Basics - jluna documentation (2024)

Initializing the Julia State#

Before any Julia or jluna functionality can be accessed, we need to initialize the Julia state using [jluna::initialize()]. This sets up the Julia environment and initializes many global jluna variables.

A basic main.cpp will have the following structure:

// main.cpp#include <jluna.hpp>using namespace jluna;int main(){ initialize();  // our application here  return 0;}
[JULIA][LOG] initialization successful (1 thread(s)).

C++ Hint: using namespace jluna makes it, such that, in the scope the statement was declared, we do not have to prefix jluna functions or objects with their namespace jluna::. This is why we can write initialize(), instead of jluna::initialize().

Where #include <jluna.hpp> automatically includes all headers intended for end-users, including julia.h.

Note that the C-APIs jl_atexit_hook should never be called. At the end of runtime, jluna safely frees the Julia state automatically.

While a no-argument initialize will usually work, on some systems, this function may fail with a message. This is usuallycaused by the systems directory structure and can be addressed using two of the four optional arguments of initialize. Seethe section on troubleshooting for more information.

Executing Julia Code#

Executing a Single Line of Code#

Similarly to using the REPL, we can execute an arbitrary string as code using safe_eval:

Main.safe_eval("println(\"hello jluna\")");
hello jluna

Where Main is a pre-defined jluna object representing the Julia-side Main module.

Julia Hint: Main is the default module that serves as the global scope of the Julia state. No module contains Main.

This function is called safe_eval, because it forwards any exceptions, that may have occurred during parsing or execution of the string, to the C++ state as a jluna::JuliaException:

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'jluna::JuliaException' what(): [JULIA][EXCEPTION] DomainError with -1.0:sqrt will only return a complex result if called with a complex argument. Try sqrt(Complex(x)).Stacktrace: [1] throw_complex_domainerror(f::Symbol, x::Float64) @ Base.Math ./math.jl:33 [2] sqrt @ ./math.jl:567 [inlined] [3] sqrt(x::Int64) @ Base.Math ./math.jl:1221 [4] top-level scope @ none:1 [5] eval @ ./boot.jl:373 [inlined] [6] eval(m::Module, x::Expr) @ Base ./Base.jl:68 [7] safe_call(::Function, ::Module, ::Vararg{Any}) @ Main.jluna ./none:18signal (6): Abortedin expression starting at none:0gsignal at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (unknown line)abort at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (unknown line)unknown function (ip: 0x7f39c3dbaa30)unknown function (ip: 0x7f39c3dc65db)_ZSt9terminatev at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (unknown line)__cxa_throw at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (unknown line)safe_call<_jl_module_t*, _jl_value_t*> at /home/clem/Workspace/jluna/.src/safe_utilities.inl:41safe_eval at /home/clem/Workspace/jluna/.src/safe_utilties.cpp:103main at /home/clem/Workspace/jluna/.benchmark/main.cpp:21__libc_start_main at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (unknown line)_start at /home/clem/Workspace/jluna/cmake-build-debug/jluna_benchmark (unknown line)Allocations: 1612085 (Pool: 1611171; Big: 914); GC: 2Process finished with exit code 134 (interrupted by signal 6: SIGABRT)

Along with the exception, we also get a full Julia- and C++-side stacktrace.

C++ Hint: In C++, an exception can be caught using a try-catch block. An error, on the other hand, cannot be caught. It will always terminate the application.

Executing a File#

We can execute an entire Julia file using safe_eval_file. This function calls the Julia-side function Main.include, using the path we provided:


Executing Multiple Lines of Code#

If we want to execute more than just a single line of code, or, if we want any special characters to be escaped automatically, C++s raw string literal conveniently accomplishes both:

Main.safe_eval_file(R"( println("first line"); println("second line");)");
first linesecond line

C++ Hint: Any characters in the text in-between the R"( )" are automatically escaped (if necessary). Without R"()", we would have to write the above as "println(\"first line\");\nprintln(\"second line\")";.

Getting the Result of Julia Code#

Often, we want to access whatever result a piece of code returns. To do this using jluna, we capture the C++-side return value of safe_eval (or safe_eval_file):

Int64 result = Main.safe_eval("return 1234");std::cout << result << std::endl;

C++ Hint: std::cout << x << std::endl is C++s version to Julia’s println(x).

Where Int64 is a type alias of long int. Most of the C++ primitive types have been aliased in jluna, such that their name corresponds to their Julia-side equivalent. Float64 instead of double, UInt32 instead of unsigned int, etc.

While the general case will be explained later, for now, be aware that we have to manually specify the type of the C++-side variable that captures the result, rather than using auto. In the example above, we used Int64.

C++ Hint: auto is a keyword that asks the compiler to automatically deduce the type of variable at compile time.

If the result of a Julia-side expression is of a different type than the declared C++-side variable, jluna will try to convert the result, such that its type matches the declared C++-side type:

UInt64 result = Main.safe_eval("return Char(14)");std::cout << result << std::endl;

Here, a Julia-side Base.Char was implicitly converted to a C++-side UInt64.

In general, if the Julia-side value can be Base.converted to the declared C++-side type, jluna will do so implicitly.

Executing Julia Code in Module Scope#

So far, we have used Main.safe_eval, which evaluates its argument in Main scope. Sometimes, this may not be desired. Consider the following example:

// declare moduleMain.safe_eval(R"( module MyModule var = 1234 end)");// assign `var`Main.safe_eval("var = 9999;");// print `MyModule.var`s valueMain.safe_eval("println(MyModule.var)");

What happened here? In the statement var = 9999, instead of assigning the variable MyModule.var, we actually created a new variable Main.var and assigned it, instead. This is because the line var = 9999 was executed in Main scope, that is, the function Main.eval was used Julia-side to evaluate the expression.

Julia Hint: Every module has their own eval function, which evaluates an expression in that modules scope.

To avoid this, we can instead do:

// access `MyModule` as jluna::ModuleModule my_module = Main.safe_eval("return MyModule");// use my_modules safe_eval, instead of Mainsmy_module.safe_eval("var = 777");// print `MyModule.var`s valueMain.safe_eval("println(MyModule.var)");

Where we have explicitly declared the C++-side variable my_module to be of type jluna::Module, because the member function .safe_eval is only available to variables of that type.

Calling Julia Functions#

While executing code using safe_eval is convenient, it has a significant performance impact. This is, because Julia needs to first Meta.parse the string we hand it, then evaluate the resulting expression.

Julia Hint: Meta.parse takes a string and treats it as a line of code. It returns an object of type Expr, which can then be evaled and compiled. To learn more about expressions, see the official manual page on metaprogramming.

Instead, users are encouraged to execute any given piece of Julia code by using a function. We are able to access a function (once) by using save_eval("return function_name"), then use that function over and over:

/// declare functionMain.safe_eval("f(x) = x^x");// bind function to C++-side variableauto f = Main.safe_eval("return f");// call functionInt64 result = f(12);// print resultstd::cout << result << std::endl;

Where we now used auto as fs type. We will learn why this is necessary in the section on proxies.

Calling functions using () is safe, meaning any exception is forwarded to C++, just like with safe_eval:

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'jluna::JuliaException' what(): [JULIA][EXCEPTION] DomainError with -2:Cannot raise an integer x to a negative power -2.Make x or -2 a float by adding a zero decimal (e.g., 2.0^-2 or 2^-2.0 instead of 2^-2), or write 1/x^2, float(x)^-2, x^float(-2) or (x//1)^-2Stacktrace: (...)

In jluna, Julia-side functions can be used with both Julia-side and C++-side arguments. They can even be freely mixed:

auto println = Main.safe_eval("return println");println( "cpp side string", // cpp side "\n", // cpp side Main.safe_eval("return Main"), // julia side "\n", // cpp side Main.safe_eval("return [1, 2, 3]") // julia side);
cpp side stringMain[1, 2, 3]

Where "cpp side string" is a string on the C++-side, while Main and [1, 2, 3] are entirely allocated Julia-side.

Accessing Named Variables in a Module#

The above example illustrates how using safe_eval("return x") can be quite clumsy syntactically. To address this, jluna offers the much more elegant operator[](std::string).

C++ Hint: operator[](std::string) is a function that is called by using x["<string here>"], where x is of a type that supports the operator.

Rewriting the above, we get:

auto println = Main["println"];println( "cpp side string",  "\n",  Main["Main"],  "\n",  Main.safe_eval("return [1, 2, 3]"));

Note how we could not replace Main.safe_eval("return [1, 2, 3]") with Main["[1, 2, 3]"]. This is because the latter is invalid. We can only access named Julia-side variables using operator[](std::string). There is no variable named [1, 2, 3] in Main scope, therefore operator[] would fail and raise an exception.

In summary:

  • Module.safe_eval executes a string. We can use return to return the value of that expression

  • Module["name"] accesses an already existing named variable, returning its value

Accessing Julia Struct Fields#

We learned how to get the value of a named variable in a module, by using jluna::Module::operator[](std::string). This is convenient, however, modules are not the only jluna type that supports operator[].

Let’s say we have the following structtype:

Julia Hint: A structtype is any type declared using struct or mutable struct.

// declare struct and instanceMain.safe_eval(R"( mutable struct MyStruct _field::Int64 end  jl_instance = MyStruct(9876);)");// access instance C++-sideauto cpp_instance = Main["jl_instance"];

Here, we defined a new structtype MyStruct, which has a single field _field. We then created a Julia-side variable, jl_instance, to which we bound a newly constructed MyStruct.To access the Julia-side jl_instance, we used Main["jl_instance"]. We are allowed to use operator[] because jl_instance is a proper named variable.

We can then access the Julia-side field of cpp_instance like so:

// access field named `_field`Int64 field_value = cpp_instance["_field"];// print its valuestd::cout << field_value << std::endl;

Note, again, how we manually declared the type of the C++-side variable field_value to be Int64. We did not use auto.

Mutating Julia-side Variables#

We can use operator[] to access Julia-side variables in a module or fields of a structtype. However, we can actually also mutate the variable itself:

Hint: To mutate a variable means to change its value without changing its name.

// declare struct and instanceMain.safe_eval(R"( mutable struct MyStruct _field::Int64 end  jl_instance = MyStruct(9876);)");// mutate fieldMain["jl_instance"]["_field"] = 666;// print value after mutationMain.safe_eval("println(jl_instance._field)");

Let’s go through this step-by-step.

We still have our jl_instance from the last section. We can access it using Main::operator[]:

auto instance = Main["jl_instance"];

Note the use of auto. We then access the instances field:

auto instance_field = instance["_field"];

Because we used auto, instance_field does not refer to the value of jl_instance._field but to the variable. We can get the value of the variable by using static_cast:

std::cout << static_cast<Int64>(instance_field) << std::endl;

C++ Hint: C++ has multiple ways of changing a values type. static_cast<T> works by calling the conversion operator operator T() of a given type and returning its result. The following are exactly equivalent:

auto value = static_cast<Int64>(instance_field);
auto value = instance_field.operator Int64();
Int64 value = instance_field;

Where the latter is preferred for stylistic reasons.

In the last example, static_cast (and thus the conversion operator) was implicitly called. This means we have already been using static_cast in the previous sections.

See the C++ manual for more information.

The C++-variable instance_field directly refers to the Julia-side variable Main.jl_instance._field (recall that MyStruct is mutable). Because of this, if we mutate the C++-side variable, we will also mutate the corresponding Julia-side variable:

// access Main.instanceauto instance = Main["jl_instance"];// access Main.instance._fieldauto instance_field = instance["_field"];// mutate Main.instance._fieldinstance_field = 1234;// print value after mutationMain.safe_eval("println(jl_instance._field)");

Or, in just one line:

Main["jl_instance"]["_field"] = 1234;

Which is highly convenient.

Mutating Variables using operator[](size_t)#

Accessing and assigning the result of operator[] works for variables in Modules, fields of structs and even elements of collections. Instead of operator[](std::string), we will be using operator[](size_t) for this:

// declare Julia-side vectorMain.safe_eval("vec_var = [1, 2, 3, 4]");// mutate vector[1]Main["vec_var"][0] = 9999;// print valueMain.safe_eval("println(vec_var)");
[9999, 2, 3, 4]

Where the Julia-side vec_var is a Base.Array.

Hint: In C++, indices are 0-based. In Julia, they are 1-based. This can be quite confusing, considering we are operating in both languages at the same time. For now, using operator[] on a C++-side object requires indices to be 0-based.

See the section on arrays for more information.

Basics - jluna documentation (2024)
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