Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1942-09-03 (2024)

IBER 2, 1943

=---~ 1 , Drop 8rooks Win Showers I Town i\II 8t. Louis V.rib 10WA-Tln... len~ and Iibow­ lJow,08-1 en toda, with ....bi aIIowen Ia ~ England See 8tor)' 011 Pap , THE DAILY IOWAN JOlitIt lIOriio. to..,..w. ' ) - GerrnJll ' Iowa City'. Morning Newspaper ." bombs on ~ T.. Ai.oO~TID 'a••• ~n last nlKht fIVE CENTS IOWA CITY, IOWA THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1942 VOLUME XLU NUMBER 294 on another i threw Up a ALLIED PLANES GUN AXIS UNITS a fIJgh t Of Ide a Illini. On a south. I. bombs Qlld • \1 t II hOSPital Yanks '.- Id droP Ped a 'British' 'Ho'la ~ang, kUlin, i Nazis· Pw'sh' Nea St'dlingrad

* * * ADMIRAL KING VISITS HOME TOWN Germans Rush Interpreting Cotrespondent Views Allied Planes The War News Arrows 01\ tbe above tnaJl indicate where Ihe axis torees of German Egyptian Field Marshal Erwin Rommel have launched attacks atalnli the allied Planes, Tanks Time Runs in Favor Heavily Bomb eenier and left flank on the Ecyptlan delert. Recent reports from Of 8ritish-American, the Eryptian Irtlni staie that allied Dlanes have heavily btllilbed and Battle~- . shelled IIxls ulliiB, alld 1bal "In DO part has the enemy penelrated de. Russian Defenders 'ense areas." To Volga Area Enemy Forces By IURKE L. 8IMP80N By EDWARD* * KENNEDY* Russian Communique Wide World Wu Analy" AT GEN ER AL MONTGOM­ U,S. Bombers Attack Repor~ from the two most cru­ ERY'S SECRET HEADQUAR­ 36 Federal Wo~kers Dismissed Says Soviets Retreat cial battles of the moment- in Mediterranean Convoy • TERS IN THE WESTERN ·To New Defense Line Egypt and Russla-do not yet fur­ DESERT, Sept. 2 (AP)-The Brlt­ Hitting 1 of 4 Ships nish a clear enough pattem to war­ isb defenses ot Egypt remain se­ By EDDIE OJLMORE AfRO, Egypt (AP)- Amer. O·n.Subversive Adivily (harges rant extremes of optimism or pes­ cure late on this third day of the MOSOOW, Thursday (AP)­ simism. In both cases, however, jcan and allied pla.n!!!! and Brit­ The Ge rmans are rushing large. axis otfenslve, but the Nlal blittIe time is running in {avol' ot Russian ish guns b avily bombed and scale r ese r ve~ of aircraft, tanks has not y t b n joined. ,hell d axi fore in th west· Biddle Says Large and British-American defendel'6. and troops from areas deep in LI ut, G n. B. I. Montgomery, rn desert y slerday and flO ef­ Majority of Dies' 'Why Don'l You Go the rear fo r an all.out attack on The siege at Stalin grad js now commander ot the Brili h eighth r tiv their fC!!istance to Claims 'Unfounded' wavering defen. es of Staling- rod, seyen days old. In that time t.qere IlI'JTIY in the Ii Id, s id thai "In xi pr ur that th Briti h , Home,' Belfast Mob dispatches from the fron t said is every evidence that the nazi no place and in no part of the commander declMed the organ­ WASHINGTON (AP)-Attomey , Sh f fA' today as the Soviet command hi gh command has hurled the full eighth army area have the enemy ized d fen areas still were General Biddle reported to con- acknpwledged a new break- weight of Germsn and allied re­ penetrated our organl:ted defense bolding. ou sa mencans oren!' gress yesterday hat 36 government ~hrough southwest of the city. As the d ert artill ry k pt up serves into the attack expecting If It was Marshal ErwIn Rom­ employes had been dismissed, and U.S. Officers Auto Fresh Hungarian and Ru- a quick kill ; but the attackers have mel's 111tenllon w do so, he bal it a.dy cannonading on the 12 others disciplined as the re- manian divisious alRo were reo been held or thrown back north­ not done It to ibis momenll. lOulh rn, and mo t critical, part sult of charges of subversive at- Stoned After Hanging ported hurrying to jo.in in the west of the city and reduced to an (9 a.m. enttal wlr time). of th f ront, and alli d plan Ii filiations. Of Youthful Outlaw assault on the vital . Volga river Though Marshal Romm 1's ar~ shuttled on bomb missions over the inching forward progress on the A rousing wei come is given oY til cillzfOns 01 ..or In, 0., 10 their In all, he said, 2,095 investiga- city. The Soviet midnight com- moreq columns have moved some battlefield, Li ut. Gen. B. L. Mont­ more critics I southwest sector. (",,'orlte SO li, Admiral Erne. t J. Kin&,. ('41mmander.ln-chl f Untied tions have been completed and it BELFAST, NORTHERN IRE- munique had announced that the miles since arly Monday, the gom ry, field commander, said: was Lound that "a larJle portion LAND (AP)-The automobile of a red army had "retreated 10 a new • • • tates. fltet, who is a native of Lorain. Admiral Kill&:, in t(;ar of cllr ('nemy has as yet run In to no of the complaints" were "clearly United States army oUicer was defensive line" after fighting A Berlin claim Ihat the Vol,a In dark uniform, i "hown respOlldill1l' to the welcoming cheers, major alLled formations. "In no part of the front hu 9 sporl. unfounded." The figures, he said, stoned yesterday and two stray ~tubborn ly against 150 tanks sup­ bad been reached by an armored 'fhe G rmna armor has traversed the enemy penetrated our 011- of !hese demonstrated that the government American soldiers in the forbid- ported by swarms ot planes. spearhead north 01 ike oily ap­ a stove-pipe shaped av nue, flrst ganlzed defense ar as." uls, 100.' is not Inmtrated with communists, Red Gains peJIlf8 to be premature. Jt I, only CITIZENS' DEFENSE ostward, and then to th north. bundists' or fascists. den street of Belfast were anl/rHy io ihe souib that any Immediate Planes were carrying a heavy 'ok. your No' ILbstantiated challenged, "Why don't you 10 A dispatch from the Moscow Jap's Solomon The n my torces hav lost some home?" by crowds protesting the front, however, reported RUSSian dancer of a ·break tbl!Ouu,h Ihe CORPS tanks in lighting thu for. share ot the lighting, both on the II ch.cks,' He agreed with an inter-de part- hanging this morning of a' young gains to the west despite fierce far nun, outer defen~. seems 7 p.m.-Meeting of the air Th first thr days of the of- principal battlefield and in aux­ mental committee w)'llch was cre- .rreat. And the terraIn ip that :s, sturdy' raid wardens in the chemislry fensive thus have been spent In iliary Held, \l'Pp\y\na the &'1\8 ated to deal with the investiga- irish outlaw. enemy resistance. Two populated sector, where Berlin chima to .,,1 Cloth. tions and which said: "Sweeping Getterally Calm places were said to have been audit.Prium. Base Hit by 5 getting into po ition trJr II bill troops at the front. bave dented RussIan defenses 7:30 p.m.-Memb ra ot the battle rather than in fightlO(f. Ish touch,' charges ot disloyalty in the federal The situation was generally calm, captured. to within, a dozen mUea of the Blast Shlppln .. service have not been substan- however, violence conflned to 1$0- Northwest of Stalingrad the red civil air patrol will convene in On this sid, the soldiers ar ;r.gorl ouiBkli'ts or the city Itllllf. be­ ropm 106, law bUilding. waiting onlid ntiy tor Hs start, Heavy bombers of the U. S. lir tiated. The futility and harmful late inc idents after the initial up- army .pparently was holding comes even more susccptlble ot character or a broad personnel in- surge of feeling when notice was against violel'lt nazi onslaughts, CorpS m mbers who hove not Tons 01 Bombs determlned that th invaders shall forces lIttacked shipplnll in t\te defense with every additional had thier tlngerprin taken are not pass. eastarn MediterranelUl Tuesday. quil'Y have been amply Mmon- posted on the prioon door that but the 'ate of St.almgrad grew foot ot aclvance. . str!(ted." Thomas J. Williams. 111, tUid ~ more critelli hourly. urg: 'to (10 so at the Iowa City Air Action hltUna one vessel and aJmost hit­ The complaints had been lodged executed for Ute mu·rder of a pol- German troops also reached II • • • poHce slulion til> ~oo n u. pus­ hN. MA AH'J'}JID{'S HEAD­ Air Ifctivlty which has b n the The time ross in the synchron­ sill Ie. QUARTERS, Australia, Thursday aU i s' u~ual effort increased to tina tour others in a convoYi and by Chairman Dies (D-Tex), of the iceman last Easter morn. zone in the Caucasus "northwest ized nazi aUack on British imperial house committee on un-American Occupants of the U. S. army of Novorosslsk," ~e RUssian Black (AP)-Allied bombers of Cen. even ar at r proportions today hlltlna four ships and possibly a forces in Egypt, now stlIrened with (IS du t storms' gave way to an tilth In a raid on Candia, Crete, activities, and by others. The in- medical corps car carrying a Cap- sea naval base, the midnight com­ American air and tank units, Is MacArthur's command made 3 quiry was directed by congress. tain C. Turner (address unavail- munique acknowledged, while the excepticnally clear day which en­ n link in the axis supply chain. even more obviOUS. General Rom­ heuvy altack on the Japsn'se air­ Representative Dies, in a state- able) escaped injury when the red army still held at Mozdok, 60 abled bombers to crllck at targets U.S. army air torce fighters re­ , ment issued from his congressional driver stepped on the gas in the miles west of the Russian old fields mel lashed out tbree day ago in his American Shipyards drome a~ }3uka, at the northern almost hourly throughout the day. turned to their bases last night oWce, declared: midst of the stoning. of Grozny in the middle Caucasus. attempt to free his armored divis­ tip or lhe Solomon islands, In a General Montgomery aave the alter completing the heaviest day ions from the handicap of a·narrow they entered the battle in "In plain English, Mr . .Biddle's The presence of the two Amer- 150 Tanks . raid last nigh t, unlo ~ ding five tons tollowlng picture ot the battle as since and restricted iront. If he has Build 68 New ·Cargo of bombs along the runway and it has developed thus tar: this area. They flew as escorts to report means that he favors the ican soldiers atoot among the "Southwest of Stalingrad," the gained any further ground since employment of people in the gov- crowds was not explained, for the communique said, "our troops upon cnemy instal\u tions, It was The fight bellan shortly belare bombers, and did not lose any ernmenl who are admittedly mem- streets of Belfast were declared fought stiff engagements with large the first lunge carried his tanks a announ" d odoy. midnight last Sunday when the planes. reported eight miles into British Vessels in August bers of organizatIons such as the out of bounds for 48 hours from enern:y tank and inf ~ ntry forces A Jap' lIese d('stroyer wns hitJn Germans put on two brief raids The accurate bombina of the RAF minefield defenses I ~i d to impede American league lor peace and de- last midnight to avert any incidents which broke through into our tie- the attack, but results were not on the Alameln defense positlons. planes the Amerlcans were help[a, by the outlaw Irish republican fenses. In one sector the Germans rather than halt him, there has WASHINGTON (AP) - Ameri­ Ic:tlTled Immediately, the daily One of the was d Ire c ted protect on forllYs behind the E1 mocrac~ , the German-American. . '11 hurled into aUack about 150 tanks. belln no word of it from any ca's sh:pyards delivered 68 new AJamein front drew high praiae bund, the Kytrhauserbund, Ameri- army m connection wlth WI iams' h( ndquartel's communique stated. against the Australians in the source. cargo vessels and large llInkers New Guinea agLin received :l northern sector and was repulsed. trom Brig. Gen. Auby Strickland, can youth congress, international hanging. Our troops de'endina this line dis- By every Indi cation the thrust labor defense, national federation Crowds DIspersed abled and destroyed by artillery during August, the maritime com­ major share or the allies' atten­ The second was ogainst positions commander of the American fight­ Crowds deriding their presence fire aboul 30 enemy tanks, to turn the British leU ilank where missiOn announced yesterday, giv­ tion, but ground fighting was con­ of West Yorkshire regiments ' in ers In Ihls area. He called it splen­ for constitutJonol Jibe'rties, and B ·ti II' d' d b "However, a group German it rests on the Qattara depression ing the total as 753,600 deadweight did; furtner, he thanked the BtIt­ others which even Mr. Biddle has as n sh a les were Isperse y 0' tinued to isolated Japanese rem­ the center. They lIave a little pronounced subversive. pOlice charging with nightsticks. t&nks succeeded in penetrating has been eontailled. Informed Lon­ tons. nants in the Milne bay area at the ground but it was subsequently ish fliers on behalf of the Amer­ Black flags, in token or both into . our lines. After stubborn don comment suggests tbat the nazi August production fe\) belOW extreme southeastern tip of the (Se EGYPTIAN, page 6) icans for Ihe way In which the ex­ "I am sure thai the ,reat ma- d fl·ghtm· g our troo"s I·n ·this sector desert warfare speCialist may have July when 71 ship.> totaHng 790,- big island guarding the northern perienced British were aidirll the jo It 1 I I h mourning an protest, were hoisted .. r y 0 Amer can IItOIl e w 0 on telegraph poles and houses in retreated to a new deft'nse line." been torced already to alter his 300 dcadwelght tOil S were de­ approaches to Australia itself. United States pilots learn the des­ plan of action and attempt the Japanese Prepare ert wa r!are. are, far more Inleresled In wID- the Carrick hi n nationalist dls-' Northwest of Stall'ngrad, the livered. At Kokoda, inl'llld point where , bin, the war than the November trict of Belfast. Russians reported the. red army risky business of crossing the sub­ West coasL yurds went buck a Japanese sp arhead has reached To Abandon Kinhwa The RAF Tuesday nillht raided eleetiobS do not al1'ee with Mr. I ' had withstood a constant poundl··ng sea~level nllrows of the depression into first' place tor the nation by Tobruk and, with the help of &..a I Be fast pollce charged that ter- in :In Qvcrl:md drive toward the BI dd Ie. Thill Js tJle on Iy _ue n· (See IRISH, page 5) and delivered a number of tlank- southward to gain freedom of delivering 31 ships. Atlantic coast big ollied 9ase of Port Moresby, CHUNGKING, China (AP)­ naval planes, blew up an enemy volved In the eontl'ovtJ'Sy." ing blows against the nazis. One mQvement for his tanks. yards, which led last month, de­ allJed lighters and attack bombers Indications that the Japanese W8e ammunition dump near the Qat­ The Biddle I'eport, deallng with Germani WI'II Adm'lt unit alone was said to have des- That is within the range ot pos­ livered 24 ships, and gulf 'coast made fow' \:lomblng und slraling pl'epnring to abandon Klnbwa, :tara depression, on which the a total of 4,597 complaints, said lroyed eight nazi tanks, 12 am- sibility. It is less than 20 miles yards turned out 'l2, Orie ore car­ raids oti Japane positions and old Chekiang capital and one of southern end of the front is that 1,121 were submitted by Dies. Defeat Soon-Miller munition trucks, and seven anti- from the northern to the southern rier was completed on the Great Hn s or ommunicalion. the last big bases held by the in­ tacked. Of the Dies complaints, the report tank guns, while annihilating a rim ,of the great salt marsh sink Lakes. The dll ity bulletin specifically vaders in thai eastern' seabord Advanced croUDd elemeab said that nfter eliminating dupli- NEW YORK (AP)- D 0 u g I a s company of German infantry. at the indicated point (}f the maio The California shipbuilding cor­ mentioned ' that there was no province. were reported in news met the thna.t of Nul Manba11 cations, persons no longer em- Miller, former U. S. commercial EDemy Tr~PDtd nazi attack. That narrow strip poration, Wilmington, Col ., de­ gl'Ound fighting here, where yes­ dispatches from the (ront yester­ Erwin Rommel" tanks on tile ployed by the !edeflJl government, altache in the Berlin embassy, pre- South of Krasnodar in the Cau- would be l1aIder and slower going livered 12 ships, the largwt single tCl'd cy biller combats were waged day as Chinese torces reached tbe loathem rtm of &lte boUlueck Civilian employes of the army and dieled yesterday the Germans casu~, the Russians said their for Rommel's mechanized forces, producer for the month, and com­ after the Japanese rein10rced their environs of the city. between the Qattara depreuloa, navy (who were to be inveJIlillated would soon admit an expected de- trooPs were annihilating a trapped however, than any ground they pleted its original contradfol' 55 units. The CeI'ltral News agency cor­ and the sea. The E1 Alamein by those agencies) Dnd others not teat. enemy group while west of that have yet crossed in Libya or liberty ships almost seven mon ths Th allied bombers also made a respondent at the front said van­ front on the north Wal. 011 &It. found to be within the scope ot the Miller, now rssistant to Elmer city the red army fought heavy Egypt. ahead of schedule. The comp3ny strong raId on the big Japanese guards or Chinese forces last Mon­ wbole, Quiet. The axis armor wu reported project, the FBI has completed 601 Davis, head of the office ot war defensive engagements "with the • • • is now working on onother con­ Gil' ba e at Lae, on the north coast day night saw the sky around the concentrated between E1 Hlme­ investigations, and has 69 invest!- infprmation told ' the overseas enerrly advanclng in the direction Accordln, to reporta from Len­ tract for 109 ships. of New Guinea. city tinged with red. gations stiIlln progress. ,press club: : of Novorossisk." More than 200 don, Brltllb defense dbposUleu Imat, a 600-toot sentinel hill near 601 Inve. t ..aUonl ''l'hree year ago the Germans Germans were reported kllled on have been made in eXJ»eC)tation the northltBlt tip 0' the depresalon, ~h e results of the 601 lnvesti- saill, 'We have won.' Two, years the rpad to Novorossisk. of tach an attempt. GeI'lb1U tank LAND IN U.S. 36 HOURS AFTER LEAVING AUSTRALIA and the ridle of E1 Ruwellat, a ga tl ~ns were s~bmltted to .the ~m- 8g0 they said, 'We wlll win.' This Eight pontoons loaded with and Iruck columna seeklOl to dozen miles northward. ploYlng agencies, with directions year they say, 'We must win.' Next Germans were sunk in a river near aiIII' aer_ III IOU '01... would The main battle zone lay in the th~t they I'eport baCk any action ~ear they will soy 'We cannot win.' Mozdok (probably the Terek), and be prime slow-motion tarrell lower around between these two taIIen . Suchr ports are still lack· And t4erearter they'll say 'We've "our troops beat off enemy at­ both for aIr bombera and loa .. elevations, with Rommel's pro­ ing lA 100 cases. Of the 501 others, lost just as we ,always ~xpected tacks," the communique said. So- ran,e '\IIlI. gress having tended to swina the two ,employes were d!smlsled,. "ad- to.":' (See RUSSIAN, page 6) • • • Hnes toward a northwetlt-south­ rninlstrallve action othor t/\an dis- ______An somewhere the main strength east direction, althouah the c!oW'Ie rnlssal" was taken jn one cue, and of British tank power is still with­ of the conflict remained unclear. In 4?8 it was . "decided that thel'& held from action. Closely cen­ Qattara De~on was · no basis for turth~ adminis- B~fish Join With Soviets in 'Outstanding sored Cairo advlces Indicate It is A successful German-Italian trative aclion." \ not only more powerful numer­ drive eaatward through the area tomplalnts from sources other ically than Rommel's available between the ridge and the peak tluln the Dies committee, total· Success' Raids on Nazi Industrial Centers panzer units but now heavily re­ would put Rommel past the lut IIIi ,3,4'9, were put thl'o ..h the armed with American-made land eastern tip of the Qattara depres­ BIIme prOcedul'e nnd bolltd down L~I?ON . (APh '1l" ' Mpr~ than . ,Saarbruecken Is on Ute French battleships, some of them manned sion, the Ift!at sub-sea-Ievel area to 34 · dfs ml's$als, discipllhary 8(- :l.OO RAF bombers spread fire and border below German-occupied by American tank crews. which hBl hampered his maneu­ tion aplnil \.2, Ilridll,t.71l'caltl In' ruin, in the ·Getfl'\.8n ' coal and iron Luxembourg and is the centel' of It seems obvious that the new vers tor months past, and place Whla; there was deemed to be no' c8nier of Sliarbruecken Tuesday British commander in EDpt, Gen­ h1m In a position to swlrll north­ baSi, for further action. rue hI in a heavy raid described an important coal and Iron district eral Alexander, Is hopin, tor a I ward 10 eut the COIUItal rallWIl)', "Results achieved," Biddie aaid, oMcially as "an ouiBtandlnl suc­ lupplylng the German mllJtary chance to turn the tables on his nip off the British forward poIi- "have been utterly diSproportion. ce&lI" whlle Rusalan airmen at­ macl1lne. toe. He has been noted t"'rouah his tions, and clear the way toward ate to resourees expendtd." tacked Ealt PrWlllIa and occupied The report' of the Russian raids military career as an ardent dlaci­ Alexandria and the Nile valley 80 In numerous Inltance., he a,ald, Poland in another example of de­ pIe of the stra teay of .attack, of at­ first came from the German high rnileJI away. the eomplalnts Were baled upon strucUve teamwork. tack even when the eqagement is The ax1a thrust iB declared not flimsy evidence, or even bad tJwtlr A'n air ministry communique command. A Berlin broadcast said essentially a defensive one as in yet to have reached alarmiI1l pro­ origin In "the jea!Ql,\IY or m.alice said only three bombers were l08t sevel'8l fires were started In War- this case with the Alexandria portions, however, and infOrmed. Of II tellow employe Who knowa In the Saarbrl,\ecken altack, · the 8IIW, for the most part In' private prize within. hearirll of enemy IUn military sources expressed belief that his identity u. an informant l4!Cond on lhat city and area since qu.rters. rumbles. the defense In depth, coupled with 7/J ' WIIi remuln undlscIOled." ,..It Friday night, 'nIe 10IIII WU Hours· later the RUlSlans an­ The chance for a shift from that increased allied strIkinl ~r. Mlny compl.alnla were baNd ~be lowetlt percentale lince the nounced that larle formatlona of defensive missim to one of of­ would be able to halt Rommel. lI\)On names appeariDj{ on the mlll- RAJ beaan Its mall raldl on Ger­ ted planes lett 114 Ures and caused fense must come If RoIIlmel is 0Dl, 3S·hours 'aild 10 mlnu&ea after lakin. off In tbelr FI,in, Fortreu, "Alexuder tile SWOOH," from A Brltiah communique locaUDc 5~ ," In, lists of subverlilve orlaniza- many. explO8loDl In Warsaw, where mill­ held pinned within the narrow Brlabane, Australia, U.S. Lieut. Gen. (;eor,e H. Brett, eollUllaJlder ., a1Ued air loreet tn abe _Ul­ the scene 01 action said that de­ '\ , tJons, wh,n the 11Dd!\lidual con- ' "If there's a bulldlna 'that's not tary and Industrial objectives were corridor ot dessert between the 1111 _I Pacific, and hIa party landed In San Franelsco. The nlaht ecUpaecl tile old AlIItralla-UnlW 8 ... spite wind-blOwn, tank-churnecl cerned actually I)ad no knowledie buminl I'll be surprised Indeed," hit. and the Qattara depression. It has recprd of 51 b!lurs .. mlnu&ea set b, the late SIr Charles Klnpford-SmUh. PlttuM abo"" ai LoWl'J' sand that befoaed the baW. area of tllat fact, he 8Il1d. one GanadJan mer aaid atter r~- All S 0 vie t planes returned always' had trap P0l81b..illtles 8~ field. Denver, Col .. are. lett to rllM, General Bren, Brl.-. Gen. Edwla 8. Perrin, Lteut. Col. L. B. Tuesday, the aWes were maIn­ I'ij[ operltivII, Biddle saia, turninJ from the raid. safely, the Rusalana added, his eastward drive wu stemmed XeUu, MaJ; Fr4nk B. Xer". p\)ol: Maj. Jobn F. DevOll, peraonal aIde to Bre": Lleuto M&rvID MeAdaIaa. ta1n1nJ "lnteDllve and aceurlta" hi", been workilli four hours "Iv.erythlnl ...med to 10 up in The Germans made sev,emlJtUlll two m~tha alo on the .El ·A1amem­ co-~t: Lleuto Harry Schreiber, navlaator, and Ser-,eanll Aubre, J. Fox aud H. III. Varmer. c.... _­ bomb attaclu on \be entm7 and ben. ' ...:. . . . __ . .(Central Prell Phopephoto) l. (See BIDDLE, pate II) lM,wt" ___ raJdl on £nIland dllflnc the dl1. "eas10D line. IUpportiq aWed -P'O\UId torctlr .- "

THE DAILY IOWAN, IOWA CITY, IOWA THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1942 PAGE TWO OFFICIAL DAILY BULLETIN Items In the UNIVERSITY CALENDAR are II:heduled In the 0111« ~~~S/1)lQi: ot the Summer Seaalon. W-9 Ea.1 Han. Items for tho GENERAl .,'1;" )'IOTICES are deposited with tho campus editor of The Dally low.~ ,~ or may be placed In tho bo>: Provided tor theIr depotit In the oUiceI III, , I The DaUy Iowan. GENERAL NOTICES musl be at The D~I lap without a costly major campaign. , ~ Iowan by 4:30 p.m. the day precedlMIL 11,,1 publlcatlor I notice• • J NOT be 8ccrpted by telephone. and must be TYPI!lD OR u:aIBL Con. equently mo t ey sherI) are trained on WfUTTEN and BIGNilD -by • Te!)lOnslble pe1'1l0n. the Manchurian-Russian border. By JOHN SELBY "THE RIDDLE OF THE STATE Vol. XXI, No. U05 Thulsda'y, Sept.ember 3, 194% ,------DEPARTMENT," by Robert Bendlner (Farr~r & Rinehart; Second Front Possibilities- $2). UNIVERSITY CALENDAR A certain chill will grip the Thursday, September 3 with previous college altendance ('I'(w following editorial ~s th (J f oU1'I"­ heart of the avcrage man when he 7:00 p. m.-Play night, Women's who al'e below Junior standini, i'l a series 01 livc w"itten by an "ann­ reads Robert Bendiner's "The Rid­ Gymhasium Macbride Auditorium . - Retreat From Chuhsien Probably chail' general" 01 the nniv61'sity student dle of the State Department,"-if 11:00 p. m.-"lIighlights of Iowa," Planned by Nipponese Warrion­ body on possiblc points for the starting he reads the book. And he should. movie of the University. Mac­ 8:00 p. m.-Open house for 01 a second b'ont ;nE!II·ope. The" gen­ This is a brief, rapid survey of bride Auditorium freshmen, Iowa Union WA HI GTO --- cigarettes and billfolds. comprising Ohio, Michigan and tions, transportat.ion and com­ Supervising arran,ements Is E. Kentucky. munication, government, manu­ F. Lenlhe, president of the Iowa The work is similar to that facturing, prehistoriC Indians, and City chamber of commerce. which Professor Peterson handled milltary history. With the induction of this group, tor the government In California Separate books are planned on the total of Johnson county men and Ne'/ada last spring. such topics as religion, education, entering the armed forces since culture and journalism. last April 1 is boosted to 571. Books already published are The local draft board announced "Iowa °1'hrough the Years" by Cy­ that 65 men left yesterday morn­ The "City 01 Brotherly Love" h81 Today IJEPAN TNENT'"STORE renus Cole, "Iowa: Pioneer Poun­ ing for an induction station and chORn Jerri PowelJ't abov~ as datlons" by George F. Parker, returned last night fot their reeu­ "MIM PhlJadelphia." And she's 3 local Organizations SEE OUR LARGE DISPLAY OF "Iowa: Land of Many MiUs" by J . lar 14-rl1lY furloughs. quite a nice cbolce, say we. Plan to M.. t A. Swisher, "Iowa: The Rivers 01 Mrs. Ruth Bass of Brooklyn, a 'Iorleous brunette with a svelte Namf!S of the 32 men who leave New Her Valley" by William J. Peter­ fllure, wlll represent the home· balllwick of those Dodrers as "Mrs. this mo:ning will be available for sen, and "Iowa: Public Land Dis­ Brooklyn" In a beauty' pareant at Palisades park In New Jersey in release today and will be pubUsbed Bundles for ... posal" by R. L. Lokken. which "Mrs. America" will be selected. 'Yhe pa&"eant wlll be held in tomorrow morning's })aily Among · .. Britain will meet at 10 a.m. The books have been sent to Sept. 10. A bride of three months, Mrs. Bass Is the wife of a soldier Iowan. In the basem*nt rooms 01 the Iowa Jewelry members of the State Historical now attend!n.. army officers' tralnln .. school at Fort Sill. Okla. State bank building. society and to public and college Iowa City People • • • libraries in the state. · f U· · .ty St d t d AI · Liberal Art Students Friendship circle ... For CoUeqe CoelUm_ N The Rev. and Mrs. R. H. Lint · .• of the King's Daulhters will me ormer mversl u en S an .umm Below Junior Stltus have a tea at 2:30 o'clock in the Here are the makings of many of St. LOUis are visiting at the home of MIl. N. B. Conkwrlght, smart costum I . ... metal, home ot Dr. and Mrs. E. T. 335 Beldon. plastic and crystal jewelry I..• 'Malicious' Talk Announce Recent Engagements, Marnages Will Meet Saturday In all colors. ,About English Girls Hubbard, 624 S. Grant. Zion lutheran ... Announcement has been made of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Castle of • • • · .. Ladies aid will meet at 2:30 Unfounded With N!ffistrailon material! still • Visiting in the home of Mr. and o'clock In the church parlors. .. oC (he marriages of nine alumni Rockford, Ill., to Pvt. Howard B. Mrs. Jack Kelly, 230 Magowan, ::~~Cr~!r:~~o~~d ~~.~~ ~~ $1 and former students of the Univer- Capwell, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. avaJlable to upperclassmen- in the colleges of commerce, education was Mrs. Kelly's brother, J. F. Wood n Spool Jew lty ap iLONDON (AP) - When it sity of Iowa. Capwel! of Iowa Falls. SWift of Omaha. F. Sueppel Appointed $1 comes to sin, the young women and Iiberalllrts, University of Iowa new suit shad ..... of Britain's uniformed services Sjostrom-Barnes The bride was graduated from ~tudents are preparing schedules • • • Auxiliary Fire Assistant Martha Mae Chappell, 331 S. Eisenberg $3 98 50 talk a more risque game than Mr. and Mrs: Ernest Sjostrom of ,the R(lcktord hospital school of tor registration. Johnson, and Helen Henslcigh, 426 Franris Sueppel, deputy city $5 Cherok~e _ hav~ annoul)ced the nursing. All stUdents in the coliege of Earrings • To • they play. a government invest!­ S.·Johnson, returned Monday from as essor and basketball coach at marriage of their daughtet, }fbr.- .; The bridegroom attended the liberal arts below junior standing lIating committee concluded last­ \ne Great Lakes where they spent St. Mary's yesterday was appoint­ EJ nberg Cos- $6 $11 night. riet, to Pvl. Dale Barnes. son . of University of Iowa and Iowa State will hold a special meeting in the the summer working on the tum Rings at To Mr. and Mrs. Ray 'Barnes' ot M.ar- ·college. He is a member of Phi auditorium of Macbride hall at ed assistant auxiliary fire clUef of Appointment to inquire into North American steamship. the Iowa City citizens' defense cus. The marriage took place Aug. ,Kappa ,Rsi fraternity. 8 o'clOCk Saturday morning. The STRUB'S-Fint Floor. what WJlS described as "ma­ ., corps. 7. , registration plan will be eXplained Jicious" talk about the girls of Auxiliary fire chief Is H. L. The bride attended Iowa State Garwood-Hoffman and advisers will be assia:ned to Hartzell S pen c e, SUI the ATS, W AAF and WRNS, the Hands. committee reported in a white Teachers college in Cedar Falls. . The marriage of Amy Garwood, help plan class study programs Graduate, Writes Book paper that it found "no justifi­ The bridegroom wa!1 gradUated' d,aughter ' of Mrs. H. G. Garwood Registration (or 'junlors and To Be Published Soon the home of his Methodist minIst­ cation for vague but sweeping from the University of Iowa and of Den,ver, Col., to Vernon C. Hoff- seniors in commerce, liberal. arts f ~ '::...__ _ charges of immorality which is now stationed at Ft. Sill, Okla. man of Walker, took place Wed- and education, all students in the er-father. New Sweaters have disturbed public opinion." nesdjlY. colleges of dentistry, engineering Hartzell ~nce, sur graduate, SpenC"c, who is a captain in the The general allegations of im­ Latlmer-~oeldner ' . Mrs. Hoffman attended Stephens and law, and the graduate college, native rowan, apd author 01 thc army, i~ executive editor of the moral behaviour always stemmed Gwendolyn Jean Latimer, daugh- college' in Columbia, Mo., and was wiU take place next Monday. best-selling "One Foot in Heaven," army's newspaper, "The Yank." YOU'LL LIVE INI from "one or two cases which in ter of· Mr. and Mrs. A. ·0 : Latimer 'graduat'ed from the Universi~y of Students in the graduate college has written a new book, "Get Thee published in New York for Ameri­ the ' course of gossip have been of Shenandoah. was married Mon- Washington. I dentistry, engineering and law B.ehjnd Me," which will be pub­ can soldiers overseas. multiplied many times over, and day to Albert F. Goeldner,' son of , The bridegroom was graduate.l will register in the offict:s of their lished foon. While Spence Willi at Iowa he the same a pplies to charges of Mrs, Kathryn Goeldner of Sig- ' from the college of law of the respective deans. Others will \The :Jew book is the story ot the was aWliated with . Phi Kappa drunkenness," the report said. ourney. ' • I.' University of Iowa. register in Iowa Union. lIuthor',s. childhood and his lLte in Psi. 98 "The illegitimate birthrate in Mrs. Goeldner - completed her Freshmen will register in con- $3. the services is lower than the il­ nurses training at the Universi ty Fatla.nd-Borg nection wlth freshman we~k acti- legitimate birthrate among the hospital this year, Aug. 23 was the dale of the vities, 'holding registration meet- comparable civilion popuJation," The bridegroom was graduated marriage of Kathryn Fatland, ings tomorrowo and continuing aDd up it stated. from the college of law at the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. O. S. with registration Saturday. Shop in "There is a certain bravado University of Iowa ~ nd has since Fatland of Colfax, to Corp. Jack in much talk that takes place be­ been associated with his brother, Borg, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. F h Md" Air-Conditioned tween young people . . : and Ralph, as an attorney. He will be Borg of Des Moines. res man e ICS, theories often are parded. in con­ stationed at Washington, b. C., The bride was graduated from versation which never are put where he has joined thp. air corps. the Uni~ersity of .Iowa, where she Comfort into practice." was affIliated WIth Alpha Delta Nurs'es to Start late In reaching a similar conclu­ Wlnter-DeLonK • Pi sorority and Mortar Board hon- I orary society. sion regarding drinking, the The marriage of Mary Lou Win­ Freshmen classes in the co11ege The bridegroom was graduated committee said that alcohol had ter of Fairbank to Robcrt James of medicine and the school of Componionable sweat­ become "a symbol of convivial­ DeLong of Waterloo took place from the universi ty here and is nursing will not start nexl week ers ... eosy to wear, ity" in every layer of society, Saturd ~ y in Fairbank. now stationed at Camp Wolters, with the opening of regular uni­ a pI aaure to wash! and that thus many girls were The bride was graduated from l'ex. versity courses, as formerly. Wear them through simply afraid to express a pref­ the University of Iowa. the year! Round and .. Freshmen in both divisions en­ V-neck styles in white erence for mere lemonade. Mr, DeLong was graduated from tered training last June, 'due to Iowa State college at Ames. and pastels, as well as SUI Alumni Association the 12-month wartime schedule, the many new woodsy Plans State Campaign whereby students complete their colors ... in the finest. Republican Officials Quinn-Hove work in less time. all-wool knits. Announcement has been made To Boost Membership Although no new students are of the marriage of Bernice QUinn being accepted, plans for further Meet This Evening of Iowa City, daughter of Mr. and The university alumni associa­ registration for those now enrolled Mrs. M. W. Quinn of Cedar Rapids, tion, hellded by President Bert B. will be announced by tbe dean of New Handbags' High ranking republican offi­ to Ensign John Hove, son Mr. and Bumquist of Ft. Dodge, is plan­ the college of mediCine and the cials frcm the first congressional Mrs. Nels M. Hove of Decorah. ning a campaign organization in •. 10.. the Co-Ed director of the school 01 nuraina: •. lor the BulliDal district will meet at 6:30 this The wedding took place Aug. 22. each .Iowa county and in large next Monday. . evening for a banquet and con­ Wonwa The bride was graduated from cities ot other states to boost in­ Another medical class will .tart •• lor the Career ference in the main dinning hall Williamsburg high schOOl and has creased membership, comes Feb. 22 and more betlinnine nurses Womaa of the Jefferson hotel, Herbert J. recently been employed in Iowa After organization this month Arkan­ will enroll next June. Hies, cha irman of the district, an­ City. the new groups will continue the 98 sustain nounced yesterday. The bridegroom ~ ttended the $2. membership campaign during Scientists estimate Prussian am­ work - Dinner invitations have been ex­ University of Iowa and is no\\, October and November. ber to be 40 million years old. hundredS tendert to Harrison Spangler of with tile United States Naval' Air ap sulierel's, Cedar Rapids, national party' com­ corps. epidemic, Smart daytlmen In mitteeman; Martha McClure of leather or fabric ... mlcro­ Mt. 'Plea ant, national committee­ Sander-Capwell a mls- varIously titted to woman, and Congressman Thomas Aug. 15 was the date of the mar­ REGULAR $1~ DOROTHY meet the needa 01 Day, E. Martin. riage of Mildred Sanders, daughter the day. All are friend. Completel)' PER KIN 5 II PST I CK in the beautifull,. Ii ned. mutual new plastic case . Black and colon. All • dee",na Air Condi,tioneci sizes. st,.les! they aJ1t _ , A Rcnl 'Eye·Openel·' for Economy Other Hcmdbatp ... / TWO ,FOR $1~ 8TaVB'S-Flnt Floor II Choose from 8. Lovely Shades .New Boudoir Lamps Petalskin Offer rood.on!, wMl Oa. Ul. $1.59 $1·~9 Slips

Smart new lamps with tubu· by Van RaaJte lar metal atandarda, sciDtil· lating crystal bases and at· lractive pleattd lIhadee ..• some have flotal plaatiGa eD' 25 caaed in bowl Mfect .1CIPd­ $2. arda . . . all are new. STRUB'8-Steoad ,,!!Or HREE .aving. in one . time, .. money, and tire.l Depend daily Pic t u res lor every room Like smooth Iclnl... lovely on Faat, Speedy CM.NDIC train.. Six1Ml1 tripa each day betw.. n . , rayon petalsllin slip, beaulilully Iowa City and Cedar Rapids. Dial 3263 . New .ubjects in .cenies, molded •.• gored. Sal and run­ lor achedul... flofall. fruits and character I • proof. Choose from whjte, petal .eenes . . . small. medium Hear CRANDIC NEWS each Wechleaday cmci sGturclay pink and black. Ideal for \be bUSY WtotT at 5130 p.m. \ ' aDd large; beautifully body . • • requires no ironing. A ~e9. 8M . thia large col· CEDAR RAPIDS AND (laction at $1 and up. creation by Van HaaIte! IOWA CITY RAILWAY \" 8TKUB'8-8ecoad Floor It'HE DAILY IOWAN, IOWA CITY, IOWA THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1942 as Brooklyn Big 10 Elevens Yanks Sweep Giants Give Cards Ted Williams' Bal Brooks Smash B~runo Ni~dliela ~~~ Begin Opening Drills 810 2Going Over THE D AILY IOWAN KeepsBoslonGoing •• • Signal-Dnils on flf1f For '42 Season . Qoubleheader Pummell St. Louis Bosox Drop Bengals, Cincinnati Club Team With ho*rner in the handling and tim­ Hurlers for 14 Hits; . Stretch Streak to 22 SPORTS, I f Tom Farmer, Stauss, during Tuesday's opening loot- Rally in Third Inning As Bosox Take Two drill, Coach Frank Leahy as­ FrolQ' Browns In 12 Frames Jim Yo ue l Round Out Backfield Coach Ed Mc­ ST. LOUIS (AP) - The New BOSTON (AP)-Ted Williams' 1st IlKeeller and Freshman Coach Bob String Backfield NEW YORK CAP) - The New York G:ants. who have no interest thumping bat kept the Boston Red C INC INN A T I (AP)-The Ir ~l1Vrll'r to bear dowrt on the Notre York Yankees provided two big in help'ng the Brooklyn Dodgers. TOP SEEDED' .. .. By Jack Sords Sox firmly on the victory path Brooklyn Dodgers had to go Dr. Erldie Anderson sent Iowa' • backfield in two practice yesterday as they swept a double­ through a 12-lnning wringer op­ yesterday. thrills lor a mid-week crowd of nevertheless put in an important 51-man squad through two lengtllt 26,872 yesterday while sweeping lick for 1heil' Cl"Osstown rivals yes­ header from Detroit. 3 to 2. and. erated by Bucky Waltet's to beat signal drills yesterday as the "The boys don't know their 4 to 2. stretching their month­ a doubleheader from the St. Louis terday by overpowering the St. the Cincinnati Reds yesterday, but Hawkeye squad entered the seC

ATTENTION MEN I ~-e:=~r1.sHE5 IN A HUD01J: PLENrf.' Burkley Holel is rentin'!; rooms WITH '10lJ(2 SIST"Ef2 .· SHe:rALL by the month fo r men. Pl"ices ()O"yIIN ON serra $20, $25. $30 per. month. Mot 1J.I5" BEACI-l! an~ cold waler in 'each room, SPILL 1J.IE also maid serv ice. BIZ. •.• :!

very desirable single or double rooms-couplc or men- 1132 .

Conserve what you have . . . . Sell'whQt you d~m't · need . . . . Buy carefully and cautiously. ROOM AND BOARD OLD HOME TOWN

,HEM "TWO NAZIS S"lO 1'HC~ BOSS, LUOWIG, 15 " HUSI<:'t';TOI..IGf{ HOM13~E, AND H.>S " S10CK OF MEAN HA~l:1W"~'E.- ·· HAND-BOMBS, T~lt.-GI'\S TO BUY AND SELL POISON ~LOW- O,,~S AND" ~y - l>LUMBlNO AHP GUN! .... HE'S JUST MAUE 10 OR,PER FOR ME, CHIl:.!", - _. ~UT I WANT '10 12.,' Larew ' Co. I . / MEET HIM ON 'EVEN TERMS.· .. !"hOi'll! Dfl81. WllH PROFIT USE 50 I"t..L ONLY USE: ONE: ~~~.,'"'"...... v I I ~. I "R~! I COMMERCE COLLEOE in all commercial "COUrses shortest possible 'tIme 'con­ "~AIZ:' ~-'PO~~ . with thoroughness. ~VE 1iPOI00l;-S -n:I l-EAIVI School Night School "Above 'P enney Slore" NOT "'Tt:l BE l4ool«EP ElY Dial 4682 L,-'\ND 5~~IV I~ J'<:t URI t>IiA S ~ "'t>Ii,,~ 1'.10.-....",· iOMOR'ROW- s:*tr.-.- •• ••., ~ -...,...... THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 19~2 THE DAILY IOWAN, lOWA CITY, IOWA PAGE SIX - Freshman .Week Activities Will Begin at the University Tonight

. lights -of Iowa," a film of the uni­ versity, produced. by the visual MAKING IT EASIER FOR HITCHHIKING FIGHTERS Will (ontinue instruction -6ureau of extension Genial Jim Is Willing 10 Forget Johnson County usa division. • • • Tomorrow momlne at 10 o'­ clock lreshnaen will be required 24.Month Feud With 'The Chief' $6,000 Ouota Topped Until Opening to attend th6 all unlvcnity rrelh­ man assembly In the auditorhun More Funds to Come 01 Macbride ball, and In the a'­ From Rural Districts ternoon will ,0 to rerlltratlon n.v DON WHITEHEAD Of Semester meellnl'S 'or be,lnnen In liberal NEW YORK (Wide World) - leader, "that loyalty Is still a Before Close of Driv. art., en,lneerln.. and pharmacy. The potent democratic political virtue even in politics and the Small mixed croups will bold team of Roosevelt and Farley spLIt given word mans li omething." The $6,000 quota for the Johnson Playnight to Be Held rreshman mixers In the evenlnr. up two years ago, but friends of The del e, ate s who had county USO campaJgn has been At Women's Gym • • • genial Jim say he is ready to pledred their support to Ben­ tOPl'ed according to anannounce­ Saturday, regiJ;tration for lib­ fcratch those 24 months off lhe nett held fa.t even under strong ment made y 5t rday by General Followed by Movie eral arts freshmen will continue record and resume the old partner- pressure from Washlu.to In an in Schaeffer hall, and an open sh ip. amazlnr display of loyalty to Chairman Dwight Edwards that Freshman week activities will house will be 'held s. t Iowa ~nion That'5 the news kicking Ground Jim Farley, to whom they had $6,012 has been collected to dale. begin at the university tonight in the evening. Freshmsn men will the inner political circles here- given their word. Rural al' as of the county were meet in Macbride auditorium to lOI bouts. F riend~ of both Roos velt and reported to have contributed $2,- with a playnight at the women's go over material on the enlisted Intimates of Farley hope that E'arley from the politi€al sce ne 543 of the total , and the balance, gymnasium and a movie, "High­ reserve corps In the afternoon. some champion or diplomacy vote was labeled a F'arley-over­ $3,469 was subscri bed by Iowa lights of Iowa," to be shown in Setting aside next Sunday as brinrs the two party leaders 10- Roosevelt victory, making it even City and unive rsi ty people. MaCbride auditorium. church day, university fncu lty and rether berore their estranrement more difficult to smooth the way "The campaign can expect l0III6 Activities will continue un1il the student religious groups will spon­ creales what some observers be- to harmony. Farley didn't like it additional funds [rom two rural opening of classes next Tuesday, sor a program of speeches and con­ lIeve ml'ht develop Into a ser- because he didn't want their dif­ areas," Edwards commented. "We with beginning students attending ferences. Leaders of religious ious cleavage within the ranks of ferences emphasized. were aSb ur d of reaching our social events, reiistration meet­ groups and clubs will be intro­ the national democratlc party. Roosevelt could have removed quota arly in July, but the cam­ ings, chu'rch day programs on Sun­ duced to the new students. So far as is known, no peace Farley from the political csene paign was continued to give th. day, group organization meetings, • • • moves have been made on either months ago and avoided the pre­ rural areas an opportunity to COllI­ and taking qualifying placement QuallfylD&' and piaeement ex­ side and the two are no nearer sent situation by giving his tormer plete thei r work." exarnin·ations. aminations wUl occupy the time an understanding than they were postmaster general a place In the "The $6 ,0]2 r!!ported now i Playnight games will be held of freshmen In liberal arll, en­ in the late summer of 1940 war effort. It was known genera lly cash and not pledges and is the net on the sporlsfield sou th of Iowa ..Ineerlnr and p,harmaey at 8 when they disagreed over that Farley offered his services . nmount to tUI'll over to the usa,' Union from 7 to 9 o'clock tonight, the president's third term cam- Farley's friends say he 8tUl he continued. "Total brganizati«l a. m. Monday, berlnlnn.. anln expense including phone calls, re­ with Prof. Miriam Taylor of the at 1 p. m. tile same day. Arter a paign. Is ready to accept a war job women's physical education de­ Create Party Harmony under his old commander In cepit books and advertiSing ex. day of serious ~etlvlty , students penses wer paid for by the work. partment in charge. Games will will attend croup orranisatlon Any rapprochement wouldn't be chief If that job Is not or· se­ I IlI'S themsel ves." include volleyball, cageba))~ soft­ meetlnrs and mixers at nJrht, easy since so much water has run condary Importance. through the mill- but those who Meantime, someone can step W. W. Summerwill headed Iht ball, archery and aerial- darts. ' wbere they will be erouped ae­ Realldnr that It is sometimes hard lor furlourh-bound servicemen to ge: rIdes ~oward borne, city city solicitations assisted by Mn. know F~rley well sa y the breach right into the democratic party's • • • cordlnr to residence. officials or New London, Conn., hit upon the idea of pickup staUons alonr principal highways. Pic­ M. E. Taylor, C. A. Bowman and On the south union campul', • • • tured above at one of the stations on the famous Boston Post road, U. S. route 1. are, left to rlrM, can be closed with a spirit 01 hall of fame by bringing Pranklin give and take on both sides, thus Roosevelt and Jim Farley bock Waldo Geiger. Prof. Dewey Stuit carnes and mixers will be orcan­ Purposes of freshman week are Pvt. William E. Hosmer, BeJlows Falls, Vt.; SeamanAshton R. Funke, St. Petersburg, Fla.: Pfc Howard of the psychology department su­ lied durlnr the same hours In to aid the new student in adjust­ Shepard, Mt. Ollvet, Ky.; Seaman William Siorek, Chicago; Rahlh MacVay, Lawrcnce, Mass., and prc. creating party harmony before into the same harness. 1944 and removing a fly in the pervised the uni versity collections connection with playnlrht. In ing to his environment, acquaint Salvatore DeLucca, Lawrence, MJl-ss. with J . E. Kelley as his aide. Prol. case or rain, the events will be him with the recrer.tional facili­ ointment of notional unity. Issue Marriage License Roscoe Woods of the mathematics held In the women's fYmnaslum. ties, courses and extra-curricular Therf. Is no doubt that Farley the New Zealanders, in spite of himself feels keenly the dlffer- A marriage license has been is­ department serv d as treaslll'tr • • • activities of the university and August Boom Present and W. T. lIo(!eboeck was publicity Leaders in charge of playnight help guide him through the regis­ having "a very successful time," ences with "the chief" although sued to Eugene Vincent of Aurora, failed to bring in prisoners. 5 U.S. Steel Plants In Fishing Licenses head. activities are: Mary Redenbaugh tration period. he bas no apologies for the posl_ Ill., and Gladys Sell of Wausau, Uon he bas taken. Wis., R. Neilso n Miller, cl rk of and Martha Donnelly, volleyball; Through this plan, freshmen do Yesterday-Sept. I-the enemy continued their northeasterly pres­ An August boom in the issuing · h h' r' d h' district court, announced yeller- Mrs. Claude Lapp and Helen Cook, not have to solve their own reg­ Accept WLB Order RIg t now, IS ['len s say, I S Spring Is the most critical time sure in the sector, using the entire archery; Lois Comache and Cleo istration problems ill company of resident fishing licenses in one tht'ught is the election of day. for bee keepers, for then the bees Africa corps. Fighting went on all Smith, softball; Joy ~e Brown, with upperclassmen, but are as­ By The Associated Press Johnson county was reported yes- John J. Bennett Jr., as governor The wild plum is the leading are weak in numbers and vitality day 'and at 5:30 p.m. the enemy Mildred Anderson and Connie sisted by individual advisers in of New York, and that, contrary native tree fruit of Canada. and their food supply is low. looked like they were attacking Five subsidiaries of the U. S. terday by Recorder Richard J. Sasfris, games and mixers. planning

wllh ),fINER'S YETTER'S~~~§§~~~~§~~§~~~ LIQUID MAKE·UP and love yourlell with ! hollery headocb... JUit Imooth It 01\ • _ , Flowers , loou lIie QOIIOIUr I IIlk hOM. No runa I No Iwilled ..amll 'Staya on lor boup' . Glvel Itocklnqle .. IeQa ,"I... ty ot~ liven... and ey. .. c:atcbln~ ;Io.ollr. ND Will IlOl rub 011 Of ' it [S dangerous to let them use Yet lurvey. how that nine out of • lreakl IIA their eyes in dim or glaring light . ten house afe improperly lighted Mayb ~ it's never occurred to you that for aa le seei ng. And it'll 80 un· MINER;,' Sterling there 'Can be anything wrong with neee sry! Good li ght - and plenty rna ,..(IrWM MMI-Uf Silver sev f your lighfing. You're used to it and of it - can, be had for a few cent. bit . .FOI n. Leg, of don't notice glare and sbadow. ' a night. " J Special HOliery KUl Shades he 2 Slle~5c and He lIsl hlg 25c ge lOW PRICED SIGHT·PROTECTING ITEMSI co Pledged or Each Link Foc Stop In II rour deal.r. or Ollr ollce and .ee Ihe thE! wonderlul new t. E. S•• I,ht· Ivln. wmpl. and the Link your frienda together in a fine aterling silver bracelet! .They Say Congratulations KOTEX \ Ihe dever n.w "adapter," Ihlt t hAnae old·• •• h· Value Box Start with one link, with your own name or initialt, at· loned alare .aken lato buatl'ul. IIloliem tllhl. 11 MPada tached to a ribbon. Then your frienda and beaux will add As Nothing Else Can .avln. btUret. \'011'1 be lIell.hl,1I with .1.. ees' to the bracelet with links bearing th~ir nam.. or initials. . ,. tow price .. kee $1.00 When you have enough links biing it in and let us jam hKO the links with aterlintj connections at llo co.t to you. Then \he - Dial 3171 ler. lor 35c we will provide you with a aterling clasp. The ril> r'Electricity i .. C.fEI\P in Iowa Cif'y" bon, and the engraving are at.olutely Start your dur free. bOil own, and exchaneJe With your friends. With a large circle nel ollrienda yo,", will need several bracelets. Flower liol IOWA·ILLINOIS GAS &ELECTRI( (0., 1 Aldous Shop · 211 East WaabiD9toD Str ..t Acron from Hotel JeUersoD BUY WAR BONDS AND STAMPS I

Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1942-09-03 (2024)
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Author: Van Hayes

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Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.