iniquity except some thing for the relic hunters to exam ine Inch jf wilibe the last slain I know not but there will be a museum somewhere to hold re! ics of what they once were A rust ed sword will bs hung the only relic of the giant of war A demi the only relic of tne giant of roulette bah rthe inly relic of the giant of Hazard A pictured certificate of watered stock Only relic of pie giant of stock" gambling A broken knife the only relic of the' giant of assassina tion A yellptv copy of Tom Paine only relic th i un belief And that museum will do for the later ages of the world what the iron bedstead at Rabbath did for the earlier ago Allltelor Kin I was walking through some thirty pnlmetloes bordering a Cyprus swamp anef Camo across a curious conical pile of earth and sticks it is about kJ in height and the same IrTdiam eter at its bisse I dug into it nt once believing it to be an nest and unearthed twenty egga They were pure white and about the size of goose eggs but somewhat dole rent inhallo both ends being rounded idie Wishing to see if they would hatch out I carried them home and placed them in a pue of earth and sticks re ambling the genuine nest Around I built st lcn of boards so the young nould 'not get away should the eggs hitch' Inside the pen a trough con taining water was placed sunk level with the ground (Joe morning about three weeks after I Visited tho nest and was pleas ed to hear a number of smalt voicesthere on'tho top of the nest and in the trough of water were several little 'gators not over inches in length Nearly all the eggs were finally hatched odt I Irept the httle fellows a veare and became quite attached to them 1 coull take them in my bands a 1 caress them without any i esioi an on tbeir irttj in fact they I seemed to like 1U Uiien I went out I to see them alter being absent some time they would corns crwiing up to the side of tnjjei at mv call I never knew them to eat st particle of nny ihing during that I kept tiionc 1 finally out them a swamp to slnft lor cxa True to his principIesX the cutebeut ily jrtha pnee fraiic lf JruncHi'iiiki'iH' hjs' wilftejifaii I ilcuu rd an when 'll iv as: on clhf'vd 'iA n1 '( ii' A hlL' iiii'derstool Tliut' iiutllng back tuV toi k' is hiyjuUed in tbe'uargaiu" "Dh lib" said Jean ls understood at als Tlmtj ycuckuow i "1: nW ws 1 lu i cn'nd also Th co*ck has to be put nny'h higher than lhan I nHunt to paint the ting soiilh arttls that of slaters to set up weatber co hprons the slater could no of the steeple He had in his limt LsHow hnvo set no a weather co*ck three bottles containing red wKite that bail not fallen down than the find blue paints for tlie flag and to urP could pray fdr the salvation of a kin te nc rlf) Ari NO raw I' 1'0 I il i I War during ths last thlrty thre years have cost 2)000000 idea and3000000000 A railway in the Argentine Re public has one stretch of 211: Hailes without a curve or a bridge ifty one metal are now known to exist our hqndred year ago onlyeven were known The man who loves his neighbor as jlpnself is not tbeonc who smpke on Horiir Tlid th eftp temperatirre of the cyth is fifty degtefs ATdnsnheit ths stvkrqg ran ftul i thirty si Indies i Invii aid tobe the Ao ion of the iTiiT rbniwl Jnun Martiitll :1 vhl orrvtt 1 M'n a 'lo Tts nArtioili 1 I 1 I JU It I' nT Jo rejofniztd a th? pnuf3 Oj ft Ulk It 4 nv routo 'Ifft'Jt tLt tl I ST JACOBS OIL ORJAlM CVRES "'I RHEUMATISM flAvAAwXlo SCIATICA SPRAINS BRUISES BURNS WOUNDS SWELLINGS ROST BITES NEURALGIA ui'OHI WEL DR 1 1 sunn to me Aery strange tint Mrs MeJ unkiu snoul 1 lavish so mu Siftection on Uistt homely pug dog 'i Not at ad You ought to so sir Uustiaud liir io Queen of Italy nave st HELI OLKS u) vm 7 "7 ring iKidnoy Liver nntl Bladder Cur RlieumatUm rain In Mnfcjrt'nck brick duH la Urins fn'qjbnir ahj Hriutl'mlndMltUon irrttvf!) ufopreuoa ctiUrrh blKMtr Disordered Liver gmit bl 1 'Mil he41Afik HWAtl PaAO urem KXlitev diSkuiU trouts Lriffbti firtJiiins oi tlv tiler Hrul the saint? ilava francs werfc paid hr hire but the psp!" nr wjaiiut ni A hml gon cl vTm! HieV Xskcd 200 francs and rht' fund that ndieulousiv cAHibikAnt Su the next dav thp corpse hein till Huspendoil front ceremonies mf Itp fcreat church (Utnr draped for oociOn and all GnuvitullerHl oin(d last pi it els fTPean Urnai I hot tomicr the body it hadjo bnybt dolt from its loft yperch fcl ftiv zutLiciw of the staler ttylS tun deenmn 1 her would xhA 4 bdtb and if ne the cure Mmself to go xg nnd low Ucl hkc new lunu Maj 3')d WU3 fliM rur metlxino 1 juu btinjbecrvflnbf: 4 poeC CuADtCS srCOND I PAH tnko prfstt a rccvho to dny du say "you won! like opiibhbh piy momai ln youriud to Jiaku sur a whs I tzn va no otUch 'UH I aU koi' I want to do All 11 eny power for humanity "I nd by ms! I a lot of tue UH'cl about ba wlnt 1 saved that tho bwstmpvlkiot dUauivcd tn ioy bladder Two yearn ago last bepL 1 wft fa' ovsr too my begd ajjd i kmy Irgn And feet I com do edd ww ijd gat si kt rny ifoinatIi artd xoinifoftcn anffannaracfitd at from chrnsflrd at thm ihm wem Bcernat thouplit 1 would freeze dcfilff 'ifdijion my uTirw wm notao bad tojowp llr day butduffiog tho n'gut sittinK Target upevery hour and otfennverjr haf hour oul irinsiky jmcitmes tusipn st flnGJinf rWT sifO With const for ot your Kwaisp hvl IxAter thsin d' tong tints TM mrdlciiio hiiKbelpod nijrarPtlfnjrowicrfuUy and itwciosttatbuugh I ccTHd not ent eno gh I live about fix tadea in the country Irorn HtMiKJrt I was born und here and hnvst tx eu st member of the Church lor lorty tw years A TurJeuimo for WTdtrgae murlvfor I feeHhat would nei er get through praising yoiir gn ut reiuody fvr Kiducy Lui cr mid Uatk trouuiQtl 7 1 oLr true friend eibjibhll iiB and 'tn ipp te' tif'US CUl'p'li in Hi A Xufire beneath' uiii 'l i Jl be rr iiuMaugfje puiWiii: money affcrkll piiid fur tiH weufhei ct) Till vat notAbx en hof ths jins te "fisrmM Sxrup" hsr tho fotnl population Te3 by India stci orditog to ths prcl*tninary: iiy results ortlip chnstu nubiisup so ms ni nihi was 2lJ14 21 dr fur li CLUB ihn lacces hl CONSUMPTION CURE I old by ta( rill 6:1 1 pumve juarxstte lest Ihstt 0 olhet Cafl cm itjrd i yon hiv a COL'GIT HOARSENESS LA GRIPPE nil Ton 'T" If your child bu th CROUP or WifOOriNO COUGH iulikirststd mas If you sairCON SUM'I rourciM hhooe less lake ojice fend receiv tmirestiare heir Pure oc and $ioo A' 1st UH nil OH CURE If ystiir i re jie er back lame um lt IVN (I tn st ottll lln: 1 1 1 1 iiu a stf off dlivg grin Ill) 1 stliil I il Rb Hi ini never in iitunui lil Jv i st bu iwn but th' be iicici i 00 HOT BE will Inste Lum Ist ad Paint whiek strateitthaistliiiiiiir tbironandlra iilUlLkys Polub ist BriL shat iuorlna Durable and Ute con auaavr pay for no tin or glaas wuk every purcbane niJJL 3000 TOC who try have generally A mKinK! fnimlv th valriiAri nr used nil lll'l i iu i i I the prescription within their reach without Bquare mile (wneuc stWLnoihnncu tjeontnechronictbceyiEptotaicompllcsttedaDd their constitution run down then they take Ibis rem ly an 1 it is jut such ewes and ini the nao alx)to ti at UstTtmBJ bwarnp hnol famous and give i it a world wide puUUoa AtLnigrist50ci6i7e Dx KiluihCo 1 to Ji my neighbors a Jaeksor IJtxrty IbA i "lJ In rtrrnTIid stranded car Con PROCESS "Treated ih CarbonsfB of Soda Mignula Potath or Bicaraonab of Soda7 Tlie niexoJ chemical cco be readily defected hr the peenhar tklor from oely opened pnt Libyan I also from ft glas of WLtrr in h' ii A SirfuiVqxiantity ok cbemieaiiy treated cocoa Las been placed and allow! to main fur several day I'r wiT 3stpti'Jing pnj vili 'k pj vw uui or I'tiL or tislrei'iiKin al! tlio igb fif afi R'it sw not liSppilyi NN also til It 1 iivs it is iicev the nstomcr wlflajs' TCafry? bill to my ie'rs 1 You have nonestiil are not iRaJ''' it nnliappy tuuii I prayed fu'r ku fna mi fttnioil anrclr hip On" vy vf etpudlini itriHural Srteft pUai ou twi Cnm mends to pubuo approval the Califoi niu Irpnd i up of 1 ig It is Msaennt to the toile und by notiWg Lvtlyon dhe kid nvv Nvrr und bowria to cliiansa tli HVsttstn refieetuallTj It promotes me net th eo oforvsf 11 who mSv it'iin'd witii' millions i tbs best only iiiftlv I Wonderful Memory of a Hone Eniertorieu MW A Hill a loadini? lawyer of Dan Ville 1 II is 1 thi city oa a PS zn vn icaiiitt I 1 1 1 wrll 'Oo rr oid family horse that was stolen 1 fion him on bee 21 1'ahO and whieh 1 10 liaQ foiiowed over one "thousand niiies The thief that tolojthe horei? i carried it to Indianapolis and sold it i tu s'yire horse dealers '1'hey sold it i tp sin At Inn ta' stork dealers wh Shipped it tohis lty A genticmir Vme who was jis itlng in the clty gaw 4bft horse anil set ogn izcit Jfc'aud A bn notitiedf in owner ji 'Mr Hdl came to ci about the ririeh animal C'n lis arrival lie was informed thud 11 a horse was iu the stables of Hill A I 'Vatare ipid that be would have tol brtvond'a'donht the identity of lie could have i AVith sornn 'te IIUl gl'tl Lillui I lA' rl VVMVV dhst stabje When into tie i stall the borse neighed and pranced and when Mr Hill held ent his han Ithe horse licked it with eeemingly as niucli passion st8 ver ono pcion Tn gentlemen pi ut were astounded at 'tho instant! I' bguition of the master by tle ly uthful old familvdiorneafter a fufi I yu ar's 'absence WTl gentleman wbqT i stl possession of th norse told lliil td 'rsllrevit wnarkjngVR4 need not identify the hnrse hs ha der tilred you I would bate to te a murderer and own that horse I might run ton" him tome day never i conceal rny identity Tu horse wifi be shipped toDunvil? 1 a nT MrJ ill I wilt To! low him th hAWff fs IfnUvr Bnktr JJ fepgtkpltzkiok juu1 i tyibMK WqJ ir U't 'L" ti IVA11 wvi'aI 1a 1U SC j'ls ftn TU '1 Tightpan l1 tlev began grow tin estey How wovd poo demi Renard 'Tie cot NO lunger see to work and was now in greater danger tl an ever a small light showed in InaaiBg night JraaRergid Clng a 'arefuJ man had thou'ht to Cerry th him a caudie vor no ure's 'st i visMstg ud ing mere could be soon it that 1 1 11 nt the death eJ ths 'iny yht gluming on high like Duka vf Utersns AVn per left eluiroli found bnnsell confronted by a tureati cri A Monsieur le Cute He si all not Stav tro there it is an outrage' friends I am quits of vour on so got him down! hlidll go yourself since you refuse to nav some onoy else to go and 'alrcaiiyJhft mosCandacious the anti clerical faction pushed the cure I a 'kdurrt at mist the shui sh i I'liflrotigldvfMatinetL he atelength ex laurel ft is impossible: I do not know how to climb on roofs? 1 11 pay! I pat rhey ask 200 francs to come from tho citv: cried tho men on all sides which to the ordinary mnd 'ncetpi tl I wre lovtsed 'a pmmv 1 slai 0 Ir Tt tpabl xlUirLSsy sy 'rei edificxlioto Tl xt was Dent 11 ai jjf all" vujii'Jbiv tv oMuAh rdr Tfit ot 5 string Ttjilnedf giatb' 1 trfrs 11? 'I dich tz atdfetcad' ijn llabbut vh? ylupr ct fired fiaft Ammon '0haubiit A ST sttxy a xood HtaiMj cr Sin 1 TmUlclt euiovi teon ytiop) taten uImrt lmeven4ent intbi LllszrrLtwgI)ilsti it al i re'sm dr Lst Vstt Noyte fte gst nn vUnlUWaa oi ear cv 1 yrnitit Pw gteftr sts litt a tm is ttejiTs st'ku i rV oilsti sti'V 'A'st i qt vJnWJitfc4MI 'nsJiC5f hwltr 1 1 tlilirislU yOr Swatrp i ga WaCCj Jv' i 1 iistC'U Ihst itsSe1 Istr fst stp Kimi sir i I'proTnM tstte st I fiklst a nn'f grt'srivlimci tn tM rrstier tte ere I pr i 'I tst nt st'O st 1 1 rt uirtfitiiy thstwctilisTroloitv my life ul zgli u5n5ul tiint jwt Tau fir (li Wi 1 ay st st shy oor li nst yh ir 1 'a Bstst 'J Ji sti yet ilf 't vstii mnybesr tli'j I rstl our innln ino ts Ou the fell ay ot HVI Hr rails Lneo imirstgi 'st 'st rate st er'ii hu r'ld 1 Hvetekunmw tetnrein iV: IS' BUIO coon uir irgiva st Cfub' WivTft tt'hunflers NwvmI' utnUAdsi term oft tJi eu a st 1 i st IT) 'tCftbl wages of Great Britain for hrer dri an MM tl ustfnbtirYn piety Rb Pitre irtmorred to 010 'rsgrjiitr'd' jn tlic Cnited StiMS k(lVn ni olst woi pu iu A It ivdi ra iUero5 record th llfvO were omtzfl'in IL' 'i yet only eight sdip'ns ui ivrrt to 'exist and tho 0 that are in goodftonanwu are vahiefi at 1 bOO each A vemensn Bucksbort Me while fet'd i'u a small pig dropped In the" pen a rufi of tJd in gold com end i'M notes: The com was found near the man gled remains of allO note butit was evident thut the pig had fallowed tli rest of the money rinn recant investigations It has been found that the average speed of transinidsioit ok earthquake shocks is vei nuarly sixteeii thousand fSet perscooyil Brilivn I sav Jones did you bear about bmith haviiig a sit? Xr A tit He musX dav changed hi tailor then You look as though you had raised Ned your club last night I did: and what is worse he "raised me back claim to ha vn broKcu the record for ti' rad: Tn twenty four hoiiisti tliey sricceeJess ito turning out unj Ami rican tons of Is or 232 ton more thaiii tho previous record lu id by the South Chicago rolling ni Al herea the total population of st tncwfi' fts stay to nSejr wetapfepotr iretf ftofti Vv Uli re pmplys crup Iron yviiow spot 3 toughpesi st SPnriJyjCBar btoqd mpl'yoa bstve Itz 'fittcj riels ViboiV A atqv st IYsLKE ths hiift LTi Doctor blobS ttyH mr of tfibni tri tnt none Tile thia IV'srjfAjg'ranjf se'CThj Itstfal that's clarhedJyfcijA I Th all 'ilij laScs torpid liver end tapijj WtniT it hi 'lefits or cures cr ilia nwo'y js funded With ordinary tte n'ri It bo done 1) tb ak oedv Tiny Pills thsdvapept' it et vhatow A he wfheiu They c' te the food toa 0imlUl4Md nuuntli tb body (In apprtltR nd Mvlpfleiih Prk4Mf eenu Efart th how in IxMan ooo k'l' 1' r'yrt'l'? tyy Ld st eift Ipstjjlor Al tho LrAdk and cans Uta run df It I grut slwavR be my lira Lead kn ii Ins bekstvad Jwtujil ubiJ)' uijd ii Av Bi Ma bonoiR Uh his head 4 fan: 1 JN HUfiS1 cltiVi'TU kf i di ftf'uytr timK Inokul up at the legh 'tc (ltd thlnith of 1A iHdhy pity" re tfryjmiuuijKti hi1 fulti kjt'fie bv pitec U'i i fotr voi ir tha re' wav to be thk OTcuW kO Jt was k'li' that lut lie liiBiv T'e siorv of tt stmlrto with myin ts iuqrroiu vtyl't jb buys been 'Of ovdrtLeclisg Lly qfiEf'tziAx ft tlL Ujulr bij" in rdterUir te i ij snr LASi4 1 Sh nAe 4t I WuxtS gU44 4 VVJgH stature That other man has been for thirty years among influences in tensely worldlr? and he has shut him self out from all other influence and his religious stature is that of a dwarf No man has ever been or can be independent of his surroundings social intellectual moral religious The Bible indicates the length of the giant by the length of his bedstead Let no man say I will be good and yet keep evil sur roundings Let no man say will be faithful aa ar Christian and yet consort chiefly with worldlings You are proposing an everlasting impossibility When a man departs this life you can tell what has been hi influence in a community for good by those who mourn for him and how innere and long continued are the regret of hu taking off There may be no pomporobse quiee and no pretense at epilapbe ology but you can tell how ftsigh he was in consecration and hcrir high in usefulness by how long is his shadow when no comes to he down What is tree of Individuals is true of cities and nations Show me the frpe iibranjs ad schoeda of a city and I will tell you the intelligence of It people Show me its gallery of paintmg and sculpture anal will Lknnw bow fcsB it is tha ner A innaLie feeling AC yV Hi? lack trouble yon Lnt! wise you try to blvK hit vour heacL I in Hit 1 1 4 ifl rtf tn I i OrsA i) was of iron evervthiug crrficvdl Ktaatish host liudtioiible euuugh for sti sixth fohi tins rx esiv? iiiiau avoirdupois this A16 ok boite and ati i (dmaienat Ct lit Vrt ivntif kij as a curiof ity at Kabbath nnd1 uot cnnujjh rvjvtxiAwnn frniH far nn1 rtonri Ann riur I it just as nnwptoplo tfU'tn'muspiniTs I cubit tn bfho tl tisn ai'irnr nf thp nnufnt mi aui lint Afvhtfti tliiw irinri! I 1 1 1 1 I I) kink7 Ott must have been No doubt I tiiat wi wt nn i to hst a 1 nt it I ttinruftkA ttio rzn nf iintwrii find breastplate corresponded tu tire size of In bedstead and his stride acrujxrelre battlefield and fuli swing of his arm must have Iw eti ap palling With an armed host he i omcs down to drive back tho Israel ites woo are marching from gvpt to Tanaan We have no pjr ti i)f tl8 battle but I think the Israelites trembled tin monster of a man moving down td crush them Alas for the Israel ites' Will their troubles never cease? What can men five and naif feet high do against this of eleven sect "and what can short swords do against a sword whose gleam must have been like a flash of lightning? 1011 ngo i'i 'i the herelied on ihc sumlmt oi beenb owudov i during astjirmT Thy uu had lu vn iohf'! bv bis people i i emsTaii' this co*ck in liis high stasiyn mid had 'always re thgtlic asaccl iiutliwg i if ould nialiage' cnio so yviiho at its costii'glyi1 uuvtbi'iig Jean Renard had mi inspiration suppose I propose to the cure tuput buck hrs co*ck: for uofrlmig if tre wifi give mqsithp tvOik that iSte lie don mi Jl tiefjle But the eure wan a misi' ambhe replied that it made no dijleri iic bun if the ne eple was leaks aS he siecp time Tepau as much a vou ui ttsl yildl' th out still not give stable go directly to thegnte barsopening to their customed feeding uptbrsqd wfcm 'dtwiring feturos aftar hours of care ess Pandering will distmguish1 the one imlpilieuyawait lU opening he odor of that particular part of the fence is their guidesttb it Toe hors? in brows ing or whilstgathering herbage with his Jip is guijityd in its choice of prop er fnol entirely its nostrils Blind Ifoj vos do not make tniaiSkeB jn their diet In the temple of Olympus li bronze hor was ekftiibitl at the sieht of which six real' hurses expt ricrced tlie most wiole tt emotimfs'lliui jiidicoiisly observed that tire most perfect art could not imitate mg TTrereAtyflirlfftirrv perfect an 'ilbiJion Like and Tansanias he consequehtly affirms that casting thp statue 4 hud thrown hippomane upon it which hy I he ouor of tho plant de ceived the hoboes and therein we have the secret of the miracle ire scent nlone of a buflalfi robe will cause many horses to evince lively terror and the floating scent of a railway train wHl frichtan Some long after the locomo tive Is out of sight aiid hearing low bnl mstlx siil 11 1 Itestric 75 vi M1SM I r'st stist'UJst' 1st' tr Cr 1 Ootcbw Ctelist 1'st! tellnl st tup Krnjruni ite Lltstral dKtaDl st list tpeci! iuusst istw th tr wl I LUBURC manufacturinc co 321 3' ND 8th ST PHHA PA "li has ygars sure 0 he was adoptc winch ma irs 1 a i jlustlstimtajKkbdistJull 'inafp i com I i o' Kswter may come aa early lie hiirik st part Though was vet tATre the cd a had to go up two to more to amount: and to th danger it was the cross that had to bo dimtxslctiat is to say nrere bar 4' imn In Hu embs' it is soon right al reaiiv inc fsttci saw beta fainl iiitoJhehght and the gipandiatridps pn spate and Iirisfejjr that Og had made when advancing morr infidel than Chris nto lire battle were surpassed gigantic strides with which he I'id Huzza for triumphan Is rael: hixty fortified cit es surren lert to them A land of indescnb hie opulence comes into their pos refreioii and all that is left of tire ant king la the iron bedstead inc cubits was the length thereof und four cubits the breadth of it Whv did not the Hible give us tire 11 I III KlUUL ilJ'tlCUU Ul liJC Ot Nie dstPiMj i hv did jt not indi 1 zMtJses "as thechur win 1 st 111 st List st I I st ststst I I st I A 1 rate mat tne man was eleven icet I high instead of telling us that couch was thirteen and a half feet No doubt among other tilings i PaSMULAR LzUTSL'IT Orrrlisntl Muiitbly Jean Renard was a pkjdt ler Grciiouifievillo svlip lead a wife Biifi twoclnldren Jean woe advoente of polygamy He found one wife quite enougti for Ia Louise as sifts was called often led him A hard life Jean woikevi with ikwJI fi morning to nigljtj ne as Nilin: cour age and strength and yetAN spiteiof nil tvu hoiiea ho irnont on tl rikifs i li eompa til Into loin tints bat Jr imaged 'to ekt out A liainrf4 Tire two imngstete the Amotl nd ine aa'd ire tfi'ct ityi As hm aqd ztO'iKtreT is VJ amailstijstit 'itehiUit 'tjiVipik 1 110' werft Ire fiJ pnoi iiwu gi yet I nreli tyou yfliat it i ant 'g hlsvO a few pa re cynR lii'I hi ftn tzorm as wxist 'to asre stLdIir tevp h'liTr 'ggdey fixv bill TH tyiS crekst i sttest st st Siu Iststl I I st'stV ins stst SO 'V li st st An st stlcst' lTstt' lt t'A' or s' aiMi jj reu n'r Vst JTtBrcTnvr dettgfi edm 'tfis rniccesp spread tie good news through the teg last the eoclc wtyty going tfi tie in uiret wire It was December and the bad wcaHrer still persisted Jean there fore was forced wait several days before uiderttik ing hiv dangerous aS nt At length tire rain ceased by night fire clouds had gotte and next morning all the'roofs were cov Wiirfst No 'gtoipt fttW tredsj jf must i jt "N'td 's that a V4hty triy gbufts oA Hv real ft At itr "i' er ues gift ix a gi te nt qup gS fn i stdu nte i llVst uot V) irost un i liiH tre da fret ii a one Hinklrei: iSv Ire toy gtet 1 iuith otb dv oi i I Ire can affiird tnt ntle with hv tiN 'Lsgal gifts 'fl commr i iaat world th fHjtice of the Peace Georg W1P tin ol Lovlle Murray Co snakes a deposition concern: ini i irvcrc cold Listen to it he fS3 through exsure contracted very vest £td tT my lung's dis by ycesstve night O'ie poiue oi Sfftf broke up the coly SstV 'id al) anfi 1't rMd'hcal' htripfiitest i I cAa te ri 9MELLIN HOKSES Exam pie to Prove that the Sense Is ExtrcmelyKe env 4 The horse will lea've musty hay! nn touched in his bin no matter how h'ln gry say Ifnrre Cnl St Ik will not drink of i ter objectionabre or Irotki odor malt His intei stftulyer' and iji'it Ire had fteoo physically pf etny oid nniy size Roland bM) wli aid tahavy Irernvf ten ndlugztat rcbutw hen sepulcher examined 'lis mor wMfouod on ly large enough to litau ordinary man Alexander the Ureat had heinigte and shield of: enormous size made and left among tne people whom he had conquerfiil so us to give the impression that he fill ii gmnt although he wu rathor uijor than over tire usual height of a man But that in other dav nml midt here were real giants sure rlu nn' One of thti guards of the Uuko es was eight and a half fcrtlugh In a mirtrum in Tren don is the skeleton of Charles Birne lit fevt four inches in stature to he hiipci ov Maxlntirt ckas over eight feet high liby tell of a giant nine tu high and two other giants Nine uuil a Lalf feet 'Sol um not incrpl Uums hen 1 come to mv text and find 'King Og a giant aml the size of hi bedstead turning tho cunitsof the text lute tire bcostead of Og inc King must have been about lint tern and a haik feet long Jgdre tegr fiom that the ginfttwho omre pwl it was probly about elevea fed in stature or' nearly twice tue ava istlinhswn cita Thara'll wiv tetyi wtuiiii nu'st a utiv 1 1 need orljabbintcal writers trying to hotel oi'inde i i fire bacHpaitof si couiit for tfreprcsencool tins giant King (g a they slid bv reaving Hint: Ire came down from the otlrr side of the flood being tall enough to wad hi vvo situ' turned baekstrd thus 'tell thug II' sine rite nofMdftfif ifiovtxltoeud probablyMyilty bqut lu suite 4 'Toi lo ms onetz ap I 'ist ed stlhv entferent miitt' Oto tstfU kV rylow' 0)1 at by I I to'to 1 hii antet 1 nftl 4 re tert' i Zp tlre i lHstb be iAte rts i kj Jf AUv forward' Dsgr iiiV unft 1 1 I ftt wy U0U togol tjy a liivrn mt of best li tUipairiLHiS 1 vv ith h'ui'oH lock luX hrs teep fl WilUa laticr 1 'j i i hrjMTfHlp illl IM ll'i 1 101 vv s'lVI Rr imi so Ir 1 re Ara! rurrmlae Infall Ant nil iVtwn" 1 and intellectual pigmies physical worn him and hre army into a group irtror physical pigmies may be i of undisciplined and exhausted strag judged by fiieir surroundings That glers But the Israelites tnumphod man bos been thirty years faithfuhin I you spell the name of Og back attendance upon churches and pray 1 waid you turfi it into the word er meetings and Sunday schools and Goand Og was truiied backward putting himself among intense roh I and made to go ri it lj Og iwufall gibus associations may have? All thc sixty cities his imperfections nut he is a verv toto nit bother yourself about that Curui replied th'e lavor flag repaired and hi iiiniiicipnlitwsball pay wui then 1m von wi I icnlre 1 the cik Kuone too happv seel Ng the Ji a tiouW colors float IMf mPfl ppfi exaiuination of the ri'lfin tilings out me sun larger tn us 1 1 b'JJ or an average itvilote upon Ids persons to 1 vt'iru'i tossed stit Tne ouly ease of 11 1 lent ireieep mentioned tlre Bibh' was when I a lius fell from a window d'1 stlig a SI'1 Ilion of Paun so perilous' that it is my'llktrty you are asking me to risk for hotliingte Koto to' "Yes uiy frieni I tohe jt'li tin bion sinUe "y11 will do that fpr the loveof Gbdto vnu say masses for the love bfipd3l' le Cure? I consent 0 rep'aire 1 le co*ck bu you will acid fill' franecs to votir pric it is worth th to to I ifN' fraiites cried tire priest "Thv li i 1 rill hllawxoii fun qiJ 'S' bwi von Sre up tho bp ivtyiiiJY4e ityust4re Qt an gipa misfortune befalls me do 'you think yoil Hr theftoyte'bJ YsiEtwill "cure 'for and bring up my cirldrin? Come: Come: more talking Igr ymtCH si "Ah MonMeiirle Cure you take odvMrtige of my poverty ft on knot I must earn mv living a id so von get th' bet ter rf irrere In short lae BsovM Rutsn cm Mftrgntur Mtrhj I ho vt itft I TbftBoT "Koesbial of otoro plat vrlt! A I bra aflred past 4mA 7 'M bow tftai DWTTOtt ftttk oonring i UlrMlOLBlhIUl MM (II ft site Uvd I think graft daai of it ftad woa'd VADlHsinCl irB CM 1 4 A' pi rftthftrbftvubofttbrftftd AaawltbovtUMTMic Pe V' uj uup Mtch ttisittwHh of tb throatJ sb ftoiJ 11 Abfc YC' pl jq Drf curtLn ooa miuau i and Dyer? man knows beticr than hehoporgt Mln 1 Lirv sbia hocn 4 'iwrUn 10 rtpnp Mt t' zi (Hi of jiTcftt 1itti'fli i Ac A' i'i li ouftu hei4tk 1)4! rrl nn wiiHflci 'v th a ti i'an nici'Oil KJn tr ts o' vpiir 11 I can tr U0(bC a LM Ium Of nil Drilat 50 eftof Uan the name of the' hijxgeU giant that can lind whl meet him? He is not cieven feet high out one hu! dred feet high Uh bed itead ia im Tpiig ks th con tinent His oame il doubt Hia common' food is in0del si 'in thta puhH Ue pass coi ago alm is lerini new irrer 1st Cxpll nX or Stop cried a voice ll do the Job for a hunflti francs and a man forced his way toward tobe cure through the amazed villagers Je llcuard "Jean BeNard'to burs'! froni heir Itpstore re' re 'i toi vto re i It was ind' ed Jcam 'HexplainMl in fi words how 'he had plannedtositi icty tire dire who meant get dhei'Cttec of him After his worin as flqlsh6lv be came down' entered tlreBj and dressed sig rto i'n jla i hniics tlieii re iriii'tetM and hung his effigy from tne ncuigh Opposi hr cou' was tiou enemies of diitr stat go 1 cv st intiUi' gi aii oftotb'L dii'ir bcdstetyd ir cii bliss ivaS the ugtli tlivr jf I anil four cubits tho'brvadthof it' IkIV III I II it HdVt' flJUUC up f(( I He wav rsj iTp to thc Pr ominod and I used to I I think tliat iitter a while 1 wouui get jnttULiime where it would be smooth i ah i a but tl re iirte do re nntrfinia: and in this world Bv the time Hing Ou Is used un so that he can nut get into nd somcred hergi nt oi oppcriit ion Lhjoms ui to rmn way Let mg tor an easy time ano thirty years' a war' fir a hupdrefiysar' Ind Ins army met the giant and Ins mimsteis whodouot know wliitlier di mv 1'he Ixrd of Hosts desr enrlcd the Bule 1ft urepred fit st pitnrptied ttevtMswtiv are Yau will never reach the Bfldrp1slInd youslay tlEMsMKr Kill Do Doty ttst i to overcome ytys giant? Pray for' faith rend hat ages faith avoid as you would ship fever and sniail pot the tuple who luck aitli t' A no er' er from my serre mon' The niareh ofsithe church can tonfitobe fiTpwleU by gi gati ictotpposiu tion That Israeiitish host led on by purere griftrtyfvft NS vsr Ct' 'fist'1' mk fti cuf I rtf Ju' lTh I tiretir Alfie JtyHt then mi) Mtn 5r the tftilagt1 that the I irijl lite fitai iCAto tire gp 1 rt usi lg gst bis wi'atf i i if 1 nnih ng uhd 1 nstst st 01 57011 sot him developed tetodsitotetoKIstef ritoiai relnonei te stnai ii i jy g( Dirhoi po vn WfaigQ 1 Tft AffftrS77 III Two yMii fto Ut Tabraftry I'comutte me jstsjioX'o'ty lTla pilpHc uucli ud aid Ttotoos '(ivOLS miaou wlibou hftrtnj my Umb jftrt lwJfl tzaftaS vf sr 1 iu' Narva Tafllfl ftDd thftak tha aail aal na I Ana hnlHa aul 1 ren fvrcMMmy pryr wbftt mUeU4M A MIS MIT WKTIck TftlftftbSft Bwbk Mart LlJll DInmm Mot ec I IM iMdkiM frW ef ehv( Thu ram bM prwwd by ttw sMior KafWT Tori UkCW bU dUwetloa to It 11 KOkXIO MKDCO Chloago ivljsnLa3 gpora aTinV In a 1 race and uuo lap is enough" ftus til Bcwn'A yiHW reHrriei fr rrns ail 2rGLiSn nc? TH 1 aid a Tin foufii it akd antHMy rie ns" ini nod an 0 niiat a lAi ni') 1 a ail! i aft IL tci riUpHOr bvvresreik 24lfihKW i ti on I iv ttr nA Jft AB 1 Dre I Ue nei arUda Ah Tle nlckel iho teieicppe miflnUl gels for etUng "peek" at thesdstv (bU st nie trti 'vis Trnehi tv1 ft'X' luutitiuii aiiniux vyuct auiun ret ii tit tn fjtflcik ii flirret aii biiniiuLfa I thftfl foi ISTACl i 1 ri 1 1 1 1 OI LUU HtlHMBIW OI A copt that one ia which be thrt rraille of aouatic vfietation ii I ii'Uii ivn i uiiuw iitu mau borne and I jov wbat he on the herthe ol Caue ttse ouwoed Lh Io aiMiut turn iou can not only ten a rnn ucc rding to the old adage bv the company he keeps but by the tro he reaus by the picture he admirers by the church he attends bv the places ho visits Moral giants By this arrnogement lln or as jute ns AprdLL' i we i ginpiftatfi in cnnsvlv iia re off ceot'p a 1 s' 0 ri frvtp? lu It iJl MOI HlffstPfl I (Jit 3 1 111 1 A mauc ra iu unu iut: iui7iiu oi tut coi livtrey etgiii iDcoes ia ai Lljj? passenger jnMde ths rk food5Thero waspt 1 re i eep Kat nothing supernatural about him He the woi id wants Economize la cv mi trip monster in size i er thing ep tvfus and Solomon slept on bds dicc sufthHimoreft Jhat God a ohi anl Shrdanapalus had 1 () 1 on to aiiaan nei bltcads gold burned up with not be suipuntd if the) confiont in I ut this of mv li vt some so a HvI not thT 'd rccefve great benesit from tb ue ieD i 1 I sufr id far ao ietzgtL 1 to si to 1 vk ytJX Vu Ring Attark A( Vr 1 lUfty Tfcftlr Dyln IXftV Dr rl I Ms st'" Ar md i iMaBfe JityLtyJL jpA I st? 'j WAMfl MiZ i I A YOi tocstt carer 3 1 PILES er I re rr gh 2 (L '2' Ore X7 i 1 ZJ Cl bgre 1 1 Trs 7 tej 1 tosi 'reiuo AT IMittf ev LUH ti jl Cii GonaumpUun It bat ir tftewaawrta Hh 11 e4 ortt It li oad lautba baitefuiharry old verTwkwr fl LpMsr JW hu cMWW US8 a'iM it I'floX to UUr lacb 1 Wbuall Uft rij ilt sIlOO 5 to Lail toariMv ItWnH' pBEOT pquari till IWJ I "A7 1 tlI!.

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Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

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Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.