Read MTL - Hunter × Hunter: The Seven Deadly Sins - Chapter 677 Yi Wo Block - NovelBuddy (2024)

【Seven Deadly Sins of a Full-Time Hunter】【】

In the depths of Infinity City, Kamado Tanjiro and Tomioka Yiyong ran fast in an aisle.

"Boom boom boom..."

While running, there was a loud "boom" in Infinite City, followed by violent vibrations. The two stopped at the same time, and looked around in surprise.

"This... what kind of vibration!?"

"Who? Is anyone fighting?"

"No! The voice is approaching here!"

"Where? Where exactly!?"

Tanjirou gritted his teeth and looked around in a panic.

"Calm down, Tanjirou!"

Tomioka Yiyong pulled out the sun wheel knife around his waist, looked around with a vigilant look, and reminded his junior brother Tanjirou.


Suddenly, there was a "kaka" sound above the two of them, and when they looked up, there were cracks in the ceiling above their heads, and they continued to expand.


"Tanjiro! Step back!"

Tomioka Yiyong rushed forward, while Tanjiro jumped backwards at the reminder of his senior brother.


The moment the two avoided it, the ceiling burst with a bang, and a purple-red figure was interspersed among the many falling and cracked sawdust fragments.

The purple-haired figure landed in front of Tanjirou and slowly raised his head, with short pink hair, golden eyes, a purple-red vest, and three dark blue tattoos representing sinners were engraved on his left and right cheeks.

"Long time no see, Tanjirou Kamado."

"Thanks to a weakling like you, you can still live to this day."

Yiwoza squatted on the floor of the corridor, looking at Tanjirou with a mocking expression, his vest fluttering wildly from the aftermath of the impact.

"Stove door!"


Yi Woza stood up suddenly, raised his left arm, clenched his fists with five fingers, and punched Tanjirou with one punch.


! "

Tanjirou also shouted angrily, raised his katana high, his legs exerted force, and suddenly jumped up and did a backflip.

"Kagura, the God of Fire, Train!"

Tanjirou turned over from the top of Yiwozu's head, he avoided the attack of Yiwozu, and at the same time, the sun blade in his hand slid across the left arm of Yiwozu.

"Pfft", Yi Wozu's left arm swung out at his shoulders and broke. Yi Wozu didn't pursue him for the time being, but stood there, staring blankly at his severed left arm.

"Cut off!"

"The attack is also dodged!"

"It worked! I can fight too! I can fight the winding!"

Tanjirou's body was in the air, and these thoughts flashed through his mind quickly.

"But it didn't cut the neck, but that's okay, as long as next time..."


While thinking, Tanjirou landed on both feet, and was thinking about his next attack on the neck, when Miwoza, who had lost his left arm, suddenly flashed in front of him, his right hand clenched his fist and swept towards his head.

Tanjirou's eyes widened to the extreme, his hole expanded, and he saw that his fist was about to hit his head. If he hit the head, he would surely die.

"God of Fire Kagura Magic Sun Rainbow!"

At the critical moment, Tanjirou let out a breath of fire, and the right fist of Yiwoza swept past, and unexpectedly, the blood and blood of the brain flew, and Tanjirou turned into a phantom and dissipated.


At the same time, there was a knife mark on Yi Wozuo's face, and blood splattered.

Yi Wozu noticed the injury on his face, and was stunned again, without chasing after him.

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【Seven Deadly Sins of a Full-Time Hunter】【】

Tanjirou's figure reappeared in the front corridor a few meters away from Yiwoza, staring at Yiwoza with a vigilant expression, clenching the sun blade in both hands, waiting for the battle.


"The power of the moves has been tempered stronger, and the movements have become more proficient and more coherent."

Tomioka Yiyong stood not far away and looked at Tanjiro who was facing off against Yiwoza. He felt in his heart that he finally had the strength to fight against the string and protect life and dignity from being deprived.

"This boy is not weak, don't insult him."

Yi Wozu suddenly said such a sentence, the injury on his face recovered, and his left arm had grown out again.

"I admit that what Xing Shoulang said is true."

"You are indeed not weak, and I should also pay tribute to you!"

At the same time as Yi Wozu spoke, he stepped forward with his right foot and "Peng" cracked the floor of the corridor, creating a depression, assuming his martial arts posture.

"The formula unfolds!"

The corners of Yiwozu's mouth rose, but when he was posing, Tomioka Yoshiyoshi, who was not far behind him, stared at him and stepped forward.

"Breath of Water·Three Type·Liu Liu Dancing!"

In an instant, Tomioka Yiyong seemed to have a few more clones, and the attack track was like a meandering river to surround Yiwozu.

"Is it the water column again?"

"That's right, I haven't met each other in fifty years, and I met two at once today."

"It's just that the last one was very fast, and it left after a while, so what about you?"

Yi Wozu jumped up, left Tomioka Yiyong's attack range, and laughed as he fell to the ground.

"It's very fast, it's really lonely."

Tomioka Yiyong performed his moves expressionlessly, but the appearance of Zhen Gu flashed in his mind.

"Destruction, chaos!"

Immediately upon landing, Yi Wozu launched an attack on Tomioka Yiyong and threw a punch.


The meandering river that Tomioka Yiyong danced was blasted by Yiwozu's fist, and a large amount of river water burst into the surrounding, like a depth bomb explosion.

"Breath of Water·The Shape of One Piece·Wind!"

The three styles were exploded, and Tomioka Yiyong immediately used the Shiyi form he had realized, wrapped in the bursting river water, and greeted Yiwozuo.

"I haven't seen this trick before. I've never used the water column before, hahahaha."

Yi Wozu laughed and greeted him with a fist.


When the two were about to touch, Tomioka Yiyong's whole body turned into an invisible wind and disappeared suddenly, and when he reappeared, he was already standing behind Yiwozuo.

Yi Wozu was about to turn around to pursue, when Tanjiro attacked from the right, waving the sun wheel and flew towards Yi Wozu.

"God of Fire, Kagura, Scorching Sun, Red Mirror!"

Tanjirou waved his sword vigorously in both hands, but the blade fell, and the Yiwoza in front of him disappeared.


Tanjirou looked startled. At this moment, Yiwoza silently appeared behind him, and the five fingers of his right hand folded together into a sword, slashing horizontally at his neck.


"Fantasy Sun..."

At the moment when Yiwoza reappeared, Tanjirou smelled the strong smell coming from behind him. He wanted to use the Breath of Fire Magic Rainbow, but it was too late.

"Breath of Water, Type II, Waterwheel!"

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【Seven Deadly Sins of a Full-Time Hunter】【】

When he thought he was going to die, Tomioka Yiyong wielded the sun wheel knife and passed over the heads of the two of them, and Yi Wozu's arms were broken in response, and blood flowed.


But at the moment when the arm was broken, the broken arm of Yiwozu sprouted again with a snap, and the five fingers bent into claws, grabbing at Tanjirou, who was about to cast the phantom rainbow.

"Breath of Water·Land Type·Twisting Vortex!"

Yoshiyoshi Tomioka, who had not yet landed, saw this scene and forcibly twisted his body in mid-air, creating a powerful vortex through the violent twisting of his body. The vortex would turn into a sharp and huge blade, and slammed towards Yiwoza, who was about to attack Tanjiro. .


With a loud bang, Yi Wozu's chest in the center of the whirlpool was twisted, causing him to lose his balance, his right leg lifted first in time and space, and his body fell backwards.


Tanjirou, who was about to cast the phantom rainbow, was keenly aware of the imbalance of Yiwoza, and changed his moves to attack actively.

"God of Fire Kagura Fire Dance..."

"Destruction Kill, Foot Style, Crown First Cut!"

But when Yi Wozu collapsed, he placed his right hand on the ground, using his right hand and left foot as support points, and kicked his right leg backwards.


"Can you still use such a move when you lose your balance!?"

Tanjirou looked startled, and withdrew the sun blade to block it in front of him.


Yiwoza's right foot slammed on the blade of the Japanese wheel sword, and the blade that endured tremendous force hit Tanjirou's chest, making a muffled sound of "Peng", and Tanjirou was kicked into the air by its powerful force.

"Block it! I blocked it with a knife!"

But when Tanjirou thought he was blocking the opponent's move, Yiwoza's toes brushed against Tanjirou's chest.


Immediately, Tanjirou's eyes widened, and he spat out a mouthful of blood.

"The type of wanton, the tide of blows!"

Tomioka Yoshiyoshi saw that Tanjirou was injured, and immediately stepped forward and released multiple slashes, slashing at Yiwoza's left leg.

"Fluid! The tempered swordsmanship is really great!"

"Ha ha ha ha…"

Yi Wozu raised his left leg, supported the ground with both hands, and looked at Tomioka Yiyong in an upside-down position. He laughed heartily, and then performed a backflip with his arms to avoid another slash.

Tomioka Yiyong continued to release slashes with a blank face, and continued to pursue.

"Sign up, what's your name!"

"I'm going to write it down!"

Yi Wozu turned three times in a row in mid-air to avoid Tomioka Yiyong's multi-stage slashes. After landing, he laughed and asked Tomioka Yiyong's name.

At this time, Tanjiro, who was rescued by Tomioka Yiyong, fell to the ground, clutching his chest with one hand, gasping for breath.

"Just being rubbed by a toe, just scratched, it has caused a heavy blow to me!?"

"Cough...just toes, the power is so strong!?"

Tanjirou gasped for breath, a smear of blood dripped from the corner of his mouth and dripped onto the corridor floor.

Looking up at the other side of the corridor, Tomioka Yiyong was fighting fiercely with Yiwozu, Tomioka Yiyong continued to wield the sun wheel to force Yiwozu to retreat.

"There's nothing to give to ghosts. I don't like talking, so don't talk to me."

Tomioka Yoshiyoshi chased after him expressionlessly, his tone icy cold.


"Don't you like talking?"

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【Seven Deadly Sins of a Full-Time Hunter】【】

"I like!"

"No matter how many times, I will ask your name, hahahaha!"

Yi Wozu laughed loudly, and suddenly pulled away and stepped back a few meters, his left foot "Peng" cracked the floor, and his right leg was slightly raised to charge up, just waiting for Tomioka Yiyong to catch up with him.

Just as Tomioka Yiyong chased in front of Yi Wozu, Yi Wozu raised his leg and kicked over, and he quickly blocked the sun blade in front of him.


Yi Wozu kicked the hilt of the sun blade, and the powerful force directly kicked Tomioka Yiyong away, hitting the wall on the right side of the corridor.

"Destruction Killing Foot Style Streaming Flash Group Light!"

But Yi Wozu's offensive has not stopped, he suddenly appeared in front of Tomioka Yiyong, and kicked countless phantoms with his right leg.


"Boom boom boom..."

With a loud bang, Tomioka Yiyong's body smashed through more than a dozen walls in a row and fell into a pile of debris.

"Mr. Yi Yong!

! "

Tanjiro stood up when he heard the sound, and when he saw Tomioka Yoshiyoshi being kicked away, he couldn't help shouting worriedly.


"So that guy is called Yiyong."

Just as Tanjirou called out his brother's name, Yi Woza suddenly flashed by his side, and whispered softly with his mouth close to his ear.

When Tanjirou heard the sudden sound, Tong Kong instantly expanded and shrank, suddenly pulled back and made a gesture of releasing the breath of fire.

Yi Wozu grinned, and was very happy to learn the name of Tomioka Yiyong. He also stood on the ground with his legs slightly bent, his hands clenched around his waist, and he made a punching posture.

"God of Fire Kagura · Bone-burning Yanyang!"

"Destruction and Killing Ghost Core Eight Cores!"



The two collided violently, the floor cracked and a large pit was formed, and a strong aftermath swept all around, rolling up the ground debris and sawdust to form a cloud of smoke, and the scene was chaotic.


In the chaos, a green figure shot backwards, "Peng" knocked down a wall, spitting blood, it was Tanjiro.


A bare foot wearing a Buddha bead stepped out of the smoke and stepped on the broken floor, and the figure of Yi Wozu appeared.

"The movement is good, and you can exercise to this extent in a short period of time."

"Praise you, Xing Shoulang is right."

"You fell to the ground weakly that night, like a weak fish."

"But now! Anyway!"

"Now you have jaw-dropping strength!"

"I'm just pure joy, jumping for joy!"

"It's great that I didn't kill you that night, otherwise I wouldn't be able to see you who are stronger now, and I wouldn't be as happy as I am now."

Yi Woza looked at Tanjirou who was squatting on the ground and vomited blood with a look of emotion, and said.

"By the way, it would be nice if Xingjurou was here."

"Although your strength has improved a lot, I still want to fight Xingjulang."

"Only by fighting him will I be happier, so that I can do my best without worrying about killing it."

"Anti-God Evil God"

Yi Wozu had a nostalgic expression on his face.


Tanjirou spat out the blood remaining in his mouth, and stood up trembling with the Japanese sword in his hand. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

"As long as I entrust you here, Big Brother can kill more ghosts."

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【Seven Deadly Sins of a Full-Time Hunter】【】

"No matter what, I will drag you here!"

Tanjirou's mouth was bleeding from both sides, staring at Yiwoza with a solemn expression, and said solemnly.


"Then... I'll take care of you in twos and threes and go find Xingjurou!"

Yi Woza took a step forward, and suddenly rushed towards Tanjiro at a much faster speed than before, raising his right arm with a fist, punching Tanjirou who had not yet reacted.

"Destruction Kill Wanye Flashing Willow!"

Tanjirou's eyes rolled upwards, his chin lifted slightly, and the Japanese sword in his hand quickly lifted.

"So fast! It's too fast to describe!"

Although he noticed it, his body movement was slow for a moment, so he couldn't dodge, he could only hit hard.


! "

Yi Wozu smashed down with a punch, and the ground of Infinite City exploded, creating a two-meter crater, and countless cracks spread from the center to the surrounding ground.

However, Tanjirou, who thought he would be severely injured, stood in the pit in a daze, unscathed.

Tanjirou blinked and looked forward.

A slender figure in a black windbreaker stood in front of him with his back to him, his upper body tall and straight, his hands in his pockets, and the windbreaker behind him danced wildly in the wind.

Yi Wozu stood opposite, staring at each other solemnly, silent.


Read MTL - Hunter × Hunter: The Seven Deadly Sins - Chapter 677 Yi Wo Block - NovelBuddy (2024)
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Author: Nathanael Baumbach

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Author information

Name: Nathanael Baumbach

Birthday: 1998-12-02

Address: Apt. 829 751 Glover View, West Orlando, IN 22436

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Job: Internal IT Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Motor sports, Flying, Skiing, Hooping, Lego building, Ice skating

Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.