Enhancing Adverse Drug Event Detection with Multimodal Dataset: Corpus Creation and Model Development (2024)

Pranab Sahoo1,Ayush Kumar Singh1,Sriparna Saha1,Aman Chadha2,3  ,Samrat Mondal1
1Department of Computer Science And Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Patna
2Stanford University, 3Amazon GenAI
pranab_2021cs25@iitp.ac.in, ayush_2211ai27@iitp.ac.in, sriparna@iitp.ac.in, samrat@iitp.ac.inhi@aman.ai
   Work does not relate to position at Amazon.


The mining of adverse drug events (ADEs) is pivotal in pharmacovigilance, enhancing patient safety by identifying potential risks associated with medications, facilitating early detection of adverse events, and guiding regulatory decision-making. Traditional ADE detection methods are reliable but slow, not easily adaptable to large-scale operations, and offer limited information. With the exponential increase in data sources like social media content, biomedical literature, and Electronic Medical Records (EMR), extracting relevant ADE-related information from these unstructured texts is imperative. Previous ADE mining studies have focused on text-based methodologies, overlooking visual cues, limiting contextual comprehension, and hindering accurate interpretation. To address this gap, we present a MultiModal Adverse Drug Event (MMADE) detection dataset, merging ADE-related textual information with visual aids. Additionally, we introduce a framework that leverages the capabilities of LLMs and VLMs for ADE detection by generating detailed descriptions of medical images depicting ADEs, aiding healthcare professionals in visually identifying adverse events. Using our MMADE dataset, we showcase the significance of integrating visual cues from images to enhance overall performance. This approach holds promise for patient safety, ADE awareness, and healthcare accessibility, paving the way for further exploration in personalized healthcare. The code and dataset used in this work are publicly available 111https://github.com/singhayush27/MMADE.git.

Disclaimer: The article features images that may be visually disturbing to some readers.

1 Introduction

An adverse drug event (ADE) encompasses any harm resulting from medication use, whether it’s unintended, off-label, or due to medication errors. Adverse drug reactions (ADRs) are a specific type of ADE, denoting unexpected harm arising from the proper use of medication at the prescribed dosage. Injuries from inappropriate or off-label use are not classified as ADRsKarimi etal. (2015b). ADEs pose significant public health concerns, contributing to numerous fatalities, serious injuries, millions of hospitalizations, and prolonged hospital stays. Consequently, they impose substantial financial burdens, costing healthcare systems billions of dollars globally. Despite advancements in healthcare, ADE detection remains a significant challenge. Implementing effective detection and monitoring strategies can substantially mitigate the adverse impacts on patients and healthcare systemsHakkarainen etal. (2012),Yadav etal. (2018b),Sultana etal. (2013).Most of the previous ADE detection works are based on text data onlyD’Oosterlinck etal. (2023),Sarker and Gonzalez (2015),Sarker etal. (2016),Chowdhury etal. (2018),Yadav etal. (2018a), which presents a significant disadvantage due to its subjective nature and lack of specific details of visual cues, leading to potential inaccuracies and incomplete categorization of ADE detection. Despite extensive research, the potential of integrating textual data with visual information, such as images, has been largely overlooked. Visual aids are essential in ADE detection for numerous reasons. A substantial proportion of the population lacks proficiency in medical jargon, hindering accurate symptom descriptions. Moreover, certain symptoms are inherently challenging to express through text alone. Patients may struggle to differentiate between similar symptoms, like skin rash, eczema, peeling, and blister. As depicted in Fig.1, sample images may present confusion to individuals lacking adequate medical expertise. Integrating both text and images in these scenarios can enhance the accuracy and effectiveness of ADE detection, offering a comprehensive understanding of the patient’s current medical condition. To the best of our knowledge, ADE detection using both image and text data has not been explored previously, and we take this opportunity to introduce a MultiModal Adverse Drug Event (MMADE) dataset comprising ADR images paired with corresponding textual descriptions.

Large Language Models (LLMs) and Vision Language Models (VLMs) have exhibited remarkable skills in generating human-like text, prompting their integration into various medical applications, including tasks such as chest radiography report generation, summarization, and medical question answeringThawkar etal. (2023),Ghosh etal. (2024b),Sahoo etal. (2024b),Ghosh etal. (2024a). However, their potential in ADE detection, which involves both text and images, has yet to be explored. Leveraging LLMs and VLMs for this task presents inherent limitations as they are predominantly trained on generic natural images sourced from databases like ImageNet, Wikipedia, and the internet. Generic models may not possess the specialized medical knowledge required for comprehensive caption generation, potentially leading to oversimplified descriptions that overlook essential details like symptoms and medical intricacies. Furthermore, while VLMs have excelled in traditional visual-linguistic tasks, their application to medical imaging presents unique challenges that may hinder the accurate interpretation and description of complex medical imagesSahoo etal. (2024a). Specialized models such as XrayGPTThawkar etal. (2023) and SkinGPT4Zhou and Gao (2023), which are trained on chest X-ray and skin disease images, exemplify the domain specificity required for accurate medical image analysis. This has led us to explore ADR detection within a multimodal framework. To support this exploration, we introduce MMADE, a carefully curated dataset crafted for this specific purpose. MMADE consists of 1500 instances of patient-reported concerns regarding drugs and associated side effects, each paired with both textual descriptions and corresponding images. In our study, we have employed InstructBLIPDai etal. (2023), which builds upon the strong foundation of BLIP-2Li etal. (2023), a pre-trained model with high-quality visual representation and strong language generation capabilities. The meticulous fine-tuning process enables it to bridge the disparity between general-purpose models and the specialized demands of ADE-specific tasks. Moreover, our exploration of BLIPLi etal. (2022) and GITWang etal. (2022) reveals that these models exhibit insufficient performance before fine-tuning. Nevertheless, upon fine-tuning with domain-specific data, their performance experiences notable improvement.

Our key contributions are as follows:

  • A novel approach to ADE detection in multimodal settings greatly assists medical professionals, such as doctors, nurses, and pharmacists, by delivering detailed descriptions of ADE cases, enhancing precision in diagnosis, treatment planning, and patient care.

  • Introduction of a novel multimodal dataset MMADE for further research on ADE detection area.

  • The proposed dataset demonstrates promising potential for various applications, including ADE classification, caption generation, and summarization tasks.

  • We have utilized InstructBLIP and experimented with two other pre-trained VLMs, and reported a detailed analysis.

  • The ADE-specific model holds promise for enhancing patient safety, ADE awareness, and healthcare communication. It aims to provide individuals seeking information about ADEs with understandable and informative captions accompanying medical images to improve their comprehension of potential medication risks.

Enhancing Adverse Drug Event Detection with Multimodal Dataset: Corpus Creation and Model Development (1)

2 Related Works

This section details the related ADE detection tasks based on the data sources.
Works Based on Biomedical Text and Electronic Medical Record:Various techniques have been developed for extracting ADEs from Electronic Medical Records (EMRs)Aramaki etal. (2010),Wang etal. (2009), as well as from medical case reports (MCRs)Gurulingappa etal. (2011).Gurulingappa etal. (2012a) utilized machine learning methods to identify and extract potential ADE relations from MEDLINE case reports. Unlike random data sources such as social media, both EMRs and MCRs offer significant advantages by providing comprehensive records of a patient’s medical history, treatment, conditions, and potential risk factors. Moreover, these records are not limited to patients who have experienced ADRsHarpaz etal. (2013).Sarker and Gonzalez (2015) conducted a study by taking data from MEDLINE case reports and Twitter and reported how combining different datasets increases the performance of identifying ADRs.Huynh etal. (2016) explored various neural network frameworks for ADE classification, utilizing datasets from both MCRs and Twitter. DISAE is another corpusGurulingappa etal. (2010), which consists of 400 MEDLINE articles with annotations for disease and adverse effect names without drug-related information.D’Oosterlinck etal. (2023) introduced the BioDEX dataset for biomedical ADE extraction in real-world pharmacovigilance. This dataset comprises 65,000 abstracts, 19,000 full-text biomedical papers, and 256,000 document-level safety reports crafted by medical professionals. However, to the best of our knowledge, there is currently no publicly accessible annotated multimodal (Image and Text) corpus suitable for identifying drug-related adverse effects.

Works Based on Social Media Datasets:Social media has become vital for accessing vast amounts of real-time information, making it valuable for identifying potential ADEs.Leaman etal. (2010) conducted a pioneering study that analyzed user comments from social media posts, comprising a dataset of 6890 comments. The research demonstrated the significant value of user comments in identifying ADEs, highlighting their crucial role in this context. Several other authorsGurulingappa etal. (2012b),Yadav etal. (2020),Benton etal. (2011) employed lexicon-based approaches to extract ADEs. However, these methods are limited to a specific set of target ADEs.Nikfarjam and Gonzalez (2011) employed a rule-based technique instead of a naive lexicon-based approach on the same dataset, enabling the detection of ADEs not covered by lexicons. Several authors utilized supervised machine learning techniques like Support Vector Machines (SVM)Sarker and Gonzalez (2015), Conditional Random Fields (CRF)Nikfarjam etal. (2015), and Random ForestsZhang etal. (2016) for ADE detection.Sarker etal. (2016) introduced one corpus by collecting data from social media, focusing on adverse drug reactions. Tasks included automatically classifying user posts, extracting specific mentions, and normalizing mentions to standardized concepts. With the availability of annotated data, in recent times, the rise of deep learning techniques has significantly influenced research methodologies, leading to the adoption of deep learning models for predicting ADEs.Tutubalina etal. (2017) explored the synergy between CRF and Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN), demonstrating that CRF enhances the RNN model’s ability to capture contextual information effectively. Chowdhury etal. (2018) developed a multi-task architecture that simultaneously tackled binary classification, ADR labeling, and indication labeling, using the PSB 2016 Social Media datasetSarker etal. (2016).

Keywords: ADE, ADR, adverse drug reaction,
adverse drug event, adverse reaction,
adverse drug event reporting, side effects,
drug reactions, drug side effects,
type of infection and reaction, medicine,
drugs, skin rashes, red patches,
eczema, ulcer, acne, skin irritation,
edema, rosacea, alopecia, lip swelling.

3 Corpus Development

Our study began with a thorough literature review to identify existing ADE-related datasets. We discovered four text-only datasets: PSB 2016 social media shared taskSarker etal. (2016) comprising 572 tweets, Medline ADE corpusGurulingappa etal. (2012b) with 4,272 sentences, CADECKarimi etal. (2015a) containing 1,248 sentences, and recently released BioDEX datasetD’Oosterlinck etal. (2023). This revealed a notable gap in multimodal ADE datasets, where images complement textual data. We take this opportunity to introduce a multimodal corpus consisting of 1,500 ADE images with corresponding English sentences to facilitate further research. While preparing this corpus, we carry out the following steps.

3.1 Data Collection

Utilizing a diverse array of keywords, we have curated a comprehensive dataset from social media, healthcare blogs, and MCRs (refer to Table1). The inclusion of various sources ensures a broad representation of the population, enriching the dataset’s diversity.

Enhancing Adverse Drug Event Detection with Multimodal Dataset: Corpus Creation and Model Development (2)

3.1.1 Social Media

Social media data is invaluable for ADE-related tasks due to its real-time nature and diverse user-generated contentSarker etal. (2016). In this study, we have utilized the official X (Twitter) and scraper API to gather Tweets222https://twitter.com/,333https://www.scraperapi.com/ employing diverse keywords related to ADE. The data collection phase, conducted between June 2023 and October 2023, collected a total of 20,000 tweets using specified keywords presented in Table1. From this pool, 3,000 tweets were meticulously identified as pertinent to ADEs, featuring either images, text, or a combination of both. Notably, 142 tweets included relevant images accompanied by textual descriptions of the adverse drug events.

3.1.2 Healthcare Blog

We utilized a public healthcare-related blog, healthdirect444https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/, a government-funded virtual health service that provides access to health advice and information via a website. We used Python’s BeautifulSoup library to scrape the data and collected 1,150 unique images with corresponding text. Among these, 54 relevant images depicting adverse drug events were manually curated along with corresponding texts.

Enhancing Adverse Drug Event Detection with Multimodal Dataset: Corpus Creation and Model Development (3)

3.1.3 Medical Case Reports

Data from published medical case reports is crucial for constructing comprehensive datasets to analyze ADE. These articles provide structured and verified information, forming a reliable foundation for in-depth analysis and research in pharmacovigilance. We have extracted data from the New England Journal of Medicine555https://www.nejm.org, Science Direct666https://www.sciencedirect.com.A precise Science Direct query performed is as follows:

(("adverse drug event") AND (Languages=English) AND (Article
type=Case Reports) AND (Years=2000 to 2023))

This approach retrieved approximately 2,907 documents from ScienceDirect, from which we manually selected 1390 relevant images with corresponding texts.

Enhancing Adverse Drug Event Detection with Multimodal Dataset: Corpus Creation and Model Development (4)

3.2 Data Annotation

To ensure meticulous annotation aligned with ethical standards, we enlisted the assistance of two medical students and one Ph.D. student, selected based on specific criteria. These criteria included being at least 25 years old, proficient in English (reading, writing, and speaking), and willing to handle sensitive content. The process was finalized within a span of five months, and participants received compensation for their involvement777The medical students received compensation in the form of gift vouchers and honorarium amounts in accordance withhttps://www.minimum-wage.org/international/india..Annotators were tasked with meticulously assessing each image and its corresponding text based on the annotation manual. Sentences accurately depicting adverse drug events, including the drug’s name and associated side effects, were chosen for inclusion in the corpus development process, while all other instances were deemed irrelevant and removed. To maintain consistency and consensus among annotators, final rationale labels were determined through a majority voting approach. Annotators were explicitly instructed to annotate posts without biases related to demographics, religion, or other extraneous factors. The quality of annotations was assessed by measuring inter-annotator agreement (IAA) using Cohen’s Kappa scoreViera etal. (2005). The resulting agreement scores of 0.78 affirm the acceptability and high quality of the annotations.

3.3 Annotation Manual

We initially provided annotators with an instruction manual detailing different instances, accompanied by examples (as depicted in Fig.5).

  • For each data instance comprising text and an image, select the data instance if both the text and image indicate concerns about drug side effects.

  • Remove data instances where the image does not convey the side effects mentioned in the text.

  • Remove data instances where the text does not convey any side effects related to drugs, but some side effects are visually present in the accompanying image.

  • Remove instances where both the text and image are unrelated to any drug side effect.

  • If a data instance includes a URL link, access the content at that URL address to gain additional insight and context about the data.

Enhancing Adverse Drug Event Detection with Multimodal Dataset: Corpus Creation and Model Development (5)

3.4 Corpus Analysis

Figure4 provides an overview of the data sources and the distribution of relevant cases within the dataset. Following the initial collection of 7,057 ADE-related samples encompassing images, text, and image-text pairs, we curated 1,500 pertinent samples. These encompass both image and their associated text descriptions of ADEs, establishing the foundation of our multimodal ADE dataset. Figure2 depicts some of the samples from the dataset. The first sample shows a person suffering from tongue discoloration after taking a Chlorhexidine drug. Both the text and visual image show a clear indication of drug reaction. The second sample is of a woman with papulopustular eruption on the face, which had worsened with topical metronidazole gel. Adverse drug events can manifest internally or externally, yet acquiring images of internal body parts from public sources is challenging. Thus, we focus on external body parts or symptoms, which can be readily captured and shared with doctors, pharmacovigilance teams, or the public domain for improved consultation and advice. Following dataset analysis, we identified 13 significant adverse effects crucial for multimodal ADE reporting. These effects are categorized into four groups based on their origin: ENT (9.85%), EYE (3.6%), LIMB (5.4%), and SKIN (81.06%). Additional details of the dataset, such as the distribution of samples across different body parts along with corresponding percentages, are illustrated in Fig.3.

Enhancing Adverse Drug Event Detection with Multimodal Dataset: Corpus Creation and Model Development (6)

4 Problem Formulation

Each data point in the dataset encompasses a patient’s textual description T𝑇Titalic_T along with a corresponding image I𝐼Iitalic_I illustrating their medical issue or concern visually. The textual representation comprises a sequence of words {t1,t2,,tn}subscript𝑡1subscript𝑡2subscript𝑡𝑛\{t_{1},t_{2},\ldots,t_{n}\}{ italic_t start_POSTSUBSCRIPT 1 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT , italic_t start_POSTSUBSCRIPT 2 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT , … , italic_t start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_n end_POSTSUBSCRIPT }, while the visual elements are represented by I3×W×H𝐼superscript3𝑊𝐻I\in\mathbb{R}^{3\times W\times H}italic_I ∈ blackboard_R start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT 3 × italic_W × italic_H end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT, where W𝑊Witalic_W and H𝐻Hitalic_H denote the width and height of the image data, respectively. The objective is to process both the text T𝑇Titalic_T and image I𝐼Iitalic_I for each patient and generate a natural language sequence Y𝑌Yitalic_Y that seamlessly integrates both modalities, expressed as Y={T,I}𝑌𝑇𝐼Y=\{T,I\}italic_Y = { italic_T , italic_I }.

5 Methodology

Recent advancements in VLMs, such as BLIP, InstructBlip, and GIT, have showcased remarkable advancements in encoding both textual and visual inputs. These models outperform traditional approaches that rely solely on individual image or text encoders, followed by fusion. By integrating sophisticated mechanisms for joint representation learning, VLMs excel at capturing intricate relationships between textual and visual modalities, thereby enhancing their ability to generate more contextually relevant and coherent outputsZhang etal. (2023). In the proposed work, we have leveraged InstructBlipDai etal. (2023), known for its exceptional performance across a range of vision-language (VL) tasks including Visual Question Answering (VQA), Image captioning, and Image retrieval. Each patient’s inquiry or concern is articulated as a textual sentence along with a visual image where they elaborate on their medical queries or concerns on social media platforms or healthcare blogs to obtain pertinent feedback or advice. InstructBlip integrates two distinct encoders specialized for separate modalities. This architecture includes an image encoder, which utilizes a vision transformer (ViT) to extract visual features, alongside an LLM and a Query Transformer (Q-Former). The Q-Former interacts with the image encoder’s output through cross-attention, resulting in K-encoded visual vectors, which are then linearly projected and fed into the frozen LLM for further processing. This representation serves as input for a proficient language model, which generates high-quality text. During instruction tuning, only the Q-Former undergoes fine-tuning, while the image encoder and LLM remain unchanged. Figure6 illustrates the detailed architecture. We fine-tuned the InstructBLIP to assess its performance on the proposed MMADE dataset. InstructBLIP maintains a consistent image resolution (224×224)224224(224\times 224)( 224 × 224 ) during instruction tuning and freezes the visual encoder during fine-tuning. This approach substantially reduces the number of trainable parameters from 1.2 billion to 188 million, improving fine-tuning efficiency. We also employed two more VLMs and fine-tuned them with the proposed MMADE dataset. BLIPLi etal. (2022), a versatile vision-language model, utilizes a multimodal mixture of encoder-decoder models during pre-training. This involves bootstrapping a dataset from large-scale noisy image-text pairs, where synthetic captions are injected, and noisy captions are eliminated. Additionally, we utilized GITWang etal. (2022), a VLM model that generates text descriptions of images. Trained on curated datasets of image-text pairs, GIT encodes image features into a latent representation, which is decoded into text descriptions. Its architecture comprises an image encoder using a pre-trained Swin transformer and a text decoder based on a standard transformer decoder, linked by a cross-attention layer for enhanced focus on specific image encoding parts. Additionally, we performed the integration of LSTM networks with VGG16Simonyan and Zisserman (2014) and ResNet50He etal. (2016) architectures. In this setup, the LSTM serves as the text encoder, while either VGG16 or ResNet50 acts as the visual encoder. The features extracted from the text and visual encoders are then concatenated to create a joint representation, allowing for comprehensive modeling of both textual and visual information. Please refer to Section12 of the Appendix for the fine-tuning details.

6 Experimental Results and Analysis

We have utilized four commonly employed evaluation metrics to assess the performance of the models, including BLEU score (Bilingual Evaluation Understudy)Papineni etal. (2002), ROUGE score (Recall-Oriented Understudy for Gisting Evaluation)Lin (2004), BERTScoreZhang etal. (2019), and MoverScoreZhao etal. (2019). Detailed explanations of experimental settings and metrics are given in Section11 and13 of the Appendix.


Evaluation Metrics LSTM+VGG16 LSTM+ResNet50 BLIPGITInstructBLIP

Evaluation MetricsLSTM+VGG16LSTM+ResNet50BLIPGITInstructBLIP

6.1 Findings from Experiments

The experimental results across Tables2 and3 depict the performance of various models in multimodal dataset settings, while Tables4 and5 represent the performance in unimodal dataset settings, based on standard evaluation metrics. From the results, several observations are:

  • Table2 presents the ROUGE and BLEU scores, indicating the superior performance of fine-tuned InstructBLIP compared to other models. The higher ROUGE and BLEU scores achieved by fine-tuned InstructBLIP suggest its proficiency in capturing relevant information from the input and generating text. This superiority can be attributed to its training on more extensive and diverse datasets, enabling it to capture intricate data patterns effectively.

  • Tables3 and4 present BERTScores and MoverScores in the multimodal and unimodal settings, respectively. Fine-tuned InstructBLIP achieves the highest BERTScore and MoverScores, demonstrating its efficacy in capturing contextual similarity and superior ability to convey meaningful content effectively.

  • Table4 and5 show the decline in performance when training VLM models with unimodal data. The absence of meaningful visual information likely contributes to the performance degradation.

  • One important observation is that InstructBLIP consistently outperforms BLIP and GIT across all metrics, showing its superior capability in effectively integrating textual and visual information. This can be attributed to its innovative architecture, featuring a Query Transformer for instruction-aware feature extraction. Refer to Section16 of the Appendix for detailed outcomes.

  • Fine-tuning with domain-specific ADE data remarkably enhances model performance, reflecting its pivotal role in adapting models to the intricacies of adverse drug event detection.

  • Another key finding highlights the substantial performance enhancement achieved by integrating both image and text modalities, emphasizing the critical role of visual information alongside textual data.

Statistical Analysis: We conducted a statistical t-test to compare the performance of the proposed multimodal model, utilizing both image and text data, with that of unimodal models. The analysis yielded a p-value below 0.05, indicating a significant difference in performance between the two. The detailed explanation is given in Section14 of Appendix.

Enhancing Adverse Drug Event Detection with Multimodal Dataset: Corpus Creation and Model Development (7)

6.2 Qualitative Analysis

We performed an extensive qualitative analysis of the responses generated by various models in both unimodal and multimodal settings, complemented by several case studies. A detailed case study is depicted in Fig.7. The analysis has led to the following conclusion: (a) In multimodal settings, all the models demonstrate superior performance and exhibit a greater ability to capture crucial visual information conveyed through images than in unimodal settings (refer to Table4 and5). (b) Observations also revealed that models such as BLIP and GIT tended to hallucinate, as evidenced by Fig.7, occasionally generating facts that were entirely unrelated to the context. (c) InstructBLIP demonstrates superior performance, leading us to conclude that providing instructions during fine-tuning prompts the model to selectively focus on pertinent visual features. This focused attention encourages the model to generate target sequences that closely resemble the desired output.We have presented a case study demonstrating that model performance is not solely determined by the number of samples in the dataset but also by other factors such as the distinct visual characteristics of different types of ADEs present in the dataset. A detailed explanation is provided in the Section15 of Appendix.

7 Risk Analysis

While our multimodal model demonstrates promise, it is essential to have medical experts and pharmacovigilance teams validate the findings, considering other critical factors. Our model and dataset are intended to support medical professionals rather than replace them.


8 Conclusion and Future Work

In this paper, we present the task of ADE detection within pharmacovigilance mining, leveraging multimodal datasets. In order to solve this task, we have created a multimodal ADE dataset, MMADE, containing images and corresponding descriptions, enhancing decision-making with the inclusion of visual cues. We have employed InstructBLIP, fine-tuned with the proposed dataset, and compared it with other models. Our findings suggest that domain-specific fine-tuning significantly enhances overall performance, emphasizing the importance of multimodal visual cues. We envision MMADE as a pivotal resource for advancing research in multimodal ADE detection. Moreover, our fine-tuned architecture holds promise as a valuable tool for pharmacovigilance teams, clinicians, and researchers, facilitating more effective ADE monitoring and ultimately improving patient safety and outcomes. In addition to expanding the dataset, future investigations could explore the potential of this multimodal dataset in tasks such as ADE severity classification and summarization.

9 Limitations

While our effort aimed to develop an ADE detection framework and introduce the novel MMADE dataset, comprising textual descriptions of drug events paired with images, it is crucial to acknowledge certain limitations inherent in the dataset. Specifically, our dataset primarily focuses on drug events associated with external body parts, omitting data about internal conditions such as liver infections, kidney stones, or psychological ailments like depression and migraine. Acquiring a substantial volume of image-text pairs within the ADE domain presents inherent challenges, including data privacy concerns, regulatory constraints, and the specialized nature of ADE occurrences. Despite these obstacles, our research breaks new ground by integrating images with text, solving a real-world challenge where individuals affected by ADE may resort to image sharing for communication when verbally expressing their symptoms is difficult. Moving forward, we aim to enhance the dataset by incorporating more ADE-related images and expanding its utility through additional tasks such as complaint identification and text summarization.

10 Ethics and Broader Impact

User Privacy.

Our dataset contains AD images and corresponding text tweets with annotation labels and no personal user information.


Any biases detected in the dataset are inadvertent, and we have no intention of harming anyone or any group. We acknowledge that evaluating whether a tweet is ADE can be subjective, so we have taken agreement from all the annotators before selecting the data.

Intended Use.

We share our data to promote more research on Adverse drug event detection. We only release the dataset for research purposes and do not grant a license for commercial use.


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11 Experimental Settings

This section provides the hyperparameters and experimental setups utilized in the study. All experiments were conducted using multiple RTX 2080Ti GPUs. The dataset was partitioned, allocating 80% for training and 20% for testing. For InstructBLIP, the learning rate was set to 1e-5, executed for 50 epochs, with a batch size of 2. Similarly, for the BLIP model, a learning rate of 0.0001 was utilized and executed for 50 epochs, with a batch size of 2. For GIT fine-tuning, a learning rate of 5e-3 was applied for 50 epochs, with a batch size of 2. All models were implemented using Scikit-Learn888https://scikit-learn.org/stable/ and PyTorch as the backend framework999https://pytorch.org/.

12 Fine-tuning

We have followed several steps to fine-tune BLIP on our multimodal dataset.First, we have prepared the dataset in JSON format, which is compatible with the BLIP framework, and each image-text pair is represented as a dictionary with the following keys: image_path: The path to the image file, text: The caption or other text description of the image. We have fine-tuned BLIP with learning rate = 0.001, number of epochs = 50, and batch size = 16. The training process takes 6 hours for the fine-tuning, and we evaluate the performance on a held-out test set.

To fine-tune the GIT model on the proposed MMADE dataset, we utilized the Hugging Face Transformers library and followed a systematic process. First, we prepared the data using a PyTorch dataset, converting it into the required format using the GitProcessor class. Finally, we have utilized the GIT-base model, which is pre-trained on a substantial dataset of image-text pairs. We have utilized Parameters such as a learning rate = 5e-3, epochs = 30, and batch size = 2. The optimization was performed using the Adam optimizer with the cross-entropy loss function, and the fine-tuning process took 3 hours.

To fine-tune the CNN-LSTM model, we leverage the CNN models (VGG16 and ResNet50) to extract image features, followed by an LSTM for sequence generation. Model compilation involves the use of categorical cross-entropy loss and the Adam optimizer. Training proceeds for 40 epochs, utilizing a batch size of 32.

13 Evaluation Metrics

We have utilized BLEU scorePapineni etal. (2002), ROUGE scoreLin (2004), BERTScoreZhang etal. (2019) and MoverScoreZhao etal. (2019). BLEU score is utilized to assess the quality of machine-generated text by comparing it to human-generated reference text. It measures the similarity in word sequences between the machine-generated and human reference texts using n-grams, penalizing shorter machine-generated texts to provide a quantitative measure of translation accuracy. The ROUGE score is also used to evaluate the quality of machine-generated summaries compared to human-written summaries. It works by calculating the overlap of n-grams between the machine-generated summary and the reference summaries. ROUGE and BLEU metrics evaluate text quality based on syntactic overlap, considering unigrams and bigrams, lacking the ability to decode semantic meaning effectively. However, BERTScore focuses on understanding the semantic meaning of generated text compared to the intended text, enabling a more nuanced and accurate comparison. MoverScore is a way to measure how similar a machine-generated text is to a human-written text. It does this by using BERT embeddings to understand the meaning of the words and sentences in both texts and then using Word Mover’s DistanceSato etal. (2022) to measure how similar the two texts are.

14 Statistical Analysis

In this study, we employed the paired t-test to assess the statistical significance of differences between the outcomes of unimodal and multimodal models. The null hypothesis (H0) assumes no significant disparity in scores, while the alternative hypothesis (H1) proposes the opposite. We structured our analysis around the assumption of paired data, where each BLEU score corresponds to the same model in different settings (Multimodal Vs. Unimodal). By applying the paired t-test, we aimed to rigorously evaluate performance disparities and offer insights into the models’ relative effectiveness. The obtained p-values for ROUGE, BLEU and BERTScore scores were 0.008, 0.0097 and 0.0316, respectively, both below the 0.05 threshold, leading to the rejection of the null hypothesis.

Enhancing Adverse Drug Event Detection with Multimodal Dataset: Corpus Creation and Model Development (8)
Enhancing Adverse Drug Event Detection with Multimodal Dataset: Corpus Creation and Model Development (9)

15 Case study

The case study depicted in Fig.8 reveals intriguing insights across various body parts. In the first row, depicting rashes, fine-tuned InstructBLIP accurately identifies distinct body parts and key findings, potentially attributed to the diverse visual characteristics of different rash types prevalent in the dataset with the largest portion of 81.06%. However, performance in identifying mouth-related ADEs is less satisfactory despite comprising 5.93% of the dataset, likely due to potential confusion with other oral features like the tongue, teeth, or lips. Conversely, despite eye-related problems representing only 1.8% of the dataset, the model performs comparatively better in this category, possibly because it focuses specifically on infected regions, enhancing its ability to identify relevant features accurately.

16 Comparative output

We have added two more examples in Fig.9 showing the ADR instances, corresponding ground truth, and the model-generated outputs.

Enhancing Adverse Drug Event Detection with Multimodal Dataset: Corpus Creation and Model Development (2024)
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