Daily Press from Newport News, Virginia (2024)

DAILY PRESS, Newoort News. PRINTED PATTERN NEW YORK fl'PP A new less, non I i and non-fire starter briquette is made toxic, says the manufacturer, with wood-fibre base impreg- and especially good for lighting nated with paraffin. It is odor- charcoal and logs. (Justrite.) Gloria Ann Yakalavich Mr. Burch Wed June 15 Invitations have been issued to the marriage of Miss Gloria Ann Yakalavich, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Edward J. Yakalavich, and Hal Edwin Burch son of Mr. and Mrs. Hal Edwin Burch of Hampton.

The marriage will be solemnized June 15 at Buckroe Baptist Church. Hampton, at 4 in the afternoon. Miss Yakalavich has selected as maid of honor. Miss Sally Reynolds. Bridesmaids are Miss Donna Raye Brown, Miss LaVona Lee Johnson.

Miss Hazel Carolyn Williams and Miss Patricia Ann Sleigher. George Keith Yakalavich, brother of the bride-elect, will be ring bearer. Vickie Blevins, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Blevins of Hampton, will be flower girl.

Conrad Burch. brother of the bridegroom, will be best man. Groomsmen will be Robert Futrell, George Freeman, Norman Hare and James Nuzum. Mrs. Inez Holloman will be mistress of ceremonies.

lvw IK' i Jjf i hY A HJ-f Mil 5 7 Kimu 'NO TOOLS 'NO KITS 'NO EXTRAS tasy TifTit 1 09 85 Unitni Spscul PA 3-1402 or PA 2 529Q June 1, 1963 2 Installation Program For AAUW Group Officers will be installed at a meeting of the Newport News Branch, American Association of University Women, June 6. They are Mrs. M. G. Willey, president; Mrs.

R. D. Crozier, first vice president; Mrs. J. V.

Becker, second vice president; Miss Jean Mason, treasurer: Miss Frances Rainn, recording secretary; Mrs. B. F. Wingficld, corresponding secretary. Committee chairmen: Mrs.

F. H. Sellers and Mrs. S. W.

Adams: education, Miss Alice Menin; international relations, Mrs. J. A. Pully: community affairs. Mrs.

R. -B. Black well; fellowships, Mrs. J. F.

Powers and Mrs. C. G. Puffenbergcr; legislative. Miss Eliza E.

Em-brey; publicity, Miss Elizabeth P. Johnson: bulletin, Mrs. B. P. Hill; house.

Miss Anna Belle Watts; communications. Mrs. T. J. Walters: yearbook, Mrs.

L. S. Cowling: orientation. Miss Bernice Pierce; historian. Mrs, Paul Obst; parliamentarian.

Miss Vera Huckfl; finance. Miss Barbara Durling. Ex-officio members are Miss Vera Iluckel, who will fvr treasurer for the Virginia Division, and Mrs. L. A.

Farrish, who has been elected division chairman for Elementary and Sec D- MAUREEN COUNIHAN Adapt TJour Jiairdo Jo Surf-Jo-Shore "Beauty Enjoy Your Model 4DT7A Summer Days In Coo! Comfort! EDGEWOOD GARDEN CLUB OFFICERS The president's gavel in the Edgewood Garden Club is turned over to Mrs. J. M. Bradshaw, second from right, by the installing officer, Mrs. Bobbie Lake, second from left, to Mrs.

Lake's left is the corresponding secretary, Mrs. 0. E. Dixon, and to Mrs. Bradshaw's right is Mrs.

G. F. Cook, first vice president. Back row, from left, are Mrs. J.

T. Peterson, second vice president; Mrs. R. L. Ruggles, treasurer; Mrs.

R. W. McDearmon, recording secretary. TV APPLIANCE CENTER Moon J4essages 3or TJou By Cullen Moore Plan Your Days By Lunar Rays 3861 Kecoughtan Rd. Ph.

AT Goldstein Brothers The girl who is up on her beachmanship knows that the simple hair style is her passport for surf-to-shore beauty. When deciding on how to go down to the sea this summer, the smart young woman chooses the middle-of-th-road route. She bypasses both the shoulder-length straggle of the South Seas native and the super-severe clip of the urchin. The first step toward seatime success is to put your hair in the hands of a beautician for a professional shaping. Explain to the iterator that you're anticipating a full season at the shore or that you're a city sophisticate who changes into a beachcomber on weekends.

Based on this information and your particular type of hair, let the expert decide if a cut alone is indicated or if you need the aid of a body permanent. If you have a gamine-like charm, a girl-ized twist on the Oliver may be just yor clip. But, if you've the kind of hair that turns downcast and limp at the first seaspray or suddenly springs into a startling mass of frizz, a controlling yet soft body wave may be suggested. No matter what your seaside solution is, the idea is to be able to drip-dry with a minimum of daytime fuss. Remember that rollers, bobbies, clips and such belong in the boudoir, not at the beach.

But, when the sun shifts to the evening hours, let your datemanship shine. Give your casual hairdo a bit of Stardust by pinning on a little postiche or adding a clip or bow that's in pert partnership with your coif. ODD- Miss Kathie J. Berlin, daughter of Dr. and Mrs.

Irving Berlin of Brooke Drive, Hampton, has recently been elected vice president of the junior class at Emerson College, ston, Mass. RUfiCLUWlri I Dia! 244-8438 1 ferifVU. APPLIANCES Js'W They "S1 We're in Trouble! There is a FREIGHT CAR LOAD of H0TP0INT 4781 SIZES 10-16 Look one main piece for back, one for front! Whip up this sun shift in an afternoon. Has a parade of buttons down one side a pert head scarf. For poplin, denim.

Printed Pattern 4781: Teen Sizes 10. 12, 14, 16. Size 12 outfit takes 2l4 yards 45-inch. Thirty-five cents in coins for this pattern add 15 cents for each pattern for first-class mailing and special handling. Send to Anne Adams, care of the Daily Press 448 Pattern 243 West 17th New York 11, N.

Y. Print plainly name, address with zone, tize and style number. Just out! 304 design ideas plus coupon for free pattern-any one you choose in new Spring-Summer Pattern Catalog. Send 50 cents now. Kitchen Cabinets Counter Tops Frigidaire Tappan of Peninsula Supply Co.

Warwick Blvd. uic" Today's Moonrays are unre-iabe, changing toward evening to sudden practical urges. Ul- CHILD CARE By MILTON I. LEVINE, M.D. and JEAN H.

SELIGMANN (Q) "I'm nearly 15. I'm not allowed to go out with boys and only with some girls. My mother always follows me. Recently I went for a walk with a boy without my mother's permission. She called me a "cheap tramp" and a "sex maniac." She went to his mother (he's 16V4) and "old her I tease my hair and wear make-up.

Now, even if I were allowed out he wouldn't be allowed near me. I hate my mother. She hates me. I cry whenever I'm in the house alone with her. What can I do? Please help me." Miss F.M.

(A) Although we are quite certain that your mother feels she is acting for your protection and for your own good, we cannot agree with her. Unfortunately, by her attitude she is causing you to act behind' her back and also causing you unnecessary distress. Your mother may be treating you the way she was brought up, or perhaps she has had some experience which has made her over-anxious and fearful. It is difficult for many people to realize that times have changed even in the last 15 or 20 years. And it is not, easy to change the mind of a mother who believes what she is doing is definitely for her child's good.

Almost all parents want their children to be happy and popular, but regrettably there are some parents who are so fearful of delinquency that they do not put any trust in their own children. The desire to go out with boys is normal and natural at your age and not a sign of any abnormal sexual inclinations. Boy-girl friendships are important and necessary during these teen-age years. However, your mother seems to feel you are cheapening yourself by teasing your hair and using make-up and perhaps because of this feels you will also cheapen yourself in your relationship with boys. We understand how upset you are and how desperately you want the pleasure of normal boy-girl friendships.

But you will only anger your mother more, and you will not feel really happy or easy in doing things behind her back. We suggest you seek the guidance of r-ome older person who could help your mother and you come to a better understanding. Is there a clergyman, teacher, doctor, to whom you could appeal? Some compromise is necessary in this problem. Address questions on Child Care to the authors in care of the Daily Press, Newport News, Va. My Answer By BILLY GRAHAM Question: The Bible says, "Come apart and be ye separate." How can a Christian hope to save a non-Christian if we are to shun them? I would find life pretty miserable if I had to shun four-fifths of the people I meet up with.

Answer: A genuine Christian is not a prig! Our Lord, himself, mingled with publicans and sinners. He scorned religious pride and smugness. His sharpest remarks were directed toward the Pharisees who thought themselves 'better' than publicans and sinners. But remember this: our mingling with non-Christians is not to be merely social, but redemptive, Jesus did not condemn the adulterous woman, but He did say: "Go thy way and sin no more." In your social mingling keep in mind that you are to "Let your light shine" and hy your actions, if not by your words, let your friends know that Christ gives peace and power. I have discovered that people respond universally to a solid, sincere Christian witness.

"Be not conformed to the world," said Paul, and it is easy to be pressed into the mold of social conformity. You have, in your Christian faith, a powerful, weapon to change men's lives. Do not let your sword rest in its sabbard. WHOM I ll)iLl frr i Prenuptia Parties For Bride Miss Kay Moneymaker and Lt. Charles Eugene Stanley, who will be married today, were complimented Friday evening at a dinner given at Vic Zodda's, Newport News, by Miss Moneymaker's grandm other, Mrs.

Reginald Moneymaker of Clifton Forge and Dr. and Mrs. Garnett Moneymaker of Albuquerque, N.M. Attending were, members of the wedding party and out-of-town guests. Miss Moneymaker entertained her bridal attendants at a breakfast Friday at the home of Mrs.

James Farmer in Williamsburg. She was assisted by Mrs. Farmer and her daughter, Mrs. Ellies Moran. Dr.

and Mrs. John Ratliff were hosts at a buffet supper Thursday evening at their home on Anne Burras Lane, Newport News, for Miss Moneymaker and Lieutenant Stanley. Attending were the bridal party and out of town guests. Miss Patricia Massey and Mrs. John Massey Jr.

were hostesses at a party for Miss Moneymaker Wednesday evening at their home on Park Newport News. Mrs. Harvey H. Hubbard entertained at a luncheon Tuesday at Fort Eustis Officers Club for Miss Moneymaker. Miss Carmines Complimented With Parties Miss Fran Carmines, whose marriage to Ronald F.

Moore of Poquoson will be solemnized June 29 in the Trinity Methodist Church, Poquoson, has been complimented at several bridal parties. Mrs. W. L. Carmines, Mrs.

J. R. Long and Mrs. J. M.

Seifrig entertained at an informal party at Mrs. Carmines' home in Poquoson. Mrs. J. M.

Moore and Mrs. R. T. Moore honored Miss Carmines at a party at Mrs. J.

M. Moore's home on Terrace Road. Miss Carmines is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.

L. Carmines of Poquoson. Mr. Moore's parents are Mr. and Mrs.

R. T. Moore of Po- quoson. New officers of the Museum Garden Club are Mrs. Sommers D.

Stancell, president; Mrs. E. M. Gregory, vice president; Mrs. John Borders, recording secretary; Mrs.

William Powell, corresponding secretary; Mrs. M. S. Fulton, treasurer. Treat yourself to a Dutch treat! It's a hairdo short, but with enough length to curve ur.der at the back and sides.

GAS RANGE Completely Automatic Delivered and Installed! WATER HEATER Completely Ud Automatic 10-Yr. Glass Lined Kitchen Creations terior motives may show up where least expected. Don't expect the altruistic approach to win. Aries (March 21 April 201 Do what you can before evening. Then let someone else "carry the Taurus (April 21 May 21) Do not believe that all is lost.

Your influence on loved one is stronger than you think. Gemini (May 22 June 21) After a quarrel with home members you could make up, find yourself at great advantage. Cancer (June 22 July 23) A visit or quick trip ought to be joyful and rewarding. Be impulsive. Leo (July 24 Aug.

23) Don't spend more than you ears. Give time and effort latiier than possessions. Virgo (Aug. 24 Sept. 23) Do not bend when someone attempts to sway you with allurements.

Libra (Sept. 24 Oct. 23) Approach something from a round about manner. Use influence in background areas. Scorpio (Oct.

24 Nov. 22) Wonderful luck, if you trust a new friend. Flatter by confidence. Sagittarius (Nov. 21) Be bold and show assurance of ability in your decisions.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 Jan. 20) Hide trepidations. Legal and documentary matters favored. Distance, travel also lucky.

Aquarius (Jan. 21 Feb. 19) Your magnetic appeal is strong. Win through charm rather than logic. Pisces (Feb.

20 March 20) Partnership affairs are likely to end in no solution. Better compromise. June 1st birthdate belongs to one who is strong in emergencies, but goes to pieces over little issues or irritations. 1963-64 brings good fortune but a surprise "jolt" from fate. MODERN ETIQUETTE By ROBERTA LEE Q.

What form should a newly-wed couple use when extending invitations to a reception in their new home after returning home from their honeymoon? A. They may either mail the engraved type of invitation, or if the affairs is to be informal, telephone their invitations. Q. Is it all right for a divorcee to have a maid-of-honor and three bridesmaids at her second wedding? This is not considered in good taste. She should have no more than one attendant at her second marriage.

Q. Is it considered proper to use the spoon to test the temperature of the coffee at the table? A. This is quite all right. But after one little "taste test," the spoon should be replaced in the saucer and left there. Gas Installation I No Charge for .711 Second St Williamsburg CA 9-5777 i ondary Education.

BUY NOW! XRIIV LOW 5 Pav Vepco Bills at Hampton Store Hampton Store Opt Mob. Fri. Night 'ki While jli Prices! fei SH plj IMPROVEMENT SERVICE Washers Refrigerators Freezers Ranges On The Tracks in Hampton! We'll hm to pay storage and demurrage if we do nst nw; in 5 days If You Help Us -You'll Help Yourself! THESE PRICES GOOD FOR Room Additions Baths Redwood Fences Appliances We do it all and go all over!" Phont244-8735 A Division 3404 5 DAYS ONLY! 1963 3-CYCU. s'lii "'rl tmtekM'tM'-m)itiS .77 it. perfect Gilt for Grads for French.

German, Spanish, Italian, Math, Engineer-ing and Medical. ROYAL has developed a new process to help rZ.t. Sell Oefr.st.nt fv- $281.00 Ymii ot nc 1 mstu" rnjL CHtST mTTTmf 1 type A type I 1 separate set keys that will type eyer! symbol. every nir.mMUf $269.95 (100 nn I uu $243.10 $399. Buy Now! Hampton PA 3-0733 Newport News 245-2891 Stop ny demonstration Portable i 1 ir- I i i i I 1 I I 1 $99-95 tk! Credit Terms Available Small Charge For Delivering I Service BETTER FURNITURE FOR LESS- i SUBURBAN RULAIIE GAS CO.

I 7324 Warwick N. N. CH 4-8465 I 0 tnn i ft mwt mm nam 118-122 W. Queen 2307 Jefferson Store Open Fri. Night.

Daily Press from Newport News, Virginia (2024)
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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.