Skullgirls watch Death Battle - Chapter 150 - MetaMaster54610 (2024)

Chapter Text

[Wiz: As primal as the ground we walk on, and the air we breathe, anger can keep us alive or doom us forever.

Boomstick: Welp, on that fun note, let's jump into our season finale!

We cut to the combatants' name cards.

Wiz: First up is the Incredible Hulk, Marvel's mean green, world-breaking machine.

Boomstick: Then there's Broly, the Legendary Super Saiyan from Dragon Ball.]

"Oh dear... They're both planet killers, aren't they...?" Marie mused.

"...Oh, I hate feeling angry..." Filia sighed.

"Ah, it's amusing to see these neanderthals scream and stomp around." Eliza chortled.

"I fear for the collateral damage..." Parasoul sighed.

"Betting it's gonna be more than just a city this time." Peaco*ck remarked.

[Wiz: Young Bruce Banner was a genius and the son of nuclear physicist Brian Banner.

Boomstick: Who was just the absolute sh*ttiest dad ever. Complete with mom murdering and super baby slapping!]

"I hate that guy." Peaco*ck sighed.

"Same here, kiddo, same here." Ben said with a glare.

"He belongs behind bars..." Parasoul snarled.

"Poor baby Bruce..." Filia sighed.

[Wiz: Naturally pretty distraught, Bruce's trauma due to parental abuse internalized itself as a second personality. An angry childlike brute that just wanted to be left alone.

Boomstick: Even with that angry shadow in his head, Bruce grew up to be a leader in the study of gamma radiation. So, like, a total nerd who probably got beat up all the time.

Wiz: He had that covered. During a gamma bomb test, Bruce was caught in the blast zone and absorbed enough radiation to, well, die.

Boomstick: Except he kind of didn't? Well, not permanently. Instead, the bomb opened a door that let Bruce's alternate personality step into the world.]

"Yep, the big green rage monster." Recalled Samson.

"Poor Bruce..." Filia sighed.

"Yeah, I'd wanna be left alone after all that too." Samson agreed.

"Well... He actually made something out of his life and it blew up in his face..." Nadia sighed.

"Always got under my skin how the smart kids get picked on just for being smaller and weaker than the tough kids." Ben sighed.

"It's really quite pathetic, considering the jocks are typically the ones that end up has-beens." Valentine shrugged.

"Man that has to hurt... I'm surprised he didn't at least get sick..." Cerebella muttered. "No one I know could take that blast..."

"...So... Bruce... DID die for a moment...?" Marie asked.

"Hulk saved his ass and messed up his life." Samson chuckled.

[Wiz: Thus, using his anger, Bruce Banner transformed into the Incredible Hulk.

Hulk: You make Hulk angry... You not like Hulk angry!]

"Unless they desperately need his anger to be pointed at the bad guy anyway." Annie said.

"Yeah, those giant raging monsters can really come in handy, can't they?" Samson chuckled.

"...I just know I wouldn't..." Parasoul sighed.

"Last thing you want is raw strength going on a rampage." Cerebella chuckled.

"...Does Bruce struggle for control...?" Marie asked softly.

"The anger within humanity is dreadful." Double said.

[Boomstick: The Hulk is one of the strongest mother-hubbers in all of Marvel.

Wiz: He can lift a 150 billion ton mountain, shatter asteroids twice the size of Earth, leap into orbit from the ground, and even mess with the fabric of reality... by... punching.

Boomstick: Whatever a time storm is, you bet your ass he can punch it, and break time.]

"Heeeey, asteroids are supposed to be little, aren't they?" Umbrella asked, confused.

"Yep, you can tell he's strong as hell just looking at him." Carol grunted. Togepi cheerfully flexed her arms,

"Goodness... All this just by hitting really really hard?" Squigly murmured.

"...Okay, this is a downright ridiculous level of strength." Annie said flatly.

[Wiz: The Hulk's absurd power is tied to his rage. The angrier he gets, the stronger he becomes.

Boomstick: And according to almighty gods like the Beyonder, the dude's got no known upper limit. Though, to be fair, his body can't always keep up and will revert to Banner under too much pressure, or too many puppies.

Wiz: Emotions like rage are governed by an area of the brain known as the hypothalamus, which controls Bruce's transformation. If it's damaged, his life could be put in jeopardy. Like when Hawkeye pierced it with a special arrow Bruce himself designed.]

"He... designed a weapon against himself?!" Marie spoke in shock.

"Heh... Rage is a powerful thing..." Samson chuckled.

"Damn right." Carol grunted.

"They did say there was a limit to how mad people can get... And that his healing factor's the key..." Beowulf mused.

"Big lug's a dog lover, eh?" Ben chuckled.

Leviathan sighed. "Ordinarily I would heavily advise against striking with rage alone..."

"So ya gotta go for the head, eh?" Peaco*ck mused.

"The archer defeated the beast?" Double asked, surprised.

"It's so hard to stay mad for too long..." Filia murmured.

"Well... Not really..." Cerebella muttered.

[Boomstick: Good thing the Hulk's a total tank who can keep fightin' for days on end. Nothin' short of literal gods are strong enough to take him down.]

"The strongest of mortals is still a mortal in the end." Double said simply.

"Yeesh... Days? I have to tap out after six hours of fighting..." Cerebella muttered.

"Somehow I feel like even the gods don't have it so easy." Samson grunted.

"An unstoppable foe is a harrowing thing to imagine..." Parasoul sighed.

"Gods and puppies. His biggest weaknesses." Ben chuckled.

"Whoa, now that's some serious stamina!" Beowulf exclaimed.

"Yaaay muscles!" Umbrella cheered.

[Wiz: When he does take damage, his body can heal almost instantly, even if his flesh has been vaporized or he's been cut into literal pieces.]

"Well... He's not TOTALLY unstoppable..." Filia murmured.

"...Kinda feels like he's gotten stronger since Doomsday though..." Cerebella muttered.

"That's comics for ya. Always hitting crazy new highs." Annie sighed.

"...Would he still lose to Doomsday...?" Marie wondered.

[Boomstick: The Hulk can adapt to any environment imaginable, whether that's just straight up holding energy or surviving the depths of space.]

"Lotta that going around." Noted Ben.

"And how would he handle having all the blood drained from his veins?" Eliza sneered.

"...You wanna drink THAT? It's radioactive, moron!" Cerebella exclaimed.

"Huh. So he's more like Doomsday than we thought." Peaco*ck noted.

"Impressive... These powers of mine offer a similar level of adaptation, actually..." Marie mused.

[Wiz: He's even battled the warrior god Thor, who has thousands of years of combat experience, and is fast enough to cross the universe in about five seconds, nearly 300 quadrillion times the speed of light.]

"Those two have a friendly rivalry goin' on!" Deadpool clarified.

"Yaaay Thor!" Umbrella cheered.

"So he can fight on equal footing with gods..." Valentine mused.

"Oh yeah, Thor got his ass kicked last time we saw him!" Peaco*ck cackled.

"Yeah, by a total badass!" Samson protested.

"Maybe Hulk can tie his score with Thor's! A win and a lose!" Filia chirped.

"...Science is stupid." Double declared.

"Don't hate what you don't understand." Marie giggled.

"If only it were possible to get that strong without... getting nuked..." Cerebella sighed.

"Hmm... I'm amazed he's not in perpetual agony with his origins in mind..." Valentine remarked.

"Ah... They must battle often then." Leviathan nodded.

"They are two of the big heavy hitters after all, that's just comics 101." Ben chuckled.

[Boomstick: No wonder the world's so scared of him. He's a green apple-flavored behemoth of destruction with the mind of a cranky four-year-old.

Wiz: While the classic Savage Hulk persona may be a childish brute, there are several, maybe even thousands of other personalities cooped up within Banner's shattered psyche.

Boomstick: Joe Fixit is a street smart bouncer, Doc Green is a super genius, and the Devil Hulk is the father figure Bruce never had. It's like an all-you-can-eat Hulk emporium in Bruce's brain. We got your Dark Hulk, Mindless Hulk, Hulk Squared, and Kluh, which is basically just Sad Hulk. It's kinda dumb.]

"That's... quite the assembly." Parasoul noted.

"I can't tell which one's the most dangerous." Beowulf muttered.

"Well... We don't need a giant green monster with a four year old's mindset..." Parasoul sighed.

"And just what triggers these other versions?" Double asked.

"...I like the sound of Joe Fixit!" Peaco*ck cackled.

"Devil Hulk sounds like a chill dude for a guy named... y'know... DEVIL Hulk." Nadia chuckled.

"...Kluh." Leviathan said flatly.

[Wiz: Despite seeing his human half as weak, Hulk and Bruce would finally unite against a cruel, uncaring world under a new persona, the Green Scar.

Boomstick: He brought a world war to Earth and tore the superhero community a new asshole. And by finally letting go of "Puny Banner", the Hulk became the unstoppable force everyone's always feared: a Worldbreaker.

Popup: Worldbreaker is not a separate form or personality, but the highest level of Green Scar Hulk.
Wiz: "World" is underselling it. The Savage Hulk once obliterated an entire universe with a thunder clap, and bloodied Hyperion with a single punch. The same Hyperion who survived a collision of two universes unscathed, which begs the question, how much more powerful is the Hulk at his maximum?

We cut to Wiz and Boomstick.

Boomstick: Ahem, uh, this one's all on me, Wiz.

Boomstick: So, Hulk was once with this chick Umar, ruler of the Dark Dimension. Spooky. Hulk could only match her strength for six minutes, but he made up for it in round two when he came back as the Green Scar and kept Hulk smashin' for hours. It's likely they went until dawn. That's a 12 hour session of Hulk smashing at most. My man!

Wiz: Well, that would make the Green Scar 120 times stronger than the Savage Hulk. Multiplying that by the energy of the two colliding universes would yield... 960 duovigintillion joules! That's just a ridiculous number. All that from a single battle?

Boomstick: Battle? Oh, sweet summer child Wiz, that's not the kind of smashin' I meant.

Wiz: You've got to be kidding me.

Boomstick puts an arm around him.

Boomstick: I think I just invented a new field of science! The science of the f**k!]

"...That thing has a... It can... It... What...?" Double asked in shock.

"Well... it's good that they could find an understanding..." Ben muttered.

"Whoa. What's Big Green got against heroes? Besides... probably not liking him for being a hothead?" Peaco*ck asked.

"So uh... he's killed a ton of people, straight up..." Beowulf remarked.

"At this point? No WAY he hasn't." Cerebella muttered. "...Rage makes ya do awful things..."

"Oh my... I would despise to be on his bad side..." Squigly murmured.

"Oh man... Remember when lifting a big mountain was impressive?" Nadia shuddered.

"They just keep finding new ways to up the numbers..." Leviathan murmured.

"Heheheh... Atta boy, Hulk." Samson snickered. "Snagged a real looker too."

"I'll admit, creepy ladies have their charms." Valentine shrugged.

Filia blushed beet red and covered her face with Samson, letting out a long shocked squeak.

"It... Can it reproduce...? How does it work...?" Double was still baffled.

"Pfft! Why question things at this point?" Samson snorted.

"...Man, comics get dumb." Ben noted.

"Who would waste time with this giant baby?" Eliza sneered.

"Lucky guy... Got a hottie..." Nadia groaned.



Eliza smirked. "Well, surely she regretted it afterwards. Radiation and all."

Leviathan shook her head. "Deeply inappropriate..."

"I shouldn't know this I shouldn't know this I shouldn't know this..." Filia squeaked into her hands.

"Awkward..." Beowulf rubbed the back of his head.

Valentine raised a brow. "Wow. Medically improbable, but then that is the Hulk in a nutshell."

"It's just... absurd!" Double concluded.

[Boomstick: Now, you might be thinkin' this gamma stuff is nuts, and you're right, because it's Satan magic!

Wiz: So, turns out Gamma is actually directly connected to energy from hell. Drawn from Marvel's ultimate satanic being, the One Below All. By using his powers, the Hulk is literally channeling the devil.]

"...I thought he was made by science, not devil magic! That's weird!" Declared Umbrella.

"Well, it IS the embodiment of wrath after all..." Leviathan mused.

"Oooh... So it was some kinda... hell bomb...?" Filia asked.

Double sighed. "Satanists should not be in the position to create nuclear warheads..."

"...I feel I'm doing the same." Marie sighed.

"Huh... Well... Guess he's not just all raw brute force after all." Beowulf noted.

"Hmph. How gross." Eliza drawled.

"Hoooo boy. Betting that triggered some angry comments." Nadia snickered.

"...Wow, comics really like overcomplicating things." Cerebella remarked.

[Boomstick: It's also what kept him alive all these years. Every time Bruce dies, his soul is sent to hell, and can resurrect. Once returned to the world, his body will heal from whatever killed him. The dude literally can't die!]

"Oh. ...Can his opponent die?" Asked Marie.

"Bringin' immortal characters into a show called Death Battle kinda defeats the purpose, doesn't it?" Ben chuckled.

[Wiz: And after a journey into the lowest plane of hell, the Hulk even faced off against the One Below All, and the ghost of his father.

Boomstick: In the greatest therapy session of all time, he thunder clapped those two assholes to smithereens! Talk about cathartic. From one man with crippling daddy issues to another, well done, sir.

Wiz: What else can you say but... Incredible.]

"I can think of a few other adjectives I'd use." Ben huffed.

"...Well killing the abusive idiot is no impressive feat..." Eliza muttered.

"...Just by clapping his hands...?" Marie asked softly.

"Wait, is this Hulk's dad or Bruce's dad?" Peaco*ck asked, confused. "Like, why would Bruce's dad be hanging around with the Devil?"

[Bruce: Ever since I was born, I've been fighting. Fighting for survival. For sanity. For control. For years, I fought against my own nature. I fought to be free of what I thought was a curse. But now... Now I fight to be whole.]

"Huh... An honorable path..." Annie mused.

"Man's a fighter through and through." Ben nodded.

"Hmph. A feeble one, frankly." Eliza sneered.

"...I'm with ya there, Bruce..." Carol murmured.

"Ya can't lose as long as you can still fight." Nadia remarked.

"Wow... I didn't really think about it from Bruce's side..." Beowulf muttered.

"So he embraces his rage." Double said flatly.

[Wiz: The Saiyans, a brutal alien race of interstellar conquerors.

Boomstick: And giant monkey men!

Wiz: These famous warriors are defined by three things: their tenacity, their pride, and their rage, which fuels their world-destroying power.]

"Sooo, they're mostly jerks." Nadia summed up.

"Barbarians." Double huffed.

"...I shudder to imagine having to contend with them..." Parasoul sighed.

Annie sighed. "You do NOT want to combine those three traits. It gets ugly."

"Ah, takes me back to good ol' Goku." Peaco*ck sighed.

"...He seems to be the exception to the rule." Marie murmured.

"So basically they're way too proud for their own good, and if that pride is ever wounded, you have an angry person coming after you that won't stop until they're dead." Valentine said flatly.

"Wonder how brutal they really were..." Ben muttered.

[Boomstick: And no Saiyan can get even close to as pissed off as Broly.

Broly: You shouldn't say bad things about my father...]

"Yeah, don't say bad things about other people's parents!" Umbrella huffed. Cerebella coughed awkwardly and Parasoul heaved out a sigh.

[Wiz: Despite being of low birth, the infant Broly was considered a prodigy by Saiyan scientists, due to his impossibly high power level of 10,000. Enough to survive a planetary explosion.

Boomstick: What, over 9,000?! Alright, alright, I'm sorry, I got it out of my system. Anyway, baby Broly was growin' up nice and happy until he was driven insane by baby Goku's incessant crying. Now, everyone complains that this is the lamest backstory ever, but have you played Yoshi's Island?

Baby Mario is seen crying in his bubble.

Boomstick: Gahhhh! Nope, make it stop!]

"Yeah... It's a baby. Babies cry." Grunted Samson.

"...Seriously?" Ben asked flatly.

Parasoul sighed. "How utterly petty..."

"How does he even remember?" Annie asked.

"Aww... Poor babies..." Marie murmured.

"Urgh... Crying babies... Can't stand it..." Peaco*ck groused.

"Hey, hate the parents, not the kids." Cerebella shrugged.

[Wiz: That's the original story, but with the new movie, that's no longer canon. However, despite developing different personalities, both of these Brolys are essentially the same character in different situations.

Boomstick: The 2018 one is our primary source here, but we'll look at the original, and similar Saiyans like Kale for more info.]

"A lot of them for a dead race." Eliza sneered.

"Oh... So what drives his anger now...?" Squigly wondered.

"...Even the smallest of infants has the capacity for great wrath..." Double remarked.

"I suppose there's no harm if the new one is stronger than the original..." Leviathan murmured.

"Hmm. It seems the writers disliked their own decision." Marie remarked.

[Wiz: Whether it be jealousy for his own son or genuine fear of Broly's potential, Vegeta — the king, not the prince — abandoned Broly to a hellish backwater planet to die, with only his father, Paragus, as company.

Boomstick: Just in time for Vegeta to get nuked! The planet, not the king. Well, I-I guess the king, too. All thanks to the alien tyrant Frieza. Nice job gettin' rid of your crazy strong Saiyan baby! Idiot.

Wiz: Ironically, after decades of isolation, Broly and Paragus were found by Frieza, and drafted into his army to eliminate the Saiyans on Earth: Goku and Vegeta. The prince, not the planet. Or the king.]

"...Okay, this has to get REALLY confusing, why would they be named this way?" Annie said flatly. "Still, can't say I'm surprised, they do seem to have very old fashioned values..."

Parasoul sighed. "An entire species, wiped out in the blink of an eye... Awful..."

"I uh... guess that's karma for ya..." Beowulf rubbed the back of his head.

"Can't say I feel too bad for them." Valentine said flatly.

"Frieza... I already don't like him." Marie said with a glare.

"What would the baby have even done at that point?!" Samson exclaimed.

"Well, Boomstick IS the one that wanted to make a baby launcher..." Filia murmured with a wince.

"So they found their way back in the hands of the tyrant." Double said with a frown.

"Frieza seemed to really hate anything named Vegeta..." Squigly murmured.

"Guess the king wanted a chip off the old block, huh?" Ben chuckled.

[Boomstick: Thing is, Broly's not like the angry Saiyans. This guy's a gentle giant who would rather play with his big green alien dog than fight anybody.]

"Oof. Must have been bad to tick him off." Nadia remarked.

"Heh... Gotta love those gentle giants." Ben chuckled.

"Cute dog." Carol said with a grin.

"Ah, the strongest one's a pacifist, what a waste." Peaco*ck sighed.

"The exception to the rule then." Double noted.

[Wiz: Paragus molded Broly into a deadly warrior whether he liked it or not. Like most Saiyans, Broly can harness ki, or one's inner life force, as an energy to enhance his physicality.

Boomstick: Or fire it from his hands in a super laser beam!]

"Yep, saw it with Goku and Vegeta." Mused Peaco*ck.

"...You can't force your child to be a warrior..." Parasoul murmured.

"...Only a select few are capable of weaponizing their inner power like that..." Double remarked.

[Wiz: Broly's bread and butter is his Eraser Cannon, a green fastball that'll cross thousands of miles in seconds and vaporize planets.]

"...The boy just wanted to live in peace..." Lamented Leviathan. "...I suppose such power would deter aggression though..."

"...That's scary." Umbrella eeped.

[Boomstick: He can barf lasers with his Gigantic Roar, shower the landscape with Blaster Meteor, or just straight murder people with his Gigantic org*sm.

Wiz: Gigantic Omegastorm.

Boomstick: Oh. That makes more sense. Imma rename my dick that.]

"Grooooooooss!" Filia cringed.

"Not allowed to ask." Parasoul said when Umbrella opened her mouth. Umbrella whined and hugged her three beloved companions as she sulked.

"...It IS a pretty cool name..." Cerebella remarked.

"These powers are much too destructive to give to a being known for his wrath." Double remarked.

"They're cool as hell though!" Peaco*ck chirped.

[Wiz: Ahem, his most powerful technique though is a small ki bolt that Broly can feed to rapidly grow in size and consume entire worlds, the Omega Blaster.]

"Definitely a deadly problem." Agreed Valentine.

"So he has to keep putting more and more into it to make sure its at full power?" Annie mused.

"Sounds like a tricky move to use." Beowulf noted. "But then, all the best moves are."

"If he can pin them with the small one, he can make it bigger no sweat." Samson grunted.

"...Consume them... Slowly wipe them away..." Parasoul gasped.

[Boomstick: Broly's arsenal isn't just blowin' stuff up, though. He can use his ki for flight, telekinesis, and paralysis.]

"I uh... don't remember Goku or Vegeta using those last two things." Remarked Beowulf.

"Ki can do a lot." Filia marvelled.

"Who needs it? There are other simpler ways of achieving all of those powers." Eliza sneered.

"Course you'd take the easy ways, you lazy bitch." Samson grunted.

[Wiz: Despite being stuck in the space boonies all his life, he's an adaptable fighter who can match seasoned veterans.

Boomstick: Basically, he learns as he fights. And while most Saiyans get stronger every time they almost die, the Brolmeister's strength is tied to his emotions. AKA, the angrier he gets, the stronger he gets. Hmm, doesn't that sound familiar?

Wiz: These power boosts are so great, he can match transformations like the Super Saiyan without even needing to transform.

Boomstick: But don't worry, he can do that, too. His Wrath State roids him up and makes him as strong as a Saiyan Great Ape without all the fur, or the shedding.]

"Ah... So... Um... A factor of... thirty increase I believe..." Mused Marie.

"Math nerd!" Peaco*ck cackled.

[Wiz: Much to Frieza's chagrin, though, Broly had never learned to unlock Super Saiyan, and could not compete with Goku and Vegeta's stronger forms.

Boomstick: Solution? Murder Broly's dad to get him to transform.

Wiz: Despite the physical abuse he suffered at his father's hands, Paragus was still the only family Broly had, and losing that drove him over the edge.]

"...That poor boy... The only family he had, mistreated him, yet he can't stop caring for him..." Parasoul sighed.

"Why would you love someone that's mean to you?" Umbrella asked, confused.

"Hmm. Frieza is smart." Eliza noted.

"Well what's stoppin' Broly from turning it all on you, genius?" Peaco*ck snarked.

Marie scowled. "Monster." She hissed.

"...You deserve better, Broly. You really do." Ben sighed.

[We cut to Wiz and Boomstick.

Boomstick: That's basically what happened to me when my dad left, except I turned into a super... alcoholic.

DUMMI floats by, holding a can of beer in his head funnel, Boomstick takes it and drinks.

Wiz: Although Broly didn't turn into a typical Super Saiyan.

DUMMI: You're welcome.]

"...Yeah, thank the robot, be nice!" Filia chided Boomstick.

Annie sighed. "Not a healthy way to cope, Boomstick."

Parasoul shook her head. "I shudder to imagine the kind of man his father must be."

"Deadbeats lead to problems." Ben remarked.

"Okay, now I'm worried about how early he started." Nadia remarked.

"The poor machine has such a demeaning job." Leviathan sighed.

[Wiz: Broly's new form was actually a Super Saiyan C-Type. This is an unleashed version of the repressed Super Saiyan A-Type, which are both precursors of the B-Type....

As Wiz talks, the camera zooms in on Boomstick as he thinks back to the day his dad left him, the voice of his younger self echoing in his head.

Little Boomstick: Daddy, you're goin' out for cigarettes again? Okay, I'll see you when you get back. Goodbye! Goodbye... I love you...]

"...There's stronger Saiyans than blue?!" Asked Umbrella.

"Ah... He sounded so innocent in his youth..." Leviathan sighed.

"Yeesh... Didn't get what was happening..." Beowulf sighed.

"I feel kinda sad for Baby Boomstick." Nadia admitted.

"Well... I doubt his old man would have been the best influence." Annie murmured.

"...He is better off without that man anyway." Double declared.

"Oh yeah... Sarge is his dad..." Filia murmured.

Parasoul sighed and shook her head. "A child needs his parents..."

"...He... sounded the same as a child, just... higher pitched..." Marie murmured.

[Wiz: Hey!

Boomstick: Wha?

Wiz: Are you paying attention?

Boomstick: Uh yeah... Uh, the Super Saiyan vitamin C form has the perfect energy control and let him wail on Frieza for over an hour. And this time I mean "wail" as in "fight".

Wiz: Um... right.]

"Damn. How's the lizard still alive after that?" Samson asked.

"Who's to say he did?" Eliza chuffed.

"If he did, he likely did the smart thing and fled." Double nodded.

"Yeesh. An hour? Reminds me of one of the punishments we had to deal with when those slavers took over..." Peaco*ck muttered.

"...If Marie hadn't killed those guys... I would." Ben growled.

"Whoa... Frieza's tougher than he looks." Beowulf remarked.

"He deserved it." Filia said coldly.

[We cut back to the analysis.

Wiz: Broly's power was so immense, it even made Goku of all people turn tail and run.

Boomstick: Goku was able to clash with Lord Beerus with enough force to potentially destroy all of Universe 7, a humungous cosmic structure shown in this symbolic model.

Popup: The shockwaves propagated by their attacks have to be proportionate in speed to the attack themselves, and therefore can be scaled to their strikes, ki blasts, and reaction speeds.

Wiz: Making the Dragon Ball universe nine times larger than our own.[Note 1] Based on this, the shockwaves from their clash propagated 240 quadrillion times faster than light.

Boomstick: And after that, Goku became that powerful in his base form! Imagine how much stronger he was at Super Duper Pooper Scooper Saiyan.

Wiz: Or when fused with Vegeta into the almighty Gogeta, a being many times more powerful than the sum of his parts.

Popup: The exact power of fusion is unknown, but base form Gogeta performed noticeably better against Broly in than Super Saiyan Blue Goku and Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta together.

Boomstick: Broly got into a dick measuring contest with a friggin' Super Saiyan squared, and shattered reality!]

"...Well. That's definitely a lot of power." Was all Ben could say.

"Indeed, that is one way to summarize it." Leviathan remarked.

"Yeesh. We all know how stubborn that monkey is." Peaco*ck remarked.

"Feels like we're gonna be seeing this clash between Goku and Beerus a lot." Ben noted.

"Hmm. Difficult to measure shockwaves..." Double muttered.

"I always wondered just how big the universe is..." Valentine murmured.

"I'm shocked anything was left after this clash..." Leviathan murmured.

"Whoa... He doesn't even need to power up to shake the universe and he's still scared of this guy?" Cerebella remarked.

"...Goku just sounds harder and harder to keep up with the calculations for." Annie remarked.

"Gogeta... I imagine Vegeta's a bit miffed at Goku's name coming first in the combination." Parasoul chortled.

"So he did BETTER, but they didn't say he WON..." Cerebella muttered.

"...Saiyans are frightening." Marie murmured.

[Wiz: And at the peak of his rage, he became the warrior of myth, destined to appear once every thousand years: the Legendary Super Saiyan.

Boomstick: As a broccoli haired freak, Legendary Broly's power is so great that he needs to constantly let it out, or else he might self-destruct. I guess you could say his power is maximum!]

"Once every thousand years... It's always a thousand or at least a hundred in these stories, isn't it?" Annie chuckled.

"Sooo... He's like... the strongest Super Saiyan ever then?" Nadia asked.

"Oh wow... His own power could blow him up?" Beowulf asked. "Guess he needs to set himself up with the proper excercise regime!"

[Wiz: He's easily among the strongest foes Goku's gone up against. That includes beings capable of shaking an infinite void just by powering up, or merging with the universe and affecting alternate timelines.]

"...That IS an unusual power." Marie noted.

"I... am struggling to wrap my head around how that last one works." Samson declared.

"Wait, so he BECAME the universe? That has to be disorienting." Nadia chuckled.

[Boomstick: In his original timeline, the Brol survived his energy exploding out of him all at once, and in canon, he took dozens of attacks from Gogeta Blue without any visible damage after fighting for hours.

Popup: While in the new canon Broly has not shown the healing capabilities of his previous incarnation, he does possess a collection of Senzu Beans that can regenerate similarly fatal wounds.]

"Right. Goku brought those out when he fought Superman." Remembered Valentine.

"Well it's not as though Broly will have many opportunities to use them when his opponent is as savage as the Hulk." Leviathan noted.

"So the guy takes energy based hits like a champ." Ben noted.

[Wiz: His power comes at a cost, though. In his berserker state, Broly is wide open against an opponent who's just as strong but far more skilled.]

"Well, that'd be a big problem if he wasn't so freaking strong." Peaco*ck concluded.

"Yeah! He's so strong he can go as nuts as he want!" Umbrella chirped.

"Pretty small cost." Samson grunted.

"Fighters as strong as him can't be easy to come by." Valentine agreed.

"Yet if someone does reach his level..." Leviathan mused.

"Hmph. What's impressive about a man child throwing a tantrum?" Eliza sneered.

[Boomstick: And after takin' enough damage, his rage will hit its limits and his power will fizzle out quick. He can even get knocked into weaker forms.]

"He really is like Bruce..." Mused Marie.

"How're you even supposed to hurt this guy?" Samson asked.

"This just makes Goku even more impressive." Parasoul noted.

"I imagine he can only keep it up for so long too." Valentine noted.

"So just hit him really hard! Got it!" Umbrella chirped.

[Wiz: Broly did lose his fight with Gogeta fair and square, but with new friends at his side to support him, and a new rival to teach him to temper his fury, the lonely Saiyan outcast finally got what his father could never give him: a family.

Boomstick: Aww. But that means he has even more to lose, so watch out, cause this Super Saiyan's temper... is Legendary.]

"Thin ice, Boomstick." Carol growled.

"Good thing they snapped him out of it." Cerebella said with a smile.

[King Vegeta: The truth of a matter is that your son Broly's latent ability is abnormally elevated. I would go far as to call him a freak. Some day, that power will unlikely end up driving him completely insane. When that time comes, he'll be a danger, not just to the Planet Vegeta but to the entire universe. Be grateful that I'm exiling him to a far away world and not simply ending his life.]

"...Not the nicest king, is he?" Sighed Nadia.

Parasoul scowled. "That is one of your people..."

"...Sounds like jealousy to me..." Beowulf muttered.

"You'd think they'd be worshipping that baby." Samson grunted.

"He's gonna go crazy for sure if you send him off to be all alone!" Umbrella huffed.

"He's just a baby, you jerk!" Filia snapped.

Annie scoffed. "Evil kings... Never can make sense of their actions..."

"...It would have been wiser to kill him." Double said. Sunkern looked up at her, alarmed. "The child is a genuine danger to all living things. Sending him away to be left to his own devices will only cause further issue with his mental state. It is a logical step to take to ensure that all stays as is."

"I see you've yet to truly lose your coldness, blob." Leviathan snorted.

"...I kinda see where she's coming from though..." Valentine admitted. Carol threw a bucket of popcorn at her.

"MUSIC! It's called IKARI!" Pinkie Pie played the song.

"...Weirdly mellow..." Mused Ben.

"I like it! It's nice!" Filia chirped.

"Hmph. Really? How unfitting." Eliza sneered.

"I... was definitely expecting some heavy metal myself." Nadia admitted.

[The scene opens on an unknown planet, where Broly is seen resting peacefully. A pair of deer approach him, and he pets them gently with a small smile.]

"...Don't have the Hulk squash those majestic creatures on accident..." Groaned Double.

"Awww... That's sweeeet." Filia cooed.

"Why don't deer let ME pet them?!" Umbrella whined.

"One, they're wild animals and you shouldn't BE petting them. Two, it's because you always run at them screaming." Parasoul said flatly.

[This tranquil scene is interrupted as the Incredible Hulk appears from a large explosion behind Broly and the animals, scaring them away. The Hulk looks around and sees Broly's back.

Hulk: Hey, spiky hair man! What's this puny planet?

Broly stands up as he powers up, an aura surrounding him.

Broly: You scared them away. You're making me angry.

He turns around to face his opponent, who approaches him.

Broly: You won't like me when I'm angry.]

"Ooooh, that was the WRONG thing to say." Sighed Deadpool.

Valentine raised a brow. "Take it easy, Broly, it was clearly an accident."

"Hmph. Child." Eliza sneered.

"Aww... I bet Hulk would have wanted to pet them too..." Filia sighed.

"Where on earth did he come from...? Was he leaping between planets...?" Leviathan asked.

[Now standing in front of him face-to-face, Hulk instigates the battle with a taunt.

Hulk: Show me.]

"Hmm. The Hulk is keeping better control so far." Eliza mused.

"...He's weirdly calm." Ben noted.

"He's known for his rage. But where is it?" Double asked, confused.

"...He's mastered his temperance...?" Marie murmured.

"He looks like he's rarin' to go." Cerebella noted.

"He's not mad at Broly like he was at Doomsday." Filia mumbled.

"Huh. Maybe he got a pet or something." Carol murmured, wrapping her arms around Togepi's tummy.

"Heh... Big green knows what's up." Samson chuckled.

"Yep, loves him a good scrap!" Peaco*ck chirped.

[Broly co*cks a fist back to punch the Hulk, but the latter does not flinch. Surprised by how ineffective his punch was, he throws another one. Again no dice. The still-grinning Hulk returns the favor and sends Broly flying, who stops himself by skidding to a halt.]

"Must be tough to send that big guy flying." Noted Ben.

"...I'd be freaked out if I hit someone and they just smiled." Samson admitted.

"Seen it happen. It's scary." Annie agreed.

"...Reminds me of Black Dahlia..." Nadia muttered.

[He did not have time to compose himself however, as a fist from the Hulk introduces him to an uppercut followed by a volley of punches. Sent up again, he is quickly brought back and thrashed about like a rag doll before being flung across the desert with heavy impact into a rocky structure. The Hulk stands up with an unimpressed look.

Hulk: Disappointing.]

"Pfft. He is NOT impressed." Nadia snorted.

"...Wouldn't wanna get hit by that..." Carol grunted.

"Well, you've only seen the very surface level, Hulk." Valentine remarked.

"Pfft! He almost smashed into the screen!" Peaco*ck cackled.

"Oh my. You would think that impact would be so much louder." Squigly murmured.

"Feelin' oddly soft hitting for a couple of big guys like that." Ben nodded.

"Hulk is a lot faster than I remember." Cerebella remarked.

"Heh. Guess he ain't all brawn and nothing else after all." Nadia chuckled.

"...Strong... and fast... A horrifying combination..." Parasoul sighed.

[Broly rises into the air and powers up into his Wrath State. His power boost lets him send the Hulk tumbling through the desert before catching up and throwing another punch, following up with an uppercut that sends Hulk into the air. Broly then dashes into him with an Eraser Blow and throws Hulk into the ground.

Broly proceeds to examine the crater caused by the impact before hearing Hulk roar as he begins to charge at Broly. Broly proceeds to ready two green orbs of ki before using Trap Shooter to try and subdue his opponent.

Hulk: Yes! Get angry!!]

"...I didn't think Hulk actually liked to fight..." Umbrella said quietly.

"He's trying his best to rile him up." Carol grunted.

"He sent the HULK flying in his first form. This is an unsettling development..." Annie muttered.

"Such a vast power difference..." Parasoul breathed.

"And yet, the Hulk is unfazed." Leviathan noted.

"Still not goin' all in though?" Peaco*ck asked.

"Wow... So all this time, Hulk really just likes to trash stuff." Nadia chuckled.

"Hmph. Stupid brute." Eliza sneered.

[Hulk proceeds to power through the onslaught before he pulls a large chunk of earth and smashes it upon Broly. Broly quickly breaks through the improvised weapon before charging at Hulk, sending the pair upwards before returning to the ground.

Broly and Hulk viciously attack each other with punches before locking hands. A green energy spreads from Broly as Hulk is subjected to the God Bind technique, paralyzing the Hulk long enough for Broly to grab Hulk's head before decapitating him. The scene suddenly cuts to the Green Door, zooming into the camera with focus as the dead Hulk's voice is heard.

Hulk: Hulk ain't just incredible, Hulk is immortal!

The scene cuts back to Broly as he looks at Hulk's severed head, not noticing his opponent's headless body get back up. He only shows surprise with getting grabbed on the shoulder by the headless body being punched away, allowing the Hulk to retrieve his head and reattach it. Broly can only look on in shock and confusion.]

"...Well damn, how can Broly even hope to win?" Asked Beowulf.

"That was the way he died in his last battle..." Leviathan breathed.

"Oh my... I'm getting a headache just watching this..." Squigly shivered.

"Not letting up for one second..." Annie muttered.

"Wow. RIGHT for the head. He had the right idea at least." Peaco*ck admitted.

"...He's even more unstoppable than he was before...!" Parasoul gasped.

"Man the big green lug's not fair..." Samson muttered.

"...His resurrection is instant?!" Double asked, shocked.

"That's actually kinda terrifying." Ben chuckled.

"COOL!" Umbrella cheered.

[Broly: You are... monster?

Hulk: No! The DEVIL!!!]

"...Quite the boast." Double said flatly.

"She's the real devil." Samson pointed at Eliza.

[Hulk rushes at Broly before subjecting him to a barrage of punches, ending with the Hulk grabbing his foe by the neck. Broly growls before his pupils shatter as he roars while being bathed in a blinding green light.

Hulk looks at Broly as his hair is now golden, an indicator of Broly accessing Super Saiyan C-Type before Broly opens his mouth. An orb of ki appears in Broly's mouth before he unleashes his Gigantic Roar at Hulk's face, forcing him to release his grip as the resulting smoke clears to reveal half of Hulk's face being burned off before healing.]

"Oooh... That's GOTTA hurt..." Beowulf winced.

"Hmph. Evidently Broly simply isn't angry enough." Eliza huffed.

"...He seems to be now..." Double muttered.

"Should definitely be more even now..." Valentine mused.

"Never imagined these kinda characters shooting the beam from their mouth, I gotta admit." Ben chuckled.

"Hulk is truly unrelenting..." Parasoul murmured.

"...Do his pupils grow back?" Samson asked.

[Broly flies backwards while firing ki blast after ki blast to try and keep Hulk away to no avail as he gets punched back before flying upwards. A green forcefield appears around Broly before he unleashes his Blaster Meteor attack, obliterating the landscape before five shots fly towards Hulk. The Hulk smiles as he pulls both his arms back.

Hulk: Hulk SMASH!!

Before unleashing a Thunder Clap that creates a shockwave which detonates the ki orbs, creating a smokescreen that allows the Hulk to leap at Broly, sending both out of orbit before Broly recovers and subjects Hulk to an barrage of attacks, creating an opening for Broly to send two ki blasts at Hulk.

The first blast stops at Hulk's stomach before the second one hits it, revealing it to be Omega Blaster as Broly feeds more ki into it and causing its size to increase further, as the Hulk is still grabbing at the omega-sized ki ball with his eyes glowing yellow.

Hulk: You think you're strong?! Hulk strongest there is!!

Hulk's glowing eyes begin to glow green as he becomes Worldbreaker Hulk, sending the Omega Blaster past him to destroy a planet and propelling him towards Broly. The pair get sent to another planet before shockwaves appear across it until it detonated, sending Hulk backwards.


"Oh... His trump card..." Remembered Marie.

"Even in his rage he perceives the Hulk as a true danger." Parasoul noted.

"Hmm. You'd think he'd by physical when enraged." Eliza remarked.

"...Hulk. Smiling. It feels off." Valentine remarked.

"Seems he really has evolved over his career." Annie noted. "And once again, the thunder clap thing gives him a huge edge."

"...Man the big green guy's stubborn as a mule." Ben noted.

"So far, Hulk'sdefinitely proving he can back up what he's saying." Samson grunted. "Broly really needs to step it up. ...He can't fly though, so he's got that disadvantage now that they're in space..."

"Oh, they shattered that world... I hope it wasn't populated..." Marie murmured.

"He's having fun!" Umbrella chirped.

"Is he even angry anymore?" Valentine asked.

"Feels like he should be getting weaker from the positive emotions." Ben noted.

[The planetary remains before the Hulk detonates to reveal Broly, now in his Legendary Super Saiyan form before he charges at Hulk.

Broly: I'LL KILL YOU!!!]

"...An end... is at hand." Concluded Double.

"Poor Broly... This isn't him..." Squigly sighed.

"Damn, he's PISSED now." Samson grunted.

"Man... How can ya kill either one of 'em?" Nadia remarked.

"...It's just... like me..." Marie breathed.

"...So this is what the legendary super saiyan's like..." Annie marvelled.

"...He'll regret so much when all is said and done..." Parasoul sighed.

"...Such relentless wrath..." Leviathan muttered.

[Broly sends Hulk far away with a chest bump before charging at him. Focus shifts towards the entire galaxy as segments blink away before the rest of the galaxy follows suit as focus shifts to a separate planet before Hulk and Broly fly out from it, detonating the planet as they move away.

Broly and Hulk ready their fists before clashing, causing reality to shatter as the pair land on fragments. The roaring Hulk and Broly leap at each other before headbutting each other repeatedly, causing reality to shatter countless times until it fades to white before a green explosion occurs.]

"...Hulk won, right?" Samson guessed.

"It is difficult to tell, as they are both green." Double replied.

"...They... They ANNIHILATED A SOLAR SYSTEM?!" Leviathan exclaimed.

"And they physically broke reality. Why not?" Valentine deadpanned.

"...Their power is horrifying, especially since it comes from uncontrollable rage..." Parasoul murmured.

"I've... seen solar systems get wiped out before... It's NOT pretty..." Annie shivered.

"...Did... they just headbutt each other until one of them died?" Nadia asked, baffled.

"What is goin' on?! It's freaking awesome, but what is goin' on?!" Peaco*ck exclaimed.

"Ooh... My head aches..." Squigly winced.

"So scary..." Filia shivered.

[Broly is suddenly back at the planet he was on at the beginning of the fight, now in his base form. Confused, he looked around before seeing Hulk's disembodied hands in his own grip, which disintegrate into nothingness. Broly falls on his back, exhausted from the bout and his voice hoarse.

Broly: Throat... sore...]

"...Ooooh, right, they both have green energy, don't they...?" Murmured Umbrella.

"Huh...? What... happened...? That planet was destroyed, wasn't it?" Marie asked, confused.

"Damn. Hulk's taking another loss." Samson said, surprised.

"Definitely went out swinging way harder than last time though!" Beowulf remarked.

"Might wanna work on the whole 'calm anger' thing, big fella. You'll wreck your throat otherwise." Nadia snickered.

[Broly looks near him to find one of the deer from the start of the fight walk up to him and lick him, causing him to smile once more.


"Wait, so did... they... fix...everything...?" Beowulf asked in puzzlement.

"...Weirdly affectionate for deer..." Valentine muttered.

"...I like deer." Carol said with a small smile.

"Heh... He's got a way with animals." Nadia chuckled.

"I want a pet deer!" Umbrella declared.

"NO." Parasoul said firmly.


"...Why do naturally timid creatures approach him?" Double asked, confused.

"He's got the magic touch." Ben chuckled.

"Such beautiful creatures..." Marie murmured.

"Awwwww..." Filia cooed.

"A surprisingly peaceful ending." Leviathan remarked.

"Heh... You earned the rest, big guy." Cerebella chuckled.

[We cut to Wiz and Boomstick.

Boomstick: This just in, breaking news, local area Saiyan literally too angry to die!]

"Yep. I've heard stories of people dragging themselves to medical attention with fatal wounds. Helped a few myself, actually." Annie mused.

"...Reminds me of Beatrix..." Cerebella snickered.

"I've operated on people like that." Valentine said flatly.

"That was me. I was too mad to die." Peaco*ck huffed.

"Heh... Anger makes ya do some insane sh*t." Samson chuckled.

[Wiz: The Hulk had numerous advantages over Broly. He was far more experienced, slightly faster, and potentially smarter, depending on which Hulk was in charge.

Boomstick: But since the Hulks fight for control in Bruce's mind, it wasn't guaranteed he'd get one of the geniuses. Still, his healing factor was nuts. Broly wasn't gonna put him down with anything less than complete annihilation.

Wiz: Fortunately for Broly, compared to his unbelievable power, the Hulk came up short.

We cut to the post-analysis.

Boomstick: I know what you're thinkin': Hulk could destroy a universe 120 times over, while Goku could only manage a lowly nine.

Wiz: Ah, but that was base Goku's strength. Broly's maximum, no pun intended, was far greater. Let's lay down some numbers.

Boomstick: As a Legendary Super Saiyan, Broly was stronger than Super Saiyan Gogeta, and took hits from Gogeta Blue without even bleeding.

Wiz: Based on the Daizenshuu, the blonde Super Saiyan 3 form is about 400 times greater than Goku's base. Applied to Goku's new base in Dragon Ball Super, he would already be 30 times more powerful than Worldbreaker Hulk.

Boomstick: And that's before factoring in Super Saiyan Blue and Gogeta, which are way stronger than Super Saiyan 3.

Wiz: With this in mind, Legendary Super Saiyan Broly is thousands, possibly millions of times stronger than the Worldbreaker we've seen. While the Hulk's strength can keep increasing, so will Broly's, and it's unlikely he'd be able to catch up before being overwhelmed. After all, there have been multiple times when the strain on Hulk's body turned him back into Banner.

Popup: Gamma radiation is not an all-purpose life energy natural to all living things like ki is, and the two cannot be compared. Therefore, Hulk could not drain Broly of his ki to depower him.

Boomstick: With that big of a power difference, there's no way the same wouldn't happen here. Even stuff like breaking space and time are nothin' new to Broly and other Dragon Ball characters.]

"A bug and a windshield." Valentine remarked.

"Hmm... So his advantages were worthless in the end." Eliza noted.

"But... He's experienced at being super mad, and you don't think when you're super mad, and he wouldn't be powerful enough in smart mode, so..." Umbrella mumbled, scratching her head.

"...Bruce just has a buncha guys constantly fighting in his head?! How's he not totally nuts?!" Peaco*ck exclaimed.

"Big green's hard enough to hurt without the crazy healing." Nadia sighed.

"And utter annihilation is not at all easy to pull off." Leviathan noted.

"I'm disturbed by Broly's potential strength..." Squigly admitted.

"Indeed..." Leviathan agreed with his host.

"...A lowly nine. This is how far the scales have risen. Nine universes is considered lowly to these men." Double said flatly.

"...It's not even his power in his Super Saiyan form..." Marie breathed.

"...These worlds are horrifyingly overwhelming..." Parasoul said softly.

"...Wish I was even a fraction this strong, I'd have killed Brain Drain months ago." Carol grunted.

"Ah, but did Gogeta bruise him?" Nadia asked.

"...Just in Super Saiyan 3, god damn." Ben remarked.

"Thirty times more powerful and it's not even his final form." Valentine noted.

"Gogeta... Is that a fusion between Goku and the other simian...?" Double wondered.

"Well. Damn. Poor Hulk." Beowulf remarked.

"He wasn't even mad while they were fighting..." Umbrella murmured.

"So there are physical and mental limits to Hulk's power then..." Parasoul remarked. "...I'm very THANKFUL gamma radiation is not natural to all living things, frankly..."

"Hmm. Broly on gamma radiation. Imagine that." Valentine chuckled.

"...Didn't see Banner at all..." Carol grumbled.

"Man these people just keep getting tougher..." Samson grumbled.

[Wiz: And don't misunderstand the Hulk's encounter with the One Below All. There's no evidence he directly overpowered actual Satan, just dispersed his cloudy avatar.

Boomstick: Hulk even said he was just doin' that to buy time.]

"Yep, Dragon Ball's pretty nuts." Sighed Deadpool.

"Well, that is still quite impressive..." Leviathan murmured.

"But... They said he won... didn't they...?" Squigly asked.

"Might've had help." Annie shrugged.

"Huh... They fooled me." Samson grunted.

"Well... It's something Satan made at least." Ben noted.

[Wiz: Broly's flight allowed him greater maneuverability and area control, plus he could attack at a distance with Ki. When Hulk did close that gap, Broly's force field and paralysis protected him up close.]

"This lasted only as long as he allowed it." Concluded Eliza.

"Overwhelming your foe from a distance as they are helpless to prevent it is an ideal strategy." Double nodded.

"Man's a monster up close and far away." Ben noted.

"Hard to keep up with a guy who can literally fly." Cerebella sighed.

[Boomstick: And it's unlikely Hulk could land a lucky fatal blow, considering Broly took hits from Gogeta Blue, who's millions of times stronger than the Worldbreaker. Y-You get the idea.]

"...Well, I'm sure Bruce can win at least one out of a million..." Annie sighed.

"Aww... Poor Hulk... He needs a win too..." Umbrella sighed.

"Well... At least it wasn't someone like Doomsday this time..." Filia murmured.

[Wiz: That leads us to our last and most important question: Could Broly bypass Hulk's immortality to put him down and take the win? Surprisingly, yes.

Boomstick: Whenever the Hulk or Bruce die, his healing factor kicks in to fix whatever wound killed him in the first place.

Popup: While Maestro, a future version of Hulk, did regenerate from a skeleton, it took him many years of passively absorbing nearby gamma radiation to do so.

Wiz: Meaning he still needs some element of his physical body that can heal itself in order to come back to life. The hypothalamus is key to this. Once it was destroyed by Hawkeye and his special arrow, Bruce took months to come back from the dead.

We cut to Wiz and Boomstick, DUMMI hovers in.

Wiz: With Broly's incredible power, there was no doubt he could vaporize Hulk and leave nothing left to heal.

Boomstick: Like, basically every Dragon Ball Z fight ever.]

"Least it was quick this time." Peaco*ck sighed.

"And Hulk seemed so unstoppable." Beowulf remarked.

"The amount of power the man would need to extert..." Leviathan marveled.

"I'll admit, this fight surprised me." Valentine confessed.

"Sooo. nothing left of Hulk, nothing left to heal, gotcha." Peaco*ck noted.

"And a skeleton's still something." Ben nodded. "Broly's lucky those arms gave out."

"So, what if it was just like an eyeball, or a hair, could he grow back from that?" Cerebella asked.

"A man with a bow and arrow, killing the Hulk... It's surreal to picture it..." Parasoul murmured.

"Gotta be embarrassing." Samson snickered.

"Hrmm... I shudder to be on a planet destroyed by this man..." Leviathan sighed.

"Sooooo, every baddie in this show gets vaporized? Awesome." Nadia chuckled.

[DUMMI: The Hulk was an incredible opponent, but the Legendary Super Saiyan's boundless power, arena control, range of techniques, and Saiyan rage spelled the end for the not-so-jolly green giant.

Boomstick: This Incredible fight was in-Saiyan.]

"God DAMN it!" Carol roared.

[Later, Boomstick is having a beer by himself. DUMMI soon floats up to him with a letter in his funnel.

DUMMI: Boomstick. A strange green man in a zoot suit left a letter for you.]

Everyone looked over at the Mask, who simply grinned back smugly.

"Oooh, this oughta be interesting." Nadia snickered.

[Boomstick: Eh, sounds legit. Gimme!

Boomstick reads the letter, and is noticeably shocked when he realizes who it's from.

Boomstick: ...DAD?!]

"...His dad's writing to him?" Samson asked, surprised.

"Aww, maybe he wants to reconnect!" Filia chirped.

"Or someone's just playing a mean prank on him." Umbrella huffed.

[Next time...

The first combatant is a small green creature with large, pointy ears. The second, an anthropomorphic black mouse with a peach colored face and massive rounded ears wielding a large key.

Yoda vs King Mickey]

"...A goblin... fighting a mouse...?" Puzzled Valentine.

"Huh. They're a couple of little guys." Samson remarked.

"Heh... That mouse is such a mascot." Cerebella chuckled.

"...A strange matchup..." Double remarked.

"Wow. Yoda looks super old." Filia remarked.

"Ah, old guys can still kick ass though." Beowulf reasoned.

"Indeed, with age comes experience and wisdom." Leviathan agreed.

Skullgirls watch Death Battle - Chapter 150 - MetaMaster54610 (2024)
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Author: Sen. Emmett Berge

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Author information

Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

Phone: +9779049645255

Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.