ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (2024)

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (1)

Site Name Address Town Project Status DEC Staff Person Closure Date

770001 Dump Road Barton E P A Nfrap, Deferred To Solid Waste Program Unassigned 2/2/1999 0:00 8/1/1997 0:00

770002 * Bennington Landfill Houghton Lane Bennington MED John Schmeltzer 9/1/1980 0:00

770007 Burgess Road Bennington HIGH Gerold Noyes

770014 * Darling Hill Dump Lyndon LOW Gerold Noyes

770013 * Parker Landfill Lily Pond Road Lyndon MED John Schmeltzer

770042 * Pine Street Barge Canal King Street Burlington HIGH Michael Smith 1/1/1981 0:00

770023 * Springfield Landfill Will Dean Road Springfield LOW Operation and Maintenance in progress. Brian Woods

770008 West Road Bennington LOW Michael Smith

Site Number


Discovery Date


01/10: Awaiting results from EPA groundwater and surface water sampling that took place in Fall 2009. Consent decree signed, institutional controls established, ROD signed, multi-barrier landfill cap completed..

* Burgess Brothers Landfill

11/99: Cap construction completed. GW monitoring. SVE system operating, evaluate further remedial options

Darling Hill Road

Epa No Action. Federal ground and surface water monitoring completed. Site to continue under state supervision.

1/1/1900 12:00:00 AM

1/1/1900 12:00:00 AM

03/08: Landfill cap construction completed. Groudwater remedial action completed. Institutional controls for landfill recorded in town records. Majority of institutional controls in place to prevent use of groundwater. All properties within groundwater institutional control are hooked up to public water. O&M of landfill cap and groundwater remedial measures are ongoing.

1/1/1900 12:00:00 AM

1/1/1900 12:00:00 AM

ROD has been finalized. Consent Decree signed 9/30/99. Remedial design commences fall 99. Cleanup will commence in spring 2001.

1/1/1900 12:00:00 AM

1/1/1900 12:00:00 AM

* Tansitor Electronics Incorp

Rod Complete, Institutional controls developed and attached to deed. Site delisted, is no longer a superfund site. The site is now a state site

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770070 *BFI/Rockingham Route 5 Rockingham MED Brian Woods

770186 *Elizabeth Mine Old Mine Road Strafford HIGH John Schmeltzer

770066 *Pownal Tannery Route 346 Pownal LOW Brian Woods

This unlined municipal landfill also received liquid industrial wastes from 1968-1979, resulting in contamination of several nearby residental supply wells. In 1994 a multi-layer low permeability cap was constructed over the entire landfill and a downgradient groundwater interception trench was installed. Groundwater, surface water and seep sampling is performed semi-annually. Remedial measures appear to be effectively controlling migration of contaminants.

03/08: NPL Site, EPA lead. EPA finalized in September 2002 plan for Non-time Critical Removal Action (NTCRA), which plans to remediate the three tailings piles. This NTCRA has been phased. NTCRA activities are ongoing. EPA signed a Record of Decision (ROD) for the mine features other than the tailing piles (e.g., South Mine, South Cut, Copperas Factory). proposed plan based on the EE/CA went out for public comment. Design and construction for copperas factory remediation planned for 2007.

1/1/1900 12:00:00 AM

1/1/1900 12:00:00 AM

EPA remedial action (excavation/stabilization of lagoon sludge, construction of on-site landfill) completed in '04. State is performing O&M activities at lagoon area, Dean Road landfill and the former mill building areas,

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20043223 102 Archibald St 102 Archibald St Burlington MED Michael Smith 6/30/2004 0:00

20083771 106 McKinley St. 106 McKinley St. Bennington LOW Ashley Desmond 12/4/2007 0:00

Proposed low income housing on former commercial/al property. Phase II shows soil contamination. Investigation needed. -Soils are contaminated primarily with pah's. Some metals are there including lead but the soure is unknown. -The primary risk would be from exposur to contamianted soil. There is very littl risk as the site is unattractive, visible, and hard to get into. It is unlikely that any children would want to use the site to play. -2005: KAS proposed Cap that involved capping contamianted soios with building, pavement, and clean fill. A small amount of contaminated soils would be removed and disposed of properly in order to allow developers to maintain grade. -June 2005: Approved CAP. -Waiting for development of propety to implement cap. -April 06: learned that development plans have been canceled. Sent letter to property owner asking for new plan to remediate site.

Contamination identified in relation to a UST. UST has been removed. Initial site investigation conducted in this area to further define the subsurface contamination. Groundwater contamination found in excess of the Vermont Groundwater Enforcement Standards. Supplemental site investigation is planned to determine the limits of contamination and to determine what the options are for remediation.

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20063495 12 Giorgetti Blvd 12 Giorgetti Blvd Rutland City SMAC Ashley Desmond 2/2/2006 0:00 6/12/2007 0:00

972131 12 Lake Street 12 Lake St Swanton SMAC Matt Moran 1/1/1997 0:00 1/22/2001 0:00

20012935 120 Benmont Ave Bennington SMAC Gerold Noyes ### 6/13/2006 0:00

941711 13 Portland St 13 Portland St St Johnsbury SMAC Groundwater free of contaminants. Lynda Provencher 6/22/1999 0:00

20012892 131 Battery St 131 Battery St Burlington MED 6/25/2001 0:00

20083807 134 Archibald St. 134 Archibald St Burlington LOW 8/29/2008 0:00

951930 134 Post St 134 Post St Rutland City LOW Tim Cropley

20083882 14 Browns Court 14 Browns Court Burlington LOW 7/30/2008 0:00

Release detected during the removal of a heating oil UST. WES conducted an initial site investigation to further define the degree and extent of contamination. No dissolved contamination detected in source area. Soil borings surrounding this area had no detectable levels of contamination. This property is served by the municipal water system. No petroleum vapors detected in the basem*nt using a PID.

200 gallon fuel oil release from improper disconnection of furnace from AST. 28 tons of PCS asphalt batched at MTS. No GW contamination from 4 MWs. No remaining indoor air impacts. SMAC designation 1/01. Well closure report received 10/29/01.

120 Benmont Ave

AST failure. Soil removed. 1/02 2 of 6 MWs above VGES. 4/02 all MWs below VGES. Vapor screening of MW and SVE system headspace required. 1/03 max PID 10.1 ppm in SVE well, 5/06 ND vapor. SMAC

Soil samples taken. MW's installed. cleanup needed. Notice to Land Record 3/13/08. Workplan pending.

Hugo Martinez Cazon

Arsenic, Lead and Manganese is some soils above the EPA RSL guidance. PAHs above RSLs. Soil vapor below OSWER Table 2 guidance. Awaiting CAP document.

Hugo Martinez Cazon

Soil removal performed. Residual subsurface contamination remains.

Section 1926 UST closure in place and investigation.

Hugo Martinez Cazon

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (5)

941733 140 - 140a Riverside Ave Burlington LOW Matt Moran 12/1/1994 0:00

941631 150 Shelburne Rd Burlington MED Ashley Desmond 6/1/1994 0:00

20033098 Burlington LOW

20043311 151-161 St Paul Burlington SMAC ### 5/4/2009 0:00

140 - 140a Riverside Ave

Contamination from floor drains of autobody repair. Sludge from foundation and floor drains disposed as hazardous waste. 70 yds of PCS treated and thin spread onsite. Lead, PCE, benzene below VGES. Awaiting additional info

150 Shelburne Rd

Property has long history as a gas/service station dating back to the early 1900's. Several UST configurations have existed through the years. Last gas station exploded in 1972- property turned into residential use following this event. Phase II at the site found extensive petroleum contamination at the site. Owner finally conducted investigation work 5 years after contamination was discovered. Site Investigation report received 9/5/03- extensive contamination remained at the site. Additional monitoring was conducted in Summer 2004. No investigation has taken place in since then.

151 South Champlain St. - Blinn House

151 South Champlain St.

CAP: sub-salb depressurization systems installed 8/09 on three off site properties. Onsite sub-slab system is anticipated, prior to reoccupation of onsite building. Ongoing monitoring both on and off site.

Hugo Martinez Cazon

151-161 St Paul Street

Notification of April discovery, in December 2006. Four USTs removed from beneath sidewalk, 6.20.2006. Tanks in Poor condition. Report 9/06. Investigation onsite during 2007 into 1919 feature. Tank discovered west of building 2.5.08. Action on THIS tank completed 9.11.08 Jan 21, 2009 report received on Investigation South of Bldg. Awaiting missing data. Data presented. SMAC issued 5/4/09

Hugo Martinez Cazon

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (6)

931439 LOW Matt Moran 8/1/1993 0:00

972211 Burlington SMAC Bruce Linton 2/1/1997 0:00 2/2/2000 0:00

20093899 Burlington LOW 1/21/2009 0:00

972272 173 West Street 173 West St Rutland City SMAC Matt Moran 11/1/1997 0:00 9/30/1998 0:00

992583 176 Main Street 176 Main St Brattleboro MED Bob Haslam

982466 18 Central St Windsor LOW Lynda Provencher 8/1/1998 0:00

20093897 19 Harrison Ave 19 Harrison Ave Barton MED 1/20/2009 0:00

20063610 Route 4 Killington SMAC Ashley Desmond ### 7/20/2009 0:00

1525 Shelburne Rd/Pomerleau Real Estate

1525 Shelburne Rd

South Burlington

Long term GW monitoring of gasoline UST release. To reach SMAC via either supplemental corrective action or long term MNA depending on 10/08 results.

157 South Champlain Street

157 South Champlain St

Initial investigation completed. Removal of part of building and excavation completed. Site SAMCed February 2000.

157 South Champlain Street

157 South Champlain Street

See SMS 972211 for previous work on this parcel.

Hugo Martinez Cazon

Suspected tank was removed, >350 tons of petroleum contaminated soil ashalt batched.

Site investigation/remediation underway. PCS removed as part of property redevelopment. Investigation and cleanup are complete. Now awaiting final disposition of the stockpiled soils.

18 Central St. (former Lemire Property)

Rockingham Area Community Land Trust now owns the property. Petroleum contamination present due to former above ground storage tanks which site was a bulk plant. RACLT is currently working on redevelopment designs for the property. Corrective action technologies will be evaluated with the plan when it is available. Should be soon (Summer 2009).

Hugo Martinez Cazon

1937 Building - ITF Holdings

Contamination discovered during the removal of a heating oil UST. Five monitoring wells installed at the property. Source area well was the only well with contamination above the VGES during two monitoring events. Naphthalene is still slightly over VGES, but declined during the second monitoring event. No elevated PIDs in adjacent structures. Sample from onsite water supply well was ND for VOCs. Monitoring wells properly abandoned.

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20083825 2 Valley Street Property 2 Valley St Springfield SMAC Unassigned 6/30/2008 0:00 9/1/2009 0:00

20083873 210 South Street 210 South Street Bennington MED Patricia Coppolino 11/7/2008 0:00

982503 216 Webster Rd Shelburne LOW Lynda Provencher ###

20093929 233 Elliot Street 233 Elliot Street Brattleboro LOW

20053418 2371 Emore Pond Rd Wolcott SMAC Ashley Desmond 6/14/2005 0:00 9/22/2005 0:00

20083836 26 Depot Street 26 Depot Street Brattleboro MED 8/19/2008 0:00

20002827 266 Champlain St Burlington LOW Gerold Noyes 10/4/2000 0:00

2 underground storage tanks closed in place. Area has historical heating oil release. Impacted soil was observed during water line installation. Cleanup completed. Site SMACed 9/1/09.

This site was is SMS number 931363. It has been reopoened due to possible vapor intrusion issues from the residual TCE in groundwater.

216 Webster Rd (Williams Bovat)

Degree and extent of contaminant plume defined, however, is mostly underneath the road. Since contamiantion is not naturally attenuating at a reasonable rate and there is a risk to shallow bedrock aquifers, a CAP is being prepared to excavate soil and conduct several groundwater remediation pilot tests. Source is likely a combination of a former abandoned UST, plus historical uses of the property as a garage and repair shop. Semi-annual monitoring ongoing. Building burned down in January 2002.

Section 1926 UST removal. Suspected groundwater impact. Workplan requested. Expressway Form received 6/24/09. Falvey Pools fax is 802 254-6269

Hugo Martinez Cazon

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. The bulk of contamination was drummed up and disposed by EPS. Confimatory samples of both soils in the excavation and a shallow groundwater source (15 feet from excavation) showed no significant contamination.

2005 ECS report indicated Soil impact by petroleum VOCs, PCE, PAHs, Lead and Arsenic.

Hugo Martinez Cazon

266 Champlain St

Contam found from former UST. Site invest complete, biennial monitor

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992660 272 Ben Mont Ave. Bennington MED Tami Wuestenberg 8/1/1999 0:00

20093978 3030 US Route 2 COC Matthew Becker 9/15/2009 0:00 ###

951887 31 West St 31 West St Rutland City LOW Matt Moran

20043202 348 Center Street 348 Center Street Pownal LOW Patricia Coppolino 1/21/2004 0:00

870105 377 West Street 377 West Street Rutland City LOW Matt Moran ###

770139 4 Franklin St 4 Franklin St Montpelier MED Unassigned 9/1/1992 0:00

20073752 42 Village Drive 42 Village Drive Enosburg MED Unassigned ###

20043192 453 Pine Street 453 Pine Street Burlington MED Michael Smith

272 Ben Mont Avenue

Quarterly groundwater monitoring ongoing. An ecological risk characterization will be conducted on the Wallomsac River to determine the effect contamination is having. A Corrective Action Feasibility Investigation is also being developed. CAFI submitted - owner suing potential RP - in litigation - talks resuming 10/05; River study to be conducted by WQ Div. in fall 2006 to determine if contamination along bank is affecting wq. ECS conducted wq event June 2006 - low contaminant levels on site. Assuming contamination is trapped in silts along river bank. WQ folks did river assessment fall 2006 - waiting on their report.

East Montpelier

COC recorded November 17, 2009 Book 109 Page 94-95

80 cubic yards of fuel oil above ground storage tank PCS treated and thin spread. Evaluating to close site.

Contam soil observed during sewer pipeline exploratory drilling. Receptor survey requested Wait until construction (summer 2005) before deciding on need for add'l investigation Property entered into BCRC brownfields, Phase I will be conducted in May 2006

Reopened site 4/23/99, following removal of 2 abandoned USTs. Soil excavation during UST replacement in fall '08. Annual GW monitoring with next round 2010.

EPA Contractor SIP report completed in 1992. Site assigned low priority.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed.

Brownfields Project, initial assessment March 2004 Site is likely no longer a brownfields site. SMS received work plan for SI from a different party. ECS is now the consultant.

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20063476 Stowe SMAC Ashley Desmond ### ###

20093896 515 Main Street 515 Main Street Barton MED Site is currently on hold as a Brownfield. 2.24.09 1/20/2009 0:00

20073750 516 Mill Road 516 Mill Rd. Hartford MED Patricia Coppolino ###

20002761 52 State Street 52 State St Montpelier SMAC Gerold Noyes 5/8/2000 0:00 5/16/2000 0:00

921240 8 Platt Street Swanton LOW Lynda Provencher

20093982 6 Union Street Windsor LOW Tami Wuestenberg 9/29/2009 0:00

478 Cady Hill Road (Sto-Den Realty)

478 Cady Hill Rd.

UST removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed. Approved WEM work plan for additional investigation in April 06. Four soil borings/monitoring wells installed around the source area. Naphthalene detected in tank grave well, though all other points were clean, including the drinking water supply well. Confirmatory samples taken in October, 2006 showed no detection of petroleum contaminants in any of the monitoring wells. Monitoring wells have been properly abandoned.

Hugo Martinez Cazon

Contamination discovered at the border of these two properties during a Phase II Site Assessment in October, 2007. Additional subsurface investigation is required.

UST removed with minor soil contamination. No further action required. SMAC

6 and 8 Platt St (former Brooks Feed)

Groundwater contaminants non-detect on 8 Platt Street. Waste Mgt. Division sampled two wells on 6 Platt Street wells in mid-April. One well contained TMBs over standards. SMS requested owner to sample well on an annual basis. Town would like to purchase 8 Platt Street property because building is in deplorable condition, but is reluctant due to contamination issues.

Found 8" diameter brick dry well while doing limited soil boring investigation prior to paving the lot. Found what is thought to be gasoline contaminted soil. Site used to be old gas station. Test pits indicated contamination only within dry well. Will be excavating soils and shipping to ESMI.

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20073643 60 Route 7 Former Subaru Rutland City SMAC Ashley Desmond 3/20/2007 0:00 ###

20083834 64 Elm Street 64 Elm Street Brattleboro LOW Application for funding of Phase I and Phase II 7/30/2008 0:00

972197 65 State St 65 State St Windsor MED Michael Smith

931477 7 And 17 Corner Store Junction 7 and 17 New Haven LOW Richard Spiese 10/1/1993 0:00

20063619 75 High Street 75 High Street SMAC Matt Moran 4/17/2006 0:00 12/5/2008 0:00

60 Route 7 South/279 S. Main

VOC and metals contamination discovered during a limited phase II site assessment. VOCs were below VGES, wile chromium and mercury were above the VGES. Floor drains and an underground storage tank identified as potential sources of contamination. Original lab data showed metals exceeding drinking water enforcement standards, but subsequent data indicates this was due to the samples being taken directly from the augers (no wells installed initially). No significant VOC, Metal or TPH contamination to groundwater during the supplemental site investigation. Some elevated PIDs in shallow soils at one area of the property. Notice to land records has been filed with Town of Rutland. Property is on municipal water and sewer. Assessment of floor drains indicated that they most likely discharged to the municipal sewer. Out of service UST in garage was removed, and no significant contamination was identified in the soils surrounding the tank. Monitoring wells and floor drains have been closed.

Hugo Martinez Cazon

Oil Contamination Fr Release Which Occurred In The 1970's - Further Evaluation Requested By The SMS. Stone Environmental Conducted an investigation in the summer of 2000. Waiting for report.

Corrective Action Complete. Site in Natural Attenuation monitoring.


Heating oil release from exterior AST(s). Volume lost unknown. ISI complete. TMBs and naphthalene >VGES. Soils around residence have free product and TPH levels above residential guideline levels of 200 mg/Kg. Soil removal requested.

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931468 87 Boynton Street 87 Boynton St Barre City MED Further Invest Of Gw Needed Richard Spiese 10/1/1993 0:00

20093938 90-92 Woodstock Avenue Rutland City LOW Tami Wuestenberg 7/6/2009 0:00

900554 A & B Beverage Route 2 Grand Isle LOW John Schmeltzer 7/1/1990 0:00

20083784 A & B Motors 25 South St. Woodstock MED Alex Geller

911081 A & D Automotive Vergennes NFAP Closed 6/1/92 Unassigned 6/1/1992 0:00

931444 A and A Welding Co 154 Granger St Rutland City NFAP Unassigned 8/1/1993 0:00 8/23/1994 0:00

982521 A and D Automotive 1097 North Ave Burlington SMAC Lynda Provencher 10/9/1998 0:00 7/3/2008 0:00

972303 A B F Freight 21 Avenue C Williston SMAC No Impact To Gw. Site Closed. Lynda Provencher 9/1/1997 0:00 12/1/1997 0:00

921201 A Brown Auto and Home Main St Enosburg MED U S T's Pulled, Awaiting Reports Unassigned

982550 A C Hathorne 52 Avenue C Williston SMAC Gerold Noyes ### 9/21/1999 0:00

20023066 A D Sanel Parts 684 Portland St St Johnsbury SMAC Gerold Noyes 8/27/2002 0:00 9/30/2004 0:00

992652 A G Anderson Elm St Swanton LOW Gerold Noyes 7/6/1999 0:00

slightly elevated VOCs (TMBs) above VTGES in two wells on site. Contaminant identified as #2 fuel oil. Unknown source, vacant lot, used to have house on it. Downgradient wells on neighboring hazardous waste site are clean. Closing site with Notice to the Rutland Land Records.

5/03: Annual Monitoring ongoing. Next round scheduled for Spring 2004.

Contamination found in both Groundwater and Soils. Source area monitoring wells are exhibiting free product. Offsite migration has taken place on oppisite side of South St. Remediation needed.

38 New Haven Rd

Max Ovm=1000ppm,pc's Backfilled, Site Invest Needed

Gas UST removed. Groundwater monitoring wells met standards, so properly closed. Area served by municipal water.

UST removed. Contamination limited to soils in tank grave. SMAC with Notice to Land Record.

UST removed. Contam found. Investigation complete. 1 MW below VGES, 3 MWs ND VOCs. 1 MW, above VGES, site paved, SMAC.

UST removed. Contam found. Investigation completed. Abandoned UST needs removal. 10/12/99, 1/7, 4/28, 10/12/00 1 of 3 MWs above VGES. Next sample 10/01

1/1/1900 12:00:00 AM

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992722 A G Anderson Railroad St Waterbury SMAC ### ###

982568 379 Grainger Rd Berlin SMAC Linda Elliott ### 2/13/2003 0:00

931429 A L Tyler And Sons Inc 93 Canal St Brattleboro LOW Richard Spiese 1/1/1993 0:00

870065 A O T Rt 100 Londonderry NFAP Unassigned

870092 A O T Route 100 Hyde Park SMAC Sarah A. Bartlett 9/25/1986 0:00 9/11/2006 0:00870122 A O T Winooski NFAP Site Closed Unassigned870128 A O T Manchester NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

880184 A O T Londonderry NFAP Site Closed Unassigned880193 A O T St Albans NFAP Site Closed Unassigned880257 A O T Essex NFAP Site Closed Unassigned880262 A O T Beswick Drive Hartford NFAP Site Invest Complete. Site Closed. Unassigned 10/1/1990 0:00880279 A O T Ludlow Ludlow NFAP Site Closed Unassigned880246 A O T - Fairlee Fairlee NFAP Site Closed Unassigned890396 A O T - Georgia 380 Ballard Road Georgia NFAP Site Closed Unassigned880236 A O T - Westfield Westfield NFAP Site Closed Unassigned880273 A O T Chester 165 Elm Street Chester NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

Site SMACed after review of EIV Consultant letter with evaluation of UST excavation soils. Contamination remaining not indicating impact to receptors offsite. 7/12/05 status : former building razed and USTs exposed for PID screening. Limited soil PID detections observed. Soil backfilled, to be covered by Asphalt parking lot. S.I. had previously been Suspended. Awaiting UST pull sometime in subsequent two years. 12/07 One of the closed in place USTs remaining was reputedly removed, during the installation of a concrete vault by GMP. No report filed.

Hugo Martinez Cazon

A G Anderson Inc (Carrol Concrete)

Three underground storage tank removed in 1998-1999. Low levels of contamination encountered in soils, groundwater and adjacent "marshy area". No additional work requested.

Soil Venting System Successfully Remediated Site. Low level of VOCs being monitored.

File Consolidated With File 880184. Site Low/closed.

UST contamination discovered in 1986. DOH was monitoring adjacent water supply. Limited site investigation conducted in March 2006. No contamination found in vicinity of old UST.

158 Derry Woods Road

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890426 A O T Derby 4611 US 5 Derby NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

20033095 A O T Dummerston Route 5 Dummerston MED Gerold Noyes 3/6/2003 0:00

880265 A O T Forestdale Brandon NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

972328 A O T Gassetts Chester SMAC Gerold Noyes 12/1/1997 0:00 7/7/1999 0:00890400 A O T Middlesex Middlesex NFAP Site Closed Unassigned880272 A O T North Hero North Hero NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

982566 A O T Railroad Garage Stafford St Morristown MED Patricia Coppolino ###

870121 A O T Southern Connector Burlington NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

880276 A O T Williamstown NFAP Site Closed Unassigned900518 A R Sandri Rt 78 Swanton LOW Monitoring Ongoing. Richard Spiese 1/1/1990 0:00880267 A T And T Charlotte NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

941712 A T And T - Brownsville Blood Hill Rd SMAC Unassigned 11/1/1994 0:00 ###

941729 A T And T - Graniteville Drury Hill Rd SMAC Pcs Disposed. Site Closed. Unassigned 12/1/1994 0:00 1/1/1996 0:00900653 A W Hastings Burlington NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

Underground return line leak. Contamination found. 5/31/03 1 MW above VGES, 1 MW ND, 2 MWs dry, confirm in fall 2003, ongoing FP removal, annual monitor

47 Robert Wood Drive

Route 10 And Rt 103

UST removed. Contamination found. All MWs ND in May 1999 samples. SMAC

Semi-annual monitoring had been ongoing. In September 2006, SMS requested that additonal site characterization work be done, since current wells aren't all in appropriate locations. A Phase I report will likely be conducted in fall 2006 as part of the State and Federal Brownfields program through the Lamoille County Planning Commission. Following the Phase I report, additional wells will be installed and other potential sources of contamination investigated. Same property as NFRAP site #770180.


West Windsor

SMS has been awaiting a treatment plan for stockpiled contaminated soils since November 14, 1994. As of this update, there has been no activity in this file since Nov. 14, 1994. (8/2/99) Soil stockpile moved to ESMI 5/23&24/1995. Verified 12/17/2001. SMAC


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982450 Abandoned Tank Route 15 Wolcott SMAC Patricia Coppolino 6/19/1998 0:00 1/30/2006 0:00870085 Abbey Pond Rd Middlebury NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

992712 Route 7A Manchester SMAC Richard Spiese ### 1/16/2001 0:00

921286 Abbott Block 2 Canal St Brattleboro NFAP Lynda Provencher 1/1/1993 0:00

982553 Abrams Sunoco 142 Pearl St Essex LOW Gerold Noyes ###

20043199 Ackerman Property 53 Main Street Burlington SMAC 3/8/2004 0:00 3/26/2004 0:00

770161 Action Equipment NFAP Unassigned890389 Adamant Co-op Montpelier NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

900609 Route 4a Castleton SMAC Unassigned 12/1/1996 0:00

911073 Adams Mill Adams Mill Rd Stowe NFAP Mike Young 8/1/1994 0:00

20073651 Adams Paper Mill Newbury MED Patricia Coppolino 5/3/2007 0:00

UST removed. Contamination found. SMS requested further investigation in a December 8, 1998 letter to Mr. Boise but as of this update there has been no reply and no further activity in this file. (9/13/99) SI conducted (8/05)

Abbott & Staples General Store

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation showed no impacts above VGWES.

Site Assessment Completed-no Impact To Soil Above Standards

UST removed. Contam found. Investigation complete. 3/16/00, 5/31, 8/7, 3/9/01 5 of 7 3/18/02 2 of 6, 3/03, 3/04 4 of 5 MWs above VGES. biennial monitoring

SMAC designation is pending verification of Notice to Land Record and Well closures. Site opened closed. SMAC

Hugo Martinez Cazon

South Burlington

Site Investigated, No Contamination Detected, Site Closed

Adams Hall, Castleton State College

Contam Soil Treated, No Gw Impacts, Site Closed.

Monitoring Complete, No Impacts Above Standards

Mill Street (route 302)

The initial site investigation indicated that a minor release had occurred at the site. The source of contamination is a 10,000 gallon UST. Dioxin was also present in the sediments of the river above screening guidelines and low level PCBs were detected around the transformer pad outside. There are also several RECs within the building that will need to be adressed before building redevelopment can occur.

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20063547 Adams Residence 788 Adams Rd Pittsford SMAC Ashley Desmond 6/27/2006 0:00 6/12/2007 0:00

921229 Add-on Distributing NFAP Lynda Provencher 6/10/1993 0:00

982529 Addison Central School Route 7 Addison MED Ashley Desmond 7/13/1998 0:00

921227 Route 17 Addison LOW Long term groundwater monitoring Bob Haslam

20012866 Route 17 & 22A Addison MED Gerold Noyes 6/13/2001 0:00

870080 93 Main St Newport City SMAC John Schmeltzer ### 1/31/2003 0:00911023 Advanced Animations Rt 107 Stockbridge NFAP Closed Unassigned 4/26/1991 0:00

951751 Advantage Automotive Burlington SMAC Gerold Noyes 12/1/1998 0:00 7/19/2004 0:00

951772 Agri-Mark Mill St Troy SMAC Matt Moran 3/1/1995 0:00 7/31/2000 0:00

Release detected during the removal of a heating oil UST. WES conducted an initial site investigation to further define the degree and extent of contamination. No dissolved contamination detected in source area. Soil borings surrounding this area had no detectable levels of contamination. This property is served by the municipal water system. No petroleum vapors detected in the basem*nt using a PID.

45 Green Mountain Drive

South Burlington

Site Assess Completed, No Impact Above Health Advosory

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Approved workplan for additional subsurface investigation work in September 2006.ISI found no groundwater contamination in the source area. Follow-up monitoring will be conducted in the Summer of 2007.

Addison Dead Creek Wildlife Area

Addison Four Corners Store

Phase I completed on property. Contamination found. Investigation completed. Monitor 3x/yr 8/8 3 of 6, 12/4/01 3 of 5 MWs above VGES

Adriens Irving (formerly Adriens B P)

SMAC-Grounwater concentrations in monitoring wells below VGES. Residual soil contamination remaining at site.

56 N Winooski Ave

Waste oil UST removed, soil contam found, site closed 1996. 3 gas USTs removed. Site re-opened 12/98 Contam found. Investigation completed. Groundwater monitoring. 9/1/99, 11/4, & 2/00 3/4 MWs above VGES, 9/00, 9/01 2/4 MWs above VGES, 9/02 1 MW above VGES. 9/03 1 MW above VGES. SMAC

No. 6 oil UST release site investigation completed. Shallow soil removal completed. Site SMAC'd with notice to land record.

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770143 Agrico Farm Center Bradford NFAP Pa Recommends No Further Action, Site Closed Unassigned870119 Agway Royalton NFAP Site Closed Unassigned870104 Agway Essex NFAP Site Closed Unassigned880206 Agway Middlebury NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

911153 Agway Middlesex LOW Tami Wuestenberg

931355 Agway Energy Products 126 Hicks Ave Bennington MED Richard Spiese 1/1/1993 0:00

911159 Agway Middlebury Rt 7 Middlebury LOW Gerold Noyes 11/1/1991 0:00

972254 Agway Norwich Church St Norwich SMAC John Schmeltzer 8/1/1997 0:00 5/28/2002 0:00

Three Mile Bridge Rd

Semi- Annual Monitoring; Significant soil removal occurred summer 2005 - split between insurance and PCF - two separate incidences (overfill/spill and LUST); 10/2005 requested replacement wells and WQ event. Elevated VOCs above GWES remain after soil removal. Continued WQ. May consider closure with Notice to Land Records. WQ to occur 11/06. Elevated benzene and MtBE at property boundary - plume is migrating however very limited sensitive receptors. Semiannual sampling approved for 2007. May require additional downgradient characterization if levels increase. Contaminant levels at property boundary subsided to below GQES. Limited contamination remains onsite - will SMAC with Notice to Land Records.

Product recovery completed, annual Groundwater Monitoring of five on-site monitoring wells.

Quarterly groundwater monitoring. 180 cy soil stockpiled at off site location. 3/19/03 6 of 17 MWs above VGES, 1/2007 annual monitor

08/07: Petroleum contamination present on site due to apparent release or spills from bulk plant. Further characterziaton work pending. Found out that a bulk plant located on the other side of Route 5 is a part of this site. Requested additional investigation to access whether there was a problem. Contamination appears confined to UST area. Notice to land recorded was entered at the town clerk's office. The notice documented that residual contamination remains at the site.

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951923 Ahlers Residence Roger Hill Rd Mount Holly SMAC John Schmeltzer ###

972140 Airport Exxon SMAC Matt Moran 1/1/1997 0:00 8/12/2003 0:00

900632 Airport Mobil LOW Richard Spiese 1/1/1990 0:00

20073644 Albany Kerosene UST Route 14 Albany MED Richard Spiese 4/13/2007 0:00

20093909 Albro Residence Sunderland SMAC Ashley Desmond 4/2/2009 0:00 4/6/2009 0:00

20083778 Alburg Country Store 4 South Main St Alburg MED Richard Spiese ###

20053355 Alburg Mobil Short Stop Route 2 Alburg HIGH Richard Spiese 5/10/2005 0:00

951801 Alburg Post Office U S Route 2 Alburg SMAC Petroleum Contaminated Soil To Be Removed Unassigned 6/1/1995 0:00 12/1/1997 0:00

982416 Alburg Sunoco Main St, Route 2 Alburg LOW Gerold Noyes 5/18/1998 0:00

11/05: Source area has been removed (65 tons of contaminated soil was excavated and properly disposed.) No target gasoline compounds found in onsite monitoring wells or water supply wells.

1800 Williston Rd

South Burlington

Contamination found beneath former UST dispenser island during piping replacement. PCS disposed by cleanup contractor, site investigation completed.No GW impact. SMAC.

1801 Williston Rd

South Burlington

Monitoring Ongoing Following Ust Removal And Assessment. During 2008 piping replacement, PCSs removed and disposed and SVE piping installed.

GWESs met on site. MWs abandoned. Stockpiled soils being monitored until thinspreading standards met.

102 Prouty Hill Rd.

HEA oversaw removal of tank. Contamination was encountered. Bulk of contaminated soils were removed. Expressway Investigation conducted to further define the extent of contamination. No groundwater contamination found. Monitoring wells have been properly abandoned.

2 underground storage tanks closed. UST #1 was removed. UST # 2 was closed in place. Contamination was found. Investigation needed.

Leaking UST spill bucket. Contaminated groundwater, bedrock well and indoor air of store. Investigation underway.

Pipe upgrade. Contam found. Investigation completed. 11/12/99 minor off site migration, 4/24 3of6 8/4/00 2of4 MWs, 4/24 3of6, 10/24/01 2of3 MWs, 4/29/02 3of5, 4/03, 4/04 2 of 3 MWs above VGES. Biennial monitor

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941624 Aldeman Chevrolet Rt 7 South MED Unassigned 6/1/1994 0:00

921345 Alden Bryan Residence Williston LOW Lynda Provencher

20043262 Aldous Funeral Home 44 North Main St Rutland City MED Matt Moran 8/1/2004 0:00

941701 Aldrich Formica Route 18 Waterford SMAC Gasoline U S T Invest Complete, Site Closed. Matt Moran 11/1/1994 0:00 4/1/1997 0:00

20093953 Alexander Residence 1599 E Main St Poultney HIGH Gerold Noyes 5/28/2009 0:00

972227 Alicia Patterson Estate 45 Elm St Woodstock SMAC Site Invest Complete. Site Closed Unassigned 6/1/1997 0:00 10/1/1997 0:00

20002732 All Cycle Transfer Station 28 Avenue B Williston SMAC Gerold Noyes 1/27/2000 0:00 ###

941560 Allen Brook Group Home 100 Allen Rd SMAC Bob Haslam 1/1/1994 0:00 2/1/1996 0:00

951939 Allen Lumber 276 S Main St SMAC Bob Haslam 2/2/2001 0:00

961944 Allen Residence Church Rd SMAC Bruce Linton 1/18/1996 0:00 9/12/2000 0:00

962100 Allen Residence St Johnsbury SMAC GWES met on site. Site closed. Mike Young 12/1/1996 0:00 ###951857 Allens Garage Route 2 South Hero NFAP Investigation Complete Linda Elliott 1/1/1996 0:00

770120 Commerce Street Williston MED Michael Smith

Rutland Town

Awaiting notice to land records on residual contamination. Once completed, site eligible for SMAC. Request sent on 2/15/2001.

68 N Williston Rd

Annual groundwater monitoring is ongoing. The next sampling event should be April 2000. There is a commingled plume with the Williston Country Club site #95-1765. The two sites are sampled together. There has been a general decrease in contaminant concentrations over time.

1/1/1900 12:00:00 AM

1/1/1900 12:00:00 AM

Gasoline UST removed w/contamination found. Dufresne-Henry "Expressway" investigation due 12/10/04.

470 gal fuel oil AST spill. EP&S clean up & investigation.

1/1/1900 12:00:00 AM

174 tons petroleum contaminated soil disposed of off site during dry well replacement. GW not encountered at 20'. Soil sample 8.35 mg/kg TPH. SMAC

South Burlington

No Impact To Gw, Soil Asphalt Batched, Site Closed.

St Albans City

Investigation and monitoring completed. RL Vallee has assumed responsibility for the soils at their bulk plant in St Albans. See site 92-1195

St Albans Town

Remediation completed. New drinking supply installed. Site SMACed.

Old Waterford Rd

Alling Industrial Park (EMCO)

Investigating T C E Plume Site Combined with 770090 Mitec

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20053348 Almeida Residence Orwell SMAC Ashley Desmond 2/28/2005 0:00 8/9/2005 0:00

20094016 Alpine Traders 316 Rte 100 Dover MED Unassigned ###

911171 Als Country Store Hartford SMAC Unassigned 11/7/1991 0:00 1/30/2001 0:00

20063493 Altrui Residence 20 Giorgetti Blvd Rutland City SMAC Ashley Desmond ### 3/10/2006 0:00

20043271 Alvarez Residence Pittsfield SMAC Gerold Noyes 8/24/2004 0:00 5/26/2005 0:00

20083821 Alwell Residence Bennington SMAC Ashley Desmond 5/19/2008 0:00 7/7/2008 0:00

61 Chipman Point Rd

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Soils removed from site and destroyed. PID survey of basem*nt showed no VOCs. Water supply well sampled and showed no petroleum constituents. SMAC written.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed.

407 Woodstock Rd, Rt 4

Info On Soils Needed. In a letter dated 01/26/2001, Bradford Oil Co. confirmed soils were thin-spread in summer of 1993. SMAC

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. 3.77 tons of contaminated soils were removed from the property. Confirmatory sample from tank excavation had a TPH level of 18.7 ppm. All residences in the area served by municipal water.

234 Hawk Mountain Rd

UST removed. Soil contam found in tank pit. Investigation complete, no impact to GW, SMAC

13 Monument Circle

Contamination discovered during the removal of a heating oil UST. Four soil borings installed around to the tank during initial site investigation. No groundwater or bedrock was encountered. Elevated PIDs in the source area, but declined substantially after intersection of a clay layer. Downgradient borings had no elevated PIDs. Confirmatory analyses of soils showed no VOCs above the Region IX PRGs. All properties in this area are served by the municipal drinking water system. Screening of the indoor air showed no elevated readings. Monitoring wells have been properly abandoned.

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20063490 Ambriano Property 637 Senor Rd Warren SMAC Ashley Desmond 11/3/2005 0:00 7/31/2006 0:00890382 American Legion Hartford NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

951936 Ames Plaza Route 5 Derby SMAC Unassigned/jf 12/1/1995 0:00 11/1/1996 0:00

951846 Ames Shopping Plaza Rt 100 and Rt 15 Morristown SMAC John Schmeltzer 6/1/1995 0:00 9/26/2001 0:00

951881 19 Catoonah St Derby SMAC No Further Invest Required. Site Closed. John Schmeltzer 9/1/1995 0:00 12/1/1996 0:00

20002830 AOT Property Route 22 A Addison SMAC Linda Elliott ### 12/8/2005 0:00890424 AOT Barton Barton NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

900644 AOT Bennington 359 Bowen Road Bennington SMAC Ashley Desmond 11/4/2005 0:00

911063 AOT Central Garage Berlin LOW Richard Spiese 6/1/1991 0:00

870152 AOT Garage Rt 30 Castleton NFAP Unassigned 8/1/1994 0:00

770166 AOT Garage NFAP Unassigned

20083766 AOT Garage - Georgia 380 Ballard Rd Georgia MED Ashley Desmond 1/10/2008 0:00

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. LH wp approved to conduct isi at the property. Initial site investigation found no significant contamination in soils or groundwater. SMS approved monitoring well closure. Water supply is a spring located several hundred feet from the source area.

Site Invest Complete, No Gw Contam, Site Closed

Contaminant source has been removed and remediated. Stockpile meets criteria for thinspreading.

Ammex Tax And Duty Shop In Derby Line

Underground storage tanks removed. Limited petroleum contamination found. Monitoring complete.

Landfarming Completed at airport site. New pile at the site from piping project (circa 1999) ready to spread onsite. Received confirmation that soil was thinspread. (10/05 AD)

Barre-Montpelier Rd

Ongoing Investigation. Limited FP removal continues. Monitoring of GW continues in limited manner.

Site Monitoring Complete, G W Contam Below Standards


Surface Water Sampled, Contamination Below Action Levels, Site Closed

Drain pipe installed. Dry well test pit excavated. Heavily stained soils encountered in stone dry well area. Petroleum vapors present. New drain pipe attaced and new trench excavated. All contam soils backfilled. New soil capped entire excavation.

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20033168 VT Rt 5 St Johnsbury SMAC Gerold Noyes 7/21/2003 0:00 1/2/2004 0:00

880278 AOT Manchester Route 7 Manchester SMAC Richard Spiese 6/6/1988 0:00 ###

20043293 AOT Shelburne Rt 7 & Bay Rd Shelburne SMAC Ashley Desmond ### 6/6/2008 0:00

890393 AOT Williamstown Rt 14 NFAP Soils Spread On Site. Bob Haslam911119 AOT Wilmington Garage Haystack Rd Wilmington NFAP Low/closed Unassigned/caw

921259 AOT-Addison Addison SMAC Unassigned 7/28/1992 0:00 ###

921260 AOT-Bridport Bridport SMAC Unassigned 7/28/1992 0:00 ###911087 AOT-Lyndon Rt 122 Lyndon NFAP Gw Investigation Complete, Site Closed Unassigned/caw 1/14/1993 0:00

AOT Gararge St. Johnsbury

old garage dump site cleaned up, crushed drums, creosoted logs, etc., no GW encountered, 1 soil sample for 8270, contam below Region III RBC SMAC

UST Contamination Found. Stockpiled Soils. Annual GW monitoring.

Contamination discovered in relation to two gasoline USTs during investigation work in 1994. Tanks removed in 2004. LAG conducted an isi in 2006. No elevated PID readings found in six soil borings installed around the former USTs. Soil samples taken from two of the borings showed no detectable VOC concentrations and minimal TPH readings. No wells were installed due to insufficient groundwater. Limited receptors in the area. Samples taken from sediments and surface water in a nearby brook showed no detectable levels of contamination. All properties in the area served by municipal water.


Rt 22 A & 17 East

Pet Contam Soil Removed During Roadway Project. Soils were stock piled on Marcel Biladeau property, polyencapsulated for 1 yr +/-. Soils tested below the SMS soil guidelines. Soils were reused on the Shoreham-Bridport-Addison reconstruction project.

Rt 22 A & 125 West

Pet Contam Soil Removed During Roadway Project, taken to Highgate Airport sand pit. After being polyencapsulated for 1 yr +/-, the soils tested below the SMS soil guidelines. Soils were spread at the Highgate Airport sand pit.

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921311 AOT-Middlebury 341 Creek Rd Middlebury NFAP Unassigned/mg 7/8/1993 0:00

911067 AOT-New Haven Rt 17 New Haven MED Sarah A. Bartlett 6/18/1991 0:00

770132 AOTGarage Mendon NFAP Unassigned

992634 127 River St Bennington SMAC Richard Spiese 5/3/1999 0:00 5/15/2000 0:00

20083762 Apple Island Resort 71 U S Rte 2 South Hero SMAC Ashley Desmond 12/6/2007 0:00 5/15/2008 0:00

972188 Applegate Apartments 98 Orchard Rd Bennington MED Matt Moran 6/1/1997 0:00

20053464 Arace Residence Waitsfield SMAC Ashley Desmond ### 10/9/2006 0:00

20033111 Depot St Bradford SMAC Michael Smith 4/15/2003 0:00 ###

Site Investigation Completed, No Impact To Groundwater

Gw Investigation Completed. Bioremediation Completed. Soils thinspread, request for MW closure 2004. Repeat request Nov. 2006.

Site Investigated, No Contamination Detected, Site Closed

Apollo Industries/Johnson Fuels

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. No groundwater impacts above standards. Contaminated soils excavated and disposed of at EMSI of NY.

Contamination discovered during the removal of gasoline USTs. Five monitoring wells installed at the property. No contamination detected above the VGES during the last two monitoring events. No elevated PIDs in adjacent structures. Sample from onsite well was ND for VOCs. Monitoring wells properly abandoned.

No. 2 heating oil UST releases. 5/19/08, reiterated request to decommission two wells and investigate one final area of contamination.

3756 E Warren Rd

Underground tank failure. 22 cubic yds contam soil generated and sent to ESMI. No evidence of groundwater contamination. Extent of soil contamination appears to have been defined, as confirmed by lab tests. A sample taken from the onsite drinking water supply well showed no evidence of petroleum contamination.

ARC Mechanical Contractors Inc

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed. Soils excavated a d treated on site by polyencapsulation. Groundwater is clean and soils have been thin spread on site. SMAC designation 21 Dec 05

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20083781 Archer House VT Rte 106 Woodstock MED Alex Geller 1/9/2008 0:00

992630 Archer/Brown Property Montpelier SMAC Linda Elliott 5/26/1999 0:00 7/2/1999 0:00

911056 Argent Limited Rutland City MED Linda Elliott

900508 Route 7 Arlington LOW Matt Moran 4/1/1990 0:00

982364 Armand Auto Rt 7 Georgia SMAC Unassigned 4/1/1998 0:00 10/1/1998 0:00

870106 Arms Store Rt 100 Wardsboro MED Linda Elliott

982563 Army Maintenance facility 24 - 26 Allen St Rutland City LOW Gerold Noyes ###880234 Army Navy Center Berlin NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

20053353 Arsenault Residence SMAC Unassigned 5/6/2005 0:00 1/18/2007 0:00

Underground storage tank removed, Contamination found. Soils registering 250 ppm by PID. 4 Monitoring wells installed at the property. Sampling unsuccesfull due to low recharge rates. Indoor air shows no signs of petroeum vapors. AGS feels that the little water collected from bailing MW-2 was due to a perched aquifer. Monitoring wells removed on December 6, 2009. Awaiting SMAC.

1/1/1900 12:00:00 AM

16 Harrison Avenue

Abandoned heating oil UST discovered. Limited soil removal. No additional work needed.

250 Woodstock Ave

CAP prepared for HVE/MPE system and approved for implementation on Feb. 4, 2008. 5 events to date with next event October 20098. Grondwater monitoring on a triannual schedule (April, August, December).

Arlington P.O., former LMC Service Ctr.

Gasoline product bailing discontinued. Biennial GW monitoring, next rd spring 2010. Former MWs have been replaced by new wells 1/01. Septic area investigation completed.

Site Closed. Investigation Completed. Source Removed.

Gasoline contamination detected 1986. ORC study 2003. Groundwater enforcement standard exceedances in several wells. Ongoing quarterly ground water monitoring scheduled for 2005 (March, June, Sept., Dec).

USTs removed. Contam found. Investigation complete. 5/00, 5/02 2 MWs above VGES found. 4/01 FP in UST MW, 3 MWs ND. 5/03 1 MW above VGES, biennial sampling

752 Coy Hill Road

Middletown Springs

Aboveground storage tank release of #2 fuel oil. Site remediation completed. Site SMACed on 1/18/2007.

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911127 Ascutney Citgo Route 5 Weathersfield LOW Richard Spiese 1/1/1991 0:00

941708 Ascutney Sunoco Route 131 Weathersfield MED Gerold Noyes 11/1/1994 0:00

20002771 1759 Route 7 Ferrisburgh SMAC Gerold Noyes 5/3/2000 0:00 11/9/2004 0:00

951909 Carlton Rd Cavendish SMAC Ashley Desmond 12/1/1995 0:00 9/9/2005 0:00911064 Atlantic 377 N. Main St Barre City LOW Svs Removed. Site Being Monitored. Richard Spiese 1/1/1991 0:00

890344 Atlantic Service Station Rt 7 Milton SMAC Richard Spiese

770025 Atlas Missle S-2 Off Route 2 Alburg LOW Brian Woods

770131 Atlas Missle S-3 Middle Road Swanton MED Brian Woods

20012900 Auchincloss Residence West Hill Rd Stowe SMAC Gerold Noyes 8/27/2001 0:00 6/7/2002 0:00

20023033 Audette Farm (residence) 4547 Rt 74 East Shoreham MED Lynda Provencher 8/15/2002 0:00770107 Austin Antiques Depot Street Chester MED Site Investigation Required Unassigned

770162 Austin Antiques Springfield NFAP Unassigned

Treatment System turned off. Site in MNA with bi-annual sampling.

Annual GW sampling is ongoing. 10/8/02, 4/2, 10/10/03, 5/6/04 Contam migrating onto site from the upgradient Exit 8 Mobil. 5 of 5 MWs above VGES.

Assembly of God Christian Center

USTremoved. Soil contam found, investigation completed, site remediated by excavation, no impact to GW. SMAC

Atherton Mill (former Cavendish Lumber)

SMS received a letter from the Atherton Mill Corp. On May 16, 1996 requesting an update on the present condition of the site. There is no reply on file and there has been no activity in this file since. SMS has yet to determine degree and extent of contamination or assess receptors. (8/4/99). MACTEC conducted investigation of soil stockpile and subsurface at the site in 2005 and found no significant contamination. Limited risk to receptors in the area.

Remed And Monitoring Complete, No Further Impact, Site Closed.

Confirmation Study completed July 1988. Site Inspection completed April 2000. Low level VOCs and metals detected. Site houses Town of Alburg Highway Dept. garage.

Confirmation Study Completed July 1998, Awaiting Dod Funding. Site houses Chevalier Drilling Co.

UST removed. Contam found. Investigation completed. No impact to groundwater. SMAC

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed.

Complaint Investigated, Site Closed. Note: Information on CD-Rom disk for this site is actually for 870162 Adams IGA Vergennes. SB Collins Owner of Tanks.

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962003 Austine School 120 Maple St Brattleboro MED Unassigned 5/1/1996 0:00

921185 Auto City 114 Northside Dr Bennington MED Richard Spiese 1/1/1992 0:00

962073 Automaster Motor Co Route 7 Shelburne SMAC John Schmeltzer 9/1/1996 0:00 10/1/1997 0:00900579 Avalon Motel Wilmington NFAP Site Closed Unassigned 9/1/1996 0:00

992723 Ayer Autobody 34 Maple Ave Barre City SMAC Ashley Desmond ### 3/22/2005 0:00

961971 B & B Auto Route 11 Andover MED Tim Cropley 1/1/1996 0:00

20043266 B & B Salvage Yard 207 B & B Road Georgia SMAC Linda Elliott 9/8/2004 0:00 8/30/2005 0:00

911179 B & D Beverage/Auto Rt 139 Richford LOW Richard Spiese 1/1/1991 0:00

962096 B C C Properties Rutland City SMAC Contam Soil Removed Don Robisky 2/1/1996 0:00 3/1/1997 0:00

992724 B E T S Truck Leasing Route 67 Bennington MED Unassigned ###890395 B F A Fairfax NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

972158 B T N & K Inc I. 89 Burlington SMAC Site SMACed. Bruce Linton 12/1/1995 0:00 1/7/1998 0:00

911053 B&B Artesian NFAP Site To Be Evaluated. Unassigned 6/25/1991 0:00

Paint Waste Found During Construction, Contam Soil Stockpiled

Ust Contamination. Invest. Proceeding. Owner refuses to cooperate. As of this update, (July 22nd, 1999) there has been no activity in this file since April 15, 1996.

No Additional Monitoring Required. Contam Confined To Ust Area

Abandoned USTs removed. Contam found. ISI complete. (C. Crehan, 7/1/04). Site activities conducted in Summer of 2004 found low PID readings. Analytical samples of soil and water showed no contamination over the minimum detection limits. Monitor wells closed on 2/3/05. SMAC.

Limited groundwater contamination, semi-annual monitoring.

Areas of contamination identified onsite including septic system. Additional investigation reveals limited contamination. Wetland violation onsite to be coordinated with Wetland Program. No additional work requested by the SMS.

Site Cleanup, Invest Proceeding. Site In Enforcement.

45 - 47 Grant Ave

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed.

E. Montpelier Rd.

East Montpelier

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20073671 Georgia SMAC Ashley Desmond 7/11/2007 0:00 9/24/2008 0:00

20053399 Babbott Residence 236 Fox Run Rd Shelburne SMAC Ashley Desmond 6/13/2005 0:00 3/13/2009 0:00

20043288 Bacon Residence Sunderland SMAC Lynda Provencher ###

962055 Baird St Apartments 7 Barrel St Montpelier SMAC Site Investigation Complete. No Gw Impacts. Unassigned/as 8/1/1996 0:00 2/1/1997 0:00

20073745 Bakeman Residence 4326 Harbor Rd Shelburne SMAC Ashley Desmond ### 2/6/2008 0:00

B&D Assoc. Property (Desnoyers Property)

6014 Ethan Allen Parkway

Contamination discovered during the closure of a 550 gallon #2 fuel oil tank. Five monitoring wells installed in the vicinity of the former tank. No significant exceedances of VGES during 2 monitoring events, though there are elevated TPH readings in the tank area. The property has a slab on grade foundation which limits vapor impacts. Two samples collected from the onsite bedrock supply well showed no detection of VOCs. Monitoring wells have been properly abandoned.

Contamination discovered during the removal of a heating oil UST. Four monitoring wells installed in close proximity to the former tank. Groundwater contaminant levels have declined to concentrations below the VGES. No elevated PIDs in the adjacent residence. Two samples from the drinking water source showed no significant contaminant impacts (trace detection of toluene at 0.6 ppb). Monitoring wells properly closed.

408 Dunlop Farm Rd

550 gallon heating oil tank removed. No petroleum contamination in groundwater. Contaminated soil excavated and transported to ESMI in Fort Edward, NY. No contaminants in onsite supply well.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Soils drummed for removal. It appears that the full extent of contamination was removed from the property.

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20053388 Baker Distributing 130 Orion Drive Colchester SMAC Ashley Desmond 5/24/2005 0:00 5/22/2008 0:00

972266 Baker Distributing Inc Clarendon LOW Tami Wuestenberg

941596 Baker Residence Pawlet SMAC Linda Elliott 5/1/1994 0:00 7/19/1999 0:00

20043238 Baker Residence 79 The Terrace Rochester MED Unassigned 6/21/2004 0:00890309 Bakers Burlington NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

992677 Bakers Store Route 113 Thetford SMAC Gerold Noyes 7/26/1999 0:00 7/11/2000 0:00

20063527 Bald Hill Fish Hatchery 60 Abbott HillRd Newark SMAC Gerold Noyes 5/15/2006 0:00 6/16/2008 0:00

20012945 Baldwin Block Housing Main St Newbury SMAC Gerold Noyes ### 2/6/2002 0:00

900595 Ball Mtn. Dam Rec. Area Off Route 100 Jamaica MED Unassigned 10/3/1990 0:00

Contamination discovered during the removal of a 10,000-gallon gasoline UST and during a UST system inspection. EPSVT conducted site investigation activities at this site. Five groundwater monitoring wells were installed in the vicinity of the former tank. Limited contamination was discovered in source area. The last two groundwater monitoring events showed no contaminant concentrations above the VGES. Drinking water is supplied to the property by the municipal system.

North Shrewsbury Rd

Initial Site Investigation completed. Reduced to Biennial WQ sampling. Next WQ sampling event scheduled for 2007. No exceedences found during 2007 wq event. Wells to be abandoned. Site eligible for SMAC.

Town Highway 32

Monitoring of water supplies contaminated with MTBE completed. No longer any MTBE detected. Source not determined.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed.

USTtank removed. Contam found. Extent of contamination delineated and 12 yd of soil treated onsite. Site and neighbor supply wells tested ND. SMAC

UST removed. Contam found. 6/06 3 of 5 MWs above VGES. 4/08 4 MWs ND, 1 MW below VGES. SMAC

Abandoned UST found and removed. Minor contamin found. Investigation complete. No impact to GW, confirmatory soil samples ND. SMAC

Ust Contamination Found. As of this update (July 20, 1999), there has been no activity in this file since November 9th, 1990.

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20083823 Ballantyne Residence 3 Orchard Rd Mendon SMAC Ashley Desmond 5/16/2008 0:00 9/3/2009 0:00

931409 Ballards Store Rt 116 Hinesburg MED Linda Elliott 7/1/1993 0:00

20002814 Bamforth Residence Castleton LOW Bob Haslam

Contamination discovered during the removal of a heating oil UST. Soil borings installed at the site as part of ISI. Elevated PID readings only found in source area boring. Readings were found to decline with depth. No groundwater encountered to a depth of 22’ below grade, so no monitoring wells installed. Limited threat to receptors. Drinking water supplied by source that is ¼ mile from the release area, so no sample was collected.

UST release (1993) and surface spill from dispenser (1999). Ongoing groundwater, bedrock supply well, and operation of SVE system. Quarterly site visits to monitor vapor impacts and annual groundwater sampling. Next site visit April 2008. Annual sampling October 2008.

1237 Blissville Rd

On site 275 gallon AST failed contaminating the bedrock water supply well. Replacement well installed.

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20063479 Bandy Property 28 Beacon St Barre City LOW Ashley Desmond 9/9/2005 0:00

921300 Bank Of Vermont 70 Main St Winooski NFAP Lynda Provencher ###

20083763 Barber Residence Stowe SMAC Ashley Desmond ### 2/19/2008 0:00

Petroleum contam soils found during renovation work. Believed to be related to AST system. Wheeler Environmental installed monitoring wells outside- no evidence of vapors and no groundwater samples available. Approved workplan to investigate below basem*nt slab and collect air samples.. Investigation found significant amount of contamination beneath basem*nt, and several exceedances of risk based standards for petroleum related compounds. Wheeler suggested removal of slab and upper layer of contaminated soil in basem*nt. SMS approved a modified workplan to install a vapor barrier and a new fiberglass reinforced 4" slab in the basem*nt. This work has been completed. This site meets the requirements for closure, though we will be requiring a Notice to the Land Record to document contamination below the slab. This notice has not been filed to date.

Site Assess Complete, All Analysis Readings Non-detect

131 Logging Hill Rd

Contamination discovered during the in-place closure of a heating oil UST. PID readings peaked at 60 ppm beneath the tank. Expressway investigation included the installation of two soil borings immediately next to the tank. No elevated PID readings were encountered in either boring. Confirmatory samples were collected at 10 feet below grade. No TPH detected, and VOCs were below EPA Region IX PRGs. No groundwater encountered in either boring. A sample taken from the onsite well showed no detection of VOCs. PID readings of the basem*nt airspace adjacent to the tank were all 0.0 ppm.

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992671 Barcomb Auto Sales Route 15 Hardwick LOW Sarah A. Bartlett 8/19/1999 0:00

770148 Barcomb Motors Hardwick NFAP Unassigned900622 Barkus Excavating Readsboro NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

20063537 Barlow Gravel Pit 536 Dean Road Pownal MED Patricia Coppolino ###

941561 Barnard General Store Rt 12 Barnard HIGH Richard Spiese 4/1/1994 0:00870034 Barnard Store Barnard NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

770026 Barnet Landfill Barnet MED EPA Site Inspection completed Feb 2000. Unassigned

982539 Barnet Town Garage Barnet MED Matt Moran ###

931548 80 Allen St Grand Isle NFAP Determine Degree And Extent Of Contamination Unassigned 1/1/1994 0:00 1/1/1995 0:00

900497 Barre Army Navy Store Barre City SMAC Site No Longer Poses Risk To Public Health Unassigned 8/1/1996 0:00890475 Barre City Garage Barre City NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

870024 Barre Coal Tar Williams Lane Barre City NFAP Unassigned/sw

770206 Barre Coal Tar Williams Lane Barre City HIGH Richard Spiese 1/1/1983 0:00

900501 Barre Cumberland Farms Barre City SMAC Monitoring Complete - Site Closed Bob Haslam 6/1/1996 0:00

931448 Barre City SMAC 300 Cu Yds Treated,gw Contam Attenuated Matt Moran 9/1/1993 0:00 7/1/1996 0:00

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation shows low to moderate levels of dissolved groundwater contamination migrating on-site towards the north.

Site Investigated, No Contamination Detected, Site Closed

Attorney for site owner reported evidence of the release of "several compounds of concern at elevated concentrations" in a letter dated 10/14/2006. SMS has requested site assessment report. Site owner, town, tannery sent liability letters.

Ongoing monitoring, FP found in new monitoring well down gradient. Additonal source investigation under way.

Town Highway No. 14

Town Highway 102

Diesel/gasoline UST investigations complete. Annual GW monitoring, next rd. '08 - with work reverting to J.Hoffer. To include EDB (gasoline lead scavenger) testing. 70 yds PCS thinspread May 2006.

Barons Lumber And Hardware

Barre Montpelier Rd

Site Being Managed Under File # 770206. File Closed Not Site

Ra/ri Done. Federal funding removed and remedial system shut down. Next step in site cleanup unclear.

360 North Main St

Barre Cumberland Farms, 132 S Main

132 South Main St

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20073695 Barre Elks Lodge 10 Jefferson St Barre City MED Ashley Desmond 8/15/2007 0:00

951841 Barre City LOW Matt Moran 8/1/1995 0:00890352 Barre Town Garage Barre Town NFAP Site Closed Unassigned921232 Barrett's Trucking 16 Austin Drive Burlington NFAP Ust Removal. Stockpiled Soils. NFAP Linda Elliott 1/1/1994 0:00

982343 35 Main St Brattleboro SMAC Richard Spiese 4/6/1998 0:00 8/10/2001 0:00890332 Barrows Fuel Londonderry NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

992659 Barrows Truck Storage 39 Frost St Brattleboro SMAC Richard Spiese 8/18/1999 0:00 12/9/2002 0:00

20053429 Derby MED Ashley Desmond 10/1/2000 0:00

20022997 Chittenden MED Gerold Noyes 5/9/2002 0:00

20012872 Bartlau Residence Westford SMAC Unassigned 6/7/2001 0:00 ###

972321 Bartlett Residence 189 Page Hill Rd Corinth SMAC Unassigned 12/1/1997 0:00 1/1/1998 0:00

2 underground storage tanks removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed.

Barre Shell (former Dave's Mini Mart)

15 South Main Street

UST gasoline release. Biennial groundwater monitoring with next round June 2010.

Barrows Coal - Connecticut River Plant

Oil-water separator repaired. Contaminated soils removed.

Soil contamination occuring as a result of leaking fuel oil delivery trucks over time. Soils removed and treated off site. Site Investigation completed. Limited GW contamination identified but through MNA went below GWESs.

Barrup Farm aka Green Mountain Mulch

515 Lower Quarry Rd

Underground storage tank removed in 1999. Contamination found during site investigation in 2000. Further investigation needed. Heindel & Noyes wp approved in Feb 2007.

Barstow Elementary School

223 Chittenden Rd

5/02 USTs removed. Contam found. Investigation completed. 1 MW at VGES, water supply well contains 1 ppb MTBE, quarterly sampling of well required by Water Supply Div, 10/02 3rd UST removed confirmatory soil sample, no work required

523 Cambridge Rd

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investogation needed. Soils to ESMI 6/2001. SMAC

No Groundwater Or Supply Well Contamination. Very Low Voc's In Soil.

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911147 Bartletts Construction Birdsville Rd Whitingham SMAC Ashley Desmond 9/26/1991 0:00 10/1/2008 0:00

770028 High Street Barton MED Unassigned

972167 Barton Irving Mainway Main Street Barton SMAC John Schmeltzer 2/1/1997 0:00 1/3/2007 0:00961978 Barton Motors Main St Barton MED John Schmeltzer 4/1/1996 0:00

951921 Barton Post Office Route 5 - Main St Barton SMAC Tim Cropley 3/1/1996 0:00 1/17/2001 0:00870075 Barton Village Barton NFAP Site Closed Unassigned880177 Barton Water Supply Barton NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

961991 Basin Restaurant Property Killington SMAC Matt Moran 4/1/1996 0:00 1/22/2001 0:00

992607 Basketville Rt 5 Putney SMAC Mike Young 2/2/1999 0:00 8/10/1999 0:00

Contamination discovered during the removal of a 1,000-gallon gasoline UST in 1991. Several groundwater monitoring wells were installed in the vicinity of the former tank. Minor dissolved contamination found. Concentrations diminished to levels below the VGES. Limited risk to receptors at this property. The two most recent samples taken from the onsite bedrock supply well show no detection of any VOCs. Monitoring wells have been properly abandoned.

Barton Electric Department

Epa Removal Investigation, No Further Action By Removal Team

No target gasoline compounds found above the Vermont Groundwater Enforcement Standards (VGES). Monitoring wells were closed in November 2005.

Contaminated soil backfilled into tank pit. SEA and Aaron Environmental excavated and disposed of PCS. Soil at extent of excavation "clean."

Killington Access Rd

No. 2 heating oil UST release. 10 yds PCS excavated, treated, and thin spread onsite. 3 MWs installed, with no VGES violations. Onsite bedrock well uncontaminated. Site closed.

Investigation complete. Analytical results non detect. Site Closed. Notice to Land Record. 10/9/07 Re: Soil PAHs.

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20063618 Basketville - Brattleboro Brattleboro MED ### 7/2/2008 0:00

951764 Bass Residence Christian Square Putney SMAC Site SMACed. Bruce Linton ###

921350 Bay View Olds/cadillac NFAP Invest Complete Unassigned/mg 6/1/1994 0:00

992588 Bayley Hazen Store Peacham LOW Bob Haslam770153 Bayside Auto Body Newport NFAP Soil & Battery Cleanup, Site Closed Unassigned

951788 Bayside Quick Stop Colchester SMAC Stockpiled Soils Have Been Thin Spread Unassigned/jf 5/1/1995 0:00 7/1/1996 0:00

870160 Bayview Cadillac NFAP Site Closed Unassigned900549 Bdr Transport Rt 5 Westminster NFAP Site Closed Bob Haslam

870043 Bear Mountain Grocery Bridgewater SMAC Lynda Provencher 11/1/1994 0:00 6/14/1999 0:00

982533 Killington MED Tami Wuestenberg ###

20093969 Beardsley Residence 123 Farnm St Ryegate MED Bob Haslam

900529 Beaudreaus Robillard Rd Stamford NFAP Unassigned 6/1/1992 0:00

34-68 Birge Street

Prospective buyer Site Investigation by ECS, identified impact by Arsenic, PAHs, and Trichloroethene, to surface soil, subsurface soil and groundwater. CAP to address surface soils and soil vapor intrusion, approved and implemented. Post Cap report 7.08. Operation and Maintenance Plan and Institutional/Engineering Controls are in place. Regular monitoring and reporting schedule is in place. Minor CAP and O&M amendment 9/5/08.

Hugo Martinez Cazon

1030 Shelburne Rd

South Burlington

Danville Groton Rd

Contaminated water supplies are now clean. Investigation and monitoring completed.

336 Malletts Bay Ave

South Burlington

Jct of Route 4 & 100

No groundwater contamination onsite. Soils disposed of offsite.

Bear Mountain Maintenance

Bear Mountain Rd

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed. Sent letter requesting update. If no response may go to enforcement. Received email from MCI on 11/15/05 - will have update report by 12/23/05. As of 1/10/07 consultant says work is completed, waiting on report.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed.

Contamination From Well Pump. Monitoring Ongoing.

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20023061 Beaudrys Store 2177 Main St Huntington HIGH Gerold Noyes ###

20053360 Becks Properties Inc 62 Randbury Rd Rutland City MED Ashley Desmond 2/1/2005 0:00

20033080 Beddome Residence Pownal SMAC Unassigned 8/29/2002 0:00 7/29/2003 0:00

770119 Beebe Road Dump Elm Street Derby MED Unassigned

982367 Beech Street School South Stream Rd Bennington SMAC John Schmeltzer 4/21/1998 0:00 9/13/1999 0:00

20083870 Beecher Residence 149 Sayer Rd Barnard SMAC Gerold Noyes ### 8/25/2009 0:00

20012903 50 North St New Haven SMAC Gerold Noyes 7/9/2001 0:00 ###

20053401 Before Property 420 School St Burke SMAC Tami Wuestenberg 6/15/2005 0:00 7/10/2006 0:00

3 USTs removed. Contam found. Confirmatory samples needed, see also adjacent site 91-1124, 7/30/03, 7/5/04 3 of 4 MWs above VGES, annual sample w/adjacent site, 8/2008 FP found, new release, SVE installed, quarterly samples

Historical releases of gasoline. Investigation needed to determine extent and severity of contamination. Phase II submitted. UST removed in May 05, additional contamination discovered. Work plan for additional investigation approved in June 05. AD

414 VT Route 346

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found in soils however no sensitive receptors at risk. Water provided by municipal system.

Dec Pa Report 2/89, Drinking Water Sampled-clean

Contaminated soils removed. Foundation drain discharge analyzed for VOCs and total petroluem hydrocarbons. No petroleum compounds were detected.

USTremoved. Contam found. ISI complete. Confirmatory sample in Spring 2009. no impact to GW. SMAC

Beeman Elementary School

USTremoved. Soil contam found and excavated to clean. No GW observed. SMAC

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Going expressway. Investigation complete, no VOCs above VGES, however some lead contamination. WQ event performed in December 2005. Continue to show elevated lead levels. Requested additional wq event spring 2006. All wells ND lead and VOCs - SMAC'd site.

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20043277 Beilstein residence Essex SMAC Lynda Provencher ### 10/3/2005 0:00

20063563 Belden CDT (former) Essex MED 8/29/2006 0:00

20002748 Bell Atlantic #4745-06 Milton SMAC Richard Spiese ### 5/15/2000 0:00

931481 Memorial Drive St Johnsbury SMAC Matt Moran 10/1/1993 0:00 8/21/2001 0:00

992662 Bell Atlantic 4731-08 U S Route 5 Dummerston SMAC Gerold Noyes 7/21/1999 0:00 5/9/2000 0:00

951842 Bell-Gates Lumber Corp Route 15 Cambridge SMAC Tim Cropley 9/1/1995 0:00 ###

911078 Bellavance Trucking 5 South Vine St Barre City MED Ashley Desmond 8/1/1991 0:00

Walden Woods Road

#2 fuel oil 2000 gallon underground storage tank removed. Approximately 27 tons of contaminated soil was excavated and transported to ESMI in Loudon, NH. No contaminants in monitoring well, also no petroleum contaminants in drinking water wells in the vicinity of the site. Monitoring well properly closed.

26 Thompson Drive

Phase I ESA presented. Indications of potential release to onsite leachfield. Incomplete UST tank investigation.

Hugo Martinez Cazon

Catamount Industrial Park

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation shows no groundwater impacts. Contaminated soils disposed of at EMSI of NY.

Bell Atlantic - St Johnsbury

Gasoline UST system release. Investigations completed. Approximately 100 cubic yards of PCS removed and asphalt batched. Received Certificate of Destruction, and MW closure report. Site granted SMAC designation.

UST removed. Contamination found. Investigation completed. MEK and styrene found. Quarterly monitoring required. 3/8/00 styrene ppb below VGES, MEK non-detect. All wells except tank MW non-detect. Minor impact in tank pit only. SMAC

Minimal on site contamination. Monitoring of three MWs ongoing annually in Nov of each year.VOCs below VGES in Sept 08 and MWs abandoned in Oct 08.

Ongoing monitoring being conducted at property to track contamination from two former 10,000-gallon gasoline USTs. It appears that contamination is confined within the property boundaries. No significant contamination detected in adjacent river.

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20094002 Mill Street Rockingham LOW

931557 Belltown Corporation Route 9 Searsburg SMAC Lynda Provencher 3/9/1993 0:00 2/14/1994 0:00

921276 Belmont General Store Belmont Rd Mount Holly SMAC Matt Moran 8/1/1992 0:00 8/8/2003 0:00

20083755 Belmont General Store 2400 Belmont Rd Mount Holly MED Matt Moran 12/6/2007 0:00

972296 Route 100 Waterbury SMAC Linda Elliott 9/1/1997 0:00 1/30/2004 0:00

20033073 LOW Lynda Provencher 8/2/2002 0:00

951932 58 Priory Hill Rd Weston SMAC Tim Cropley 11/2/1995 0:00 5/24/2002 0:00

Bellows Falls WWTP Headworks

Corrective Action Plan presented for the construction work related to installation of new Headworks at the Waste Water Treatment Plant. Fill material onsite indicated levels of dioxin in soils.

Hugo Martinez Cazon

No contamination to groundwater above enforcement standards. Site closed.

NEW RELEASE - kerosene AST/tar sealant. Impact to stream handled as emergency. MWs closed May '02, SMAC issued. FRMR RELEASE - from kero/gasoline UST. GW invest. w/80 yds PCS treated and spread.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed.

Ben And Jerrys Homemade Inc

6 cubic yards of soil contaminated with fuel oil (originated from 10K UST) removed and polyencapsulated on site. Soil pile is monitored semi-annually. Vapor levels continue to decline. Next round May 2002. Soil stockpile remains on-site, will be thinspread. Soils thin-spread early June 2003. SMAC.

Ben Franklin/Seaway Carwash

518 Shelburne Rd

South Burlington

Petroleum contamination present. Construction activities may occur at the site. Currently, site is on an annual groundwater monitoring basis. Next sampling event should occur in summer, 2009.

Benedictine Foundation - Weston Priory

Monitoring of curtain drains And PCS stockpile complete. No evidence of petroleum on water has been observed and PCS stockpile is <1 ppm. Soil may be used as thinspread fill on site.

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20053451 Benjamin Property 301 Glenview Rd Fayston SMAC Ashley Desmond 6/9/2005 0:00 6/28/2006 0:00

992713 Benjamin Residence Gregory Rd Newport City SMAC Gerold Noyes ### 6/22/2000 0:00

921268 Benmont Paper Plant Bennington NFAP Closed 8/19/92 Unassigned 8/19/1992 0:00

941642 Bennington Airport Morse Airport Bennington SMAC Invest Complete, No Gw Impact Unassigned 7/1/1994 0:00 1/1/1996 0:00

951859 425 Main St Bennington NFAP Unassigned/jf 8/1/1995 0:00

962067 Bennington College Route 67 A Bennington SMAC Unassigned 10/1/1996 0:00 8/25/2004 0:00

20073686 College Drive Bennington SMAC Ashley Desmond ### ###

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Approved Lleowellyn-Howley plan for site investigation. Site investigation conducted in June 2006. No VOCs detected in soils or in groundwater samples from the 3 monitoring wells. Two nearby drinking water supply wells showed no indication of VOC contamination. Monitoring wells have been properly closed.

UST removed. Contam not found below 6'. 15 yds of soil removed from tank grave and stockpiled. Groundwater not encountered. Soils thinspread. SMAC

219 Benmont Ave

Bennington Banner Building

Source Removed, Invest Revealed Low Contamination

Soil stockpiled treated and thinspread. GWESs met on site.

Bennington College - Maintenance Bldg

Large heating oil tanks removed from the property. No 6 fuel oil found floating in the tank grave. Fuel pumped out, contaminated water treated and soils removed. It appears that the full extent of contamination was defined. A sample taken from a nearby out of service spring had not detection of petroleum compounds. This property is served by a public water supply system. Contaminated soils removed during the tank removal activity have been properly disposed of.

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20053334 1 College Drive Bennington SMAC Ashley Desmond 12/6/2005 0:00 8/20/2009 0:00

20093963 1 College Drive Bennington MED Ashley Desmond 7/14/2009 0:00

951896 Water St Bennington MED Richard Spiese

20012859 Bennington MED Brian Woods 4/6/2001 0:00

900645 Bennington Garage Route 9 Bennington LOW Sarah A. Bartlett

Bennington College Campus

Contamination discovered during the removal of several heating oil USTs. Monitoring wells installed in vicinity of leaking USTs at three different locations. Groundwater samples taken over a period of three years showed minimal contamination to the shallow groundwater aquifer (no contaminants above VGES). Screening of indoor air spaces adjacent to the tanks showed no evidence of petroleum vapors. There are no water supply wells within 500 feet of any of these sites. All of these buildings are served by the Bennington College water system. Monitoring wells have been properly abandoned.

Bennington College Orchard C & E

Two leaking USTs found at two different properties. Additional subsurface investigation work is necessary.

Bennington County Industrial Corp

Active remediation installed in 2000. Ongoing groundwater monitoring. RCPP SI report from LAG received 3-28-02.

Bennington Fish Culture Station

110 Fish Hatchery Road

Gasoline underground storage tank removed April 2001. Latest sampling round (4/04) shows BTEX + MTBE in one downgradient monitoring well. Additional groundwater samplng event scheduled for 10/04.

Ust Contamination, Invest Complete. Monitoring Ongoing. ECS to perform groundwater monitoring 11/01

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20083783 303 Depot St Bennington MED Alex Geller 3/25/2008 0:00

941659 Bennington House Of Tile Rt 7 A Bennington SMAC Unassigned 8/1/1994 0:00 ###

982482 Bennington Iron Works Harmon Rd. Bennington SMAC Richard Spiese 9/24/1998 0:00 3/31/2005 0:00

921211 Bennington Monument Bennington SMAC Unassigned 4/7/1992 0:00 9/25/2000 0:00

982395 Bennington Pottery 324 County St Bennington SMAC Gerold Noyes 4/23/1998 0:00 11/4/1999 0:00

20023031 120 McKinley St Bennington SMAC Linda Elliott 5/30/2002 0:00 ###

941578 Bennington Square Mall Kocher Drive Bennington SMAC Invest Complete Unassigned/jf 3/1/1994 0:00 1/1/1996 0:00

921194 Bennington State Office Rt 7 Bennington NFAP Lynda Provencher 2/1/1994 0:00

962018 Bennington Town Garage Depot St Bennington SMAC Unassigned 6/1/1996 0:00 6/22/1998 0:00

Bennington Heating & Cooling

2 underground storage tanks removed. Contamination found. Site investigation, including 6 MW's found gasoline and fuel oil contamination in the GW as well as PCE above enforcement standards. Supplimental investigation incuding the installation of 6 addtl MW's indicate potential PCE migration from offsite source, and migration of PCE to downgradients receptors. Requesting addtl histoical land use and potential offsite source list.

1 Yd Pcs, Need On Site Drinking Well Sampled Water sample tested 10/22/2003. Results non-detect. Soils used in 92 or 93 as fill. SMAC.

Free Product discovered during UST removal. Investigation of source of PCE continues. Petroleum not a problem. PCE also found on site and in nearby drinking water wells. EPA tied these homes onto town water. PCE from an upgradient site; the Monument Plaza.

15 Monument Circle

Ust Contamination. Stockpiled Soils. Soils were tested and spread in the Summer of 1993.

UST removed. Contamination round. 11/99 investigation found minimal contamination, all monitor wells below VGES. SMAC

Bennington Rescue Squad Inc

Underground storage tank removed. Groundwater Enforcement Standards met. No additional work requested.

Site Assess Complete, Gw Not Impacted Above Health Advisory Levels

Ground water standards met on entire site. Site closed.Site Investigation Expressway Notification Rec 6/21/96

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20063559 Bennington Town Offices 205 South St Bennington SMAC Ashley Desmond 7/21/2006 0:00 1/11/2008 0:00

20063491 1378 Route 9 Woodford SMAC Tami Wuestenberg 2/9/2006 0:00 5/13/2009 0:00

890292 Benny's Auto Clinic Route 5 Derby SMAC Unassigned 7/20/1988 0:00 5/19/2008 0:00

982373 Bennys Sunoco Chester SMAC Gerold Noyes 4/1/1998 0:00 11/5/1999 0:00

20043234 Bensley Residence Stowe SMAC Gerold Noyes 6/29/2004 0:00 ###

Release detected during the removal of a heating oil UST. No significant groundwater/soil contamination was detected in the four wells surrounding the source area during the initial site investigation or follow-up monitoring. There is limited risk to receptors in this area from any residual contamination. PID readings in the onsite building were all non-detect. All buildings in this area are served by the municipal drinking water system.

Bennington Water Treatment Facility

Petroleum contamination discovered during construction work on the plant. Source believed to be former UST. Investigation underway. Initial investigation indicated some minor contamination, no offsite impact. Source still unknown - additional investigation planned for Decebmer 2006. Low levels VOC, no VTGES exceedences during March 2007 sampling event. Low TPH levels in soils; to be sampled again spring 2008. No gw exceedences. Wells abandoned, site SMACd.

Used oil contamination to soils around drums from management practices. Contaminated soil was shoveled up and improperly disposed in dumpster. Enforcement not persued. Site closed.

60 Vt Rt 103 South

UST removed. Contamination found. Investigation completed. MTBE in groundwater found above VGES. April and September 1999 samples below VGES and decreasing. SMAC

723 Moulton Lane

UST removed. Soil contamination found. Investigation completed. No impact to groundwater. SMAC

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911136 Benson Country Store Rt 22 A Benson SMAC Ashley Desmond 10/7/1991 0:00 ###

20023044 Benson Fire and Rescue Stage Rd Benson SMAC Unassigned 7/30/2002 0:00 ###

911166 Benson Town Garage Holett Hill Rd Benson LOW Lynda Provencher

20043299 163 Stage Rd Benson SMAC Gerold Noyes 11/4/2004 0:00 5/1/2006 0:00

911162 Benson Village Store Stage Rd Benson SMAC Matt Moran 1/1/1991 0:00 7/1/1997 0:00880220 Benton Peru NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

20093987 Benzie's Texaco Main St Bradford MED Gerold Noyes ###

Contamination found after the removal of several gasoline USTs. Del Beebe did not conduct the required investigation work- sold property to Tad Fyles in 1998. After several requests, a workplan was received for the site investigation in 2005. LAG installed several groundwater monitoring wells and investigated a former soil stockpile and floor drain. The most recent samples taken from the monitoring wells and the floor drain outlet showed no significant levels of petroleum contamination. The soil stockpile could not be located. It is speculated that this pile was spread onsite years ago. Water samples taken from two nearby bedrock supply wells showed no detectable levels of contamination. The floor drain was dismantled, and the monitoring wells abandoned.

Underground storage tank removed. Contaminated soils removed. No sensitive receptors. Soils shipped to ESMI. Site SMAC

1,000 gallon underground storage tank containing gasoline removed in 1991. Annual groundwater monitoring ongoing. Next sampling event to occur in May, 2009.

Benson Town Offices & Library

2 USTs removed. Contam found. Confirmatory samples & sensitive receptor survey show no impact to GW. SMAC

Gasoline And Diesel Underground Storage Tank Investigation Complete. Site Closed.

abandoned gas station to be investigated using ARRA funding

1/1/1900 12:00:00 AM

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20023069 Berbee Salvage Precast Road Milton MED Linda Elliott ###

931368 Berbee Salvage Camp Rd Milton MED Linda Elliott

880210 Bergeron Hartford MED Unassigned 6/9/1988 0:00

20043309 Berkeley Residence 596 Laclair Rd Shaftsbury SMAC Ashley Desmond 12/9/2004 0:00 4/5/2006 0:00

931449 Berkewitz Transport Route 5 Coventry NFAP Unassigned 2/1/1994 0:00

911010 Berlin and River St. 172 Berlin St Montpelier LOW Linda Elliott

921196 Berlin Corners Berlin SMAC Remediation Complete Richard Spiese 1/1/1992 0:00 10/8/1993 0:00

941690 Berlin Mobil Short Stop Berlin LOW Matt Moran 10/1/1994 0:00

Limited petroleum contamination detected in area adjacent to floordrains. Soil borings/monitoring wells installed. Low levels of contamination detected. Evaluate for SMAC. Refer to site #931368 for historical information.

Site initially closed 1996. Reopened due to limited contamination detected in vicinity of floordrains. Additional bioventing work conducted by site owners. Evaluate results for site closure.

Maple & Pine Sts.

Monitoring Wells Installed. Checked Occasionally.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. LAG wp approved on 3/17/05. ISI report showed no evidence of contamination in four wells (three were dry) and three soil borings. Additional monitoring round req'd 9/05. Wells found to be dry during this round. PID readings of wells showed a max concentration of 1 ppm in MW-1 (tank grave area). Wells have been properly abandoned as required.

No Further Action Planned For Subsurface Invest, Site Closed

Abandoned USTs removed. Fuel oil and gasoline contamination discovered. 3rd party impact to downgradient property. Corrective action plan completed. Annual groundwater monitoring. Next round May 2010.

Berlin Corners Road

320 Barre-Montpelier Rd

Gasoline UST contamination. Biennial GW and culvert sampling. Next round spring 2010.

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931427 Berlin Town Garage Shed Rd, Rt 67 Berlin SMAC Unassigned 7/16/1993 0:00 3/1/2001 0:00

921272 Bernie Larock & Son, Inc Rt 5 Guilford NFAP Lynda Provencher 9/1/1993 0:00

20002799 Berry Residence 544 Moscow Rd Stowe SMAC Sarah A. Bartlett 7/7/2000 0:00 12/3/2008 0:00

20053437 Berson Residence 69 Wood Rd Stowe SMAC Ashley Desmond 9/27/2005 0:00 5/8/2006 0:00

20043214 Bert White Junkyard Huntington MED Linda Elliott 5/25/2004 0:00

20043246 Bert White Residence Huntington MED Marc Roy ###

20083813 Center & Wales Rutland MED Matthew Becker 8/1/2008 0:00

931541 115 Main St Montpelier SMAC Gw Standards Met At Compliance Point On Site Richard Spiese 1/1/1994 0:00 2/1/1997 0:00770071 Bethel Landfill Waterman Road Royalton MED Dec Pa Completed 1/88 Unassigned

20023013 Bethel Town Garage 443 Sand Hill Rd Bethel LOW Gerold Noyes 7/12/2002 0:00

Determine Degree And Extent Of Contam Present. As of this update, (July 27, 1999) last activity in file was a 12/9/97 letter to Provan and Lorber requesting they begin investigation. February 8,1998 investigation report. Soils confirmed spread February 2001. SMAC

Site Assess Complete, No Impact To Sensitive Receptors

500 gallon fuel oil UST removed July 2000. Initial Site Investigation conducted 09/2008, no groundwater sampled contained petroleum VOCs in excess of lab method detection limits. Samples from on-site water supply well in 08/1999 and 09/2008, both clean. MWs closed 11/2008.

2 underground storage tanks. 1 closed in place, the other removed. Contamination found. WES investigation found no contamination. Limited risk to receptors. Approved mw closure Jan 06. Received confirmation of well closure in April 06.

Box 740 Bert White Road

Multi-media compliance inspection reveals evidence of release and improper disposal of debris and hazardous materials. Request work to define degree and extent of contamination.

695 Bert White Rd

10/06/06 contamination remains elevated in one MW, annual sampling.

Berwick Hotel Site & Rutland Herald

Phase I Jan.10, 2008 Phase II July 23, 2008 Phase 3 required.

Bethany Congregational Church

Diesel fuel pump replacement due to leak discovered during UST inspection. Soil contam found. Investigation completed. Excavate or SMAC w/Notice to Land Record

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20063613 Bethmann Residence Warren SMAC Ashley Desmond 11/3/2006 0:00 7/20/2007 0:00931371 Betourneys Market Route 116 Middlebury NFAP Cleanup Complete, Gwes's Met Richard Spiese 4/1/1993 0:00 6/1/1995 0:00

982458 Bickford Libby Residence Rt 5 Barton LOW Gerold Noyes 7/29/1998 0:00

951889 Big Johns Riverside Store Route 15 Jericho LOW Matt Moran 10/1/1995 0:00900617 Big Wheel Variety Route 116 Bristol NFAP Soils Properly Treated. Unassigned

890359 Billings Mobil Route 100 Waterbury SMAC Site Closed Richard Spiese

20002807 Billings Property 476 Route 7 B Clarendon SMAC Gerold Noyes 9/18/2000 0:00 6/28/2002 0:00931365 Billings Residence 4 Bond St Woodstock NFAP Tank Pulled, Additional Investigation Needed Unassigned/mg 5/1/1993 0:00

20053446 Bills Property Stratton SMAC Ashley Desmond ### ###

752 Mad Meadows Rd

Release detected during the removal of a heating oil UST system. No groundwater/soil contamination was detected in the four wells surrounding the source area during the initial site investigation. Follow-up monitoring showed trace levels of VOCs in the source area. There is limited risk to receptors in this area from any residual contamination. Samples taken from the onsite well and onsite pond showed no detectable petroleum contaminants. Monitoring wells have been properly abandoned.

UST removed. Contam found. Investigation complete. 2/22/02, 1/23/03 2 of 4 MWs above VGES, 1 ND, water supply occasional low levels of benzene & MTBE. Owner installed carbon filter. Biennial sample

Gasoline UST release. Initial impact to nearby dug well, since rectified. Biennial GW sampling, next rd. fall 2008 - could SMAC with land record notice. PCS thin spread 8/99.

Fuel oil spill. Investigation complete. 11/6/00, 4/19/01 Source area MW above VGES. No VOCs found in MWs, area supply wells, or storm drains. 4/30/02 source MW ND. SMAC

241 Pike Hollow Rd

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. 10 yards of soil removed from the tank grave and properly disposed of. Confirmatory samples from the tank grave showed no detection of target petroleum compounds. Nearest water supply well is located 600 feet upgradient of the site.

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20083884 106099 South Rd Woodstock SMAC Ashley Desmond ### 7/20/2009 0:00

20043251 Birchwood Trailer Park Unit 98 Milton MED Unassigned 6/24/2004 0:00

20073623 Bishop Rice Home Essex SMAC Gerold Noyes 12/6/2006 0:00 ###

951929 Bisson Property Rutland City SMAC Site Invest Complete. Minimum Contam Found Tim Cropley 6/1/1996 0:00

20063520 Bissonette Farm Gilman Road Hinesburg SMAC Tami Wuestenberg 5/1/2006 0:00 ###

982429 Bixbys 34 Bentley Ave Poultney MED Sarah A. Bartlett 9/1/1999 0:00

Birch Hill Investments Property

Contamination originated from a 1,000 gallon heating oil tank. 5 cubic yards of contaminated soil was removed from the excavation. Confirmatory soil samples collected from the base of the excavation had no elevated TPH, VOCs or PID readings. No groundwater was encountered in the excavation. A sample taken from the onsite drinking water supply showed no detection of VOCs.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed.

104 Old Colchester Rd

UST removed. Contam found. Expressway ISI complete. Confirm sample Fall 2007. 9/07 ND VOCs, tank pit TPH 9.7 ppm. SMAC

25 - 27 Cottage St

Contamination discovered during site assessment conducted by WEM. Additional investigation needed. No VGES found; requested addition wq event and CE to remove surface soils near AST - July 2006. 14 tons of diesel contaminated soil removed from source area. WQ exceedences reported in source area well, no migration reported. To be resampled Spring 2007. No elevated VOCs in April 2007 sample. To be SMAC'd once wells properly abandoned.

UST & AST removed. Contam found, Investigation completed, annual monitoring & weekly FP recovery. 5/02 3 of 5 MWs above VGES, 1 FP, 5/03 1 of 5 MWs above VGES, 3 FP, quarterly FP removal, biennial monitor

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20063582 Black Bear Tavern 205 Hastings St St Johnsbury SMAC Ashley Desmond 6/23/2006 0:00 10/9/2006 0:00

941583 Brattleboro SMAC No Remaining Evidence Of Gw Contam Matt Moran 3/1/1994 0:00 2/1/1996 0:00

20043185 Black River Farm Albany SMAC Richard Spiese 12/9/2003 0:00 9/3/2004 0:00

992622 Black River Produce Route 103 Cavendish SMAC Gerold Noyes 5/24/1999 0:00 2/25/2000 0:00870147 Black River Produce Ludlow NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

982526 Black River School 45 Main St Ludlow SMAC Gerold Noyes ### 7/19/1999 0:00

961997 Blackmer/ladd Property Main St Fairlee SMAC Matt Moran 5/1/1996 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00

20063599 215 South St Bennington SMAC Ashley Desmond ### ###

20053372 Blain Residence Pawlet LOW Bob Haslam 3/31/2005 0:00

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. 27 cubic yards of contaminated soil removed from tank grave. Confirmatory soil samples indicated that the full extent of contamination had been defined. Soils were properly disposed of at ESMI in Louden, NH. All properties in the vicinity of the former tank are served by municipal utilities. Indoor air of the onsite building was screeened and showed no evidence of contamination.

Black Mountain Trailer Park

4 Black Mountain Park

1598 VT Route 14 South

Investigation completed-only soil impacted. Site closed. (CC, 10/4/04)

UST removed and contamination found. Investigation completed. 2/25/00 no impact to GW. SMAC

UST removed. Contamination found. Investigation completed. All groundwater samples ND or below VGES. SMAC

Investigation of spill completed, PCS treated by asphalt batching, site closed

Blacksmith Shop/Visitor Center

Release detected during the removal of a heating oil UST. Minimal groundwater/soil contamination detected in the four wells surrounding the source area during the initial site investigation. There is limited risk to receptors in this area from any residual contamination. All neighboring properties are served by the municipal drinking water system. The indoor air of the onsite building was screened using a PID and showed no elevated readings. Monitoring wells have been properly abandoned.

34 Nelson Terrace

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation and cleanup complete.

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972199 Blaises Country Store Rt 116 Hinesburg SMAC Linda Elliott 7/1/1997 0:00 3/2/2000 0:00

20023053 Blake Hill Condos Routes 4 & 12 Woodstock MED Gerold Noyes 6/20/2002 0:00870157 Blakes Store Georgia NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

961949 Blanchard Residence 27 Terrill St Rutland City LOW Matt Moran

20083866 Blanchard Residence 243 Putnam St Bennington SMAC Ashley Desmond 9/10/2008 0:00 2/6/2009 0:00890450 Blodgett Oven Shelburne NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

20093962 Blodgett Supply 606 Hartford Ave Hartford MED Ashley Desmond 7/9/2009 0:00

992714 Blodgetts Repair 70 High St Plainfield SMAC Tami Wuestenberg 12/7/1999 0:00 7/9/2007 0:00

7/97: 5 USTs removed or closed in place (3 gas; 1 diesel; 1 unknown). SMS approval to thinspread soils onsite. Water quality monitoring shows GWES met onsite. Sie eligible for SMAC.

UST removed. Contam found. 1/3 MWs above VGES, foundation drain replaced, confirmatory sample

Remediation Complete. PCS at Duffy Coal Company (Site #91-1107), to which this site has been merged.

Heating oil release to basem*nt. Flooded basem*nt revealed contamination as owner began to pump water out. It appears that the bulk of contamination was removed from the subsurface. A water sample collected from the basem*nt showed no detection of VOCs. SMAC.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Initial investigation found no significant soils/groundwater impact. Site will be closed when monitoring wells are decommissioned.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Several site investigations occurred from 2003 through 2005. Low levels of petroleum contamination from the LUST and low levels of chlorinated solvent contamination from a floor drain were found on the site. Dry well was closed, contaminants naturally attenuated. No VTGES exceedences in two consecutive rounds. Wells closed 2007. SMACd.

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770068 Blood Farm Dump River Road Putney LOW Tami Wuestenberg

880255 Bloomfield Country Store Bloomfield NFAP Site Closed Unassigned870077 Blouin Enosburg NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

962069 Pleasant St Enosburg LOW Richard Spiese 10/1/1996 0:00870040 Blows Texaco Rutland City NFAP Site Closed Unassigned931464 Blue Flame Gas Rt 14, S Barre Rd Barre Town NFAP No Impact To Groundwater. Site Closed Linda Elliott 9/1/1993 0:00 10/1/1994 0:00

770125 Blue Seal Feeds 19 Barre St. Montpelier SMAC closed Stan Corneille 7/19/1999 0:00890336 Blue Seal Feeds Richford NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

931360 Blue Seal Feeds Inc Provence Rd Richford NFAP Lynda Provencher 9/28/1993 0:00870038 Bob Cross Berkshire NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

911009 Bob's Deli Montpelier LOW Groundwater monitoring ongoing Bob Haslam

900534 Bob's Service Center Route 5 Hartford LOW Gerold Noyes 6/18/1990 0:00

890377 Bob's Texaco Rutland City MED Tami Wuestenberg 7/17/1989 0:00

921216 Bob's Variety & Deli Barton SMAC Lynda Provencher

982419 Bobs Sunoco Montpelier SMAC Gerold Noyes 4/30/1998 0:00 ###

EPA ESI completed. Waiting for a local resident to submit his comments on this report. The SMS is expected to have a position paper completed in the first half of 2003. No activity as of April 2006.

Blouin Brothers Bulk Fuel Facility

Semi-annual groundwater monitoring. Site monitoring reduced to annually.

Tank Closed In Place - No Impact To Sensitive Receptors

Barre-Montpelier Rd.

Site Innvestigation Complete. 4 site monitor wells above VGES for MTBE since 8/90. 8/2008 2 of 4 MWs above VGES Biennial monitoring on-going

93 Woodstock Ave.

Ust Contamination. Soils Stockpiled. File # 89-0377, Bob's Texaco, Rutland was reported lost on 8/19/94 by Bob Haslam, who reccomended the site stay on the active list until an assessment of ground water was performed. SI conducted fall 2001; GWES exceeded in 3 of 4 wells; requested additional wq round to occur in spring 2002; RP can't afford to do additional work; sent loan info 1/2006

Main Street, Rte 5

No contaminants in groundwater; stockpiled soil spread offsite.

Memorial Drive and Taylor St

Limited contam. semi-annual GW monitor. 5/1/02 1 MW below VGES, 2 ND; 9/13/02 1 MW below VGES, SMAC

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951824 Bobs' Meat Market Swanton LOW Unassigned 9/1/1995 0:00

992690 Bobs' Sunoco 13 Clinton St Springfield LOW Richard Spiese 9/7/1999 0:00

20043287 Boccelli Property 46 Canal St Rockingham MED ### 7/11/2007 0:00

20063497 Bodell-Fisher Property Warren SMAC Ashley Desmond 9/16/2006 0:00 7/31/2006 0:00

20073720 Bodine Residence Weathersfield SMAC Ashley Desmond 7/27/2007 0:00 ###

770021 Boise Cascade North Route 105 Sheldon LOW Brian Woods ###

770022 Boise Cascade South Poor Farm Rd Sheldon MED Brian Woods

921234 Boise's Citgo Mini Mart Bridport MED Sarah A. Bartlett 7/27/1998 0:00

Route 7, Champlain Commons

SMS has been awaiting groundwater sampling results since October 20, 1995. (8/3/99)

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination appears limited to soils and groundwater on and around site. Further investigation to determine degree and extent .

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation done. Floor Drains capped. Asphalt cap. Notice to Land Records February 2007.

Hugo Martinez Cazon

326 Sugarwoods Rd

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed. Approved Llewellyn-Howley workplan for isi in April 06. ISI found no evidence of petroleum contamination in monitoring wells or in the onsite bedrock supply well. SMS approved mw closure for SMAC.

201 Butterfield Hill Rd

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. It appears full extent of contamination was removed. Analytical samples from the tank grave and the drinking water supply well showed no petroleum impact.

EPA Site Investigation Prioritization Report completed 7/95

5 Year Monitoring Plan completed 6/1996. No evidence of a release of landfill-related substances. Autumn 2000 sampling event confirmed site conditions remain consistant with historical results. Site gates/fences have been repaired and upgraded to limit trespassing. Boise Cascade performs annual inspection and maintenance of facility; submits report to the Solid Waste program.

Rt 125 & 22 A - Box 102

Awaiting Sampling Results. See also Site #92-1260 - AOT Bridport

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982485 Bolton Peak Maintenance Bolton MED Lynda Provencher 9/2/1998 0:00972134 Bolton Spill Site Route 2 Bolton LOW Kerosine tanker spill, remediation completed Bob Haslam 2/1/1997 0:00

921302 Bolton Town Garage Route 2 Bolton NFAP Lynda Provencher 11/1/1994 0:00

20002734 Bolton LOW Lynda Provencher 2/1/2000 0:00

20023048 Bonacorsi and Sons 16 Prospect St Barre City HIGH Gerold Noyes ###900486 Bonnett's Welding Rt 105 St Albans NFAP Low/cl Bob Haslam

921210 Bonnettes Garage Rt 100 Waitsfield LOW Bob Haslam

941572 Bonnie Oakes Fairlee LOW Tami Wuestenberg 3/1/1994 0:00

20053376 Booska Movers 180 Flynn Ave Burlington SMAC Richard Spiese 4/25/2005 0:00 1/24/2008 0:00

972251 Booth Brothers Dairy Barre Town SMAC Investigation Completed. Site Closed. Unassigned 10/1/1997 0:00 3/1/1998 0:00

Bolton Valley Access Rd

Groundwater contamination present. Sine the site had limited success with natural attenuation, a source removal was conducted in the Fall of 2007. More than 450 cubic yards of soil was removed. Semi-annual monitoring ongoing. Next sampling event March, 2009.

Contaminated Soil Properly Disposed Of. Site Closed

Bolton Valley Holiday Resort

Bolton Valley Access Road

Two USTs removed, one owned by Paul Gayle, one by Bolton Peak. Soil contamination and limited groundwater contamination found. Site Investigation to follow.

Former dry cleaning site, petroleum & chlorinated solvent contam, remediation by SVE & chem oxidation

LUSTcontamination, Investigation complete, groundwater monitoring ongoing.

East Lake Morey Rd

Contaminated soils were backfilled before contamination could be measured. Further investigation performed in fall 06 - waiting on report. 2009 - Groundwater contamination encountered above VTGES, no supply well impacts, no offsite impacts; currently undergoing 1 year of monitoring to determine if corrective action is necessary - will receive report at end of 2009.

Dispenser leak to gravel parking lot. Some migration to Inglesby Brook. Booms and pads in stream swept away in heavy rainfall. EP&S re-deployed boom and collected used material. GW investigation showed low levels of VOC contamination. GWESs met. MWs abandoned.

Allen Street Extension

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951756 Booth Residence Railroad St SMAC Remediation Complete, Site Closed. Matt Moran 2/1/1995 0:00 1/1/1996 0:00

911091 Border Gas Rt 5, Box 207 Derby SMAC Matt Moran 8/1/1991 0:00 ###

982345 Border Substation Elm St Derby SMAC SMAC designation on 5 January 1999 Michael Smith 2/1/1998 0:00 1/5/1999 0:00

20033155 33 Foundry St Morristown SMAC Lynda Provencher870134 Bostwick Estate Charlotte NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

20073662 Bottinelli Residence Woodbury SMAC Tami Wuestenberg 4/25/2007 0:00 5/5/2009 0:00

20033151 Bouffard Residence Williston SMAC Linda Elliott 9/2/2003 0:00 7/1/2004 0:00


Follow up UST release investigation completed summer 2001. No significant contamination remaining, site closed.

Bornemann & Green Machine Shop

1,000 gallon fuel oil UST removed October, 2003. Free product and dissolved contamination detected in groundwater. Initial site investigation groundwater data showed petroleum compounds in groundwater, as well as tetrachloroethene and 1,1,1-trichloroetheane in groundwater. These two compounds were below standards and were only detected in two wells a distance away from the UST on the property boundary. Consultant suggested this is coming from offsite sources. 177 tons of contaminated soil excavated in November, 2004. . June, 2008 sampling results showed groundwater contaminaiton in all wells to be either below standards or non-detect. When wells are properly abandoned, site will be eligible for a Site Management Activity Completed (SMAC) designation.

346 Sand Hill Road

Fill pipe malfunction. Fuel leak to ground. UST removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed. ISI performed, 60 cubic yards of contaminated soil shipped to ESMI. Possible bedrock contamination - shallow bedrock. No gw impact noted. Consultant to sample nearby supply wells. Supply wells sampled twice. No impact noted. Site closed.

1029 Old Creamery Rd

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed.

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20043225 Bouramia Residence Stowe SMAC Gerold Noyes 6/9/2004 0:00 5/26/2005 0:00

982336 Bourdeau Brothers Inc Route 105 Sheldon SMAC Gerold Noyes ### 9/11/2008 0:00

20073663 Bourne's Bulk Plant Route 100 Morristown MED Richard Spiese 7/2/2007 0:00

921246 Bourne's Service Center Main Street Stowe SMAC Gw Standards Met Downgradient Lynda Provencher 2/1/1997 0:00870113 Bournes Morristown NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

982368 Bournes Service Center MED Gerold Noyes 4/1/1998 0:00

951814 Bournes Service Center Morristown LOW Tim Cropley 9/1/1995 0:00890365 Boutins Fairfax NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

870150 Rt 78 Swanton LOW Gerold Noyes ###

962004 Bove Mart 213 Main St Rutland City SMAC Annual Stockpile Monitoring Tim Cropley 6/1/1996 0:00 8/30/1999 0:00

941614 Bove/fa*gan Ice Cream 12 Commerce St Williston SMAC Lynda Provencher 6/1/1994 0:00 5/1/1996 0:00

261 Brush Hill Rd

UST removed. Contam found, investigation complete. 8/2004 1 of 3 MWs above VGES, 4/2005 all MWs ND, SMAC

UST removed. Contam found. Investigation complete. 11/99 4 of 6 MWs above VGES, 8/00 3 of 6 above VGES, 10/02, 10/03, 4 of 6 above VGES. Biennial monitoring. Low impact to GW in tank pit. SMAC

Historic bulk plant undergoing reconstruction. Petroleum contaminated soils discovered. Remedial plan under development.

760 Shelburne Rd

South Burlington

USTs removed, contam found. SMS Requested further investigation 6/14/98 letter to Mr. Bourne, 6/19/00 site investigation report inadequate, Fall 2005 ISI, 6/2009 4 of 6 MWs above VGES, semi annual monitoring

1/1/1900 12:00:00 AM

Bridge St - Route 100

Stockpiled Soil Treated And Thin Spread and site SMACed on 8/1/1996. New release discovered 6/30/97. Annual monitoring in summer 2010.

Bovat Texaco/Swanton Mobil

Ust Contam Found. Monitoring Ongoing as Bovat Texaco. Tank owner RL Vallee and site operates as Swanton Mobil. New investigation required result of 10/22/98 UST replacement. 4/00 10 of 11 MWs, 7/00, 10/00 11 of 12 MWs, 2/01 6 of 8 MWs above VGES, CAFI complete, annual monitor 10/8/01 5 of 7 10/17/02 6 of MWs above VGES, 10/9/03 5 of 7 MWs above VGES, stable site, biennial monitor

Site Invest Complete, Downgrade Mw Does Not Contain Above Standards

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992704 Bowen Property Route 4 Mendon SMAC Linda Elliott 6/28/1999 0:00 1/31/2005 0:00

20043279 Bowers Residence 1545 East Hill Rd Ludlow SMAC Lynda Provencher 9/22/2004 0:00 8/2/2005 0:00

911036 Bowles Residence East Rd Berlin SMAC Unassigned 2/1/1996 0:00

20012862 Boyd Residence 5 Cross Rd Topsham SMAC Tami Wuestenberg 4/13/2001 0:00 4/9/2009 0:00

900538 BP Station Rt 5 Weathersfield NFAP Ust Contamination. Stockpiled Soils. Unassigned

20073637 Brace Residence Burlington SMAC Ashley Desmond ### 3/26/2007 0:00

Waste oil and hazardous waste improperly stored on site. Contaminated soils stockpiled and later thinspread onsite. 1,000 gallon fuel oil UST removed. No evidence of contamination. No additional work requested.

550 gallon fuel oil underground storage tank removed. No contamination in groundwater. Monitoring well properly closed.

Known Sources Removed. Well Nd For Voc's & Svoc's. Clsd.

Investigation underway. Monitoring wells installed, 20 yds contamination stockpiled. SVE/AS system ran until gw in compliance; fall 2005 reworked soil pile added manure and aerated; set to screen soil pile spring 2006. Elevated PIDs remain; pile to be screened in fall 2006; fall 2006 - 10ppm and odors; SMS requested annual soil pile screening until <1ppm. NO GW exceedences remain all wells and system infrastructure has been removed; awaiting soil pile compliance for SMAC (as of 12/2007). Soil Pile PIDs <1 ppm in 2008. Site SMACd

186 Riverside Ave

Release detected during the removal of a 1,000-gallon heating oil UST. It appears that contaminants were contained by the clay rich soils in the area. After the removal of approx. 11 tons of soil, no PID readings above 1 ppm were detected. Confirmatory soil samples revealed minor levels of contamination well below the Region IX PRGs. A screening of the indoor air showed no detection of vapors. No shallow groundwater was encountered to a depth of 7.5 feet below grade. All properties in the vicinity are served by the municipal water system.

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20002787 Route 5 Bradford HIGH John Schmeltzer 6/13/2000 0:00

931453 Bradford Veneer Mill Mill St Bradford SMAC Ashley Desmond 9/1/1993 0:00 8/21/2006 0:00

20033084 Flat Street Brattleboro MED 2/5/2003 0:00

20073678 Bradley Residence Stowe SMAC Ashley Desmond 7/12/2007 0:00 9/21/2007 0:00

Bradford Oil Storage Facility

07/02: Free-product present at site. PID levels in soils at depth exceed 1000 ppm. MTBE levels in one monitoring well exceed 500,000 ppb. Site cleanup under a pay for performance agreement. Corrective Action Plan due August 16 2002Awaiting report describing the installation of more monitoring wells and the results of a pilot test.

Gasoline UST removed from the property. Contaminated soils encountered. Approximately 6 cubic yards of material was excavated. Shallow groundwater sample taken from the tank area showed no elevated VOC concentrations. Approved spreading of soils after PID screening showed no detection of VOCs (soils stockpiled for 12 years). Received letter verifying that soils were spread onsite and that the monitoring well had been properly abandoned.

Bradley Lot / Bushnell Block

Groundwater Sampling and Drum Invetigation Reports received 1/30/03. Soil Management Plan commented.

Hugo Martinez Cazon

88 Upper Hollow Rd

Contamination discovered during the removal of a heating oil UST. No visual or olfactory evidence of contamination was observed, though PID readings up to 36 ppm were recorded. Following the removal of approximately two cubic feet of soil, no elevated PID readings were noted. Water was encountered at approximately 4.5 feet below grade, which appeared to be water perched on an underlying clay layer. No sheens were observed on the water surface. A confirmatory soil sample taken from the excavation had no detections of VOCs and a TPH reading of 7.86 ppm. A sample taken from the onsite water supply well had no detectable VOCs.

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982478 Bradley's Mobil Rt 118 Montgomery LOW Matt Moran ###

962025 Bradleys General Store Rt 15 Johnson LOW Richard Spiese 6/1/1996 0:00

972136 Braintree Town Garage Rt 12 A Braintree SMAC Unassigned 1/1/1997 0:00 4/12/2002 0:00

962112 Route 73 West Brandon SMAC No Impact To Groundwater. Site Closed. Unassigned 10/1/1996 0:00 6/1/1997 0:00

890454 Brandon Exxon 3 Grove St Brandon LOW Lynda Provencher

870140 Brandon Inn 20 Park St, Rt 7 Brandon SMAC Monitoring Stopped. Wells To Be Removed. Linda Elliott 4/1/1997 0:00

20073693 Brandon Lumber 9 Grove St. Brandon SMAC Alex Geller 8/20/2007 0:00 1/22/2009 0:00

972153 Brandon Training Center Route 7 Brandon SMAC John Schmeltzer 1/1/1997 0:00 1/1/1998 0:00

890387 Brandon Training School Brandon NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

982424 24 E Main St Wilmington SMAC Gerold Noyes 3/30/1998 0:00 11/3/1999 0:00

Gasoline and diesel UST release, ISI done. Offsite access denied. Biennial monitoring - next rd. fall 2010. PCS thin spread 7/02.

UST removed and contamination found. Further investigation shows remediation by Natural Attenuation working.Excavated soils thinspread in 2007.

Expressway. 4/22/98 - Phone Log, 10/31/1997 - Initial Site Investigation Report. Re: Stockpiled Soils. Soils confirmed spread and reseed in 1998. Need to retest water supply well onsite and neighboringwell. Analytical results from 1997,provided by Mike Rossi in November 2001, showed wells nontect Site Smac 4/2002.

Brandon D P W Highway Garage

Four monitoring wells installed. Biennial sampling occurring in April, 2008. In March 2009, SMS requested additional investiagtion be conducted in response to contamination discovered during road expansion project.

2 underground storage tanks removed. Investigation included 8 monitoring wells. All groundwater samples are below GQES. No sensitive receptors including indoor air, utility lines, wetlands, and groundwater have been affected. Site and neighbors use town water. Monitoring wells are properly abandoned and site is ready for closure.

Contam Limited To Dispenser And Ust Area. Site Closed.

Brattleboro Community Land Trust

ASTrelease to basem*nt, no impact to ground water, contaminated soils capped . SMAC with Notice to Land Records

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20033133 Brattleboro Fire Station 103 Elliott St Brattleboro SMAC Unassigned 8/1/2003 0:00 ###

20033164 Brattleboro Food Co-op 2-12 Main Street Brattleboro SMAC Gerold Noyes ### 2/13/2004 0:00

770036 Brattleboro Gas Works Brattleboro LOW Michael Smith

20012930 9 Belmont Ave Brattleboro SMAC Gerold Noyes 8/31/2001 0:00 7/28/2008 0:00

890345 Putney Rd Brattleboro LOW Matt Moran 6/1/1989 0:00

890340 Brattleboro Mobil Route 9 Route 9 Brattleboro SMAC Site Closed Matt Moran 5/1/1989 0:00 1/1/1991 0:00

941613 896 Putney Rd Brattleboro LOW Matt Moran 6/1/1994 0:00

951915 Brattleboro Public Works 26 Fairground Rd Brattleboro SMAC Unassigned 9/28/1995 0:00 3/8/2001 0:00870145 Brattleboro Retreat Brattleboro NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

Investigation conducted. Ledge encountered, no groundwater sampling. Site closed. (CC, 10/13/04)

PCE in GW above VGES from former dry cleaner discvrd during property trans., MTBE above VGES, up gradient MW, likely from off site Canal Street source, SMAC w/ Notice to Land Records

Route 119, Bridge Street

Epa Si Completed 10/90. An Investigation will be conducted in 1999 in relation to a proposed bridge to be built across CT. River Investigation was completed and while the site was found to be contamianted, no risk to human health or the environment was discovered. The groundwater is being monitored and institutional controls developed for the site.

Brattleboro Memorial Hospital

USTs removed. Contam found. #4/6 fuel oil Investigation completed. 6/02 1 of 3 MWs above VGES. 7/03 3 MWs FP, 1 below VGES, 3 ND, 7/04 3 MWs ND, 4 MWs FP water table 60+ ft., no impact to receptors. SMAC w/Notice to LR

Brattleboro Mobil Putney Rd

Gasoline UST release - ongoing dissolved phase GW impact. Annual monitoring 2008, next round fall '08. Fuel oil UST release - 450lbs of fuel oil recovered, with no quantifiable free product remaining.

Brattleboro North (Hannaford) Plaza

Source area investigation & annual monitoring of perchloroethylene release was to occur Feb 2004, no report received. Requested status update from Gibraltar Mgmt. 7/17/09.

Contam. soils to be spread onsite. Soils confrrmed spread onsite March 5, 2001. SMAC

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900528 Brattleboro Retreat Route 30 Brattleboro NFAP Landfarm Met Closure Criteria Richard Spiese

770118 Brattleboro Salvage 160 Vernon Road Brattleboro NFAP Requires A Site Visit, Merged With 890293 Unassigned

890293 Brattleboro Salvage Inc 160 Vernon Rd Brattleboro NFAP Unassigned

962110 Brattleboro Salvage Inc 437 Vernon Rd Brattleboro SMAC Tim Cropley 11/1/1996 0:00 4/5/2000 0:00

972242 221 Main St Brattleboro MED Alex Geller 5/1/1997 0:00

890402 Brattleboro Texaco Rt 5 Brattleboro LOW Richard Spiese 1/1/1989 0:00

992661 Brattleboro Town Wells Route 30 Brattleboro SMAC Lynda Provencher 7/20/1999 0:00 ###

982405 606 Vernon Rd Brattleboro SMAC Gerold Noyes 6/22/1998 0:00 8/28/2002 0:00

982500 Braun Residence 28 Hawk Pine Rd Norwich SMAC John Schmeltzer 4/28/1998 0:00 1/4/2002 0:00

982351 Bread And Bottle Citgo 45 River Rd Essex SMAC Tim Cropley 2/1/1998 0:00 2/16/2000 0:00

File Moved To File # 770118. File Closed Not Site.

Upon investigations by Environmental Compliance Services, Inc., there was no subsurface contamination found. ECS performed additional sampling as required for property transaction and only TPH at 5.6 ppm was found. Site has beem SMACed (4-5-2000).

Brattleboro Savings And Loan

Underground Storage Tank Removed. Contamination Found. Investigation Needed. Letter On 3/16/98 Requesting Work Plan Be Submitted Within 15 Days. 4/27/98 No Response. (9/7/99)

1/1/1900 12:00:00 AM

Remediation system shut down. Site in Natural Attentuation monitoring.

No contaminants in groundwater. 15 cubic yards of stockpiled soil lab analyzed and spread at offsite location - DPW Yard in Brattleboro. Little to no risk to sensitive receptors.

Brattleboro Wastewater Treatment Plant

UST removed. Contam found. Investigation completed. 11/3/99 all monitor wells below VGES. SMAC

Vertical extent of contamination defined and above water table. PID readings in the former UST area decreased from 60 ppm in 1998 to non-detect in 2001.

Underground Storage Tank Removed. Contamination Found. Subsurface investigation and soil stockpile monitoring is complete. SMAC designation assigned. Four MWs reported closed on 5/28/01

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20063489 Breault Residence 16 Schuss Pass Fayston SMAC Ashley Desmond 9/6/2005 0:00 5/1/2006 0:00

20012865 Breeden Residence Stowe MED Residential UST leak. Investigation underway. Richard Spiese 5/30/2001 0:00

900479 Breezy Acres Route 7 Colchester SMAC Soil Treated And Spread On Site Unassigned 8/1/1996 0:00

770019 Bressett-Wright Property Route 12 Randolph MED Gerold Noyes 3/1/1986 0:00 9/1/1995 0:00

20012879 Brewin Residence 24 Edelweiss Montgomery SMAC Bruce Linton 6/20/2001 0:00 5/4/2004 0:00

20002785 Brick Store 1 Main St Strafford SMAC Gerold Noyes 5/17/2000 0:00 9/1/2000 0:00

20083815 Brickyard Tavern Building LOW Matt Becker 5/1/2008 0:00

992608 Bridgewater LOW Gerold Noyes 4/14/1999 0:00

961951 Bridgewater Corner Store Rt 4 and 100 A Bridgewater LOW Richard Spiese 2/1/1996 0:00

911146 Bridgewater Elem School Rt 4 Bridgewater SMAC Richard Spiese 8/10/2001 0:00

911101 Bridport Central School Bridport NFAP Soils Properly Disposed, Site Closed Unassigned 6/10/1993 0:00911117 Bridport Town Garage Crown Point Rd Bridport NFAP Soils Properly Disposed, Site Closed Unassigned/mg 6/10/1993 0:00

900570 Brightlock Apartments 14 Summer St St Johnsbury LOW investigation needed Bob Haslam 10/1/1986 0:00

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed. Contam soil shipped to ESMI. LH wp approved for receptor analysis/well sampling. Water supply sample showed no detection of VOCs. Bulk of contamination was removed during the tank excavation. No groundwater impact is likely.

959 Cottage Club Road

Environmental Monitoring Ongoing, Epa Archive List. Site is also 870009. Unifirst site

Kerosene Underground Tank failure. Vapor extraction system installed. Groundwater monitoring ongoing. Site SMACed May 2004.

UST removed and contamination found. Investigation complete. No impact to GW. SMAC.

29-33 Federal Street

St Albans City

Phase I- May 2008 Phase II-Fall 2008 PAHs-soil Phase II investigation conducted in conjunction with SMS#2008-3818. See this file for results.

Bridgewater Center General Store

Bridgewater Center Rd

USTs removed. Contam found. ISI complete. 8/1/01, 3/25/03, 5/5/05, 6/26/07 1 of 4 MWs above VGES. SMAC AFTER MW CLOSURE

Free Product on site all recovered. Cleanup ongoing using Svs.

Groundwater contamination on site at low levels and meeting standards. No outstanding issues.

P O Box 35, Rt 22 A

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951925 Brighton Garage Cross St Brighton MED Matt Moran 11/1/1995 0:00

982457 Brisson Property Rt 74 West Shoreham LOW Lynda Provencher 5/4/1998 0:00

890430 Bristol Rt 30 Townshend LOW Bob Haslam

20043181 Bristol Flats RT 116 Bristol LOW Bob Haslam

992726 Bristol Municipal Garage Pine St Bristol SMAC Sarah A. Bartlett 12/7/1999 0:00 6/5/2007 0:00

951886 Bristol Village Mobil 42 West St Bristol SMAC Site Closed John Schmeltzer 9/1/1995 0:00 3/1/1997 0:00

890439 Brochu's Citgo - Main St Route 15 Hardwick SMAC File combined with site #93-1369. Bob Haslam ###

931369 Brochu's Citgo - Mill St Mill St Hardwick LOW Richard Spiese 4/1/1993 0:00

951902 Bromley Base Lodge Peru SMAC Site SMACed April 1999. Bruce Linton 4/15/1999 0:00

941717 Route 11 Peru SMAC Site Invest Complete, Site SMACed. Bruce Linton 12/1/1994 0:00 ###

982572 Route 11 Manchester SMAC Bruce Linton ### 2/20/2003 0:00

Biennial sampling with next round fall 2009. SVE/AS pilot 2007 very successful, but now appears MNA to reach standards by 2021. Pulsed MPE testing attempted 2003. Approval to thin spread PCS given 11/02, awaiting confirmation.

All free product recovered. Contamination remains in UST excavation area, but levels decreasing.

Investigation and remediation completed. Monitoring Ongoing.

MTBE contaminated drinking water supply. Source of contamination not yet determined. It is suspected to be a surface spill. MTBE concentrations in the DWS are rapidly declining. POET system has been installed. Water supply no longer impacted, POET removed

35 cubic yards PCS polyencapsulated on-site following removal of 1000 gallon diesel UST. No subsurface investigation required (landfill property undergoes regular monitoring). PID analysis BG in September 2003, requested confirmatory samples. None collected, but soils thinspread.

File 89-0439 combined with this file. Site in Natural Attenuation monitoring only.

Bromley Ski Area

Bromley Maintenance Building

Bromley Maintenance Shop

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Annual GW sampling ongoing. Site SMACed Feb 2003.

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20033106 Peru SMAC Bruce Linton 4/30/2003 0:00 2/2/2005 0:00

20053381 Brook Rd House 100 Brook Rd Plainfield SMAC Ashley Desmond 6/6/2005 0:00 7/15/2009 0:00

972298 Brook Street School Brook St Barre City SMAC Groundwater monitoring complete. Unassigned 11/1/1997 0:00 8/1/1998 0:00

20053382 Brookfield Town Garage VT Rt 65 Brookfield MED Ashley Desmond 5/25/2005 0:00

961981 Brooks Estate Dexter Hill Rd Glover SMAC Matt Moran 4/1/1996 0:00 ###

20053400 Brooks Residence 399 Fitch Hill Rd Hyde Park SMAC Ashley Desmond 6/22/2005 0:00 ###

951833 Brookside Apartments 323 South St Bennington SMAC Matt Moran 7/1/1995 0:00 5/30/2008 0:00

Bromley Mountain Compressor Pad

Spill discovered at the compressor pad. Two site investigations both indicated no presence of VOCs. SMAC. Monitoring wells will remain open. Well maintenance plan approved by the SMS.

Contamination originated from an AST spill in the basem*nt. Tank was removed and house is no longer heated by oil. Three soil borings/monitoring wells installed at the property as part of ISI. No contamination detected in groundwater samples. 2 yards of contaminated soil removed from the basem*nt and disposed of at the Moretown Landfill. Confirmatory soil samples were free of VOCs. Monitoring wells properly closed. This property is connected to the municipal drinking water system.

Underground tank closure. Contamination found. Additional investigation should include sampling of well and soils disposal. Sent letter in Jul 05. AD

Heating oil UST investigation completed. Offsite PCS treatment completed and MWs properly abandoned.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. 1/2 yard of soil removed from ground. Confirmatory soil sample of tank grave and bedrock well and indoor air screening showed no detectable contamination. Bedrock supply well sample showed no detection of VOCs.

Contaminated soil found during closure of 6,000 gallon No. 2 fuel oil UST. 15 cubic yards contaminated soil shipped to 99 Northside Dr. for treatment. Soils likely commingled with those from #97-2152; they're now managed under that site.

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20033115 Brookside Campground Putney MED Gerold Noyes 5/26/2003 0:00870036 Brothers Construction Warren NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

20093942 Rt 2 Moretown HIGH Gerold Noyes ###

941684 Brown Electric Portland St St Johnsbury NFAP Unassigned/jf 10/1/1994 0:00 8/1/1995 0:00

921280 Brown Farm Rt 44 Windsor NFAP Invest Complete, Gw Analysis Nd, Site Closed Unassigned/mg 9/1/1993 0:00

20053463 Brown Property Hartford SMAC Ashley Desmond 11/1/2005 0:00 7/7/2006 0:00

20053459 Brown Residence 2648 VT Rt 125 Hanco*ck MED Tim Cropley 12/6/2005 0:00870018 Brown/N E Video Rutland City NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

293 East Putney Brook Road

Leaking kerosene AST. Possible loss of 500 gallons. Contam affecting E. Putney Brook, 7/8/03 no more impact to brook, 2 of 3 MWs above VGES.

Brown & Sons Salvage Yard

1/1/1900 12:00:00 AM

Site Invest Complete, No Contam Above Standards Identified.

3803 Woodstock Rd

Modified Phase I assessment done 11/2005. Soil and groundwater contamination found. Some soil staining noted at culvert headwall and free product found at culvert outlet. Monitoring well installed downstream of culvert. No significant contamination identified. Pathways returned to the site to remove contaminated soil and collect samples. No groundwater contamination or soil contamination identified in excess of standards following excavation work. SMS required additional assessment of the culvert discharge area following receipt of data. Additional samples were taken from the shallow groundwater at this point, and from surface water at the culvert discharge area. No contaminants were detected. Monitoring well was removed from the culvert discharge area. Onsite drinking water source was tested and found to be clean.

Leaking AST. 200 G kerosene lost. Investigation performed and GW treated until all levels below VGES. No additional work required. Billing issue remains to be resolved.

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20002838 Brownell's Salvage Yard Bennington LOW Bob Haslam ###

962042 Chase Rd Brownington SMAC Site Closed Unassigned 6/1/1996 0:00

962039 Main St Brownington MED John Schmeltzer 7/1/1996 0:00

941713 Browns A B C Route 36 Fairfield MED Matt Moran 11/1/1994 0:00

20083805 Browns Court 0 Browns Court Burlington 8/29/2008 0:00

921340 Browns Sales And Service Route 5 Windsor MED Lynda Provencher 11/1/1992 0:00

931483 Brownsville General Store Route 44 Windsor Unassigned 10/1/1993 0:00 5/1/1995 0:00

20043230 Danby Unassigned

20002737 Bruce Jaycox Hartland MED Monitoring and sampling ongoing. Unassigned 1/5/2000 0:00

770123 Bryant Grinder Route 11 Springfield MED No Activity Patricia Coppolino

818 White Creek Road

Poor hazardous waste handling practices has resulted in contamination to soils and groundwater. Soil removal completed. Groundwater monitoring necessary.

Brownington Central School

Brownington General Store

10/09: Ongoing monitoring twice a year. Contaminant levels decreasing over time. Next monitoring event in Spring 2010.

Gasoline, diesel and kerosene UST releases. PCS removal planned for 2008. GW monitored annually. Next round June 2009. MW-4 replaced.

Abandoned UST removed. Awaiting Phase II report.

Hugo Martinez Cazon

Free product found onsite. The downgradient property is a wetland. This was sampled and found to be free of contamination with the exception of one soil sample which contained 10ppb MTBE. Pay for Performance Agreement signed in 2003 and was amended in 2007 to extend to December 2008. A CAFI is being conducted for the site. Petroleum contamination is still present in groundwater at levels exceeding standards, but have decreased significantly due to soil vapor extraction and air sparging.


Soil Removed For Asphalt Batching, Gw Not Affected By Release

Bruce Farm/Smokey House Center

426 Danby Mountain Road

3 USTs pulled on 9/10/2003. 1,000-gal gasoline, 1,000-gal diesel, and 1,000-gal No. 2 fuel oil. Tank pull improperly done. Petroleum release observed (sheen on water table). Asked for submittal of full tank closure assessment report and form. (CC, 7/16/04).

11 Hartland Hill Rd

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992686 Buck Residence River Rd Arlington SMAC Gerold Noyes 7/13/1999 0:00 2/25/2000 0:00

20093941 Buck Residence Clarendon MED Ashley Desmond 6/2/2009 0:00

931526 Budget Rent A Car NFAP Determine Degree And Extent Of Contamination Unassigned 12/1/1993 0:00 5/1/1994 0:00870166 Buds Texaco Milton NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

20073711 Building 620 36 River Rd Essex LOW Michael Smith ###

890419 Bullis's Garage Main St Berkshire LOW

UST removed. Contamination found. Investigation completed. 60 to 80 ppm TPH remaining tank grave, below residential guidelines. No impact to supply well. SMAC

4634 Walker Walker Mt Rd

Residential drnking water supply well contaminated by pentachlorophenol from a utility pole. The pole has been removed along with a bulk of contaminated soils. No odors remain in the vicinity of the pole. A new bedrock drinking water supply well was installed adjacent to the impacted dug well, and all water system infrastructure was replaced. A sample was collected from the new well and found to be free of PCP contamination. Old dug well has been converted into a groundwater monitoring point and will be sampled periodically to track contaminant concentrations.

700 Airport Pkwy

South Burlington

Building & tank owned by Pizzagalli Properties but IBM operated the building. IBM originally contacted us in 2004 and we operated investigation work under IBM site #. Giving it a new site number now that Pizzagalli is conducting the work.

Water Supply Not Impacted. Site Ranked On Vsps.

Unassigned/richard Spiese

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20053367 Buono's Pizza Shelburne SMAC Ashley Desmond 5/5/2005 0:00 ###

982334 Burgess Rd Bennington MED Lynda Provencher 12/1/1995 0:00

20053461 Burke Auto 26 Prospect St Fair Haven MED Matthew Becker ### 8/11/2006 0:00

3182 Shelburne Rd

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed. Unknown whether gasoline or heating oil. First letter written in June 05. Work plan approved in Jul 05 to sample drum & determine the type of fuel. It was determined that the former tank contained heating oil from the chemical analysis. In October of 2005, Greatwood Management conducted additional investigation in the area of the former tank. Two soil borings advanced in the immediate vicinity of the former tank showed a limited amount of petroleum contamination. It appears the vertical extent of contamination was identified. No groundwater encountered to a depth of approximately 6 feet below grade. All buildings in this area are served by the public drinking water system (Champlain Water District). Greatwood Management wrote a letter confirming that the hazardous waste stored at the property had been properly disposed of. Fuel analysis showed that oil was the likely source of contamination. SMS requested additional work. Horizons submitted incomplete report. SMS requested that additional borings be advanced to better define the nature of the contamination.

Burgess Brothers Construction

Underground storage tanks removed in 1995 and 1998. Annual groundwater monitoring had been ongoing, but the last sampling event occurred in 2006. Additional groundwater monitoring wells should have been installed. Site status inquiry letter was sent on May 1, 2009. Work plan received and approved by SMS to do addtiional work in June, 2009.

8 underground storage tanks closed. SMAC dated August 11, 2006. Notice to Land Record filed.

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982510 Burke Lumber Co Route 5 Sutton SMAC Lynda Provencher 9/30/1998 0:00 8/9/2001 0:00

770082 Sutton SMAC Lynda Provencher 5/1/1986 0:00 8/9/2001 0:00

962113 Burke Mountain Ski Area Mountain Rd Burke SMAC Ashley Desmond 11/1/1996 0:00 9/30/2005 0:00941651 Burke Property 29 Burke Park Brandon LOW Remediation Completed Sarah A. Bartlett

770054 Burke View Garage Route 114 Lyndon SMAC Linda Elliott 9/1/1997 0:00

921305 Burlington Airport Airport Parkway NFAP Lynda Provencher 8/18/1993 0:00

962048 Burlington College 95 North Ave Burlington SMAC Unassigned 8/1/1996 0:00 3/24/1998 0:00

941611 Burlington Country Club 568 S Prospect St Burlington SMAC Soil Treatment Complete. Site Closed. Unassigned 6/1/1994 0:00 9/1/1997 0:00

992623 Burlington Country Club 568 Prospect St Burlington SMAC Gerold Noyes 4/30/1999 0:00 7/14/2000 0:00900540 Burlington Electric Burlington NFAP Site Closed Unassigned890383 Burlington Food Service Pine St. Burlington NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

20083804 Burlington Grocery 747 Pine Street Burlington SMAC Sarah A. Bartlett 1/8/2008 0:00 7/29/2009 0:00

**combined with site #770082, Mountain View Dump - same property.

Burke Lumber Co. (former Mt. View Dump)

Off Barton Road, Route 5

contaminated soil & debris disposed of; no groundwater contaminants in excess of standards. Site combined with 98-2510, same property, same dump.

Site investigation required. Owner information updated--new owner name. (01/08/04). Site investigation conducted in 1997 found low levels of contamination in one of the three gw monitoring wells. A followup sampling event in 2005 found no contamination in any of the wells. Monitoring wells were properly closed.

Epa Sip Completed. Site Eligible For Closure Under State Requirements.

South Burlington

Site Assess Complete, No Impact To Sensitive Receptors

UST removed. Investigation completed. No additional work required by SMS. Site SMACed on 3/24/98.

closed site #94-1611, UST removed and contamination found. Investigation completed. 11/5/99 4 MWs above VGES, 4/18/00 3 MWs ND, 1 MW below VGES. SMAC

One fuel oil UST closed July 2008. ISI conducted January 2009, two MWs contained TPH in excess of 1,000 mg/kg. No sensitive receptors effected. Additional groundwater monitoring conducted May 2009. No petroleum VOCs in excess of VGES, no TPH in excess of action level.

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931503 Airport Rd MED Lynda Provencher

770003 Burlington Landfill Intervale Avenue Burlington LOW Linda Elliott

962119 Burlington News Agency Colchester SMAC Unassigned 11/1/1996 0:00 3/1/2001 0:00

992592 Pine St. Burlington MED Michael Smith 8/18/1998 0:00

900652 Burlington Rent All Dorset St. Burlington NFAP Unassigned 3/1/1994 0:00

921264 Burlington School District Burlington NFAP Unassigned ###

20073632 Burlington Shell 328 North Ave Burlington SMAC Ashley Desmond ### 1/11/2008 0:00900582 Burlington W W T P Burlington NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

20083872 Burmeister Property 880 Rte 15 West Johnson MED Ashley Desmond 9/19/2008 0:00

900566 Burnett's Country Store Jersey Rd. Panton SMAC Site closed in 1992. Unassigned 9/1/1992 0:00

Burlington International Airport

South Burlington

Annual groundwater monitoring ongoing, with last sampling event occurring in November, 1999. We are awaiting report. Also weekly free product removal occurs from one monitoring well.

EPA Contractor report completed in 1994. Site assigned low priority.

11 Hercules Drive

Stockpiled Soil Being Monitored. Soils spread summer of 2000. Confirmed 02/26/2001 by Brian Murphy. SMAC

Burlington Public Works Garage

Phase I site investigation completed. Phase II site investigation and tank closure, in place, pending.

Enforcement Completed. No Need For Further Assessment

287 Shelburne Rd

Site Assessment Complete. No Impact To Gw Above Standards

Contamination discovered during a piping closure assessment. PID readings peaked at 107 ppm at 4 feet below grade. Soil borings were advanced in the vicinity of the contamination to depths up to 24 feet below grade. No elevated PID readings were encountered in the three borings. No groundwater was encountered in the three borings, so no monitoring wells were installed. It is speculated that groundwater is at depths greater than 100 feet below grade. All neighboring properties are served by the municipal drinking water system.

2 underground storage tanks removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed.

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972165 Burnham Residence Route 30 Cornwall SMAC Sarah A. Bartlett 2/1/1997 0:00 4/5/2007 0:00

911181 Burpees Garage Rts 22 A & 17 Addison SMAC Unassigned ### 2/18/2004 0:00

20063556 Burt Residence 39 High St Waterbury SMAC Ashley Desmond 6/26/2006 0:00 6/13/2008 0:00

982430 Busheys Sunoco 16 Maple St Essex MED Gerold Noyes 6/15/1998 0:00890470 Business Air Bennington NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

Petroleum contamination in water supply discovered after homeowner complaint to DOH. POET system installed, samples collected between June 1997 and October 1998. Additional round in April 2004. POET system removed in March 2005.

Ust Contamination, Investigation Continuing 28 cubic yards PCS stockpiled onsite. Soils confirmed spread in 1998 or 1999, by letter dated 1/14/2004. SMAC

Contamination originated from a kero AST. Grossly contaminated soils removed from source area. No lingering impact to indoor air. No groundwater encountered to 15 feet below grade in the source area. Groundwater samples collected from monitoring wells downgradient of the release were non-detect for VOCs. Monitoring wells have been abandoned. All properties in this area are served by the municipal drinking water system.

Quarterly groundwater monitoring. PfP agreement bid out & signed. 11/21/02 CAP approved 12/5/02 Milestone #1, 3/21/03 Milestone #2,3 approved, 11/20/03 #4 approved remedial system in operation, 6/24/04 milestone #5 approved, 8/10/04 milestone #6 approved, 10/04 rpt shows rebound SVE restarted

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20053402 Butler Property Hartford SMAC Ashley Desmond 6/24/2005 0:00 2/6/2006 0:00

911086 Butlers Bus Service Lake Region Rd Barton HIGH Richard Spiese 1/1/1991 0:00

20073732 Butterfield Property COC Matthew Becker ### ###

992649 Buxton Ltd 137 N Main St Rutland City SMAC Unassigned 6/16/1999 0:00 ###

20043232 Byrne Property Warren SMAC John Schmeltzer 6/10/2004 0:00 ###

931420 C & R Getty 636 Main Bennington SMAC Tim Cropley 7/1/1993 0:00 9/23/2002 0:00

921258 Old Ferry Rd Brattleboro LOW Richard Spiese 1/1/1992 0:00

71 Pleasant View Terrace

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation completed by Pathways. Soil excavation recommended to remove contamination in source area. 17.4 tons of contaminated soil removed from the site in December 05. Confirmatory soil samples taken following soils removal showed no contaminants above the minimum detection limits. No measurable impact to indoor air. No groundwater encountered in excavation or soil boring investigation.

Quarterly monitoring of water treatment systems, semiannual groundwater monitoring,

300 Route 7 North

Rutland Town

Brownfield Project through Rutland Regional Planning Commission. Certificate of Completion Issued through Redevelopment of Contaminated Properties Program. Phase I and Phase II completed. No contamination identified.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation completed. Very limited soil contamination found in former pump island area.

234 Sugarbush Wood Rd

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination appeared to be contained in the unsaturated zone. Contaminated soil found and disposed at WSI landfill in Moretown. Site given a SMAC designation.

MTBE levels above VGES in one MW. Semi-annual sampling of all four MWs done. GW contamination has been reduced to below VGES and lab detection limits. The MWs have been properly abandoned and site SMACed.

C & S Wholesale Grocers Inc

Soil Stockpiled, Ust Removed, Soil Treatment Continuing

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931363 C B Sports 210 South St Bennington SMAC Mike Young 8/23/1999 0:00

931401 C B Vaughn 222 West Main Bennington SMAC Soil Excavated. GWES Met On Property Mike Young 10/1/1997 0:00

951791 C C T A Garage Burlington SMAC John Schmeltzer 12/1/1996 0:00 4/1/1997 0:00890381 C D F Building Hartford NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

941588 C D W Properties 20 Summer St Barre City SMAC Matt Moran 4/1/1994 0:00 6/1/1997 0:00900639 C E Bradley Putney Rd Brattleboro NFAP File Closed Not Site. Refer To File # 770037 Unassigned

770037 C E Bradley Laboratories Putney Road Brattleboro LOW Michael Smith

870086 C H Stearns Route 15 Johnson LOW Richard Spiese 8/31/1995 0:00

962101 C J's Citgo Vergennes MED Tami Wuestenberg 12/1/1996 0:00

921261 C N Brown 51 Portland St St Johnsbury MED Gerold Noyes 6/3/1992 0:00

921282 C P M Inc Main St Ryegate SMAC Lynda Provencher 4/1/1995 0:00 10/1/1996 0:00

Institutional controls in place. Residual TCE contamination above GWES.

1 Industrial Parkway

Hydraulic Oil Recovery Complete, Limited To On-site.

Site Invest Of Ust Gasline Release Complete, Site Closed

Groundwater Treatment In Progress, SVE System Operating

Ongoing Monitoring. Site recently purchased by RL Vallee. Expanded site investigation continues to show limited GW contamination.

Main St and Route 22 A

UST contamination discovered. Site investigation needed. TPH & PCE contamination in soil near waste oil UST. High PIDs found during piping replacement for gasoline USTs. SMS requested additional SI in letter in 2000 and again in 2003. No response. Sent another letter July 2006. KAS conducted ISI fall 2006. Off site VTGES exceedences. SMS requested additional site characterization (1/07). 07/09 - Extent and magnitude of plume identified, contamination offsite onto two downgradient properties. Sump sampling shows no contamination in basem*nt of nearby residence. MtBE and 1,2-DCA offsite contamination. Semiannual WQ monitoring to continue to develop plume characterization. Event scheduled for fall 2009.

Soil Stockpiled Off-site. Quarterly Monitoring. 5/2002 3' FP off site. 4 of 5 MWs above VGES spring 2004, 2005 Chemical oxidation pilot authorized

Soil Asphalt Batched, Sludge Pile Ok'd To Stay In Place

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951863 C T C Corp Castleton MED Unassigned 9/1/1995 0:00

951770 C V Landfill Rt 2 Montpelier SMAC Unassigned 4/1/1995 0:00 1/26/2005 0:00870151 C V Oil Pittsfield NFAP Site Closed Unassigned870138 C V P S Rutland NFAP Site Closed Unassigned870096 C V P S St Albans NFAP Site Closed Unassigned900510 C V P S Bennington Bennington NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

982487 C V P S Diesel Plant Lower Welden St SMAC Bruce Linton 8/24/1998 0:00 4/14/1999 0:00931498 C V P S Property Route 7b Clarendon NFAP Contaminated Soil Disposed. Site Closed. Unassigned 11/1/1995 0:00

20093895 C&S Wholesale 54 O'Bryan Drive Brattleboro SMAC Ashley Desmond ### 5/22/2009 0:00

921270 Cabot Creamery Main St Cabot LOW Richard Spiese 7/1/1992 0:00

515 Main St, Rt 4 A

Last contact with owner was an October 26, 1995 letter requesting that he hire a contractor to a) determine the extent and degree of contamination, and b) assess possible receptors. As of this update, there has been no response, and no further activity in this file. (8/4/99)

UST removed in '95. Owner has not responded to request to determine degree and extent of contamination. (8/3/99) Soil stockpile sampled at the site iindicated no contamination. Some of the soil was spread onsite. 10 yards remained stockpiled (6/16/04). SMAC.

St Albans City

Underground storage tank removed. Investigation conducted February 1999. Site SMACed April 1999.

Contamination discovered during the removal of diesel USTs. After the removal of approximately 400 cubic yards of contaminated soil, it appeared that only minor contamination remained. No groundwater impacts noted during the soil removal. A notice to the land record has been filed to document residual contamination. This property is located in an industrial park. All properties in the area are served by the municipal drinking water system.

Toluene Found In 2 Mw's Limited Monitoring Ongoing

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900624 Cabot Garage Main St. Cabot LOW Gerold Noyes 11/8/1990 0:00870167 Cabot High School Cabot NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

982387 Cabot Town Garage Rt 215 Cabot LOW Gerold Noyes 5/27/1998 0:00

982502 Caforia Market Route 100 Waterbury HIGH Gerold Noyes 9/28/1998 0:00

20012846 Cahn Residence Hinesburg SMAC Matt Moran ### 12/5/2001 0:00

770086 Calco, Incorporated Route 18 Waterford LOW Additional Sampling Needed Lynda Provencher

941723 Calder And Richardson 11 Mill St Barre City SMAC Site Invest Complete, Site Closed Matt Moran 11/1/1994 0:00 9/1/1995 0:00

982350 Caledonia Airport Lyndon SMAC Sarah A. Bartlett 2/1/1998 0:00 12/5/2007 0:00

770034 Lyndon NFAP Pa Recommends No Further Action, Site Closed Unassigned

951860 Caledonia Kiln Route 5 St Johnsbury SMAC Matt Moran 8/1/1995 0:00 8/16/2001 0:00

941630 Caledonia Oil Bulk Plant 99 Main St Lyndon LOW Richard Spiese 1/1/1994 0:00890354 Caledonia Oil Co Barton NFAP Site Closed. See Site 972167. Unassigned 8/1/1990 0:00900612 Caledonia Oil Co Brighton NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

941621 97 Main Street Lyndon MED Semiannual Groundwater Monitoring John Schmeltzer 6/1/1994 0:00

2 Mw's Installed Following Ust Removal. Add'l contam found during 2003 waterline install, repeated letters & calls to owner, ISI completed 12/06 2 MW above VGES, contam soil, 05/07 2 MW below VGES, 3 ND, SMAC AFTER MW CLOSE

UST Removed. Contam Found. Investigation Complete. 5/18/07 1 MW 0.7 ppb over VGES for . SMAC AFTER MW CLOSURE

USTs removed. Contam. found. Investigation underway. CAFI required

394 Tyler Bridge Rd

No. 2 heating oil UST removed. Laboratory analyses indicated no significant soil contamination, and no risk to GW or receptors indicated. Site closed.

Puddling Hill Road

Underground Storage Tank Removed. Contamination Found. Investigation indicates low level of petroleum contamination of soils and groundwater in the source area (8/01). 07/07 samples contained no petroleum contaminants in excess of the VGES. MW closure request 08/07.

Caledonia County Fairgrounds

No. 6 fuel oil UST release. 72 tons of PCS thermally treated. Some residual soil contamination - Notice to the Land Record. GW was not impacted. Site closed.

Passive free product recovery, annual groundwater monitoring

Caledonia Oil Service Station

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890322 Caledonia Oil/bp Brighton NFAP Site Closed. See Site #972170 Unassigned

900584 Caledonia Records 25 Federal St. St Johnsbury SMAC Michael Smith 1/1/1990 0:00 1/28/2008 0:00770150 Calkins Lyndon NFAP Waste Oil Soils Cleanup, Site Closed Unassigned

921262 Calkins Excavating Rt 2 Danville LOW Linda Elliott 6/30/1992 0:00

20002798 Calkins Property 128 Maple Lane Walden SMAC Gerold Noyes 7/19/2000 0:00 9/27/2002 0:00

992650 Calkins Rock Products Route 5 Lyndon SMAC Unassigned 7/23/1999 0:00 ###870095 Calvin Dow Addison NFAP Site Closed Unassigned941694 Camardo Residence Doe Run Rd Jamaica LOW Heating Oil LUST, PCS stockpiled on site Bob Haslam

20083790 Camborde residence Londonderry SMAC Alex Geller 5/8/2008 0:00

982435 School St Cambridge SMAC Linda Elliott 6/22/1998 0:00 ###880198 Cambridge Post Office Cambridge NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

941656 Cambridge Service Center Main St Cambridge MED Matt Moran 7/14/1998 0:00

951743 Cambridge Town Garage Route 108 Cambridge SMAC Richard Spiese 1/1/1994 0:00 3/1/1998 0:00

20093944 Cambridge Town Garage 173 Mill Street Cambridge MED Matt Moran 6/17/2009 0:00

Long Term Monitoring completed. Site SMACed on 1/28/2008.

UST Removal in 1992. Groundwater exceedances in one well closest to source area. Contaminant concentrations declining. Semi-annual monitoring. Next round by end of March 2007.

USTremoved. Contam found. Investigation completed. Tank pit MW below VGES for MTBE. SMAC

UST removed and contamination found. Investigation needed. Soils mixed with topsoil & spread on another locaton. Confirmed September 2003. SMAC

25 Dutchman's Lane

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Four monitoring wells were installed in the vicinity of the former UST. Groundwater contamination below detection limits as well as drinking water. MW's removed. Site Closed

Cambridge Elementary School

UST removed. Contamination found. Additonal work requested. Groundwater Enforcement Standards met. Site Closed.

Gasoline UST release. All USTs removed. Offsite GW impact adjacent to church. Investigation of premature PCS thin spreading completed. AEF resumed work 2008, with 2nd phase of SI due fall 2009.

Soils Treated And Thin Spread. Reopened as Site #2009-3944

Diesel contamination discovered during parking lot regrading. Former UST (Site #95-1743) or existing diesel AST suspected. 400 yards of PCS transported offsite. SI pending.

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770136 Cameo Crafts Milton NFAP Site Closed Unassigned/drs900499 Camp Johnson Colchester NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

972160 Camp Johnson Route 15 Colchester LOW Semi-annual Monitoring Tami Wuestenberg 5/1/1997 0:00

941735 Building 3 Colchester NFAP All Pcs Removed And Disposed Of. Site Closed. Unassigned 12/1/1994 0:00 11/1/1995 0:00

982346 Camp Mary Crest East Shore Rd Grand Isle SMAC Unassigned 3/1/1998 0:00 9/1/1998 0:00

931452 Camp Wapanacki West Hill Rd Wolcott SMAC Sarah A. Bartlett 9/1/1993 0:00 3/14/2008 0:00

911014 Campbell's Garage Main St. Chelsea SMAC Richard Spiese 4/1/1998 0:00

20083839 Canaan Catholic Church 240 Gale St. Canaan SMAC Ashley Desmond 8/5/2008 0:00 ###770044 Canaan Dump Route 102 Canaan LOW SI Completed 6/98 Unassigned880192 Canaan Gulf Canaan NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

961942 Canaan Main Post Office Rt 253 N Main St Canaan SMAC Site Invest Complete. Tim Cropley 6/1/1996 0:00

20002779 Canaan Public School 99 School St Canaan SMAC Gerold Noyes 6/26/2000 0:00 8/3/2000 0:00

890295 Canadian Pacific Railway Burma Rd. Newport City NFAP Soil Spread On Site Unassigned 10/1/1994 0:00

18 Catamount Road

Camp Johnson - Building 3

Investigation complete. No contamination of groundwater detected. Site closed.

65 to 70 cubic yards PCS stockpiled at Godfrey Gravel Pit in Hardwick. Stockpile analyzed for VOCs in August 1994, November 1996 (all samples 0 ppm). Confirmatory samples requested, but stockpile combined with soils from Wolcott Store for thin-spreading and disposal following change in ownership of gravel pit.

Public Water Supply Protected. Remediation Complete

Contamination discovered during the removal of a heating oil UST. No groundwater encountered in the excavation. Approx. 14 tons of soils removed from source area. Final PIDs of the excavation were mostly below 10 ppm. Soils were disposed of at ESMI in Louden, NH. This property is served by the municipal water system. PID readings of the indoor air showed no VOC impact.

UST removed and contamination found. Investigation complete. Minor soil contam remaining in tank pit. No impact to GW. SMAC

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982446 Canadian/American Rail Ryegate MED Unassigned 6/18/1998 0:00

911005 Canal Street - Rice Oil Canal Street Brattleboro LOW Richard Spiese 1/1/1991 0:00

20063617 Cannon Residence Burlington MED Matt Moran ###

962115 370 Dorset St SMAC Linda Elliott 11/1/1996 0:00 1/19/1999 0:00

20063498 Canterbury Inn 46 Cherry St St Johnsbury MED Tim Cropley 1/10/2006 0:00

992626 Capital Candy 32 Burnham St Barre City MED Sarah A. Bartlett 5/13/1999 0:00

921220 Capital Chrysler Berlin LOW Matt Moran 1/1/1992 0:00

770121 Capital City Press Airport Road Berlin SMAC Mike Young ###

921277 Capital Mobil 108 State St Montpelier MED Bob Haslam

921239 Capital Plaza 100 State Street Montpelier LOW Matt Moran 6/1/1992 0:00890399 Carl's Equipment Barton NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

972187 Carlet Gilson And Hurley 50 Bay Street St Johnsbury SMAC Lynda Provencher 4/1/1997 0:00 12/1/1999 0:00

941724 Carls Equipment Route 5 Barton NFAP Marc Roy 11/1/1994 0:00 2/1/1995 0:00

Kimberly-Clark Mill Rd

UST removed. Contamination found, investigation needed.

Sve System Removed, Ongoing Gw Monitoring. GW plume over 4000' long to Whetstone Brook.

134 Ferguson Ave

Former dry cleaner had triad SI performed with no signficant findings aside from surficial PAHs related to fill. UST closure complete with soil or GW contamination at tank grave. Monitoring due spring 2008.

Canoe Imports (former Nissan Bakery)

South Burlington

Two USTs removed. Investigation complete. Groundwater enforcement standards met on site.

Free product flowing from conduit for UST. Ross removed tank. Contamination found. Investigatrion performed. Property sold & new consultant hired. Basem*nt sealing and vapor recovery in basem*nt.

Site investigation needed. Third request sent Dec. 10, 2008.

392 Barre-Montpelier Rd

GW monitoring UST gasoline contamination every 2 years; next round 06/09. MNA appears to be good remedy. Two No. 2 oil LUSTs recently removed, w/additional investigation completed spring '05.

GWES standards met on property. Drainage swale lined to prevent direct contact with soil.

Passive product recovery and groundwater monitoring ongoing

Monitoring chlorinated solvent GW impact every 2 yrs. Next round due June 2009. Also, additional source area investigation needed.

Groundwater below standards; soil sample taken from basem*nt below RBC Table levels; soil sample taken from suspected discharge location of sump free of contaminants.

Site Invest Complete, No Impact To Soils Or Groundwater.

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20002831 Carlson Residence 17 Prospect St SMAC Gerold Noyes ### 8/20/2003 0:0020023024 Carr and Sons (former) Taylor Street Montpelier MED CAP completed. Implementation required. Matthew Becker 9/25/2002 0:00

20063503 536 Main St Burlington SMAC Linda Elliott 2/23/2006 0:00 4/3/2006 0:00

20063612 Carris Reels Rutland City MED Lynda Provencher ###

890409 Carris Reels Route 4 Rutland SMAC Unassigned 11/1/1994 0:00 9/1/1998 0:00

20022970 Carris Residence Marshfield SMAC Lynda Provencher 3/19/2002 0:00 6/18/2004 0:00

962014 Carriveaus Gulf 57 - 59 Berlin St Montpelier LOW Richard Spiese 8/1/1996 0:00

992673 Carroll Concrete Route 142 Vernon SMAC Gerold Noyes 8/12/1999 0:00 6/15/2000 0:00

941591 Carsons Market Route 129 Isle La Motte LOW John Schmeltzer 5/1/1994 0:00

951779 Route 5 Norwich SMAC Soil Successfully Treated Unassigned 5/1/1995 0:00 1/1/1996 0:00

900535 Casella Inc. Montpelier SMAC Tami Wuestenberg 6/28/1990 0:00 5/27/2008 0:00

921335 West Proctor Rd Rutland NFAP Matt Moran 1/1/1992 0:00 12/1/1995 0:00

St Albans City

UST removed. Contam found. Investigation complete. 12/02 2 MWs slightly over VGES, 3/03 2 MWs under VGES. SMAC

Carrigan Dairy Science Building - UVM

Petroleum contaminated soils found during construction work. Former UST location. 150 cubic yards of soils removed and stockpiled onsite. No impact to identified receptors. additional work requested.

628 US Business Route 4

10,000 gallon #2 fuel oil UST removed. Contaminated soil found. Supply well onsite. Investigation will ensue.

Iinvestigation completed in 1995. No contamihnated groundwater. Site closed.

5550 Hollister Hill Road

Drinking water well free of contaminaiton. Onsite abandoned drinking water well properly closed according to Water Supply Rules.

Free Product In One Site Mw, Monitoring Continues

USTs removed. Contamination found. Investigation completed. 4 MWs below VGES and supply well ND for 2 sample rounds. SMAC

07/02: Need one confirmatory sample from closest water supply wells from contamination.

Cascade Motel And Restaurant

E. Montpelier Rd.

Ust Contamination. Stockpiled Soils. Investigaton to occur spring/summer 2006. UST found and removed; SI conducted, two groundwater monitoring rounds performed, no gw impact; wells decommissioned March 2008; Site SMAC'd

Casella Waste Management

Iinvestigation Complete, Petroleum Contaminated Soil Disposed Of, Site Closed.nvest Complete, Pcs Disposed, Site Closed

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972268 Rutland City SMAC Unassigned 10/1/1997 0:00 8/17/2004 0:00

982531 Casselli Residence 21 The Green Woodstock SMAC Gerold Noyes ### 6/11/1999 0:00870090 Castleton Library Rt 4 A Castleton NFAP Long Term Monitoring Complete. Site Closed. Richard Spiese

20002768 Castleton Pizza and Deli Main St Castleton MED Gerold Noyes 5/22/2000 0:00890376 Castleton State College Castleton NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

20063586 Castonguay Residence Shelburne SMAC Ashley Desmond 8/19/2006 0:00 4/6/2007 0:00

20073640 Catalano Property 112 Rte 5A Charleston LOW Bob Haslam 7/6/2004 0:00

770133 Catamount Dyers Benmont Avenue Bennington SMAC Bruce Linton 11/5/1999 0:00

20033119 Catamount Motel 500 South St Bennington SMAC Linda Elliott 5/16/2003 0:00 1/16/2004 0:00

20083758 Caughey Residence Orange MED Ashley Desmond 1/23/2008 0:00

Casella Wastre Management

25 Greens Hill Lane

Ust Removed. Contamination Found. Investigation completed, SMS requesting further sampling. (9/7/99) Residual contamination.Notice to Land Records filed 6/30/04. SMAC

UST removed. Contamination found. Investigation completed. Minor soil contamination found in tank cavity. No groundwater impact. SMAC

USTs removed. Soil contamination found. Investigation completed. Castleton Fire District well field down gradient. 1/10/01 3 MWs ND, 1 MW dry. Confirm in spring 2001. 2/7/01 5-15 gallon gas spill fire dept and Precision Industrial Maintenance responded.

87 Maple Leaf Lane

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. REA is following up with an Expressway investigation to further define degree and extentt of contamination. No contamination detected in soils or groundwater during the initial site investigation. Approved closure of monitoring wells for SMAC.

Heating oil spill to basem*nt dirt floor. Moderate levels of vapor present. Passive vent system in place. Groundwater and indoor air monitoring ongoing.

CAP completed November 1998. Site SMACed 11/05/99.

Underground storage tank removed. Groundwater enforcement standards met. No additional work needed.

4365 East Orange Rd

AST release to soil in crawl space. 7 cu yds soil removed and taken to ESMI in N.H. Approved AGS workplan for monitoring.

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20063567 Cavendish Village Site Route 131 Cavendish SMAC Patricia Coppolino 7/1/2006 0:00 7/29/2008 0:00

951784 Plains Rd Pittsford SMAC Matt Moran 7/1/1995 0:00 5/19/2008 0:00

931506 Cedar Beach Cedar Beach Rd Charlotte LOW Bob Haslam

931538 Center Rutland Gulf Route 4 MED Determine Degree And Extent Of Contamination Unassigned 1/1/1994 0:00

961995 Center Service Center Rt 11, Main St Londonderry SMAC Monitoring complete. MWs abandoned. Tim Cropley 6/1/1996 0:00 ###

931499 Putney Rd Brattleboro LOW Ongoing Monitoring Richard Spiese 12/1/1993 0:00

951853 Central Vermont Hospital Fisher Rd Berlin LOW Bob Haslam 9/1/1996 0:00

20022981 Barre Town SMAC Gerold Noyes 4/9/2002 0:00 9/9/2002 0:00

982360 Berlin SMAC Unassigned 4/1/1998 0:00 9/1/1998 0:00

921284 Central Vt Medical Center Route 62 Berlin NFAP Site Merged With Site #95-1853 Bob Haslam ###

770097 Rutland City NFAP Unassigned

870005 Waterfront Burlington NFAP Closed Richard Spiese890404 Cerosimo Lumber Vernon NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

Site had a Phase I that indicated it used to be an old Woolen Mill. The area of the site that was investigated for redevelopment through SWCRPC brownfields money was formerly a rail line. Soil and groundwater sampling was conducted revealing low level PAHs. CAP will be prepared to put a restriction on the property as the future use will be housing.

Caverly Early Childhood Educ. Building

Some evidence of soil contamination found during No. 2 heating oil UST closure. Follow-up assessment peformed by DEC in 2004, with little residual evidence of contamination found. Site closed.

Drinking water supplies no longer impacted, monitoring completed

Rutland Town

Central Parts And Supply Inc

On site water supply was impacted by MTBE, now the facility has been connected to municipal water.

Central Vermont Humane Society

587 Mekkelson Hill Rd

UST removed. Contam found. Investigation completed. No impact to GW. SMAC

Central Vermont Transportation Assoc

Rt 12, Northfield Rd

Investigation completed. No contamination to soils or groundwater. Water supply not affected. Site closed.

Central Vt Public Service (cvps)

Completed Rcra Rfa, Soil Contamination Below Action Level, Site Closed

Central Vt R.r./ Alden Waterfront

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982409 Cersosimo Lumber 36 Frost St Brattleboro LOW Gerold Noyes 4/15/1998 0:00

911034 Chaffee's General Store Route 14 Albany SMAC Gerold Noyes 4/1/1991 0:00 9/22/1999 0:00

941643 Chamberlain Bus Service Lyndon LOW Matt Moran 7/1/1994 0:00

20063507 Chamberlain Property Route 116 Starksboro SMAC Ashley Desmond 3/25/2006 0:00 8/17/2007 0:00

962012 Chamberlain Residence Rr 2 Box 262 Woodstock MED Tim Cropley 8/1/1996 0:00

982483 Champion International Fisher Brook Rd Lemington LOW Unassigned 8/13/1998 0:00

992640 Champlain Bridge Marina Route 17 Addison MED Unassigned 6/15/1999 0:00

770046 Hercules Drive Colchester HIGH Michael Smith

UST removed. Contami found. Investigation complete. 11/17/98 GW above VGES for TMB in only MW. Annual monitoring & soil pile screening. 6/15/99 MW ND for VOCs, 1.7 TPH, 6/22/00 MW ND for VOCs & TPH, stop GW monitoring. Continue stockpile monitor, 11/23/04 requested status report from ECS

Site investigation completed. Residual contamination poses no unacceptable risk to public health or environment. SMAC

South Wheelock Rd

Biennial monitoring MW-2 and unused supply well. Next round due June 2010. PCS treated, awaiting thin-spreading documentation.

Release detected during the removal of a heating oil UST system. Minor groundwater contamination detected in the source area. The VGES has been met for all three wells for three consecutive monitoring rounds (trimethylbenzenes had exceeded the VGES before the change). All properties in this area are served by the municipal drinking water system. Screening of the indoor air using a PID showed no elevated readings. Monitoring wells have been properly closed.

Determine Degree And Extent Of Contamination From Kerosene Ast

Historic diesel release caused contamination to soils. On site landfarm and monitoring underway.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed.

Champlain Cable Corporation

A permeable barrier wall has been installed at the site. Performance Vertification Reports are submitted semi-annually to evaluate how well the system is working.

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982574 Champlain Chevrolet 15 Missisquoi St Enosburg SMAC Richard Spiese 1/8/1999 0:00 9/29/2000 0:00890388 Champlain College Burlington NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

20043215 Burlington SMAC Ashley Desmond 4/15/2004 0:00 6/24/2005 0:00

982340 Route 7 S Middlebury SMAC Gerold Noyes 1/1/1997 0:00 8/12/2003 0:00

972316 Champlain Farms 2 North Main St Northfield SMAC Unassigned 11/1/1997 0:00 3/1/2001 0:00

972214 Champlain Farms 1 Main St Waterbury MED Sarah A. Bartlett

982576 Champlain Farms #562 MED Lynda Provencher 7/30/1998 0:00

982339 Champlain Farms Texaco 3 West St Bristol SMAC Ashley Desmond 11/1/1997 0:00 6/10/2007 0:00

951894 Champlain Marina Lakeshore Drive Colchester SMAC Unassigned 11/1/1995 0:00 8/14/1996 0:00

Contamination found during UST removal. Subsequent investigation (4 MWs installed) yielded no significant evidence of soil or groundwater impacts. Site closed.

Champlain College - Pearl Annex

258.5 South Willard Street

Petroleum contaminated soils discovered during the construction of new building to replace the former Pearl Annex. Source believed to be former 3,000 gallon heating oil UST. 1200 tons soil removed. All contamination said to be removed during excavation. Confirmatory samples showed no contaminants >MDLs. AD

Champlain Construction Equipment Co

UST Removed, contam. found. 11/99, 5/00, 4/01, 4/02, 3/03 1 of 4 MWs slightly above VGES, SMAC

Underground Storage Tank Removed. Contamination Found. SMS approved the removal of soils on August 11, 1998 and requested notification thereof when removal was completed. Soils move to Moretown landfill 09/17/98 used as daily cover. SMAC

Attempting to determine if monitoring well maintenance plan was ever established. Letter sent May 2008.

1041 Shelburne Rd

South Burlington

Semi-annual monitoring ongoing. Low levels of petroleum contaminants detected in adjacent stream.

Contamination identified during a piping upgrade at the site. The mass of contaminated soils were removed from the ground and stockpiled behind the property. Following a soil screening event that verified there were non-detectable PID readings and no signs of petroleum contamination remaining in the stockpile, the soils were spread onsite.

Contamination discovered following UST removal. Investigation completed. Site closed.

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770093 Champlain Mill Building 1 Main Street Winooski SMAC Gerold Noyes 2/20/2007 0:00 6/25/2008 0:00

870060 Champlain Oil Newport City NFAP Site Closed Unassigned870061 Champlain Oil St Albans NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

890432 Champlain Oil Dorset St NFAP Monitoring Complete. Site Closed. Chuck Schwer

900663 Champlain Oil Co NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

900525 Route 127 Colchester LOW Tami Wuestenberg 5/21/1990 0:00 ###

900578 Champlain Oil Property S. Brownell St Williston SMAC Groundwater monitoring completed Bob Haslam 9/1/1996 0:00

921242 232 Grove St Brandon LOW Linda Elliott

941618 School St Hinesburg MED Matt Moran 6/1/1994 0:00

961974 Williston SMAC Michael Smith 4/1/1996 0:00 9/21/2009 0:00

Nus Pa Completed 7/86, No Further Action decision by EPA. Testing done in January 2007. Contaminated groundwater discovered, site reopened on 2/20/2007. mercury vapor ventilation system installed. SMAC

South Burlington

South Burlington

Champlain Oil Co. (Lake Shore Citgo)

Site Assessment Completed. Monitoring Ongoing. Additional investigation to occur in July 2006. SI indicated VGES exceedences in furthest downgradient well. Spring 2007 event reported similar levels. Next round scheduled for fall 2007. No levels above VTGES; confirmatory round to happen in 2008. No exceedences, site eligible for closure.

Champlain Oil, former Brandon Jiffy Mart

Contamination from leaking UST. Stable to declining concentrations. Biennial groundwater monitoring. Next round July 2011.

Champlain Union High School

Bi-annual supply well monitoring of supply well requested. Last round 9/95, results overdue. On 1/9/03, Kurt Proulx stated samples would be collected shortly. Petroleum contaminated soil thin spread in Spring '98.

Champlain Valley Cleaners

471 Lawrence Place

Long term groundwater monitoring completed. Low level groundwater contamination of PCE. Notice to land record recorded. Site SMACed 9/21/09.

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982491 Champlain Valley Sunoco MED Gerold Noyes 9/21/1998 0:00

20053398 Route 14 Royalton SMAC Patricia Coppolino 7/27/2005 0:00

900581 Charles Rouse South St. SMAC Matt Moran 5/1/1997 0:00

20053358 Charleston SMAC Linda Elliott 6/28/2004 0:00 3/8/2006 0:00

900575 Charlie Kelton Rt 14 Hartford NFAP Unassigned

890472 Rutland NFAP Site Closed see site 770160 Unassigned 5/1/1990 0:00

982470 Charlies Mobil Bennington LOW Linda Elliott 7/13/1998 0:00

880281 Charlies Quick Stop Enosburg LOW Richard Spiese 1/1/1988 0:00870050 Charlies Variety Alburg NFAP Site Closed Unassigned931540 Charlotte Berry Farm Route 7 Charlotte NFAP Soil Spread On Site, Site Closed Unassigned 1/1/1994 0:00 11/1/1994 0:00

951865 Charlotte Central School Hinesburg Rd Charlotte SMAC No Impact To Gw, Site Closed. Unassigned 9/1/1995 0:00 2/1/1996 0:00

982452 Charlotte Fire and Rescue 170 Ferry Rd Charlotte SMAC Lynda Provencher ### 7/13/1999 0:00

20043244 Charlotte Masonic Lodge Route 7 Charlotte MED Will sample in fall. 4 MW's installed. Marc Roy 3/1/2003 0:00

770146 Chastenay Essex NFAP Unassigned

1143 Williston Rd

South Burlington

Contam soil and GW. Investigation completed. 12/16/99 2 of 4 MWs above VGES. 3/21, 9/5/00, 3/30, 9/19/01, 3/15/02, 3/18/03 3 of 4 MWs, 3/24/04 2 of 3MWs above VGES, site being redeveloped as NSB bank

Chandler Westwood Property

Phase I Completed. Phase II conducted, no contamination in soil found. Floor drain capped.

Middletown Springs

Site Investigation Complete. Soil Asphalt Batched.

Charleston Elementary School

255 Center School Rd

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Site monitoring reveals contaminants below enforcement standards. No additional work requested. Eligible for SMAC..

File Moved To File # 770198. File Closed Not Site.

Charlie Shortle - Shortle Subaru

216 Northside Drive

UST removed and limited contamination to soils and groundwater. 323 tons of petroleum contaminated shipped to MTS for treatment. 16 cubic yards remains polyencapsulated and approved for thinspreading. Monitoring wells to be abandoned. Site will remain open until deductible paid in full to state.

Main and Depot St

Remediation Complete. Soils Spread. Site in Natural Attenuation monitoring.

Groundwater free of petroleum compounds; pond and drinking water wells free of petroleum compounds.

Contamination Detected Below Action Levels, Site Closed

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870120 Chasteney Essex Site Closed. Unassigned

951917 Chaves Construction Chaves Rd Londonderry LOW Unassigned

20073690 Chelsea Acres Stowe SMAC Ashley Desmond 7/6/2007 0:00 10/2/2007 0:00

931497 Chelsea Public Water Well Off Route 100 Chelsea LOW Well Abandoned, Site To Be Smac'd Richard Spiese 11/1/1993 0:00

962054 Chernesky Property 213 Route 2 Grand Isle MED John Schmeltzer

20012847 Cherouny Residence 43 Pheasant Way SMAC Gerold Noyes 11/6/2000 0:00 1/26/2001 0:00880237 Cheshire Oil Springfield NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

921287 Chester Reserve Route 11 Chester NFAP Site Assess Complete Lynda Provencher ###

870176 Chester Tire Center Chester NFAP Site Remediation Completed, Site Closed Chuck Schwer 12/1/1987 0:00 7/1/1995 0:00911105 Chester Town Garage Rt 103 Chester NFAP Site closed. No Impact To Groundwater Unassigned 9/1/1993 0:00

911079 Chestna Residence Route 141 Benson SMAC Mike Young 5/1/1997 0:00


Last contact with owner was a January 22, 1996 letter requesting that they hire a contractor to determine the extent and degree of contamination on their property. As of this update, there has been no reply and no further activity in this file. (8/4/99)

1645 West Hill Rd.

Contamination discovered during the removal of a heating oil UST. PID readings up to 783 ppm were recorded. REA conducted an expressway investigation which included the installation of 8 soil borings. No elevated PID readings recorded in any of the borings. No groundwater was encountered to a depth of approximately 8 feet below grade. Confirmatory soil samples taken from four of the borings had no detections of petroleum compounds. This property was formerly served by a spring which is now out of service. Screening of the indoor air in the onsite residence showed no evidence of a petroleum release.

7/02: Monitor ongoing. Awaiting report from June 2002 sampling round.

South Burlington

UST removed. Investigation completed. Minor soil contamination found. No groundwater above confining clay layer. SMAC

Route 11, Main St.

Abandoned Ust Removed, Site Monitoring Complete, Site Closed

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951757 Chets' Citgo 417 West St Rutland City SMAC Matt Moran 2/1/1995 0:00 8/16/2001 0:00

962062 Chevalier Drilling Co Tyler Rd Highgate LOW Linda Elliott 8/1/1996 0:00

20023071 Chicken Alley Euclid Street Pawlet SMAC Linda Elliott ### 3/13/2007 0:00

20093965 Chicote Residence- CVPS Bennington HIGH Ashley Desmond 7/23/2009 0:00

20033114 Chimney Corners Mobil Colchester MED Sarah A. Bartlett 6/4/2003 0:00 10/5/2009 0:00

Gasoline UST release. All USTs have been removed from property. GW contamination naturally attenuated. SMAC 8/01. Wells decommissioned and closure report received 10/26/2001.

Every other year monitoring schedule. Benzene and MTBE above enforcement standards. Levels declining. Onsite bedrock well remains unimpacted. Next Round July 2011.

Referral from DOH in 12/02 of MTBE in several private residential wells along "Chicken Alley" in West Pawlet. SMS originally hired H&N to investigate. Source is unknown. Similar situation to the incident in 1994 at the Baker residence (#941596). Tri-annual sampling be conducted by KAS, Inc. under State Contract. Next round April 2006.

1887 Mount Anthony Rd.

Pentachlorophenol (PCP)contamination found in onsite spring. Suspected source was an improperly treated utility pole. Utility pole and contaminated soils removed. Treatment system installed to remove PCP from drinking water. Confirmatory samples post-treatment currently show no detection of PCP. Additional monitoring will be conducted. Further soil removal and investigation may be required following receipt of remediation report in August, 2009.

Four gasoline USTs and one heating oil UST revmoved May 2003, elevated PID readings (up to 172 ppm) in gasoline excavation. ISI conducted August 2003, four MWs installed. MW-1 contained Benzene and MTBE in excess of VGES. Additional sampling in April and September 04, November 05, April 08. Levels fell to below VGES. H2O supply well unaffected, and closed April 04. MWs closed June 08.

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941739 Chipman Point Marina Route 73 A Orwell SMAC Unassigned 1/1/1995 0:00 3/1/2001 0:00

20053333 175 Main St Burlington SMAC Ashley Desmond ### 7/25/2008 0:00

941594 Chittenden Mills Beverage Route 15 Jericho MED Richard Spiese 4/1/1994 0:00

20002790 300 Holden Rd Chittenden SMAC Gerold Noyes 5/2/2000 0:00 8/11/2003 0:00

972248 Hinesburg LOW Linda Elliott 5/1/1997 0:00

Based on test results which indicated contamination in stockpiled soils was below MCL, consultant reccommend that soils be thinspread onsite in a 9/27/95 phone call to SMS. Mr.Ullom confirmed soils were spread on site in a letter dated 02/21/2001. SMAC

Chittenden County Courthouse

Contamination discovered during the removal of a 10,000-gallon heating oil UST. Nine groundwater monitoring wells were installed in the vicinity of the former tank. . Free product present in source area, but has been removed through bailing and sorbents. No significant gw impact outside of tank area. The last two groundwater monitoring events showed no contaminant concentrations above the VGES, with the exception of MW-2, which had a concentration of naphthalene slightly above 20 ppb. All properties in this area are served by the municipal drinking water system.

Monitoring is ongoing, courtesy of Griffin Intl. Lastest annual sampling report was 10/27/98. (7/29/99)

Chittenden Municipal Garage

UST removed and contamination found. Investigation complete. 10/30/01 No impact to GW. Monitor soil stockpile annually. 5/30/02 181 ppm, 7/30/03 ND by PID, SMAC

Chittenden South Supervisory District

C V U Rd, School St

Semi-annual groundwater. GWES exceedances in several wells. Next round September 2009.

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20053438 Christ Memorial Church 1033 Essex Rd Williston SMAC Ashley Desmond ### 7/13/2007 0:00

20053368 Christensen Residence Ferrisburgh SMAC Ashley Desmond 3/24/2005 0:00 6/20/2005 0:00

941699 Christys Market 410 Western Ave Brattleboro SMAC Unassigned/jf 10/1/1994 0:00 1/16/1995 0:00

962060 Christys Market North Route 100 Dover MED Tami Wuestenberg 9/1/1996 0:00

Release detected during the removal of two heating oil USTs. Approximately 14 tons of contaminated soils were removed from the UST #002 grave and properly disposed of at ESMI. Groundwater contamination detected in the source area for UST #002 during the initial site investigation. Contaminant levels decreased dramatically during the second monitoring event, and depth to groundwater was found to be essentially the same. There is limited risk to receptors in this area from any residual contamination. The Church is slab on grade, served by the municipal drinking water system and is upgradient of any remaining contamination. Sampling of the neighboring well showed no detection of petroleum contaminants. Monitoring wells have been properly abandoned.

58 Town Beach Rd

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Further investigation deemed unncessary due to concrete contaminment area surrounding UST. AD.

Invest Complete,soil Disposed. No Gw Impact. Site Closed.

Ongoing Semiannual Groundwater Monitoring. Next monitoring event scheduled for spring 2006. May decrease to annual after review data. No GWES exceedences in April 2006 sampling event. Requested additional semiannual event in fall 2006 - if levels remain below GWES will consider SMACing site. Spike in contaminants in fall WQ event - waiting on report.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (86)

982534 Christys Market South Rt 100 Dover LOW Tami Wuestenberg 12/7/1998 0:00

962037 129 Grove St Rutland City MED Matt Moran 7/1/1996 0:00

20083812 Chucks Mobil 298 East Allen St Winooski MED Richard Spiese 6/3/2008 0:00

20053371 Church of the Nazarene Williston SMAC Gerold Noyes 5/12/2005 0:00 12/7/2005 0:00

890434 Citgo Rt 5 Westminster SMAC Ashley Desmond 7/5/2005 0:00900654 Citizen Utility Co Newport NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

972273 78 Allen Rd Grand Isle SMAC Michael Smith 11/1/1997 0:00 1/11/1999 0:00

770196 Citizens Road Derby MED Michael Smith

20012923 Citron Property Dorset SMAC Linda Elliott 6/13/2001 0:00 2/19/2003 0:00

20002801 Burlington SMAC Sarah A. Bartlett 8/18/2000 0:00 7/8/2008 0:00

ESA completed. Ongoing quarterly groundwater monitoring ongoing. Next monitoring round scheduled for spring 2006. Approval to install an additional well to determine downgradient extent. Well installed summer 2006 - WQ occurred fall 2006 - waiting on report.

Chuck's Convenience Store

Biennial GW monitoring scheduled, next rd. August 2011. Extent of contamination adequately defined w/access from new offsite property owner.

Piping, sumps and dispensers replaced. Contamination found,. Investigation needed.

30 Morgan Parkway

UST remkoved. Contam found, investigation complete. No impact to GW. SMAC

UST Contamination Found. Last monitoring event indicated that no target petroleum compounds were above the VGES. Soil stockpile has either been spread or transported. Site considered to have minimal human health risk due to age of contamination and groundwater results near the former tanks. AD

Citizens Utilities - Grand Isle

Contaminaed soils excavated and removed, Site SMAC'ed 11 Jan 99

Citizens Utilities Pine Hill Warehouse

Si And Soil Excavation Complete, Soil Treatment In Progress

4 Mount Aeolus Lane

Underground storage tank storing fuel oil removed. Contamination found. Groundwater monitoring shows no exceedances of GWES. Bedrock supply well unimpacted. No additional work requested.

City Market - former Police Dept.

82-94 South Winooski Avenue

Suspected gasoline UST release from formerly abandoned UST. Investigations completed by 1/02. No receptors threatened. ~100 yds of PCS disposed during redevelopment. Notice to City Land Records filed June 2003.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (87)

880263 City Of Montpelier Montpelier NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

20073739 8 Aldis Street HIGH Richard Spiese 6/23/2005 0:00

982519 Clarence Brown Inc SMAC Richard Spiese 9/3/1998 0:00 ###

992646 Clarence Brown Inc. 96 Federal Street MED Richard Spiese 7/20/1999 0:00

20093994 Clark Estate 172 Stage Rd Pomfret MED Ashley Desmond 9/23/2009 0:00

992720 Clark Truck Center Route 15 Jericho SMAC Unassigned ### ###880251 Clarks Store Pawlet NFAP Site Closed Unassigned 8/13/1990 0:00

20063554 Clarks Williston Sunoco Williston MED Ashley Desmond 6/12/2006 0:00

Clarence Brown Aldis Street Bulk Plant

St Albans City

Site file split from #992646. Bulk plant overfill and historic contamination. Free product clean up needed.

Maquam Shore and Hathaway Pt

St Albans Town

Undergrouind storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation has shown that GWESs met on and off site..

St Albans City

Four NOAVs sent due to hazardous waste handling practices. Investigation determined degree and extent of contamination. GW plume towards the west from the UST area. Petroleum contamination also found from site ASTs. Some dissolved metal contamination.

2 underground storage tanks removed. Contamination found in association with a former waste oil UST. Presence of PCBs puts site under TSCA regs.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed. 2005 sample of onsite water-supply well indicates no presence of petroleum contaminants. SMAC.

2939 St George St

Piping replaced to 3 underground storage tanks. Contamination found. Approved KAS wp for initial site investigation.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (88)

20023002 Classen's Crane Service 2931 Route 18 Waterford MED Lynda Provencher 5/15/2002 0:00

962034 Shelburne SMAC Unassigned/as 9/1/1996 0:00

941706 Claussens Greenhouse Route 2 A Colchester SMAC Matt Moran 11/1/1994 0:00 1/22/2001 0:00

20083857 Clegg Residence 729 Corley rd Wolcott MED Ashley Desmond 1/23/2008 0:00

20023049 Clifford Property 4775 Route 14 Hartford MED Gerold Noyes 11/4/2002 0:00

Initally named "Fenoff Residence" , when following the removal of a 250 gal fuel oil UST, PCE contamination was found in the onsite and neighboring drinking water wells. A further investigation discovered that a dry well was located upgradient of the Fenoffs at the Classen Crane Service property, and, following sampling, discovered PCE in the water and soil from the drywell. Dry well will be removed by the Spring, 2003. Dry well was removed; sampling has continued of gw mon wells and drinking water wells. As of Apirl 2009 sampling round, all wells contained ND levels of contaminants. Site will be eligible for SMAC once treatment systems are removed and confimation is received that mws have been properly abandoned.

Claus Deutscher Residence

15 Oak Hill Drive

Site Invest Complete, No Impact To Groundwater.

Above ground heating oil release. 85 yds PCS excavated, treated, and thin spread onsite. Site closed.

AST overfill. Spill to concrete basem*nt. Oil washed to drain which daylights to Lamoille River. Speedi Dri and Simple Green applied. No elevated PID readings encountered in the ambient air after the basem*nt was cleaned, but soils in the expansion joint had readings > 600 ppm. Borings/wells installed around the perimeter of the site to further define extent of contamination.

USTs closed in place in 1991. Residual contamination present. 4/25/03 2 of 4, 4/15/04 1 of 4 MWs above VGES. Annual monitor

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (89)

20043191 Clubb residence 40 Cheney Rd Dorset SMAC Ashley Desmond 1/12/2004 0:00 6/1/2005 0:00

880224 Clutes Market Route 100 Eden SMAC Gerold Noyes 7/26/1988 0:00 8/29/2008 0:00

911003 Coast Guard Depot St Burlington MED Richard Spiese 1/1/1991 0:00

951913 Coastal Saveway 206 Canal St Brattleboro SMAC Richard Spiese 1/1/1996 0:00 ###

20043283 Cobb Auto 446 Swanton Rd MED Ashley Desmond 10/4/2004 0:00

890341 Cobbs Chevrolet St Albans NFAP Unassigned900503 Coburn's Store Rt 132 Strafford LOW Remediation Ongoing - bioventing Bob Haslam

972190 Coca Cola - Rutland Quality Lane SMAC Matt Moran 6/1/1997 0:00 7/6/2004 0:00

921330 Coca Cola Bottling Route 14 NFAP Lynda Provencher 4/1/1995 0:00

982378 Colchester SMAC John Schmeltzer 4/1/1998 0:00 6/17/1999 0:00

20093966 Coffee Cottage Castleton MED Bob Haslam

20033081 108 Joyces View Warren MED Unassigned 9/11/2002 0:00

Above ground tank failure in basem*nt. Basem*nt sump discharged oil/water mix outside. 86 tons of petroleum contaminated debris removed from basem*nt and destroyed. GW wells showed no evidence of contamination. Wells properly closed.

Annual Groundwater Monitoring. 11/98 sample above VGES, 10/00, 10/01, 11/03, 10/05, 11/07 above VGES. SMAC

Monitering Ongoing. Plan To Excavate Contaminated Soil. Work not being performed.

Gw Enforcement Standards Met On Entire Site , Site Closed on 4/1/1997. Reopened in 1998, site open in 2004 due only to TMBs. Site again met GWESs and MWs closed Nov., 2007.

St Albans Town

UST closed. Additional work needed to assess extent of contamination.

Site Closed. See Site #96-2027, Lake Rd, St Albans

Rutland Town

Initial gasoline/diesel UST investigation completed. Monitored natural attenuation complete, and MWs closed.SMAC designated.

East Montpelier

Site Invest Complete, Gw Not Impacted Above Standards

Coca-cola - Hercules Drive

46 Hercules Drive

Petroleum contamination removed during tank closure. 94 tons of soil sent to ESMI facility in New Hampshire for thermal treatment.

SVE with carbon installed. GAC scrubber in basem*nt too. Remediation and monitoring ongoing.

Cohen Residence (formerly Wortman)

On-site bedrock well containated w/kerosene. Possible AST failure. Investigation needed.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (90)

931535 Colchester High School Laker Lane Colchester MED Tami Wuestenberg 12/1/1993 0:00

982440 265 College St Burlington SMAC Unassigned 7/16/1998 0:00 ###

20002742 Collins Residence LOW Chuck Schwer ###

951798 Rutland City LOW Ongoing G W Monitoring Needed Linda Elliott 6/1/1995 0:00

770078 Colt Industries Route 2 St Johnsbury SMAC Investigation Complete, Site Closed. Mike Young 9/1/1995 0:00

900631 Columbia Forest Products Newport City NFAP Soil Properly Disposed Of, Site Closed Unassigned

921273 Columbian Ave Apts Rutland City SMAC Richard Spiese 8/24/2000 0:00

20073749 Comcast Facility 107 McKinley St. Bennington SMAC Ashley Desmond 12/4/2007 0:00 4/30/2008 0:00

931509 Comerford Station East Barnet Rd Barnet SMAC Unassigned 12/1/1993 0:00 4/1/1999 0:00

Contaminated soils are stockpiled onsite and being monitored. As of this update (7/06), there has been no activity in this file since January 10th, 1994 when SMS requested an ISI. Sent letter on July 18, 2006 requesting ISI. Tank was pulled and clean in 2002. Need to determine if additional investigation still warranted.

College Street Congregational Church

UST removed. Contamination found. Investigation completed. Residual contaminated soils backfilled on site. Residual contamination poses no risk to receptors.

2921 Collins Mill Road

Newport Town

Above Ground Storage Tank release. Soil cleanup completed. Stockpiled soils require treatment. Previously Spill #99-452.

Colonial Plumbing And Heating

Woodstock Ave , Rt 4

Newport Plant Union

194-208 Columbian Ave

Corrective Action-Soil Removal/Capping complete. Site SMACed.

Contamination discovered during Phase II ESA. Believed to be related to a UST. Comcast removed the UST and found that the extent of contamination was limited. No further investgation is required.

Groundwater contaminants below standards. Contaminated soil disposed of at asphalt batching plant.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (91)

962023 Comerica Bank Rt 7 Highgate MED Alex Geller 8/1/1996 0:00

20053434 Comey Residence Stowe SMAC Tami Wuestenberg 9/27/2005 0:00 7/11/2006 0:00

20002840 Comfort Inn 19 Allen Street Rutland City MED Matt Moran 10/6/2000 0:00

972192 Common Ground Route 100 North Hyde Park SMAC Tami Wuestenberg 7/1/1997 0:00 ###

Site investigation was completed in 1996 by Environmental Science and Engineering. Presumed leaded gasoline found in groundwater. 2008 Contacted comerica bank to intiate additional investigation. Site investigation sampled three existing wells on the property and found no groundwater enforcement standard exceedances. Surrounding neighbor water supply wells were also sampled for VOC's. No detections found. Additional sub surface investigation included the installation of 3 monitoring wells located along the southern (downgradient) property boundary. Samples from additional monitoring wells did not exceed enforcement standards. Very low concentrations of Di-isopropyl ether (DIPE) were detect in both MW-7 and 8. No threatened or afffected receptors identified. Site recommended for closure.

75 Upper Pinnacle Rd

Underground storage tank closed in place. Contamination found. Groundwater entered the tank through holes in the bottom and in the sidewalls. Investigation needed. No GWES exceeded, once wells are abaondoned site can be closed. Wells abandoned in June 2006. SMAC'd site.

Petroleum soil and GW contamination found during Phase II ESA. Verterre performed follow up investigation 6/02. Annual GW monitoring June 2010. Evaluating SVE/AS pilot for supplemental FP/residual mass removal.

Remediation Complete. Ongoing Groundwater Monitoring completed. VGES met at monitoring points. Limts of soil contamination have been defined.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (92)

20083801 Craftsbury SMAC Ashley Desmond 6/5/2008 0:00 8/22/2008 0:00

20023045 Companion Hardware Shelburne MED Unassigned 8/21/2002 0:00

20083757 Conley Property Glover LOW Matt Moran ###

972284 Conlin Property Route 30 Townshend SMAC Marc Roy 12/1/1997 0:00 5/4/2000 0:00

951773 Conrad - Duval Inc Rochester SMAC Gerold Noyes 3/1/1995 0:00 8/29/2007 0:00

982389 Consolidated Freight 196 Randbury Rd LOW Richard Spiese 4/22/1998 0:00

Common View Storage/Craftsbury Cor Store

Merrill Loop & Collinville Rd

Contamination discovered during the removal of a gasoline UST. Four soil borings were advanced at the property in the vicinity of the former UST. Elevated readings were concentrated in the footprint of the former tank. No bedrock or groundwater encountered at the site. 547 tons of petroleum contaminated soil was removed from the excavation and disposed of at Waste USA in Coventry. PID readings from the final excavation were all below 20 ppm. A confirmatory soil sample collected from the bottom of the excavation was non-detect for VOCs. A TPH reading of 4.2 ppm was recorded. This property does not have a water supply. A water sample collected from the nearest water supply well had no detectable levels of VOCs.

54 Shelburne Shopping Park

3 underground storage tanks removed. Broken bags of fertilizer historically dumped in tank area. No significant petroleum contamination exists.

1272 Dexter Mountain Rd

Above ground tank failure. 13 drums PCS/snow disposed. Subsequently 70 yds PCS disposed at ESMI. 6 MWs installed with no violations of groundwater standards. Awaiting decision to resample or close.

Above Ground Fuel Tank Failure. Cleanup completed. File closed.

Box 87, Peavine Drive

12/98 xylene & e-benzene above VGES, 4/00 xylene, 124 and 135 TMB above VGES in source MW. Other 3 MWs ND. 6/02, 9/04 124 & 135 TMB, naph above VGES, 9/06 TMB above VGES, TMB standard changed SMAC

Rutland Town

Limited GW contamination. Site in Natural Attenuation monitoring.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (93)

20063516 Consolidated Memorials 112 Boynton St Barre City SMAC Ashley Desmond 2/27/2006 0:00 1/18/2008 0:00

911000 Rt 5 Norwich MED Annual/Semiannual Groundwater Monitoring. Unassigned

20023055 Conti Cleaners 415 N Main St Barre City SMAC Gerold Noyes ### 9/11/2003 0:00

921206 Conti Tracy Usar Center Rt 2 Montpelier SMAC Lynda Provencher 4/1/1998 0:00

20002793 Contractors Crane Service 138 Munson Ave Morristown SMAC Richard Spiese 5/31/2000 0:00 1/31/2001 0:00

20022968 Beaumont Ave Burlington SMAC Linda Elliott 10/8/2001 0:00 3/26/2002 0:00

20053387 Converse Home 272 Church St Burlington SMAC Ashley Desmond 6/8/2005 0:00 7/24/2006 0:00

Contamination at this site originated from a heating oil AST release in 2006. Impacts to the nearby Jail Branch River were mitigated through the use of booms, and soil removal between the release point and the river. Recent groundwater samples taken in that area show no contaminant levels above the VGES. Monitoring wells have been properly abandoned. All properties in this area are served by the municipal drinking water system.

Contaminated Private Wells

Property transaction investigation discovered chlorinated and petroleum solvent contam. Contam. limited to underneath building slab, SMAC with Notice to Land Records

Contam Soils Sent To Asphalt Batching, Tank Waste Shipped During Tank Pull.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation resulted in only limited soil excavation. Soils treated and thinspread on site.

Converse Hall - Univ of Vermont

Underground storage tank removed. Investigation determined limited contamination in source area. No apparant threat to receptors. No further action requested.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed. First letter sent in July 05. ISI found limited groundwater contamination at site. Second groundwater monitoring event found no contaminants exceeding the minimum lab detection limits. MW-3 had been destroyed. The two monitoring wells were abandoned following SMS approval. No apparent risk to indoor air or water supplies from any residual contamination.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (94)

972146 Cook Residence Route 7 LOW Work Complete Tim Cropley 3/1/1997 0:00

770141 Cooley Asphalt Barre NFAP Unassigned870114 Coolidge House Plymouth NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

20073670 Cooper Residence Colchester SMAC Ashley Desmond 7/11/2007 0:00 4/30/2008 0:00770204 Cootes Field St Albans NFAP Site Closed Unassigned890314 Copps Country Store Rt 2 Concord NFAP Site Closed. Bob Haslam

20022955 Corbett Property Evergreen Lane Londonderry MED Unassigned 11/9/2001 0:00

20063574 Corinth Town Hall Corinth SMAC Ashley Desmond 8/23/2006 0:00 6/12/2007 0:00

20043203 Cormier Residence 80 Fuller Hill Rd Warren LOW Bob Haslam

St Albans Town

Contamination Detected Below Action Levels, Site Closed

596 Windemere Way

Release detected during the in place closure of a heating oil UST. No groundwater/soil contamination was detected in the four wells surrounding the source area during the initial site investigation. There is limited risk to receptors in this area from any residual contamination. This property is served by the municipal water system. The foundation of the onsite building is slab on-grade. Monitoring wells have been properly abandoned.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed

1387 Cookville Rd

Release detected during the removal of a heating oil UST. WES conducted an initial site investigation to further define the degree and extent of contamination. No dissolved contamination detected in the vicinity of the source area. Soil borings surrounding this area had no detectable levels of contamination. Samples taken from the two onsite drinking water wells showed no evidence of contamination. No petroleum vapors detected in the basem*nt of the Town Hall using a PID.

AST leak. RW installed, degree and extent investigation completed. EP&S completed soil removal. Groundwater now meets standards, site to be closed.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (95)

972179 Route 2 Marshfield MED Matt Moran 5/1/1997 0:00

982365 Corner Gas Store 141 Pearl St Essex LOW Gerold Noyes 4/1/1998 0:00

941599 Cornerstone Market Route 2 South Hero LOW Matt Moran 5/1/1994 0:00

890444 Cornwall NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

972326 Cortina Inn Route 4 East Mendon SMAC Lynda Provencher 12/1/1997 0:00 ###

972184 Cavendish MED Richard Spiese 6/1/1997 0:00

982537 Cota Family Farm Route 116 Starksboro SMAC Gerold Noyes 9/1/1998 0:00 11/2/2000 0:00

890446 Cota's Sunoco First St Swanton LOW Richard Spiese ###

20023052 Coughlan Residence 487 Cady Hill Rd Stowe SMAC Bruce Linton 10/1/2002 0:00 4/29/2003 0:00

Corner Brook Store - Frm Starch Factory

Initial gasoline UST investigation completed. Work plan for additional investigation due July 1998. Semiannual monitoring of offsite PCS pile overdue. OVERDUE

USTRemoved. Contam found. Investigation complete. Occasional FP in tank pit MW, 750+ yds soil contamination above 1000 ppm, soil below 12' depth, under pavement, no impact to receptors, no contact risk. Biennial GW monitoring

Soil treatment completed. Biennial GW monitoring, next round spring 2010. MNA may not reach standards until 2035. 3 wells repaired/resurveyed '05, others closed '03

Cornwall Large Animal Clinic

Groundwater enforcement standards met with the exception of adjacent to the tank pit area. A notice to the land record was placed in October, 1998. Monitoring wells closed on December 19, 2002.

Cota & Cota Proctorsville Bulk Facility

Route 131, Main St

Request Soil And Groundwater Investigation. 3/17/98 - Sending A Signed Contract To Complete Workplan , Planning To Commence With Well Placement Within The Month.

Phase I ESA completed. No further investigation necessary. Soil contam. remediated by excavation and stockpile. SMAC

Site Closed. File Combined With Site #90-0518. Uncombined with 90-0518. Needs a first letter.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed. Going Expressway. Site SMACed in April 2003.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (96)

20053359 Couillards Auto Body 79 Swift St MED Ashley Desmond 4/20/2005 0:00880211 Country Emporium Newport NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

982372 Country News Distributors Brattleboro SMAC Gerold Noyes 4/1/1998 0:00 10/3/2006 0:00

931513 County Seat Market Route 30 Newfane SMAC Unassigned 12/1/1993 0:00 ###

982494 Courchesne Residence Rt 2, Town Rd St Johnsbury SMAC John Schmeltzer ### 10/6/2000 0:00

870057 25 Court St Middlebury LOW Linda Elliott

South Burlington

Contamination found along property line between VT Gas and Couillards Auto Body Shop. Investigation needed. See Site 20012932. KD Associates conducted additional work at the site to determine degree of contamination- determined that subsurface investigation needed. WP apppoved for investigation in Feb 2006. Called new owner Patrick Ayer to determine if any site work had been completed on 3/17/2009. Left message with employee at his business.

PO Box 8127, Putney Rd

UST removed. Contam. Found. Investigation completed. 4/99 benzene exceeded VGES. 3 wells dry. 11/10/99 VGES exceedences reported. 3/23/00 1 MW above VGES,1 MW below VGES, 2 MWs ND. 7/5/01 2 MWs above VGES, 7/02, 7/04 1 MW above VGES, 7/06 below VGES. SMAC

UST removed in '93. Owner has not completed request to determine degree and extent of contamination.

10/00:Fuel oil tank removed. Oil water separator and containment system at outlet of drain pipe from foundation draining. Analytical results of pipe discharge and two water supply wells detected no VOCS above a regulatory concern.

Court Street (Champlain Farms Texaco)

Dissolved phase petroleum contamination above GWES in several wells. Decreasing concentrations over time except one well. Annual Groundwater Monitoring. Next round requested by October 2010. Facility is a now a Shell station.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (97)

20063597 Courtesy Motors 267 Fisher rd Berlin MED Lynda Provencher ###

911074 Courthouse 45 Kingman St SMAC Unassigned 6/7/1991 0:00 2/19/2003 0:00

20033121 RT 14 Coventry LOW Bob Haslam 10/3/2001 0:00

911042 Craft's Country Store Route 9 Marlboro SMAC Richard Spiese 1/1/1991 0:00 6/19/2009 0:00

20012915 Craftsbury Academy Craftsbury LOW Requested MW closure 05/09. Sarah A. Bartlett 7/16/2001 0:00

900586 Craftsbury Corner Store N. Wallcott Road Craftsbury SMAC Unassigned 4/1/1999 0:00

941649 Craftsbury Garage Main St Craftsbury LOW Annual Gw Sampling Ongoing Lynda Provencher

992721 Craftsbury Outdoor Center Lost Nation Rd Craftsbury SMAC Richard Spiese ### 1/31/2001 0:00

3,000 gallon waste oil UST removed. Waste oil release from piping. Four monitoring wells installed and contaminant levels are in excess of Vermont Groundwater Enforcement Standards. Groundwater is being sampled on an annual basis. Next sampling event to occur in April, 2009. April 2009 sampling showed free product presnet in one well. Adsorbent sock will be placed in well. Only petroleum contaminants have been present; requested that samples be analyzed via 8021B rather than 8260.

St Albans City

Lust Removal Revealed Contamination. MWs installed and samples were ND from 6/28/2002 sampling. MWs closed as requested.

Coventry Tractor Trailer Accident

approximately 3000 gallons of #2 heating oil was spilled.. Approx 1800 gallons recovered at free phase. Approx 300 yards of PCS removed and stockpiled on adjacent property.

Additional Investigation Completed. New Wells Installed. Water Supply Well Replaced. Replaced well has low levels of VOCs in it. Site MWs met GWESs. MWs closed.

1422 N Craftsbury Rd

Contaminated soils stockpiled, treated and disposed off-site. Site closed.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation indicates little to no contamination.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (98)

982506 Cragins Auto 105 State St Rutland City SMAC Gerold Noyes 9/1/1998 0:00 9/26/2008 0:00

20083824 Crane Residence 210 Sanville Rd Troy MED Ashley Desmond 6/6/2008 0:00

20022979 Crawford Residence Stowe SMAC Unassigned 1/30/2002 0:00 4/3/2002 0:00

20043211 Crone Residence Shelburne SMAC Ashley Desmond 5/3/2004 0:00 7/28/2005 0:00

20033102 Crossley Residence 471 Turnpike Rd Norwich SMAC Gerold Noyes 4/2/2003 0:00 ###

20023021 Crossman Residence 25 Melrose Street Rutland City SMAC Marc Roy 8/15/2002 0:00 5/4/2004 0:00890390 Crossroad Mobil Alburg NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

UST removed. Contam found. Investigation completed. Jiffy Mart (#900643) is up-gradient contributing source. 11/16/99 4 wells installed down-gradient, low BTEX, high MTBE, annual sampling required, split costs with Jiffy Mart, 3/00, 9/00 6 of 7, 4/01 2 of 8, 6/02 3 of 8 6/03 1 of 8, 6/04, 5/06 2 of 8 MWs above VGES, 4/08 all MWs below VGES. SMAC

In place closure of 550 gallon UST. Contamination found in soil near fill pipe. REA conducted initial site investigation and found MTBE in the onsite drinking water supply, indicating another source of contamination. Supplemental investigations will be performed to determine the source of contamination. Property was used for auto salvage by a previous owner.

127 West Barnes Rd

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Lab results non-detect. SMAC on 4/3/2002.

222 Old Orchard Lane

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. LAG conducted site investigation, which found limited contamination believed to be unrelated to the tank (MTBE). Levels of MTBE dropped significantly between testing rounds. SMS concurred with LAG that wells could be closed following a MTBE result of 44ppb, the only contaminant in any of the four wells. AD

UST removed, soil contam found. Investigation complete. No impact to GW. SMAC

AST release. Investigation and remediation completed. Site SMACed on 5/4/2004.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (99)

962124 Crossroads Mobil Alburg MED Lynda Provencher 1/1/1997 0:00

931412 Crossroads Store Hartford MED Lynda Provencher

992606 Crossroads Trading Post Corinth LOW Unassigned 1/15/1999 0:00

921322 Crossway Motors, Inc Berlin SMAC Gerold Noyes ### 7/28/1999 0:00972191 Croteau Garage Route 5 Irasburg LOW 07/02: Continuing monitoring stockpile. John Schmeltzer 7/1/1997 0:00

20012946 Barton MED 12/06: Ongoing monitoring. John Schmeltzer ###

951835 Crum Property Route 114 Norton SMAC UST investigation completed, site closed. Matt Moran 9/1/1995 0:00 3/1/1996 0:00

20033139 CRW Corp SMAC Lynda Provencher 8/20/2003 0:00 3/30/2004 0:00

20043206 Crystal Lake Outlet Route 5 Barton HIGH Richard Spiese 4/16/2004 0:00

Route 2 And Route 78

LAG released from Pay-for-Performance Agreement in May 2007. LAG's remediation sytem removed in May 2007. A release of diesel occurred during a piping assessment in October 2007, and a new $10K deductible was assessed R.L. Vallee. Contaminantion across the road was remediated during the PfP. Dual phase extraction implemented in May, 2009 by the Verterre Group.

Rt 4 and Waterman Hill Rd

Petroleum contamination is present in groundwater. Semi-annual monitoring is ongoing. Several remediation efforts have occurrred at the site. The catch basins located downgradient from the site which discharge to the Ottaquechee River have shown elevated levels of contaminants. An investigation into the source of this contamination is currently happening (Spring, 2009).

Corinth/Chelsea Rd

UST removed contam found. Soil stockpile mgt & water supply well sample needed. Letter sent 2003 no response

Barre-Montpelier Rd

Soil impacted from UST. Soils thin spread following treatment. MW showed no impact to GW. SMAC

Croteau Property in Orleans Village

NW Corner Liberty and East

1879 Williston Rd

South Burlington

2800 gallon waste oil tank removed 8/14/03. 4 monitoring wells installed; one well contains 124TMB and 135TMB in excess of standards. A notice was placed in the land record. All onsite monitoring wells were properly closed..

Heavy sheens into Barton River just above Crystal Lake Outlet. Booms deployed. JC hired to find source. Several abandoned USTs in area.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (100)

972274 Cumberland Farms Rutland City SMAC Linda Elliott 10/1/1997 0:00 1/1/1999 0:00870153 Cumberland Farms Burlington NFAP Site Closed Reopened 11/99 Site #992719 Unassigned

890304 Cumberland Farms Rt 74 Shoreham SMAC Gerold Noyes 4/28/2000 0:00 6/20/2001 0:00880249 Cumberland Farms Rockingham NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

982515 Cumberland farms #0064 60 Prospect St Fair Haven SMAC Gerold Noyes ### 10/3/2005 0:00

972329 Cumberland Farms #4001 East Main St Newport City HIGH Gerold Noyes 11/1/1997 0:00

982432 Cumberland Farms #4002 89 N Main St Northfield LOW Richard Spiese 5/12/1998 0:00

20002767 Cumberland Farms #4005 181 Main St Windsor SMAC Unassigned 5/3/2000 0:00 2/26/2002 0:00

20053389 Cumberland Farms #4005 Main St Windsor SMAC Gerold Noyes 6/17/2005 0:00 6/8/2007 0:00

992612 Cumberland Farms #4006 Bennington SMAC Gerold Noyes 5/4/1999 0:00 6/12/2001 0:00

982474 Cumberland Farms #4007 73 Taft Ave Hartford SMAC Gerold Noyes 6/23/1998 0:00 1/5/2000 0:00

212 S Main St, Route 7

Ust Removed 10/97; Ongoing groundwater monitoring shows limited contamination. Monitoring wells to be properly abandoned spring/summer 1999. Site SMAC'd.

3 USTs removed 1989 site closed. 4/28/00 3 more USTs removed. Site reopened. Site investigation completed. 9/6/00 1 MW above VGES, 1 MW below VGES, 2 MWs ND, 5/9/01 1 MW ND, 2 MW below VGES, 1 MW at VGES. SMAC

UST removed. Soil contam found. GW not present at max depth of 8'. SMAC

USTs Removed. GW Contamination Found. CAFI in development. 70 CY soil removed during UST removal, 15CY soil removed during sewer line work. SVE operation complete

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Site in Natural Attenuation monitoring.

UST's removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed. 350 cubic yards of soils stockpiled off-site. Soils thin-spread at Route 5 sand & gravel facility. SMAC 10/29/01

Closed site 20002767, UST replaced 2000, pipes replaced June 2005. Contam found. Investigation complete. SMAC

107 Northside Drive

UST removed. Contamination found. Investigation complete. 4/15/00 3 MWs ND, 1 MW MTBE @ 190ppb, 10/31/00 4 MWs, below VGES, 4/4/01 4 MWs ND. SMAC

UST removed. Contamination found. Investigation completed. No groundwater encountered in 102' well. Soil contamination remaining on site. No impacted receptors other than soil. SMAC

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982514 Cumberland Farms #4008 Rt 4 Taftsville Rd Woodstock MED Brian Woods 9/30/1998 0:00

982461 Cumberland Farms #4009 Wallingford SMAC Unassigned 7/16/1998 0:00 5/5/1999 0:00

982415 Cumberland Farms #4010 20 S Main St Barre City SMAC Mike Young 5/6/1998 0:00 7/19/1999 0:00

982451 Cumberland Farms #4012 St Johnsbury MED Annual GW monitoring Richard Spiese 5/21/1998 0:00

982462 Cumberland Farms #4015 143 Main St Ludlow SMAC Richard Spiese 7/8/1998 0:00 5/5/1999 0:00

982418 Cumberland Farms #4018 661 Pine St Burlington LOW Gerold Noyes 4/21/1998 0:00

20023064 Cumberland Farms #4019 Burlington MED Tami Wuestenberg 8/28/2002 0:00

992667 Cumberland Farms #4023 Morristown SMAC Richard Spiese 8/4/1999 0:00 10/5/1999 0:00

992692 Cumberland Farms #4024 37 Berlin St Montpelier MED Gerold Noyes 9/27/1999 0:00

Petroleum related VOCs detected in groundwater. Semiannual monitoring being conducted. Leaking vapor recovery system causing elevated MTBE in groundwater discovered 4/04.

Main and Maple St

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation completed, site closed.

Investigation complete, no impacts to groundwater identified.

Portland St and U S Route 2

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation completed. Site closed.

UST removed. Contamn found. Investigation completed. Semi-annual GW monitoring required, 5/7, 9/13/99, 3/22, 9/20/00, 4/24/01. 4 of 8 wells over VGES. Next biennial sample 7/30/2011

454 Riverside Ave

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found.Investigation shows exceedances of GWES in one well. Additonal investigation and monitoring to commence winter 2003. Contamination may be coming from closed Uhaul site next door. Talks regarding site wide investigation ongoing (10/2005). Uhaul conducting ISI next door - waiting on those results (1/07).

Main and Congress Sts

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation completed. 712 yards of contaminated soil sent to MTS for disposal. No further work required.

UST pipes replaced, Contam found. CFI bought adjacent Utton's Muffler. 2 sites combined under #99-2692. See #1996-1953 for data prior to 1/1/06, quarterly monitor

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982406 Main St Randolph SMAC Richard Spiese 5/13/1998 0:00 5/8/2007 0:00

992616 Cumberland Farms - 4013 Route 5 Main St Fairlee SMAC Unassigned 5/21/1998 0:00 6/28/1999 0:00

951803 Broad Street Lyndon HIGH Lynda Provencher 6/1/1995 0:00

20053393 Curran Residence Jericho SMAC Ashley Desmond 6/7/2005 0:00 9/22/2005 0:00

20053390 Currier Residence 82 Carpenter St Norwich SMAC Ashley Desmond 5/21/2005 0:00 3/27/2009 0:00

Cumberland Farms - #4003

During UST upgrade in August, 2004, approximately 275 yds. Were excavated and disposed of at MTS in Chichenster, NH. Site evaluated. Notice to land record and site SMACed

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation completed and site closed. Soils shipped to MTS, NH.

Cumberland Farms - Lyndonville

Tri-annual groundwater sampling ongoing. A Corrective Action Plan is due by April 30, 2009 involving remeidation via surfactant flusihing. Groundwater contamiantion has migrated beneath the neighboring building, the Dairy Association.

78 Foothills Drive

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Limits of contamination found during tank excavation following the removal of 4 cubic yards of soil. Confirmatory sample from tank grave showed no contamination.

Contamination discovered during the removal of a heating oil UST. 117 tons of contaminated soil removed from the area, stockpiled onsite and offsite, and later disposed of at ESMI. 9 soil borings and 3 monitoring wells installed to near the tank. Soil samples taken during ISI showed no contamination, though low levels of groundwater contamination were found. Contamination in basem*nt sump and source area well has since dropped below the VGES. No elevated PIDs in adjacent structures. Water is supplied by the municipal system. Monitoring wells and treatment system properly closed.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (103)

770126 CV Railway Inc 2 Federal St. HIGH Michael Smith

870051 CVPS Rt 131 Weathersfield SMAC Richard Spiese 8/1/1996 0:00880250 CVPS 14 Seminary St. Middlebury NFAP Landfarming Complete, G E S Met Richard Spiese

20023046 CVPS Woodford Rd Bennington SMAC Michael Smith ### 5/29/2009 0:00

20083789 CVPS - Rte 5 Rte 5 St Johnsbury MED Gerold Noyes 4/4/2008 0:00

20073646 Rochester SMAC Gerold Noyes 5/5/2006 0:00 ###

911076 CVPS Rutland Post Rd Rutland NFAP Richard Spiese 3/12/1993 0:00

900502 CVPS Woodstock Rt 4 Woodstock LOW Gerold Noyes 4/17/1990 0:00911047 CVPS-Pittsford Elm St. Pittsford NFAP Low/closed Brian Woods 1/24/1992 0:00

St Albans City

Cap Completed, New Track Pans installed in 1/98. Remediation system installed and operating. Semi annual ground water monitoring is ongoing.

Quarterly Free Prod Check. Annual Gw Monitering.

Surface soils reportedd to be contaminated with unknown liquid. Investigation was conducted in the spring of 2003 whichl involved the excavation of approximately 25 test pits in a grid like pattern. Investigation completed in Feb 2004 indicates that shallow soils are impacted with PAHs, arsenic and lead. The VT AOT was involved because part of the Bennington bypass is proposed to go over the property. The SMS is currently waiting for VT AOT for further guidance to determine what needs to be done at the property. Soils were removed from site and some capped on site due to construction of bypass. Deed restriciton were put on CVPS property to prevent access to shallow soils. Monitoring wells were proerl abandoned in 2009.

Heating oil overfill. 46 tons PCS excavated. 128.6 gals oil unaccounted for. Extent of contamination unknown.

CVPS Rochester Sub Station

PCB contaminated soil found during substation demolition, concrete voltage regulator pad & sub soil removed and sent to Model City haz mat landfill, confirmatory samples <= .1 mg/kg, SMAC

Monitoring Showed Low Level Contamination, No Migrating Off Site

10/17/01, 10/15/02, 10/15/04 3 of 7 MWs above VGES biennual monitoring

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911050 CVPS-Poultney York St. Poultney NFAP Unassigned ###

770137 Cleveland Ave Rutland City MED Gerold Noyes 7/1/1994 0:00

921202 CVPS-St Johnsbury Bay St St Johnsbury SMAC Site Closed Stan Corneille 8/2/1996 0:00

20093996 CVS - Main St 31 N Main St Rutland City MED Ashley Desmond 9/14/2009 0:00890303 Cyprus Minerals Railroad St Johnson NFAP Site Closed. Richard Spiese

20073652 Czar Residence Wallingford SMAC Ashley Desmond 5/9/2007 0:00 ###

941580 D and R General Store Rt 121 Rockingham LOW Richard Spiese 3/1/1994 0:00

962070 D And T Spinning 16 Mill St Ludlow SMAC John Schmeltzer 9/1/1996 0:00 6/16/1997 0:00

1st Field Investigation Complete. Sms Requests Addl. Work 8/15/91.

CVPS-Rutland City Gas Works

R I Completed, Fs In Progress, Risk Assessment Completed

Abandoned heating oil tank removed. Tank was found to be empty upon removal. Soil contamination encountered at base of tank. No sheens or free product on groundwater encountered at 6 feet below grade. All properties in the area served by municipal drinking water. Limited risk to receptors from residual contamination. Followup screening will be conducted in basem*nt of the onsite buidling to determine if there are any vapor intrusion issues.

2172 Rt 140 West

Contamination discovered during the removal of a heating oil UST. Contamination appeared to be focused in a discrete area on the sidewall of the excavation immediately adjacent to the house. A confirmatory soil sample taken from the base of the excavation showed no detects for VOCs or TPH. All soils were backfilled into the excavation. Two samples from the onsite drinking water supply well showed no VOC detects. The basem*nt area immediately adjacent to the former tank was screened with a PID during the tank closure and the supplemental investigation and had no elevated readings.

Corrective Action completed. SVE and ORC was used to protect water supplies in area and degrade persistant GW contamination. Site on semi-annual sampling.

Mgmnt Activity Complete, Downgrade Wells Have No Contam Above Standards

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931367 D B I Industries 80 Allen Rd SMAC Unassigned 7/28/2004 0:00

962036 D P W Garage 67 Aldis St SMAC Gerold Noyes 9/1/1996 0:00 7/28/2009 0:00921288 D S B Soils Main St Waterbury NFAP Closed Bob Haslam 9/28/1993 0:00890367 D S J Bradford NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

911051 D&C Transport 32 Railroad Ave. Barton LOW Matt Moran 6/1/1991 0:00

880230 Route 118 Montgomery SMAC Matt Moran 7/21/1988 0:00 5/19/2008 0:00

20043272 Dagenais Residence P.O. Box 37 New Haven SMAC Ashley Desmond 8/17/2004 0:00 6/7/2005 0:00

20033150 Dakin Farm 5797 Route 7 Ferrisburgh SMAC Unassigned 8/21/2003 0:00 3/18/2004 0:00

20053421 Daly North Street 501 North St Burlington LOW Bob Haslam

20023034 Daly Residence 28 Overlook Park Burlington SMAC Sarah A. Bartlett 7/3/2002 0:00 ###

South Burlington

Site investigation complete. On Oct. 5, 1994, Griffin Intl. recommended site closure. As of this update, (July 27th, 1999), there has been no further activity in this file. Well to be closed. Well closed and soils have been spread. SMAC.

St Albans City

USTs removed, contam found, 4/18/03, 4/13/04 4 MWs above VGES, 1 MW below, 2 MWs ND, biennial monitoring, GW contam above VGES on site only, SMAC w/Notice to land records

Biennial GW monitoring of petroleum UST release; next round due Spring 2010. Linear regression w/exponential decay indicates closure in 2057; KAS to consider cost/benefit of supplemental cleanup 2010.

D&D Deli & Redemption (former Cota's)

>1100 gal. gasoline recovered by SVE prior to destruction in flood. 30 yds PCS thinspread 5/05. GW standards attained site wide October 2006. Site closed

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Contaminated soils removed from the property and disposed of. Confirmatory soil and drinking water samples show no detectable contamination.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed. Investigation complete. Wells closed. SMAC

SVE system was installed, and is now offline. Groundwater now meets VGES, monitoring has been completed.

Three USTs removed July 2002. SI conducted in January 2003, additional sampling conducted in July 2003, June 2007. Limited petroleum related contaminants below the VGES in source area well during last sampling round.

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890315 Dan And Whit's Rt 5 Norwich NFAP Soils Disposed, Site Closed Unassigned

20002792 Main St Norwich SMAC Richard Spiese 4/28/2000 0:00 5/25/2004 0:00880233 Dan's Texaco Williston NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

20043222 Dana Residence Stowe SMAC Gerold Noyes 5/7/2004 0:00 4/9/2007 0:00

972222 Danby Country Store Rt 7 Mount Tabor MED Sarah A. Bartlett 7/1/1997 0:00

972253 Danby Four Corners Store Danby/Pawlet Rd Danby SMAC Gerold Noyes 10/1/1997 0:00 5/4/2005 0:00

20033152 Dandurand Residence SMAC Alex Geller 9/3/2003 0:00 8/12/2008 0:00

982512 Danes Store Main St Charleston SMAC Gerold Noyes 10/1/1998 0:00 7/29/2002 0:00921347 Dann Residence North Hill Rd Stowe NFAP Ust Contamination, Clean Up Underway Richard Spiese 5/1/1994 0:00

962074 Dans' Automotive Sutton MED Unassigned 9/1/1996 0:00

Dan and Whits General Store

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation shows low level groundwater contamination. Stockpiled soils at the Bradford Sand and Gravel Pit. See also Closed Site #890315. GWESs exceeded only for TMBs. Notice to Land Record placed so site SMACed.

229 Weeks Hill Rd

UST removed. Contam found. Investigation complete. 1 MW above VGES, biennial monitor, soil excavated, ORC added, 1 MW below VGES, 2 ND, SMAC

Ust Removal. Contam found. 8/22/02, 4/10/03 3 of 4 MWs above VGES for MTBE. Annual sampling required

Ust Removed. Contam found. Site investigation complete. Some GW contam below VGES. MWs closed. SMAC

1550 Hinesburg Rd

South Burlington

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Approximately 1.5 yards of soil stockpiled in 2003. 2008 inspection found no contamination present. Thinspread.

Abandoned kero UST removed. Contam found. Investigation complete. Impact to supply well. Treatment system installed 11/00. 11/8/00 2.7 & 3.9 ppb naphthalene and kero odors in supply well and 1 MW. Supply well replaced. SMAC

Route 5 - Barton Rd

Last contact with owner was a November 5, 1996 letter requesting that Mr. Stout hire a contractor to determine the degree and extent of contamintation on his property. There has been no response, and no further activity in this file. (8/5/99)

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890348 Railroad St Danville SMAC Tami Wuestenberg 4/10/2007 0:00

870116 Danville Service Center Route 2 Danville LOW Matt Moran 1/1/1987 0:00

982557 Danville Town Garage Railroad St Danville SMAC Linda Elliott ### 9/27/2002 0:00

982490 Dattilios Sunoco LOW Richard Spiese 7/6/1998 0:00

770149 Dave Towers Storage Area Lyndon NFAP Pa Recommends No Further Action, Site Closed Unassigned

931403 Dave's Mobil Main St Stowe MED Matt Moran 5/27/1993 0:00

890330 Dave's Quik Stop Route 78 Swanton MED Gerold Noyes 4/24/1996 0:00890296 Davey Oil Bennington NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

982547 Davey Oil Bennington MED Richard Spiese ###

962019 Davidson Residence Stone Rd Ryegate SMAC Site Management Activity Complete John Schmeltzer 6/1/1996 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00

Danville Feed And Grain Store

Ongoing Annual Monitoring. 09/04 - benzene exceeded in one well; wq event to occur fall 2006. No VTGES exceedences; ok to SMAC once wells are properly abandoned; SMACd

Biennial GW monitoring, next round fall 2011, though could SMAC site if property owner notices land record. GAC treatment of 3rd party basem*nt sump discontinued 1999. MW-1 replaced in 2002.

2 USTs removed 12/98. Annual groundwater monitoring shows no exceedances of the GWES.

794 Shelburne Rd

South Burlington

Contaminated soil stockpiled. Groundwater onsite above GWESs. Monitoring ongoing.

Gasoline UST investigation completed. GW contamination (& initially FP) extend offsite. Premature PCS thin spreading investigation completed. Biennial GW monitoring, next rd. spring 2010; analysis indicates closure in 2018.

UST Contam. 150 yds Stockpiled Soils thin spread. SMAC 2/16/93, Contam found during 1996 sewer line installation. 2/21/02 4 of 6 MWs above VGES, 1 not sampled. Quarterly monitoring required. 5/22 & 8/29/02, 4 MWs above VGES 1 FP, 2 ND, 11/22/02, 2/28/03 5MWs above VGES, 2 ND,9/4/03 8 of 8, 3/15 &6/1/04 10 of 12 MWs above VGES

147 Northside Drive

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed. ATC work plan approved.

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982384 Davidson Residence Woodstock SMAC Gerold Noyes 8/10/1996 0:00 6/28/2004 0:00

20033153 Davis Residence Stowe SMAC Ashley Desmond 9/3/2003 0:00 4/29/2005 0:00

20063472 Davis Residence 184 VT Rt 114 Burke SMAC Ashley Desmond ### 5/9/2007 0:00

972220 Daytons Mini Mart Rts 103 and I-91 Rockingham SMAC Lynda Provencher 8/1/1997 0:00 9/26/2001 0:00

870032 Daytons Store Middlebury MED Unassigned 9/14/1998 0:00

962010 Dead River Oil Company Rutland City LOW Stockpiled Soils Bob Haslam

961058 Dean's Mobil Main Street Bethel SMAC Richard Spiese 7/1/1995 0:00

911058 Dean's Mobil Main St Bethel SMAC Smac (see Site 96 1058) Richard Spiese 7/1/1995 0:00

911140 Debby Enterprises, Inc 28 Fs Church St Poultney SMAC Site has been SMAC'ed Michael Smith 9/1/1997 0:00

770099 Decart Morristown SMAC Site Closed Linda Elliott 10/1/1997 0:00

33 Meadowland Farms Rd

11/16/98 ISI for spill & property transfer. Some soil contam found, supply well ND. UST removal & assessment req. 6/4/04 UST removed, 628 mg/kg TPH in tank pit, no GW found. SMAC.

272 Gold Brook Circle

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed. Site Investigation work plan approved 5/28/04 (C. Crehan, 7/1/04) Soil borings at the site showed the extent of contamination was limited. Sensitive receptor survey showed no immediate threats. No gw encountered in investigation. Area water supplies were shown to be free of contamination. SMAC.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Most of contamination appears to have been excavated from the tank grave as verified by analytical samples. A sample taken from the onsite drinking water supply well showed no detection of any petroleum-related compounds.

Groundwater standards met on entire property. Stockpiled soil spread onsite.

Route 16 and Route 125

Site reopened 9/14/98. Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed.

86 Woodstock Avenue

Smac (was Site 91-1058) This file may not have existed, Closure date from 911058.

Lamoille Industrial Park

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (109)

20012943 DeCart Inc Morristown SMAC Linda Elliott ### 2/7/2002 0:00921243 Decelle's Market P.o. Box 216 Stowe NFAP Invest Showed No Contamination Unassigned 11/1/1993 0:00

20022998 Dedrick Property Ferrisburgh SMAC Unassigned 5/9/2002 0:00 9/9/2002 0:00

941625 Rt 9 Brattleboro MED Unassigned 6/1/1994 0:00

951933 Royalton LOW John Schmeltzer

921289 Shafter St Wilmington SMAC John Schmeltzer 9/1/1992 0:00 2/12/2009 0:00

900526 Deering Service Center Route 100 Hanco*ck LOW Ashley Desmond

20053337 Delfino Residence Strafford SMAC John Schmeltzer 2/9/2005 0:00 6/30/2008 0:00

Lamoille Industrial Park

6,000 gallon fuel oil Underground storage tank removed. Limited soil contamination found. No additional work requested. See closed site 770099 for previous CERCLA environmental work.

222 Summer Point Lane

Underground storage tank removed. Contaminated soils removed and shipped off-site for disposal. On site well tested free of petroleum contamination.

Deepwoods Mobile Home Park

As of May 15, 1995, SMAC status pending a notification of contam. soils being backfilled/spread. As of this update, no further activity in this file since then. (7/30/99) Owner information updated--new zip code. (01/08/04)

Deerfield Property - Corner Mobil

Route 110 and Route 4

3/06: ongoing annual monitoring., with the next round scheduled for spring 06.

Deerfield Valley Supply Co Inc

2/09: Last groundwater monitoring round found no petroleum compounds above the Vermont Groundwater Enforcement Standards

Contamination discovered at this property in relation to former USTs. Monitoring wells installed and sampled periodically in early 1990s. Trend in wells showed declining levels of contamination. Onsite drinking water supply well was found to be contaminated during this work. SMS returned to the site in 2005 and 2007 to collect additional drinking water samples. Elevated concentrations of trimethylbenzene detected during these monitoring events. Newer well located 200 feet from the source of contamination was ND for VOCs. Followup sampling needed to confirm that contamination is declining.

149 Old City Falls Rd

7/08: SMAC . Petroleum contaminants is wells decreased below Vermont Groundwater Enforcement Standards.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (110)

982366 Pauls Rd Brattleboro SMAC Richard Spiese 2/11/1998 0:00 12/9/2003 0:00

20043260 DeLuca Residence 30 Cano Drive Barre City SMAC Unassigned 5/27/2004 0:00 9/9/2004 0:00

972154 Demarsts Country Store Route 100 Pittsfield SMAC Site Investigation Completed. Site Closed. John Schmeltzer 2/1/1997 0:00 4/1/1997 0:00

20002749 Denecker Chevrolet 14 North Main St Vergennes SMAC Gerold Noyes 9/23/1996 0:00 ###

20043300 DeNoia's Dry Cleaners Morristown MED Michael Smith 12/9/2004 0:00

20012934 Depot and Main Citgo 2431 Main St SMAC Sarah A. Bartlett ### 7/8/2009 0:00

20093977 Depot Ave Depot Ave Windsor MED Patricia Coppolino

Delta Business Campus(Recycled Auto Part

Contaminated Soil At Salvage Yard. Soil To Be Excavated And Stockpiled. Site was opened as 97-2215 non-responsive. Reopened as 98-2366 combined with 97-2215. Closed Site Vol.14

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed. 2 to 3 cubic yards PCS shipped to ESMI (6/8/2004). Site work completed. SMAC.

UST removed. Some contam found. limited investigation completed, SMAC

140 Portland Street

Phase II assessment found PCE in groundwater. Further investigation needed to define extent of contamination. Investigation is moving forward. Potentiall indoor air in neighboring building. Insurance co paying for development of a caffi and remediation under third party coverage.


Contamination discovered during piping upgrade. Three MWs existed on-site, two additional MWs installed during ISI. Measurable quantites of TPH during three sampling rounds, otherwise no petroleum VOCs in excess of VGES. Indoor air sampling peaked at 0.4 ppm. MWs closed Oct. '08, July '09.

Pce contamination was identified on Depot Ave in Windsor, VT. The source of the contamination is assumed to be former discharges from a past drycleaner to the Town Sanitary Sewer, which leaked.

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931524 Depot Square Apts Railroad St St Johnsbury MED Ashley Desmond 12/1/1993 0:00

941616 Derby Corner Mini Mart Rt 5 and 105 Derby SMAC Matt Moran 6/1/1994 0:00 7/13/2009 0:00

770048 Derby Line Dump Elm Street Derby MED Linda Elliott

20033137 907 Elm St Derby SMAC Unassigned 8/4/2003 0:00 2/24/2004 0:00

941660 Derby Line Garage Caswell St Derby MED Unassigned 8/1/1994 0:00

992581 Derby Line Mainway 15 Main St Derby MED Gerold Noyes 1/4/1999 0:00

931554 Derby Town Garage Route 5 Derby MED Determine Degree And Extent Of Contamination Unassigned

962077 Derby Trailer Park Route 5 Derby SMAC Groundwater standards met at property boundary. Linda Elliott 8/1/1996 0:00 10/1/1998 0:00

Contaminated soils are stockpiled on the property of Scott Construction, Inc. in Newport, Vt. Soils were supposed to be monitored on a quarterly basis, but no testing has been done, and there has been no activity in this file since August 8th, 1996. This was a letter requesting a response to a previous letter dated June 22, 1994. (7/28/99)

Gasoline UST release. Long term MNA remedy successful; standards met spring 2008. SMAC granted after well closures. PCS treated & spread at offsite Choquette property.

ESI Report completed. Derby Villa Mobile Home Park closed in April 1999.

Derby Line Elementary School

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed.Contamination defined by soil borings and PID screening 10/23/2003. SMAC

Owner has yet to respond to an October 31, 1994 letter requesting he hire an environmental consultant for the purpose of further sampling. (7/30/99)

USTs removed. Contam found. SI, CAFI, and CAP completed. 4/01 10/01 4/02 7/02 10 of 14 MWs above VGES. 10/03 7 of 11 MWs above VGES, 1FP 1/21/04 3 of 11 MWs above VGES

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982573 Dereks Country Store Route 215 Cabot MED Lynda Provencher ###

20002796 Desautels Trucking Enosburg LOW Gerold Noyes 7/31/2000 0:00

890308 Designer's Outlet Rt 11 And 30 Manchester NFAP

20033176 Desranleau Residence 12 River St Milton MED Linda Elliott 11/5/2003 0:00

Two gasoline and one diesel underground storage tank removed in December, 1998. Several drinking water supply wells were impacted with low levels of petroleum, but as of May, 2009 only two wells have any evidence of contamination. Excavation of heavily contaminated soils occurred in December, 2001. The owner and consultant entered into a Pay-for-Performance agreement involing remediation via oxygen injection. PFP terminated in April, 2008. Semi-annual sampling ongoing. Site is currently being evaluated for limited excavation near MW-6 and MW-16. Due to low PCF balance, this work has had to be postponed.

1475 Samsonville Rd, Rt 105

UST removed. Contamination found. Investigation complete. 8/31/00, 5/25/01 1 of 4 MWs above VGES. 5/29/03 1 of 2 MWs above VGES. New supply well ND 11/20/03. Biennial sampling.

Site closed. Source of contamination determined to be Heaslip Fuels, SMS Site #90-0514

Unassigned/richard Spiese

3 underground storage tanks removed. Expressway Investigation in progress.

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20063482 Desrochers Residence 34 Cedar St SMAC Ashley Desmond 1/4/2006 0:00 6/23/2006 0:00

880203 Desso's Jericho LOW Bob Haslam

911134 Dessureau Machines 53 Granite St Barre City NFAP Unassigned 1/1/1994 0:00890360 Deusos Berkshire NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

20063504 Devine Sales & Service US Route 7 Ferrisburgh SMAC Ashley Desmond 3/1/2006 0:00 5/30/2008 0:00

982549 DeVos and Sons Inc Greenbush Rd Ferrisburgh SMAC Gerold Noyes ### ###890351 Dewitt Beverage Brattleboro NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

St Albans City

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Verterre Group conducted site investigation. Contamination appears to be limited in extent, though vapors have impacted the indoor air. Blower has been installed to mitigate this risk. Groundwater treatment system installed in sump area- maintained for three months. Samples taken from 3 points in this system and from the groundwater monitoring well tested clean. System was disassembled and discharge permit cancelled. Indoor air showed no evidence of vapor impact following treatment of sump. Monitoring well has been properly closed.

Browns Trace Rd.

Remediation Complete, Monitoring Ongoing. No remaining drinking water supply impacts, water treatment systems removed

Sampling Indicates No Gw Above Gbs Migrating Offsite

Contamination found during a Phase I ESA. Monitoring wells were installed in the vicinity of former gasoline USTs, the last of which was removed in 1997. Levels of contamination have declined significantly from the start of the investigation. No contamination exceeds the VGES. All properties in this area are served by the municipal drinking water system. The onsite building is slab on-grade, which limits the potential for vapor intrusion issues. Monitoring wells have been properly abandoned.

UST piping replaced. Soil contam found. No impact to GW. SMAC

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20012913 Dexter Property Morristown SMAC Ashley Desmond 8/24/2001 0:00 4/8/2005 0:00770164 Dgm Property Westminster NFAP Waste Oil Soil Cleanup, Site Closed Unassigned

972171 Dick Soule Inc 1116 Main St Fairfax SMAC John Schmeltzer 4/1/1997 0:00 3/1/1998 0:00

962079 Dick Wright Ford Main St Franklin MED Matt Moran 7/1/1996 0:00

890379 Dick's Mobil Rt 7 Pittsford LOW Matt Moran 7/1/1989 0:00

20053324 Diehl Residence Castleton SMAC Ashley Desmond ### 3/30/2005 0:00

20063546 DiNicola Residence 892 Mason Rd Randolph SMAC Ashley Desmond 6/23/2006 0:00 ###

5122 Randolph Rd

Initial cleanup complete. Immediate health concerns addressed. Monitoring systems in place. Three consecutive rounds of gw testing showed no contamination. Well properly closed. SMAC.

Contam Soil Removed And Treated. The Site Was Assigned A Sites Management Activiitiy Completed (smac)

Gasoline USTs removed. PCS removed as corrective action. Annual PCS and GW monitoring, next round 5/06. Quarterly FP monitoring 7/05-5/06. MNA selected over ORC to cleanup site.

Initial gasoline UST investigation completed; Additional GW and PCS monitoring requested for Spring '99. Work plan due 4/28/99

216 Johnson Spooner Rd

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Soils excavated and properly destroyed. Onsite drinking water well tests showed no contamination. SMAC.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed. Approved Harper Environmental workplan to complete initial investigation. Site investigation involved the installation of wells around the source area. The only contaminant detected in the initial sampling was 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene at 6 ppb. A confirmatory monitoring event showed no detectable levels of contamination in the source area. Monitoring wells have been properly closed. A sample taken from the onsite spring showed no detection of petroleum contaminants.

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20002829 Dirmaier Residence Burlington SMAC Gerold Noyes ### 8/24/2009 0:00911015 Dirt Works Cycle Rt 9 Bennington NFAP Site Managed Under Tansitor Electronics Michael Smith

20002772 Discount Motors Route 2 St Johnsbury LOW Tim Cropley 6/8/2000 0:00

931489 205 Main St Brattleboro SMAC Soil Disposed, Invest Complete, Site Closed Richard Spiese 11/1/1993 0:00 11/1/1994 0:00

20083764 DJs Corner Store Johnson HIGH Richard Spiese 1/31/2008 0:00

900513 Doanne & Ruggles Rt 2 St Johnsbury MED Ust Contamination. Soils Stockpiled. Unassigned 1/1/1990 0:00

982398 Doering Residence Jericho LOW Heating oil release, remediation completed. Bob Haslam

20053467 Does Residence 44 Overlake Park Burlington SMAC Tami Wuestenberg ### 5/16/2006 0:00

961956 Dolans Variety LOW John Schmeltzer 2/1/1996 0:00

20012882 Dolobosky Residence Weathersfield MED Unassigned 5/22/2001 0:00

992693 Dominello Residence Ludlow SMAC Gerold Noyes 8/13/1999 0:00 11/5/1999 0:00870143 Don Bell Swanton NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

900491 Burlington MED Contamination Discovered During Ust Removal. Lynda Provencher

962078 Don Pedrozo Property Montpelier SMAC All requested work complete. Linda Elliott 2/8/1999 0:00

167 - 169 Loomis St

fuel oil UST removed. Contam found. Investigation complete. Occasional FP in 2001, 10/02 , 5/03, 10/03, 5/04, 4/05, 4/07 tank pit MW above VGES, all MWs ND, SMAC

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Annual MW sampling ongoing.

Dj Wholesale Building Materials Inc

201 Lower Main St.

Contamination identified during water line upgrades. Kerosene UST removed. FP and soil/dissolved contamination found. SSI completed. Remediaton needed.

353 Browns Trace Rd

Indoor AST release. Vapors affecting indoor air. Remediation underway. Site Investigation complete - no impact to groundwater. Contaminated soils excavated from basem*nt and shipped for disposal.

1160 Williston Rd

South Burlington

12/01: Installed new upgradient well. No contaminants found. Monitoring twice a year continuing, with next round scheduled for 3/02.

70-71 Hoisington Rd

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed.

44 West Village Street

Residential fuel oil UST removed. Free product and sheens noted in excavation. Investigation completed. 2 wells sampled, no evidence of petroleum contam found. SMAC

Don Cobb's Quality Used Cars

521 Shelburne Rd.

6 Greenfield Terrace

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900512 Donaldson Warren NFAP Soils To Landfill. Bob Haslam

951811 Dons' Auto Main St Derby MED Richard Spiese 1/1/1995 0:00

951895 Dorset Town Garage Village St Dorset SMAC Gerold Noyes ### 7/18/2002 0:00

961984 Doscher Country School Morgan Hill Rd Woodstock SMAC Matt Moran 5/1/1996 0:00 7/1/1996 0:00

921238 Dover Town Garage Route 11 Dover MED Matt Moran 6/1/1992 0:00

20063587 Dover Wells Holland Rd Dover HIGH Bob Haslam 10/3/2006 0:00

20033141 Dowling Family Trust 138 Swanton Rd SMAC Unassigned 7/15/2003 0:00 12/9/2003 0:00

20033089 Dowling Residence Stowe SMAC Gerold Noyes 8/2/2002 0:00 4/15/2004 0:00

951926 Downers Corner Store Route 106 - 131 Weathersfield SMAC SMAC designation assigned Tim Cropley 2/1/1996 0:00 1/14/1999 0:00

941628 Downtown Basem*nts Merchants Row Rutland City LOW Linda Elliott 6/1/1994 0:00

20083814 Downtown Windsor Windsor Patricia Coppolino870013 Dowty Electronics Brandon NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

770035 Dowty Electronics Brandon NFAP Site Closed. Brian Woods 6/30/1992 0:00

North Waitsfield Rd

Persistant FP in one on site MW. FP recovery ongoing. Rest of site being monitored.

USTs removed, contamination found. Investigation complete. Annual GW monitoring. SMAC with Notice to Land Records

Heating oil UST investigation completed, site closed.

Semiannual GW monitoring 2007. DSM now performing work. Plume may be expanding towards brook. Evaluating MNA.

Two contaminated drinking water supplies, one serves a residence the other a Day Care Center. POET installed at Day Care. A source investigation was completed, but the source not found. Contaminant concentrations decreased rapidly, monitoring is ongoing.

St Albans City

Underground storage tank removed and contamination found. Investigation completed , no contamination to groundwater and surrounding drinking water wells. Site SMACed on 12/9/2003.

3758 Mountain Rd

UST removed. Minimal soil contamination. Supply well has 6-7 ppb MTBE, investigation complete. 6/6/03 3 ppb MTBE, site connected to municipal water. SMAC

No Further Action, City Requested To Advise Plumbing Traps

Downtown Windsor

West Prospect Street

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20012893 Draper and Sons Rt 15 Wolcott SMAC Gerold Noyes 8/1/2001 0:00 3/9/2006 0:00

982486 Dubois Construction Middlesex LOW Gerold Noyes 8/31/1998 0:00890326 Dubois Construction Montpelier NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

20073734 Dubois Property MED Bob Haslam 10/9/2007 0:00

870011 Dudley's Store Routes 2 & 14 LOW Michael Smith

911107 Duffy Coal Co 190 West St Rutland City LOW Matt Moran 9/1/1991 0:00

20083768 Duffy Property 100 Jones Rd Poultney LOW Ashley Desmond 1/11/2008 0:00911008 Dufresne Service Center Main St Winooski LOW Site Monitoring Continues Richard Spiese 1/1/1991 0:00

911133 Dufresne-Henry Precision Park Springfield LOW Lynda Provencher

20073667 Duke Residence 145 Cabot Rd Marshfield MED Richard Spiese 1/8/2007 0:00

Auto salvage yard, soil staining and stockpiling of hazardous and solid wastes. Gasoline UST's pulled in 1995. 12/01 Some impact to GW. 4/05 test pits & MWs show no more impact to soil or GW. SMAC

Rt 2, Three Mile Bridge Rd

UST removed. Contam found. Investigation completed. 5/7/99, 9/20/99, 9/6/00 2 MWs above VGES in source area. 9/10/01 1 above VGES. 9/4/02, 9/23/03 2 above VGES. 9/08 1 MW above VGES Biennial sampling.

1405 Hinesburg Rd

South Burlington

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. SI completed, PCS removed, groundwater monitoring ongoing.

East Montpelier

Long Term Gw Monitoring, Constructed Treatment Shed

Petroleum UST contamination. Biennial GW monitoring, next round Spring 2010.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. WES conducted isi to further define degree and extent of contamination. Minimal contamination found in source area. Followup sampling to be conducted in May 2009.

In June, 1997, the SMS requested that the three onsite monitoring wells be sampled for TPH by modified 8100, and that the status of the two piles of stockpiled soil be reported on. The SMS never received this data. A reminder letter was sent on March 30, 2000.

Spill contained. Once a week visits have been performed. Meltwater is hindering clean up efforts. Oil tank filter partially submerged and is located below grade and in contact with surface water.

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20063517 Dulude Property Swanton SMAC Ashley Desmond 4/6/2006 0:00 7/3/2006 0:00

931421 East/West Rd Dummerston NFAP Soil Spread On Site, Site Closed Marc Roy 7/1/1993 0:00 3/1/1995 0:00

951903 1 Church St Barnet SMAC Matt Moran 8/25/1995 0:00 12/7/1995 0:00

921351 Dunbar Property Rt 15 Danville MED Unassigned

962040 Dunham Bay Sea Ray Bridge Rd North Hero SMAC John Schmeltzer 7/1/1996 0:00 5/28/2001 0:00

20043254 Dunn Residence Stowe LOW Lynda Provencher 7/13/2004 0:00770111 Duranleau Construction Washington NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

763 Maquam Shore Rd

Underground storage tank removed. Sheen observed on groundwater table. Expressway investigation conducted by the Verterre Group. No contamination detected in three wells installed immediately downgradient of the former UST. Residence is served by a public water supply. Onsite monitoring wells were properly abandoned.

Dummerston Town Garage

Dunbar Plumbing And Heating

Additional Work Requested, Not All Contamination Defined. Last correspondence January 25, 1993. Despite several more letters seeking a response and further information, as of this update (July 22, 1999) there has been no further activity in this file.

Groundwater samples from wells within the UST area had contaminant concentrations below the Vermont Groundwater Enforcement Standards. Residual soil contamination still remains with the UST area.

1200 Robinson Springs Rd

#2 fuel oil underground storage tank removed in July, 2004. Neither bedrock nor groundwater was encountered. Two cubic yards of contaminated soil was excavated during tank pull and was to be transported to ESMI in Loudon, NH. We have not received confirmation that soil was properly disposed. Wrote site status inquiry letter on July 1, 2009 requesting copy of destruction certificate so site could be issued SMAC.

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20053424 Dutkiewicz Residence SMAC Ashley Desmond 8/18/2005 0:00 1/30/2006 0:00

20043289 E & D Auto Body 4769 U S Rt 7 Pittsford MED Unassigned 9/4/2004 0:00

890425 E H V Weidmann Rt 5 St Johnsbury NFAP Unassigned 6/1/1992 0:00

890420 E J Barrette Ford Rt 7 Swanton LOW Richard Spiese 1/1/1989 0:00

770106 E. Long R R Box 152 A Fayston MED Unassigned

992586 Eagle Oil Batchelder St Waterbury SMAC Gerold Noyes 1/5/1999 0:00 3/4/1999 0:00900521 Eagle Oil Co Waterbury NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

770073 Route 67 Shaftsbury COC Patricia Coppolino

992638 Eagles Club 194 St Paul St Burlington SMAC Sarah A. Bartlett 6/8/1999 0:00 7/2/2009 0:00

962108 Earls' Service Center 251 North St Bennington SMAC Linda Elliott 10/1/1996 0:00 5/1/2006 0:00

972271 Earth Waste Systems Route 2a Colchester SMAC Unassigned 11/1/1997 0:00 4/1/1998 0:00

128 Lower Weldon St

St Albans City

Underground storage tank closed in place. Contamination found. Odors in residence. 3 drums soil removed from basem*nt. Investigation needed. Verterre wp approved 10/05. Four wells installed and tested- no detection of petroleum related compounds. No VOCs detected in basem*nt using a PID.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamintion found. Investigation needed.

Soils Removed And Sent To Asphalt Batch Plant.

Monitoring of MW-2 to be re-done. Site investigation completed 5/31/2001.

Soils Cleanup Required. Site Combined With # 890294.

Phase I & II site assessments found minor soil and groundwater contamination in one monitoring well. Below standards. SMAC

Eagle Square (Old Stanley Tools)

No Further Work Required By State or Federal EPA. Site has entered into the RCPP and further work is being conducted to define the extent of groundwater and soil contamination.

UST removed May 1999. 4 MWs installed, two contained multiple petroleum VOCs in excess of VGES through October 2002. Additional sampling April 2009, no VOCs in excess of MDLs. Indoor air monitoring in on-site and surrounding buildings, no impacts.

1996 gasoline release. Ogoing site monitoring shows no unacceptable risk to receptors. No additional site monitoring warranted. Site closed May 2006.

Low Level Soil Contamination Below Standards. No Groundwater Impacts Found. Site Smaced.

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20083869 Earthy Cars Williston LOW Tami Wuestenberg ###

20083853 East Barre Roundabout Barre City MED Gerold Noyes 9/11/2008 0:00

951885 East Calais Post Office Mill Rd Calais SMAC Investigation Complete. Site Closed. Tim Cropley 9/1/1996 0:00

972300 East Corinth General Store Route 25 Corinth MED Tim Cropley 12/1/1997 0:00

982361 East Dorset General Store Rt 7 Dorset SMAC Ashley Desmond 4/1/1998 0:00 9/1/2006 0:00

941657 East Dover Fire Dept Dover Rd Dover SMAC Invest Complete Unassigned 1/1/1996 0:00

20073724 East Montpelier El School SMAC Ashley Desmond 8/24/2007 0:00 ###

4580 Williston Rd

Phase II Environmental Assessment found VOCs in on site septic. Futher investigation needed. 7/2009 - Slight VTGES found in two wells onsite; onsite septic to be dismantled and site connected to municipal sewer summer 2009; additional monitoring to occur after site work is complete

Corner 302 & 110

Gasoline contaminated soil found during road construction. Verified 4 former gas stations at location from 1930's and 1940's. site investigation needed

Investigation completed. Corrective action to be performed as per PfP Agreement signed on 8/20/01. Milestones 1-6 reached. Quarterly monitoring ongoing.

Underground Storage Tank Removed. Contamination Found. SMS requested further investigation in a May 11, 1998 letter to Mr. Petry. COCO (Jiffy Mart) now owns site. Letter written to Tony Cairns 5/05 indicating additional work required. KAS conducted additional site investigation- found very limited contamination confined to the former tank area. SMS approved monitoring well closure for SMAC.

665 Vincent Flats Rd

East Montpelier

Contamination discovered during the removal of a 1,000 gallon heating oil tank. It appears that the full extent of contamination was defined. Petroleum-contaminated soils were drummed with the tank bottom waste for disposal. No petroleum contaminants detected in either the post excavation soil sample or the sample from the onsite bedrock supply well. No bedrock or groundwater encountered in the excavation.

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951882 East Montpelier Fire Dept Templeton Rd LOW Unassigned 10/1/1995 0:00

20093925 2540 US Rte 2 SMAC Ashley Desmond 6/1/2009 0:00 9/22/2009 0:00

951747 Templton Rd LOW Unassigned 1/1/1995 0:00

982369 East Thetford Post Office Rt 5 Main St Thetford SMAC Gerold Noyes 4/1/1998 0:00 5/14/1999 0:00890385 East Topsham Topsham NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

890294 Eastman Long Rt 100 Waitsfield NFAP Site file 770106 combined with this site in files. Unassigned 4/1/1994 0:00

20012897 Eastman Residence Northfield MED Chuck Schwer 4/6/2001 0:00890441 Eastmans Garage West Fairlee NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

992669 Eastwind Condominiums Hinesburg SMAC Gerold Noyes 8/26/1999 0:00 2/28/2000 0:00900478 Eaton Residence Cass Terrace Manchester LOW Monitoring Completed. Bob Haslam

East Montpelier

SMAC status is pending a notification of soils being thinspread onsite. Received notice soils were spread 02/28/2001. SMAC pending water supply test results.

East Montpelier Home Center

East Montpelier

Contamination discovered during the removal of two USTs. Soil contamination limited to areas surrounding diesel fill sump and dispenser island. It appears that soil removal efforts were successful at removing the full extent of contamination. No groundwater impacts noted in excavation. A drinking water sample was collected from the onsite water supply well and showed no detectable concentrations of VOCs.

East Montpelier Town Garage

East Montpelier

Last contact with owners was a May 7, 1996 letter granting Montpelier permission to thinspread soils. SMAC status is pending a notification that this has been completed. (8/2/99) Soils confirmed spread 02/28/2001 by Marlene Betit. SMAC pending results of water supply well sample.

UST removed. Contamination found. 6 monitor wells ND. SMAC

183 Washington Street

Above ground storage tank leak. Cleanup ongoing.

Mechanicsville Rd

UST removed. Contamination found. Investigation completed. 12/29/99 1 well above VGES, 3 wells with trace contam. 1/31/00 confirmatory samples, contam lower, at VGES in 1 well. SMAC

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20063475 Ed Devarneys Auto Repair Milton SMAC Linda Elliott 11/3/2005 0:00 ###

890356 Ed Mcgann's Mobil 169 Main St West Rutland MED ###900490 Ed's Deli Route 14 Hardwick LOW Awaiting Additional Investigation Bob Haslam

890337 Ed's Sunoco Rt 5 Hartford HIGH Richard Spiese 6/1/1989 0:00

951883 Eden General Store Route 100 Eden HIGH Matt Moran 10/1/1995 0:00880269 Edlund Industries Burlington NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

962121 Edmunds Middle School Main St Burlington SMAC Site Invest Complete, Site Closed Unassigned 11/1/1996 0:00 6/1/1997 0:00

20033082 Edward Duff Residence Essex MED John Schmeltzer ###

972216 Ehlers Mobil Essex LOW Investigation completed, monitoring is ongoing Bob Haslam 8/1/1997 0:00870028 Elementary School Milton NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

20093939 LOW Matthew Becker

284 Route 7 South

October 2005 site investigation finds tetrachloroethylene in groundwater at a level below GWES. Request confirmatory round of sampling. Wells resampled in September 2009, no VOC contamination detected. Site eligible for SMAC

Ust Contamination Found. Stockpiled Soils. Annual Report 2004 shows decreasing contaminant trend at downgradient property line. Monitoring Wells nearest removed tanks show a moderate increase in some contaminants. Annual sampling to continue. Requested investigation into tank integrity.

Hugo Martinez Cazon

Site Evaluation Continues. Remedial System shut down. Site in natural attenuation monitoring.

Gasoline UST release. Ongoing annual GW and semiannual supply well monitoring in 2008. iSOC pilot early 2008, along with soil gas survey. PCS treatment completed, to be spread onsite. MPE testing occured fall '03, but not cost effective.

130 Browns River Rd

400 gallons fuel oil spill to basem*nt. 70 gals recovered. 330 gals to subsurface through dirt floor. Water supply well downgradient 100 feet. High soil permeability. SVE system installed and operating. Five monitoring wells installed. Groundwater results pending.

70 Upper Main St, Rt 15

Eleven Eleven Enterprises. LLC

St Albans Town

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (123)

20012863 Ellinger Residence Williston SMAC Unassigned 5/9/2001 0:00 ###

20033072 Ellis Residence Tattle St Reading SMAC Ashley Desmond 10/2/2002 0:00 4/10/2006 0:00

962097 Ellis Residence 28 Elm St Rutland City SMAC Investigation Complete. No Further Vapors. Don Robisky 1/1/1996 0:00 3/1/1997 0:00

20043241 Elm Hill School 10 Hoover Street Springfield SMAC Ashley Desmond 8/9/2004 0:00 ###

20073729 Elmer Property 91 Allen St Barre City SMAC Alex Geller 10/8/2007 0:00 9/16/2008 0:00

770183 Ely Copper Mine Beanville Rd Vershire HIGH Linda Elliott

4292 South Brownell Rd

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed. Soils to ESMI 5/2001. SMAC

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation activities conducted by Wheeler Environmental found no contamination exceeding VGES. Residual contamination appears to be confined to the former tank area. Sample of the onsite well found no contamination. Monitoring wells have been properly closed.

Contamination discovered during the removal of a heating oil UST. Three monitoring wells installed at the property. No elevated PID readings recorded during boring installation. Groundwater samples taken from the wells showed no elevated VOC concentrations. Water is supplied by the municipal system. Monitoring wells properly abandoned. Soils generated during the tank removal were stockpiled offsite and thinspread when they were free of VOC odors and elevated PID readings.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. WES installed 4 MW's and excavated 4 test pits. No traces of petroeum compounds discovered in either investigation. SMAC.

Listed on CERCLIS in 1990. PA and SI complete. Listed on NPL 2001. Surface water impacts from acid mine drainage. Approximately 100,000 tons of tailings remain onsite.

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20093984 Ely Residence Woodstock SMAC Ashley Desmond 9/4/2009 0:00 10/8/2009 0:00

921293 Emerson House Main St Norwich SMAC Unassigned 6/28/1992 0:00 4/13/1993 0:00

20053352 Emerson Property 120 Pleasant St. Morristown MED Tim Cropley 9/16/2004 0:00

20063509 401 Gage St. Bennington MED Michael Smith 3/16/2006 0:00

890331 Engineering Construction Williston NFAP Unassigned

931505 Englesby Brook Rt 7 Burlington MED Unassigned 12/1/1993 0:00900607 Enosburg Armory Rt 105 Enosburg NFAP Site Low/closed. Unassigned

20083760 Enosburg LOW Matthew Becker 1/30/2008 0:00

20073631 Enosburg Health Center 44 Center St Enosburg MED Bob Haslam ###

4515 Peterkin Hill

Residential gas tank removed. Soil contamination encountered. Expressway investigation showed that VOC contamination does not extend beyond the borders of the tank pit. A sample collected from the onsite drinking water supply well showed no detections of VOCs. Wells have been properly closed.

Ust To Be Closed In Place. Upon investigation, no evidence of contamination found.

PCS excavated and stockpiled on site. May need to be moved off site or disposed.

Energizer Degreasing Facility

ERM conducted site assessment prior to the upgrades to the solvent degreaser at the site. Contamination found in the vicinity of the degreasing facility. Additional investigation needed to define degree and extent.

Pcs Thin Spread On Site - No Gw Impact. Site Closed.

Petroleum Impact In Storm Drain. An investigation indentified several possible sources, but Further Investigation is Needed.

Enosburg Diesel #1 Building

18 Duffy Hill Road

NLR July 7, 2009-Book 115 Pgs 234-235 Cleanup required. PAHs and lead in soil.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Petrloleum contaminated soils removed, groundwater monitoring ongoing.

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900598 Enosburg Mobil Route 105 Enosburg LOW Lynda Provencher

921226 Enosburg Town Garage Route 108 Enosburg NFAP No Gw Impact, Soils Spread On Site, Site Closed Unassigned 11/1/1993 0:00

20002806 Equinox Hotel 3567 Main St Manchester LOW Richard Spiese 6/12/2000 0:00

770104 Erftiques Route 5 Hartland SMAC Linda Elliott

962007 Erica Lust Residence Lincoln SMAC Site Invest Complete, Site Closed Don Robisky 5/1/1996 0:00 12/1/1996 0:00880268 Ernie's Quick Stop Sheldon NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

A total of seven USTs have been removed since 1990. Groundwater and soil contamination is present throughout the site. In the fall of 2007, 15 cubic yards of soil was removed during a diesel piping assessment, and 200 cubic yards of soil was removed and transported to the Coventry landfill for use as daily cover. This had been excavated while digging a new septic line so is not PCF eligible. Semi-annual groundwater monitoring is ongoing. A seep located approximately 400 feet east southeast contains low levels of petroleum contaminants.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation showed no GW contamination. Stockpiled soils to be screened. Soil contamination discovered at golf cart fueling AST during ESA work, cleanup to be decided.

CERCLA Site Discovery 1989; NFRAP 2000. No further work requested under state program.

1540 Upper Notch Rd

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20002820 Errecart Residence 2854 Harbor Rd Shelburne SMAC Ashley Desmond 8/14/2000 0:00 ###870088 Essex Brickyard Essex NFAP Site Closed Unassigned880190 Essex Center Texaco Essex NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

951781 Essex Colonial Market Essex SMAC All PCS excavated and treated. Site closed. Matt Moran 5/1/1995 0:00 9/1/1997 0:00

20063596 Essex Elementary School 1 Bixby Hill Rd Essex SMAC Gerold Noyes ### 1/29/2007 0:00

921245 Rte. 15 Essex SMAC Lynda Provencher

20002805 Essex Junction Agway Route 2A Williston LOW Gerold Noyes 8/9/2000 0:00770010 Essex Landfill Route 2 A Essex LOW S I P Completed 12/95 Unassigned

941612 Essex Shopping Plaza Pearl St Essex SMAC Site SMACed. Bruce Linton 6/1/1994 0:00 2/1/1995 0:00880283 Essex Texaco Essex NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

Contamination discovered during the removal of a heating oil UST and a gasoline UST. Griffin/KAS conducted site investigation activities, which included the installation of five monitoring wells and several years of annual monitoring. Dissolved contamination was essentially confined to the respective tank graves. After steadily declining over the course of the groundwater monitoring process, all VOC concentrations were below the VGES by the August, 2007 sampling event. Property is served by the municipal drinking water system. Screening of the indoor air of the residence using a PID showed no elevated readings. Monitoring wells have been properly abandoned.

50 Susie Wilson Rd

UST removed. Contam found. ISI with 5 MWs ND, no impact to groundwater. UST location paved. SMAC

Essex Gulf (former Cracker Barrel Store)

Drilled monitoring wells installed in April and May, 2005 since old mws were all backhoe installed wells. New wells were sampled in June, 2005. Low levels of contamination present. Annual groundwater monitoring should be ongoing.Site given SMAC on 1/12/10. Monitoring wells are open with monitoring well maintenance plan in place.

USTremoved. Contam. found. Investigation completed. 1/4/01 1 of 4 MWs above VGES confirm in Fall 2001.

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972247 Essex Town Bus Garage Sand Hill Rd Essex SMAC Sarah A. Bartlett 8/1/1997 0:00 9/22/2009 0:00

931457 Essex Town Landfill Route 2 A Essex SMAC Linda Elliott 9/1/1993 0:00 2/9/2004 0:00

900573 2 Lincoln St. Essex NFAP Invest Complete, Site Closed Unassigned/mg 6/1/1994 0:00

921224 Estelle Blake Estate Rt 5 Fairlee LOW Tami Wuestenberg

20053351 Estey Organ 16 Birge Street Brattleboro LOW 4/30/2005 0:00

900618 Estroffs Store Rt 100 Waterbury SMAC Groundwater monitoring completed. Site closed. Unassigned 8/1/1998 0:00

911028 Ethan Allen Hull St. Ext. Randolph SMAC Linda Elliott 9/26/1990 0:00 5/27/2003 0:00

770202 Ethan Allen - Island Pond Brighton SMAC Linda Elliott 5/6/2003 0:00

10,000 gallon diesel UST removed 1997. Peak PID reading at removal was 17.8 ppm, between 1 and 2 ft bgs. Limits of contamination defined, groundwater not encountered. Aproximately 0.5 yds3 petroleum contaminated soil stockpiled on-site. Sampled May 2008, readings all <0.1 ppm. Pile thin-spread on-site.

8/93 diesel UST removed. Contaminated soils stockpiled onsite. October 2003 soil pile monitoring shows non-dectect readings. Soils were thinspread onsite. No additional work requested in respect to diesel UST release.

Essex Village Public Works

Semi-annual Groundwater Monitoring was conducted from 1992-1995. Nothing has been done at site since - no response to several SMS letters. Last letter sent June 30, 2006.

Risk assessment to Lots 45 and 57 completed. Other investigation under development, report 12/05. CAP phased in: capping for direct contact to soils. Deed restriction entered 9/07: Book 364 page 87

Hugo Martinez Cazon

Phase 1 and II ESA completed 2/2003 due to plant closure requirements. Review of site file indicates no unacceptable environmental and human health impacts.

Rt 105 Box 100 B

CERCLA Site Discovery 1990 and EPA NFRAP 2000. Between 2001-2003, additional groundwater investigation to evaluate extent of lead and cadmium contamination. No exceendances of GWES. No further work requested.

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770016 Railroad Avenue Barton LOW ### 3/13/2009 0:00

941663 Airport Drive SMAC Matt Moran 8/1/1994 0:00 6/1/1997 0:00

770005 Ethan Allen Beecher Falls Route 27 Canaan SMAC Michael Smith 9/8/2004 0:00900585 Ethan Allen Co. Railroad Ave Barton NFAP File Combined W/770016. Not Closed. Unassigned

770051 Ethan Allen Firing Range Lee River Road Jericho LOW Soil Stockpile Monitoring see 951918. Unassigned 1/1/1996 0:00

951918 Ethan Allen Firing Range Lee River Rd Jericho SMAC Site Closed, Incorporated With Site #770051 Unassigned 1/1/1996 0:00

951787 Ethan Allen Launderette 1149 North Ave Burlington MED Michael Smith 5/1/1995 0:00

20002740 Ethan Allen Mobil 996 North Ave Burlington HIGH Gerold Noyes 6/25/1999 0:00

Ethan Allen - Orleans Division

Former drum disposal area excavated in 1985. 2 1K fuel oil USTs, 2 4K diesel USTs removed in 1990. 1 20K fuel oil UST, 1 2K fuel oil UST removed in 1992. 1988 EPA Site Inspection report indicates VOC/SVOC soil and sediment contamination at varius areas of the site. 2000 report of potentially contaminated soils used at site as fill for a road project. 2007 site investigation work plan to confirm site cleanup under review. Cleanup of drum disposal area and USTs considered SMAC 3/13/09.

Hugo Martinez Cazon

Ethan Allen Air Force Base

South Burlington

All Contaminated Soil From Fuel Oil Ust Removed & Disposed

Long Term Monitoring. Part of site redeveloped under Brownfield's. Certificate of completion issued 11/13/03.

Investigation of PCE contamination of groundwater in progress Site consistes of two former dry cleaners and one former UST. The Petroleum contamiantion has been remediated. A remedial PRB is installed and SVE has reduced PCE concntrationsin groundwater. An investigation into long term effects of an infiltration gallery did not indicate it caused contaminants to exceed standards at compliance points.

Product pipe replacement and USTremoved. Contam found. Investigation completed. 4/12/00, 5/7/01 2 of 5, 5/16/02, 5/19/03, 6/4/04, 6/15/06 1 of 5, above VGES. Biennial monitoring. 1/2009 new release, 4' FP, corrective action underway

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972156 Ethan Allen Salisbury St Salisbury St Randolph Don Robisky 5/27/2003 0:00

921191 Evans Fuel Mart Hartford LOW Lynda Provencher

20012875 Evansville Trading Post Brownington MED Gerold Noyes 5/18/2001 0:00

20053379 Eveready Battery 401 Gage St Bennington SMAC Ashley Desmond 6/14/2005 0:00 ###

770098 Eveready Battery 401 Gage Street Bennington SMAC Bruce Linton 11/3/1997 0:00

770077 Eveready St. Albans Route 7, Box 671 HIGH Michael Smith

20012851 Mackville Road Hardwick SMAC Gerold Noyes 2/20/2001 0:00 ###

972278 Exit 4 Sunoco Route 5 Dummerston SMAC Linda Elliott 11/1/1997 0:00 ###


Initial Site Investigation Complete File combined with 911028

Rt 5 & Airport Rd

Low levels of petroleum contamination present in groundwater. Intermittent free product is present on groundwater. Sorbent socks to be placed in appropriate wells. Semi-annual monitoring is ongoing. The next sampling event should occur in October, 2009.

645 Evansville Rd

New piping installed. Contam soils found. 11/16/01, 5/7 & 10/29/02 1 of 4 MWs above VGES. 4/30 &10/24/03 2 of 7 MWs above VGES. Summer 2006 vapor release with MTBE 140,000+ ppb in GW down gradient of USTs, quarterly monitor & UST system repairs, slowly declining MTBE levels since then

1/1/1900 12:00:00 AM

During replacement of a transformer contam soils were found. Detailed workplan will follow. First letter written in June 2005. ECS found extent of contamination during isi. All contaminated soils removed and problematic transformers replaced.

EPA NFRAP 10/97. Site SMACed in November 1997.

St Albans Town

Plating Room Decontamination Completed, Ongoing G W Monitoring and evaluation for natural attentuation. Remediation began on adjacent property in 12/00. An Evaluation of Remedial Alternatives Report is expected in the spring of 2003. Long term monitoring

Evergreen Manor Mobile Home Park

Phase I/II ESAs completed on property. Petroleum contaminated soils discovered. No impact to groundwater. SMAC

Ongoing groundwater monitoring. No exceedances of GWES. Site closed.

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982524 Exit 8 Mobil Weathersfield MED Gerold Noyes ###

972260 Exit One Sunoco 250 Canal St Brattleboro SMAC Richard Spiese 10/1/1997 0:00 6/22/2004 0:00

20023032 Expressway Gulf Vt Route 5 Derby SMAC Richard Spiese 7/23/2002 0:00 7/31/2003 0:00

870002 Exxon Oil Terminal 199 Flynn Ave Burlington LOW Richard Spiese 1/1/1987 0:00

20033134 Exxon/Mobil Hartford MED Gerold Noyes 7/3/2003 0:00

931443 F G White And Co Route 17 Waitsfield SMAC Bob Haslam 4/1/1996 0:00

20093933 F G White Co 24 VT Rte 17 Waitsfield MED Bob Haslam 4/27/2009 0:00

962024 F P Elnicki Enterprises Clarenden Ave Rutland SMAC Remediation Completed. Site Closed. Richard Spiese 6/1/1996 0:00 2/1/1998 0:00

972207 F R Lafayette Kellogg Rd Essex SMAC Unassigned 7/1/1997 0:00 6/21/2001 0:00

951762 F W Bailey Warehouse Route 14 Barre City SMAC Richard Spiese 3/1/1995 0:00 10/1/1996 0:00

992641 F W Webb Property Coventry St Newport City SMAC Sarah A. Bartlett 6/15/1999 0:00 4/7/2009 0:00

870139 F& W Garage Addison NFAP Unassigned

770151 F&w Garage Milton NFAP Unassigned

Junction Rt I-91 and Rt 5

Contamination is migrating off site to Ascutney Sunoco SMS #94-1708. PfP cleanup SVE removed 1842 gals. VOC removed, Milestone #3 achieved, Griffin bankrupt, system shut down, long term monitor

Underground Storage Tank Removed. Contamination Found. GWESs met under site.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation showed no GW impacts and little remaining soil contamination.

Contamination Limited On Site. Monitoring Ongoing. Trench Installed. Site entered RCPP. Site monitoring requirement continues.

2832 Sykes Ave & Rt 5

UST line leak, repaired, contam found. ISI done, SSI needed, 1 of 3 MWs above VGES

Site Invest & Monitoring Complete, Soil Treated, No Gw Impact

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed. See Closed Site 19931443.

Ust Removed. Stockpiled soil remediated. Aprroved to spread onsite.(8/30/99) Soils confirmed thin-spread 6/01/01. SMAC 6/21/01

Monitoring Shows Groundwater Enf Standards Met On Entire Site

UST removed. Contam found. ISI complete. VGES exceedences in tank pit MW. 3 MWs ND. SMAC with Notice to Land Records 1 MW above VGES

Tanks Pulled, No Contamination Detected, Site Closed

Tank Pulled, No Contamination Detected, Site Closed

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972237 F.A. Richmond Ford 66 Pleasant St Woodstock LOW Matt Moran 6/1/1997 0:00

911092 F.W. Whitcomb Creek Rd Wallingford LOW Lynda Provencher

20073661 Faber Residence Middlesex SMAC Ashley Desmond 5/25/2007 0:00 7/27/2007 0:00890313 Fabian Construction Fair Haven NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

20053435 fa*gan Residence Stowe SMAC Ashley Desmond 9/16/2005 0:00 ###

921269 Fair Haven Mobil Rts 4 & 22 A Fair Haven LOW John Schmeltzer

20053460 Fair Haven Smart Stop North Main St Fair Haven MED Ashley Desmond 12/5/2005 0:00

Initial gasoline UST investigation completed. Annual GW monitoring, next rd. summer 2007. Sampling being coordinated with Richmond Gulf across Route 4.

Annual groundwater sampling ongoing. Bank of Otter Creek is also inpsected during sampling events. Next sampling event should be in fall of 2009. Contamination levesl are slowly decreasing over time.

13 South Bear Swamp Rd

Contamination discovered during the removal of a heating oil UST. The bulk of petroleum contaminated soils were removed from the site and disposed of at ESMI in Louden, NH. No petroleum compounds detected in confirmatory samples. No groundwater was encountered during the excavation activities. A sample taken from the nearby drinking water supply showed no detection of petroleum contaminants.

500 Ayers Farm Rd

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Contamination also occurred from spill while removing fuel from the site. Water supply samples and soils from the bottom of the tank tested clean.

3/08:Continuing monitoring once a year. Contaminant levels at the site steadily decreasing over time.

3 underground storage tanks removed. Contamination found. Soil removed from site and stockpiled at an approved offsite location (Midway Oil Property). Initial gw monitoring event, conducted by KAS, showed some contamination exceeding VGES in one MW. Additional gw monitoring round recommended for Fall 2006.

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982448 Fair Haven Truck Stop Rt 4 and Rt 22A Fair Haven SMAC Richard Spiese 6/1/1998 0:00 1/24/2008 0:00

20093985 Pine St Fair Haven MED Gerold Noyes

870029 High St St Johnsbury MED Gerold Noyes 8/1/1988 0:00

931434 Fairbanks Museum 81 Main St St Johnsbury SMAC Unassigned 8/1/1993 0:00 1/31/2001 0:00

982347 Fairbanks Scales 771 East St St Johnsbury SMAC Mike Young 3/1/1998 0:00 ###

900593 Fairgrounds Beverage Route 15 Essex LOW Bob Haslam

20002758 Fairlee General Store Route 5 Fairlee SMAC Gerold Noyes 3/23/2000 0:00 6/15/2000 0:00

20022994 Fairlee Marine 274 Route 5 Fairlee SMAC Michael Smith 5/21/2002 0:00 ###

921221 Fall Mountain Motors Rt 5 South Westminster NFAP Unassigned/mg 3/18/1993 0:00

982414 Falzos Garage 134 Atkinson St Rockingham SMAC Gerold Noyes 5/4/1998 0:00 12/1/1999 0:00900625 Fanny Allen Route 15 Essex NFAP Groundwater Monitoring Ongoing. Unassigned

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation found low level groundwater contamination. Site in Natural Attenuation monitoring.

Fair Haven Union High School

UST removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed

1/1/1900 12:00:00 AM

1/1/1900 12:00:00 AM

Fairbanks Morse Foundry/Colt Industries

Product recovery ongoing, EPA SIP done 2/95, Combined with site #770079. 10,258 gal total since 10/86

Soil Stockpiled - Needs Treatment And Monitoring Soils transported to MTS, Inc., batching plant July 1993. SMAC

Investigation complete. Soil guidelines and groundwater standards met. Contamination Found. Investigation Needed.

Ust Contamination Found. Site Investigation And Monitoring To Continue.

Historic spills. Unoccupied property. Investigation required to determine extent of contam. 3 MWs installed, minor soil contam found nearest to dispenser island, no impact to GW. SMAC

Illegal disposal of hazardous waste. Enforcement action ongoing. Site investigation and cleanup needed. Investigation complete, contamianted soils excavated from dry well and long term groundwater monitoring conducted. Groundwater and soils meet requiremetns for SMAC. SMAC designation 21 December 05

Contamination Due To Ust Removal, Soils Stockpiled, No G.w. Impact

UST piping replaced. Contamination found. 12/98 sample above VGES for MTBE in 1 well. 4/99 and 9/99 groundwater samples below VGES in all 3 wells. Groundwater 34+ feet bgs. SMAC

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20063534 Fanny Allen Convent Colchester SMAC Gerold Noyes 5/15/2006 0:00 7/13/2007 0:00

961941 Fanny Allen Hospital Colchester SMAC Investigation Complete Richard Spiese 9/1/1996 0:00

962090 Farrell Distributing Corp 5 Holmes Rd LOW Linda Elliott 10/1/1996 0:00

921249 Farrell Distributing Corp. Rutland SMAC No Impacts To Gw. Site Closed. Lynda Provencher 3/1/1996 0:00

880200 Farrell Distributors Montpelier SMAC Site Closed Unassigned

20002843 Farrell Property 995 Whaley Rd Charlotte SMAC Richard Spiese ### 1/31/2001 0:00

20093934 Farrell Residence 1350 Spear St LOW Tim Cropley 8/4/2008 0:00

982456 Farrells Pepsi-Cola Route 7 Clarendon SMAC Richard Spiese 8/10/1998 0:00 6/22/2006 0:00

770027 Farwell Street Dump Farwell Street Barre City MED Linda Elliott

900485 Fassett's Bakery SMAC Bob Haslam 1/5/2009 0:00

20033178 Fassetts Junkyard 250 Hebert Rd MED Gerold Noyes 12/9/2003 0:00

951777 Fayston Town Garage North Fayston Rd Fayston SMAC Soil Properly Treated. Site Closed. Richard Spiese 5/1/1995 0:00 9/1/1997 0:00900647 Fecteau Construction Barre City NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

20093940 Federal Aviation Property LOW Matthew Becker

770165 Federal Milk Market Hartford NFAP Unassigned

786 College parkway

Investigation needed. Investigation complete, no impact to GW, SMAC

101 College Parkway

South Burlington

Bi-Annual monitoring of groundwater. MTBE above groundwater enforcement standard, but showing declining concentrations. Next round Fall 2010.

Route 4 (business Rte)

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation showed no contamination outside UST grave.

South Burlington

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. ISI performed. GW ND. Confirmatory samples in spring.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Monitoring showed GWESs met on entire site.

SIP and ESI Completed. EPA determined NFRAP status October 2002. SMS to determine what, if any, additional work is needed under the state program.

1805 Shelburne Rd

South Burlington

Remediation Complete, Site SMACed with notice to land record.


Alleged contamination found from auto wastes. 1st letter sent 12/26/03, 2nd letter 3/11/04

St Albans Town

Site Investigated, No Contamination Detected, Site Closed

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20083878 Federal Office Building Montpelier MED Ashley Desmond 10/7/2008 0:00

20033109 Fellows Corporation Springfield SMAC Michael Smith 5/15/2003 0:00 8/23/2005 0:00

20033156 Ferry Street 238 Ferry St Hyde Park LOW Bob Haslam ###

890413 FGB Corp Barre St. Montpelier SMAC Michael Smith 5/29/2009 0:00

20053321 Fiarkoski Residence 2 Hunter South Alburg SMAC Tim Cropley ### 7/18/2007 0:00

20012887 Fiddlers Green 49 Fiddlers Green Waitsfield SMAC Gerold Noyes 7/19/2001 0:00 8/3/2001 0:00

900484 Fiertz Residence Rt 106 Woodstock SMAC Vha's Met In Both Water Supply Wells Richard Spiese 11/1/1997 0:00

972194 Fillipo Dry Cleaners Rutland City HIGH CAFI in progress. Matthew Becker 5/1/1997 0:00

5 Green Mountain Drive

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. RP is seeking up to five bids to conduct the work in the next few months (Jan 2010.

1/1/1900 12:00:00 AM

36 Precision Drive,

Phase I and II Site assesments were completed by bank that is considering foreclosing on the property. The First Letter has been sent to the site owner. Investigations completed and correcive action proposed and completed by bank that foreclosed on property. Site is now SMACed

Petroleum contaminated water supply, POET installed. Soil removal completed. Water supply is no longer impacted, monitoring completed.

Ownerconducting Gw Monitoring. After several contacts in 1992, no further correspondence with owner. Further action needed. Groundwater monitoring is occurring I 2003 Long term monitoring showed no further contamination above standards. Well abandoned in 2009

70 yds PCS removed and shipped to ESMI. MWs and a recovery well were installed. Free Product has dissipated. Semi-annual GW monitoring completed and MWs abandoned.

USTremoved. Contamination found. No impact to groundwater or soil. SMAC

89 Woodstock Avenue

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20104019 Finkle Property 10 Dudley St. Randolph MED Ashley Desmond 1/14/2010 0:00

900516 Rt 101 & 243 Troy LOW Lynda Provencher

20093948 Burlington SMAC Ashley Desmond 6/16/2009 0:00 9/22/2009 0:00

921253 56 Main St Springfield NFAP Unassigned/mg 5/28/1993 0:00

931395 Fischer Elem School E Arlington Rd Arlington NFAP Unassigned 8/30/1993 0:00

20033157 Fisher Auto Parts Barre City SMAC Unassigned 5/4/2003 0:00 2/3/2004 0:00

Petroleum and chlorinated solvent contamination encountered in soils at the property in relation to vehicle repair operations during a limited Phase II ESA. Area of contamination soils adjacent to garage was excavated and stockpiled onsite. SMS will require a supplemental evaluation to determine risks of direct exposure to soil and assess possible groundwater impacts.

1/1/1900 12:00:00 AM

First and Last Border Stop (former BJs)

Initial tanks removed in 1990; additional 9,000 gallon UST removed in January, 2005. Contamination found related to the 1990 release. Groundwater monitoring and free product recovery to continue on a semi-annual basis.

First Congregational Church Property

38 South Winooski Ave

Contamination discovered during the removal of a heating oil UST. After the removal of approximately 60 tons of soil, no significant PID readings were recorded in the subsurface. Petroleum vapors were not detected in the onsite basem*nt. Water is supplied by the municipal system.

First National Bank Of Vermont

Gas Ust Removed, Soil Contaminated, Investigation Pending

Downgradient Test Pits Showed No Detectable Contamination

194 Upper Merchant St

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed. PCS removed and disposed at ESMI. No other receptors impacted. SMAC

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951776 Fisher Trucking 516 Falls Rd Shelburne MED Unassigned 5/1/1995 0:00

20043231 Danby Unassigned

20073782 Fiske Property Enosburg MED Unassigned 3/3/2008 0:00

20083782 Fiske Residence Enosburg MED Alex Geller 3/3/2008 0:00

972291 Fitzpatrick Excavating North St Wardsboro LOW Lynda Provencher

20012942 Flanders Building Supply Park Street Essex SMAC Lynda Provencher 11/5/2001 0:00 4/24/2002 0:00

20022958 Flanders Residence 21 Elm St Waterbury SMAC Gerold Noyes 11/2/2001 0:00 2/19/2003 0:00

20012906 207 Canal Street Brattleboro SMAC Richard Spiese 7/11/2001 0:00 ###880195 Fleming Oil Rt 9 W Brattleboro LOW Routine Monitoring continues. Richard Spiese 1/1/1988 0:00

Last contact with owner was a June 19, 1995 letter requesting that he hire a contractor to determine the degree and extent of the contamination. As of this update, there has been no response and no activity in this file since. (8/3/99) Udated owner information--corrected mailing address. The mailing address is to Laura Fisher's residence. She is Roger Fisher's mother, and Fisher Trucking is adjacent to her property (01/08/04)

Fisk House/Smokey House Center

Danby Mountain Road

550-gal Nol.2 fuel oil UST pulled on 9/12/2003. Tank pull improperly done. Petroleum release observed (sheen on water table). Asked for submittal of full tank closure assessment report and form. (CC, 7/16/04).

271 North Main St

Underground storage tank abandoned in place. Contamination found in foundation sump and underlying soils. Investigation needed.

271 North Main St.

Contamination found in relation to one 550 gallon fuel oil UST. Investigation underway.

Surface soil contamination detected below ASTs. Investigation was initially completed and groundwater was not contaminated. SMS requested additional work in a letter dated September 29, 1999. Have not received a response.

Contaminated soil excavated and disposed of at WSI Landfill. No contaminants in gw above standards. All monitoring wells properly closed.

UST closed in place. Contam found. Investigation complete. No impact to GW. SMAC.

Fleming Canal Street Texaco

Contamination found in soils from dispenser release. CAFI work performed which remediated soils. Limited impacts to GW.GWESs met on entire site.

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951831 Fleming Texaco Rockingham SMAC Site investigation completed, site closed. Matt Moran 7/1/1995 0:00 7/1/1996 0:00941597 Fleming Texaco 305 South St Bennington LOW 7/08: Annual monitoring ongoing John Schmeltzer 4/1/1994 0:00

961982 1 Putney Rd Brattleboro SMAC Matt Moran 4/1/1996 0:00 9/16/2003 0:00

951832 Brattleboro SMAC Matt Moran 7/1/1995 0:00 12/1/1996 0:00

20043312 1 S Prospect St Burlington LOW Gerold Noyes ###

20022973 Burlington MED Gerold Noyes 1/15/2002 0:00

931430 Flood Brook School Londonderry SMAC Pcs Properly Disposed, Site Closed Unassigned 1/1/1996 0:00

900481 Flory Plaza Rt 4 LOW Richard Spiese 1/1/1990 0:00

880243 Floyds Store Rt 66, Randolph NFAP Monitoring Completed. Site Closed. 10/1/1988 0:00 1/1/1991 0:00

20022948 Foam Tech Inc Route 5 Thetford MED Unassigned 12/7/2001 0:00

20033090 FOE/Buzzy's 100 E. Main St. Newport City SMAC Gerold Noyes 1/21/2003 0:00 ###

20033118 Foley Residence 4070 Spear St Shelburne SMAC Gerold Noyes 5/20/2003 0:00 6/9/2004 0:00

941627 Foley Services Inc 133 State St Rutland City MED Lynda Provencher

97 Westminster Rd

Fleming Texaco - Brattleboro

Additional investigations in both petroleum UST release areas conducted spring 2002. MWs closed, site SMAC'd.

Fleming Texaco - Western Ave

108 Western Ave, Rt 9

Residual contamination at site. Compliance points established. Site closed.

Fletcher Allen - Prospect St

UST closed in place. Partial removal due to building location above tank. Previous removal of UST in vicinity. Removal of those underground pipelines as well. One pipe contained asbestos. SI found contam related to a UST from a previous building. Additional site investigation necessary. 4/2006 1 of 5 MWs above VGES, biennial monitor

Fletcher Allen Heath Care Colchester Ave

111 Colchester Ave

USTs removed. Contam found. Investigation needed. MWs requested when site construction allows

Rt 11, P O Box 68

Rutland Town

Initial Investigation Completed, Ongoing Monitoring

Bob Haslam/chuck Schwer

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed

USTs removed for property transfer, contam observed. Transfer cancelled. Investigation required from current owner. ISI complete, no GW observed. Soil samples have only low level TPH.

USTclosed in place. Soil contam found. Investigation complete. No impact to GW. SMAC

Monitoring and sampling of groundwater and stockpiled soils in ongoing. Last report was recieved April 21, 1999.

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982535 Food Stop 209 River Rd Springfield LOW Linda Elliott 9/22/1998 0:00

20063539 Forbes Residence 631 Tinkham Rd Shaftsbury SMAC Ashley Desmond 5/15/2006 0:00 ###890289 Foreign Solution Dog River Rd. Montpelier NFAP Stockpiled Waste Oil Soils. Unassigned

921241 11 Route 7 North Milton LOW Linda Elliott

3 USTs removed. Gasoline contamination to groundwater above GWES. Additional investigation needed downgradient to commence September 2009. Next round of groundwater monitorign due by end of November 2009.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Initial site investigation activities performed by ATC in July. Groundwater in the immedate vicinity of the former tank does not appear to have been impacted. PID readings of soils in the tank grave were shown to decrease significantly with depth (from 40 ppm @ 5 feet below grade to 1 ppm @ 8 feet below grade). Recommeded confirmatory round of groundwater sampling before site closure. Confirmatory samples taken in October 2006 showed no detection of any petroleum compounds. Monitoring wells have been closed.

Former Arrowhead Body Shop

Verterre conducting annual site monitoring for Vtrans. Spring time reveals highest contaminant concentrations. Stable to declining contaminant concentrations. Next round April 2010.

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20043270 260 Court St Middlebury SMAC Ashley Desmond 5/12/2004 0:00 ###

20022976 former A and B Motors 25 South St Woodstock SMAC Gerold Noyes 3/8/2002 0:00 4/29/2004 0:00

982523 Route 5 Dummerston SMAC Gerold Noyes 11/3/1998 0:00 10/7/1999 0:00

20083826 Former Agway 1032 Prim Rd Colchester SMAC Ashley Desmond 6/12/2008 0:00 ###

20012919 former Agway Feed Mill Walnut St Ext SMAC Gerold Noyes 8/6/2001 0:00 5/9/2002 0:00

former A & P / Ames Shopping Center

Underground storage tanks removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed. URS Corporation (Buffalo) will conduct standard si this fall. WP approved. 9/05. Initial investigation found no evidence of groundwater contamination in the presumed downgradient direction from the tanks. The indoor air of the nearby retail buildings showed no evidence of contamination. Nearby buildings are all built on a cement slab and are served by the public drinking water system. Follow-up groundwater monitoring, which included the installation of two additional wells, again revealed no detectable levels of contamination. Monitoring wells were properly closed.

Fuel oil UST removed. Contam found. No impact to GW. Former gas station. Previous USTs closed w/o inspections before requirement. SMAC

Former After-The-Fall Property

Investigation complete. MWs below VGES. 2 floor drains sealed. SMAC

Contamination discovered during the removal of a heating oil UST. Four monitoring wells installed on property and three other wells identified on adjacent property. No significant contamination detected in any of the wells during two monitoring events. No elevated PIDs in adjacent structures. Water is supplied by the municipal system. Monitoring wells properly closed.

St Albans City

UST removed. Contamin found. Investigation complete. GW impact limited to tank pit. Surface soil contam with hydraulic oil from equipment demolition- off site soil disposal. SMAC

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921233 350 Dorset Street NFAP Richard Spiese 12/1/1995 0:00

20012908 Former American Legion 154 Creek Rd Middlebury LOW Matthew Becker 8/17/2001 0:00

20043221 4340 US Rte 5 Derby SMAC Ashley Desmond 4/7/2004 0:00 4/1/2005 0:00

20083830 Former Andirons Lodge 183 Route 100 Dover MED Sarah A. Bartlett 7/17/2008 0:00

20083845 Former Archery 0 Depot Street Brattleboro LOW 8/19/2008 0:00

20022956 Orwell LOW Lynda Provencher 12/6/2001 0:00

20043282 former Bakers Store Route 113 Thetford MED Gerold Noyes 9/13/2004 0:00

992715 former Barre Nisson 181 S Main St Barre City SMAC Gerold Noyes ### 2/28/2000 0:00

Former Alco Equipment Building

South Burlington

All Fp Recovered. Gw Standards Met. All monitoring wells, vent wells, and air sparging wells properly closed in September, 2004, as confirmed in October 6, 2004 letter from Sean Murphy of Heindel & Noyes, Inc.

Phase I October 2009 Underground storage tank removed in 2001. Contamination found. Investigation needed.

1/1/1900 12:00:00 AM

former Ames Dept Store #211

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. I129 cubic yards of contaminated soil removed and destroyed. Confirmatory samples indicated no contamination under the former tank. SMAC. See Site # 19951936.

Heating oil spill resulting from abandoned (?) UST. Investigation and cleanup pending.

Hugo Martinez Cazon

former Audet Farm - UST Area

Mt Independence Rd

1,000 gallon diesel UST and 500 gallon gasoline UST removed in Spring, 1991. Two dump areas investigatied and all materials were excavated and properly disposed of. Groundwater monitoring wells were subsequently installed. August, 2008 groundwater monitoring report showed groundwater contaminants to exceed standards in only one monitoring well. Groundwater is sampled annually, with the next sampling event occurring in Spring, 2009.

USTclosed in 1999. Contam found in Sept 2004. Investigation underway.

UST removed. Contamination found. Investigation completed. 2/28/00 minor soil impact. SMAC

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20043228 Former Barton Cleaners 16 High Street Barton SMAC Lynda Provencher 4/1/2004 0:00

770039 Lakeside Avenue Burlington MED Unassigned

20093981 former Bender Residence 138 Main St Essex SMAC Ashley Desmond 8/7/2009 0:00 ###

972176 Former Billings Dairy Hartford SMAC Soils Removed, Site Work Completed Maria Stadlmayer 5/1/1997 0:00 7/1/1997 0:00

941716 Former Blouin Property SMAC Sarah A. Bartlett 11/1/1994 0:00 4/13/2007 0:00

20043250 Former Boden property Charlotte SMAC Sarah A. Bartlett 4/28/2004 0:00 3/26/2008 0:00

951892 Former Bradford Oil Route 25 Bradford LOW John Schmeltzer

Operated as a drycleaning facility from 1948 to 2000. A 500 gallon heating oil tank was removed in 2002 but no assessment was conducted and there is no documentation of the removal. Petroleum compounds detected above Vermont Groundwater Enforcement Standards in groundwater at the site. No detection of drycleaning contmainants have been detected in the subsurface to date. Floor drains are present. 141 tons of contaminated soil removed in September, 2008. Semi-annual groundwater monitoring is ongoing. No groundwater contamiantion as of October 2009.

Former Bell Aircraft Dump

Site Considered Part Of General Electric Lakeside Avenue Site

Contamination discovered during the removal of a heating oil UST. Bulk of contaminated soils were removed and disposed of at ESMI. Property is served by the municipal drinking water system. No indoor air impacts as verified by PID.

Rt 5 And Christian St

Fairfield and Crest Rd

St Albans Town

Two abandoned USTs discovered during Phase II ESA. 375 cubic yards of soil polyencapsulated on site following UST excavation. Stockpile monitored between May 1995 and May 1997. Notification of thin-spreading in November 2006.

204 Wildwood West

Heating Oil UST removed. Contamination found. Investigation completed, with no GW contaminants found. Source area well sampled October 2006 (three additional wells were previously destroyed), no petroleum VOCs in GW or soil sample. Remaining well closed Dec. 2006.

Passive product recovery, semi-annual GW monitoring

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941573 Former Briggs Residence St Johnsbury NFAP Invest Complete, Smac Unassigned 3/1/1994 0:00 8/1/1994 0:00

20073719 Former Bristol Exxon 58 West St Bristol MED Ashley Desmond 9/19/2007 0:00

921265 Former Brooks Store Rt 5 Lyndon MED Lynda Provencher

20012937 former Bryans Auto Route 14 LOW Sarah A. Bartlett 10/3/2001 0:00

20012855 Rockingham LOW Gerold Noyes 3/19/2001 0:00

921208 Berlin SMAC Invest Complete, No Impact To Receptors. Unassigned 5/1/1997 0:00

982357 Former Bulk Plant Route 22 A Fair Haven LOW John Schmeltzer 4/20/1998 0:00

931364 Former Cabot Building Route 4 Woodstock NFAP Unassigned/mg 9/1/1993 0:00

982354 Broad St Lyndon SMAC John Schmeltzer 1/1/1998 0:00 ###

Rfd 2, Spaulding Rd

3 underground storage tanks removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed. Otter Creek Engineering preparing a work plan for isi (4/08)

Soil Vapor Extraction System Installed, semi-annual groundwater monitoring ongoing. Indoor building vent in operation in the Brooks Store. Contamination is primarily located in eastern portion of Brooks Store property adjacent to Route 5.


USTs removed. Contam found. Investigation completed. 1 MW ND. SMAC after MW closure and soil stockpile remediation.

former Buffums Supermarket

116 Rockingham St

Property transaction discovered GW contam from old USTs. Investigation complete. Annual monitoring. 2/14, 5/1, 6/21/01 1 of 4 MWs , 7/1/02, 2/16/05 1 of 1 MW above VGES. biennial monitor

Former Bulk Fuel Storage Facility

295 Barre-Montpelier Rd

As part of monitoring for Site #92-1269 (Gas Station exents onto this property, wells were sampled in 2006 and no contamination detected.

Phase 1 Esa Complete Additional Work Requested

Former Canadian Pacific Property

Petroleum constituents in groundwater samples fromn onsite monitoring wells did not exceed the Vermont Groundwater Enforcement Standards. Notice to the land record was recorded at the Lyndon Town Clerk's office specifying the location of the subsurface soil contamination onsite. Notice states that the WMD must be notified prior to excavation within the contaminated area.

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962045 2 Whittier St Montpelier SMAC Maria Stadlmayer 6/1/1996 0:00 5/13/1999 0:00

880288 300 Granger Rd. Berlin NFAP Unassigned 8/21/1990 0:00

972201 Jay SMAC Unassigned 7/1/1997 0:00 9/1/1998 0:00

20002835 former Chittenden Bank 13 State St Montpelier SMAC Gerold Noyes ### 6/28/2001 0:00

20063502 former Club New England 410 Farrell St Burlington SMAC Ashley Desmond 1/6/2006 0:00 3/31/2006 0:00

20053336 former Coastal Towing Rutland City LOW Gerold Noyes 12/7/2004 0:00

Former Capital City Cleaners

Site investigation completed. Limited groundwater contamination on site only. Notice to land record filed.

Former Central VT Truck Stop

Significant soil contamination discovered during the removal of several petroleum tanks. Contaminated soil was treated and eventually thinspread onsite. Groundwater monitoring results showed that no significant dissolved contamination in the shallow aquifer. No impacts identified in the downgradient water supply wells. Site was also known as the Berlin Truck Stop.

Former Charlotte Cote Property

Cote Rd/cemetary Rd

Stockpiled soil treated. No contamination to on site well.

UST removed. Contamination found. Investigation completed. Minor impact to GW. SMAC

Underground srtorage tank found during excavation work. Tank removed, contamination found. Folllowing removal of contaminated soils, two composite soil samples were collected from the tank grave. No VOCs or total petroleum hydrocarbons were detected. All surrounding properties served by municipal utilities. Groundwater not encountered to a depth of 6 feet below grade.

10 - 12 North Main St

5 USTs removed. Contam found. Investigation complete, Nov 08 3 of 8 MWs above VGES, biennial monitor, property is no longer gas station now pharmacy

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20053431 Waterbury SMAC Ashley Desmond 9/1/2005 0:00 6/28/2007 0:00

20002769 Route 2 Montpelier SMAC Richard Spiese 6/7/2000 0:00 1/31/2001 0:00

20023027 former Convenience Store 521 N Main St Barre City SMAC Gerold Noyes 8/7/2002 0:00 4/24/2003 0:00

20083773 Guilford SMAC Ashley Desmond 8/13/2007 0:00 5/21/2009 0:00

former Coffin/Farnham Property

944 Waterbury-Stowe Rd, Rt 100

Minor VOC contamination detected at this site in 2005 during a Phase I/II Site Assessment. Groundwater monitoring showed that dissolved VOC contamination was declining over time. Excavation at the site in 2006 revealed a significant deposit of solid waste, which included some hazardous materials. The bulk of this material has been removed. Some benzo (a) pyrene contaminated soils remain at the site, though the soils are located several feet below grade, and are in a relatively inaccessible area. Future development of this area is unlikely due to it’s positioning on a steep slope between a road, river and surface water detention ponds. This area has been revegetated, which should act to further stabilize the embankment. No Notice to the Land Record will be required at this time. All adjacent properties are served by the municipal drinking water system.

Former Conti-Tracy U.S. Army Center

Contamination found in former leach field and vehicle wash rack. Limited remediation performed. Contaminated soils removed. No GW impacts. Former site (92-1206).

UST removed. Contam found. Investigation complete, no impact to GW. SMAC.

former Coolidge Highway Cabin site

3103 Calvin Coolidge Highway

Contamination found beneath former ASTs. Soils excavated from beneath each tank and stockpiled onsite (~20 yards). Groundwater investigation in this area showed no contamination above the VGES. All ASTs and nearby buildings have been removed from the site. A sample from the onsite drinking water supply well showed no detectable levels of VOCs. Monitoring wells have been properly closed. Soils were thinspread onsite after meeting PID, odor and visual requirements.

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20063616 former Country Emporium 1983 Vt Rt 100 MED Ashley Desmond ###

941669 Former Cray Oil Route 30 Newfane MED 9/1/1994 0:00

20083848 Former Cullins Residence 78 Dodds Court Burlington SMAC Tim Cropley 8/27/2008 0:00 8/18/2009 0:00

20043193 37 Center Street Brandon SMAC Chuck Schwer ### 4/2/2004 0:00

20053341 Bennington LOW Ashley Desmond

931428 Rt 2 Williston MED Matt Moran 8/1/1993 0:00

20073700 61 Summit St Burlington SMAC Gerold Noyes 9/28/2007 0:00 1/2/2008 0:00

20043255 former Downhill Edge German Flats Rd Waitsfield SMAC Ashley Desmond 7/22/2004 0:00 2/18/2005 0:00

Newport Town

2 underground storage tanks removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed. See closed Site 19880211. First letter sent to RP in January 2007.

Free product. S.I. workplan received. Commented Nov 4, 2004. SI report submitted 10.19.06. VTDEC meetings and comment 4.2.07. Further work proposed.

Hugo Martinez Cazon

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. GW investigation and SVE performed. Only low level VOCs below VGES in MW-3. ND in other 3 MWs. MWs and SVE abandonned.

former Cummings Property

Aboveground storage tank leak of #2 fuel. Petroleum entered Nesboe River. Investigation completed. Residual contamination remains under building. Notice to land records filed in Brandon. SMAC

Former Daniel fa*ger's Facility

1092 N Bennington Rd (Rte 67A)

Phase I/II Site Assessment completed. Contamination found. Further investigation needed. Work plan from KAS approved in May 05. SI found gw contamination/limited risk to nearby receptors. Additional work requested. Semi-annual gw monitoring is being conducted at the property. January monitoring round found increased contaminant levels, which may be associated with a rise in gw elevation.

Former Dave's Automotive

MWs to be destroyed by Circ. Highway expansion. AoT contracted H&N for MPE pilot test. To clean up site prior to Circ. Highway construction.

former Delta Psi Fraternity House

Fuel oil UST removed from fraternity. Contam found. Site investigation complete. No impact to GW. SMAC

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Soils disposed of at WSI Landfill. No groundwater contamination. Site SMACed on 2/18/05.

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20023020 Former Dump Site Route 9 Wilmington MED Richard Spiese 8/14/2002 0:00

951864 Former Dutton Lumber Carver St Brandon SMAC Matt Moran 9/1/1995 0:00 8/4/2000 0:00

20093943 Georgia MED Tim Cropley ###

20053380 Rt 122 Lyndon SMAC Ashley Desmond 4/1/2005 0:00 3/28/2008 0:00

941741 Former Elmwood Dairy Route 5 Newport City SMAC Soils Treated And Thin Spread Richard Spiese 1/1/1995 0:00 12/1/1996 0:00

931485 Former Epsons Gulf Gov Hunt Rd Vernon SMAC Richard Spiese 11/1/1993 0:00 1/20/2009 0:00

931544 Former Fairdale Farms 1545 West Rd Bennington SMAC Linda Elliott 1/1/1994 0:00

Contamination discovered during road work on Route 9. Contamination found on property that was a former town dump site.

Trimethylbenzene GW sampling completed. Soil contamination confirmed to be from lacquer UST. Soil treated and spread onsite. Site Closed.

former East End Quick Stop

1181 Ethan Allen Highway

2 underground storage tanks removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed.

former Elliotts Greenhouse

Contamination discovered during an Environmental Site Assessment. Contamination originated from leaks in a greenhouse heating system. Groundwater monitoring performed for 1.5 years until VOCs were below the VGES for two consecutive monitoring events. Monitoring wells were removed. Recent work at the site involved removing contaminated soil from the surface. All residual contamination appears to be at depth, and is not having a significant groundwater impact. All properties in this area are served by the municipal drinking water system.

Corrective Action Complete. Site in Natural Attenuation monitoring. NA monitoring showed GW meets GWESs. Site SMACed.

In 1993, 3 USTs removed that stored gasoline and heating oil. Limited impact to soils and groundwater. In addition, 200-500 gallons of diesel from AST was released with potential impact to unnamed tributary of Walloomsac River. 35 cubic yards of diesel contaminated soils was stockpiled onsite. Additional work requested. In 1996, 15K gallon fuel oil UST was removed. In November 2003, 12K diesel UST was removed. Additional information can be found in site #2003-3175.

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951826 Former Fergot Lumber Rockingham LOW Stockpiled Soil Monitoring Unassigned/jf 6/1/1995 0:00

20083777 MED CAP required. Matthew Becker ###

20073698 Former Fonda Warehouse SMAC Ashley Desmond 8/20/2007 0:00 ###

921214 Former Food And Fuel Rockingham LOW Monitoring Ongoing Lynda Provencher

982497 South Hero SMAC Gerold Noyes 9/2/1998 0:00 3/12/1999 0:00

20093904 former Fresh & Clean 11 Maple Avenue Barre City LOW Lynda Provencher 2/4/2009 0:00

Pleasant Valley Rd

Former Fonda Container Company

15-21 Lower Newton Street

St Albans City

1/1/1900 12:00:00 AM

St Albans Town

Contamination discovered during the removal of a small gasoline UST. Five soil borings were installed in the vicinity of the tank. PID readings in soils peaked at 5 ppm. A soil sample taken from the area of the peak readings had no VOCs exceeding the Region IX PRGs. Four monitoring wells installed and sampled. Trace levels of VOCs found in one of the four wells. All nearby properties are served by the municipal water system. Monitoring wells have been properly abandoned. No other areas of concern were identified at the warehouse.

Old Rockingham Rd

Former Fragman Residence

125 Kibbe Point Rd

UST removed. Contamination found. Investigation completed. Soil sample from tank grave showed 1.4 ppm TPH, ND for EPA 8021B. Minor impact only to soils surrounding tank. SMAC

Phase II Site Assessment indicated TCE to be present at concentrations slightly in excess of VTGWES in groundwater in one monitoring well. Soil also has concentrations of TCE, PCE, and TPH. Area appears localized. Contamination will be addressed either via localized treatement (i.e. excavation) or notice to land record.

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20073668 Former Garelick Farms 1545 West Rd. Bennington SMAC Ashley Desmond 7/26/2007 0:00 2/29/2008 0:00

20053378 Georgia LOW Matt Moran 6/16/2005 0:00

911180 Former Getty Station 130 Grove St Rutland City NFAP Unassigned/caw ###

972155 Former Goodall Property Route 7 Ferrisburgh SMAC Stockpiled Soil O.k. To Spread On-site. Lynda Provencher 4/1/1997 0:00 6/1/1998 0:00

931510 Former Goodyear Store 292 N Main St Barre City SMAC Soil Contamination By #6. Soil Removed. Richard Spiese 12/1/1993 0:00 1/1/1994 0:00

931359 Former Gracie Roofing Burlington LOW Richard Spiese 1/1/1993 0:00

20083840 former Grand Union Plaza Winooski MED 8/27/2008 0:00 2/4/2009 0:00

20094012 former Green house Barre City MED Unassigned 1/15/2009 0:00

951819 Rutland City SMAC Unassigned 9/1/1995 0:00 5/1/1996 0:00

Contamination discovered during the removal of a heating oil UST. 42 cubic yards of contaminated soil was removed from the tank grave and transported to ESMI in Louden, NH for disposal. No bedrock or groundwater encountered in the excavation. The bulk of contaminated soils appear to have been removed, as evidenced by PID readings and confirmatory soil samples. All properties in this area are served by the municipal drinking water system.

Former Georgia (& Gaudette's) Market

962 Ethan Allen Highway

Phase I & II ESAs submitted. GWES violations from former J.W. Sandri gasoline UST area. Eligible for SMAC with land record notice or biennial monitoring - next round 10/10. See site #96-1996 for original kerosene release.

Gw Invest Complete, Soil Used On Site, Site Closed

87-111 Archibald St

Low Level Gw Contam. Pb Soils Removal. Soils Removed. RCPP in place through legislation. GW may be monitored by Agency.

32 Malletts Bay Ave

#6 Fuel Oil tank found below grade in a concrete vault. Release contained within the vault. Investigation and remediation completed. SMAC 2/4/09

Hugo Martinez Cazon

226 East Montpelier Rd

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed. Additional tank to be removed later.

Former Green Mountain Distributing

First St And James St

Site Invest Complete, No Contam To Gw Above Standards

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20023041 Main Street Greensboro LOW Gerold Noyes 7/29/2002 0:00

20043257 former Gulf Station Route 4A Castleton MED Unassigned 3/31/2004 0:00

20033125 former H P Hood Building 79 Coventry St Newport City MED John Schmeltzer 6/25/2003 0:00

972322 Route 106 Reading SMAC Sarah A. Bartlett 12/1/1997 0:00 1/15/2008 0:00

20022977 former Hannahs Market 48 Green St Vergennes LOW Lynda Provencher 2/28/2002 0:00

962099 Shoreham LOW Gerold Noyes 12/1/1996 0:00

931357 Rutland NFAP Unassigned/mg 9/1/1994 0:00

20073728 former House of Pizza 250 Hastings Hill St Johnsbury MED Ashley Desmond 5/4/2007 0:00

911054 Former Howard Bank Burlington LOW Richard Spiese 1/1/1991 0:00

former Greensboro Bend Store

Old site reopened by real estate transaction ESA. 8/5,1 MW above VGES, supply well below below VGES, 12/5/01 1 MW above VGES, supply well ND, SMAC AFTER MW CLOSURE

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed.

former Hammondsville Store

UST removed. Contam found. GW sampling completed. MWs closed October 2007.

Heating oil underground storage tank removed. Groundwater contamination found. Semi-annual monitoring should occur in fall and spring.

Former Herbs' Corner Store

Route 22 A and Route 74

Abandoned USTs removed. Contam found. Site invest. complete. 9/9/02, 5/03, 5/04 3/4 MWs above VGES, biennial monitoring.

Former Holson Automotive

S Main St, Route 7

Monitoring Complete, No Impact Above Standards

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found during tank assessment, which was conducted long after the UST removal. SMS has sent first letter requiring an initial site investigation.

228 N. Winooski Ave

Placed On Vsps Site List. Monitoring Expanded. Soil and groundwater data from 1992 showed elevated levels of tetrachloroethene in soils and groundwater.

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992631 9 Depot Square Barre City HIGH Lynda Provencher 6/1/1999 0:00

951805 403 Barre St Montpelier SMAC Matt Moran 7/1/1995 0:00 7/29/2003 0:00941576 Former Idelnot Dairy River St Springfield LOW Additional Invest Requested Sarah A. Bartlett

20023059 Former Joseph Property Airport Road Coventry SMAC John Schmeltzer 12/4/2002 0:00 6/23/2005 0:00

20043226 former Keil Property 2032 U S Rt 2 Waterbury SMAC Ashley Desmond 5/14/2004 0:00 4/4/2005 0:00

770198 Former Kelton Property Rt 14 Hartford NFAP Unassigned

982377 Former Keltons C P D 21 Tuttle St Rockingham SMAC Gerold Noyes 12/3/1998 0:00 6/3/1999 0:00

former Howe Cleaners (9 Depot Square)

Facility was a dry cleaners from 1947 to 1992. In 2002, EPA Removal Program closed in place two abandoned underground storage tanks which were underneath the building and contained evidence of stoddard solvent and PCE. In 2003, EPA Removals excavated 140 tons of PCE contaminated soil from outside the building. Indoor air treatment system was in place from March, 2001 to February, 2007. A sub-slab vapor mitigation system was also installed. Groundwater contaminant plume extents to Stevens Branch. A Corrective Action Feasibility Investigation is being conducted during Spring/Summer 2009. Site is in litigation with the Attorney General's office.

Former Hunger Mountain CoOp

ISI of petroleum UST contamination completed. Residual GW contamination in former tank grave. SMAC'd w/land record notice.

Approximately 960 cubic yards of soil were removed from the source. Contaminant Concentrations in monitoring wells at the site were below the Vermont Groundwater Enforcement Standards

2 gasoline underground storage tanks removed. 1 underground heating oil tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed. Soils removed from property and properly disposed of. Bedrock well showed no sign of contamination. SMAC.

Mw's Clean, Installed Oil/water Separater & Emergncy Cntrls

UST removed. Contamination found. Investigation completed. Groundwater contamination below VGES. TPH in soil in tank grave. SMAC with Notice to Land Records

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20043278 former Kestlers Market Alburg LOW Gerold Noyes 10/5/2004 0:00

20033138 20 Kilburn St Burlington LOW Gerold Noyes 6/9/2003 0:00

941571 Burlington SMAC Gw Standards Met. Soils Treated And Covered Richard Spiese 2/1/1994 0:00 8/1/1997 0:00

20073731 former KMC Auto Fairfax MED Gerold Noyes ###

992627 Route 7 Danby SMAC Unassigned 5/5/1999 0:00 2/1/2001 0:00

941727 Former Korner Pocket State St Rutland City LOW Matt Moran 12/1/1994 0:00

20063575 115 lincoln St St Johnsbury SMAC Ashley Desmond 7/19/2006 0:00 9/19/2008 0:00

20023017 former Lyndon Motors 7 Passumpsic St St Johnsbury SMAC Gerold Noyes 7/10/2002 0:00 ###

20033160 245 S Main St Northfield SMAC Ashley Desmond 9/22/2003 0:00 5/5/2005 0:00

921312 Salt Ash Mtn Shrewsbury LOW Richard Spiese 11/1/1992 0:00

20083862 696 Pine St Burlington LOW Gerold Noyes 10/7/2008 0:00

982516 Former Model Garage Route 7 Wallingford MED Gerold Noyes 7/9/1998 0:00

286 Route 2 South

Soil contamination found during drilling for pipeline.

1/1/1900 12:00:00 AM

former Kilburn & Gates Industries

UST removed. Contam found. Investigation underway, potential migration onto site from 90-0594. Duncan Auto

Former Klinkostein Property

255-261 N Winooski Ave

14 Browns River Rd Rte 128

Phase II ESA reported petroleum contam. Confirmatory sampling required

Former Knobby Tire Center

See site file 92-1281. This site is same property as site 92-1281. Site 99-2627 has been combined with 92-1281.

Petroleum and solvent GW contamination. Acrylonitrile discovery in 12/00 could not be confirmed. Monitored natural attenuation remedy complete. To SMAC once MWs closed.

former Lincoln Street School

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. EPS VT conducted expressway investigation at this property.

3 abandoned USTs removed. Contam found. Investigtion completed. No impact to GW. SMAC

former Mandlekorn Residence

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed. Soil borings at the site indicated that the extent of contamination was limited. No contamination found outside of tank grave area. No grw in soil borings. SMAC.

Former Maple Sugaring Operation

Spill In 79, Invest Complete. Institutional Controls Proposed.

former Maynard Auto Supply

2 abandoned UST's removed. Former Site 20002774. Expressway. Confirmatory sample shows minimal impact to GW. SMAC after MW closure

USTs removed. Contam found. 8/1 1 of 3 MWs above VGES, 10/30/02 4 of 6 MWs, 5/14/03 3 of 6 above VGES

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20073664 former Monty Gas Station New Haven SMAC Ashley Desmond 6/27/2007 0:00 7/20/2009 0:00

20053443 1925 Dorset St SMAC Ashley Desmond 9/22/2005 0:00 4/10/2006 0:00

Rte 7, New Haven Junction

Contamination discovered during the removal of a heating oil UST and gasoline USTs. Five monitoring wells installed at the property. Source area well was the only well with contamination above the VGES during four monitoring events. Minor free product detected at this point- seems to be from accumulation rather than free product presence on the shallow groundwater surface, as no free product was encountered during the tank closure or in the surrounding wells. No elevated PIDs in adjacent structures. Water is supplied by the municipal system. Monitoring wells properly abandoned.

former N E Family Institute

South Burlington

Contamination discovered during the removal of two heating oil USTs in 2005. Initial site investigation showed limited quantity of contaminated soil. No groundwater or bedrock was encountered during that monitoring event. Groundwater samples were collected from the monitoring wells and bedrock wells at the property in May of 2006 and showed no detection of petroleum contaminants. Monitoring wells have been properly closed. Clay soils at the property appear to have hindered contaminant migration.

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770145 75 School St. Chester LOW Ashley Desmond 8/29/2005 0:00

951754 Gallison Hill Rd Montpelier SMAC Gw Standards Met On Entire Site Richard Spiese 1/1/1995 0:00 8/1/1996 0:00

962053 Former Natole Motors 742 E Main St Newport City SMAC Linda Elliott 7/1/1996 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00

982333 Dorset Lane Park Williston MED John Schmeltzer 1/1/1998 0:00

20043286 Former Northeast Tool Pudding Hill Lyndon SMAC Richard Spiese 7/1/2004 0:00 4/7/2008 0:00

961986 Coventry St Newport City LOW 7/02: Monitoring once every other year. John Schmeltzer 5/1/1996 0:00

former Nat'l Survey/Universal Map

Reopened 8/29/05. Site closed back in the early nineties after EPA and DEC activities at the site found no substantial contamination. Had received a NFAP designation. SMS had required dry well be closed, but this was not completed before the NFAP designation was made. Site activities have found both petroleum and photo-developing related (heavy metal) contaminants. Two underground storage tanks removed from the site in 2005. Three drywells associated with the former photo developing processes have been located and closed. A fourth drywell which appeared to serve only a small handwashing sink was closed in 2008. Approximately 30 cubic yards of stained soil were excavated from around one dry well and stockpiled on the site. This was later disposed in 2008. Periodic monitoring being conducted at this site to track residual petroleum contamination in groundwater. The most recent monitoring results show limited contamination.

Former National Life Of Vermont Annex

Invest Complete, Limited Contamination, Site Closed.

Former New England Marine Contractors

07/02: Still awaiting response to our request for additonal sampling.

Metals found in old chrome plating room of plant. More investigation shows more impacted areas. Site formerly 91-1141 & 20023040. CAP to excavate and dispose of contaminated soils completed. Site SMACed.

Former Orleans Candy Co/Rays Auto

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20083756 former Panda Inn Burlington SMAC Ashley Desmond ### 2/6/2008 0:00

20063470 Union Street Hartford HIGH Patricia Coppolino 6/2/2006 0:00

961973 102 Meadow St Rutland City HIGH Lynda Provencher 4/1/1996 0:00

931446 Former Perrys Fish Market LOW John Schmeltzer 8/1/1993 0:00

972148 Former Peyratt Residence Swanton SMAC Matt Moran 5/1/1997 0:00 5/19/2008 0:00

972205 81 Portland St St Johnsbury MED Lynda Provencher 7/1/1997 0:00

380 Shelburne Rd

Contamination discovered during the removal of a heating oil UST. After the excavation of contaminated soil, it appeared that the full extent of contamination had been delineated. No groundwater was encountered during the excavation activities. A confirmatory soil sample from the excavation showed no detection of petroleum contaminants. This site is served by the municipal drinking water system. Contaminated soils were disposed of at ESMI in NH.

Former Parkway Drycleaners

Sampling was conducted duringa Brownfield assessment. High concentrations of PCE in groundwater and soil vapor were detected. Indoor air sampling will beconductind during the week of 6/5/06

former Patchs' Petroleum Bulk Storage

AOD signed in August 2006 by Patch Petroleum and ExxonMobil. ExxonMobil taking lead in remediation. Corrective Action Plan coompleted by ROUX Associates in May, 2008. Recommended the "Air sweep" remediation system which utilizes drop tubes in extraction wells which volatilizes free product and removes vapors through vacuum extraction. Air sweep operation expected for approximately one year.

1080 Shelburne Rd

South Burlington

1/02: Continue Gw Monitoring, every other year. Next round July 03 2002.

Route 266 Sugar Maple Drive

Basem*nt AST release. 15 soil borings indicated contamination limited to small area between subslab and bedrock. SVE cleanup. No water supply or indoor air impact. Site closed.

Former Portland Street Mini Mart

Annual groundwater monitoring ongoing. Persistent groundwater contamination in one area of the site. Consultant will be evaluating surfactant enhanced in-situ chemical oxidation in the Spring, early Summer 2009.

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951758 Former Pratt Farm Barre City SMAC Matt Moran 2/1/1995 0:00 4/1/1996 0:00

900483 80 West St. Rutland SMAC Linda Elliott 7/27/2007 0:00

20043256 Sharon LOW Gerold Noyes 6/30/2004 0:00

961947 Former Purcell Oil Co South Main St Hartford LOW Matt Moran ###

992585 Former Quick Stop Windsor LOW Lynda Provencher 11/3/1998 0:00

931374 Former Race And Custom Route 14 NFAP Additional Soil Removed, Quarterly Sampling Unassigned/mg 5/1/1994 0:00

951844 40 Bay St St Johnsbury MED Ashley Desmond 9/1/1995 0:00

941567 Former Reilly Tire Route 4 Rutland City MED Sarah A. Bartlett 3/1/1994 0:00

End Of Bolster Rd

Farm gasoline UST release. PCS successfully treated by landfarming. Site closed.

former Proctor Bank / Key Bank

1990 UST tank closure by Proctor Bank. Site was closed and in 1997 combined with adjacent MVRTD #951901. MVRTD purchased parking lot portion of bank property. In 2002, UST closure by Precision Industrial for the Key Bank. No further work requested. Site eligible for SMAC.

former Prouty & Miller Lumber Yard

Sharon Commerce Park

UST removed. Contam found. Investigation complete. Confirm May 2005

UST, bulk above ground tank, LNAPL, and PCS investigations completed. Limited PCS under "Building B." Closed site with Notice to the Land Record. Residual product found in MW-6 during well closure, periodic bailing '07.

Rte. 5, North Main Street

Five USTs were removed in November '98. Some petroleum contamination detected in the tank pit and downgradient of the tank pit. Annual sampling occurred until September, 2003. Since then no data has been received. A site inquiry letter was sent to the property owner on June 30, 2009.

East Montpelier

Former Ralston Purina Plant

Determine Degree And Extent Of Contamination From U S T. No information available as to who the current owner of the property is. (8/25/99) ECS wp approved for site- work will coincide with work at Northern Petroleum.

Site was reccomended for closure "upon removal/remediation of the existing soils", but at this time, no notification that the soils have been monitored for thin-spreading eligiblity. Also, 4 gw monitoring wells needing closure. Letter sent 03/20/08, will follow-up.

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20083786 6749 Main Street Readsboro MED Matt Moran 7/4/2007 0:00

20002773 2484 Route 30 Cornwall SMAC Tami Wuestenberg 5/18/2000 0:00 ###

951766 Route 5 Bradford NFAP Ust Investigation Complete, Site Closed Unassigned 3/1/1995 0:00 4/1/1995 0:00

931352 Route 4 Mendon NFAP Site Closed Unassigned 12/1/1993 0:00

20083846 Former Scale House 0 Bridge Street Brattleboro LOW Brownfield. Phase I ESA submitted. 8/19/2008 0:00

770201 1 Shields Drive Bennington NFAP Dec Pa Completed 12/90. Nfrap. Linda Elliott

20012925 former Sears Building Pearl St St Johnsbury SMAC Sarah A. Bartlett 7/6/2001 0:00 7/1/2008 0:00

962111 Brighton MED 06/04: Ongoing Monitoring, John Schmeltzer 11/1/1996 0:00

Former Rice Oil Bulk Plant

Referreal from spill program. Failure from bulk AST released 615 gallons No. 2 heating oil. Emergency response complete. Repeat SPCC violations with EPA - result being plant has been dismantled. ECS installing pump & treat for long term treatment of seeps from beneath containment area on steep slope above.

former Ringeys Garage (Fenn Residence)

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed. SI conducted Decmeber 2005. SMS requested additional characterization in March 2006. Work Plan approved May 2006. WQ report indicates low VOC, however above VGES in source area well only. December 2006 reported slight VGES exceedence. October 2007 groundwater event reported no VGES violations, no sensitive receptors impacted. Wells properly closed. Site SMAC'd.

Former Rogers Tire And Auto

Former Rutland Group Property

Hugo Martinez Cazon

Former Schmeltzer Property

Two fuel oil tanks removed July 2001. Subsurface investigations conducted in January and September 2002. Limited soil contamination between 10-12, and 35-37 ft bgs in two borings…area since paved. No groundwater samples contained petroleum VOCs in excess of VGES. 70 yds3 PCS stockpiled off-site met thin-spreading requirements in 2004.

Former Service Station #1143

Route 114 Main St

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992664 St Johnsbury SMAC Gerold Noyes 10/5/1999 0:00 9/29/2004 0:00

982399 Clinton Street Springfield MED Patricia Coppolino 4/1/1998 0:00

20002803 44 Main St St Johnsbury SMAC Gerold Noyes 8/10/2000 0:00 5/23/2001 0:00

951818 Route 5 Wells River MED Unassigned 9/1/1995 0:00

992591 Pine St. Burlington MED Tanks removed, site investigation underway Michael Smith 7/29/1998 0:00

951840 State St Windsor MED Michael Smith 9/1/1995 0:00

770200 Route 5 Rockingham LOW Unassigned 4/1/1994 0:00

20012911 Rt 100 Stowe SMAC Unassigned 9/7/2001 0:00 3/29/2002 0:00

former South Main Accessories

1733 Memorial Drive

UST removed. Soil contamination found, some removed, remainder left in place w/Notice. Minor indoor air contam below OSHA, typical of auto repair shop. No GW found. SMAC

Former Springfield Gas Property

Quarterly monitoring initiated with next sampling event occurring in March 2000. Absorbent sock was placed in GMW-3 to recover any free product present. 25 cubic yards of soil was planned to be transported for disposal in Spring, 2000.

former St Johnsbury House

USTs removed. Contam found. Investigation completed. No impact to GW. SMAC

Former St Johnsbury Trucking

Last contact with owner was a 9/13/95 letter requesting that they hire a consultant to determine the degree and extent of contamination. As of this update, there has been no response and no further activity in this file. (8/3/99)

Former St. Johnsbury Trucking

Former State Prison/Windsor School

Remediation of Athletic fields is complete. Need to develop institutional controls Need to finalize groundwater study

Former Steamtown U.S.A. Property

CERCLA NFRAP, Additional Monitoring Requested

former Sungardens Greenhouse

Abandoned business. Stained surface soils. Strong petroleum odors at former furnace, AST and piping locations. Investigation needed. Lab results non-detect. SMAC

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911160 Former Texaco 860 Williston Rd SMAC Tami Wuestenberg ### 4/10/2007 0:00

20073669 former Texaco Station 462 Rte 7B Clarendon MED Ashley Desmond 4/15/2002 0:00

20053442 Former Thomas Garage Spring Tree Road Brattleboro SMAC Tami Wuestenberg 11/7/2005 0:00 3/4/2009 0:00

20083875 923 VT Rte 7A Shaftsbury MED Tim Cropley 10/6/2008 0:00

992698 former Tip Top Bakery Hartford SMAC Gerold Noyes ### 3/31/2000 0:00

South Burlington

UST contamination. Free product found. Remediation conducted in 2001. Soil and free product was removed. A risk assessment was completed in 2002. Groundwater monitoring occurred for several years, as of 12/04 GWES continued to be exceeded in several on and offsite wells. Owner has been negotiated with UVM for permission to close site with notice to land records. Last correspondence with owner was December 2005. SMS sent email requesting update in June 2006. Spoke w/RP's consultant on July 10th; waiting on written approval from UVM - Site sampled on December 20, 2006. January 2006 - SMS has approved SMAC with Notice to Land Records - will SMAC once wells are abandoned and Notice is filed. SMAC'd

Former location of gasoline UST's. Contamination present. Investigation needed.

Verterre conducted an Environmental Site Assessment for a property transaction. Found limited amounts of petroleum and metals contamination in groundwater, however VGES are exceeded in a few wells. SMS has asked for additional work. First letter sent 11/05. Additional investigation found abandoned UST - no additional contaminatin associated with UST. Limited annual wq sampling to occur. Next event scheduled for fall 2007. VOCs below standards, metals determined to be background. No receptors. Site SMACd

former Thompson Garage Property

2 underground storage tanks removed. Contamination found. Investigatrion needed.

81 - 91 North Main St

UST removed. Contamination found. Investigation completed. 12/9/99 4 MWs below VGES. Confirmatory samples required. 3/31/00 3 floor drains sealed, no GW above VGES. SMAC

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20053356 former Tip Top Tire Hartford MED Patricia Coppolino 5/10/2005 0:00

20002786 former Tucker Residence Weybridge LOW Gerold Noyes 5/17/2000 0:00

20093892 32 Granite Street Barre City LOW Matthew Becker 1/12/2009 0:00

20022965 Route 12 Barnard MED Chuck Schwer 1/31/2002 0:00

20073736 former Verizon Garage 917 Route 5 Dummerston MED Lynda Provencher ###

770109 Burlington NFAP Monitoring Completed. Site Closed. Unassigned

972307 Former Videgain Property 3 Doe Run Rd Jamaica SMAC Bob Haslam 10/1/1997 0:00 2/20/2006 0:00

951761 East Main St Newport City NFAP Linda Elliott 7/1/1995 0:00

1965 Hartford Avenue (Route 5)

Site redevelopment underway. UST and drywell removed. Contamination found under drywell. Soils removed and disposed at ESMI. TRORC conducting phase I on property

50 Sheep Farm Rd

UST removed and contamination found. Investigation complete. 10/23/00 3 of 4 MWs, 5/11/01, 5/30/02 2 of 4 MWs, 5/21/03 3 of 3 MWs above VGES, biennial monitor

Former Twin Cities Custom Sandblast

Former Valley View Motel

UST removed. Stockpiled contaminated soils need treatment & disposal. Investigation requested 1/31/02 & 7/29/02 nothing received as of 10/30/02.

Pentachlorophenol, PAHs and arsenic found in soil underneath utlility pole storage area during 2004 Phase II Site Assessment, but not reported until June, 2007. JW conducted soil excavation to address contamination (100 tons). JW will now further define degree and extent of subsurface contamination by installing groundwater monitoring wells and sampling onsite supply well, and potentially neighboring supply wells. Samples will be analyzed by EPA Method 8260, 8270, metals, and for dioxins. Proposal should have been to SMS by January, 2009, but is not here as of April, 2009.

Former Vermont Structural Steel

Briggs & Flynn Streets

Underground Storage Tank Removed. Contamination Found. Letter Dated 4/22/98 Requesting A Work Plan. No response from responsible party. 10/04 - New RP, new consultant. Investigation complete, site SMAC.

Former W S Mitchell Property

G W Enf Standards Met At Property Boundary, No Known Imppact To Receptor

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890416 Former Waitsfield Gulf Rt 100 Waitsfield SMAC Linda Elliott 8/1/1998 0:00

770124 Former Weissner Property Lakeside Ave Burlington SMAC Inactive Stan Corneille

931370 Former Welch Property 48 East St Proctor SMAC Invest Complete, Site Closed Unassigned/mg 1/1/1994 0:00

921267 #1 Mill St Rockingham NFAP Site Assessment And Work Completed Lynda Provencher 1/1/1995 0:00

20023047 former Windsor School 29 Union Street Windsor LOW

931463 Route 7 Milton SMAC Linda Elliott 9/1/1993 0:00 ###

870055 Addison NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

20073691 Forte Residence Brandon SMAC Ashley Desmond 9/23/2007 0:00 ###

972196 Foss/Richardson Route 100 Hyde Park SMAC 1998 report shows no migration threat. Marc Roy 5/1/1997 0:00 8/18/1998 0:00

Groundwater monitoring completed. SMAC designation 8/98

Former White Mountain Paper Co

Stained soil found beneath boiler room slab. Excavated, stockpiled. SI Report submitted 10/31/02. Investigation completed, soil stockpile report pending.

Hugo Martinez Cazon

Former, Arrowhead Variety Store

9/93: three USTs storing gasoline removed. Limited contamination to soils. No receptors threatened. Site closed. 5/03 Phase I Environmental Site Investigation detects low level gasoline and diesel contamination. Site reopened. Additional investigation shows limited contamination. Groundwater Enforcement Standards met. No additional work requested.

Fort Edwards Truck Accident

Park Street Extension

Contamination discovered during the removal of a heating oil UST. Groundwater and bedrock encountered below the tank. ISI and followup groundwater monitoring indicated that contamination was limited the immediate vicinity of the former tank. Approx. 22.5 tons of soils removed from source area. Final PIDs of the excavation were mostly between 5 and 10 ppm. This property is served by the municipal water system. PID readings of the indoor air peaked at 0.3 in the area next to the existing AST. Monitoring wells have been properly closed.

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900507 Foster Motors Rt 7 Middlebury NFAP Unassigned

20033088 Foster's Place Stowe LOW Bob Haslam 11/1/2002 0:00880202 Foti Fuels Montpelier NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

911011 Foto-hut Property Rutland City SMAC Linda Elliott 3/1/1997 0:00

20053346 Founders Lodge Stratton MED Linda Elliott 4/18/2005 0:00

972206 Four Corners Mini Mart Rt 101 Troy LOW Matt Moran 7/1/1997 0:00

20023019 Four Winds Motel Manchester SMAC Gerold Noyes 7/2/2002 0:00 9/22/2004 0:00870008 Fowler Plainfield NFAP Site Closed See 770064, same site. Unassigned

770064 Brook Road Plainfield SMAC Closed Site is also 870008. Stan Corneille 10/1/1993 0:00

20033167 Francis Residence Milton HIGH Matt Moran 12/1/2003 0:00

20023016 Frank Adams School 481 Summer St St Johnsbury SMAC Gerold Noyes 6/20/2002 0:00 3/12/2008 0:00

Ust Removed.soil Stockpled. Gw Invest. Completed.

4968 Mountain Road

SI complete 11/02. Second phase of investigation completed. Shallow groundwater impacts only. Quarterly monitoring.

77 Woodstock Ave

Remediation and site monitoring complete, Notice To Land Records. Site Closed.

Middle Ridge Road

2 fuel oil USTs removed, Expressway Investigation. PCS to be removed. Evaluate if additional work is needed.

Gasoline UST contamination investigated '97. GW sampled annually, next rd. spring 2008. SW sampling discontinued. PCS treatment completed and thin spread. Toluene temporarily found in nearby supply well; source was from electrical tape for new submersible pump.

7379 Main St, Rt 7A

USTs removed. Contam found. Investigation complete. 1 MW above VGES, 2 ND. May 2003, 2 MWs ND, 1 below VGES, 1/20/04 SMAC

Fowler Septic Disposal Area

42 Berts Trailer Park

AST leak. Contaminated soil 200-500 PID. > 1 foot of free product on groundwater. Using ECF 2008 to continue cleanup after exhausting PCF.

UST removed. Contam found. ISI completed. 1/27/03 2/3 MWs above VGES, 10/10/03 2/4 MWs above VGES, 12/6/05 1/4 MWs above VGES biennial, 1/9/08 1 MW slightly above VGES, SMAC.

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20063555 Franklin Apartments SMAC Ashley Desmond 7/20/2006 0:00 10/9/2006 0:00890471 Franklin County Airport Highgate NFAP Site Closed Unassigned941667 Franklin County Airport Route 78 Highgate LOW Reivew for SMAC. Linda Elliott

900572 Franklin County Cheese East St. Enosburg SMAC Soil landfarm being monitored. Tim Cropley 9/6/1990 0:00 2/1/2005 0:00

941661 Off Rt 120 Franklin SMAC Unassigned 8/1/1994 0:00 12/2/2003 0:00

962066 361 Swanton Rd MED Matt Moran 9/1/1996 0:00

20063551 5217 Main St Franklin MED Matt Moran 7/11/2006 0:00

961943 Franz Property Rt 12 Berlin SMAC Unassigned 11/1/1995 0:00 11/1/1995 0:00

890447 Fred & Pat's Minimart Route 5 Irasburg SMAC Unassigned ###

8 - 10 Maiden Lane

St Albans City

Underground storage tank closed in place. Elevated PID readings detected beside tank. Several borings/wells installed adjacent to the tank. No specific petroleum compounds detected. Elevated TPH levels found in groundwater, though soils tested clean for VOCs and TPH. Recommendation was for one additional groundwater monitoring round. Most recent monitoring event showed that TPH levels in groundwater had declined. No VOCs detected in ambient indoor. Approved closure of single monitoring well for SMAC designation. Well closure was completed shortly thereafter.

Franklin Elementary School

Last contact with owner was a November 16, 1994 letter requesting the sampling/monitoring of stockpiled contaminated soils. No activity in this file since. (7/30/99) Soils no longer stored off site. SMAC

Franklin Lamoille Bank- Highgate Commons

St Albans Town

Perchloroethylene (PCE) contamination from dry cleaners. Remediation via SVE and air sparging from spring '99 through 3/00. Annual GW monitoring for 2004. Requested well closures for 2001, again 2002.

Franklin Telephone Company

Underground storage tank closed in place. Contamination found. 1st letter sent 9/05/06, after SI Expressway stalled. 2nd letter sent 2/4/8, awaiting response.

Tank Pull Showed Contamination. Monitoring Ongoing. Site #951848 combined with this file. No GW contamination identified. No threat to receptors.

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951848 Fred And Pat's Route 5 Irasburg SMAC File combined with 890447 Richard Spiese 9/1/1995 0:00 2/1/1999 0:00870094 Fred Hayward Fairlee NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

20073639 1063 US Route 5 Derby HIGH Matt Moran 2/27/2007 0:00

20083792 Freds Plumbing & Heating Bluff Rd Newport City MED Ashley Desmond 3/3/2008 0:00

941655 Main St Derby LOW Unassigned900662 Freechette Farm Barton NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

20043236 Freeman Residence Greensboro SMAC Unassigned 4/23/2004 0:00 1/26/2005 0:00

20093928 Fried Residence 1465 School St Newark SMAC Ashley Desmond 6/2/2009 0:00 7/14/2009 0:00

Fred's Plumbing & Heating - Bulk Storage

5,000 gallon super unleaded gasoline release from bulk tank. Open ball valve was source. Over 1,500 gal. recovered to date from recovery wells, and ~150 gallons from 172 yds soil removed. 26 soil borings, 6 MWs, and 3 recovery wells installed as part of ongoing response.

Petroleum discovered during drilling operation. Groundwater impacts encountered both on and offsite. Ongoing monitoring being conducted on a semi-annual basis to track contaminant levels.

Freds Plumbing And Heating

Semi-annual Screening Of 1 1/2 Cubic Yards Pcs File closed without soils being accounted for.Workplan approved 3/17/95. No further activity.

487 Skunk Hollow Rd

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed. Investigation indicated no contamination in groundwater above VGES, and peak PID readings in soil borings of 4.9 ppm. Minimal risk to senisitve receptors. Monitoring wells closed. SMAC.

Contamination discovered during the removal of a heating oil UST. 21.49 tons of contaminated soil excavated and disposed of at Coventry Landfill. No significant contamination remained in tank excavation as confirmed by grab samples of soil and groundwater. Sample from the onsite drinking water supply well was ND for VOCs.

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20012907 Friendlys Restaurant 1089 Putney Rd Brattleboro LOW Gerold Noyes 5/1/2001 0:00

20023029 Froehlich Residence Pawlet SMAC Unassigned 8/9/2002 0:00 8/6/2003 0:00

20093980 Frohling Residence 17 Landgrove Rd Landgrove MED Ashley Desmond 9/4/2009 0:00

20043301 Fuel Stop Rt 4 A West Rutland HIGH Ashley Desmond 10/8/2004 0:00

972283 Fuiks Residence South Hill Rd Wardsboro SMAC Unassigned 10/1/1997 0:00 9/1/2004 0:00

992655 G E Capital Property Charlotte SMAC Gerold Noyes 5/21/1999 0:00 12/8/1999 0:00890318 G E Firing Range Underhill NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

Petrol contam soil and GW above VT standards. 5 MW's installed. Contam soil removed. Source believed to be historical. 4/23/02, 8/17/03 1 of 2 MWs above VGES, 3 MWs NS, biennial monitor

3742 VT Route 30

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation completed. Notice to Land Record for residual groundwater contamination in former UST area. No contamination to water supply. Site SMACed 8/6/2003.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Initial investigation was conducted, but no wells could be advanced due to cobbles encountered in subsurface. Receptor survey will be conducted shortly.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed. Work plan approved on March 4, 2005. Called John Malter on December 7, 2006 regarding the status of the report. He said that the report would be in shortly. Finally received the report on June 21, 2007. ISI found that this property is heavily contaminated with MTBE and other petroelum compounds. The full extent of contamination has not been determined.

Ust Removed. Contamination Found. Investigation Needed: workplan from ECS was approved by SMS on June 2, 1998. new owner (01/07/04) Investigation completed 7/12/2004. SMAC

#3 Ethan Allen Parkway Rt 7

Kerosine AST spill to septic field. 103 tons petroleum contaminated soil excavated and disposed of at ESMI NY. No GW contamination found. SMAC

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20063560 G L R LLC Property Middlebury MED Michael Smith 8/2/2006 0:00

961975 G S Precision Rt 9 Wilmington SMAC Site Management Activity Complete John Schmeltzer 4/1/1996 0:00 12/1/1996 0:00

931518 G T E Hinesburg Route 116 Hinesburg SMAC Unassigned 12/1/1993 0:00 2/2/2001 0:00

931516 G T E Sherburne West Hill Rd Killington SMAC Tami Wuestenberg 12/1/1993 0:00 ###

931515 G T E Wallingford Route 7 South Wallingford SMAC Unassigned 12/1/1993 0:00 12/1/1996 0:00

20063477 G W Plastics 339 VT Route 12 Randolph MED Gerold Noyes 1/12/2006 0:00

941635 G W Tatro Rt 15 and Rt 108 Cambridge SMAC Richard Spiese 7/1/1994 0:00 9/25/2006 0:00

20043245 Gaen Murphree Residence 6 Thomas Street Middlebury SMAC Marc Roy 8/7/2003 0:00 11/9/2005 0:00

20053335 Gagne Residence SMAC Gerold Noyes ### 6/13/2007 0:00

55 Middle Road North

Contaminated groundwater reported. Sent "first letter", awaiting work plan. Site still in investigation phase. Have received several reports are now assessing bedrock issues

Contaminated soils destroyed at a facility owned by the Maxymillian corporation in North Adams, Massachutsetts.

9 yds of diesel contaminated soil from 500 gallon ust was shipped for recycling. Vtel purchased property in 1994 and was to Perform Phase II Esa By Spr 97. As of this update (7/06) there has been no activity in this file since 1996, and no evidence that Vtek has performed said tests. Sent letter 7/2006 requesting site status update. Owners are getting information together - think they did additonal work. JCO did Phase II ESA in 1996. Installed and sampled wells - no VTGES exceedences. Abandoned wells in 2006. SMAC'd.

All Pcs Was Removed From Subsurface And Disposed By Recycling

Property transaction screening reported on-site contamination as well as migration from off-site. See Site 19972185.

Site in annual GW sampling. Low level VOCs identified in 2 on site MWs. MWs met GWESs, MWs closed, and site SMACed on 9/25/2006.

SMAC; MWs closed. 5 MW's placed in basem*nt. Monthly visits have monitored indoor air, free product, ground water level.

56 Burt Lane, Simons Trailer P

St Albans City

Line failure to AST. SVE system installed. Remediation complete. MWs installed. No more impact to GW. SMAC

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20002813 Gagnon Residence 128 Talc Mill Rd Chester SMAC Gerold Noyes 9/12/2000 0:00 12/8/2003 0:00

20073725 Gaisor Residence Stowe SMAC Ashley Desmond 8/8/2007 0:00 ###

951893 Gale Residence Upper Forest St Brattleboro NFAP Invest Showed Only Limited Soil Contamination Unassigned 11/1/1995 0:00 1/1/1996 0:00

20063570 Gallagher Residence 91 Deer Run Rd Stowe SMAC Ashley Desmond 7/10/2006 0:00 1/11/2007 0:00

20073742 Gallanter Residence Plot Rd Johnson MED Ashley Desmond ###

982391 Gallup Residence Newfane SMAC Gerold Noyes 4/20/1998 0:00 10/6/2005 0:00

20073680 Gardner Residence Stowe SMAC Ashley Desmond 7/26/2007 0:00 ###

921236 Gardner Stone Motors Route 2 Weybridge NFAP Lynda Provencher ###

AST Kerosene spill. Investigation complete. No impact to GW. Excavate 80 yds. Short term soil venting in inaccessible area.

108 North Hill Rd

Contamination discovered during the removal of a heating oil UST. After the removal of approximately 5.7 cubic feet of contaminated soil, it appeared that the full extent of contamination had been delineated. Soils were disposed of with the tank waste. Confirmatory soil samples from the excavation and the onsite water supply well showed no detection of petroleum contaminants.

Minor amount of contamination discovered during removal of an UST at the property - likely due to minor spill during tank refills. It is believed that the full extent of petroleum contamination was removed from the site and disposed of. No groundwater encountered during site work. Soil sample taken from the tank grave and a sample from the onsite water supply well showed no detection of petroleum related compounds.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed.

8 Wildwood Drive

UST Removed. UST filled w/sand prior to cleaning. 5 yd oil soaked sand generated & moved off site to another Gallup property, 2 soil samples ND for TPH at Wildwood Dr site. SMAC

150 Upper Sky Acres

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found.

Site Assess Complete, Soil Used To Fill, Approved By Sms

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20033175 Garelick Farms Bennington SMAC Linda Elliott 11/7/2003 0:00 6/6/2005 0:00

20043261 Garland Residence Guilford MED Marc Roy 3/4/2004 0:00

20033145 Garret Residence Stowe SMAC Unassigned 8/29/2003 0:00 10/9/2003 0:00

20012889 Garry Residence Waterford SMAC Gerold Noyes 6/26/2001 0:00 8/27/2001 0:00

20053449 Gaskins Residence 23 Forest Rd Essex SMAC Ashley Desmond 10/6/2005 0:00 3/30/2006 0:00921204 Gassetts Rt 103 Chester NFAP Lust To Pond. Evaluation Underway. Richard Spiese 12/1/1992 0:00

20053444 Gaszek Residence 6 Old Route 9 Wilmington SMAC Ashley Desmond 9/21/2005 0:00 11/7/2005 0:00

1545 West Rd, Route 9

November 2003-12K gallon diesel UST removed. GWES met onsite. No additional work requested. Past releases managed under Site #931544.

4361 Bonnyvale Rd

Above ground tank failure. Fuel oil across yard and into stream. ECS /Marin cleanup and assess. MW's installed to determine impact; contaminated soils removed; AST relocated..

99 Glenbrook Road

UST in good condition. Two drums of contaminated soils to be shipped by EP&S. Request SMAC as part of property transfer. SMACed.

Lower Waterford Rd

Heating oil UST removed. Contam soil left in place. Investigation completed. GW below 37'. Soil samples at 37' ND for VOCs & TPH. Notice to Land Records. SMAC

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. EPS conducted investigation work at the site, which involved the installation of several soil borings across the site. A soil sample from 12 feet below grade in the tank excavation had detectable levels of 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene and naphthalene, but did not exceed the VT Soil Guidance Levels. Total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) were not detected. Groundwater was not encountered in any of the soil borings. A second soil sample from the tank grave had TPH levels of 75 ppm. All nearby properties served by municipal water. Contamination appears to be very limited in degree/extent.

Petroleum odor in drinking water. 500-gallon underground storage tank removed. Confirmatory samples from both the tank excavation and the drinking water showed no detection of contaminants. 9 tons of soil was properly disposed of at the site.

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20033117 Gates Salvage Route 14 Hardwick SMAC Richard Spiese 6/4/2003 0:00 10/3/2006 0:00

941570 Gateway Motors Sykes Ave Hartford SMAC Groundwater Not Affected. Site Closed. Richard Spiese 3/1/1994 0:00 5/11/1998 0:00

992694 Gators' Store Route 116 Bristol SMAC Gerold Noyes 10/5/1999 0:00 3/3/2004 0:00

961996 Gaudettes Market Route 7 Georgia SMAC All PCS excavated and treated, site closed. Matt Moran 5/1/1996 0:00 9/1/1997 0:00

20073624 Gavris Residence 74 Horseshoe Rd Fayston SMAC Ashley Desmond ### 7/20/2007 0:00

770181 Marble Street Ext West Rutland HIGH Dec Pa Completed 4/90. Epa Sip Completed 6/95 Linda Elliott

921278 Gaynes Department Store 861 Williston Rd SMAC Unassigned 4/1/1996 0:00

20083890 GD Machines Barre City LOW Matthew Becker ###

PCS and lead contaminated soils. CAP to remove soils and stockpile and treat on site implemented. PCS bioreced and lead soils phytoremediated and spread on site.

former Big Wheel Variety #900617 UST removed, 30yd soil excavated, 1992 SMAC, 1999 contam. found during new tank install, 100yd excavated 3/13/00 Supply well ND, 2/3/04 Notice to Land Records, SMAC

Contamination discovered during the removal of a heating oil UST. Six monitoring wells were installed downgradient of the tank. Soil samples taken from three of the wells during this process and analyzed for VOCs and TPH showed no detectable concentrations. All wells found to be dry during the initial monitoring event. Two of the wells were sampled during the second monitoring event and had no detectable VOC concentrations. PID readings taken from the well headspaces during this monitoring event showed no elevated readings. Two samples from the bedrock supply well were ND for VOCs. Monitoring wells have been properly abandoned.

Gawet Marble & Granite, Inc.

South Burlington

8 Yds Stockpiled, Further Excavation To Be Done

10 West Second Street

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20053385 Gellis Residence Charlotte SMAC Ashley Desmond 6/8/2005 0:00 5/8/2006 0:00

870129 General Cable Rt 346 Pownal HIGH Richard Spiese 1/1/1987 0:00870081 General Electric Rutland City NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

900558 General Electric Windcrest Rd Clarendon NFAP Stan Corneille

770040 Industrial Avenue Burlington SMAC Stan Corneille 6/1/1981 0:00 8/7/1998 0:00

770041 Lakeside Avenue Burlington SMAC Michael Smith 6/1/1981 0:00 5/1/2006 0:00

770045 Windcrest Road Clarendon HIGH Ongoing Gw Monitoring Michael Smith

972130 General Services Center Route 2 Middlesex SMAC John Schmeltzer 1/1/1997 0:00 8/28/2007 0:00870047 General Store Richford NFAP Site Closed Unassigned880275 General Store Addison NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

951851 Genesis Church Putney LOW Investigation and cleanup complete Bob Haslam

45 Island Farm Rd

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed. First letter written in July 05. EPS VT conducting site investigation. Minimal groundwater contamination was detected during two monitoring events. Soil contamination appears to be restricted to the immediate vicinity of the former tank. Most of the contaminated material is believed to have been removed during the tank closure event. Recent analysis of the drinking water supply well found no detection of VOCs. Monitoring wells have been properly abandoned.

Active Gw Containment And Recovery. NES to propose expanded remedial approach.

Petroleum Problem Resolved. Further Contamination Handled By Rsg. Site combined with 870081.

General Electric Comp. A&esd

Landfarming of soils completed. Groundwater monitoring completed.

General Electric Comp. Lakeside Ave.

Rcra Corrective Action Permit Pending RCRA correctiuve action permit granted. All work required by permit was completed and the site received a SMAC designation in May 2006

General Electric Company Clarendon

08/07: Groundwater samples from all monitoring wells contained target compounds at concentrations below VGES since 1999. In 2001, a change was made so that water discharge and waste streams from photo-processing and print shop areas no longer go to septic system but to an evaporator.

25 Kimball Hill Rd

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982569 Georgia Center Market Georgia SMAC Lynda Provencher ### 7/3/2003 0:00

911083 Rt 7 Georgia SMAC Sarah A. Bartlett 7/1/2008 0:00

921256 Georgia Mobil Rt 7 Georgia HIGH Lynda Provencher890357 Georgia Mobil St Albans NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

770052 Riverside Avenue Lunenburg SMAC Combined With Site #931542 And Re-opened Unassigned

921308 Georgia Town Garage Georgia SMAC Gw Monitoring Completed. Site Closed. Lynda Provencher 7/1/1996 0:00

3897 Ethan Allen Highway

Pay for Performance Agreement cleanup completed. No groundwater contamination above standards. Soil excavated and disposed. SMAC

Georgia Elementary School

Petroleum contamination discovered during 1991 site construction activities. Likely originated from a partially buried heating oil tank. Subsequent site investigation revealed no groundwater contamination. 190 yds3 PCS landfarmed on-site – thinspreading requirements met in May 1992. One 10,000 gallon heating oil UST and one 5,500 gallon heating oil UST removed in July and September of 1996, respectively. UST removal inspections revealed no contamination resulting from the tanks.

Petroleum contamination present in groundwater. Contaminant plume extends approximately 450' downgradient towards the Deer Brook. Pay for Performance Agreement signed on October 5, 2000, but was terminated in 2004. All Milestones were not met despite remediation efforts. A Corrective Action Feasiblity Investigation is currently being prepared by Verterre. CAFI should be completed in Spring/early Summer 2009. A contamianted soil cleanup "experiment" is being conducted to determine effectiveness of biosolve in soil vs. only polyencapsulation.

Georgia Pacific Corp. Whitefield

2 Georgia Plains Rd

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20073746 Gerard Residence 90 Barrows Rd Stowe SMAC Ashley Desmond ### 2/27/2009 0:00

20093964 Gerlack Residence Hartford SMAC Ashley Desmond 7/9/2009 0:00 ###

20083769 Gerli Residence Fayston SMAC Alex Geller ### 8/6/2008 0:00

Contamination discovered during the closure of a heating oil UST. No significant contamination detected during tank closure or supplemental receptor investigation. No elevated PIDs in nearby residence. Onsite drinking water well was ND for VOCs.

81 Hiram Atkins Byway

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Trace levels of contamination detected in drinking water sample during UST pull. Initial site investigation included the installation of 3 monitoring wells. Toluene and tetrachloroethane detected in one monitoring well. No contamination recorded above the VGES. No detectable levels of contamination in drinking water in 2nd sample. Follow-up monitoring to be conducted during Winter 2009-10.

4354 Millbrook Rd

Underground storage tank removed. Groundwater investigation showed no signs elevated VOC levels. No volatile vapors found during indoor air screening. Monitoring wells removed and site maintains a SMAC status.

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870023 Rt 4 Woodstock MED Brian Woods 4/26/1985 0:00

911085 Getty Station Ferrisburgh SMAC Ashley Desmond 8/1/1991 0:00 5/18/2005 0:00

20033123 Gibb Residence Weybridge SMAC Lynda Provencher 6/2/2003 0:00 6/8/2006 0:00

20053332 Gibeault Residence SMAC Ashley Desmond 10/8/2004 0:00 5/19/2005 0:00890459 Gidding Equipment Co Pittsfield NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

Gerrish Motors (Woodstock East)

Former multi-use (auto dealership/auto service-gas station-dry cleaners-health club-retail-restaurant-rental housing) shopping plaza has following areas of concern: Former gasoline UST area: Sparge/vent remedy implemented on '02 partially successful. O2 injection implemented in '07, working but effort still in progress; Former drywell area - drywell excavated in '02, no additional action planned; Former oil/water seperator area - low level residual petroleum contamination in soil, will likey be addressed via engineered containment; Former waste oil UST - supplemental action (likely limited contaminated soil excavation) possible in this area; Former bedrock water supply well - well closed in '02

Rt 7, I.G.A. Shopping Center

Annual Gw Monitoring Owner information updated. New owner. (01/28/04) Latest sampling round by H&N showed contamination was below VGES. Monitoring wells properly closed.

3271 Snake Mountain Rd

Out-of-service underground storage tank containing gasoline removed. Approximately 622 tons of contaminated soil excavated and transported to MTS in Epsom, NH. No contamination to groundwater. Monitoring well properly closed. No contamination in nearby spring or swale.

1552 Town Line Rd

Rutland Town

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. EPS VT site work included removal of contaminated soils and survey of indoor air. Soils excavated until PID readings read zero. No impact shown to basem*nt in 2 separate monitoring events. Basem*nt sealed as a precautionary measure.

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20083793 Giguere Residence 23 Loomis St Montpelier SMAC Ashley Desmond 11/9/2007 0:00 8/18/2009 0:00

931520 Gill Odd Fellows Home 8 Gill Terrace Ludlow SMAC Soils Treated And Spread On Site, Site Closed Unassigned 12/1/1993 0:00 8/1/1996 0:00

20012880 Gillespie Fuels 141 Wall St Northfield LOW Tami Wuestenberg 4/16/2001 0:00880227 Gilman Dounna/ruggles Concord NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

20083841 Gilman Housing Trust 107 Main St Newport City SMAC Sarah A. Bartlett 8/26/2008 0:00 10/5/2009 0:00

20023042 Gilman Property Garland Hill Rd Barnet SMAC Lynda Provencher 9/11/2002 0:00 7/29/2003 0:00

Contamination discovered during the removal of a heating oil UST. Four monitoring wells installed at the property. No contamination detected above VGES. No elevated PIDs in adjacent structures. Water is supplied by the municipal system. Monitoring wells properly abandoned.

Above ground fuel oil tank failure April 2001. November 2002 report indicates presence of soil contamination. October 2008 groundwater monitoring report indicates residual groundwater contamination (below GWES) remains. Stockpiled soils have been removed from the site. Annual groundwater monitoring scheduled, next event June 2009.

Two 500 gallon heating oil USTs removed August 2008. 44y cubic yards of petroleum contaminated soils were excavated for disposal at Waste USA in Coventry, VT. Soil sample collected from limits of excavation contained minimal quantity of TPH, no detectable VOCs. All indoor air PID readings ND. No sensitive receptors impacted.

No groundwater encountered. Onsite drinking water well sampled and free of contaminants. 26 tons of contaminated soil excavated and disposed.

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20073682 Gilman Residence Jamaica SMAC Ashley Desmond 7/10/2007 0:00 8/8/2008 0:00931474 Gilman School River Rd Lunenburg NFAP Assess Complete,activity Compete Unassigned/mg 10/1/1993 0:00 6/1/1994 0:00

982480 Giroux Body Shop Route 116 Hinesburg LOW Lynda Provencher 10/5/1998 0:00

20063566 Giuliani Residence 13 Towers Rd Essex MED Petroleum in stream. AST was once in basem*nt. Richard Spiese 9/5/2006 0:00870100 Gleason Rockingham NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

961976 Glen Stevenson Residence Sugar Hollow Rd Brandon SMAC Site SMACed September 1998. Bruce Linton 4/1/1996 0:00 9/22/1998 0:00

900547 Global Gas Rt 114 Norton SMAC Unassigned 2/9/2004 0:00

20033110 Glover Community School 100 School t Glover MED Michael Smith 4/29/2003 0:00

900565 GMP Rt 2a Williston NFAP Richard Spiese

70 Mountain Acres Rd

Contamination discovered during the removal of a heating oil UST. It appears the bulk of contamination was removed from the excavation. Soils were properly disposed of at ESMI in Louden, NH. Post excavation sampling of the drinking water and a temporary monitoring well showed no detections of VOCs. PID readings of indoor air were all 0.0 ppm. Monitoring well has been closed.

Petroleum contamination found in front of site during waterline project. Additional investigation did not indicate that water line is serving as preferential pathway for contaminant migration. A bioreactor remediation system was installed and is operating successfully. Tri-annual groundwater monitoring is occurring.

Ust Contamination. Stockpiled Soils. Soils spread at off-site gravel pit. Confirmed spread in letter 1/12/2004. SMAC

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed.

Soils Stockpiled On Site. To Be Shipped Out-of-state.

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20093923 47 Bridge St Rockingham HIGH Ashley Desmond 4/20/2009 0:00

20083838 GMP Penstock Rte 2 Marshfield MED Bob Haslam

962017 Go Go Gas - Springfield Springfield HIGH John Schmeltzer 8/1/1996 0:00

982460 Go Go Gas - Winooski 401 Main St Winooski MED Gerold Noyes 7/31/1998 0:00

931455 Go Go Mini Mart Rt 5 St Johnsbury NFAP Unassigned 9/1/1993 0:00 1/1/1995 0:00

20073740 123 Pitkin Rd Plainfield MED Gerold Noyes ###

20033173 Route 214 Plainfield SMAC Gerold Noyes 11/6/2003 0:00 11/2/2007 0:00

20033094 123 Pitkin Rd Plainfield SMAC Gerold Noyes 4/2/2003 0:00 11/3/2007 0:00

20043235 Goddard Residence Morristown SMAC Gerold Noyes 6/28/2004 0:00 ###

GMP Bellows Falls Transformer

Contamination discovered at this site during a site characterization, which was performed in preparation for a new regional substation. Site has been used for the storage of transformers and utility poles for years. PAHs, TPH and Metals encountered in shallow soils at this site at levels above the EPA RSLs. ECS conducting additional sampling for dioxins prior to soil excavation work. Some soils may need to be disposed of as hazardous waste. No groundwater impacts have been identified at the property to date. Site is located in an industrial area adjacent to two former paper mills.

8100 foot long wooden penstock treated with wood preservatives have contaminated underlying soils. GMP conducting site assessment and monitoring. Soil removal ongoing in stages.

Jct Rt 11 And Rt 106

07/02: Remediation and Quarterly monitoring ongoing. Free-product still present. Site is being operated under a Pay for Performance agreement.

ISI received, additional MWs required 11/99, 9/16/03 3 more MWs installed, 5 of 7 MWs above VGES, sample Spring 2004

Site Assess Complete, Gw Below Enforcement Standards

Goddard College - Sculpture Building

3 underground storage tanks removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed.

Goddard College Community Center

UST removed. Contam found. Investigation complete, 12/17/03, 8/20/04 1 of 3 MWs above VGES, 8/20/07 all MWs below VGES, SMAC

Goddard College, Maintenance Building

UST removed. Soil contam found & removed by excavation. SMAC

7128 Elmore Mountain Rd

UST removed. Contam found. Investigation completed. No impact to GW. SMAC

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982567 Goddard Transportation Route 4A Castleton SMAC Gerold Noyes ### 8/21/2000 0:00890407 Goddard Transportation Castleton NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

20022972 Godfrey Property 404 Walton Rd Morristown SMAC Gerold Noyes 3/8/2002 0:00 ###911033 Gogo Gas 2 Pinecrest Dr Essex NFAP Semi-annual Groundwater Monitoring Richard Spiese 6/22/1993 0:00

20002791 Gold Crown Lanes 212 Hastings St St Johnsbury SMAC Gerold Noyes 5/16/2000 0:00 1/22/2001 0:00

962102 Golden Eagle Resort Mountain Rd Stowe SMAC Site SMACed May 1999. Bruce Linton 11/1/1996 0:00 5/17/1999 0:00

992614 Goldman Property Ames Hill Rd Marlboro SMAC Gerold Noyes 4/27/1998 0:00 5/8/2003 0:00

770175 Golf Course Pit Essex NFAP Contamination Below Action Levels, Site Closed Unassigned

20073660 Goodman Property MED Tim Cropley 3/23/2007 0:00

20063550 Goodson Residence Stowe SMAC Ashley Desmond 4/20/2006 0:00 12/4/2006 0:00

20002797 Mechanic Street Windsor MED 8/17/2000 0:00900659 Goodyear Tire Main Street Barre City NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

USTremoved. Contam found. Investigation completed. No impact to groundwater. Floor drain closed and dry well excavated. SMAC

UST removed. AST spill 6 mo. later. Contam found. Investigation completed. 3/26/02, 6/26/03 1 of 3 MWs above VGES, 8/19/04 3 MWs ND. SMAC

USTfilled in place. Contamination found. Investigation completed. No impact to groundwater. SMAC

UST removed. Contam found. Investigation completed. Soil contam limited to tank grave. GW not encountered. SMAC

2572 Sheddsville Rd

West Windsor

AST failure in basem*nt. No signs of groundwater in test pits. Release appears to be contained within building footprint. Site investigation needed.

483 Upper Hollow Rd

Underground storage tankremoved. Limited contamination found in tank area. Degree and extent of contamination appears to have been defined and removed from this area. SMS requested that a sample be taken from the onsite well before closure. Results of the sample collected by REA showed no detectable concentrations of VOCs.

Goodyear Industrial Campus

Additional S.I. by Tetratech NUS presented Nov 2, 2004. DEC comments back December 22, 2004. Meeting of parties in January. Former Transformers in 1999 held ~219 gallons of Askarel. Destination unknown. Building demolited. RP investigation underway, 2008.

Hugo Martinez Cazon

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870020 Gordies Texaco NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

921294 Gordon Clow Property 11 The Green Woodstock SMAC Tami Wuestenberg 8/24/1992 0:00 ###

20002832 Gordon Residence Newfane SMAC Gerold Noyes 9/8/2000 0:00 7/11/2003 0:00

890333 Goss Dodge NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

962030 Gossco Inc (Goss Tire) 37 Summer St St Johnsbury LOW Linda Elliott

20063540 Gosse Court Armory 126 Gosse Court Burlington LOW 6/1/2006 0:00 ###

20073713 Newport City SMAC Ashley Desmond 7/9/2007 0:00 9/19/2008 0:00

South Burlington

Low And Nd Levels Of Contamination; requested one additional wq round in 1993; RP sold property; January 2006 sent letter to new owner to resample MW-1 - then possbile SMAC if clean. Well reported no elevated VOCs - no VTGES exceedences; well abandoned, site SMACd.

39 S Wardsboro Rd

UST removed. Contam found. Investigation complete. 5/8/02 3 MWs ND for VOCs, tank pit MW 1.1 mg/L TPH. SMAC

South Burlington

6/96: 3 USTs removed. Every other year groundwater monitoring. May 2009 revealed increase in former source area well. Potentially look at chemical oxidation. Next round May 2011.

Corrective Action performance report presented June 23, 2006. Further confirmatory sampling performed. SMAC . Site release from UST closed on 9/2/08. Work is through Expressway process. SITE REOPENED.

Hugo Martinez Cazon

Govenor Prouty Apartments

14-34 Governor Drive

Contamination discovered during the removal of a heating oil UST. Four soil borings installed around to the tank during initial site investigation. No groundwater, bedrock or elevated PID readings were encountered. Soil samples were taken from the four borings and submitted to a lab for VOC and TPH analysis. No petroleum contamination was detected in any of the samples. Drinking water is supplied to the property by the municipal system. Any residual contamination appears to be confined to the immediate vicinity of the former tank.

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972209 8 Court St Rutland City SMAC Gerold Noyes 7/1/1997 0:00 5/17/2001 0:00

941639 Maple St Essex SMAC Unassigned/jf 7/1/1994 0:00 1/1/1996 0:00

20063478 36 Central St St Johnsbury MED Richard Spiese 1/23/2006 0:00

951924 Gracey's Store LOW Ashley Desmond 2/1/1996 0:0020043285 Grafton Auto Salvage Fisher Hill Rd Grafton MED AST leak to drainage swale. Tim Cropley 7/19/2004 0:00

951910 Grafton Town Garage Route 121 Grafton SMAC Richard Spiese 1/1/1996 0:00 10/5/2009 0:00

20043213 Graham Car Care 131 S Main St Rutland City SMAC Linda Elliott 2/1/2004 0:00 ###

Grace Congregational Church

Ust Removed. Contam Found. Investigation completed. No VOC exceedences in GW. TPH in GW. Notice to land records. SMAC

Grace United Methodist Church

Invest Complete No Impact To Gw, Soils Disposed

Grace United Methodist Church

Leaking underground storage tank. 900 gals released. No evidence of vapor or product in building. SVE system in place and operating. GW investigation progressing.

1333 Williston Rd

South Burlington

Several requests for work made between 1996 and 2005. Verterre wp approved 8/05. ISI found significant levels of contamiation at this ssite UST leak found in October, 2006. 1,500 gallons of contaminated water removed from subsurface. PID readings in onsite storm sewer up to 1,100 parts per million. Large scale soil removal completed and tank deficiencies corrected. Ongoing groundwater monitoring is being conducted at this site. Groundwater contamination appears to be subsiding. No significant vapors present in onsite storm sewer access points.

Water supply wells in area not affected by release. Site in Natural Attenuation monitoring.

Phase I Environmental Site Assessment performed. Petroleum contaminated soils detected. Need to further investigate and determine source.

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931410 Grampys Corner Store Rt 30 Winhall LOW Tami Wuestenberg 7/6/1993 0:00

921304 Grampys Travel Center Springfield SMAC Richard Spiese 1/1/1992 0:00 7/16/2009 0:00

992706 Grand Avenue Enterprises 126 Grand Ave Swanton LOW Matt Moran 9/14/1999 0:00

931525 Grand Isle Store Grand Isle LOW John Schmeltzer 12/1/1993 0:00

982400 61 Old River Rd Hartford SMAC Unassigned 6/1/1998 0:00 9/1/1998 0:00

992636 14-16 N Main St Rutland City MED Unassigned 6/7/1999 0:00

992703 Main St LOW Lynda Provencher 9/9/1999 0:00

SVE system was taken off line in the fall of 1997. Post remediation semi-annual groundwater monitoring was increased to quarterly after a spike in contaminant concentrations were observed in 2001. Approval to install two additional wells, should occur in spring 2006. Wells were installed in summer 06 - sampling occurred in October 2006; waiting on report. 2009 - SVE System has been dismantled. Annual groundwater monitoring occuring, slight exceedences of standards in a couple wells, inlcuding one off-site well. Next event scheduled for April 2010.

14 Missing Link Rd

Site undergoing active remediation. Cleanup complete. GWESs met on entire site.

Waste Oil UST removal 2001, heating oil UST removed 5/02, & diesel & gasoline USTs removed 8/06. Investigations complete. Annual GW monitoring, next rd. fall 2008.

Rt 2 and Hyde Rd

7/02: Continue Annual Monitoring. Next sampling round scheduled for Summer 02.

Grand Union - C and S Wholesale

Site Closed. No contamination detected in soil or groundwater samples. Investigation complete.

Grand Union - Val Preda Property

UST Removed. Limited Groundwater Contamination Found. Monitoring Required.

Grand Union Shopping Plaza

St Albans City

Initial site investigation completed in January 2000. Contamination was found in two monitoring wells. The SMS requested that all wells be resampled in March 2000, adjacent basem*nts be screened, and the potential for the gas line to act as a preferential pathway for contaminant migration be investigated. Since contamination was detected next to two of the four tanks, two $250 deductibles apply. NCES to resample monitoring wells Fall/Winter 2000 to confirm non-detect results.

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992615 Grandiflora Apartments 10 Liberty St Montpelier SMAC Gerold Noyes 4/13/1999 0:00 2/16/2000 0:00

20094005 Grandolfo Property 23 Landgrove Rd Landgrove SMAC Ashley Desmond 10/9/2009 0:00 ###

20033075 160 Seward Road MED Brian Woods 1/8/2003 0:00

982454 Granite Importers 16 South Vine St Barre City SMAC Investigation complete. Site closed. Unassigned 8/1/1998 0:00 8/1/1998 0:00

20093991 Barre Town MED Gerold Noyes ###

20043184 Grant Residence Stowe SMAC Gerold Noyes ### ###

20053441 Grant Residence 45 Pierson Drive Shelburne SMAC Ashley Desmond 9/15/2005 0:00 8/7/2006 0:00

972258 Grants Village Store 8 East St SMAC Unassigned 10/1/1997 0:00 5/1/1998 0:00890362 Granville Country Store Granville NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

UST removed. Contamination found. Investigation completed. GW monitoring needed for 12/99. 3 wells ND, source well 20.8 ppb naphthalene. SMAC

Contamination discovered beneath heating oil UST. Approximately 10 cubic yards of contamination soil removed. Confirmatory soil sample from beneath tank showed no significant levels of VOCs or TPH. No VOCs detected in onsite drinking water supply well.

Granite Group Property (former Mal Tool)

Rutland Town

Contamination found during redevlopment of property. Investigation underway to determine degree and extent of contamination.

Graniteville Prebyterian Church

648 Lower Graniteville Rd

Underground tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed.

99 Richardson Lane

UST removed, soil contam found, investigation complete. Contam removed by excavation. 4 MWs, 3 supply wells ND, no impact to GW. SMAC

Contamination at this property was related to a former UST. GZA installed several borings in the vicinity of the former tank and found no evidence of VOC contamination in soils or groundwater. All properties in the area are served by the municipal drinking water system. The basem*nt of the residence was screened and showed no evidence of petroleum vapors. Monitoring wells were properly abandoned.

Middletown Springs

Site Smac'd Based On Consultant Report And Groundwater Flow And Quality Data From Adjacent Site # 91-1170.

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20063533 Gray-Bean Residence 52 Spaulding St Barre City SMAC Ashley Desmond 5/12/2006 0:00 ###

20043276 Green Meadows Center Wilmington SMAC Unassigned 3/24/2004 0:00 10/6/2004 0:00

20073666 School Street Richmond SMAC Ashley Desmond 7/19/2007 0:00 9/21/2007 0:00900583 Green Mount Lumber Underhill NFAP Site Closed Unassigned ###870014 Green Mountain College Poultney NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

Underground storage tank closed in place. Contamination found. Investigation needed. Approved WEM workplan to conduct initial site investigation. No groundwater encountered to a depth of 32 feet below grade during isi. The highest PID reading encountered was <1 ppm. Confirmatory soil samples from the borings showed no evidence of petroleum contaminatnts. All properties in the area served by municipal water. Indoor air showed no evidence of contamination when screened with a PID.

238 Stowe Hill Rd

2 underground storage tanks removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed.Investigation completed. SMAC

Green Montain Power Substation #51

Phase II site assesment discovered areas of petroleum contamination from transformers. Contamination likely originated from mineral oils in the transformers. No PCB contamination found. Approximately 200 tons of contaminated soils were excavated and disposed of at the Moretown Landfill. No groundwater was encountered during the excavation activities. Post-excavation soil samples were all below the VT Residential Soil Guideline of 200 ppm. All properties in this area are served by the municipal drinking water system. A nearby stream was inspected and sampled. No evidence of a petroleum impact was detected.

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20033136 Green Mountain College 1 College Circle Poultney SMAC Lynda Provencher 6/19/2003 0:00 8/7/2007 0:00

20033101 63 Cresent St Northfield SMAC Tim Cropley 4/8/2003 0:00 7/28/2008 0:00

20053396 Green Mountain Ford 17 Spruce Lane Dorset MED Ashley Desmond 7/20/2005 0:00

982403 Green Mountain Grocers Route 7 Pownal SMAC Unassigned 6/10/1998 0:00 8/1/1998 0:00

982561 Green Mountain Kenworth Rt 7 Shelburne SMAC Gerold Noyes ### 9/4/2001 0:00

921338 Route 11 Chester NFAP Quarterly Monitoring Ongoing Unassigned/mg 6/1/1994 0:00

870058 Bradford NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

770033 Bradford NFAP Unassigned

As part of an approved Corrective Action Plan, approximately 975 tons of soils were excavated and transported to MTS in Chichester, NH. In addition, 103 tons of previously stockpiled soil was also transported for proper disposal. The CAP work occurred in the summer, 2005. Groundwater monitoring wells will be reinstalled and sampled by EPA Method 8270.

Green Mountain Family Practice

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation and clean-up being performed under Site Investigation Expressway. MW monitoring and maintenance of discharge permit performed until below VGES. MWs properly abandoned and site work complete.

Investigation found elevated levels of petroleum compounds in water sample collected from drywell. Further investigation proceeding under the expressway program. Investigation completed in July 05 found VOC contamination across property (chloroethane) - further investigation needed to determine trends and source. Contamination appears unrelated to the dry well. 8/05

Groundwater enforcement standards met on entire site. Site closed.

UST removed. Contam found. Investigation completed. 1/2000 1 of 4 MWs above VGES for MTBE. 6/4/01 all MWs below VGES. SMAC

Green Mountain Log Homes

Green Mountain Metal Finishers

Green Mountain Metal Finishers

Nus Pa Recommends Ssi, Gw Monitoring Completed 1/90, Site Closed

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972174 Green Mountain Metals P O Box 63 Windsor SMAC Matt Moran 6/1/1997 0:00 ###

972325 Green Mountain Power Burlington SMAC Gerold Noyes 3/23/2007 0:00 7/11/2007 0:00770167 Green Mountain Power Wilmington NFAP Pcb Soils Cleanup, Site Closed Unassigned770152 Green Mountain Power Montpelier NFAP Pcb Soils Cleanup, Site Closed Unassigned870163 Green Mountain Power Winooski NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

911068 Green Mountain Power Montpelier NFAP Richard Spiese 12/1/1995 0:00

982562 Gallison Hill Rd Montpelier LOW Gerold Noyes ###

931511 Route 7 Pownal NFAP Ust Release Invest Complete, Well Not Impacted Matt Moran 12/1/1993 0:00 4/1/1995 0:00

890473 Green Mountain Railroad Chester NFAP Site Closed See 77-0178 Unassigned

951792 Route 14 Hardwick LOW Tami Wuestenberg900629 Green Mountain School Rt 15 Wolcott MED Ust Contamination. Landfarmed Soils. Unassigned

20093983 Camp Johnson Colchester LOW

Final GW sampling performed Fall '98. Limited PCS excavation summer '99. A Notice to the Land Records and a "Deed Restriction" have been emplaced.

Chase Mill Common

1997 Contam soil & transformers removed from site, no residual contamination identified,SMAC 1999. Site reopened following property transaction investigation. Substation decommissioned, soil removed, SMAC

Green Mountain Dr

Pcs Treatment Completed, Gw Naturally Attenuated-site Closed

Green Mountain Power Plant #4

Investigation of transformer repair shop complete. 12/8/99, 5/1/01, and 6/6/02 PCBs in groundwater above VGES. 10/17/00 and 7/17/02 soils excavated. SMAC after Notice to LR and MW closure

Green Mountain Race Track

Green Mountain Sanitation

Enviro Assess Complete,neg W/Enf Div Ongoing. No activity as of April 2006. Site is actively undergoing cleanup with enforcement division and solid waste section. Projected completion spring/summer 2009. Once that is complete, site will be eligible for closure.

Green Moutain Armory (Bldg 9)

Soils with Lead above the 400ppm threshold, in vicinity of Firing Range Louvre, are to be excavated. Notice to Land Record is anticipated.

Hugo Martinez Cazon

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992580 Barre Town MED Lynda Provencher 1/6/1999 0:00770178 Green Mt Railroad Chester Depot Chester MED Epa Removal Pa Completed 7/89 see 89-0473 Unassigned911120 Green Mtn College College St Poultney NFAP Awaiting Soil Status Unassigned 12/2/1992 0:00

900613 Green Mtn Power 128 Atkinson St Rockingham SMAC Richard Spiese 1/1/1990 0:00 11/5/2009 0:00890408 Green Mtn Power Wilmington NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

890321 Green Mtn Power Dog River Rd Berlin SMAC Landfarm Complete Site Closed Richard Spiese 1/1/1989 0:00890329 Greens Texaco Wilmington NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

20083837 Greensboro Garage 103 Breezy Ave Greensboro HIGH Richard Spiese 8/4/2008 0:00

931550 Greensboro Town Garage Garven Hill Rd Greensboro SMAC Unassigned 1/1/1994 0:00 4/17/1996 0:00

20053395 MED Michael Smith 7/1/2005 0:00770156 Greg's Automotive Barnet NFAP Waste Oil Soils Cleanup, Site Closed Unassigned

20023068 Grew Residence Woodstock SMAC Gerold Noyes 9/26/2002 0:00 5/3/2004 0:00

20023014 Griffiths Residence Stowe SMAC Gerold Noyes 6/11/2002 0:00 6/7/2006 0:00

931488 Grossmans Bartlett Bay Rd NFAP Unassigned 11/1/1993 0:00 5/1/1994 0:00

Green Mt Diesel (former Dubois Trucking)

894 South Barre Road

Traces of free product in three monitoring wells. Adsorbent socks in the wells to be checked annually. Next sampling event will be Fall, 2009. Once free product is no longer present and contaminants below VTGWES, site will be eligible for SMAC.

New Mw's At Site Installed in 90. Levels just above VGEWs. Letter with regression analysis in 2009 led to SMACing site.

Petroleum vapors in home next to Grrensboro Garage. Northern Petroleum USTs removed in 1991. REA hired under State Contract to identify source.

Invest Completed,quarterly Sampling For One Year

Greers Dry Cleaning Dorset Street

South Burlington

3705 Noah Wood Rd

UST removed. Soil contam found & excavated Bedrock 5-7' 2 MWs dry. 3/31/03 1 MW 2 ppb xylene, 1 MW dry. Supply well ND. SMAC

3630 Mountain Rd

UST removed. Soil contam removed by excavation. No impact to supply well. Manage soil stockpile only. SMAC

South Burlington

Further Define Degree And Extent Of Contam To Gw

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20063579 Groton Fire Dept Groton LOW Lynda Provencher 7/25/2006 0:00

900509 Groton Garage Route 302 Groton SMAC Unassigned 6/30/1998 0:00

900555 Groton General Store Main St. Groton SMAC Unassigned 7/29/1990 0:00 ###

20073709 Groton Town Garage Groton SMAC Gerold Noyes 9/6/2007 0:00 8/25/2008 0:00

941563 Grove St Rutland City LOW Linda Elliott 3/1/1994 0:00

962046 Guays B P 84 Main St Barton LOW Gerold Noyes 8/1/1996 0:00

1476 Scott Highway

1,000 gallon fuel oil UST removed in July, 2006. Heavy petroleum sheening and fuel oil globules found in bottom of excavation as well as in downgradient test pit. Several groundwater monitoring wells and soil borings were drilled and sampled. Most wells contained non -detect levels of contaminants, with the exception of one which had very low levels of petroleum compounds. All neighboring wells sampled and do not have petroleum contaminants. Most recent sampling event indicates non detect levels of contaminants in all groundwater monitoring wells. Consultant recommended SMAC; SMS concurred, once onsite monitoring wells are properly abandoned according to Water Supply Rule, Chapter 21, Section 12.3.5.

No impact from release on Wells river. Site closed.

Groundwater MWs silted in. During removal of newer UST in 2004, no petroleum cont. noted on GW and one MW was removed. The remaining two MWs were removed after confirming that there was no cont. in the vicinity.

2681 Scott Highway

2 USTs removed. Contam found. ISI complete. Confirmatory GW samples below VGES. SMAC

Grove St Stewarts Ice Cream

Quarterly ground water monitoring. GWES exceedances in source area. No offsite receptors impacted or threatened. June 2008-closure of UST system.

USTs removed, contam found investigation complete, 14 years intermittant GW monitoring, 5/03 1 of 4 MWs above VGES. MWs closed. Notice to Land Records. 6/05, 8/06 not ready, resample 2007 SMAC after soil stockpile mgt. complete

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951928 Guays General Repair LOW Soil monitoring is ongoing. (8/26/99) Unassigned

962058 Guilford Central School School Rd Guilford MED Tim Cropley 3/1/1996 0:00

921218 Guilford Country Store Rt 5 Guilford LOW Ashley Desmond 5/11/1992 0:00

20063505 Guilford Sewer Line Guilford SMAC Tami Wuestenberg 8/1/1997 0:00 3/22/2006 0:00

890460 Guilford Town Garage Guilford NFAP Lynda Provencher 9/1/1993 0:00

20002781 Guillettes Service Station 312 Pleasant St Newport City SMAC Richard Spiese 5/31/2000 0:00 1/31/2001 0:00

20093974 Gulseth Residence 18 Pleasant St Proctor MED Ashley Desmond 7/23/2009 0:00890373 Gunnersons Orwell NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

931491 Gurshick Brothers Realty Pittsford SMAC Unassigned 11/1/1993 0:00 3/5/2001 0:00

Route 100, Cross Rd

Newport Town

Solvent Contam Found In Water Supply. Invest found no source. Continued sampling as required by Water Supply Div.

Investigations conducted in early 1990s in relation to a UST release. Site was closed in 1994 after site investigation/monitoring. Site was reopened in 2008 following removal of a petroleum UST. Contamination was speculated to be from tanks removed in 1992. Recent groundwater monitoring shows slight exceedances of VGES. Semiannual monitoring will be continued to track contaminant levels until they fall below enforcement standards.

Route 5/Mill Road

Contamination found during sewer line work along Route 5 and Mill Road; 150 cubic yards of petroleum contaminated soils stockpiled; MtBE found in several water supplies in vicinity; PCF paid for one replacement well; no source ever identified; soil stockpile thinspread in 1999. No RP, no further work requested. SMAC'd site March 2006.

Guildford Center Rd.

Site Assess Complete, Sensitive Receptors Not Impacted

UST removed and contamination found. Investigation showed no GW contamination.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Expressway investigation underway.

Truck Rt To Florence

SMAC status pending further soil disposal information from owner, which was requested in a letter dated March 4, 1996. Kenneth Gurschick confirmed soils were spread in letter 02/28/2001. SMAC

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20073672 Gwatkin Residence Westmore SMAC Ashley Desmond 7/11/2007 0:00 ###

931413 H A Eddy Oil Co 148 Spruce St Rutland City LOW Bob Haslam 7/1/1993 0:00

982431 H A Manosh Morristown SMAC Gerold Noyes 4/29/1998 0:00 1/30/2006 0:00

951809 Route 110 Chelsea SMAC Unassigned 9/1/1995 0:00 8/9/2005 0:00

890368 H O Taylor Chevrolet Newbury SMAC Ashley Desmond 7/1/1989 0:00 ###

951900 H-our Mart Inc 257-263 West St Rutland City LOW Ready for cleanup. Matthew Becker 1/1/1995 0:00

20053384 Habitat House Hinesburg SMAC Tami Wuestenberg 5/25/2005 0:00 2/3/2006 0:00

425 Goodwin Mountian Lane

Contamination discovered at this site following the removal of a fuel oil UST. LAG conducted an initial site investigation at the property which included the installation of four monitoring wells. No detectable levels of VOCs or TPH was discovered in the wells, and no VOCs were detected in the onsite drinking water supply well. Monitoring wells have been properly abandoned.

2 sites. Remediation Complete And Monitoring Ongoing

120 Northgate Plaza

UST removed. Contam found. Investigation completed. Limited soil contamination at UST & pump island. GW not present. SMAC

H A Sanborn And Son Realty

Groundwater monitoring showed no contamination. Wells closed. Site SMACed on 8/9/2005.

Railroad St, Rt 302

Multiple underground storage tanks removed from the ground since late 80's. Contamination discovered. Site investigation activites conducted in the Fall of 2005 showed very minor levels of contamination remaining at the property. SMS required an additional monitoring round be conducted to establsh the trend in contaminant levels. No groundwater found in MW-1 during follow-up sampling. Soils from the nearby river bank were analyzed and showed no detectable VOCs. This site is served by municipal water and sewer. Onsite building is slab on-grade. Monitoring wells have been properly closed.

1/1/1900 12:00:00 AM

607 Birchwood Lane

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed. First letter sent in July 05. AD Requested additional well and another WQ round fall 2005. No GW exceedences; Wells closed, SMACd site.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (188)

900610 Habro Mobil Killington HIGH Lynda Provencher

951817 Halifax Town Garage Branch Town Rd Halifax LOW Req Annual sampling, next round Spring1999 John Schmeltzer 9/1/1995 0:00

20053426 Hall Property Ayers Farm Rd Stowe SMAC Ashley Desmond 8/25/2005 0:00 1/10/2006 0:00

20023070 Halstead Residence 1340 Penny Lane Danville SMAC Gerold Noyes 11/5/2002 0:00 4/3/2003 0:00

20093993 Hamel Residence Hyde Park MED Ashley Desmond 6/6/2009 0:00

20043209 Hamelin Property South Street Troy HIGH Matt Moran 5/5/2004 0:00

20002841 Hameline Residence 3 Quail Run SMAC Unassigned 8/11/2000 0:00 1/24/2001 0:00

Killington Access Road

Pay for Performance Agreement signed on October 8, 2002. Remediation occured via soil vapor extraction and air sparging. PfP was terminated in December, 2005. Contaminants are present in seep located on bank of Roaring Brook. Groundwater contaminants decreasing over time but still above Vermont Groundwater Enforcement Standards. Verterre is conducting an assessment to determine possible impact to Roaring Brook from seeps. Next groundwater sampling event should occur in May, 2009.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Expressway isi conducted by REA. No petroleum compounds detected in 4 onsite monitoring wells or the drinking water supply well.

1 gas & 1 fuel oil UST removed. Contam found at gas UST. Soil sample ND. No GW. SMAC

112 Oakwood Drive

Underground storage tank removed. Small spill occurred during this process. After the removal of 1.5 cubic yards of contaminated soil, it appeared that no significant contamination remained. SMAC will be issued when soils are disposed.

Petroleum UST contamination found during access order investigation May 5, 2004. Seeking offsite investigation under state contract. To negotiating access issues with owner.

South Burlington

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation completed. Soils removed from site. Site Smac 1/24/2001

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (189)

20043305 Hamilton Residence 45 Roberts Ave Rutland City SMAC Ashley Desmond ### ###

20002795 Hamlin Residence Burlington SMAC Gerold Noyes 7/7/2000 0:00 6/28/2001 0:00

20063544 Hammond Residence Stowe SMAC Ashley Desmond 5/1/2006 0:00 10/9/2006 0:00

20023060 Hammond Residence Brookfield SMAC Richard Spiese ### 7/18/2005 0:00

20093959 Hammond Residence Springfield SMAC Ashley Desmond 5/21/2009 0:00 8/25/2009 0:00

770103 11 Morse Drive Essex LOW Brian Woods

20063595 Hanco*ck Residence Hinesburg SMAC Ashley Desmond 9/14/2006 0:00 ###

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. WEM conducted site investigation. SMS recommended another sampling round take place in June 2005. Received confirmation that soiils had been properly disposed of in June of 2003. Additional sampling in June 2005 found no contamination. Wells properly closed.

34 Henderson Terrace

UST closed in place. Contamination found. Investigation complete. No impact to GW. Contaminated soils excavated. SMAC

500 North Hill Rd

Underground storage tankremoved. Limited contamination found in tank area. Degree and extent of contamination appears to have been defined and removed from this area. Sample from the onsite well showed no evidence of VOC contamination.

#3 Montgomery Road

PCS found in cellar hole. Suspected to be from an AST. Investigation initiated. Site under expressway. Soils excavated, treated, and thin spread. GWESs met.

13 Lockwood Ave

Contamination discovered during the removal of a heating oil UST. After removal of about 14 tons of contaminated soil, full extent of contamination had been defined. Confirmatory soil samples taken from the excavation showed no detection of VOCs. Soils were disposed of at ESMI in Loudon, NH.

Hampden Color And Chemical

Annual monitoring of residual PCE in groundwater.

291 Birchwood Drive

Underground storage tank removed. EPS VT proceeded to remove petroleum contaminated soils in the source area. Two confirmatory samples taken post-excavation show that the full extent of petroleum contamination was removed. This property and adjacent properties are served by the municipal drinking water system.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (190)

982518 Hand Chevrolet Manchester MED Gerold Noyes 6/6/2003 0:00

931470 Handy Dodge Toyota 39 S Main St LOW Linda Elliott 10/1/1993 0:00

941676 Handy's Texaco Burlington MED Matt Moran 9/1/1994 0:00

962002 Handys Townhouse Motel SMAC Unassigned 6/1/1996 0:00 6/18/1996 0:00

982394 Hanley Station Main St Bradford SMAC Richard Spiese 1/1/1998 0:00 5/4/2004 0:00

20083860 Hannafords MED Ashley Desmond 8/29/2008 0:00

20073650 Hansen Property 5 West St Montpelier SMAC Ashley Desmond 5/3/2007 0:00 5/31/2007 0:00

Route 7 and Route 11/30

USTs removed. Limited soil excavation. No GW investigation, SMAC 2/12/99. Reopened following road work, 6/6/03. 8/8/03 extensive soil contam, minimal impact to GW, confirm spring 2004

St Albans City

Annual Groundwater Monitoring. Exceedances of several compounds in onsite wells. Stable to declining trend. Next round Spring 20076.

South Winooski Ave

UST contamination. Initial site investigation completed. Ongoing FP recovery and semiannual monitoring of gasoline and diesel releases in 2008.

1330 Shelburne Rd

South Burlington

Ust Removed, Limited Soil Contam Found And Disposed Of

Underground Storage Tank Removed. Contamination Found. Investigation showed limited GW and soil contamination. Notice to land record and SMAC.

929 Shelburne Rd

South Burlington

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed.

Underground storage tank closed in place. Contamination found. IECS installed two groundwater monitoring points around the tank and found no significant groundwater contamination. A water sample taken from within the tank had minor levels of contamination. All nearby buildings are served by the municipal drinking water system. Screening of the indoor air revealed no elevated readings. Monitoring wells have been properly abandoned.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (191)

911128 Haps Service Station Rt 100 Waitsfield LOW Tami Wuestenberg 10/1/1991 0:00

770074 Harbour Industries Route 7 Shelburne LOW Linda Elliott 5/1/1994 0:00

770130 Harbour Industries Colchester Cercla Nfrap. SMAC Linda Elliott 10/1/1997 0:00770105 Hardwick Electric Route 14 Hardwick MED Awaiting Site Investigation Report Unassigned

962091 Hardwick Motors Inc Wolcott St Hardwick LOW Richard Spiese 9/1/1996 0:00

972221 Hardwick SMAC Unassigned 7/1/1997 0:00 4/1/1999 0:00

20023036 Harmer Residence 68 Sunny Hill Rd Springfield SMAC Gerold Noyes 7/26/2002 0:00 6/6/2007 0:00

931389 Harriman Station Harriman Station Readsboro SMAC Contaminated Soil Excavated Lynda Provencher 1/1/1997 0:00 1/1/1998 0:00

20043188 Harriman Substation Readsboro SMAC Michael Smith 5/31/2002 0:00 1/18/2005 0:00

911114 Harrington's Richmond Rt 2 Richmond NFAP Unassigned 5/21/1992 0:00

911115 Harrington's Shelburne Rt 7 Shelburne NFAP Unassigned 5/21/1992 0:00

12/00: Gw Monitoring Twice A Year; spring and fall; December 2005 installed three new wells to beter define plume; CAFI completed 2006; GW event to occur early 2007; Additional site characterization early 2007 to aid in CAP development; may do large scale soil excavation summer 2007. 06/09 - Soil excavation complete. Reduced contaminant concentration. Currently on annual gw monitoring schedule.

Cercla NFRAP 1994. UST piping replacement work in 1997. Additional investigation in 2003 detected elevated levels of chlorinated compounds. Semi-Annual groundwater monitoring to track plume. Next round March 2010.

73-74 Hegeman Drive


Annual monitoring of on site wells needed to track variations in groundwater quality.

Hardwick Wastewater Treatment Plant

Rt 15, Wolcott Rd

Investigation completed. No groundwater contamination. Site closed.

UST tank removed, contam found, investigatn complete 12/02 tank pit MW w/FP, other 3 MWs ND, 5 & 9/03, 4/04, 4/05, 4/06 tank pit MW above VGES 5/07 tank pit MW below VGES, SMAC

Soil sampled, excavated and removed. No groundwater encountered. Additional site investigation recommended. Investigation completed, notice to the deed, SMAC 25 Jan 2005

Site Assessment Showed Potential Contamination.

Site Assessment Showed Potential Contamination.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (192)

20043297 Harrison Residence 91 High St SMAC Ashley Desmond 11/3/2004 0:00 ###900627 Harrowsmith Charlotte NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

941568 Harrys Discount Store Berlin NFAP Unassigned 3/1/1994 0:00 12/1/1995 0:00

880201 Harrys Hardware Cabot LOW Gerold Noyes 2/20/2001 0:00

20093919 Hart & Brown Residence Killington MED Bob Haslam 5/4/2009 0:00

931486 Hart And Mead Texaco Route 116 Hinesburg MED 11/1/1993 0:00

982477 Hartford Bus Garage Highland Ave Hartford SMAC Lynda Provencher 9/17/1998 0:00 5/27/1999 0:00

20063565 Hartford DPW Garage Airport Rd Hartford SMAC Gerold Noyes 5/26/2006 0:00 11/9/2007 0:00

931546 Hartford Engineering Inc Hartford NFAP Determine Degree And Extent Of Contamination Unassigned 1/1/1994 0:00 3/1/1994 0:00

992595 Hartford Grammar School 49 School St Hartford SMAC Linda Elliott 3/26/1999 0:00 8/13/1999 0:00

992727 Hartford Mini Mart 191 Main St Hartford MED Sarah A. Bartlett ###

20002770 Hartford Oil Company Hartford MED Gerold Noyes 6/16/2000 0:00

972275 Hartford Town Garage 173 Airport Rd Hartford SMAC Gerold Noyes 10/1/1997 0:00 9/15/1999 0:00

921275 Hartford Woolen Co 516 Mill Rd Hartford NFAP Groundwater Monitoring Completed, Site Closed Unassigned 7/7/1993 0:00

St Albans City

Underground storage tank rclosed in place. Contamination found. EPS conducted gw investigation at the property. No significant contamination discovered outside of tank grave.

Barre/Montpelier Rd

Site Investigation Completed. Minimal Impact To G W.

1988 UST removed. Contam found. Site Closed 1990. Site reopened 2/01 following utility work. Low level contam up gradient. See also 90-0624, SMAC AFTER MW CLOSE

159 Tanglewood Drive

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed.

1/1/1900 12:00:00 AM

Sparging CAP proposed and accepted. Public Comment period finished. Installation expected Summer2002

Hugo Martinez Cazon

Soil properly disposed. VTGWES met on entire site.

Re-opened Site 19972275. Leaking dispenser. No impact to GW. SMAC

15 V A, Cutoff Rd

Underground storage tank removed. No additional work requested.

Underground tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation underway.

90 Prospect Street

Contam found during a phase I/II ESA. ISI complete. 8/25/00 3/7 MWs above VGES. 8/16/01 2/6 MWs above VGES. 10/27/01 1 MW above VGES, FP in 1 MW, 5 ND. 4/29/02 2 MWs above VGES, 1 below VGES 2 ND

Ust removed. Contamination found. Benzene above VGES in monitor well. 5/11/99 benzene below VGES, SMAC reopened 9/6/06 see 2006-3565

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20073659 128 Rte 12 Hartland MED Ashley Desmond 5/11/2007 0:00

20022963 Hartland Water Supplies Hartland HIGH Bob Haslam

900604 Hartness Ave. Bulk Plant Hartness Avenue Springfield LOW Richard Spiese 1/1/1990 0:00

921336 Hartness House Inn 30 Orchard St Springfield SMAC Site Investigation Complete, Site Closed. Unassigned 11/1/1996 0:00

880239 Duxbury NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

20053365 Haslam Residence 48 Pike St Stowe SMAC Unassigned 5/4/2005 0:00 1/4/2006 0:00

20022983 Hathorn Hill Woodstock SMAC John Schmeltzer 4/12/2002 0:00 8/6/2004 0:00921263 Hauke Building Supply 1099 North Ave Burlington NFAP Closed 7/31/92 Unassigned/mg 7/31/1992 0:00

20002744 Haulenbeek Property Hinesburg MED Bob Haslam

20083809 1-2 Canal St Vergennes MED Phase I Nov. 30, 2007 Phase II September 2008 Matthew Becker ###

880229 Hay's Texaco Route 15 Hardwick LOW Richard Spiese 1/1/1988 0:00

Hartland Post Office Property

3 underground storage tanks removed. Contamination found. Investigation was conducted by Harper Environmental. Dissolved contamination appears to be focused around former pump island. Followup sampling to be performed Summer, 2008.

37 drinking water supply wells contaminated with MTBE. Source identification has been completed. POETS installed, monitoring is ongoing.

Site Assessment Completed. Monitoring Ongoing.

Harwood Union High School

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Expressway form received - Investigation Report shows no GW impacts.

Hathorn Hill Condo Unit #1 & #2

petroleum concentration in outflow from foundation drain below water quality standards.

1195 Baldwin Road

Drinking water supply contaminated with petroleum compounds. State lead site investigation started 3/00. Replacement water supply installed.

Haviland Shade Roller Mill and Annex

Expanded remedial system installed to remediate the third UST release. Remedial system in shut down phase. GW at site continues to improve. Sampling at Semi-Annual frequency.

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962026 Hayes Ford 987 E Main St Newport City SMAC Tim Cropley 6/1/1996 0:00 3/11/2004 0:00

951775 Haynes And Kane Inc Bennington MED Matt Moran 5/1/1995 0:00

992665 Haystack Golf Club 70 Spyglass Rd Wilmington MED Unassigned 8/15/1999 0:00

911145 Haystack Ski Area Access Rd Wilmington LOW Richard Spiese 1/1/1991 0:00

931405 Hazelett Strip Casting Colchester SMAC Michael Smith 1/25/2005 0:00

962120 Healds Garage 2 Beaman St Poultney MED Unassigned 12/1/1996 0:00

20073655 10 Lincoln St Springfield MED Ashley Desmond 5/11/2007 0:00

20063598 Heaney Property 132 Myrick View Dorset SMAC Ashley Desmond 9/19/2006 0:00 6/6/2008 0:00

900514 Heaslip Bulk Plant Depot Street Manchester SMAC Richard Spiese 1/1/1990 0:00 2/4/2009 0:00

992648 Heath Property Cabot SMAC Gerold Noyes 7/21/1999 0:00 2/25/2000 0:00

Annual groundwater monitoring complete. Contaminant levels below VGES for consecutive sampling events. MWs properly abandoned on 3/4/2004.

215 Benmont Ave

Heating oil UST release. No free product noted since 1996. Annual GW sampling, next round 6/2006. PAHs detected that may be from upgradient MGP site.

Heating oil tank spill. Remediation completed. Monitoring ongoing.

Contam. Found During Property Transfer. Invest Complete. Limited Remedia

217 Lakeshore Drive

Low Level Metal Contamination To Gw. Annual Monitoring. Groundwater below standards 2004, SMAC 25 Jan 2005

SMS requested in a June 25, 1997 letter that the owner hire a consultant to determine the degree and extent of contamination on this site. As of this update, there has been no response and no further activity in this file. (8/25/99)

Health Care & Rehabilitation Services

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed. First letter has been sent to RP.

Release detected during the closure of a UST. Minor soil contamination detected during ISI. No groundwater was present to a depth of 23 feet. Contamination appears to be restricted to the vadose zone soils in the immediate vicinity of the former tank. A sample taken from the nearby community well had no detects for VOCs. Single monitoring well was abandoned by AGS.

Remediation Complete. GW Monitoring Under State Contract completed. Site SMACed.

Corner Main and Elm Sts

Abandoned UST removed. Minor soil contamination found. No groundwater encountered. SMAC

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20022957 Heindel and Noyes Office SMAC Brian Woods ### 9/17/2002 0:00

982545 Heise Property Route 2 North Hero SMAC Mike Young ### 3/30/2000 0:00

961968 Cox District Rd Woodstock SMAC John Schmeltzer 4/1/1996 0:00 9/1/1997 0:00

20023062 Hemley Residence 452 S Willard St Burlington SMAC Gerold Noyes 11/4/2002 0:00 2/11/2008 0:00

972195 Hemmings Sunoco Bennington LOW Richard Spiese 4/1/1997 0:00

931462 Hendrickson Residence Bushey Rd Washington SMAC Bob Haslam 9/1/1993 0:00 12/1/1997 0:00

911089 Hendy Brothers Rt 7 N Middlebury MED Ashley Desmond

20002752 Heney Family Building 5 E State St Montpelier SMAC Gerold Noyes 1/4/2000 0:00 1/22/2001 0:00870173 Henney Montpelier NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

434 Shelburne Rd

South Burlington

1000 gal fuel oil underground storage tank removed in December 2001. Supplemental investigation revealed little to no contamination. Monitoring wells will be maintained by site owner. SMAC.

UST Removed. Investigation Completed. GWES met on site.

Helms Property (former Lindgren Property

No Further Monitoring Req, Contam Concentrations Below Vges

UST removed. Contam found. Investigation complete. 1/03, 4/03, 6/04 1 of 4 MWs above VGES, 3 ND; GW levels declining. Annual sample. 6/07 4 MWs ND, SMAC

216 West Main St

GWES exceeded in two monitor wells, maintain semiannual groundwater monitoring schedule

Site Investigation Complete. Land Record Notice. Site Closed.

Monitoring complete. Required to close wells, but paved over them since.

UST removed from basem*nt. Contamination found. 1 soil boring, limited soil excavation, vapor barrier, and concrete cap. SMAC

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (196)

20073642 Henrich Residence Killington MED Ashley Desmond 2/27/2007 0:00

921254 Henry Transportation Inc Rt 5 Guilford NFAP Lynda Provencher 10/1/1996 0:00

931480 Alburg SMAC Unassigned 10/1/1993 0:00 12/1/1997 0:00

941604 Henzel Residence Stowe NFAP Unassigned 5/1/1994 0:00 11/1/1994 0:00

20063511 Herber Residence Hubbardton SMAC Tami Wuestenberg 4/4/2006 0:00 ###900542 Herbert Gray Hartford NFAP Site Closed Unassigned900577 Herbert Walker Depot St Manchester NFAP Site Closed 12/5/91 Brian Woods 12/5/1991 0:00

951912 79 River St Montpelier SMAC Site Invest Complete, No Gw Impact. Unassigned 12/1/1995 0:00 6/1/1996 0:00

837 Cricket Hill Rd.

Contamination discovered during the removal of an heating oil UST. Initial sampling revealed minimal contamination in source area and heavier contamination under the slab of the residence. There does not appear to be any indoor air impacts at this time. A sample taken from the onsite bedrock water supply well showed elevated levels of petroleum contaminants. Further assessment of the well revealed free product presence on the water table. Product was bailed from the well, and did not return after approx. 1 month of sampling. A new water supply well was installed at the property, and the old well was abandoned. Samples taken from the new supply well showed no detectable levels of petroleum contaminants. Additionall indoor air investigation will be conducted at the site to determine if contaminated soils below the house will need to be treated.

G W Contam Below Enforcement Standards, Soil Treated & Spread On Site

Henrys Sportsmans Cottages

Point Of The Tongue Rd

Stockpiled Soil Spread On Site, Invest Complete, Site Closed.

3068 Mountain Rd

Site Closed, Residence Hooked Up To Public Water Supply

6826 Monument Hill Rd

AST tipped over. Plume extends in and around front of house. 80 yards contaminated soils removed. Air purifying units installed inside and underneath residence. Site Investigation underway. No GW impact. One more round of sensitive receptor sampling to occur - if all ND site will be SMACd (07/06). Site SMACd.

Heritage Building - Leahy Press

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (197)

921318 Route 7 MED Lynda Provencher

992688 Heritage Property 4 the Green Woodstock SMAC Gerold Noyes 8/5/1999 0:00 1/31/2000 0:00

20043269 Hermansky Residence 9 - 11 Church St Bennington SMAC Tami Wuestenberg 8/26/2004 0:00 ###

900621 Hershberg Hercules Dr Colchester SMAC Richard Spiese 12/8/2000 0:00

20023000 23 King St Burlington SMAC Lynda Provencher 5/27/2002 0:00 ###

20083888 Herttua Residence 1801 E Main St Richmond MED Tim Cropley ###

921313 LOW Linda Elliott

Heritage Ford (formerly Nordic Ford)

South Burlington

Verterre conducted soil boring to further define soil contamination so that an excavation could be done. The soil borings indicated significant contamination in the tank pit down to a depth of 15' and found globules of product in some borings. They were going to do an investigation to determine the feasibility of excavation, plus other technologies which may address the contamination. However, due to declined revenues and elevated expenditures of the PCF, this work has been put on hold. A letter was sent to the RP on July 1, 2009.

UST removed. Contamination found. Investigation completed. 1 yd contam soil sent off site. Lab test confirm no soil impact. GW not encountered during tank pull. SMAC

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed. No GW contamination or sensitive receptor impacts found. Site SMAC'd.

Site SMACed with residual contamination around where USTs were left in place. Notice to land record.

Hershberg Property (Good News Garage)

Underground storage tanks removed; no groundwater encountered; soil samples indicated no contaminants above detection limits; no drinking water wells in the area.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed.

Hertz Rent A Car/National Car

Burlington Intrntnl Airport

South Burlington

Annual groundwater monitoring. Groundwater Enforcement Standard exceedances in several wells. Slight decline in contaminant concentrations. Next round scheduled for Fall 2009.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (198)

20022969 High Spirits Redemption Route 12 Bethel SMAC Unassigned ### 7/29/2004 0:00

900560 High Street Brattleboro LOW Sve Shutdown Smac Monitoring Begun Richard Spiese 1/1/1990 0:00

982421 High St St Johnsbury LOW Lynda Provencher 6/17/1998 0:00870149 Highgate Commons St Albans NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

890317 Highgate Village Mobil Route 78 Highgate LOW Bob Haslam

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed. See also Closed Site #890305 Investigation requested 2/21/2002 Site Investigation report received 5/04. No further investigation needed. Recommended SMAC upon receipt of proper well closure. (C. Crehan, 7/1/04) Well closure reports received. SMAC designation issued. (C. Crehan, 8/11/04)

Green and High St

High Street Transfer Station

Groundwater contaminants in two wells are over standards for volatile organic compounds (EPA Method 8260). Also, the most downgradient well, MW-2S, contains lead in excess of standards. The site will be monitored on a semi-annual basis for two years to determine if it is then eligible for a SMAC.

Remediation complete, monitoring ongoing. No indoor air or drinking water supply impacts remain

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20063542 Hill Property Isle La Motte SMAC Ashley Desmond 5/2/2006 0:00 5/22/2008 0:00

20053436 Hill Street Right of Way 15 Hill St Danville SMAC Ashley Desmond 9/19/2005 0:00 2/10/2006 0:00890305 Hill's Gulf Bethel NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

20073689 Hill-Martin Corporation Barre City SMAC NLR Book 255 Pgs 164-165 Matthew Becker 9/11/2007 0:00 ###

20073656 Hillcrest Trucking Fairfax SMAC Bob Haslam 6/6/2007 0:00 ###

306 East Shore Rd

Contamination discovered during the closure of a heating oil UST. Five groundwater monitoring wells were advanced around the tank area. No significant contamination encountered at these points. Groundwater monitoring showed an elevated level of benzene in one of the wells, which fell to levels just above the VGES over the course of the monitoring process. This is most likely related to a small gasoline release unrelated to the former underground tank. Four drinking water samples taken from the onsite water supply well showed no detectable levels of petroleum-related compounds. It appears that the bulk of petroleum contaminated soil and groundwater is focused in the immediate vicinity of the closed UST.

Underground storage tank removed between 15 and 23 Hill St. Tank found during cable burial by CVPS. Tank was in Town right of way. REA conducted site investigation and found no significant contamination in tank grave vicnity. NO groundwater encountered at the site to depths up to 18.5 feet below grade. Contaminant migration along utility corridors considered to be minor.

450 North Main Street

104 Huntsville Rd

Pump malfunction. 2000 gal diesel discharged to drainage ditch. Ditch runs to neighbors field. Soil excavation completed, bedrock monitoring wells installed. Monitoring now completed. SMAC 12/2008

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972262 Hillikers Store SMAC Sarah A. Bartlett 10/1/1997 0:00 ###

941609 Sias Ave Newport City MED Unassigned 5/1/1994 0:00

992716 Hillside Motor Sports 1341 Route 14 Hartford SMAC Gerold Noyes ### 9/20/2000 0:00

921290 Hilltop Farm Mansion Hilltop Rd Andover NFAP Lynda Provencher 10/1/1995 0:00

911029 Hilltop Texaco Route 7 Colchester HIGH John Schmeltzer

20023035 Himes Property Calais SMAC Gerold Noyes 8/20/2002 0:00 11/4/2003 0:00

982370 Rt 116 Hinesburg SMAC Linda Elliott 4/1/1998 0:00 2/24/2000 0:00

992676 Hinesburg Sand & Gravel 14818 Route 116 Hinesburg SMAC Site SMACed August 2001. Bruce Linton 8/18/1999 0:00 8/22/2001 0:00

Jct Routes 100 & 105

Newport Town

Three USTs (two gasoline, one diesel) removed from property in October 1997. ISI conducted January 2004 – three soil borings advanced and sampled for VOCs and TPH. Max PID reading of 141 ppm at approximately 10 ft bgs in boring corresponding to former gasoline UST area. None of the samples contained TPH in excess of laboratory method detection limits, or VOCs in excess of Region IX residential or industrial PRGs. On-site backup water supply well unaffected, indoor air unaffected.

Hillside Elementary School

Regular sampling by consultant stopped without explanation in August of 1996. As of this update, there has been no activity in this file since.

UST removed. Contamination found. Investigation completed. Minor soil impact remediated by excavation. No groundwater encountered. SMAC

Site Assess Complete, Gw No Longer Impacted, Soil Spread On Site

03/08: Remediation has been terminated; however, monitoring is still ongoing.

272 Bliss Pond Rd

UST removed. Investigation complete. Residual soil contam in UST pit. Groundwater not found. Soil stockpile mgmt required. SMAC

Hinesburg Elementary School

3 Fuel Oil USTs removed. Groundwater monitoring complete. Soils treated. Site eligible for SMAC.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (201)

20053342 Hobbs Residence Cambridge SMAC Ashley Desmond 10/1/2004 0:00 4/29/2008 0:00

921187 Hodgdon Brothers Rt 5 Weathersfield LOW Unassigned

770140 Hodgdon Brothers Inc Weathersfield NFAP Unassigned

900498 Hodgdon's Service Route 102 Guildhall SMAC Matt Moran 4/1/1996 0:00 5/1/1997 0:00

20073733 Hoehn Residence Burlington SMAC Ashley Desmond 11/2/2007 0:00 12/5/2008 0:00

1599 Cody Hill Rd

Release at this property originated from a pinhole leak in the AST piping. SVE system implemented at this site to remediate the source area. The most recent groundwater monitoring results show no detection of any VOCs above the method detection levels. SVE system and monitoring wells have been decommissioned. Samples taken from the onsite drinking water supply well were non-detect for VOCs. The garage adjacent to the release area was screened for volatile substances using a PID and showed no elevated readings.

Semi-annual Groundwater Monitoring Was site #770140

Site Investigated, No Contamination Detected, Site Closed.Reopened as Site 921187.

Gasoline free product from UST release now absent. Compliance points established. Site Closed.

273 South Prospect St

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. ATC conducted additional site work and found no evidence of groundwater contamination. Residual contamination appears to be restricted to the immediate vicinity of the former tank.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (202)

20073679 Hoffman Residence Peru SMAC Ashley Desmond 5/17/2007 0:00 10/5/2007 0:00

20053462 Hoffman Residence 39 Academy St Barre City SMAC Ashley Desmond ### ###

931556 Hogback Mountain Route 8 Marlboro NFAP Unassigned 1/1/1994 0:00 8/1/1995 0:00

384 Rock Bottom Lane

Contamination discovered during the removal of a heating oil UST. Peak PID readings recorded at 4 feet below grade. Approximately 14 tons of soil was removed and transported to ESMI for disposal. Excavation reached a depth of 10 feet below grade. Confirmatory samples taken from the water supply well and the tank grave showed no detectable VOCs. TPH was detected in the tank grave at a concentration of 76 parts per million. Groundwater and bedrock encountered at the limits of the excavation. PID screening of the indoor air showed no detectable readings.

Minor amount of contamination discovered during the closure of a #2 fuel oil UST. No groundwater encountered at the property during the UST closure or soil boring investigation, which reached a depth of 27 feet below grade. Soil samples taken from the bottom of each soil boring had no petroleum contaminants exceeding the EPA Region IX PRGs. Indoor air showed no evidence of petroleum vapors using a PID. All properties in the immediate vicinity are served by municipal water.

Site Invest Complete, No Gw Impact,pcs Thin Spread

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (203)

20073657 VT Route 9 Marlboro SMAC Ashley Desmond 6/19/2007 0:00 ###

20053403 Hogle Residence Danby SMAC Ashley Desmond 6/12/2005 0:00 6/12/2006 0:00

20012926 Holden Residence 88 Hemenway Rd Ludlow SMAC Sarah A. Bartlett 8/1/2001 0:00 7/24/2006 0:00

20094006 26 School St Holland MED Ashley Desmond ###

20053410 Holmsten Property 101 Zdon Rd Middlesex SMAC Ashley Desmond 7/25/2005 0:00 ###

Hogback Mountain Ski Area

Contamination discovered during a Phase I Site Assessment. Contamination originated from the former ski area operations. Various drums and ASTs were found to be improperly stored at the site, but have since been disposed of. Approximately 79 tons of contaminated soil was removed from the three contaminated areas identified, and properly disposed of at Maxmillian Technologies. Confirmatory samples taken from the three areas indicate that soil standards have been met. Residual contamination at this site poses very little risk to groundwater. There are no onsite drinking water supply wells.

2804 Tinmouth Rd

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Harper Environmental conducted si activities. No groundwater or soil contamination detected in any of the 5 monitoring points. Any residual contamiation appears to be restricted to the former tank area. Monitoring wells have been properly closed.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed. SI received June 04. MWs clean, no sensitive receptors impacted. SMACed 07/24/06.

Holland Elementary School

Contamination found during removal of heating oil UST. Letter send on 12/10/2010 requesting additional work. School opted to conduct the investigation through the Expressway process.

1/1/1900 12:00:00 AM

Underground storage tank removed. Most of the contaminated soil was removed from the tank grave and stockpiled onsite. No groundwater encountered in excavation to a depth of 14 feet. No positive PIDs in tank grave following excavation. Water supply sample was clean, and soils were properly disposed.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (204)

900650 Holy Cow Inc Middlebury NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

20063591 Holzworth Property 305 Route 78 Alburg SMAC Ashley Desmond 9/14/2006 0:00 7/6/2007 0:00

20043304 Honeymoon Farm Rt 125 Cornwall SMAC Gerold Noyes ### 2/21/2005 0:00890374 Hood Dairy Rt 7 St Albans NFAP Site Closed Bob Haslam 12/1/1992 0:00

921314 Hooker Residence Route 5 Walden NFAP Site Assess Complete, G W Has No Nd Levels Lynda Provencher 3/1/1995 0:00

911002 Hooper Residence Brattleboro SMAC 1/1/1991 0:00 1/1/1999 0:00

20063525 Horizon Inn Route 9 Wilmington SMAC Ashley Desmond 3/15/2006 0:00 2/5/2007 0:00

972141 Horseshoe Acres Box 206, R D 1 Andover SMAC Richard Spiese 1/1/1997 0:00 6/4/1998 0:00

Contamination discovered during the removal of a heating oil UST. It appears that the full extent of contaminated soil was removed from beneath the tank, as verified by confirmatory samples. Soils were disposed of at ESMI in Louden, NH. A sample taken from the onsite water supply well showed no evidence of petroleum contamination, though chlorine byproducts were detected (below VGES).

USTremoved. Contam found. Investigation complete no impact to GW. Farm dump investigated & cleaned up. SMAC

Sunset Lake Road

Contamination From Home Heating Oil Tank. Cleanup Complete

Unassigned/richard Spiese

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. SMS wrote first letter to RP requesting follow-up evaluation of receptors in the area, including the indoor air of the Inn and onsite water supply source. CTR returned to the site in October to conduct additional analysis. No VOCs were detected in the water supply well, nearby pond or the basem*nt of the residence. No further investigation recommended at this time.

Groundwater Enforcement Standards Met On Entire Site.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (205)

20033122 Hotel Coolidge 39 S Main St Hartford SMAC Ashley Desmond 5/12/2003 0:00 2/6/2009 0:00

20093955 Houle Residence 4 Oak Drive Barre City MED Ashley Desmond 5/18/2009 0:00

941602 House Of Pizza Route 15 Hardwick MED John Schmeltzer 5/1/1994 0:00

20063615 Houston Farm Cabot SMAC Ashley Desmond 11/7/2006 0:00 6/27/2008 0:00

Contamination detected during the in place closure of a heating oil UST. Four soil borings installed at the site to further define the extent of contamination. No volatile compounds detected in three of the four borings, though a reading of 1.1 ppm was detected at one point at a depth of 2 feet below grade at one location. No groundwater encountered during the closure process or subsurface investigation, which reached depths of 30 feet below grade. Indoor air spaces exhibited no petroleum odors. All properties in this area are served by the municipal drinking water system.

Underground storage tank closed in place. Contamination found. Investigation needed.

3/06: continue semi-annual sampling, with the next round in Spring 2006. Consultant will collect samples for water paraters, such as dissolve oxygen, metals, nitrates, etc. As part of the first phase of the corrective action feasibility investigation, these data will be used to form a baseline for evaluating the viability of bio-enhance remediation at the siite.

1455 Colts Pond Rd

Contamination discovered during the removal of a gasoline UST. Seven monitoring wells installed to further define the extent of contamination. Significant contamination identified in the source area, though this declined substantially over the course of three monitoring events. Two samples taken from the onsite drinking water supply well showed no detection of VOCs. Any residual contamination appears to be confined to the immediate vicinity of the former tank.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (206)

20012938 Howard Bank Main St Barton SMAC Unassigned 9/21/2001 0:00 4/12/2002 0:00

951821 Howard Bank 4 Main St Essex SMAC No Further Action Warrented. Site Closed. Unassigned/jf 6/1/1995 0:00 4/1/1996 0:00

911055 NFAP Richard Spiese 7/6/1992 0:00

941648 Howard Johnsons Rt 5 Hartford SMAC Mike Young 7/1/1994 0:00 8/17/1999 0:00

20012849 Howard Opera House 159 Bank Street Burlington LOW Lynda Provencher 12/1/2000 0:00

921341 Howe Cleaners Depot Square Barre SMAC Soils Disposed Of Off Site. Site Closed. Unassigned 1/1/1997 0:00870130 Howe Richardson Rutland City NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

770072 1 Scale Avenue Rutland City SMAC Bruce Linton 6/1/1981 0:00 8/21/2002 0:00

20043280 Howes Residence 16 Barberry Rd Topsham SMAC Marc Roy 5/17/2004 0:00 ###

20083797 Hubbard's Store 38 VT Rte 125 Hanco*ck MED Alex Geller 5/12/2008 0:00

20002844 Huber-Suhner Property Essex SMAC Gerold Noyes 9/5/2000 0:00 2/20/2001 0:00

20083829 Huebener Residence Morristown SMAC Richard Spiese 6/25/2008 0:00 2/4/2009 0:00911172 Huggetts Service Center Rt 5 Thetford NFAP Invest Complete, Site Closed Unassigned/mg 6/1/1994 0:00

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed. No receptors impact. 3 VOC found below guidelines. SMAC

Howard Bank-Williston Rd.

1907 Williston Rd

South Burlington

Site Assessment Found Contamination. Monitoring To Continue.

Investigation completed, analytical results nondetect. Site closed

Petroleum contamination found in soils adjacent to relic UST at depths of approx. 10-14 feet. Free product is present in one monitoring well. Annual groundwater monitoring ongoing.

Howe Richardson Scale Company

On Going Gw Monitoring Completed. Site SMACed in August 2002.

SMAC. AST failure. Tank located outside of house. Contam. soil removed, air system installed in home, water wells not yet affected. Soil polyencapsulated on site. Monitoring ongoing.

2 underground storage tanks removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed. Investigation should occur no later October 15, 2009.

19 Thompson Drive

AST with underground product lines removed. Contamination found. Investigation completed. GW not encountered @16'. 1 soil sample ND. SMAC

3370 Stagecoach Rd

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation showed soils over bedrock. No GW contamination. PCS excavated and disposed. DW wells in area clean.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (207)

20073722 Hullfish Residence 149 Hartson Rd Stowe SMAC Ashley Desmond 8/20/2007 0:00 9/19/2008 0:00

20023039 Humphries Property 110 Marble St West Rutland SMAC Gerold Noyes 6/13/2002 0:00 5/22/2003 0:00890417 Hunt Street Gulf Bennington NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

20094003 Husky Injection Molding 288 North Rd Milton MED Unassigned 7/28/2009 0:00

20063580 Hussey Residence Montpelier SMAC Ashley Desmond 7/9/2006 0:00 8/6/2007 0:00

Contamination discovered during the removal of a heating oil UST. Several monitoring wells installed to further define the extent of contamination. Significant contamination identified in the source area. Following soil removal activities, groundwater contamination in source area was below the VGES. Two samples taken from the onsite drinking water supply well showed no detection of VOCs. Any residual contamination appears to be confined to the immediate vicinity of the former tank. No elevated PIDs detected in indoor air during the most recent screening event. Monitoring wells have been abandoned.

UST removed. Contam found. Investigation complete. Minimal GW impact. SMAC

GW encountered during excavation. MW's installed. TPH & Ni found in groundwater.

70 Murray Hill Drive

Release detected during the removal of a heating oil UST system. No evidence of a shallow groundwater impact was noted in source area during tank removal or initial investigation. ECS oversaw the excavation of approximately 6 cubic yards of contaminated soil. Soils properly disposed of a ESMI in Louden, NH. Some residual contamination left in place at the bedrock interface (~8 ft below grade). TPH levels in this area exceeded the residential guideline, though VOCs were all well below the EPA Region IX Standards. Two rounds of samples collected from nearby public drinking water supply wells showed no detection of any volatile compounds. Note that the address of this property was formerly 2 Murray Hill Drive.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (208)

941626 Hutchin And White Fuels Rt 4 A Castleton MED Sarah A. Bartlett 6/1/1994 0:00

941678 Hyde Park Town Garage Rt 15 Hyde Park LOW Gerold Noyes 9/1/1994 0:00900620 Hydeville Hutchins Fuel Rt 4 A Castleton LOW Monitoring Completed, Site To Be Smac'ed Bob Haslam870072 I B M Williston NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

951774 Ideal Fuels And Fence Co Bennington SMAC Richard Spiese 5/10/1995 0:00 12/9/2003 0:00

20093911 Illuzzi Law Offices Barton MED Ashley Desmond870137 Imported Car Clarendon NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

20094000 Imported Car Center Williston SMAC Gerold Noyes 11/7/2009 0:00 1/12/2010 0:00

890455 Independent Foods S. Champlain St. Burlington LOW Richard Spiese

20053363 Inn at Charlotte 32 State Park Rd Charlotte SMAC Ashley Desmond 4/7/2005 0:00 7/31/2006 0:00

Active free product recovery and semi-annual monitoring as of 11/98. No reports recieved since, however, monitoring is on-going. Spoke with owner and consultant 12/21/06, report and data will be forwarded to the SMS.

1994 UST removal, contaminated soil stockpile mgt required, several letters sent, no activity 4/27/07 letter sent

259 Benmont Ave

Site Investigation showed groundwater and soil contamination at low levels. Contamination limited to small area on site. Owner placed notice on land record and got site SMACed.

38 Water Street Orleans

UST removed. Free product identified in subsurface. REA will conduct initial site investigation via expressway.

2466 St. George Road

Phase II ESA found elevated levels of arsenic, chromium and hydrocarbons at former gas station & current used auto dealer. 2 abandoned USTs removed, soil excavated, SMAC

Ongoing semi-annual gorundwater monitoring. Next round is scheduled for April 2003.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed. First letter written in May 05. Spill # 05-115. Three groundwater monitoring events were completed at the site. First two monitoring rounds found several wells dry. Last monitoring event included all four of the onsite wells. No evidence of contamination found in monitoring wells or drinking water well during any of the three events. SMS approved mw abandonment for SMAC.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (209)

951919 Inn At Ormsby Hill Route 7a Manchester SMAC Stockpiled Soil Treatment Cxompleted Unassigned 11/1/1996 0:00

770012 Essex MED Undergoing Rcra Corrective Action Michael Smith

911017 International Cheese Route 116 Hinesburg HIGH Bob Haslam

921333 280 River St Montpelier HIGH Matt Moran 12/1/1992 0:00

20022993 38 Fletcher Place Burlington SMAC Linda Elliott 5/6/2002 0:00 12/3/2008 0:00

911123 Irasburg General Store Rt 14 Irasburg MED Richard Spiese 1/1/1991 0:00941634 Irasville Country Store Rt 100 Waitsfield NFAP Gw Impact Minimal. Unassigned 6/1/1994 0:00 6/1/1995 0:00

951795 Hinesburg MED Linda Elliott

International Business Machine

Maple St./River Road

Now Saputo Cheese. Long history of on site LUSTs, several AOCs. On-site remediation completed. Onsite supply well is contaminated with MTBE from offsite source. MPE CAFI/CAP approved for cleanup of MTBE source affecting Saputo supply well. Remediation ongoing

Interstate Equipment Property

Irving Oil to submit work scope by 6/7/05 for surficial and subsurface investigation of historic spills and releases. Concrete vault cleaned of wastes 2/05. Awaiting information on drum disposals.

Ira Allen Building, Trinity College

Former Site #880253. Heating oil underground storage tank/piping replacement work. Manually recovering free product and groundwater monitoring commenced. Contaminant concentrations declining.No LNAPL being detected currently. . Annual groundwater monitoring shows acceptables levels.

Monitoring Ongoing. Third party impacts to neighbor being addressed. Additional CAFI being performed.

Iroquois Manufacturing Co

Hinesburg-Richmond Rd

Work being conducted under state contract. Quarterly drinking water supply sampling for TCE contamination from one residential well and IMC well. TCE above GWES in residential well. POET installed. Levels show slight decline in TCE concentrations.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (210)

20083863 Irving Oil Bulk Facility 148 Spruce St Rutland City MED Bob Haslam 12/1/2007 0:00

972169 Route 114 Brighton SMAC John Schmeltzer 9/28/2001 0:00

20093901 Irving Oil Mainway 142 Railroad St St Johnsbury MED Unassigned 6/29/2005 0:00

20022949 Isham Property 3356 Route 30 Cornwall SMAC Lynda Provencher ### ###

20063605 Route 114 Brighton SMAC Ashley Desmond ### 8/8/2008 0:00

972170 Cross Street Brighton MED 07/02: monitoring ongoing John Schmeltzer

941668 Island Pond Pub And Deli Cross St Brighton SMAC Unassigned 9/1/1994 0:00 1/20/2004 0:00

992621 68 School St Isle La Motte LOW Richard Spiese 5/17/1999 0:00

Contaminated soil found during decommissioning of site. 66 cubic yards of contaminated soil removed from property and properly disposed of. SMS sent letter requesting further investigation to determine extent of contamination on 12/5/2008.

Irving Oil Corp-caledonia Bulk Plant

Approximately 290 tons of contaminated soil was removed from the loading rack area. Vertical extent of contamination did not reach groundwater. No petroleum contamination in the two closest water supply wells.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed.

Fuel oil contamination. Vapors detected in basem*nt. A soil vapor extraction system will be installed - work plan was approved on July 3, 2002.

Island Pond Highway Garage

Contamination discovered during an inspection of the diesel UST system. Three borings/monitoring wells installed surrounding the tank. No detectable levels of petroleum contamination recorded during two monitoring events. This property is served by the municipal drinking water system. The onsite building is slab on grade, which limits the risk of vapor intrusion. Monitoring wells at the property were abandoned.

Island Pond Irving Mainway

Phase I & II conducted during real estate transfer. Former UST believed to have leaked. Soil sampling showed limited contamination. Site SMACed 1/20/04.

Isle La Motte Country Store

UST removed and contamination found. Investigation shows limites subsurfuce contamination in source area. Site in Natural Attenuation monitoring.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (211)

20073715 1913 Rte 4 Killington SMAC Ashley Desmond 8/10/2007 0:00 8/15/2008 0:00

972304 J And M Country Store Richford SMAC Bruce Linton 11/1/1997 0:00 8/26/2003 0:00

900634 J & B International 51 Hercules Dr Colchester LOW Gerold Noyes 11/6/1990 0:00

20002802 J A S Auto Inc Route 14 Hartford MED Tim Cropley 9/1/2000 0:00

941728 J And A Auto North Main St Bakersfield SMAC Matt Moran 12/1/1994 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00

962006 J J Newberry Barre City SMAC Unassigned 7/1/1996 0:00 7/1/1996 0:00890466 J K Adams Dorset NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

962103 J P Carrara And Sons Route 7 Clarendon SMAC Gerold Noyes 11/1/1996 0:00 2/7/2001 0:00

ITF Holdings 1913 Building

Contamination discovered during the removal of a heating oil UST. No groundwater or bedrock encountered during the excavation. After the removal of approximately 50 cubic yards, it appeared that the bulk of contamination had been defined, though some contaminated soil remains below the building foundation. Three confirmatory soil samples taken from beneath the former tank were all ND for petroleum compounds. A water sample taken from the onsite drinking water well was also ND from VOCs. PID readings of the indoor air adjacent to the tank were all 0.0 ppm.

61 E Richford Slide Rd

Underground Storage Tank removed. Remediation completed. Post remediation monitoring ongoing. Site SMACed on 08/26/03.

Site Assessment Completed. Soil contam found below RBC. TPH above VT guideline in tank pit soil sample. GW contam below VGES in 2 MWs, 2 MWs ND

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed. Contamination not from UST release but from overfills and was cleaned up. Not a site.

Natural Attenuation Of Gw Contamination, Site Closed

145 North Main St

Residual Soil Contam, May Be Encountered During Street Upgrade 1999

UST removed. Contamintion found. Investigation completed with 5 MWs. VOCs ND. 1 MW with 0.87 ppm TPH. SMAC

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (212)

951752 J P Noonan Route 100 Weston SMAC Matt Moran 2/1/1995 0:00 1/22/2001 0:00

900541 J P Noonan 11 Meadow St Rutland City SMAC Richard Spiese 1/1/1990 0:00 ###

972257 J&L Service Center 171 S Main St LOW Matt Moran 10/1/1997 0:00

20002824 J.P. Noonan - Bethel Route 12 Bethel SMAC Matt Moran 10/3/2000 0:00 6/19/2009 0:00

972166 Stebbins Rd Vernon LOW Unassigned 5/1/1997 0:00

20073721 Jackson Residence 914 Main St Waitsfield SMAC Alex Geller 10/3/2007 0:00 8/18/2008 0:00

931478 Jacobs Property 28 Main St Montpelier LOW Bob Haslam

20053465 Jacobs Residence 812 Airport Rd Fayston SMAC Tami Wuestenberg ### 8/4/2006 0:00

Fully loaded MC-306 gasoline tanker trailer rolled over and lost contents. Majority of product consumed in fire. 25,000 gal. groundwater treated via GAC. 231 tons of PCS recycled in Charlton MA. GW contaminants naturally attenuated. Site closed.

Remedial System Shutdown. Monitoring Continues.

St Albans City

1,300 gal. gasoline UST release. ~600 gal. recovered by Spring 1998. Excavated & disposed 846 tons PCS (~257 gallons product) 9/99. Biennial GW monitoring scheduled - next round 10/10.

Tanker Truck rollover w/fire. Significant gasoline release. Initial automated product recovery. SVE/AS system operated 2001-2006. Cleanup complete. SMAC after decommissioning of wells and equipment.

Jack Tarmy Lumber (former Smead Lumber)

SMS recieved a workplan from CEA on June 9, 1997. SMS approved the workplan, but there has been no evidence the investigation/work has been done, and no further activity in this file. (8/30/99)

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. EPS went Expressway, but did not follow guidelines. Encountered shallow refusal and unable to install MWs. Drinking water tested and is safe. Based on no indications of receptors becoming impacted site has been closed.

Product Recovery Completed, Monitoring Ongoing

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed. SI conducted; no VGES exceedences; will close site once wells are abandoned. SMACd site on August 4, 2006.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (213)

911124 Jacques Country Store Main St, Road 1 Huntington LOW Gerold Noyes 1/1/1991 0:00

20053457 Jagust Residence 5336 Route 100 Wardsboro SMAC Ashley Desmond ### 12/8/2005 0:00880212 Jahl Springfield NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

921334 Jamaica N E T Route 30 Jamaica SMAC Unassigned 1/27/1999 0:00

20002811 James Dente Barre City MED 5/17/2000 0:00

941670 Jan Warner Residence Romance Rd Newbury NFAP Marc Roy 9/1/1994 0:00 2/1/1995 0:00

972161 Janas Cupboard Route 15 Cambridge SMAC Tami Wuestenberg 4/1/1997 0:00 6/2/2008 0:00

20063501 Janos Technology Townshend SMAC 3/14/2006 0:00 7/3/2006 0:00

770138 Jard Company Bowen Rd Bennington MED EPA Removal Action Completed, SI Completed Patricia Coppolino 4/1/1991 0:00

3 impacted water supply wells replaced, monitoring ongoing. See also adjacent site #2002-3061.

Tank pulled. No groundwater contamination found. Degree and extent of soil contamination has been adequately defined. No additional work required.

Groundwater not encountered. Soil analytical results from tank pit indicate non-detect levels.

207R N Main Street

REA submitted S.I. 12/4/01. Proposed spring GW sampling

Hugo Martinez Cazon

Site Invest Complete, No Risk To Receptors, Site Closed.

SMS requested additional work in a May 12, 1997 letter to Mr. Kuntzelmann: determine degree and extent of contamination, perfrom a receptor assessment, and create a long-term monitoring plan. As of this update, ther has been no respone and no further activity in this file. (8/30/99). REA performed gw event on three existing wells in fall 2005 - No exceedences. SMS requested proper abandonment or maintenance of wells then site can be closed. SMS agreed to allow wells to remain on site if caps get apoxied onto them - waiting on owner to let us know that happened then will SMAC. Well caps sealed. Site Smacd.

Second Site Investigation presented and commented. Amendment received 6.2.06. SMAC request forwarded 6.9.06 Wells closure letter received 6.30.06 Site SMACed 7.3.06

Hugo Martinez Cazon

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (214)

20073684 JARD/BCIC Bowen Road Bennington COC Patricia Coppolino 10/1/2007 0:00

20023004 Jasinski Estate 80 Mt Vernon St Springfield SMAC Gerold Noyes 5/24/2002 0:00 5/16/2003 0:00

951755 Jasmin Residence Cloverleaf Hartford MED Lynda Provencher

972280 Jay Country Store Route 242 Jay MED John Schmeltzer 11/1/1997 0:00

This property is located next to the JARD industrial site. It was previously owned by JARD. BCIC currently owns the mortgage paper for this property but is not the legal owner. A Phase I has been conducted and the site was enrolled into the RCPP by the Town of Bennington. A Phase II is planned for February 2007. Additional investigation was conducted and determined that elevated levels of Lead and PAHs were lcoated on the eastern property border. A restriction to residential development and a requiement to notify DEC if any work will be done within that area is needed. The plan for the proeprty is a Town Garage and there is no plan for redevelopment in the area that has soil contamination

UST removed. Contam found. Investigation completed. No impact to GW. SMAC.

In mid-1990's, free product was detected in the bedrock water supply. Source was determined to be either a fuel oil overfill which occurred in 1992, or a leak in the copper line underneath the concrete in the basem*nt, or a combination of the two. Soil in the basem*nt was dug up and disposed. MTBE has been found in water samples, so this source is questionable. Residence was hooked up to an onsite backup water supply, but contaminated supply continued to be used for irrrigation. No data has been received since 2002. A site inquiry letter was sent on June 24, 2009 requesting an update on work which has been conducted since then.

Petroleum contamination on site from UST. Investigation completed 6/2002. Quarterly groundwater monitoring underway for one year.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (215)

962083 Jay Peak Route 242 Jay HIGH Pay-for-performance cleanup near complete. John Schmeltzer 11/1/1996 0:00

992610 Jays Place Rt 302 Newbury MED Gerold Noyes 3/17/1999 0:00

992589 Jean Clark Residence Route 14 MED Marc Roy 3/12/1999 0:00

20022951 Jeffrey Residence 8 Nichols Rd Landgrove MED Gerold Noyes ###

20033104 610 Main St Colchester MED Unassigned ###

20033092 Jenness Residence 453 Salem Drive Derby MED Gerold Noyes 3/13/2003 0:00

20063469 1 College Drive Bennington MED Ashley Desmond 8/16/2005 0:00

20043295 Jennison Residence 7 Landgrove Rd Landgrove SMAC Ashley Desmond 11/1/2004 0:00 5/5/2005 0:00

911163 Jerrys Nissan Route 7 North Rutland NFAP Linda Elliott 1/1/1995 0:00900551 Jerusalem Corners Starksboro NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

20012858 Jewell Brook Mill Route 100 Ludlow MED 3/29/2001 0:00

USTs removed and contam found. 7/02 ISI completed, 4 MWs above VGES, 1 MW FP, 5 of 16 MWs above VGES, 1 FP

East Montpelier

Requested additional sampling. Sampling not yet completed.

UST removed. Contam found. Investigation underway. Foundation drain impact, MPE & SVE underway

Jehovahs Witness Kingdom Hall

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed.

100 gal. kerosene AST release, 22 yds soil excavated, product recovery & GW monitoring ongoing. 12/03 1 MW below VGES, 2 MWs ND, 1 MW FP, 9/04, 4/05 1 MW above VGES, 1 ND, annual sample

Jennings Cottage - Bennington College

5 underground storage tanks removed. Contamination found. KAS is conducted initial site assessment at the property in March of 2006. Groundwater contamination identified in the source area. Annual monitoring being conducted to document trends in contaminant levels.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. WEM investigation found no gw or soil contamination surrounding the tank grave. Monitoring well properly closed.

No Impact To Gw, Soil Treated And Spread On Site

CAP for removal of soil contaminated with #6 Fuel Oil, October, 2005. CAP II for further removal of contaminated soil, and closure of former mill settling tank, October 2008.

Hugo Martinez Cazon

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (216)

20083861 Jewett Residence 146 Airport Rd Barre City SMAC Ashley Desmond 7/24/2008 0:00 ###

20094004 Jiffy Mart Bradford MED Ashley Desmond 7/21/2009 0:00

900643 Jiffy Mart 98 State Street Rutland City LOW Linda Elliott

951808 Jiffy Mart - Wells River 51 Main St Newbury LOW Matt Moran 7/1/1995 0:00

951855 Jiffy Mart Citgo Springfield LOW Matt Moran 8/1/1995 0:00972230 Jimmos Market Route 7 Ferrisburgh LOW Site in Natural Attenuation monitoring. Richard Spiese 10/1/1997 0:00

941644 Jimmy's Quick Stop 30 Coventry St Newport City MED Matt Moran 7/1/1994 0:00

870110 Jimmys Quick Stop Newport City NFAP Site Closed Unassigned880240 Job Corp Center Vergennes NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

890353 Joe Miller Gulf 67 S. Main St MED Tami Wuestenberg

Contamination discovered during the removal of a residential diesel UST. Excavation proceeded to a depth of approx. 7 feet below grade, at which point the PID readings had declined to 13 ppm. 8 cubic yards of contaminated soils were stockpiled and later transported for disposal at the Moretown Landfill. A sample collected from the onsite water supply well showed no detections of contamination other than a trace reading of toluene. This reading is likely because well was installed two weeks prior.

530 Waits River Rd

5 underground storage tanks removed. Contamination fopund. Investigation needed.

Soil vapor extraction system shut-down. Semi-annual groundwater monitoring. GWES exceedances in several wells. Overall declining trend. Annual site monitoring Next round September 2010.

Annual sampling of gasoline UST release; next round 6/10. Recent tank replacement 2007.

360 River Rd Route 106

Gasoline UST investigation completed 5/99. Dissolved contaminant plume in equilibrium. 300 tons PCS removed during UST replacement 5/09. Next biennial rd fall '11

Annual GW monitoring of gasoline UST release 2009. Piezometers previously found contamination in S. Bay & to railroad parcel. O2 injection 7/27/05 - 2/07. Need onsite PCS status.

St Albans City

Additional groundwater monitoring needed before site can be SMACed. No activity since 1999. Sent RP letter June 2006.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (217)

921279 Joes Discount Beverage Route 11 Springfield SMAC Site Investigation Complete Lynda Provencher 5/1/1996 0:00

941582 Joes Pond Country Store Route 2A and 15 Danville MED John Schmeltzer 3/1/1994 0:00

20023038 Johannessen Residence 777 Watch Hill R Shoreham SMAC Gerold Noyes 8/15/2002 0:00 2/24/2003 0:00

951820 John A Russell Corp 127 Strongs Ave Rutland City SMAC Matt Moran 6/15/1995 0:00 1/22/2001 0:00

961966 John A Russell Corp 156 Porter Place Rutland City SMAC Determine Degree And Extent Of Contamination Unassigned/jf 1/1/1996 0:00 6/1/1996 0:00

20043242 John Crabbe Residence 5692 Rte 7 Charlotte SMAC Matt Moran ### 7/18/2005 0:00

941601 John Stewart And Son Main St Shrewsbury SMAC Unassigned 5/1/1994 0:00 3/1/1997 0:00770134 John's Car Care Route 5 Westminster NFAP Gw Monitoring Complete, Site Closed. Linda Elliott 11/1/1995 0:00890406 Johns Car Wash Westminster NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

890437 Johnson & Dix 10 Bridge St Hartford LOW Richard Spiese 1/1/1989 0:00

900599 Johnson And Dix River Rd Norwich LOW Richard Spiese 1/1/1990 0:00770061 Johnson And Dix Route 106 Springfield NFAP Site Not Closed. File Combined W/890398 Unassigned870037 Johnson And Dix Springfield NFAP Site Closed Unassigned870019 Johnson And Dix Springfield NFAP Site Closed Unassigned880187 Johnson And Dix Springfield NFAP Site Closed Unassigned870144 Johnson And Dix Hartford NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

12/05: monitoring twice a year continuing. Mutli-phase test several years ago did show promise for this cleanup approach at this site. Awaiting proposal for an oxygen injection pilot test.

UST tank removed. Limited soil contam removed by excavation. Supply well ND. No other sensitive receptors. SMAC

Heating oil UST release. Treatment of PCS completed; soil thinspread onsite. Site closed.

Kerosene AST release, referred from spill program after ongoing groundwater impact. 6 MWs installed to investigate. Onsite supply well unaffected. Notice to land record of residual contamination. Site SMAC'd

Site Invest & Monitoring Completed, Site Naturally Atteuated

Monitoring Continues. Remediation by SVS completed. Plant demoed and 250 tons of soils to EMSI. Eval to see if more active remediation necessary.

Contaminated soils excavated and disposed. Site in MNA. GWESs met in spring 09 sampling. Will confirm in Fall 09 sampling.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (218)

992629 Woodstock LOW Matt Moran 6/17/1999 0:00

992683 Barre City LOW Tim Cropley 8/30/1999 0:00

20063522 Johnson and Dix Hartford Hartford LOW Patricia Coppolino 1/1/2006 0:00

20063513 Ludlow SMAC Ashley Desmond 5/12/2006 0:00 3/11/2009 0:00

20063536 Johnson Cold Springs Johnson SMAC Richard Spiese 6/15/2006 0:00 2/1/2007 0:00

880216 Johnson Controls Bennington SMAC Site Closed, see file 770030 Mike Young

770030 Johnson Controls Route 67a Bennington SMAC Site closed, Instutionial Controls lnplace Mike Young 2/1/1998 0:00

951845 Johnson State College Clay Hill Johnson SMAC Sarah A. Bartlett 9/1/1995 0:00 9/11/2007 0:00

Johnson and Dix Bulk Facility

Route 4, Sewer Plant Rd

Initial contamination found during piping replacement. Subsequent catastophic loss of ~2,000 gallons gasoline from AST. MPE cleanup removed 2,300 gallons. Additional SI completed 2001. Annual monitoring for 2008 New RP retained Acadia for followup fall 2007.

Johnson and Dix Bulk Plant

572 North Main St.

Initial investigation completed. Semiannual monitoring. Bulk plant dismantled in March 2006. Annual monitoring starting in Spring 2010.

Roundhouse Road

Limited phase II identified elevated levels of arseneic and TPH in soil and groundwater.

Johnson and Dix Ludlow Bulk

216 Dug-Way Road

Contamination discovered during the investigation of this bulk storage facility. No significant contamination discovered at the property. Notice to the land records filed with Ludlow to document PAH and metal contamination remaining at the site. This notice is recorded in Book #317, Page #379. Limited risk to receptors at this site. No drinking water systems or buildings nearby. Monitoring wells have been properly closed. Source of contamination has been removed. This facility is no longer active.

Petroleum odor & free product found in spring. Spring has been shut down. Investigation indicated contamination from other source. They are being investigated.

One 10,000 gallon #4 fuel oil UST pulled July 1995, one 3,700 gallon gasoline UST pulled October 1998 both from the maintenance facility. One 5,000 gallon heating oil UST closed in-place October 2006 from the McClelland Building.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (219)

20022980 Clay Hill Road Johnson SMAC Lynda Provencher ### 4/4/2002 0:00

900657 Johnson Town Garage Route 15 Johnson LOW Matt Moran ###

972256 Richville Street Manchester SMAC Matt Moran 8/1/1997 0:00 8/16/2001 0:00880182 Johnson/sherman Allen Mount Holly NFAP Site Closed Unassigned890451 Johnsons Bulk Plant Manchester NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

890301 Johnsons Fuel Service Rt 7a Manchester SMAC Gw Standards Met In All On Site Mw's Richard Spiese 5/1/1996 0:00

972152 Johnsons Fuel Service Inc Bennington MED John Schmeltzer 3/1/1997 0:00

20043306 Middlebury SMAC Ashley Desmond 11/4/2004 0:00 6/7/2005 0:00

770122 Jones And Lamson 160 Clinton St Springfield HIGH Patricia Coppolino 1/1/1987 0:00

880286 Jones Center Clinton St Springfield SMAC Patricia Coppolino 3/20/2002 0:00

Johnson State College - Log Cabin site

#2 fuel oil tank removed. Soil contamination encountered. Investigation ongoing.

Petroleum UST impact to GW. Biennial GW monitoring, next rd. June 2010. ORC socks were inadequate for site. MW-1 abandoned and MW-2&3 repaired August 2001.

Johnson's Fuel Service Bulk Facility

Bulk storage tank investigation completed. Monitored natural attenuation of low level petroleum contamination. Notice to Land Record of residual contamination. MWs and Site Closed.

99 Northside Drive

07/02: Continuing Annual monitoring and screening 25-cubic yard stockpile.

Johnston Guest House, Middlebury College

636 Happy Valley Rd

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Contaminated soils removed and stockpiled. Soils tested. No readings above 1 ppm. Owner instructed to keep soils on site.

Site entered into RCPP. Product associated with UST and MGP plant present on the property. Site involved in Brownfield Program

Some information may exist in the Jones and Lamson File 770122. Site is owned by SRDC, chlorinated solvent contamination in groundwater

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (220)

20053423 Jones Residence Stowe SMAC Ashley Desmond 8/17/2005 0:00 ###

992701 Jones Residence 525 Route 2 Cabot SMAC Chuck Schwer ### 12/8/2000 0:00

982493 Jones Residence County Street Bennington SMAC John Schmeltzer 10/1/1998 0:00 5/28/2001 0:00

982428 Jons Automotive Route 5 Lyndon MED Richard Spiese 6/2/1998 0:00

890346 Route 12 Berlin NFAP Landfarm Complete. Bob Haslam

962104 Joseph Smith Memorial Dairy Hill Rd Royalton SMAC Site Investigation Complete, Site Closed Unassigned 12/1/1996 0:00 5/1/1997 0:00

20022995 Joyce Residence Charlotte SMAC Unassigned 4/17/2002 0:00 8/22/2002 0:00

177 Alpine Meadows Rd

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. 0.5 yards of petroleum contaminated soil removed from the tank excavation. Confirmatory samples taken following soil removal show no detection of specific petroleum contaminants, and a TPH reading of 6.7 ppm. No groundwater encountered during tank excavation. Residence served by local utilities. PID screening in residence showed no contamination.

Calkins completed cleanup. Marin completed monitoring. Site Closed (12/8/2000).

5/01: Fuel oil spill approximately 200 to 400 gallons. Subsurface is gravelly and very transmissive. No free product was recoverable. Concrete slab was poured in basem*nt as a vapor barrier. No contamination has been found during inspections of the Roaring Branch downgradient from the Jones Residence. The last inspection was on May 2, 2001.

UST removed. Contamination found. Existing on-site MWs samples, moderate levels of CoCs on site. Additional investigation led to CAFI. Surfactant flushing and chem ox proposed..

Jordan Milton/Southworth Milton

140 McNeil Cove Rd

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed. Soils excavated to clean. Shipped to ESMI for destruction. Water sample non-detect. SMAC

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (221)

20063486 Judevine Farm 4590 plot Rd Waterville LOW Tami Wuestenberg 1/25/2006 0:00

770089 Judge Development Williston LOW Michael Smith870006 Judge Development Williston NFAP Site Closed - Merged With Site #770089 Unassigned

20053326 Judge Residence Pomfret SMAC Ashley Desmond ### 6/22/2005 0:00

900532 Judy & Jorgy's Route 103 Clarendon HIGH Bob Haslam

Above ground storage tank failure in sugarhouse. Spill to dooryard, gravel and soil. No threat to water supply. Free product diccovered on groundwater. FP recovery efforts were conducted until no more FP was found. WQ event and soil screening to occur in fall 2007. Slightly elevated VOCs in GW. Limited GQES exceedences. 2008 - No elevated VOCs in source gw. Downgradient wells couldn't be located. Slightly elevated PIDs in SVE lines. Will screen soil pile and search for downgradient wells in spring 2008. 2009 - Soil pile and SVE lines still slightly elevated VOCs. Annual screening.

Tafts Corner, Box 404

The petroleum related remedial system has been shut down as it was no longer removing enough contaminant from the subsurface to affect the site. The site is now in long term groundwater monitoring. The concentrations of chlorinated solvents are very low and the contaminants are continuing to naturally degrade and no migration is occurring no remediation other than long term monitoring is necessary

1 High Pastures Rd

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation found no significant contamination- SMAC letter written.

8 drinking water supplies impacted with petroleum compounds. Remediation completed, monitoring ongoing

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (222)

20063606 Jug Barn 36 W Main St Wilmington SMAC Ashley Desmond ### 7/13/2007 0:00

941687 Juns Mobil Rt 110 Tunbridge SMAC No groundwater impacts found. Soil treated. Unassigned 10/1/1994 0:00 9/21/1998 0:00

890324 357 Main St Winooski LOW Richard Spiese 9/8/1999 0:00

921298 Kaigles Citgo LOW Annual Gw Monitoring. Lynda Provencher

992579 Kaigles Small Citgo SMAC Lynda Provencher 12/1/1998 0:00 6/19/2008 0:00

982411 Kangas Residence Route 11 Springfield SMAC Gerold Noyes 6/17/1998 0:00 8/11/2009 0:00

20002775 Kaplan Residence Bennington SMAC Gerold Noyes 6/5/2000 0:00 1/12/2001 0:00870084 Kearley Jamaica NFAP Site Closed Unassigned911106 Kearley Fuels Rt 30 Jamaica LOW Remediation Complete Bob Haslam

Release detected during the removal of a gasoline UST system. No detectable levels of petroleum contamination were detected in three wells surrounding the source area during the initial site investigation or confirmatory sampling event. There is limited risk to receptors in this area from any residual contamination. All neighboring properties are served by the municipal drinking water system. The onsite building is slab on-grade, which limits the risk of vapor intrusion. Monitoring wells have been properly abandoned.

K And L Quick Stop (Champlain Oil)

Site Reopened 11/18/97. Site in semi-annual groundwater sampling.

510 Shelburne Road

South Burlington

210 Shelburne Road

South Burlington

Petroleum contamination originated from UST piping, which was replaced in December, 1998. Groundwater was sampled over time and no longer contains petroleum contaminaiton at levels which are in excess of standards. All monitoring wells were properly abandoned. No drinking water supply wells in the area.

UST removed. Contam found. Investigation complete. 12/14/99, 5/8/00, 5/2/01, 4/24/02 2/4 MWs over VGES, 4/03 4/05 4/07 1/3 MWs over VGES. 4/09 ND, SMAC

902 Shadow Hill Rd

UST removed. Contamination found. 7/26/00 Investigation complete. Limited GW impact at former UST location; soil excavation removed majority of residual. SMAC

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (223)

20063488 396 Elm St Montpelier SMAC Tami Wuestenberg 1/26/2006 0:00 ###

880191 Keeler Bay Deli & Variety South Hero NFAP Site Closed Also see site 982434 Unassigned

982434 Keeler Bay Variety Route 2 South Hero MED Ashley Desmond 4/27/1998 0:00

Kearney/Archangelo Residence

AST release in basem*nt. Hole in concrete floor found during cleanup. Contam soil beneath slab removed. Free product found in soil. 7 gw wells installed, fp in three of them. Additional wells recommended; sve system operational under basem*nt slab. Offsite migration has occurred. Payment issues arising. Sent letter 07/06 regarding urgency of site response. Received wq report from may 2006 in December 2006. Another WQ event occurred in December 2006. Contamination does not appear to have migrated offiste. Indoor SVE system in operation. No VTGES exceedences in August 2007; decreasing SVE to phased operations. Another WQ event to occur in December 2007.No VTGES exceeded in 2008. Epoxy put on basem*nt floor to mitigate indoor air issues. Site eligible for closure.

UST removed. Contamination found. SMS requested an investigation in a November 9, 1998 letter to Ms. Horne, but as of this update, there has been no response and no further activity in this file. (9/13/99) Site Investigation work plan approved 5/25/04. (C. Crehan, 7/1/04) 2005 site investigation showed significant contamination near the store. PID readings of indoor air and ongoing groundwater monitoring required in May 2005. AD

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (224)

20063541 Kehoe Residence Charlotte SMAC Ashley Desmond 7/6/2006 0:00 ###

770085 Keith & Keith Route 100 Waitsfield SMAC Michael Smith 1/1/1984 0:00 9/21/2009 0:00870025 Keith And Keith Waitsfield NFAP Site Closed Likely combined with #77-0085. Unassigned870171 Keith Martin Bennington NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

931392 Keiths Country Store Pittsford LOW Lynda Provencher

982437 Keiths Salvage Plains Rd Pittsford SMAC Gerold Noyes 5/22/1998 0:00 4/29/1999 0:00

20002783 Kelco Facility SMAC Sarah A. Bartlett 6/5/2000 0:00 4/9/2009 0:00

1142 Prindle Road

Home heating oil UST removed and contamination found. 20 yards of contaminated soils removed and disposed offsite. Monitoring wells were installed to detemine if there had been a significant groundwater impact at the property. The results of the groundwater investigation showed no detection of any petroleum related compounds. The monitoring wells at the site have been properly abandoned. The onsite water supply well showed no detection of petroleum compounds when tested.

PCE found from former drycleaning operation. Source removal completed. Groundwater monitoring showed contaminant levels attenuated to below standards. Site SMACed 9/21/09.

Main St, Rt 7, Box 65

Annual groundwater monitoring is ongoing with the next sampling event occurring in October 2009. SMS has requested that that if USTs are removed or replaced, that COCO's consultant plan a soil excavation, because that is where the majority of contamination is located and levels are not decreasing significantly over time.

UST removed. Contamination found. Investigation completed. GW contamination found below VGES. SMAC

73 Ethan Allen Drive

South Burlington

Three USTs removed June 2000, limited contamination remains in the vicinity of the former diesel UST. Ethylbenzene, 1,2,4- and 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene remain, at levels below VGES, in the diesel source area well. No sensitive receptos affected, residual contamination confined to between 6 and 9 ft bgs.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (225)

20073628 Kelly Residence Shelburne SMAC Ashley Desmond ### 9/21/2007 0:00

951850 Kelly Residence Tamarack Lane SMAC Linda Elliott 8/1/1995 0:00 8/29/2001 0:00

900616 Ken's General Store Rt 101 Tunbridge NFAP Unassigned

20063604 378 Main St Lyndon SMAC Richard Spiese 6/4/2006 0:00 1/5/2007 0:00

20033099 Kennedy Drive Mobil SMAC Richard Spiese 4/28/2003 0:00 7/22/2009 0:00

192 Governors Lane

Contamination discovered during the removal of a heating oil UST. PID readings up to 950 ppm recorded during the tank removal. Soil contamination appeared to be focused in a discreet area directly adjacent to the house. An exploratory excavation was carried out to a depth of 12 feet below grade. PID readings decreased as the excavation proceeded. A soil sample was collected from the glacial tills at the vertical extent of the excavation. No VOCs were detected above the laboratory detection limits in this sample. A composite sample taken from the contaminated zone showed elevated levels of several VOCs, though none exceeded the EPA Region IX PRGs. All soils were backfilled into the excavation. The high density of the till should limit any migration of contaminants (excavator could not get through this material). Two samples taken from the onsite water supply well showed no detections of contaminants. Screening of the indoor air showed no PID readings above 0 ppm.

Rutland Town

Fuel oil release from UST in 1995. 35 cy of soils thinspread onsite in May 2001. January 2001 round of monitoring shows no exceedances of GWES. Site SMAC'd.

Investigation Completed. No Further Action Planned

Kennametal Inc Barium Dust Spill

Fire in dust collector resulted in barium dust release to pavement and yard. Requested samples June 2006. Results received Nov 2006. Site evaluation determined all COCs below risk levels.

110 Kennedy Drive

South Burlington

Low level groundwater contamination identified during property divestment. Quarterly monitoring of five MWs for one year before additional recommendations. GWESs met on entire site. MWs closed.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (226)

20033129 Kenneston Residence 67 Pikes Point Rd Hinesburg SMAC Unassigned 7/22/2004 0:00

962107 Kevins' Korner Market Route 108 Enosburg MED Matt Moran 11/1/1996 0:00

20002736 Kilgallen Residence 45 Spring Hill Rd Killington SMAC Gerold Noyes ### 5/16/2001 0:00

880221 Killington MED Tami Wuestenberg 9/3/1998 0:00

951905 Killington SMAC Bruce Linton ###

931532 Killington Ski Area Killington SMAC Site Invest Complete, Treatment Of Pcs Remains Unassigned 12/1/1993 0:00 9/1/1996 0:00

982532 Upper Access Rd Killington MED Tami Wuestenberg ###

982508 Kinaman Residence Essex SMAC Gerold Noyes 9/10/1998 0:00 4/6/1999 0:00

982449 King George Ranch King George Rd Sutton LOW Gerold Noyes 6/24/1998 0:00

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation completed. Soils Grdwater non-detect. Wells Closed. Smac

Gasoline UST release. Initial investigation completed. Additional SI to occur summer '07..

100+ gallon fuel oil spill to site curtain drain and basem*nt. Fuel company RP. 8/28/00 quarterly monitoring. 10/16/00 toluene below VGES at 3 locations. 4/5/01 no more impact to GW site remediation complete. SMAC

Killington Bear Mtn Compressor Pad

Bear Mountain Rd

Killington Compressor Pad Sites were once combined as one, Snowshed information to be found with site 20022974. Bear Mtn wells all clean, monitoring soils piles.

Killington Lower Maintenance Garage

West Hill & Route 4

L U S T Identified. Annual groundwater monitoring completed. Site SMACed 10/04.

Killington Access Rd

Killington Vehicle Maintenance

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed. Sent letter asking for update. If no response may go to enforcement. Received email from MCI on 11/15/05 - will have update report by 12/23/05. As of 1/10/07 consultant says work is completed, waiting on report.

22 Wildwood Drive

UST removed. Contamination found. Investigation completed. No groundwater contamination above VGES. SMAC

USTs removed. Contam found. Investigation completed. 7/00 2 MWs above VGES, 1 MW w/free product. 8/00 Skimmer pump installed. 10/00 3 MWs ND, 1 above VGES, no FP, 4/01 1 MWs ND, 1 above VGES, 1 MW FP, 12/01 excavate, 4/01 & 10/01 1 MW above VGES, 6/03 2 MWs above VGES, 10/03 1 MW above VGES, 10/04 2 MWs above VGES

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (227)

20033154 King Residence Williston LOW Gerold Noyes 9/12/2003 0:00890415 King Residence Saxtons River Rockingham LOW Drinking Wells Clean, Monitoring Ongoing Richard Spiese 1/1/1989 0:00

982412 Kingsbury Construction Town Road # 13 Fayston SMAC Gerold Noyes 6/18/1998 0:00 7/11/2000 0:00

20063592 Kirby Residence 1528 Wooster Rd Whiting SMAC Ashley Desmond 8/30/2006 0:00 ###

20022950 Kitchen Residence Winhall MED Unassigned ###

20073649 Klonsky Residence 141 Cody Rd Landgrove SMAC Gerold Noyes 4/6/2007 0:00 5/21/2007 0:00

900546 Knapp State Airport Airport Rd Berlin SMAC Site closed. Sarah A. Bartlett 3/23/1986 0:00 1/18/2006 0:00

961955 Knights Of Columbus 150 Cherry St Burlington SMAC Investigation Complete Unassigned/jf 3/1/1996 0:00 4/1/1996 0:00890320 Knights Point State Park North Hero NFAP Site Closed Unassigned890369 Knights Store North Hero NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

20093990 Knowlton Residence Barnet SMAC Ashley Desmond 9/23/2009 0:00 ###

931543 Knox And Sons 91 N Main St Windsor SMAC Invest Completed. No Gw Contamination. Unassigned/jf 3/1/1994 0:00 6/1/1996 0:00770031 Kocher Drive Dump Kocher Drive Bennington MED Draft S I Report Completed 3/93 Unassigned

1372 Old Stage Rd

Ust removed. Contam found. GW not found Soil stockpile mgt & water supply sample needed.

UST removed. Soil contamination found. Investigation completed. No evidence of groundwater contamination. Annual monitoring of stock piled soils required. 6/00 soils ND and can be thinspread on site. SMAC

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. The bulk of contamination was removed from the ground and stockpiled onsite. No groundwater encountered during removal of the UST. A groundwater sample taken from the onsite water supply well showed no detectable concentrations of petroleum contaminants.

27 Stratton Wald Rd

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed

UST removed. Contam soil excavated. Groundwater contam below VGES

264 Bimson Drive

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. It appears bulk of contamination was removed from subsurface. No additional investigation necessary. Soils have been properly disposed of.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (228)

941641 Koerner Residence LOW Linda Elliott

972244 Koop Residence South View Path Killington SMAC Unassigned 7/1/1997 0:00

951822 Korner Kwik Stop 765 Route 2 Williston LOW Tim Cropley880188 Korner Kwik Stop Williston NFAP Site Closed. See Site #951822. Unassigned

20083855 Krebs Residence Bennington MED Sarah A. Bartlett 7/25/2008 0:00

20012876 239 Canal St Brattleboro SMAC Ashley Desmond 6/5/2001 0:00 6/22/2005 0:00

941645 Kuhnel's Sunoco 224 Main St Ludlow SMAC Matt Moran 7/1/1994 0:00 1/1/1997 0:00

961979 86 Center St Rutland City SMAC Matt Moran 5/1/1996 0:00 7/1/1997 0:00

870082 Kwikstop Rt 15 Hardwick LOW Bob Haslam

982338 Kwiniaska Golf Club Spear St Shelburne LOW Linda Elliott 1/1/1998 0:00 8/21/2009 0:00

20093961 Kwon Residence 3 Stevens St Winooski MED Ashley Desmond 7/14/2009 0:00

Hammond Hill Rd

West Windsor

Fuel oil contamination. Semi-annual groundwater monitoring. Levels are decreasing. Next round of site monitoring September 2004.

1000 gal heating oil UST Removed. Low soil contamination found.

Off-site soil stockpile disposed of at landfill. Annual GW monitoring ongoing.

649 North Branch St

AST leak to basem*nt. Indoor fumes and odor. Flooded basem*nt exacerbated problem. Tank removed. ECS hired. Release may have impacted stream. Swale padded and boomed. Sheen in swale, Insurance company for oil company backed out. ECS developed work plan. Hand excavated PCS. Additional GW monitoring needed.

Kresges Auto (aka R C Fisher)

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Sampling round and monitoring of soil stockpile found no traces of contamination. Monitoring wells have been closed. AD

All Soil Treated, Gw Naturally Attenuated. Site Closed.

Kupferer & Martin Property

8 yds PCS treated thermally, No. 2 fuel oil UST investigation completed. Site closed.

LUST. Remediation Complete, Monitoring has stopped, property is currently abandoned

3-USTs removed in 1/98. Residual gasoline contamination detected in groundwater above GWES in source area. April 2009 sampling reveals no exceedances of the enforcement standards. No receptors at risk. Wells properly abandoned in August 2009. SMAC'd.

2 underground storage tanks removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed. 1926 Claim.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (229)

982459 L & B Truck Stop Rt 5 Westminster SMAC Mike Young 8/11/1998 0:00 4/9/1999 0:00

962095 L And E Distributors Manchester SMAC Expressway - soil contamination only Unassigned 12/1/1996 0:00 2/10/1999 0:00

962106 L B Bowin Property Route 110 Tunbridge SMAC Unassigned 11/1/1996 0:00 3/1/1997 0:00

972250 L B J Market Route 12 Worcester SMAC Site SMACed June 1999. Bruce Linton 9/1/1997 0:00 6/29/1999 0:00

962031 L C Hunt Middle School 1364 North Ave Burlington SMAC Site Closed Unassigned/as 7/1/1996 0:00 4/1/1997 0:00900567 L F J Store South Hero NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

921209 L H Cook River Road Norwich SMAC Investigation Complete,no Impacts Stan Corneille 5/1/1997 0:00

951856 La Libertys' Trucking Route 100 Troy LOW John Schmeltzer 8/1/1995 0:00

20022975 Labounty Residence Farm View Lane Williston SMAC Gerold Noyes 3/13/2002 0:00 ###

982520 Labrecque Farm Route 16 Barton MED Tami Wuestenberg ###

20063500 Lacillade Residence Braintree SMAC Ashley Desmond ### 3/28/2007 0:00

Diesel UST removed, investigation complete, groundwater contamination below GWES, site closed.

Route 30 And West Rd

Site Invest Complete, Soil Disposed Properly, Site Closed

Annual monitoring, next round scheduled for Fall 99

UST removed. Contamination found. Investigation completed. No impact to GW. SMAC.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Initial site investigation completed 3/99. Semi-annual GW monitoring ongoing. No info since 2000 - 10/05: sent letter requesting site status update

139 Sesame St, Mobil Acres

Approximately 230 gallons of kerosene was released to the subsurface from an above ground storage tank. AGS installed a soil vapor extraction system which resulted in an estimated 50% recovery and a 99% reduction in contaminant levels. Sampling of the nearby water supply well showed no detection of VOCs. Elevated PID readings were detected in the indoor air but have since subsided. No shallow groundwater exists at the site to a depth of at least 17 feet. Soil samples taken from the zone of contamination showed elevated levels of VOCs, though none exceed the EPA Region IX Preliminary Remedial Goals (PRGs).

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (230)

982312 Lackards Auto Body 19 South Elm St Middlebury SMAC Richard Spiese 5/7/1998 0:00 7/28/1998 0:00

900608 Elm St & Rt 7 Middlebury LOW Lynda Provencher

992681 LaCoste Residence 33 Eldridge Road Sheldon MED Sarah A. Bartlett 4/14/1999 0:00

941692 Lacroix Property Putney Rd Brattleboro SMAC Matt Moran 10/1/1994 0:00 5/19/2008 0:00

20053416 LaCroix Residence 112 Curtis Ave Rutland City SMAC Ashley Desmond 6/10/2005 0:00 9/19/2005 0:00

972127 Ladd Research Colchester SMAC Matt Moran 1/1/1997 0:00 4/5/2006 0:00

931399 Ladds Motor Transfer School St Barre Town SMAC Soil Removed, No Groundwater Impact Richard Spiese 1/1/1993 0:00 10/1/1993 0:00

20012939 LaFlam Motors 93 Rt 7 South Salisbury MED Sarah A. Bartlett 10/8/2001 0:00

992658 LaFonds Auto 98 South St Proctor MED Unassigned 7/21/1999 0:00

982381 Lafountain Residence Westford HIGH Marc Roy 6/8/1998 0:00

No groundwater enforcement standards exceeded. Residual soil contamination on site. Notice filed on land records.

Lackards/Middlebury Mobil

Semi-annual groundwater monitoring ongoing. Next sampling event should be June, 2009.

Petroleum release from an above ground storage tank. 120 cubic yards of contaminated soil stockpiled on site for treatment. ECS recommended annual stockpile monitoring in 2000, no follow-up ever completed, resident changed phone number. Contacted new owner Feb. 2008, to follow-up.

GW monitoring of historical chlorinated solvent contamination completed. Dry wells, USTs, & MWs closed. Investigation of onsite disposal by new owner/tenants completed October 1997. Site closed.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. 14.8 tons of contaminated soil removed from excavation and disposed at ESMI in Louden, NH. No groundwater encountered at the site to a depth of 14 feet. Confirmatory samples showed no specific petroleum compounds in the soils exceeded detection limits. TPH levels at 325 ppm at eight feet below grade.

Red Oak Drive, River Rd

Investigations of onsite waste disposal completed. 435 tons of PAH contaminated soil disposed offsite. Site closed.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed.

1090 Old Stage Rd

Requested additional sampling. Sampling not yet completed.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (231)

890412 Lague's Trailer Park Lague Avenue Berlin NFAP Unassigned 2/8/1993 0:00

941637 Lake Buick 222 Dorset St LOW John Schmeltzer 6/1/1994 0:00

941640 Lake Carmi Mobil Rt 120 Franklin HIGH John Schmeltzer

20012933 College St Burlington MED Sarah A. Bartlett 8/20/2001 0:00

992596 King Street Dock Burlington SMAC Gerold Noyes 3/29/1999 0:00 7/10/2000 0:00

992605 Rt 144 Hubbardton LOW Gerold Noyes 4/5/1999 0:00

941633 Lake Parker Country Store West Glover Rd Glover MED Tim Cropley 6/1/1994 0:00

20002800 Barton MED Richard Spiese 7/5/2000 0:00

931517 224 Lake St LOW Ongoing Monitoring Richard Spiese 12/1/1993 0:00

961962 Lakeside Garage Bridge St Morristown MED John Schmeltzer 3/1/1996 0:00

931479 Lakeview Store Rt 114 Norton MED Bob Haslam 10/1/1993 0:00770058 Lamoille Landfill Garfield Road Morristown NFAP Epa Nfrap, Deferred To Solid Waste Program Unassigned 8/1/1997 0:00

Stockpiled soils spread and seeded at the site. SMAC issued.

South Burlington

01/10: Site has been re-developed from car dealer to a retail store (food market). Annual monitoring still ongoing, with next round scheduled for Summer 10.

06/04: SVE and sparging system in process of being decommissioned. Looking into feasability of a new water supply for three properties that are adversely impacted by groundwater contamination.

Lake Champlain Basin Science Center

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed.

Lake Champlain Transportation Co

UST removed. Contamination found. Investigation completed. Soil stockpile treated on site. SMAC

Lake Hortonia Country Store

USTs removed. Contam found. Investigation completed. 8/4, 9/25, 12/4/00, 3/5 5 of 6, 10/24/01 4 of 6, 4/4/02 5 of 6, 4/18/03, 4/8/04 6 of 6 MWs above VGES. Annual monitor. 5/2008 soil excavation, replace pump island. 11/09 5 of 7 MWs above VGES

1/1/1900 12:00:00 AM

MWs installed. Semi-annual monitoring continuing.

Lake Region Union High School

Lake Region Rd Orleans Vill

Initial site investigation recieved. Additional groundwater sampling to occur.

Lake Street Texaco (Getty)

St Albans City

7/02: Monitoring ongoing twice a year for contamination from UST releases. Reviewing report describing additonal site characterization addressing non-UST contamination.

Ongoing groundwater monitoring. Active remediation complete.

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962022 Rd 1 Box 304 Hyde Park MED John Schmeltzer

770180 Lamoille Valley Railroad Stafford Ave Morristown Unassigned 4/5/1995 0:00

20002765 Lamothe Residence Monroe Road Barnet LOW Gerold Noyes 1/20/2000 0:00

20083852 Lancaster property 32 Concord Ave Newport City SMAC Gerold Noyes 9/15/2008 0:00 8/11/2009 0:00

982565 Land Air Express 9 Avenue C Williston SMAC Gerold Noyes ### 7/11/2007 0:00

900660 Land Air Express Williston NFAP Unassigned

20043229 Land-Air Express Windsor SMAC Sarah A. Bartlett 7/2/2004 0:00 4/4/2008 0:00

Lamoille Union High School

11/01: Results from Spring 2001 sampling round and recent pump test indicate the risk to the onsite water supply well is remote. Quarterly sampling of the water supply well and sampling twice a year will continue for the monitoring wells. Contaminant levels are decreasing suggesting that natural attenuation is occurring at the site. Still awaiting a report concerning the solid waste and potentially hazardous waste disposed behind school.


EPA Removal Pa Completed 7/89 NFRAP designation granted on April 5, 1995 by EPA. Issues still remain with the State, and are addressed in site #98-2566, which is the same property.

Supply well is impacted by MTBEat 38 ppb. 7/5/00 first letter sent requesting semi-annual monitoring. See also #91-1131.

200 gallon #2 fuel oil spilled to dirt floor in basem*nt. Installed concrete floor & vapor barrier, operated SVE, no impact to GW. SMAC

Former #90-0660. USTs and drywell removed. Contam found. Investigation report received 2/26/01. 9/9/05 GW contam below VGES, 4/28/06 5 MWs ND, 8/1/06 leaking dispenser discovered during UST inspection, investigation required by NOAV, 2 rounds of sampling ND, SMAC

Site Closed. 2 USTs and drywell removed 12/28/98. Reopened 1/7/99 as #98-2565.

272 Ruth Carney Drive

Anonymous complaint of diesel overfill, fp impact to wetland & intermittent stream. Sorbents used for emergency response, and pump and treat system treated >50,000 gallons of liquid. MNA used to reach compliance. Recovery well decommissioned January 2005.

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941726 Land/air Kellogg Rd Essex SMAC Investigation Completed Unassigned/jf 11/1/1994 0:00 4/1/1996 0:00

921346 Landmark College River Road Putney NFAP Site Closed Lynda Provencher ###

941666 River Rd Putney SMAC John Schmeltzer 8/1/1996 0:00 8/28/2001 0:00

961988 Lantmans I G A Rt 116 Hinesburg MED Bob Haslam 4/1/1996 0:00

20002834 Laperle Property 105 Summer St St Johnsbury SMAC Unassigned 9/20/2000 0:00 2/8/2002 0:00

20022947 Laplaca Property Shaftsbury LOW Bob Haslam ###

20002818 Largay Residence Hartland Rd Windsor SMAC Gerold Noyes 9/7/2000 0:00 5/4/2001 0:00900576 Larose Texaco Enosburg NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

982544 LaRose's market Rt 100 Hyde Park SMAC Gerold Noyes 9/18/1998 0:00 11/2/1999 0:00

921231 Route 2 West Danville NFAP Invest Complete, Site Closed Unassigned 12/1/1993 0:00

890411 Larrabee's Lumber Route 15 Danville SMAC Unassigned 2/1/1998 0:00

Landmark College - Davis Hall

Five USTs were removed on the campus in a four year period. At four of the tanks sites, the contaminated soils were removed and stockpiled. At the remaining tank site, three monitoring wells were installed. No contaminants above the VGES were detected. The onsite soil stockpiles have completed treatment.

Cleanup underway in 2008 due to impact of Saputo supply well. Lantman and MTBE impacted Martin bedrock wells closed. Bottled water delivery discontinued w/municipal connection.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation completed. Site SMACed on 2/8/2002.

155 Bouplin Hollow Road

AST release with impacts to surface water (White Creek) which is a triburary to the Hoosic River. An interceptor trench was installed, impacts to creek have been mitigated.

UST filled in place. Soil contam found under USTonly. Investigation complete. No impact to site & neighbor water supply wells. SMAC

Initial investigation complete. 1 off site MW ND, 1 off site MW with minor contam at VGES. Abandoned heating oil UST removed, clean. All other MWs below VGES. SMAC

Larrabee's Building Supply

No Longer Impact To Basem*nt, Storm Drain Or Pond

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20073620 Larrow Residence Monkton SMAC Gerold Noyes 1/2/2007 0:00 2/4/2008 0:00

931386 Latham Trailer Sales Route 2 Bolton SMAC Lynda Provencher 1/22/2001 0:00

992709 Lattell Residence 981 Bishop Rd Shelburne SMAC Unassigned 11/1/1999 0:00 4/13/2000 0:00

20033079 Lavallee & Ide 150 W Canal St Winooski SMAC Marc Roy 3/20/2003 0:00 8/13/2003 0:00961958 Lavallee Residence Borrow Hill Rd Monkton LOW POET system removed Bob Haslam 4/1/1996 0:00

20073696 LaValley Building Supply 57 Strongs Ave Rutland City MED Matt Moran 8/21/2007 0:00

911070 Laware Sunoco Rockingham LOW Brian Woods

20053325 Lawlor Residence 1431 Spear St SMAC Ashley Desmond ### 5/19/2005 0:00900476 Lawrence Barnes School Burlington NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

951940 39 Allen St Burlington HIGH Linda Elliott 9/1/1995 0:00

921244 Lawrence Sangravco Bay St St Johnsbury LOW Bob Haslam

770147 Lawrence Sangravco #2 Guildhall NFAP Site Investigated, Waste Oil Cleanup, Site Closed Unassigned

941623 Putney Rd Brattleboro MED Matt Moran 6/1/1994 0:00

20053412 Leader Evaporator 25 Stowell Street SMAC NLR July 9, 2008 Book 226 Pages 249-252 Matthew Becker 4/18/2005 0:00 7/17/2008 0:00

1237 Tyler Bridge Rd

AST failure. Soil excavated. Free product in excavation. MW's and recovery well in place.190 gallons kerosene released. No more impact to GW. SMAC

Groundwater Enforcement Standards met on entire property. Soils spread onsite.

UST removed and contamination found. Investigation and cleanup completed. Soils sent to ESMI. Site closed.

Excavation complete. Will replace material and send report after analysis. Report received. SMACed.

5 underground storage tanks removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed.

Atkinson and Henry Sts

Active remediation complete. Site eligible for SMAC, pending placement of institutional controls.

South Burlington

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Verterre Group investigation indicated no sensitive receptors were at risk from the contamination. A soil boring downgradient of the source showed no evidence of contamination. Migration of contaminants was deemed unlikely, as there is limited gw beneath the site. SMAC.

Lawrence Griffin Residence

1995 fuel oil in basem*nt. Requested further work. No response. Second request sent 4/99.

No Further Action Until Investigation Complete @ Northern Petro,91-1169

Leader Beverage/Pepsi Cola

Petroleum UST & PCE contamination. Annual GW sampling scheduled through 2010. PCS treated & thin-spread onsite. PCE investigation ongoing.

St Albans City

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880225 Leblancs Citgo Rt 105 LOW Richard Spiese 1/1/1988 0:00

20022987 Ledo Residence 32 Caernarvon St Fair Haven SMAC Unassigned 5/2/2002 0:00 6/19/2003 0:00

20012927 Lee Residence Sheldon SMAC Lynda Provencher 9/25/2001 0:00 10/1/2003 0:00

20002817 Leibowitz Property Shelburne SMAC Linda Elliott 9/18/2000 0:00 3/15/2001 0:00

20063499 Leicester Central School Leicester MED Ashley Desmond 2/7/2006 0:00

890429 Leicester General Store Route 7 Leicester HIGH Bob Haslam

911103 Lemery Store 71 S. Main St Northfield HIGH Free Product Recovery Completed. Svs Ongoing Richard Spiese 1/1/1991 0:00770056 Lemieux Truck Stop Lyndon NFAP Nus Esi Completed 6/89, Low Priority Unassigned

900594 Leo Duncan Auto Service Burlington MED Gerold Noyes 7/21/2005 0:00

St Albans City

Monitoring Ongoing. Old U S T's Removed. PCSs removed in 2008.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation completed. No contamination to groundwater. Low levels of residual soil contamination left in place.

Rt 105 and School St

Abandoned Underground storage tanks removed which contained leaded gas. No contaminants in groundwater above Vermont Groundwater Enforcement Standards.No impact to nearby water supplies. Qualified for 1926 - no deductible.

702 Beaver Creek Rd

1K gallon fuel oil UST removed September 2000. Low levels of dissolved phase contamination below standards. No receptors impacted.

68 School House Rd

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed. Met with School Board on April 20, 2006 to discuss work. School Board agreed to hire a consultant and have a workplan submitted to the SMS. Two wells were installed next to the former tank location and showed no evidence of petroleum contamination. A follow-up monitoring event will be conducted in the Summer of 2007.

Invest. Complete, Groundwater monitoring ongoing. Drinking water supply impacts.

291 St. Paul Street

Site reopened due to off-site migration, see also #2003-3138, occasional FP. Excavated additional soil.

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972228 Leos Motors Rt 7 A Manchester LOW Gerold Noyes 8/1/1997 0:00

20053391 Lerner Residence 491 West Rd Manchester LOW Ashley Desmond 4/29/2005 0:00

911137 Lertolas Toyota 99 South St Proctor LOW Richard Spiese

20043258 Lesage Residence 129 S Willard St Burlington SMAC Tim Cropley 8/9/2004 0:00 7/11/2007 0:00

20043237 Levesque Right of Way 101 Main St Windsor MED Patricia Coppolino 4/20/2004 0:00

20053413 Lewis Auto Body SMAC SMAC. Notice to Land Record. Matthew Becker 4/18/2005 0:00 ###

982484 Lewis Oil Company Bay Street St Johnsbury MED Tami Wuestenberg 9/30/1998 0:00

UST Removed. Contam Found. Investigation completed. Annual monitoring. 4/00 1 MW ND. Other MWs destroyed in site construction. 9/00, 5/01 MW network replaced and resampled by Stewart's Ice Cream. 5/01, 4/02 4/03, 4/04 2/7 MWs above VGES.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Initial investigation conducted by ATC Associates. Contamination found in excess of the VGES in the source area. No contamination detected in the indoor air or in a sample taken from the onsite pond. Routine monitoring being conducted to track contamination.

GWES exceeded in one monitor well, annual groundwater monitoring to be continued. CAP implemented, almost 250 yds of pcs excavated and taken to ESMI.

Underground storage tank removed. Conrtamination found. Investigation performed. VGES met on site and MWs abandoned.

2 underground storage tanks removed during excavation work for a water/sewer line. Contamination found. Investigation needed.

22 Stebbins Street

St Albans City

March 00: Approved work plan for additional monitoring wells. Drilling is scheduled for April 00. Sampling will following two weeks later. Surfactant flush pilot test scheduduled for December 2006. Significant amount of FP localized on site.

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972292 Lews Corner Store Colchester MED Gerold Noyes 10/1/1997 0:00

941664 Lift Line Lodge Stratton SMAC Unassigned 8/8/1994 0:00 2/16/2001 0:00880194 Lil's Country Store Whiting NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

972232 Lily Trucking SMAC Lynda Provencher 8/1/1997 0:00 3/22/1999 0:00

992696 Limlaw Pulpwood 261 Vt Route 25 Topsham SMAC Unassigned ### 5/30/2003 0:00

20083833 Lincoln MED Ashley Desmond 7/15/2008 0:00

992689 Lincoln Town Garage 593 River Rd Lincoln SMAC Sarah A. Bartlett 8/31/1999 0:00 3/26/2007 0:00

982570 Lind Well Drilling Route 9 Searsburg SMAC Richard Spiese 9/19/1998 0:00 4/19/1999 0:00

89 Heinburg Drive

UST Removed. Contamination Found. Investigation complete. 5/18, 9/13, 12/21/99, 3/7, 5/31, 9/22/00, 3/29, 6/18, 9/17/01, 12/28/01, 3/8/02 4 of 5 MWs, 6/3/02 3of 5 MWs above above VGES. 9/25/03 CAFI WP approved, vapor release confirmed, 2nd deductible, 4/04, 7/04, 10/04 5MWs above VGES

Stratton Mountain Access Rd

Treatment of stockpiled soils completed, awaiting SMAC status. Soils confirmed spread in letter 10/5/95. SMAC

36 San Remo Drive

South Burlington

All compounds below enforcment standards in groundwater. Stockpiled soil transported to be asphalt batched.

Spring monitoring approved. No PCF Reimbursem*nt submitted 4-26-02

Lincoln Community School

795 East River Rd

Contamination discovered during the removal of a heating oil UST. LAG conducted an initial site investigation. Free product is present in the source area- does not appear to be migrating. Monitoring will be continued at the site along with free product checks.

Contamination discovered during removal of two diesel USTs. 6 MWs installed, monitored between Aug. 1999 and Nov. 2003. Residial benzene, 1,3,5-TMB, 1,2,4-TMB, naphthalene in MW-1. Notice to Land Record filed in 2004. MW's closed in June 2004. Site SMAC'd 03/26/07.

Underground storage tank removed. Receptor survey supported site SMAC.

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20053350 Linden Terrace 191 Grove St Rutland City SMAC Ashley Desmond 4/12/2005 0:00 7/20/2007 0:00900530 Lings Garage Lunenburg NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

20083858 Lipman Residence 11 parkside Ave Montpelier SMAC Gerold Noyes 6/16/2008 0:00 ###

20053420 Litchfield Property Swanton SMAC SMAC. Notice to land record. Matthew Becker 9/22/2005 0:00 5/3/2006 0:00

931508 Little Caesers 73 Canal St Brattleboro NFAP Richard Spiese 12/1/1993 0:00 12/1/1993 0:00

962088 Little Otter General Store Route 7 Ferrisburgh MED Lynda Provencher 10/1/1996 0:00

20043290 Little Residence Starksboro LOW Richard Spiese ###931393 Lockmasters Inc Main St Pawlet LOW Tph & Lead Contaminated Soils Linda Elliott900587 Locust Creek Store Route 107 Bethel LOW Soils Stockpiled Sarah A. Bartlett

20073694 Loewy Residence Pittsfield MED Sarah A. Bartlett 8/21/2007 0:00

Release detected during the in-place closure of a heating oil UST system. No contamination detected during the installation of the soil borings/monitoring wells. No contamination exceeded the VGES during the initial investigation. It was agreed that confirmatory monitoring would not be completed after one of the wells was found to have been destroyed. There is limited risk to receptors in this area from any residual contamination. All properties in this area are served by the municipal drinking water system. No elevated PID readings detected inside the residence. Monitoring wells have been properly abandoned.

UST removed. Soil contam found. Investigation complete; no impact to GW.

134 Grand Avenue

Usts Removed, Follow Up Ri Found No Contamination

Two gas tanks removed in October, 2006. Three additional groundwater monitoring wells installed in March, 2007. Total of six onsite wells. Low levels (but above VTGWES) of petroleum contaminants present in groundwater. Annual monitoring ongoing. Next sampling event should occur in fall, 2009.

Lazy Brook Trailer Park, Lot #

AST release of Kerosene. FP on GW, park well directly down gradient. Investigation shows drinking water well not impacted.

590 Hawk Mountain Rd

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed.

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992611 Logan Equipment LOW Gerold Noyes 6/23/1999 0:00

880197 Logans Sunoco Rt 7 Pittsford MED John Schmeltzer 5/1/1988 0:00

911061 Londonderry Auto Rt 11, Box 115 Londonderry LOW Tim Cropley

962015 Londonderry Citgo Rt 100 Londonderry HIGH Tim Cropley

972324 Old School St Londonderry MED Sarah A. Bartlett 12/1/1997 0:00

931400 Loney Construction 156 Vernan Rd Brattleboro SMAC No Gw Impacts Off Site Unassigned 8/1/1996 0:00

982383 Long Residence Recreation Drive Hanco*ck MED Unassigned 3/9/1998 0:00

931519 Loomis Trucking Route 149 Pawlet LOW Lynda Provencher 12/1/1993 0:00880284 Lot 15 Ludlow NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

972315 Lovejoy Tool 133 Main St Springfield SMAC Gerold Noyes 11/1/1997 0:00 11/9/2000 0:00

1901 Williston Rd

South Burlington

Contamination found during property transaction. Investigation required. 1/18/00, 3/23/00 contamination above VGES in 2 MWs. Annual monitor or SMAC w/Notice to Land Records

02/06: Contaminant concentrations declining. Monitoring every other year. Next round scheduled for May 2007.

Semiannual Groundwater Monitoring. Requested MW closure in Feb 2004 but not yet done. WPCE requested for final follow-up.

Air sparge/SVE installed system to be restarted due to rebound. Quarterly drinking water /groundwater monitoring.

Londonderry Town Garage

UST Removed. Contamination Found. Investigation is underway. (9/9/99). Phase II ESA conducted January 2009.

150 Gallon Spill From Above Ground Storage Tank. Soil Vapor Extraction System In Place. Soils Stockpiled. Cleanup Ongoing. (9/10/99)

Diesel underground storage tank removed in December, 1993. Petroleum contaminants present in groundwater in two wells at levels above Vermont Groundwater Enforcement Standards. Bi-Annual sampling is ongoing, with the next sampling event occurring in Spring, 2010. If levels are below standards at that time, will be eligible for a Site Management Activity Completed (SMAC) designation.

UST Removed. Contamination Found. Investigation completed. See also #972318. No impact to GW. SMAC

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972234 Lowell General Store Route 100 Lowell MED Sarah A. Bartlett 8/1/1997 0:00

20073704 Lower Residence Middlebury SMAC Sarah A. Bartlett 9/7/2007 0:00 2/9/2009 0:00

20063608 Lucas Industries Springfield LOW Patricia Coppolino ###

20053408 Luce Residence Waterbury SMAC Tami Wuestenberg 7/12/2005 0:00 ###

Ust Removed. Contamination Found. Investigation Needed. Last contact with owner was a November 4, 1997 letter requesting an investigation and workplan, as of this update, there has been no response and no further activity in this file. (9/7/99)

1844 Halladay Rd

Two 500 gallon USTs removed September 2007. Groundwater not encountered during removal or ISI. Soil borings advanced July 2008. Elevated PID readings (167 ppm) measured at 6.5 ft bgs in former UST grave. Sample collected from this boring contained multiple petroleum VOVs at levels below Region 9 PRGs, as well as TPH at 240 mg/kg. Removal not feasible. Samples collected from two additional soil borings contained no detectable VOCs.

201 Clinton Street

Property owner is selling to the Town of Springfield. Project entered into the RCPP. Soil and Gruondwater sampling were conducted at the site to determine if historic operations at the site had caused any impact. Limited soil contamintion (arsenic) and groundwater (naphthalene) were detected at the site. The groundwater impact is assumed to be migrating onto the property from the GOGO gas station. The site will need to have a deed restriction placed on it.

94 Lake View Terrace

Underground storage tank closed in place. Contamination found. Going expressway. Investigation completed; no groundwater contamination found. Once wells are properly abandoned site can be closed. SMACd site 12/21/05 - TW

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941610 Lucier Store Main St SMAC Ashley Desmond 6/1/1994 0:00 7/13/2007 0:00

972305 Lucille Farm Products Industrial Park Swanton SMAC Unassigned 11/1/1997 0:00 ###

900548 Lucky Spot Rt 117 Richmond LOW John Schmeltzer 7/1/1990 0:00

962075 Dugway Rd Ludlow SMAC Gerold Noyes 8/1/1996 0:00 6/19/2003 0:00890342 Ludlow Jiffy Mart Ludlow NFAP Site Closed Unassigned931500 Ludlow Mobil Main St Ludlow LOW Remediation completed, monitoring ongoing. Bob Haslam

951827 Ludlow Telephone 111 Main Ludlow SMAC Tim Cropley 7/3/1995 0:00 7/20/1999 0:00

962092 Ludlow Town Garage West Hill Rd Ludlow SMAC Site Investigation Complete Richard Spiese 10/1/1996 0:00 3/1/1997 0:00

20093950 Lundborg Residence 284 Ghia Rd Ludlow SMAC Ashley Desmond 6/30/2009 0:00 12/1/2009 0:00

Newport Town

Contamination discovered during the removal of two gasoline USTs. 230 cubic yards of soil removed and treated onsite. Recent samples taken from an onsite monitoring well located in the presumed downgradient direction from the former tanks had no exceedances of the VGES. Screening of the indoor air of the onsite building showed no elevated PID readings. Monitoring well has been properly abandoned. All properties in this area are served by the public drinking water system.

Groundwater Sampled. All Below Vges. Soil Disposed At Esmi. Site Closed 6/98. Reopened for long-term monitoring Jan. 20, 1999. Monitoring completed 11/23/04. Site SMAC on 11/30/04.

12/06: Annual monitoring with next round scheduled for June 2007

Ludlow Bulk Storage Facility

USTs removed. Soil contamination found. Existing MWs sampled. No impact to GW. SMAC.

Gasoline UST removed in 6/21/95. No additional work performed at that time. Diesel UST removed on 4/30/97 and additional work was necessary. Groundwater monitoring completed. Groundwater enforcement standards met over entire site.

Contamination discovered during the removal of a heating oil UST. Five monitoring wells installed at the property. No VOCs detected above the VGES. No elevated PIDs in adjacent residence. No VOCs detected in drinking water supply well. Monitoring wells properly abandoned.

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20033132 Lunenburg Elem School Lunenburg SMAC Richard Spiese 7/24/2003 0:00 5/11/2004 0:00

20002738 Lustgarten Residence Winhall SMAC Unassigned ### 4/4/2008 0:00

951789 Lutz's Automotive Main St Montgomery SMAC Matt Moran 6/1/1995 0:00 ###

992619 Luzenac America Ludlow Mill Ludlow SMAC Lynda Provencher 6/1/1999 0:00 10/3/2000 0:00

20043217 Luzenac Property Ludlow MED 6/18/2004 0:00

20094010 Lyczak Residence 7 Prospect St Woodstock MED Ashley Desmond ###

870127 Lyles Superette Route 110 Washington LOW Lynda Provencher 11/1/1997 0:00870003 Lyman Tank Farm Burlington NFAP Site Closed Unassigned870087 Lyn Haugh Lyndon NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

900590 Lyn's Market Route 36 Fairfield SMAC Gw Contam Levels Below Vt Standards Lynda Provencher 2/1/1997 0:00

982571 Lynburke Motel Lyndon SMAC Richard Spiese 9/30/1998 0:00 6/22/2004 0:00

37 Bobbin Mill Rd

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation showed limited soil contamination. Notice placed on land records on 5/4/2004. No GW contamination identified.

Bromley Forest Rd

UST release caused by contractor installing a satelitte TV system. Cleanup and investigation completed. Letter from Marc Roy dated 7/14/2000 established no further work necessary.

Site closed, 11/22/06, with notice to land record for source area contamination. Prior GW, river & basem*nt monitoring. Costs were covered by Cincinnati Insurance.

Groundwater enforcment standards met in all monitoring wells.

East Hill Road and Route 103

Phase I of former woolen mill discovered contamination. Phase II underway September 2004, report pending.

Hugo Martinez Cazon

Above ground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed.

Annual groundwater monitoring ongoing. 425 cubic yards of contaminated Soil stockpiled offsite at the Lyle Blanchard property. Next sampling event should be Summer 2006.

Route 5 and Route 114

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation shows very low level of TMB in tank excavation.

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20053407 Lyndon Motor Lodge Lyndon SMAC Ashley Desmond 7/1/2005 0:00 ###

972261 67 Broad St Lyndon MED Richard Spiese 9/1/1997 0:00900489 Lyndon State College College Rd. Lyndon LOW Investigation Complete Bob Haslam

20063600 Lyndon State College Lyndon SMAC Lynda Provencher 9/19/2006 0:00 12/3/2007 0:00

911178 Lyndon Town Garage Rt 114 Lyndon NFAP Lynda Provencher 10/1/1995 0:00

20093914 East Mountain East Haven MED See SMS 911152 for earlier investigation work.

20093915 East Mountain East Haven MED See SMS 91-1152 for earlier investigation work.

20093916 East Mountain East Haven MED See SMS 91-1152 for earlier investigation work.

20093917 East Mountain East Haven MED See SMS 91-1152 for earlier investigation work.

911152 Radar Road East Haven LOW

900574 Lyndonville Electric Grove St. Lyndon NFAP Richard Spiese

6145 Memorial Drive

Contamination discovered during the removal of a heating oil UST. Four monitoring wells were advanced in the vicinity if the tank and sampled twice for VOCs and TPH. No VOCs exceeded the VGES, and TPH peaked at 17 ppm. Screening of the indoor air showed no evidence of vapor intrusion. This site and all neighboring properties are served by the municipal drinking water system. Monitoring wells have been properly abandoned.

Lyndon Pit Stop Valero (Ville Garage)

Ust Removed. Contamination Found. Investigation ongoing.

1001 College Drive

15,000 gallon #2 fuel oil UST removed. Investigation complete. No impact to groundwater. 60 cubic yards soil removed and disposed of at ESMI in Loudon, NH. No sensitive receptors impacted.

Site Invest Complete, Gw Contam Levels Below G W E S

Lyndonville AFS, Lot A100-2

Hugo Martinez Cazon

Lyndonville AFS, Lot A100-3

Hugo Martinez Cazon

Lyndonville AFS, Lot A106

Hugo Martinez Cazon

Lyndonville AFS, Lot A108

Hugo Martinez Cazon

Lyndonville Air Force Station

Remedial Action (soil excavation) performed in October 2001 to address PAH contamination. Outstanding issues in barracks area noticed to site ownwer, ACOE in 3/04 letter.

Hugo Martinez Cazon

Assessment Completed. Monitoring On Semi-annual Basis

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20063532 Lyndonville Savings Bank 467 Broad St Lyndon MED Ashley Desmond 5/15/2006 0:00

880254 Vt Route 5 Lyndon HIGH Richard Spiese 6/1/1998 0:00

770117 Lyndon NFAP Nus Pa Completed 5/86, Low Priority Unassigned

20043210 Lyons Farm 4486 E Bethel Rd Randolph MED Gerold Noyes 4/2/2004 0:00

951837 Lyons Pontiac Airport Rd Berlin SMAC Invest Complete, No Impact To Gw, Site Closed Bob Haslam 1/1/1997 0:00

982371 M And R Beverage 207 Gore Rd Highgate MED Bob Haslam 4/1/1998 0:00

20063492 M & M Beverage Barre Town SMAC Ashley Desmond ### 3/10/2006 0:00

Contamination discovered during the removal of a heating oil UST. The onsite bank was replaced with a modern structure that had a slab on-grade foundation, which will limt the potential for vapor intrustion. Passive product collection efforts have been successful at minimizing free product in the source area. Free-product checks and semiannual monitoring ongoing at the site. Contamiation at the site appears to be decreasing with time.

Lyndonville Texaco (Nicks Gas & Go)

Site re-opened. FP found in MWs on site. Investigation continues. Water and sewer lines replaced. PFP remedial system installed. Consists of dual-phase extraction with possible ozone injection later. System energized 10/01.

Lyndonville Town Highway Garage

gas UST removed. Contam found. On going monitoring. 5/21 & 10/19/04 3 of 5 MWs above VGES

Underground Storage Tank Removed. Contamination found. First phase of investigation completed, additional investigation requested.

370 S Barre Rd / Rt 14

3 underground storage tanks removed. Contamination found. Investiogation needed. Former Site #992625. Closed 4/2000. Soil sampling showed little contamination remained at the site following soils excavation. Not believed to be any significant gw until 40 feet below grade. Limited risk to receptors. Drinking water in the area is from the municipal water system.

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992625 Route 14 Barre Town SMAC Gerold Noyes 5/5/1999 0:00 4/14/2000 0:00

961989 M and M Beverage 6 Salsbury St Randolph SMAC Matt Moran 4/1/1996 0:00 1/22/2001 0:00

962016 M T S - Agway Middlebury SMAC Gerold Noyes 6/1/1996 0:00 5/2/2007 0:00

951901 102 West St Rutland City MED Linda Elliott

20083828 Mac Residence 61 Field Ave Rutland City SMAC Ashley Desmond 6/9/2008 0:00 5/15/2009 0:00

931447 Route 100 Warren SMAC Linda Elliott 8/1/1993 0:00 6/4/2008 0:00

20073630 Mac's Market 263A Route 103 Wallingford SMAC Ashley Desmond ### ###

M & M Beverage and Redemption

UST pipe replacement. Contamination found at dispenser. Investigation completed. One 37' soil boring. No GW found. Soil sample ND. SMAC

Gasoline UST release. 20 cubic yards PCS treated and thin spread onsite. Site closed.

45 - 47 Exchange St

5 cy soil excavated and stockpiled with Agway soil from site #911159 at off-site location. Permission to thinspread 2003. SMAC

M V R T D ( Former Parker Texaco)

Petroleum contaminated soil encountered during construction of transit center. Owners removed soils. Groundwater quality needs to be assessed. Several adjacent properties including former Proctor Bank property (#900483 closed site) was combined with this site in 1997. After further evaluation, site #900483 should remain a separate site.

Contamination discovered during the removal of a heating oil UST. Three monitoring wells were installed downgradient of the tank. Groundwater samples taken from three of the wells and analyzed for VOCs and TPH showed no detectable concentrations. Monitoring wells have been properly closed. Property is served by the municipal water system.

Mac's Auto (formerly Kingsbury)

Annual site monitoring. Contaminant concentrations stable. No additional work requested.

Contamination discovered during under the diesel pump island. Five soil borings/ two monitoring wells installed at the property. Well immediately downgradient of source area was the only well with contamination above the VGES during four monitoring events. A sample collected from the onsite water supply well was ND for VOCs. Wells have been properly closed.

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20023003 Mac's Market Main St Stowe SMAC Bruce Linton 4/19/2002 0:00 5/27/2003 0:00

20093936 Mac's North Main Rutland City MED Ashley Desmond 6/10/2009 0:00

972301 Mace Security Bennington SMAC Bruce Linton 12/1/1997 0:00 11/5/1999 0:00890328 Macintyre Fuels Inc Middlebury NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

900520 Mack Molding Route 131 Cavendish SMAC John Schmeltzer 1/1/1998 0:00 12/2/1999 0:00

911104 Mack Molding Co Arlington SMAC Gerold Noyes 6/1/1991 0:00 5/19/1999 0:00

951937 Elm St Chester SMAC Unassigned/jf 12/1/1995 0:00 10/1/1997 0:00

20073702 MacNeil Property Shelburne SMAC Ashley Desmond 9/26/2007 0:00 12/5/2008 0:00

972202 Macnellis Residence Weston SMAC Unassigned 7/1/1997 0:00 6/28/1999 0:00

Contamination found while installing a water line adjacent to site. It was discovered that UST's and a gas station existed on the property. An investigation of these USTs is expected in 2003 when the building is renovated. No contamination was found during the subsurface investigation. The site was SMACed in May 2003.

144 North Main St

Piping replaced for 2 UST's. Petroleum odors noticed. Investigation needed. First letter sent July, 2009.

160 Benmont Ave

See Site Number 770133 - Catamount Dyers, Bennington. Site SMACed November 1999.

#4 Fuel Release, 2000 Gal, Soil And Free Product Removed. Approximately 400 cubic yards of soil were removed during the emergency response. As a precautionary measure, downgradient monitoring wells were installed. Petroleum concentrations in the groundwater were either below the detection limits or at levels significantly below a regulatory concern. After two rounds of monitoring, no futher monitoring is required.

East Arlington Rd

Groundwater monitoring requested for spring 1999. No VOCs in groundwater above VGES. SMAC

Mackenzie Construction Property

All Pcs Treated On Site-no Contam Above Standards

251 Summit Circle

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. ATC conducted additional site work and found no evidence of groundwater contamination. Residual contamination appears to be restricted to the immediate vicinity of the former tank.

Old Stagecoach Rd

Ust removed and contamination found. Site investigation completed and site closed.

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972218 Macs Auto Care Morristown SMAC John Schmeltzer 9/1/1997 0:00 8/5/2004 0:00

20012909 Macs Quick Stop 233 S Main St LOW Gerold Noyes 9/5/2001 0:00

992691 SMAC Gerold Noyes 9/9/1999 0:00 4/17/2000 0:00

962061 Mad River Glen Ski Area Route 17 Fayston SMAC John Schmeltzer 8/1/1996 0:00 3/1/1998 0:00

941696 Mad River Glen Ski Area Route 17 Fayston SMAC Stockpiled Soils Remediated Richard Spiese 10/1/1994 0:00 7/1/1996 0:00

20063609 Waitsfield SMAC Ashley Desmond 12/6/2006 0:00 9/1/2007 0:00911049 Madonna Mobil Route 15 Cambridge LOW Groundwater Monitoring On Going Bob Haslam

890443 Magic Mountain Ski Area Londonderry SMAC Richard Spiese 1/1/1989 0:00 2/1/1997 0:00

20083847 Maglione Residence Winhall MED Ashley Desmond 8/4/2008 0:00

Rt 15 and Silver Ridge Rd

Vermont Groundwater Enforcement Standards have been met and the monitoring wells have been properly abandoned.

St Albans City

Removal and replacement of piping for 4 UST's. 4 of 9 MWs above VGES annual monitoring

1/1/1900 12:00:00 AM

Macs' Center Rutland Citgo

Route 4A, 1 West St

Rutland Town

UST pipes replaced. Contamination found. Investigation completed. 2 MWs with minor impact below VGES. SMAC

Stockpiled Soil Thinspread, Gw Contam Below Standards

Mad River Green Shopping Center

109 Mad River Green

Contamination discovered during the in-place closure of a heating oil UST and the removal of a small kerosene UST. Six monitoring wells were installed near the respective source areas. Two wells had detectable levels of contamination during the ISI, though this was below the VGES. During the follow-up monitoring event, five wells were non-detect for VOCs. Only trace levels of contamination were found in the source area. Indoor air was screened and found to be free of volatile compounds. Two neighboring wells were sampled during both monitoring events and showed no detection of petroleum compounds. Monitoring wells have been properly abandoned.

Stockpiled petroleum contaminated soil treatment not completed. Site re-opened to get soil treated.

1 Bromley Knolls Rd

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. HEA conducted the isi and found no significant contamination. Monitoring wells will be closed prior to SMAC designation.

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951769 Main St Citgo Main St St Johnsbury SMAC Matt Moran 4/1/1995 0:00 7/1/1996 0:00

931531 Main St Stewarts Shop Poultney SMAC Linda Elliott 12/1/1993 0:00 7/1/2008 0:00

870026 Main Street Auto Main St Washington LOW Richard Spiese 1/1/1987 0:00

20002804 Main Street School 170 Main St Montpelier SMAC Gerold Noyes 5/18/2000 0:00 8/4/2003 0:00

982439 Main Street Service Center Route 5 Putney SMAC Gerold Noyes 7/15/1998 0:00 1/12/2010 0:00

972177 Maintenance One Rail Park Rt 2 A Colchester SMAC Gerold Noyes 6/1/1997 0:00 7/17/2000 0:00

20053318 Majarian Residence Colchester SMAC Tim Cropley ### 7/21/2005 0:00

982433 Mall Mobil MED Gerold Noyes 6/1/1998 0:00

921257 Montpelier SMAC Lynda Provencher 7/1/2008 0:00870035 Maltex Pond Burlington NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

972133 Manchester Bank Property Main St Bradford SMAC Gw Impacted Below Standards Mike Young 2/1/1997 0:00 3/1/1997 0:00

900495 Manchester Country Club Route 7 Manchester NFAP Invest Complete Unassigned/mg 7/1/1994 0:00

941638 Memorial Ave Manchester NFAP Unassigned 7/1/1994 0:00 11/1/1995 0:00

Additional site investigations completed. Site closed.

Main and Maple St

2 gasoline USTs removed Sept. 2000. 80 tons of PCS shipped to ESMI, NY. Annual groundwater monitoring. No exceedances of groundwater enforcement standards.

Site needs to be evaluated to determine status of contamination. Effort in 2008 unsuccessful to move site to closure.

UST removed. Contam found. 4 MWs installed, investigation complete. 10/24/00 no VOC impact to GW, 0.41 ppm TPH. 6/3/02 MWs decommissioned, annual soil stockpile monitoring. SMAC

UST removed. Contam found. Investigation completed. 9/21/00, 6/13/01 3/10 MWs above VGES, 3/10 MWs below VGES, 10/01, 4/02, 4/03 6/09, 2 MWs below VGES, 8 ND. SMAC

UST Removed. Contamination Found. Investigation completed. 2/17/98 MTBE above VGES in 1 MW, 3 MWs ND, 5/13/99 same results. 5/19/00 all MWs ND. SMAC

276 Village Green

MWs installed. No VOCs or TPH detected. MWs abandoned and site SMACed

205 Woodstock Ave

Rutland Town

UST removed. Contam found. Investigation underway, supply well low level contam, confirmatory sample 9/05

Malone Properties (former Farrell Dist)

Gallison Hill Road

Groundwater met enforcement standards. Monitoring wells properly closed.

Manchester Elementary School

No Vapor Impacts To School. Soil Treated And Thin Spread.

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20002823 Manchester SMAC Gerold Noyes 8/17/2000 0:00 9/13/2001 0:00

921320 Manchester Gulf Rt 7 A Manchester SMAC Lynda Provencher

921192 Manchester Motors Rt 11 & 30 Manchester LOW Sarah A. Bartlett 1/1/1992 0:00

962033 Route 11 Manchester SMAC Matt Moran 7/1/1996 0:00 5/1/1997 0:00

20012924 Manchester LOW Investigation complte Groundwater Monitoring Michael Smith 6/1/2001 0:00

911021 Manchester Texaco 5255 Depot St. Manchester SMAC Stockpiled Soils Richard Spiese 3/31/1992 0:00911037 Manchester Wood, Inc Depot St. Manchester NFAP Closed 12/8/92 Unassigned 12/8/1992 0:00

20094014 Manning Residence Brattleboro MED Ashley Desmond ###

20073738 183 St Paul St Burlington MED Ashley Desmond ###

900537 Maple Corner Store County Road Calais SMAC Unassigned 7/1/1996 0:00880183 Maple Corner Store Calais NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

972308 167 Portland St St Johnsbury SMAC Tim Cropley 11/1/1997 0:00 7/2/1999 0:00

931416 Maple Lane Barton MED Bob Haslam 7/1/1993 0:00

921222 Maple Leaf Country Store Main Street Dover LOW Soil Contamination. No Apparent Gw Threat. Linda Elliott

770203 Maple Ridge Farm Albany MED Hazardous Waste Removed. Site Unassigned. Unassigned

962008 Maple St Maple St East Haven MED Unassigned 7/1/1996 0:00

931394 Manchester MED Matt Moran

Manchester Elementary School

80 Memorial Drive

UST removed. Contamination found. Former site 94-1638, 12/28/00 1 of 4 MWs above VGES, 1 more MW needed,7/31/01 all 5 MWs ND. SMAC

Groundwater met standards in all monitoring wells. All wells properly closed according to Water Supply Rule.

Site Asses Conducted For Real Estate Transfer To Town, Monitoring Contin

Manchester Police Fire And Rescue

Site Investigation Complete, Soils Treated Offsite. Site Closed

Manchester Shopping Center

Manchester Center

302 Hinesburg Rd

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed.

1/1/1900 12:00:00 AM

Mansfield Professional Building

Installed 5 MW's. Screened soils. Sampling of groundwater showed presense of organic compounds. Further work needed.

Gw Monitoring Complete,no Offsite Migration Of Contam.

Maple Grove Farms Of Vermont

Groundwater monitoring performed. Groundwater standards met on entire site.

Maple Lane Nursing And Retirement Home

Remediation Completed, one drinking water supply well impacted with MTBE.

Town Highway 11

Residential fuel oil USTs being removed. Additional work to be performed.

Maplefield's - Manchester/Hoard's Mobil

Main St, Route 7A

Annual PCS and GW monitoring 2008. PCS segragated into 2 piles with manure 7/02: "cleaner" 0-10 ppm, and "dirty" 175-405 ppm. Requested additional screening 2007.

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951763 Maplehill School P O Box 248 Marshfield LOW Lynda Provencher

20063553 Maplewoods Store Berlin MED Ashley Desmond 5/31/2006 0:00

20012845 Maquam Shore Market MED Matt Moran 1/18/2001 0:00

20053419 167 State St Rutland City SMAC Ashley Desmond 8/3/2005 0:00 10/5/2005 0:00

911125 Marcell Ave Marcell Ave Barre City LOW Richard Spiese 8/1/1991 0:00870017 Mardon Industries Lyndon NFAP Site Closed Site colmbined with 77-0015 Unassigned

770015 Route 122 Lyndon SMAC George Desch ### ###

20043201 Marlboro MED Sarah A. Bartlett ###

Vapor Impact Remediated - need final report detailing site activities in order to close site.

199 Paine Turnpike South

2 undergroiund storage tanks removed. Contamination found. Approved ECS workplan for initial site investigation. Petroleum compounds detected in wells at Fire Station, and Honda Dealership. Levels were below the VGES. November, 2007 samples showed that contaminant levels are not declining at the property. SMS has requested a supplemental investigation to further define the degree and extent of contamination.

Maquam Shore Road

St Albans Town

Petroleum contamination discovered during UST closure. ISI completed. Next rd due by fall 2005. Work overdue as RP unwilling to install well in source area or close with notice to land record.

Marble Valley Correctional Facility

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Contaminated soils removed from excavation and drummed with tank waste. No detection of VOCs following soils removal. Confirmatory samples showed no evidence of contamination.

Periodic Monitoring Source Removed. Need to remove on site carbon drum before SMACing site.

Mardon Industries/Davis Property

Site originally discovered in 1986 and closed in 1995. Site reopened in 1998 when contamination found during UST removal. Pre 1998 site data stored electronically. Investigation completed. Waiting for well closures and then the site will be SMACed. Site SMACed in 12/02.

Marlboro College - Dining Hall

Town Highway #3

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed.

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982401 Marlboro SMAC Gerold Noyes 9/22/1997 0:00 9/1/2000 0:00

972224 Marlboro SMAC Unassigned 6/1/1997 0:00 6/8/1998 0:00

911080 Marlboro Town Fire Dept South Rd Marlboro NFAP Unassigned 8/1/1993 0:00

911082 Marlboro Town Garage South St Marlboro SMAC Richard Spiese 12/1/1996 0:00

20012899 Marrinson Residence 47 72nd St Hinesburg SMAC Unassigned 9/5/2001 0:00 4/16/2002 0:00

20002842 Marsh Residence 52 Main St Derby HIGH Richard Spiese ###

951759 Marshall Arbo Property Rt 14 Randolph SMAC Matt Moran 3/1/1995 0:00 ###

961980 Marshall Center 72 Fairfield St St Albans SMAC Matt Moran 4/1/1996 0:00 7/1/1996 0:00

982492 Marshall Property Old School Road Duxbury LOW Gerold Noyes 11/4/1998 0:00

900480 Marshfield Village Rt 2 Marshfield SMAC Unassigned 10/3/1989 0:00 ###

982498 Marson Property 100 Hunt St Bennington MED Unassigned 9/17/1998 0:00

Marlboro College - Presser Music Buildin

Town Highway #3, College Rd

Investigation completed. No impact to GW. Stockpiled soils treated on site and thin spread. SMAC

Marlboro College - Schrader Dorm

Town Hgwy 3, College Rd

No Volatile Organic Compounds In Groundwater Or Soils Under Tank Pit. Low Level Tph Soil And Groundwater.

Sampling Shows No Contamination Going Offsite

Stockpiled Soils Treated. Site Invest Complete. Site Closed.

Groundwater not encountered during UST removal; no contaminants in drinking water well.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Free product present. Additional monitoring wells proposed. CAFI completed and soil excavation of most contaminated area completed. Quarterly monitoring ongoing. Bioventing and passive FP recovery ongoing.

UST investigation complete. Confirmatory sampling by Technical Services Section 1/98. PCF loan paid in full. Site closed.

Heating oil UST removed, low level residual soil contamination, no GW impacts.

Phase I Site Investigation encountered TPH contaminated soil and groundwater. 1/4/99 letter required soil disposal manifest, floor drain closure, and 11/13/98 soil lab data for SMAC; building burned down in spring 1999 no action at site

Seeps found on Winooski, with gasoline odors reported by residents. Active sheens ceased to be observed, but still evidence of stream impact 6/8/90. MERGED W/ SITE #97-2179.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed.

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982442 Martin Residence Essex SMAC Gerold Noyes 7/10/1998 0:00 4/25/2000 0:00

992718 Martins Garage Route 14 Brookfield SMAC Gerold Noyes ### 2/21/2005 0:00931372 Martins General Store Route 7 Highgate LOW Groundwater monitoring ongoing Bob Haslam

921217 Martins Mini Mart 321 Main St Bennington SMAC Gwes Met On Site. Soils Treated. Richard Spiese 1/1/1992 0:00 7/1/1997 0:00

982504 Martins Old Country Store Main St Corinth MED Ashley Desmond 9/3/1998 0:00

962009 Martys First Stop Route 2 Danville MED Matt Moran 6/1/1996 0:00

921307 Martys Mobil Route 7 Milton LOW Lynda Provencher

314 Lost Nation Rd

UST removed and contamination found. Investigation completed. 1 MW with contam below VGES. 4 MWs non detect. SMAC

UST tank removed. Soil contam found, Investigation complete, depth to gw >16', monitor soil stock pile annually, 6/7/00 new USTs to be installed. SMAC

Contamination orignally discovered during a UST piping project in 1998. Required investigation was never completed. Unused USTs finally removed in the fall of 2005. Contamination was found to be as high as 800 ppm in soils. SMS required additional investigation again with potential for enforcement action. KAS wp approved in Jan 06 for initial site investigation. Results of isi showed high concentrations of VOCs around to former UST. SMS recommended additional investigation to determine the trend in groundwater contamination and to assess whether soils removal may be a feasible remedial action. Jeremy Roberts reported that the E. Corinth Cong. Church water supply well had detectable levels of contamination during November sampling. Concentration of MTBE is 0.8 ppb. KAS will perform source removal actions and additional investigation in 2007.

Additional UST investigation being coordinated with UST installation in Fall '97.

Groundwater contaminants all relatively low. Next sampling round is scheduled for May, 2009. If contaminants are below standards, site will be eligible for a Site Management Activity Completed (SMAC) designation.

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941636 Marvins Market Essex MED John Schmeltzer 6/1/1994 0:00

951830 Mary Dwyer Residence Williston SMAC Lynda Provencher 10/1/1996 0:00911004 Mary's Market Route 2 Colchester LOW Site Monitoring Ongoing Richard Spiese 1/1/1991 0:00

20002808 Mascoma Savings bank 105 Main St Windsor SMAC Gerold Noyes 8/18/2000 0:00 6/21/2002 0:00

911093 Maska U.S.A. Bradford HIGH CAP approved, remedial action ongoing Michael Smith

972297 Masonic Temple 9 Elm St Lyndon SMAC Unassigned 11/1/1997 0:00 3/20/1998 0:00

880181 Massey's, S B Collins 97 First St Swanton LOW Richard Spiese 1/1/1988 0:00

20053383 Master Property 329 Easy St Danby SMAC Ashley Desmond 4/6/2005 0:00 5/22/2006 0:00

20093918 Masterson Residence Arlington SMAC Ashley Desmond 5/1/2009 0:00 7/23/2009 0:00

20043247 Matt Seiple Property 10 Ascutney St Windsor MED Marc Roy 1/21/2004 0:00

20022988 Mattera Residence Stowe SMAC Richard Spiese 5/9/2002 0:00 6/28/2007 0:00

221 Colchester Rd

07/02: sampling once a year, with the next round scheduled for October 2002

35 Middlewood Rd

Investigation/remediation Complete. No Impact To Vapors Or Groundwater

USTs removed. Contam found. 1 MW below VGES, 4 MWs ND. SMAC

Pierson Industrial Park

Ust Removed. Contamination Found. Investigation Needed.

Remediation Shutdown, Site In Natural Attenuation

2 undergrund tanks removed. Contamination found. Approved KAS si in Sept 05. KAS isi found no significant PID readings during sb/mw installation. Well in source area dry during monitoring event (no gw to 15 feet below grade). Other two mws had no detects of VOCs or TPH. Indoor air showed no vapor impact when screened. Residence is on municipal water. Approved mw closure for SMAC. Monitoring wells have been properly closed.

4862 Rte 313 West

Contamination discovered during the removal of a heating oil UST. Peak PID of 48 ppm. No groundwater, bedrock or free product in excavation. No elevated PIDs in basem*nt immediately next to former tank. Two samples collected from onsite water supply well were ND for VOCs.

MW's installed. Sampling to be ongoing. Groundwater treatment system in place.

Little River Farm Road

Leaking residential UST. FP in bedrock drinking water well and MWs recovered. Site only open now due to TMBs and Napthalene. New well installed. Monitoring and remediation complete.

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20002774 Maynard Auto 696 Pine St Burlington SMAC Gerold Noyes 4/13/2000 0:00 10/4/2000 0:00

20093995 Maynard Auto Supply LOW Lynda Provencher 11/4/2009 0:00870039 Maynard Farr Wolcott NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

961992 Mayo Health Care 1 Richardson Ave Northfield SMAC Matt Moran 5/1/1996 0:00 6/1/1997 0:00

20012853 Mayville Residence Richmond SMAC Matt Moran 3/2/2001 0:00 3/30/2006 0:00

20033170 Mc Bride Residence 64 Depot St Ludlow MED Sarah A. Bartlett ###

941718 Mc Culloughs Quick Stop Route 197 Royalton SMAC Sarah A. Bartlett 11/1/1994 0:00 3/28/2008 0:00

911022 Mcauliffe Office Products Cherry St Burlington NFAP Site Assessment Showed Limited Contamination. Unassigned 6/14/1991 0:00870164 Mcauliffes Burlington NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

20083864 McBournie Residence Williston SMAC Ashley Desmond 10/2/2008 0:00 7/23/2009 0:00

UST removed. Contam found. Investigation completed. Minor impact to GW. VGES exceeded in tank pit moitor well. SMAC . Re-opened 10/2008 as 2008-3862 following removal of 2 abandoned USTs

252 Randbury Road

Rutland Town

Phase II report by ATC indicated 1.5 ppb MTBE in water supply. Additional groundwater sampling showed levels of napthalene and 2-chlorotoluene at levels above the VTGWES. Property has been a truck repair facility in the past, also has floor drains which have been closed. Fuel oil UST removed in March, 2009; no contamination was found.

Investigation of diesel UST completed, concrete slab foundation capped over residual soil contamination, and GW flow stopped by engineering controls. Site closed.

64 Lower Circle, Riverview Com

Kerosene AST release. PCS removal, Bailing/Sorbent FP removal, MPE and SVE to remediate site. Some residual contamiantion noticed to the land records. Site closed.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. SI conducted 2004. Semi-annual monitoring initiated Oct. 2007.

45 yd3 of PCS treated; approved off-site thin spreading 1/7/99. SMAC when completed.

191 Morgan Parkway

Contamination discovered during the removal of a heating oil UST . Expressway investigation conducted. No significant VOC contamination encountered in soil borings or monitoring well. No elevated PIDs in adjacent residence. Water is supplied by the municipal system. Monitoring well properly closed.

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20053440 McCarthy Residence 283 Gilcrest Rd Stowe SMAC Ashley Desmond 9/28/2005 0:00 2/5/2007 0:00

972233 McConnell Residence Westford SMAC Unassigned 4/1/1997 0:00 4/1/1999 0:00

20073743 McCosker Residence Thetford SMAC Alex Geller 9/14/2007 0:00 ###

911161 McCullough Crushing McCullough Rd Middlesex SMAC Gerold Noyes 9/4/1998 0:00 7/23/2001 0:00

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Ross Environmental conducted the initial investigation at the site. Based on the shallow depth to bedrock and the limited extent of contamination, they have recommended the removal of contaminated soils. A workplan for this removal was approved by the SMS in Jul 06. A total of 43 tons of contaminated soil was excavated at the site. A sample collected from the base of the excavation showed trace levels of petroleum contaminants, though none exceeded the EPA Region IX PRGs. TPH concentrations in the sample were 17.2 ppm. No VOCs were detected in the four samples from the onsite drinking water supply well or in samples taken from two neighboring wells.

540 Woods Hollow Rd

Cleanup of fuel oil spill completed. No affect on private wells in area. Stockpiled soils disposed at WSI Landfill. Site closed.

268 Houghton Hill Rd

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. HEA to continue monitoring into spring and determine if curtain drain exists. Spring monitoring returned levels below allowable limits. Site closure: 11/14/08

11/91 UST removed, 30 yds soil stockpiled, 4/94 site closed, 9/94 UST removed, 20 yds soil stockpiled, 2/98 site closed, 9/98 UST, 18 yds soil stockpiled. No impact to GW. SMAC

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20063506 Bennington SMAC Ashley Desmond 3/28/2006 0:00 7/3/2008 0:00

982408 McDermotts 55 Elm St Enosburg SMAC Sarah A. Bartlett 5/18/1998 0:00 3/28/2007 0:00

20083802 43 Conant Square Brandon MED Tami Wuestenberg ###

20033105 McEntyre Residence 201 High St Plainfield SMAC Gerold Noyes 4/17/2003 0:00 5/22/2003 0:00

20002764 McEvoy and Sons 718 Hollow Rd Ferrisburgh SMAC Gerold Noyes 5/2/2000 0:00 5/10/2001 0:00900656 Mcewing Fuel Essex NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

931476 McEwing Fuels 134 Main St Essex SMAC Gerold Noyes 10/1/1993 0:00 9/23/2005 0:00

McCullough Dorm - Bennington College

Bennington College

Contamination originated from a #6 heating oil UST. Approximately 120 tons of petroleum contaminated soil removed from source area. Product found in nearby sump during the tank removal. After several cleanings of the sump, the product did not return. Sump used to discharge into the former UST area, but was relocated after removal of the tank. There does not appear to be any lingering vapor issues in the McCullough building. Samples taken from the basem*nt sump were non-detect for VOCs and TPH.

Contamination discovered during UST removal. 80 cubic yards of soil excavated, stockpiled on-site. On-site thinspreading requirements met Nov. 2002, but soils transported off-site for use as fill. Soils returned to McDermott's June 2004, thinspread. Site SMAC'd 3/28/07.

McDonough's Service Station

Environmental Investigation perfomred in 2003 and again in 2006 in preparation for Route 7 highway expansion found evidence of contamination in front of station. UST inspection in 2007 also indicated a release of petroleum by way of weeping from pumps. Sent first letter on July 2, 2008.

UST removed. Soil contam found, no GW. Excavated contaminated soil to clean. SMAC

Abandoned UST removed. Contam found. 1/31/00 water supply well results ND. 5/9/01 SMS site inspection no evidence of migrating contamination. SMAC

USTs removed, contam found. Investigation completed. 2/5/99 Owner requested to prepare Notice to Land Records. 5/14/01 site inspection showed property was sold and is used as school. SMAC

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20012895 McFarland House 71 Washington St Barre City SMAC Gerold Noyes 6/20/2001 0:00 6/11/2002 0:00

900543 McGaffigan Newton Rd Vernon LOW Bob Haslam

941698 Mcgaffreys Sunoco 98 North Ave Burlington SMAC Soils treated and thinspread off-site. Unassigned/jf 10/1/1994 0:00 12/1/1998 0:00

941603 Mcgee Fuels Facility Route 4 East Woodstock SMAC Don Robisky 11/1/1995 0:00

20012869 McGinley Property 1 Lake Rd Winhall SMAC Gerold Noyes 5/15/2001 0:00 9/12/2002 0:00

20012874 McGinnis Property 64 School St Rutland City MED 6/14/2001 0:00

900626 McGoffs Sunoco Barre City LOW Richard Spiese 1/1/1990 0:00

20083865 McGrade Residence 94 Murphy Rd Hartford SMAC Ashley Desmond 9/26/2008 0:00 5/22/2009 0:00

982468 McGraths Sunoco 49 Court St Middlebury MED Gerold Noyes 8/10/1998 0:00

911040 MCHV Burlington NFAP Unassigned 8/6/1992 0:00

USTs removed. Contam found. Soil borings installed to define degree & extent. No GW found at 55'. Notice to land records for residual soil contam. SMAC

Well Contaminated By Heating Oil. Monitoring Completed.

Contaminated Soil Disposed. Investigation Complete. Site Closed.

UST removed. Contam found. 6/6/01 1 of 3 MWs above VGES, 10/30/01 Tank pit MW slightly above VGES. SMAC

Underground storage tanks removed. Contamination found. SI Report submitted 10/2/01

Hugo Martinez Cazon

320 Washington St

Remedial system shut down. Natural Attenuation monitoring continues.

Contamination discovered during the removal of a heating oil UST. Three test pits installed in the presumed downgradient direction of tank. No elevated PID readings or groundwater encountered. Soil samples from the test pits were free of TPH and VOCs. Indoor air showed no evidence of a petroleum impact when screened with a PID. All properties in the area are served by the municipal drinking water system.

USTs removed. Contam found. Investigation completed. 2/16 7 MWs above VGES, 4/19, 2/7, 10/12/01, 4/19/02 9 of 11, 2nd release discovered 11/11/02 9 of 10 MWs above VGES, 4/7/03 10 of 16 MWs, 6/04, 6/05 10 of 15 MWs above VGES, O2 injection ongoing

111 Colchester Ave.

Site Assessment Completed Following Ust Removal.

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20063585 McIntyre Residence Stowe SMAC Lynda Provencher 9/15/2006 0:00 3/29/2007 0:00

20083859 McKenna Residence 203 Bliss Rd Montpelier SMAC Gerold Noyes 9/11/2008 0:00 12/1/2008 0:00

911048 Mckenzie Co 456 North St. Burlington NFAP Unassigned/mg 7/1/1993 0:00

900569 Mckenzie Packing Co. North St Burlington NFAP Unassigned

962043 McLellans Garage Route 7 Mount Tabor MED Ashley Desmond

20063526 Rt 2A Essex SMAC Gerold Noyes 5/18/2006 0:00 4/6/2007 0:00

877 Cottage Club Rd

Underground storage tank removed. Soil contamiantion found. Groundwater not encountered. Since site was completely within the Source Protection Area of the Stowe Water System, 18.98 tons of contamianted soil was excavated and disposed of at the ESMI thermal destruction facility in Loudon, NH.

UST removed, contam found. Investigation completed. Soil borings & MWs installed; no impact to GW and no impact to soil. SMAC

Petroleum Contaminated Soils Properly Disposed Of

Tank Pull Generated Contam Soil. See Site #91-1048

UST contami found. 2/16/01 2/4 MWs above VGES. Further investigation required. Owner refused multiple requests to do work, referred to Enforcement, 1/06 owner says he will cooperate. ISI conducted by KAS in the Summer of 2006. Free product found in the source area. Continued investigation will involve sampling neighboring drinking water wells and installation of additional monitoring points to further define the downgradient extent of contamination.

McLure Moving & Storage

Free product removed from storm drain.4 MWs installed, no impact to GW. SMAC

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20073626 McNeil Generating Station 111 Intervale Rd Burlington SMAC Ashley Desmond ### 8/1/2008 0:00880287 Mcnichol And Melon Hartford NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

951749 McPherson Residence Lunenburg MED Unassigned 1/1/1995 0:00

20063515 McSweeney Residence St George SMAC Tami Wuestenberg 4/28/2006 0:00 ###

890366 Mead Street Development Mead St West Rutland NFAP Landfarm Complete. Site Closed. Bob Haslam

20023001 Meadow Street Garage Meadow St LOW Tami Wuestenberg 5/10/2002 0:00

Contamination discovered during routine maintenance of a fuel dispenser, which is connected to a large volume heating oil tank at the property. It appears that contamination may be related to spills and or small leaks from the dispenser. No significant groundwater contamination was detected in 5 groundwater monitoring wells installed at the site. All monitoring wells except for one were abandoned. One well was retained for ongoing monitoring. This property is served by a drilled bedrock supply well which was tested and showed no detectable levels of contamination.

Town Highway # 23

6' Free Product in Artesian Well removed,need samples and Pcs screening.

265 Hemlock Road

Kersosene release from an AST. Immediate spill response activities performed, 66 tons of contaminated soil removed from site. Groundwater impact probable, further investiation underway. Add'l wells indicated no gw impact, however bedrock at 2'. Requested additional investigation July 2006. No gw impact noted, no sensitive receptors reportedly affected. SMACd site.


Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed. Sent letter in 2002, no response. Sent another letter 11/2005; received response from Town Manger stating they would hire consultant to perform investigation. No GWES exceeded, however consultant recommended two additonal wells since downgradient not really covered. Also floor drain and pit within building to be inspected. FP reported during UST removals not seen during ISI.

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20053339 Meatland Rockingham MED 4/13/2005 0:00

20063571 Medeiros Residence 861 Moulton lane Stowe SMAC Ashley Desmond 8/29/2006 0:00 4/2/2007 0:00

992645 Medor Bulk Plant Alburg LOW Gerold Noyes 6/25/1999 0:00

20043197 Mehuron Drive Waitsfield MED Bob Haslam

20083759 Melanson Company 126 Spruce St Rutland City HIGH Gerold Noyes ###

20053454 Melsur Corporation 239 Old Ferry Rd Brattleboro SMAC Ashley Desmond ### ###

20093958 Memorial Auditorium 350 Main St Burlington SMAC Ashley Desmond 7/13/2009 0:00 ###

46 Westminster Street

Additional Phase II ESA presented January 2005. Reviewed and commented. Workpan for Aug-Sept sampling reviewed.

Hugo Martinez Cazon

Undergrpound storage tank removed. Contamination found. REA conducted initial site investigation at the property. Approximately 7 tons of contaminated soil was removed from the subsurface and disposed of at ESMI. A confirmatory soil sample from the bottom of the excavation showed TPH levels at ~5 ppm. A sample from the onsite well showed no detection of any petroleum related compounds. Screening of the infoor air of the residence showed no detection of petroleum vapors.

Alburg Industrial Park

Monitoring wells installed 5/99, 10/99, 11/00. Investigation complete. 11/15/00, 4/24/01, 4/29/02 3/8 MWs above VGES. 5/30/03 2/6 MWs above VGES, 1 w/FP, 11/30/09 3 MWs above VGES, no FP biennial monitor

1/1/1900 12:00:00 AM

155 Mehuron Drive

Petroleum contaminated drinking water supply. Source unknown. POET installed. SI underway.

800 gallon fuel oil release from UST. Free product on site. FP recovery system in operation.

1/1/1900 12:00:00 AM

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed. Two drums contaminated soil transported as haz waste. Extent of contamination defined on-site and confirmed by analytical.

Underground storage tank closed in place. Contamination found. Soil samples taken from beneath the tank showed no VOCs above the EPA regional screening levels. No groundwater impacts noted during closure work. No further investigation work necessary.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (261)

941595 Grand Avenue Swanton NFAP Site Invest And Monitoring Completed Unassigned/mg 4/1/1994 0:00 1/1/1995 0:00

20063572 Mendez Residence 100 Pond Drive Stowe SMAC Ashley Desmond 8/22/2006 0:00 5/22/2008 0:00

941734 Mendon Church Route 4 Mendon SMAC Site Invest And Use Cleanup Completed Unassigned 1/1/1995 0:00 7/1/1996 0:00

20073751 Menut & Parks 50 St Marys St St Johnsbury MED Alex Geller ###911088 Merchant's Row Pierpoint Ave Rutland City NFAP Invest Complete, No Further Action Planned Unassigned/mg 3/1/1994 0:00

962020 Merchants Bank 2 South Main St Northfield MED John Schmeltzer 8/1/1996 0:00

982397 Merchants Bank 205 Main St Brattleboro SMAC Unassigned 4/1/1998 0:00 7/1/1999 0:00

972302 Merchants Bank 105 Main St Barre City SMAC VTGWES met in UST excavation. Unassigned 12/1/1997 0:00 2/22/1999 0:00

20063603 Merchants Bank Main St Enosburg SMAC Gerold Noyes 10/5/2006 0:00 4/27/2009 0:00

20043182 Merchants Bank Property Hartford SMAC Unassigned 6/3/2003 0:00 2/4/2004 0:00

Memorial United Methodist Church

Contamination discovered during the removal of a heating oil UST. Four soil borings/monitoring wells installed around to the tank during initial site investigation. No elevated PID readings encountered during this process. Groundwater samples from the wells were analyzed for VOCs and TPH. No petroleum contamination was detected in any of the samples. Drinking water is supplied to the property by a bedrock well, which was sampled and found to be clean. Any residual contamination appears to be confined to the immediate vicinity of the former tank.

3 underground storage tanks removed. Contamination found. 4 monitoring wells installed on the property. November 08 water quality exhibited exceedances of VOC concentrations in MW-4. Bi-annual water quality monitoring in place.

Monitoring For Petroleum And Solvents Sched For Oct & Nov 96

No groundwater encountered. Limits of contaminated soil found and removed.

Soil analysis done. Stockpiled soils drummed for disposal. Subsurface investigation and sensitive receptor survey complete, no impact to GW. SMAC

Corner Sykes and Beswick

Abandoned underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed. 10 cubic yards PCS excavated shipped to ESMI 6/12/2003. SMAC

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962109 Merchants Row Rutland City MED Richard Spiese 11/5/1996 0:00900517 Merchants Row Plaza Rutland City NFAP Site Closed Unassigned770101 Meriden-stinehour Lunenburg NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

941575 Merrill Residence Site Closed Unassigned/jf 6/1/1995 0:00

20073706 Merrill Residence 1541 Pucker St Stowe SMAC Sarah A. Bartlett 8/9/2007 0:00 ###870099 Merrill Transport Fair Haven NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

931362 Merrill Transport Co Bennington SMAC John Schmeltzer 8/1/1993 0:00 7/12/2006 0:00931454 Merry Meadows Farm Rt 5 Bradford NFAP Invest Complete, Site Closed. Unassigned 9/1/1993 0:00 11/1/1995 0:00

941565 Message Center Burlington SMAC Unassigned 11/1/1993 0:00 1/1/1996 0:00

941674 Metro-Mail 1 Seward Rd SMAC Richard Spiese 7/1/1994 0:00 1/22/2003 0:00

77 Merchants Row

Epa Site Corrective Action Feasibility Investigation Evaluating Remedial Alternatives

1220 Shelburne Rd

South Burlington


550 gallon fuel oil UST removed August '07. Following excavation, 11.4 cubic feet of petroleum contaminated soils removed for disposal by EP & S. Confirmatory sample collected from bottom of excavation pit contained no petroleum VOCs in excess of method detection limits, no TPH in excess of method detection limits. Sample collected from onsite water supply well also clean.

Harwood Hill, Rt 7 A

Contamination found during investigation of a drain pit. Degree and extent defined. Groundwater contamination confined to onsite. Notice to land record is completed documenting groundwater contamination onsite.

217 South Union St

Petro Contam Soil Disposed, No Gw Impact, Site Closed

Rutland Town

Long term monitoring is ongoing. Last test (8/99), indicated contamination was still present, and scheduled the next round of testing for August 2000. --(8/17/2000)

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982392 School St Westfield MED Lynda Provencher 4/27/1998 0:00

982577 Mi-Laura Farm Route 133 Pawlet SMAC Richard Spiese 12/1/1998 0:00 6/16/1999 0:00

20043190 Michaud Residence Starksboro SMAC Bob Haslam ###

20053409 Berlin SMAC Ashley Desmond 6/22/2005 0:00 5/5/2006 0:00

951807 19 Elm St Middlebury NFAP Site Closed Lynda Provencher ###

20002735 Middlebury Apt. Middlebury SMAC Lynda Provencher 2/1/2000 0:00 ###870076 Middlebury Beef Middlebury NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

962028 Route 7 Middlebury MED Tim Cropley 6/1/1996 0:00

982471 Middlebury Citgo 84 Court St Middlebury MED Gerold Noyes 7/13/1998 0:00

Meunier's/Westfield Garage

2 USTs Removed in 1998. Site investigation completed in March, 2003. Free prouct detected in one monitoring well, elevated contaminats found in downgradient mw. Corrective Action conducted which involved excavation of 90 cubic yards of soil, and application of 125 pounds of ORC-Advanced to bottom of excavation in order to accelerate bioremediation in the subsurface. Corrective Action occurred in June, 2005.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed.

34 Lafayette Road

AST failure. Contaminated soils removed and disposed off-site. Notice to land record placed to address residual soil contamination.

Mid State Regional Library

578 Paine Turnpike

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed. Aquaterra wp approved 10/05. Four gw monitoring wells installed at the site. Groundwater samples had no detection of VOCs, and a maximum reading of 0.71 for TPH. Following SMS approval, monitoring wells were properly abandoned.

Middlebury Ambulance Station

174 Washington Street Ext.

Remediation complete; no further impact to groundwater, vapor impact remediated.

Middlebury Beef And Grocery Supply

Semi-annual GW monitoring and annual sampling of 2 supply wells.

UST removed. Contam found. Investigation completed. 2/14 & 6/12/00 2 of 3 MWs above VGES, 1 dry. 5/11/01, 4/19/02 3 of 4 MWs above VGES, 4/7/03 3 of 3 MWs above VGES, 10/06/06 suspected ongoing vapor release

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982496 Middlebury College 3 College St Middlebury SMAC Gerold Noyes 8/14/1998 0:00 ###

20022971 Middlebury College Middlebury SMAC Gerold Noyes 1/23/2002 0:00 5/14/2002 0:00880242 Middlebury College Middlebury NFAP Site Closed Unassigned880214 Middlebury College Middlebury NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

20043205 On Campus Middlebury SMAC Unassigned 4/13/2004 0:00 ###

962086 Route 125 Ripton SMAC Site Invest Completed, Site Closed. Unassigned 9/1/1996 0:00 5/1/1997 0:00

20053425 Middlebury Commons Middlebury SMAC Ashley Desmond 8/19/2005 0:00 9/11/2006 0:00

UST removed. Contam found. Investigation complete. 1/28/00 1 MW dry, 1 MW sheen, 1 MW ND. 4/19/00 2 wells ND, 0.01' FP in 1 MW. 5.55 gal. recovered since 7/15/99. 12/12/01, 5/02, 1 MW above VGES. 9/02, 12/02, 3/03 FP, 6/03, 10/03 1 MW above VGES 5/09 all MWs below VGES, SMAC

84 South Service Rd

Oil and lead in soils excavated from elevator shaft pit during demolition. Investigation complete. No impact to groundwater. Site remediated by excavation. SMAC

Middlebury College - Cntrl Heating Plant

Soil contamination discovered during trenching work at the Central Heating Plant. 40 tons of contaminated soils removed for on-site treatment. Soils also removed and treated at the College Recycling Center. Site SMACed on 11/21/2004.

Middlebury College-breadloaf Campus

249 Buttolph Drive

Water discovered in UST. 265 gals oil/water mix pumped and disposed. Elevated PID readings near tank. Ground water not encountered. 4 MW's installed. No contamination detected in wells. Some positive readings found in the indoor air, which is believed to be caused by the furnace. Approved closure of the wells and recommended additiional indoor air screening. LAG closed wells and monitored indoor air/stockpiled soils. No evidence of contamination found in soils or ambient air. Approved spreading of the soil pile at the site.

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972223 Middlebury Exxon 16 Court St Middlebury MED Gerold Noyes 7/1/1997 0:00

972327 Middlebury Inn Court Square Middlebury SMAC Gerold Noyes 11/1/1997 0:00 ###

982455 3 Court St Middlebury SMAC GWES meet on property. Investigation complete. Mike Young 8/13/1998 0:00 ###

20012936 Middlebury Mobil Route 7 Middlebury MED Gerold Noyes 8/31/2001 0:00

20063614 94 Main St Middlebury SMAC Ashley Desmond ### 6/20/2008 0:00

Ust Removal. Contam Found. 10/99 1/4" free product in 1 MW. 5 MWs above VGES. 2/00 6 MWs above VGES. 4/00 sheen in 1 MW. 5 MWs above VGES. 10/00 sheen in 1 MW, 4 above VGES. 4/01, 10/01 4 of 6 MWs above VGES, 4/04 MWs replaced following rebuild, 7/30/04 6 of 6 above VGES, UST testing required

UST removed. Contamination found. No impact to groundwater. SMAC

Middlebury Masonic Temple

Free product observed in test pits during UST removal. Groundwater contamination confirmed during monitoring well sampling. Supplemental investigation completed 3/04 indicates contamination currently confined to the property. Semi-annual groundwater monitoring planned, plus possible corrective action to address source area.

Middlebury Municipal Building

Contamination discovered during the removal of two heating oil USTs. Three soil borings/monitoring wells installed around to the tank during initial site investigation. No PID readings above 1 ppm encountered during this process. Groundwater samples from the wells and nearby basem*nt sump were analyzed for VOCs and TPH. The sump sample had elevated MtBE and TPH levels. Followup monitoring showed no detection of petroleum contaminants in the wells or the sump. Screening of the indoor air of the gymnasium (with the sump) showed no elevated PID readings. All properties in this area are served by the municipal drinking water system. Any residual contamination appears to be confined to the immediate vicinity of the former tanks.

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911177 Middlebury Post Office 10 Main St Middlebury NFAP Unassigned ###

880256 Middlebury Public Works Middlebury NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

962089 Middlebury Snow Bowl Route 125 Hanco*ck LOW Tim Cropley 9/1/1996 0:00921197 Middlebury State Police Route 7 Middlebury LOW Lust Contamination, Monitoring Ongoing Richard Spiese 1/1/1992 0:00

982362 Middlebury Town Garage Rt 7 South Middlebury LOW Gerold Noyes 4/1/1998 0:00

20093912 Middlebury MED ###

20022978 Route 7 South Middlebury SMAC Chuck Schwer 5/17/2001 0:00 8/17/2004 0:00

962123 Charles Ave Middlebury MED File consolidated under Site #91-1043. Matt Moran 1/1/1997 0:00

870022 Middlesex Country Store Rt 2 Middlesex SMAC Richard Spiese 1/1/1987 0:00 ###

972151 Middlesex Service Center Route 2 Middlesex SMAC Richard Spiese 1/1/1997 0:00 12/1/1998 0:00951816 Middlesex Town Garage Shady Hill Rd Middlesex MED Assess Remaining Petroleum Contamination Tim Cropley 9/1/1995 0:00921219 Middlesex Town Shed Shady Rill Rd Middlesex NFAP Invest Completed, No Further Action Planned Unassigned 12/8/1992 0:00

941695 Middletown Springs Inn Route 133 SMAC Stockpiled Soils Remediated & Spread On Site Richard Spiese 10/1/1994 0:00 7/1/1996 0:00

951879 Midway Oil Route 7 Rutland City LOW Matt Moran

No Contamination Found When Ust Was Removed

Soil stockpile has been treated and thinspread on site. Groundwater contaminant levels are stable but remain above VGES. Annual GW monitoring conducted in Nov. of each year.

USTs removed, contam found. Site investig. complete. 11/02 4 of 13 above VGES, 11/03 3 of 11 MWs above VGES, biennial monitor

Middlebury Train Derailment

Characterizatoin and initial soil removal completed. Groundwater monitoring ongoing. Final soil removal scheduled for summer 2009

Middlebury Transfer Station

On-site petroleum and metal contamination found leaching from wood and scrap pile area. Investigation completed, long term monitoring underway. Monitoring completed. Monitoring wells abandoned 04/09/2004. SMAC

Middlebury Union High School

Drinking Water Wells Cleaned Up, Monitoring Complete. POEs removed or turned over to impacted parties.

No GW impacts. Only very limited soil contamination under pump island.

Middletown Springs

UST contamination. SI completed. Biennial groundwater monitoring, next rd. spring 2010. Analysis indicates standards reached 2047, so- supplemental corrective to be considered..

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890414 Midway Oil Rt 2 South Hero LOW Richard Spiese 6/1/1989 0:00

890384 Midway Oil Evelyn St. Rutland City HIGH Richard Spiese 1/1/1989 0:00

20002782 361 Pleasant St Springfield MED Gerold Noyes 6/1/2000 0:00

890398 Springfield LOW Richard Spiese 1/1/1989 0:00

20053317 Mignano Residence Williston SMAC Tim Cropley 7/16/2004 0:00 1/6/2006 0:00911025 Mike Tulley Residence Rt 5 Bradford NFAP No additional work needed. Linda Elliott

921237 Mike's Automotive St Johnsbury SMAC Invest Complete, Awaiting Results Unassigned 11/1/1996 0:00

880223 Mike's Gulf Main St Hardwick SMAC Richard Spiese 1/1/1988 0:00 11/8/2002 0:00

20083891 Miles Fuels Arlington MED Alex Geller ###

931358 Miles Lumber Co Chittenden Ave Arlington SMAC Ust,ast & Tce Invest Completed, Site Closed Matt Moran 2/1/1993 0:00 4/1/1996 0:00

20012873 Mill River Condos Rt 7 B Clarendon SMAC Tim Cropley 6/25/2001 0:00 8/19/2003 0:00

962021 Clarendon SMAC Unassigned 6/1/1996 0:00 6/28/1999 0:00

911111 Millbrook Store Route 5a Westmore SMAC Investigation completed Linda Elliott 8/1/1997 0:00

931527 Miller Auto Co 28 Gates St Hartford SMAC Gwes Met On Site Richard Spiese 12/1/1993 0:00 11/1/1997 0:00

Semi-annual groundwater monitoring, Quarterly water suppply sampling.

Remedial system shut down. Site in Natural Attentuation monitoring.

Midway Petroleum Products

UST removed, contam found during waterline installation, ISI complete, more investigation needed.

1/1/1900 12:00:00 AM

Midway Petroleum/Johnson & Dix

Rt 106, Maple Street

Cercla Nfrap 4/93, Semi-annual Groundwater Monitoring

278 Stirrup Circle

275-gal kero AST tipped over during heavy rains. 30 tons of PCS removed and shipped to MTS. Product discovered in leachfield. Groundwater monitoring performed and no detections above VGES.

20 Passumsic Street

Wells Installed. Monitoring showed wells met GWESs. No further issues.

178 Chittenden Drive

Preliminary assesment completed at petroleum bulk storage facility. Soil and groundwater contamination found. Further investigation underway. Site was formerly SMS# 93-1358.

2 UST's removed. Contamination found. Investigation performed. Semi-annual monitoring completed and MWs closed. Soil thin spread onsite. Site SMACed

Mill River Union High School

Middle Rd, P O Box 87

UST removal with contamination found. Contaminated soils disposed at ESMI facility in NY. Investigation completed and site closed.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (268)

770142 Miller Machine Bethel NFAP Bruce Linton

20002816 Miller Residence Norwich SMAC Gerold Noyes 10/6/2000 0:00 5/4/2001 0:00

20043212 Miller Residence Hyde Park SMAC Lynda Provencher 5/12/2004 0:00 6/30/2006 0:00

20043186 Miller Residence Essex SMAC Gerold Noyes ### ###

20033147 Miller Residence 243 Maple St Stowe SMAC Unassigned 9/18/2003 0:00 4/8/2004 0:00

20083877 Miller Residence Morristown SMAC Gerold Noyes ### 8/11/2009 0:00

20023063 Miller Run School Sheffield SMAC Sarah A. Bartlett 5/29/2002 0:00 5/12/2008 0:00

20002762 Miller Run School Route 122 Sheffield SMAC Unassigned 4/17/2000 0:00 3/26/2002 0:00

982538 Miller's General Store Chester LOW Richard Spiese 12/1/1998 0:00

Site Investigation, No Contamination, Site Closed

819 Union Village Rd

UST removed. Contamination found. Investigation completed. Minor soil contam below Region III RBC in tank pit soil boring. No impact to GW. SMAC

985 Centerville Rd

1000 gallon heating oil UST removed. No contamination in groundwater or soil. Monitoring wells properly closed.

171 Brigham Hill Rd

UST removed following release to foundation drain. Contam found. Investigation complete no impact to GW. SMAC

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation completed, well water supply tested. SMAC.

567 Lower Elmore Mountain Rd

UST removed. Contam found. Expressway. 1 MW below VGES, 1 MW 3/4" FP, 3 MWs ND. Post excavation MWs ND. SMAC

3249 Vt Route 122

Between 0.5 and 2 gallons of fuel oil spilled during May 2002, 500 gallon UST removal. PID screenings pre-spill clean. 5 yds3 of PCS were excavated and stockpiled off-site in St. Johnsbury (at the Dan Thompson Construction property). Limits of contamination defined. School water supply well sample contained no VOCs. Soil stockpile never monitored, thin-spread approximately 3 years after moved from school property. See Closed Site 20002762

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed. Investigation completed. SMAC

Rt 10 & 103, Gassetts

Contamination found during UST removal. Risk to wells and FP. PFP agreement finalized 5/19/2001. Cleanup commenced using SVE/AS. Milestone #3 met (90% average reduction in CoCs.

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982463 487 Rt 7 South Milton LOW Lynda Provencher 8/27/1998 0:00900504 Milton General Store Railroad St Milton LOW Smac Monitoring Commenced Richard Spiese 1/1/1990 0:00

931456 Milton Midtown Mobil Rt 7 Milton LOW Matt Moran 9/1/1993 0:00

972162 Miltrope Corp 76 Pearl St Springfield SMAC Site Management Activity Complete Unassigned 4/1/1997 0:00 12/1/1997 0:00870078 Mincer Minimart Bennington NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

20073681 Mincer's Market 733 Main St Bennington MED Ashley Desmond 5/7/2007 0:00

20083876 Mineral Street UST Mineral St Springfield SMAC Ashley Desmond 8/8/2008 0:00 6/5/2009 0:00

20063607 Minor Property 21 Railroad St Milton SMAC Ashley Desmond ### 3/17/2008 0:00

951836 Minors Country Store Route 104 Fairfax MED Linda Elliott

Milton Beverage Warehouse

Underground storage tanks removed in August, 1998. Groundwater contamination present. Annual groundwater monitoring ongoing, with next sampling event occurring in July, 2009.

Gasoline UST investigation complete. Biennial GW monitoring, next round August 2011. 60 yds of PCS monitored annually at SB Collins Bulk Facility (Site #95-1906).

4 underground storage tanks removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed.

Contamination found beneath abandoned UST. Groundwater investigation in this area showed no contamination above the VGES. All properties in this area are served by the municipal utilities. Monitoring wells have been closed.

Release detected during the removal of a heating oil UST. No groundwater/soil contamination was detected in the four wells surrounding the source area during the initial site investigation. There is limited risk to receptors in this area from any residual contamination. A sample taken from the onsite drinking water well showed no detectable petroleum contaminants. No elevated PIDs detected in the onsite building. Monitoring wells have been properly abandoned.

Dissolved phase gasoline contaminaiton migrating offsite. Additional site investigation work ongoing between two parties. Next round Spring 2009.

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921324 Mintzer Bros Inc 60 Strongs Ave Rutland City MED Matt Moran 12/1/1992 0:00

770207 Mintzer Brothers Ludlow NFAP Unassigned

870052 Ludlow NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

20023015 Mississquoi High School Rt 78 Highgate SMAC Gerold Noyes 6/18/2002 0:00 ###911060 Mitchell Property Greenbush Rd Charlotte NFAP Landfarming Complete. Site Closed. Richard Spiese ###

770090 Mitec Williston HIGH Michael Smith 3/1/1986 0:00870004 Mitec/alling Realty Burlington NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

962051 Mitroff Residence 22 Autumn St Springfield LOW Sarah A. Bartlett 10/1/1996 0:00

982374 Mobil North Rt 7 Swanton Rd LOW Gerold Noyes 4/1/1998 0:00

890307 Mobil Short Stop Shelburne Rd MED Linda Elliott 3/1/1989 0:00870148 Mobil Station Fair Haven NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

870175 Mobil Terminal Flynn Ave Burlington LOW Richard Spiese 11/1/1987 0:00

Gasoline and No. 2 fuel oil UST releases. Replacement wells 2008, with next GW monitoring due fall 2008. Contamination present around sewer and water mains flagged to City of Rutland.

Site Investigated, No Contamination Detected, Site Closed

Mintzer Brothers/rutland Group

UST removed 1984, no invest. Contam found 6/02 during excavation. 7/02 3 of 4 MWs, 6/03 1of 4, 4/04 2 of 3 MWs above VGES 7/09 1 of 4 MWs above VGES, SMAC

15 Commerce Street

Investigating T C E Plume Site combined with 770120 Alling Indrustries.

Initial investigation in '96. Follow up SI and UST removal in 2001. 3yds of PCS transported to ESMI, NH. To Notice Land Record of residual TPH in deeper soil.

St Albans Town

UST Removed. Contam Found. Investigation complete. 9/5/01 6 of 8 MWs , 6/4 & 9/11/02 3 of 5 replacement MWs, 9/11/03 4 of 5 MWs, 9/30/04 1 of 5 MWs above VGES 9/09 all MWs below VGES, SMAC AFTER MW CLOSURE

South Burlington

Exceedances of groundwater enforcement standards in several onsite wells. Weathered product in one well. Next round October 2008. Potentially need to evaluation a more aggressive cleanup plan. The site number has been changed to 890307 (from 880307) to reflect the year of the site discovery.

Corrective Action Complete. Contaminated soils require treatment and disposal. Ongoing monitoring of low level contaminated groundwater ongoing.

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20063557 Molla Property 8 - 1- Loomis St Montpelier SMAC Ashley Desmond 7/20/2006 0:00 7/24/2009 0:00

982479 Monkton Central School Monkton LOW Bob Haslam 7/6/1998 0:00

972183 Monkton General Store Monkton Ridge Monkton HIGH Bob Haslam 6/1/1997 0:00

911020 Monkton Ridge Silver St. Monkton LOW Bob Haslam890431 Monkton Town Garage Monkton NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

20033124 706 N Main St Montgomery MED Unassigned 6/11/2003 0:00

931528 Montpelier NFAP Site Invest And Monitoring Completed Unassigned 12/1/1993 0:00 1/1/1995 0:00

20073688 Montpelier City Hall 39 Main St. Montpelier SMAC Ashley Desmond 9/6/2007 0:00 9/26/2008 0:00

Contamination discovered during the removal of two heating oil USTs. Three monitoring wells installed at the property. No VOCs detected above the MDLs during two monitoring events. No elevated PIDs in adjacent structures. Water is supplied by the municipal system. Monitoring wells properly closed.

State Aid Highway #1

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Subsurface investigation completed 11/98.

Petroleum contaminated water supplies. Investigation and monitoring ongoing. 1 water supply replaced.

No drinking water impacts remain, POET systems have been removed, investigation complete. 2 water supplies replaced.

Montgomery Town Garage

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed.

Montpelier Champlain Farms

Rt 2, Memorial Drive

Contamination discovered during the removal of two heating oil USTs. Five soil borings/monitoring wells installed around to the tank during initial site investigation. No contamination was above the VGES during two groundwater monitoring events. Screening of indoor air spaces next to the former tanks showed no elevated readings. All properties in this area are served by the municipal drinking water system. Any residual contamination appears to be confined to the immediate vicinity of the former tanks. Contaminated soils removed during UST closure will be managed under another site owned by Montpelier.

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20002747 Montpelier High School Montpelier SMAC Unassigned 5/15/1998 0:00 2/10/2004 0:00

890355 Montpelier NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

20063552 Montpelier MED Ashley Desmond 6/12/2006 0:00

982464 Monty's Repair Shop Highgate Road Swanton SMAC John Schmeltzer 9/24/1998 0:00 9/24/1998 0:00

992642 Monument Farm Plant Route 23 Weybridge SMAC Gerold Noyes 6/21/1999 0:00 7/13/2000 0:00

941587 Monument Plaza Route 7 A Bennington SMAC Groundwater Monitoring completed. Site closed. Linda Elliott 7/1/1997 0:00

20053338 Northside Drive Bennington MED Richard Spiese 3/31/2005 0:00

20073701 Moomjian Property 314 Access Rd Rochester SMAC Sarah A. Bartlett 8/31/2007 0:00 8/28/2008 0:00

20043208 Moore Property 460 Ferry Street Hyde Park LOW Bob Haslam

20053343 Moore Residence Sunderland SMAC Gerold Noyes 3/22/2005 0:00 ###

962011 Moores Dry Cleaners 893 E Main St Newport City LOW Matt Moran 7/26/1996 0:00

High School Drive

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed. Visual Survey town stump dump, found no evidence of soil stockpile from school. SMAC

Montpelier Public Works Dept

Montpelier Public Works Dept.

738 Dog River Road

Two tanks removed from the property. Groundwater/soils contamination found in association with one of the tanks. Additional investigation is being carried out under the Expressway Program.

Gunpowder stained soils removed. Groundwater samples showed no contamination above standards. Residual contamination does not appear to pose a significant risk to human health or environment.

UST removed. Contamination found. Investigation completed. No evidence of GW impact. 4 yds of soil treated on site. SMAC

Monument Plaza PCE Contamination

PCE identified in soils and groundwater on site and migrating offsite.

1,000 gallon fuel oil UST removed August 2007. ISI revealed no soil, groundwater, or drinking water contamination in excess of laboratory method detection standards. No sensitive receptors impacted.

SMS did limited qualitative assesment 4/22/04. Soil removal completed

2296 Sunderland Hill Rd

3 USTs closed. FP observed on soil under UST #1, investigation complete. No impact to GW. SMAC

Low level perchloroethylene from waste oil UST. Next GW monitoring round due fall 2013. James Bartley is representing RP.

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20033113 Moose Hollow I G A 218 Old Mill Rd Arlington SMAC Unassigned 2/26/2003 0:00 3/18/2004 0:00

20083770 Moose Lodge Property Barre City MED Alex Geller 2/19/2008 0:00

900628 Moose River Minimart Route 2 Concord SMAC Invest Complete Unassigned 2/1/1996 0:00

20073648 Moot Wood Turning 98 Mill Street Northfield SMAC Matthew Becker 5/3/2007 0:00 8/11/2009 0:00

20053357 Moran Plant Lake St Burlington MED 6/10/2005 0:00

982402 Moran Residence Stowe SMAC Bob Haslam 6/1/1998 0:00 6/30/2006 0:00

20053377 Moretown Clerk's Office Route 100B Moretown SMAC Ashley Desmond 6/6/2005 0:00 2/3/2006 0:00

900588 Moretown General Store Rt 100 B Moretown HIGH Richard Spiese 9/1/1999 0:00

20043207 Moretown Post Office Route 100B Moretown LOW Richard Spiese 4/19/2004 0:00

2 underground storage tanks removed. Investigation completed. Site SMACed on 3/18/2004.

328 North main St

Underground tank removed. Contamination found. Detailed receptor survey to be conducted immediately. MW installation to be conducted following onsite construction of new bank.

Interim CAP approved. Implementation set for Spring 08.

Hugo Martinez Cazon

70 Owls Head Lane

Petroleum impacted water supply, remediation complete

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. ECS conducted isi at property. Several gw wells in the area were tested for VOCs. Minor TCE and carbon disulfide noted in two water sources (below VGES). Borings/wells showed limited extent of contamination related to the pulled UST. Source area well showed levels of 1,2,4-TMB exceeding VGES. Second si found no contaminants in any of the wells exceeding VGES. Onsite structure is slab on-grade.

Investigation shows potential risk to homes and impacts to water supplies and Mad River. Remediation of SVE/AS begun under PfP. There is also a closed part of this file on CD #3.

Low level petroleum contamination fourn during ESA for property transaction. Source most likely USTs closed in place in 1988. Only contaminants above VGESs are TMBs. Long term monitoring of notice to land record needed.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (274)

20033159 Morgante Residence Hinesburg SMAC Gerold Noyes 10/8/2003 0:00 7/11/2007 0:00

951748 Kocher Drive Bennington MED Matt Moran 1/1/1995 0:00

20073699 Morrissey Residence 435 Maple St. Burlington SMAC Ashley Desmond 8/29/2007 0:00 ###

921281 Morrisseys Merchantile Rt 7 Danby LOW Bob Haslam 7/7/1993 0:00

931469 Morristown Corner Store Stage Coach Rd Morristown MED Gerold Noyes 10/1/1993 0:00

931402 Morristown Town Garage Cochran Rd Morristown NFAP Invest Showed No Contamination Unassigned 9/27/1993 0:00911100 Morrisville AOT Bypass Wilkins Rd Morristown NFAP Invest Found No Significant Contamination. Rfs/msm 1/1/1992 0:00

20002759 Morrisville Lumber 207 Portland St Morristown SMAC Gerold Noyes 4/11/2000 0:00 8/24/2000 0:00

900505 Morrisville Mobil Morristown SMAC Soils Spread. Monitoring on annual basis. Richard Spiese 1/1/1990 0:00 1/23/2008 0:00

56 Mechanicsville Rd

UST removed, soil contam found, investigation complete. No impact to GW. SMAC

Morrison Sales And Service

Waste oil UST release. FP was limited to small area around source area recovery well. ~100 tons soil removed 10/09. Replacement well installed and hopefully will allow closure. Soil pile treated and thin-spread onsite.

Release detected during the closure of a heating oil UST. No groundwater/soil contamination was detected in the two wells that were sampled. Contamination was stable between the monitoring events. There is limited risk to receptors in this area from any residual contamination. This property is served by the municipal water system. The onsite building was screened using a PID and showed no detection of contamination. Monitoring wells have been properly closed.

Investigation complete. Monitoiring only. File combined with Site #99-2627. Property has changed owners several times. After Morrissey's it was Knobby's Tire Center, it is now called Whites Construction.

UST contamination found. 1 MW installed in tank pit. 10/5/94 516 ppb BTEX+MTBE, 5/22/01 6660 ppb BTEX+MTBE, 2/16/04 owner refused to do work, 5/19/08 new owner completed ISI, CAP, SVE in operation

1/1/1900 12:00:00 AM

UST removed. Contamination found. Investigation completed. Minor soil contamination. No groundwater encountered. SMAC

Main & Congress St

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (275)

20083806 Morrisville Tannery Morrisville Patricia Coppolino

982507 Morse Block 116 Route 7 A Bennington LOW Richard Spiese 4/27/1998 0:00

20033103 Morse Compressor Station Cambridge LOW Bob Haslam

890290 Morse Construction 327 Morse Drive Bennington LOW Richard Spiese 1/1/1989 0:00

770192 Morse Gravel Pit Route 7 Pownal SMAC Bob Haslam 9/1/1996 0:00

20093967 Morse Residence Worcester MED Ashley Desmond 8/17/2009 0:00

911168 Mosher Energy Route 4 Bridgewater SMAC Tim Cropley 11/1/1991 0:00 4/9/2004 0:00

20063523 Moulton Residence 95 White Hill Rd Dover HIGH Richard Spiese 5/7/2006 0:00

931555 Main St Bennington NFAP No Gw Impacts Detected Above Gwbs 26 Unassigned 1/1/1994 0:00 5/1/1994 0:00

20012941 Mount Ellen Base Lodge North Access Rd Fayston SMAC Bruce Linton ### 5/17/2002 0:00

931433 Belmont Rd Mount Holly SMAC Tim Cropley 8/1/1993 0:00 7/20/1999 0:00

880245 Mount Mansfield Stowe SMAC Site SMACed in November 1997. Richard Spiese ### 11/3/1997 0:00

Contamination Identified. Groundwater Monitoring on-going. Low level groundwater contamination remains around the UST grave.

Morse's Mill Rt 108

Long term suface spill. PCS removed and combined with soils from SMS 94-1691 and are being treated off site by low flow SVE w/carbon.

Passive free product recovery, semi-annual groundwater monitoring. Low level VOCs and PCBs in GW.

Illegal dumping in gravel pit. DEC Completed Pa 10/91,epa Rec Completion Of Si For 96

21 Minister Brook Rd.

Contamination observed during UST removal. Investigation needed. Investigation performed under Site # 96-1899 - Ray & Dee's Place. Stanley Pearson is property owner.

AST failure impacted drinking water well. Investigation underway.

Mount Anthony Union High School

1,500 gallon UST closed. Evidence of soil contamination discovered. Site Investigation ongoing. SI concluded. Site SMACed in May 2002.

Mount Holly Town Garage

Groundwater sampling completed. Groundwater enforcement standards met on entire site.

Rt 108 - Mountain Rd

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (276)

890397 Jericho SMAC Ashley Desmond 8/12/1989 0:00 5/22/2006 0:00

911126 Main St Putney MED Lynda Provencher 9/1/1991 0:00

20053361 Mountain Road Inn Resort Stowe SMAC Gerold Noyes 4/26/2005 0:00 9/29/2005 0:00870033 Mountain Texaco Killington NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

951862 Mountain Top Inn Mountain Top Rd Chittenden NFAP Soils Thermally Treated - Site Closed. Unassigned 9/1/1995 0:00 10/1/1995 0:00

20002810 Springfield SMAC Gerold Noyes 8/7/2000 0:00 4/30/2000 0:00

770055 Lyndon NFAP Nus Esi Report 6/89, Low Priority Unassigned

992633 Mountain View Mitsubishi LOW Gerold Noyes 6/11/1999 0:00

982337 609 Delfrate Rd Huntington SMAC Gerold Noyes 1/1/1998 0:00 8/4/2000 0:00

880238 Mowers News Hartford NFAP Site Closed Patricia Coppolino

911144 Mowers News Service 4 Hazen St Hartford MED Patricia Coppolino 9/27/1991 0:00

Mount Mansfield Union High School

Browns Trace Rd.

Monitoring completed, will need final round for site closure. Contacted Vice Principal in June 2005 requesting site be sampled again. Site investigation completed by ATC in November 2005. No indication of groundwater contamination or soils contamination discovered. Limited risk to receptors from any residual contamination. Monitoring wells at the site were properly closed.

Mountain Pauls General Store

Groundwater monitoring should be ongoing. The onsite drinking water well had been impacted, but the property has been hooked up to the municipal water line.

1007 Mountain Rd

UST removed, soil contam found, investigation complete. No impact to GW. SMAC

Mountain View Apartments

105 Mountain View Drive

4 USTs removed. Contam found. Investigation completed. Contaminated soil found during MW installation, no impact to GW. SMAC

Mountain View Auto Restoration

1835 Shelburne Rd

South Burlington

USTs removed. Contam found. Investigation completed. Former Closed Site # 880285. 12/1/00 3 of 4 MWs above VGES, 6/26, 10/15/01, 4/22/02, 4/3/03 5 of 6 MWs above VGES biennial sampling

Mountain View Treatment Center

UST removed. Contam found. Site investigation completed. 2 years annual ground water monitoring. 5/00 all monitor wells below VGES. SMAC

Contam Found During Tank Pull. Monitoring Requested.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (277)

20083774 Mt Anthony Country Club Bennington MED Alex Geller 2/21/2008 0:00

20002809 Cape Cod Road Stowe SMAC Bruce Linton 5/12/2000 0:00 11/1/2002 0:00

900630 Mt Mansfield Garage Rt 100 & 108 Stowe HIGH Richard Spiese 11/1/1990 0:00890438 Mt Prospect Rt 9 Woodford NFAP Site Closed Unassigned890423 Mt Snow Dover NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

911077 Mt Snow Rt 100 Dover SMAC Monitoring Complete Bob Haslam 2/28/2006 0:00880222 Mt Snow Dover NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

982443 Route 44 MED Lynda Provencher 7/6/1998 0:00

931417 366 Dorset St LOW Linda Elliott

20083874 Muriel B. Harris Trust Sutton MED Onsite Supply well sampled 12/1/08. 12/1/2008 0:00

992725 Murray Residence Shelburne SMAC Unassigned 11/3/1999 0:00 5/10/2000 0:00

951871 Muzzys Sunoco Ferrisburgh SMAC Matt Moran 9/1/1995 0:00 9/1/1997 0:00

180 Country Club Drive

Underground storage tank removed. Contaminmation found. Awaiting work plan for investigation.

Mt Mansfield Company Country Club

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation ongoing. Site SMACed 11/02.

Remediation currently being performed under a PFP agreement. Quarterly groundwater monitoring is ongoing in conjunction with the requirements of the PFP.

Mt. Ascutney Maintenance Garage

West Windsor

A work plan was approved in August 1999 to sample monitoring wells and sediment from adjacent streambed. SMS also requested that the source of the 530 mg/kg TPH which was detected in soil across the bank be investigated.

Munson Earth Moving Corp

South Burlington

MTBEand benzene exceedance in onsite well. Declining trend in contaminant concentrations. Well to be replaced. Decommision old wells. Semi-Annual groundwater monitoring in Spring and Fall 2007.

Pump House Drive

Hugo Martinez Cazon

16 Pine Haven Shore Lane

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation completed and no additional work needed. File closed.

Rt 7, Monkton Rd

All Contam Soil Removed And Treated. Site Closed.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (278)

20053405 Myers Property 22 Center St Brandon MED Ashley Desmond 5/20/2005 0:00

20093976 Myers Residence 122 Putnam St Bennington MED Ashley Desmond 6/13/2009 0:00890325 N E T Danville NFAP Site Closed Unassigned921331 N E T - Barre 4 Elm St Barre City NFAP Site Invest Complete, Site Closed Unassigned 10/1/1993 0:00

941577 N E T - Newport 7 Second St Newport City SMAC Gw Not Impacted. Site Closed. Unassigned 2/1/1996 0:00

941738 N E T Garage Route 5 Hartford SMAC No Groundwater Impact, Site Closed. Unassigned 12/1/1994 0:00 1/1/1996 0:00931418 N E T Montpelier 25 School St Montpelier NFAP Invest Complete Unassigned/mg 7/1/1993 0:00 7/1/1994 0:00

921186 N E T Plaza Strongs Ave Rutland City NFAP Richard Spiese 3/2/1992 0:00

931487 N E T Rutland West St Rutland City SMAC No Gw Impact, Site Closed Unassigned 11/1/1993 0:00 2/1/1996 0:00

931530 N E T White River Juction Gates St Hartford NFAP Determine Degree And Extent Of Contamination Unassigned 12/1/1993 0:00 9/1/1994 0:00

911141 N E Tools Division Pudding Hill Rd Lyndon NFAP Richard Spiese ###

982489 Nadeau Residence 38 Palmer Lane Jericho SMAC Unassigned 10/2/1998 0:00 12/1/1998 0:00

2 underground storage tanks removed. Contamination found from former business gasoline tanks. Investigation needed. Owner has been informed that tanks are their obligation- will have consultant contact us in the near future. Will instruct consultant to perform a limited site investigation. (11/05)

AST release in building. Soil and vapor impact. Response Environmental is moving forward with site investigation work/remediation.

Real Estate Assessment. Minimum Contamination Found.

3000 G. Spill Of Cutting Oil. Cleanup Complete. Monitoring Underway

Soils affected below standards. Groundwater not affected.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (279)

941607 Nadeau Sand And Gravel Route 15 Johnson SMAC Tami Wuestenberg 5/1/1994 0:00 8/2/2007 0:00

770009 Nadeau's Landfill Airport Road Coventry MED George Desch870049 Nadeaus Landfill Newport NFAP Site Closed See 77009 Unassigned

20083791 Namco Building 1-17 Union St. Windsor MED Alex Geller 3/27/2008 0:00

931467 Nan's Mobil Route 104 Fairfax LOW Matt Moran 10/1/1993 0:00

20063494 Napolitano Residence 212 Wood Rd Stowe SMAC Ashley Desmond ### 4/20/2006 0:00

921328 Nason Residence 8 Timberlane Dr Brattleboro NFAP Unassigned/mg 4/1/1993 0:00

Albert S. Nadeau (Sand and Gravel Co.) and Charles S. Conger (of the C H Stearns Co.) are currently engaged in a dispute over who owns the tank and is therefore financially responsible. The case has been stalled by this issue since August 26, 1996, and as of this update, there has been no activity in this file since. (7/30/99) R Andre Nadeau's updated address was added to the list of owners. (01/07/04). Nadaeu has hired consultant to do requested work as of fall 2005. Investigation conducted by LB&G - waiting on report (1/17/07); no contamination found during SI; no sensitive receptors identified; SMACd

Final Nus Ssi Report 8/89, Request For Closure Pending

Contamination of found in basem*nt of 1-17 building. #4 or #6 fuel oil. 2 4000-gallon AST's. Investigation and cleanup needed. 6/10/08 Plumbing pipe removal caused water leak that infiltrated 2 abondoned AST's. Absorbent Booms replaced.

Biennial GW monitoring of gasline UST release; next round 5/2010. MW101 decommissioned. PCS treated and disposed in backyard. '06 regression analysis indicates 50 -200 years to reach standards w/o cleanup.

Underground srorage tank removed. Contamination found. Expressway investigation has been completed by REA. No VOCs detected in 4 downgradient wells. Nearby brook showed no impact from contamination. Monitoring wells have been properly closed.

Tank Pulled, Gw Encountered, Slight Contam Evident. More Work Needed

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (280)

951767 Nastech Warehouse Bennington SMAC Site SMACed. Bruce Linton 2/4/1999 0:00

20063512 11 Mill Street Rockingham LOW 4/25/2006 0:00

20094017 National Guary Armory 37 Main Street Ludlow MED Linda Elliott ###900600 National Life National Life Dr. Montpelier LOW Landfarm Complete. Bob Haslam

20093922 Naylor Residence 4543 Fairfield Rd Fletcher MED Bob Haslam 3/30/2009 0:00

941632 Nelson Farm Main St Derby MED Unassigned 6/1/1994 0:00

20073712 Nelson Residence Pawlet SMAC Ashley Desmond 8/16/2007 0:00 2/15/2008 0:00

20023030 Nelson Residence Needle Leaf Rd Stowe SMAC Gerold Noyes 7/24/2002 0:00 ###

Morse Industrial Park

National Grid - Bellows Falls

reviewed 2/17/06 Subsurface Investigation report indicated soil impact by PAHs, Arsenic is above PRGs in surface soil Groundwater impacted by naphthalene Workplan for further site investigation requested 4/25/06

Hugo Martinez Cazon

December 2009-Phase II ESA submitted. Lead contaminated soils identified. Town of Ludlow has applied for the Brownfields Reuse and Environmental Liability Limitation Program.

Residential water supply contaminated with petroleum compounds. Probable source has been identified but not confirmed. POET installed, monitoring ongoing under state lead, remedial options are being evaluated.

Owner has not reponded to a July 8, 1994 letter requesting that he hire a consultant to determine the extent and degree of contamination.

811 Delmar Clearing

Contamination discovered during the closure of a heating oil UST. After the removal of approximately 8.5 tons of contaminated soil, it appeared that the full extent of contamination had been defined, as verified by PID readings. No groundwater encountered during the removal activities, though bedrock was encountered from 5-7 feet below grade. A water sample collected from the onsite drinking water supply well showed no detects for VOCs or TPH. All soils were properly disposed of at ESMI in NH.

UST removed. Contam found. Investigation complete. No GW found. Soil sample adjacent to UST was ND for VOCs. SMAC

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (281)

20053414 Nelson/Choquette Farm Rt 5 Derby MED Richard Spiese 8/11/2005 0:00931380 Net (nynex)-middlebury Cross St Middlebury NFAP Invest Requested Following Ust Removal Unassigned 3/1/1994 0:00931382 Net (nynex)-Stowe Highland Ave Stowe NFAP Invest Complete, Site Smac'd Unassigned 7/1/1994 0:00900544 Net Dummerston Route 5 Dummerston NFAP Remediation Complete, G W E S's Met Richard Spiese 8/1/1995 0:00

931379 Net-vergennes Monkton Rd Vergennes NFAP Unassigned 3/1/1994 0:00

20093920 Neudorfer Furniture Inc Duxbury SMAC Ashley Desmond 4/16/2009 0:00 8/10/2009 0:00

20022986 Neuse Residence Middlebury SMAC Gerold Noyes 4/24/2002 0:00 5/29/2003 0:00

951744 Route 7 Bennington NFAP Pc's Disposed Of At Burgess Bros Landfill Unassigned 12/1/1994 0:00 1/1/1995 0:00

931465 Industrial Ave Williston NFAP Unassigned 9/1/1993 0:00 1/14/1994 0:00

770159 New England Fiberglass Rutland City NFAP Unassigned

911183 New England Power Vernon NFAP Site Is Low/closed Unassigned 3/25/1992 0:00890375 New England Telephone Rt 7 Milton NFAP Groundwater Standards Met - Site Closed Richard Spiese 8/1/1993 0:00931381 New England Telephone 126 Pleasant St Bennington NFAP Invest Complete Unassigned/mg 7/1/1994 0:00

921323 New England Telephone Route 7 Pittsford NFAP Site Assess Completed Lynda Provencher 8/4/1993 0:00

921325 New England Telephone 9 Golf Ave Woodstock NFAP Site Assess Complete Lynda Provencher 8/1/1993 0:00

921316 New England Telephone 6 - 8 Center St Lyndon SMAC Unassigned 11/2/1998 0:00

Illegal disposal through fllor drain. Removal of UST. Soil sampled. Further investigation needed. 47 yds. Soils moved from AST release to nearby parcel.

Additional Invest Requested Following Ust Removal

183 Crossett Hill Rd

Contamination discovered during the removal of a heating oil UST. 20 cubic yards of contaminated soil removed until PID readings were at background levels. Six confirmatory samples taken from the excavation showed no detection of VOCs or TPH. Soils disposed of at the Moretown Landfill. Petro compounds detected in well during initial sampling event, but were thought to be from chemicals used in furniture shop. Follow-up monitoring event from a different tap showed no detectable contaminants.

66 Seminary Street Extension

UST removed. Contam found. Investigation complete. No impact to GW. SMAC

New Country Bennington Auto Repair

New England Equipment Co

Site Invest Needed Following Discovery Of Contam Dry Wells

Site Investigated, No Contamination Detected, Site Closed

Governor Hunt Rd

Stockpiled Soil disposed of at Clean Harbors of Braintree, Inc. facility

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (282)

921342 New England Telephone 213 Main St Brattleboro NFAP Site Evaluation Complete, Site Closed Unassigned/mg 11/1/1993 0:00921343 New England Telephone 3 Henry St Rockingham NFAP Site Invest Complete, Site Closed Unassigned/mg 6/11/1993 0:00

931460 Main St Burlington SMAC Need Sample Results, Site Invest Necessary Unassigned 9/1/1993 0:00 1/1/1996 0:00

931435 Greensboro SMAC Matt Moran 8/1/1993 0:00 4/25/2001 0:00

931553 Church St Wilmington SMAC Investigation completed. Site closed. Unassigned 1/1/1994 0:00 1/1/1996 0:00

921251 Route 7 New Haven HIGH Tami Wuestenberg 6/1/1992 0:00

951870 State St Windsor SMAC Site Closed Lynda Provencher 9/1/1995 0:00 3/1/1996 0:00

20073717 New York Cleaners Colchester MED Michael Smith 11/2/2007 0:00

890453 Newfane Service Center Rt 30 Newfane HIGH Bob Haslam

New England Telephone - Burlington

New England Telephone - Greensboro

Greensboro Bend Rd

Initial site investigation completed for No. 2 fuel oil UST release. 1 yd of PCS disposed under manifest. No significant groundwater or soil contamination. Site Closed.

New England Telephone - Wilmington

New Haven Mobil/formerly MacIntyre Fuels

1992 - Product recovery, and soil vapor extraction remedial system ongoing. Water supply will be replaced. 1998 - Vallee purchased property; A second release from AST system reported; Verterre dismantled product recovery system - bedrock contamination discovered; nearby supply wells impacted (church); new onsite well drilled - contamination encountered - POET system on site and at church; fp recovery occuring; triannaul wq sampling; CAFI to start August 2006 - MPE and ISOC. ISOC cancelled, MPE no feasible; 2009 - CAP submitted for massive soil removal effort. Not yet approved. Annual groundwater sampling; Supply well sampling and FP checks monthly;

New Windsor Elem School

110 Heineberg Road

Received initial report of groundwater contamination (PCE and daughter products) found during phase I and phase II SI. Contaminant plune is small Financial issues are keeping the investigation from moving forward but there is no indication of any threat to human health or the environment.

Remediation completed 11/97. Monitoring ongoing. Drinking water supply impacts, water treatment in place

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (283)

972269 Newfane Town Garage Williamsville Rd Newfane SMAC Linda Elliott 8/1/2000 0:00

961985 Newport Car Wash Clyde St Newport City MED Matt Moran 5/1/1996 0:00

20073636 Newport Center Store Newport City MED Gerold Noyes 1/8/2007 0:00

931387 Newport City Garage Gardener St Newport City SMAC Lynda Provencher ###

931496 Newport City NFAP Invest Complete, Soil Spread, No Impacts Unassigned 1/1/1994 0:00

982556 Newport Mini Mart Railroad Square Newport City MED Gerold Noyes 12/7/1998 0:00

890300 Newport Mobil 8 Main St Newport City LOW Richard Spiese 1/1/1989 0:00

770059 Newport Plastics (former) Derby Road Newport City LOW Linda Elliott

982355 Newport Rail Yard Glen Rd Newport City HIGH John Schmeltzer 4/6/1998 0:00

770154 Newport Technologies Newport NFAP Unassigned900655 Newport Village Store Newport NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

961964 Newtons Texaco Fairlee SMAC Matt Moran 12/1/1995 0:00 1/22/2001 0:00870066 Nichols Barre NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

Ust removed and contamination found. Investigation completed. No further work requested.

Annual GW, wetland, and drain pipe sampling of UST release, next round spring 2008. Culvert confirmed to go through UST area with dye test.

Rt 105 & Cross Rd

UST removed. Contam found. ISI done, addt'l investigation needed.

All groundwater contaminants below standards. Groundwater monitoring wells properly closed. Little to no risk to any sensitive receptors in the area.

Newport Furniture Parts Corp

UST pipe upgrade. Contam found. See 87-0060 Investigation needed.

Groundwater monitoring ongoing. Property redeveloped into parking garage. 3 MWs remain to be sampled.

Cercla Nfrap 1997, PCE contamination above GWES in one onsite well. Stable to declining concentrations of several volatile organic compounds observed. Annual groundwater monitoring. Next round May 2009.

07/02:Work Plan Approved To Construct An Interceptor Trench To Reduce Contamination From Entering The South Bay Of Lake Memphremagog. Sediment removal in South Bay to remove contamination from past discharge from pipe into South Bay.

Discharge Tested - Below Action Levels, Site Closed

Lake Morey Rd/ Route 5

Minor leak from gasoline USTs. 3 cubic yds PCS excavated and successfully treated. Soils thin spread onsite 11/98. Site closed.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (284)

20002757 Nichols Block Barre City MED 5/3/2000 0:00

20053430 Nichols Property 234 Prim Rd Colchester SMAC Ashley Desmond 6/12/2005 0:00 2/24/2006 0:00

982393 Nichols Residence Hill Rd Brookline SMAC Unassigned 5/5/1998 0:00 6/28/1999 0:00

931493 Nichols Residence Meadows Rd Jamaica SMAC Invest Complete,no Gw Impact, Site Closed Unassigned 11/1/1993 0:00 1/1/1996 0:00

20022959 Nidos Citgo 77 W Main St Wilmington MED Brian Woods ###

20093903 Nitzel 357 Maple Street Hartford MED Patricia Coppolino

900615 Noble House 24 Harbor Rd Shelburne MED Unassigned

20083779 Noble Property Barnet LOW Tami Wuestenberg 3/5/2008 0:00

199-205 North Main Street

REA submitted S.I. 12/4/01. Proposed spring GW sampling

Hugo Martinez Cazon

Release inside apartment. Kerosene contaminated soils outside. Carpet, subfloor, some walls removed. MW's and a recovery well installed. Approx 31 gallons of product removed from the subsurface. None of the mw had any contaminants exceeding the VGES during either of the two sampling rounds. All contamination detected in the two wells closest to the release point. Confirmatory analysis of indoor air showed no detection of any petroleum related compounds. All eight monitoring wells properly closed.

Underground Storage Tank removed and contamination found. Investigation completed and no affect on site water supply. Site closed.

Gasoline release during pump rennovation in 2002. Contaminated soils were excavated and stockpiled. Subsurface investigation in 2005 revealed contamination in soils and likely groundwater. Supplemental investigation required.

A phase I has been conducted, Several RECs were identified and a PHASE II is being developed

Home Ust Leak Cleaned Up. Monitoring Ongoing.

282 Kitchell Hill Road

Originated as a Spill 2008WMD132. #2 fuel oil system failure - AST inside fed UST outside, product spilled onto basem*nt floor into floor drain as well as came out of fill and vent pipes onto ground outside. Investigation underway.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (285)

972189 Nordic Farm Route 7 Charlotte SMAC Linda Elliott 7/1/1997 0:00 ###

870083 Nordic Ford NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

20063481 Norm's Automotive Sharon MED Patricia Coppolino 1/30/2006 0:00

982425 Norman Williams Library Woodstock SMAC Matt Moran 7/28/1998 0:00 ###

20063468 Norris Residence 69 Juniper Lane Middlebury SMAC Tami Wuestenberg ### ###

20083788 Norris Residence 463 Monkton Rd. Monkton SMAC Alex Geller 4/16/2008 0:00 7/20/2009 0:00

962080 Sutton River Rd Burke SMAC John Schmeltzer 10/1/1996 0:00 9/2/1999 0:00

941585 North 40 Burlington LOW Old Bulk Terminal, Developement Proposed Richard Spiese 4/1/1994 0:00

880248 North Ave Mobil 1316 North Ave Burlington LOW Richard Spiese 1/1/1988 0:00

Corrective action commenced Fall 1998. Groundwater enforcement standards met onsite. Soil pile thinspread onsite. Site closed.

South Burlington

2911 Vermont Route 14

A Phase I was completed which identified the presence of oil leaking from a discharge point along the bank of the property.

The Green, 10 South Park St.

Free phase No.2 heating oil initially found on GW surface. No shallow soil contamination, nor groundwater contamination found during initial and confrimatory site investigation. Site closed. Wells abandoned 5/23/2001.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed. Operating under expressway, plan on removing grossly contaminated soil from tank grave - 3/06; will install well(s) at that time. GWES exceedences in source well. Requested additional wells to define degree and extent. No offsite migration anticipated. Add'l wells installed and sampled, no VTGES exceedences. Wells abandoned, Site SMACd.

Release of 200 gallons #2 fuel oil AST. 3rd party affected by spill. Grossly contaminated soils removed and monitoring wells installed. VOC's found in the GW are below VGES and second water quality report indicated falling levels. Monitoring wells abandoned 4/29/09. Site Closed 7/20/09.

Norris Trucking And Paving

No evidence of contamnation to groundwater. Soil contamination identified was removed and properly disposed.

C V R Northern Properties

Remedial system shut down. Site in Natural Attenuation monitoring.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (286)

20002788 60 Institute Rd Burlington LOW Gerold Noyes 5/18/2000 0:00

951800 North Branch Auto Repair Route 100 Wilmington NFAP Site Management Completed Unassigned/jf 6/1/1995 0:00 11/1/1995 0:00

20063576 North Branch Corp North branch Rd Dover SMAC Ashley Desmond 8/3/2006 0:00 6/1/2007 0:00

20083887 North Branch Fire District Dover LOW Gerold Noyes ###

20083775 Concord Ashley Desmond 12/7/2007 0:00

20002733 North Country Cycle Swanton MED Matt Moran 8/26/1999 0:00

20093946 Derby SMAC Ashley Desmond 6/2/2009 0:00 12/1/2009 0:00

North Beach Maintenance Facility

UST removed. Contam found. Investigation complete, 1 of 4 MWs above VGES, replacement MW needed, annual sample

Release detected during the removal of two heating oil underground storage tanks (USTs). ECS conducted an initial site investigation to further define the degree and extent of contamination. Dissolved contamination was detected immediately in the source area. Following the removal of approximately 120 tons of contaminated soil, no contamination was found to remain in this area, as verified by laboratory samples of soil. Recent groundwater samples from the adjacent monitoring wells showed no detection of petroleum compounds. The onsite drinking water supply well has been tested and showed no detection of petroleum-related compounds.

17 South Access Rd

UST removed. Contam found. Expressway ISI complete, confirmatory sample in Spring 2009 ND. SMAC after MW closure

North Concord Country Store

1152 North Concord Rd

2 underground storage tanks removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed.

127 Grand Avenue

Two (2) gasoline USTs closed. Contamination found. Initial site investigation completed 2001. Groundwater contamination found, additional monitoring required 2002.

North Country Engineering

106 John Taplin Rd

Two USTs removed. Minor contamination detected beneath one of the tanks. After removal of approximately 0.5 cubic yards of contaminated soil, no significant petroleum impacts were observed. Water sample collected from the onsite water supply well showed no detection of VOCs. No further investigation work required at this time.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (287)

972319 North Country Hospital Prouty Drive Newport City SMAC John Schmeltzer 11/1/1997 0:00 11/3/2000 0:00

972241 209 Veterans Ave Newport City SMAC John Schmeltzer 8/1/1997 0:00 6/16/1999 0:00

20073744 Derby SMAC Ashley Desmond 9/6/2007 0:00 ###

931396 North Dorset Gas Rt 7 Dorset MED Patricia Coppolino

20033135 North East School Temple Ave Rutland City SMAC Linda Elliott 7/24/2003 0:00 5/3/2004 0:00

941586 North End Dry Cleaner Burlington LOW Investigation Commenced, Limited Problems Richard Spiese 4/1/1994 0:00

Groundwater Enforcement Standards met at the site and stockpiled soils were properly treated.

North Country Union High School

Limits of contamination were define and contaminated soil (60 cubic yards) was stockpiled onsite. Based on the results of the soil screening dated September 17,1999, the contaminant levels in the soils were reduced to levels that met the Agency's criteria for thinspreading.

North Country Union Junior High School

57 Junior High Drive

Contamination discovered during the removal of a heating oil UST. The UST was in very good condition during the removal, though the tank piping was found to be in poor condition. REA conducted initial site investigation through the Expressway process. Four soil borings were installed in the vicinity of the former UST. No elevated PID readings detected during this process. This site is underlain by a thick clay layer, which appears to have limited contaminant migration. The adjacent foundation of the school is slab on grade, which limits the risk to indoor air, and the school is served by the municipal water system.

Determine Degree And Extent Of Contamination Property enetered into BCRC brownfields program. Phase I conducted in May 2006

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found subsequent groundwater monitoring shows no exceedances. Site closed Spring 2004.

241-249 N Winooski Ave

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (288)

972243 North End Quick Stop MED Tim Cropley 8/1/1997 0:00

951934 North Hartland Dry Kiln Depot St Hartland SMAC Tim Cropley 7/1/1996 0:00972142 North Hero House Route 2 North Hero MED 3/99: Ongoing monitoring twice a year John Schmeltzer 1/1/1997 0:00

992699 North Main Exxon LOW Richard Spiese 10/1/1999 0:00

972313 North Pomfret Store Pomfret Rd Pomfret SMAC Bruce Linton 11/1/1997 0:00 8/26/2003 0:00

20012912 North Troy Industrial Park Troy SMAC closed Marc Roy 4/10/1997 0:00 ###

982422 N Wolcott Rd Wolcott SMAC Gerold Noyes 6/1/1998 0:00 2/10/2000 0:00

972200 North/south Hanger B I A Airport Drive SMAC SMAC'ed Michael Smith ###

951778 Northboro Market Route 5 Thetford SMAC Gw Monitoring Completed. Site Closed. Mike Young 5/1/1995 0:00 11/1/1995 0:00

870174 Northburg Store Long Point Rd Ferrisburgh LOW Long Term Groundwater Monitoring Ongoing. Richard Spiese 11/1/1987 0:00

961999 Northeast Farm Service Route 5 Irasburg LOW Matt Moran 5/1/1996 0:00

921190 Northeast Wood Products Church St Pownal SMAC Unassigned 2/24/1992 0:00 ###

941681 Hospital Drive St Johnsbury NFAP Unassigned 10/1/1994 0:00 6/1/1995 0:00

248 North Main St

St Albans City

Ust Removed. Contamination Found. Investigation is completed and long-term monitoring is underway. (9/7/99). MWs paved over. Requested RP to correct the situation (12/5/01).

Soils Properly Disposed, Gw Monitoring Complete.

266 North Main St

St Albans City

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation shows limited off-site groundwater contamination to the west of the facililty.

UST removed. Contamination found. Soils thinspread. Annual Groundwater monitoring ongoing. Site SMACed on 08/26/03.

67 Industrial Park Road

North Wolcott Country Store

UST removed. Contamination found. Investigation required in 9/23/98 letter. 2/3/2000 1 soil boring in tank pit on 10/12/98, decreasing contam with depth, 980 ppm TPH at 9', ND at 13', no GW encountered. SMAC

South Burlington

PCS being screened annually, next round fall 2002 by Marin. Soils were to have manure added and then be reencapsulated 6/00, by NE Farm Svc; this has yet to occur.

On site contamination measured. Site investigation completed. Site SMACed on 10/23/2003.

Northeastern Vermont Regional Hospital

240 Yds Pcs Disposed,invest Complete, Site Closed

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (289)

20012904 Northern Auto 125 Railroad St St Johnsbury MED Unassigned 7/17/2001 0:00

931536 Northern Equipment Hill St Extension Lyndon MED Unassigned

992708 Northern Gas Transport Northern Drive Lyndon SMAC Unassigned 10/1/1999 0:00 ###

992601 Northern Lights Cable Water Street Bennington SMAC John Schmeltzer 4/26/1999 0:00 4/26/1999 0:00870027 Northern Oil/agway Rutland City NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

870001 Northern Oil/harborwatch Harrison Ave Burlington NFAP Long Term Monitering Completed. Site Closed. Richard Spiese870062 Northern Petroleum Barton NFAP Site Closed Unassigned870063 Northern Petroleum Brighton NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

880179 Northern Petroleum St Johnsbury NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

911151 Northern Petroleum Citizens Rd Derby SMAC Unassigned 4/15/1998 0:00

911169 Northern Petroleum - St J Bay St St Johnsbury MED Remediation Ongoing- passive product recovery Bob Haslam

20053397 521 Bay St St Johnsbury MED Ashley Desmond 6/30/2005 0:00

880241 Rt 5 Barnet NFAP Site Moved To Low/closed Priority. Unassigned

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed. Formerly Bond Auto Parts

Contamination found during site assessment. Additional investigative work was requested in a letter dated 2/18/99, and a follow-up letter dated 7/26/96. As of this update, owner has not reponded. (7/28/99)

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed. 2005 well sampling results indicate no contaminants in GW. SMAC.

Reviewed Phase I and Phase II investigation along with subsequent monitoring data. Metals and phthalates found in inititial sampling. No metals or phathlates were detected in subsequent monitoring rounds.

Groundwater Enforcement Standards met on site. Site closed.

Northern Petroleum Bulk Facility

Petroleum contamination likely due to historical use as a bulk facility. Free product present in several wells. ECS will continue groundwater monitoring. SMS instructed ECS to submit a corrective action feasiblilty investigation for potential treatment of the most contaminated areas. Contamination does not appear to be migrating downgradient of the property boundary.

Northern Petroleum/barnet Garage

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (290)

931406 Northern Rent A Car NFAP Site Invest Complete, Site Closed Unassigned 7/1/1994 0:00

20093956 Northern Ski Works Killington Lynda Provencher 7/15/2009 0:00

951843 Northern States Paper Mill River Rd Rockingham SMAC Invest Complete, No Further Work Necessary Unassigned/jf 9/1/1995 0:00 7/1/1996 0:00770038 Northern Wood Route 114 Burke MED Final Nus Ssi 8/89 Unassigned

931431 Northfield Fuels Wall St Northfield LOW Tami Wuestenberg 8/1/1993 0:00

931451 Northfield Green Main St Northfield LOW Richard Spiese 1/1/1993 0:00890372 Northgate Mobil Morristown NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

20073741 Northland Job Center Vergennes SMAC Ashley Desmond 6/28/2007 0:00 1/4/2008 0:00

770189 Northland Sports 117 Troy St Richford SMAC Stockpiled soils meet criteria, GWES met on site. Mike Young 9/21/2001 0:00

20012884 Northlight Studio Press Rt 14 Montpelier SMAC Gerold Noyes 6/8/2001 0:00 5/8/2003 0:00

20043198 Northshire Book Store 4869 Main St Manchester MED Gerold Noyes 1/15/2004 0:00

1890 Williston Rd

South Burlington

2089 KillingtonRD

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed..

Workplan Needs Review, Site Assess Pending. Potential purchaser may do site wide investigation to include Gillespie Fuels (2001-2880) and Stoddard Enterprises (77-0062). Expect work plan fall 2005.

Petroleum from abandoned Ust's. Contamination comingled with Lemery's Store site (Site # 91-1103). SVE remediation ongoing. GW levels decreasing.

100A McDonough Drive

Contamination discovered during the removal of two heating oil USTs. The tanks were both found to be in good condition, though minor PID readings were found beneath one of the tanks. Groundwater samples collected from the tank grave had no VOCs above the VGES, and TPH readings were below 2 ppm. This property is served by the municipal water system. No PID readings above 0.3 ppm were detected in basem*nts adjacent to UST #001.

USTs removed. Contam found. Investigation complete. Tank pit MW sample decreasing in 3 monitor rounds, 12/5/02 slightly above VGES. SMAC

Contaminated soil on adjacent property. Investigated for abandoned UST. See Site # 982518.

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982438 Northwood Realty 56 Federal St SMAC Linda Elliott 11/2/1998 0:00 9/30/1999 0:00

931552 Norton Country Store Rt 114 Norton MED Tami Wuestenberg 9/21/1992 0:00

20073654 Norton Gas 24 Rt 114 Norton MED Ashley Desmond 5/10/2007 0:00

20023037 Norton Village School Route 114 Norton SMAC Gerold Noyes 7/26/2002 0:00 1/28/2003 0:00

921299 Nortons Country Store Rt 114 Norton NFAP Unassigned 5/10/1993 0:00

20053315 Norwich MED Ashley Desmond ###

931514 Norwich Square Main And Elm St Norwich NFAP Unassigned 12/1/1993 0:00 3/1/1994 0:00

St Albans City

USTs removed and contamination found. Followup investigation reveals low levels of dissolved phase contamination. No further work needed. SMAC.

Owner has yet to respond to a Februrary 3, 1994 request for monitoring wells to be installed and further samples taken, both of groundwater and stockpiled soils. (7/29/99). Former owner, Maurice Roy, passed away in February 2006. New owner has been contacted and sent an update letter as of July 19, 2006.

2 underground storage tanks removed. Contamination found. First letter has been sent to RP.

UST removed. Contam found. Test pit soils & GW ND. Indoor air tested below VT indoor air averages. Investigation complete. SMAC

Site Assessment Complete-residual Contam In Soil Not Obvious Threat

Norwich Meadons Condominiums

55 Norwich Meadows Unit 1

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed. Work plan for ECS investigation approved April 18, 2005. Initial Site Investigation found that contamination was migrating from tank grave to sump pump (about 20 feet away). Soils excavation work approved. 3 additional tanks were removed from the property in Summer 05', though no significant subsurface impact was indicated. Drum of contaminated materials is stored in garage- should be removed in Winter 06'. Work plan for the installation of a injection/extraction system to alleviate sub slab contamination was approved Jan 06'.

Contam Soi Removed, Disposed, G W Not impacted. Combined with closed file 941581.

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941581 Norwich Square Elm and Main St Norwich SMAC Unassigned 11/1/1993 0:00 3/3/1994 0:00

20053415 Norwich University 88 Park Ave Northfield SMAC Ashley Desmond 8/4/2005 0:00 1/19/2006 0:00

941704 Route 12 Northfield NFAP Site Investigation Completed, Site Closed Unassigned 10/1/1995 0:00

941702 Route 12 Northfield SMAC Extent Of Residual Soil Contam Ltd, Site Closed Unassigned 10/1/1994 0:00 3/1/1997 0:00

941703 Route 12 Northfield SMAC Invest Complete, No Gw Impact, Site Closed Unassigned 10/1/1994 0:00 3/1/1997 0:00

982410 65 S Main St Northfield SMAC Gerold Noyes 5/18/1998 0:00 5/5/1999 0:00

951922 Main St Northfield SMAC Unassigned 4/1/1996 0:00

870132 Notch Brook Resort Stowe NFAP Unassigned880260 Notch Rd Mendon NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

972263 Stowe SMAC Ashley Desmond 10/1/1997 0:00 5/22/2009 0:00

Determine Degree And Extent Of Contamination Combined with closed file #19931514.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Three cubic yards of petroleum contaminated soils removed from tank grave an properly disposed of. No evidence of impact to groundwater or nearby buildings.

Norwich University - Crawford Hall

Norwich University - Hayden Hall

Norwich University - Power Plant

Norwich University - Power Plant (#2)

#6 fuel oil UST removed. Contamination found. See also Site #94-1703. Soil contamination between 10' and 17' bgs only, no impact to GW. SMAC with Notice to Land Records entered in Town of Northfield.

Norwich University - Tompkins Hall

Determine Degree And Extent Of Contamination From Petro Distillate

1229 Notchbrook Rd

Site Closed. See 972263 For Underground Storage Tank Removals.

Notchbrook Condominiums

1229 Notchbrook Rd

Contamination discovered during the removal of heating oil USTs. It appears that the full extent of contamination was removed from the subsurface. Soils were stockpiled onsite for a period of time, and then at Salvas’ Work Yard. Soils eventually transported to an unknown offsite location or spread at Salvas’. Monitoring wells have been properly closed. Site is served by the Notchbrook Condos Community Water Supply System, which has had no VOC detections during routine monitoring.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (293)

20083787 Noury (Jacobs) Residence 12 Pleasant Street Barre City HIGH Matt Moran ###880178 Nowles Bennington NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

972252 Noyes Express Main St Canaan LOW Gerold Noyes 9/1/1997 0:00

20033100 Nunn Residence Danville SMAC Unassigned 3/27/2003 0:00 2/24/2004 0:00

20012860 Nutrite Severance Rd Sheldon SMAC Michael Smith ### 5/10/2001 0:00

951802 Nutting Residence Pamela Drive Rutland SMAC Approved Destruction Of Stockpile Unassigned/jf 6/1/1995 0:00 1/29/1996 0:00

20043239 NW Elementary School 80 Pier Point Ave Rutland City SMAC Gerold Noyes 6/28/2004 0:00 5/1/2006 0:00

941675 Nynex - Stratton Winhall SMAC Site Invest Complete, Pcs Disposed, Site Closed. Unassigned 9/1/1994 0:00 5/1/1996 0:00

931436 O Briens Farm Williston LOW Remediation Complete Bob Haslam 8/1/1993 0:00

941620 Main St Proctor SMAC Richard Spiese 6/1/1994 0:00 12/1/1996 0:00

20094009 O'Brien Property Burlington LOW ###

20002825 O'Brien Residence Charlotte MED Chuck Schwer 11/7/2000 0:00

961994 Williston SMAC Matt Moran 5/1/1996 0:00 12/1/2005 0:00

Catastrophic loss of 192 gallons of heating oil from basem*nt AST. After basem*nt cleanout and air filtering, cleanup by SVE implemented as excavation precluded due to structural concerns.

Ust Removed. Contam Found. Site investigation completed. 10/5/00, 4/26/01 6 of 9 MWs above VGES, 10/11/01, 9/25/02, 9/23/03 5 of 9MWs above VGES, biennial sampling.

2962 Keiser Pond Rd

Compression fitting failed on outside AST tank. Petroleum contamination cleaned up. Free product observed on excavation.Soils were excavated shipped to ESMI 10/23.2003. Contamination defined by excavation. SMAC

Site deferred to Department of Agriculture. Source is pesticides.

UST removed. Contam found. No impact to GW and receptors. SMAC

Stratton Mtn Access Rd

122 Chapman Lane

O M Y A / Vt Marble Power

Surface Spills Cleaned Up, Limited Contamination Remains

448 North Avenue

UST closure report received 11/19/09 Parcel number 038-1-012-000.

Hugo Martínez Cazón

1/1/1900 12:00:00 AM

790 Limekiln Road

Responsible party emptied contents of UST on ground. Contaminated soils on site. Further testing needed.

O'Brien's Town & Country Store

Williston Rd and N Brownell Rd

Kerosene and gasoline UST contamination; final sampling round Spring 2005. SMAC petition granted. Insurance cost recovery action for PCF expenditures completed.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (294)

20073703 O'Dell Residence 355 Elm St Bennington SMAC Sarah A. Bartlett 7/13/2007 0:00 1/17/2008 0:00

20073697 O'Neil Property 6059 VT Rte 9 Woodford MED Ashley Desmond 6/7/2007 0:00

962027 Office Quarters Lake Rd HIGH Matt Moran 6/1/1996 0:00

870107 Offset House NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

770075 Offset House Property NFAP Contamination Below Action Levels, Site Closed Unassigned

20093999 Ohly Residence Winhall MED Ashley Desmond ###

20063487 Okemo Mountain Resort Ludlow MED Matt Moran 1/28/2006 0:00

890428 Ludlow NFAP Landfarm Completed, Site Closed Bob Haslam

972285 Water Plant Rd Hartford LOW Bob Haslam 12/1/1997 0:00870073 Old Book Store Rutland NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

921309 Old Coca Cola Plant 226 Pine St Burlington SMAC Matt Moran 10/1/1992 0:00 8/1/1994 0:00

992672 Old Fire Station Enosburg SMAC Gerold Noyes 8/25/1999 0:00 9/17/2003 0:00

941600 Old Hotel Route 36 Fairfield SMAC Unassigned 5/1/1994 0:00 5/25/2001 0:00

Underground storage tank removed. 2 cubic yards PCS excavated and disposed of at Cycle Chem (NJ).

2 underground storage tanks removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed.

St Albans Town

Gasoline UST releases from both Office Quarters and former Cobb Chevrolet. Annual GW & supply well sampling summer 2008. >1000 yds PCS removed in area of residual free product. Replacement wells installed.

South Burlington

South Burlington

16 Middle Ridge Rd,

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed.

77 Okemo Ridge Road

Shut-off valve failure. Secondary containment failed. Product to ground and followed preferential path to brook. Plume intercepted, discharge to brook stopped. PCS excavated and being treated onsite, gw nearly at standards in 2007.

Okemo Mtn Ltd - Lampert Parcel

Vermont Rt 103 North

Olcott Falls Mobile Home Park

Soil Removal And Soil Vapor Extraction completed. SMAC pending.

Investigation Of Gasoline Underground Storage Tank Complete, Site Closed.

30 Archambault St

UST removed. Contam found. Investigation complete. 2/28/00 UST pit MW above VGES, 3 MWs ND. 4/12/00 2 MWs above VGES, 10/13/00, 4/3/01, 4/17/02 1 MW above VGES. 4/22/03 1 MW slightly above VGES SMAC

Town of Fairfield acquired property. Site investigation completed and no contamination found. Site SMACed on 5/25/2001.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (295)

770187 Old Montpelier Dump Montpelier MED Linda Elliott

931523 Old Movie House 139 Main St Brattleboro SMAC Richard Spiese 12/1/1993 0:00 8/1/1997 0:00

20043291 Old Parish Church Route 100 Weston SMAC Michael Smith ### 5/28/2009 0:00

921248 Old Pease Grain Property 43 Lake Street Burlington NFAP Lynda Provencher 10/1/1993 0:00

972288 Old Pioneer Building Route 7 A Bennington SMAC Richard Spiese 4/1/1997 0:00 8/10/2001 0:00770018 Old Poultney Dump Dump Road Poultney MED Landfill Monitoring Wells Sampled Annually. Unassigned

20022984 Old Saw Mill Ferry Road Hartland MED 4/17/2002 0:00

931397 Old Vergennes Town Shed West Street Vergennes LOW Unassigned931425 Old Whitcomb Garage P O Box 309 Barre Town NFAP Invest Complete. Site Closed. Unassigned 9/1/1993 0:00 6/1/1994 0:00

931366 Old Woolworth Building 86 Merchants Rd Rutland City MED Unassigned

Route 12 - Elm St

2/98 CERCLA NFRAP. 7/03 approval to thinspread stockpiled soils.Need to determine if any additional work is necessary under state program.

Soils Disposed At Windham Landfill. Site Closed.

Leak from underground heating oil tank. Tank pulled. Product discharging to West River. Contamination isno longer discharging to river. Long term groundwaer monitoring indicates that groundwater emnforcemetn standards are met at site. Monitoring wells have been abandoned. Sire SMAC'ed 28 May 09

Site Assess Complete, No Impact To Sensitive Receptors

Contamination Found In Excavation. Investigation shows no GW impacts. MWs at site abandoned and site SMACed.

Phase I ESA presented USTs and ASTs Drums, stained soils Requested Phase II/Brownfield investigation CAP actions involved Biopile Treatment, Capping, excavation. Notice to Land Records entered 6.17.08

Hugo Martinez Cazon

Project Status Complete, Nfap For Subsurface Investigations. Site remained open due to soil stockpile monitoring, no further actions reported after 9/14/93.apprears site was accidently closed.

Contaminated soil disposed In Bristol Landfill. Owner information updated--new mailing address. (01/07/04)

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (296)

20043249 Olson Residence 35 P R #8 Middlesex SMAC Ashley Desmond 9/16/2003 0:00 10/5/2005 0:00

20104018 Omega Drive Lots2/3 Omega Drive Brattleboro LOW 1/6/2010 0:00

900533 Omya 10 Florence Rd. Pittsford SMAC Ust Contamination. Stockpiled Soils. Unassigned

20012864 OMYA - Pittsford Florence Rd Pittsford LOW Michael Smith 3/10/2001 0:00

20053322 Omya Inc - 49 Main 49 Main St Proctor SMAC Michael Smith ### 7/1/2006 0:00

20053323 Omya Inc - 61 Main St 61 Main St Proctor SMAC Michael Smith ### 7/1/2006 0:00

931537 Routes 7 and 17 New Haven LOW 12/00: Continued stockpile Monitoring, Fall 01 John Schmeltzer 1/1/1994 0:00

911071 One Stop Mini Mart 84 Main St Newport City SMAC Investigation Completed, No Impacts Mike Young 3/1/1998 0:00

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Work plan approved for site investigation 3/4/05. Three soil borings advanced in immediate vicinity of former tank. No contamination or groundwater found to a depth of 5 fbg.

Phase I presented. Phase II workplan and QAPP presented for 1/8/10 approval. Site is a sub-part of SMS 982366. A former Auto Salvage Yard.

Hugo Martinez Cazon

Site owner voluntarily investigating potential contamination. Long term monitoring showed that natural degradation returned contaminant concentrations in groundwater to below enforcement standards.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation showd no significant contamination. No remedial action needed. Wells propery abandoned.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation showd no significant contamination. No remedial action needed. Wells propery abandoned.

Omya/Pluess-Stanfer Industries

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (297)

20043216 Rt 67A Bennington SMAC Ashley Desmond 6/4/2004 0:00 ###

20043189 Orchard St Bennington SMAC Ashley Desmond 1/7/2004 0:00 4/7/2005 0:00

951828 Orchard School 2 Baldwin Ave SMAC Pcs Disposed Of, Site Closed. Unassigned 9/1/1995 0:00 1/1/1996 0:00

20043281 Ormsby Residence 289 Camp St Barre Town SMAC Tami Wuestenberg 8/19/2004 0:00 1/24/2006 0:00

770057 Orvis Route 7 A Manchester SMAC Gerold Noyes 5/5/1986 0:00 2/14/2005 0:00870056 Orvis Manchester NFAP Site Closed. See site #77-0057 Gerold Noyes

Orchard F House, Bennington College

UST Closure report received 5/20/04. Site Investigation requested on 6/18/04. First site investigation showed 80 ppb for 1,2,4,TMB. Second investigation found no contamination, though several wells were found to be dry. Additional groundwater monitoring required during high groundwater flow. Additional groundwater monitoring conducted in March of 2006 found no petroleum related contaminants. This property is served by the municipal water system. A screening of the indoor air of the onsite building showed no evidence of contamination. Monitoring wells have been properly closed.

Orchard House/ Bennington College

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed. Site Investigation work plan approved 6/16/04. Soil borings and monitoring wells advanced at site. PID readings <2 in soil borings. No groundwater contamination found. Wells properly abandoned. SMAC.

South Burlington

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation completed. No VTGES exceedences. Wells abandoned January 2007 -Site SMACed on 1/24/2007.

7/14/2000 EPA NFRAP. Gw Treatment Remediation Complete, 5 years annual WS monitoring per Act 250 complete. SMAC

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20063583 Orwell Fire Department 604 Main St Orwell SMAC Ashley Desmond 8/17/2006 0:00 7/2/2007 0:00

20063577 Orwell Gas-N-Go 330 Rt 22A Orwell MED Ashley Desmond 8/14/2006 0:00

951750 Osmer Property Happy Valley Rd Woodstock SMAC Matt Moran 1/1/1995 0:00 8/1/1997 0:00

20063484 Osornio Residence Lemington MED Ashley Desmond 9/1/2005 0:00921326 Otter Creek Bakery Route 30 Middlebury NFAP Soil Spread On Owners Property. Site Closed Unassigned 11/1/1994 0:00

931490 Otter Valley Garage Route 7 Pittsford SMAC Unassigned 11/1/1993 0:00 3/5/2001 0:00900568 Otter Valley Grocery Route 7 Brandon NFAP Vapors Detected In Store. Dec Monitoring. Unassigned

921344 Rt 7 South Brandon SMAC Gw Monitoring Completed, Site Closed. Unassigned 4/1/1997 0:00

20093954 2997 Franklin St Brandon MED Lynda Provencher 6/30/2009 0:00

Release detected during the removal of a 550-gallon heating oil UST. It appears that the bulk of contaminated soil was removed from the subsurface during the tank removal, as verified by confirmatory samples. A sample taken from the onsite water supply well showed no detection of VOCs above the minimum laboratory detection levels. Soils were properly disposed of at ESMI in Loudon, NH.

Contamination discovered at this site during the removal of three gasoline USTs. REA conducted initial site investigation at the property in May of 2007. Low levels of MTBE detected in the onsite well. Several VOCs exceeded the VGES in the source area. REA will conduct follow-up investigation in Summer/Fall of 2007.

No Evidence Of Hazardous Wasteor Materials Found. Site Closed.

2284 Sims Hill Rd

Above ground storage tank release in basem*nt. Soil impact in basem*nt. Groundwater encountered at 5 foot depth. Engel Environmental Associates wp approved for soils sampling and gw monitoring activity.

Need Plan For Soil Disposal. Soils were moved to Environmental Soils Management, Inc. for Thermal Treatment & Recycling in February 94. Verified February 2001. SMAC.

Otter Valley Union High School

Otter Valley Union High School

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed. Former Site 921344. Closed 4/1/97

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (299)

20093924 Ouellette Residence 4303 Spear St Shelburne SMAC Ashley Desmond 6/6/2009 0:00 ###20083772 Our Lady Of Mercy 123 Main St. Putney Richard Spiese

941719 Our Lady Of Providence Winooski NFAP Unassigned/jf 11/1/1994 0:00 6/1/1995 0:00

20083885 6305 Main St Waitsfield MED Unassigned ###

20083817 Outlet Property Fair Haven NFAP Matthew Becker 2/28/2007 0:00 7/15/2008 0:00890448 Overhead Door Rt 7 Rutland City NFAP Site Is Low/closed Unassigned931492 Overhead Door Co 63 Plain St Rutland City LOW Remediation Completed Bob Haslam890361 Owens Williston NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

20093935 Owens Excavating Norwich MED Ashley Desmond 6/17/2009 0:00

941680 Oxbow High School Route 5 Bradford SMAC No Signif Soil Contam, Site Closed Unassigned 10/1/1994 0:00 1/1/1996 0:00

931512 P And H Truck Stop Route 302 Newbury SMAC Invest Complete, No Further Work Necessary Unassigned/jf 7/1/1996 0:00

20012886 P G and E Substation Searsburg SMAC Gerold Noyes 5/21/2001 0:00 4/15/2002 0:00

982447 P J's Automotive SMAC Unassigned 5/19/1998 0:00 5/5/1999 0:00

880235 P J's Market Route 100 Morristown SMAC Linda Elliott 11/1/1997 0:00 6/12/2001 0:00

Contamination discovered during the removal of a heating oil UST. Three monitoring wells installed on property to assess groundwater conditions. No TPH, VOCs or elevated PIDs in any of the monitoring points. No elevated PIDs in adjacent structures. Water is supplied by the municipal system. Monitoring wells properly closed.

47 West Spring St

Approved Plan For 2 Mw's, Recep Assess, Semi-annual Monitoring

Our Lady of the Snows Church

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed.

Prospect and Adams

Phase I February 28, 2007 Phase II December 21, 2007

240 Chapel Hill rd

2 underground storage tanks removed. Contamination found. SMS wrote letter requesting additional subsurface investigation work. Tanks have been cleaned but remain on site.

Surface soil samples show some contam w/ lead and TPH, limited to transformer yard. 48 tons of contam soil removed. SMAC

2073 Williston Rd

South Burlington

Undrground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation completed. Site Closed.

Site Reopened 11/97 due to diesel release. Ongoing gw monitoring shows GWES met onsite. No additional work requested. Another diesel spill from customer July 2001. Estimated 10-20 gallons released. Impacted surface soils excavated.

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20073748 P, W, Q, Y, C Law Offices Burlington SMAC Ashley Desmond ### 2/15/2008 0:00

20053349 Pacetti Residence Barre Town SMAC Ashley Desmond 3/15/2005 0:00 ###

951745 Pacific Gas MED Richard Spiese 1/1/1995 0:00

253 South Union St

Contamination discovered during the removal of a heating oil UST. . The tank had over 700 gallons of product in it at the time of removal (1,000 gallon tank). Contamination was focused around a small hole in the bottom of the tank. PID readings declined from a peak of 95 ppm to 5 ppm within about 1.5 feet of depth below the tank. All soils were backfilled into the excavation. No groundwater or bedrock was encountered in this area. This property and all adjacent properties are served by the municipal drinking water system. PID readings from the indoor air of the basem*nt indicate that there is no impact from the former UST.

22 & 24 Middle Rd

Contamination discovered following a spill from the vent pipe of a gasoline UST. Water had entered the tank, forcing product out of the pipe. Soils related to the spill were removed immediately. UST was closed in place following spill response activities. EPSVT returned to the site this year to further define the extent of soil contamination beneath the UST. No elevated PID readings were detected in soils, and all confirmatory samples showed no detection of TPH. This property is served by the municipal drinking water system. PID readings of the ambient air inside the residence showed no detection of volatile compounds.

1116 Shelburne Rd

South Burlington

Release detected during piping upgrade of 4 USTs. Investigation needed and not completed.

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20063594 Palmer Chiropractic 56 Green Street Vergennes LOW Tami Wuestenberg ###

900527 Palmer Mobil Brooklyn St. Morristown SMAC Soil Treated, Site Closed Bob Haslam 12/1/1996 0:00

20043302 Rt 116 Middlebury MED Gerold Noyes ###

931390 Palmers Dry Cleaners St Johnsbury SMAC Michael Smith 2/20/2008 0:00

911130 Palmers Garage Rt 7 Ferrisburgh LOW Bob Haslam

20083850 Panner Residence Underhill SMAC Lynda Provencher 9/2/2008 0:00 12/5/2008 0:00

EP&S onsite to remove up to 5 USTs that were thought to have been closed in place. Significant soil and groundwater contamination encountered. Soil removal and dewatering necessary to continue with UST removals. SI to proceed via Expressway. Authorized soil excavation during ust removals. 250 tons of petroleum contaminated soil was shipped for treatment. SI indicated offiste contaminant migration above VGES. Additional wells being installed downgradient summer 2007. Majority of contamination removed, 2 source area wells and one immediate downgradient well contaminated above VTGES - Benzene exceedences only. Limits of contamination identified, reduced to semiannual sampling in 2008. Reduced to annual. Next wq event spring 2010.

Palmer Spring Waterworks

2 Uss removed. Contamin found. Investigation complete, annual monitor

72 - 78 Eastern Ave

UST contamination. Site investigation needed. PCE contamination found and investigatied. Long term groundwater monitoring required. 2007 site meets all groundwater standards at compliance boundaries. Site SMACed with small amount of residual fuel oil contamiantion that is not contaminating groundwater.

Investigation incomplete, additional investigtion is needed

55 Maple Leaf Farms Rd

Groundwater not encountered at site. Contaminated soil excavated and disposed of at Coventry Landfill.

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20053331 Pappas Residence 653 Hillside Rd Hartford SMAC Ashley Desmond ### ###

20093893 Papperman Residence Reading SMAC Sarah A. Bartlett ###972182 Paquette Self Storage Route 7 North Middlebury MED Site monitoring underway. Sarah A. Bartlett 4/1/1997 0:00

921329 Paradise Motor Inn 141 W Main St Bennington SMAC John Schmeltzer 11/1/1992 0:00 1/1/1998 0:00

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed. Work plan from Harper approved in April 2005. Site investigation found no contamination in the soil surrounding the tank. No visual or olfactory signs of gw contamination in borings. GW well was sampled 2x, and neighbors well was sampled once. No contamination detected. Limited risk to any receptors, which include indoor air, groundwwater, soils and drinking water.

199 Benjamin Drive

2,000 gallon UST removed 12/08. Tank in good condition, previous piping failure. PID readings peaked at 154 ppm. 3 MWs installed during ISI, two sampled. Source area MW contained Naphthalene below VGES. MWs closed 08/09.

Contam Limited To Ust Area, No Groundwater Encountered.

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20073638 Railroad Ave Windsor COC Patricia Coppolino 2/1/2007 0:00

20083867 Mill Road Guilford MED 5/12/2008 0:00

982386 Paris Residence Manchester SMAC Linda Elliott 6/1/1998 0:00 7/28/2000 0:00

982548 Park Mobil 5 N Main St Rutland City SMAC Richard Spiese 11/6/1998 0:00 2/2/2004 0:00

20043224 Park Residence 31 Mayo Rd Morristown SMAC Gerold Noyes 6/21/2004 0:00 5/26/2005 0:00

20093926 Park Residence 1259 Butternut rd Williston SMAC Richard Spiese 5/14/2009 0:00 7/17/2009 0:00

Parcel 251001.000 Railroad Ave

This property has had investigations on it since 2000. During this initial investigation it was determined that contamiantion present on the site was from an off site source (Windosr MGP) and was not made a site, but a deed restriction was placed on the site for subsurface activities. Addiitional investigatory work has been conducted in relation to site redevelopment which identified additional contamiantion (PCE) that appears to be site related. This site has two properties associated with the site number. The Resource Center (owned by CRDC) and the Welcome Center (owned by the Town of Windsor). The Welcome Center is enrolled in the RCPP. Both properties were orginally one parcel and have been subdivided but most of the investigatory work was combined. The Welcome Center portion of the property which is owned by the Town of Windsor has recived a Certificate of Completion.

Parcel 3 - Friends of Algiers

See 2005-3505 for background info. Phase II identified petroleum contamination, PCBs, Arsenic in soils.

Hugo Martinez Cazon

McCoey Drive/ PO Box 1088

Fuel oil UST removed. Water quality monitoring complete. No additional work needed.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Site merged with 890391-Rutland Mobil.

UST removed. Contam found. Investigation complete. 8/04 tank pit MW above VGES, 3 MWs, supply well ND, 3/05 tank pit MW ND, SMAC

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation showed no GW contamination. 10 cu. Yds. Of PCS excavated and disposed.

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890440 Park Street Well Park Street Waterbury NFAP 3/1/1989 0:00 ###

962071 Parker Block Newport City LOW John Schmeltzer 9/1/1996 0:00972279 Parker Quik Stop Route 2 Montpelier MED Ust Removed, contam found. GW monitoring Gerold Noyes 11/1/1997 0:00

911170 Parkers Service Station Route 133 & 140 LOW Monitoring Only Bob Haslam

982331 Parks Farm Parks Rd Monkton LOW Bob Haslam 1/1/1998 0:00972330 Parks Residence Parks Ave Pawlet LOW MTBE impacted water supply now clean Bob Haslam

20002756 Parks Residence Essex SMAC Gerold Noyes 4/20/2000 0:00 4/26/2004 0:00962082 Parkview Garage Route 5 Barton LOW 07/02: Monitorinf ongoing John Schmeltzer 10/1/1996 0:00

20053366 Parmenter Property 142 School St Plainfield SMAC Ashley Desmond 5/9/2005 0:00 8/10/2005 0:00

972289 Parrish Residence Russell Rd Peru SMAC Unassigned 10/1/1997 0:00 6/28/1999 0:00900492 Parrish Services Rochester NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

962116 Parrishs' Mobil Route 100 Rochester MED John Schmeltzer 11/1/1996 0:00

931414 Parson Hill Rt 4a Castleton SMAC Unassigned 7/1/1993 0:00 2/1/1999 0:00

972277 Party Tyme 157 Railroad St St Johnsbury SMAC Gerold Noyes 10/1/1997 0:00 ###

Back Up Well Taken Off Line. Groundwater Monitoring Complete. Site Closed

Bob Haslam/chuck Schwer

Parker Block - Newport State Project

4/01: ongoing monitoring, Next round May or June 2001. One well has PCE at 26 ppb. Another well had lead at 31 ppb. Offsite stockpile soils have been treated and spread at Airport.

Middletown Springs

Diesel contamination in soil and groundwater. Monitoring ongoing.

101 Sleepy Hollow Road

Spill from AST. Stockpiled soils on-site. Perimeter drain monitored for residual product. 6/22/00 no impact to site supply well, 4/2004 stockpile ready to spread. SMAC

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed. First letter sent in June 05. Investigation showed that no contamination had migrated from the tank area. No sensitive receptors believed to be at risk. Monitoring wells closed.

Ust removed and contamination present. Site investigation completed and site closed.

02/06: monitoring once every other year, with next round scheduled for 2007.

Source of contamination found to be water storage tank. Taken off line. No additional work requested by SMS.

Ust Removed. Contamination Found. Soils stockpiled. 6/28/00 soils screened clean. SMAC

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20023023 Passumpsic Village Store Rt 5 Barnet MED Lynda Provencher 8/19/2002 0:00

890410 Patches Petroleum West Rutland NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

20012850 Patridge Residence Stowe SMAC Ashley Desmond 10/9/2001 0:00 7/13/2007 0:00

941564 Pattees 108 Market Route 108 Enosburg SMAC Richard Spiese 3/1/1994 0:00 6/11/1998 0:00900623 Patten Corp Stamford NFAP Site Closed Unassigned890347 Patterson Fuels Richmond NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

951768 Route 108 Bakersfield MED Matt Moran 4/1/1995 0:00

982530 Paulin Inc Route 7 A Shaftsbury SMAC Lynda Provencher ### 6/10/1999 0:00

5 abandoned USTs removed in November 2002. Petroleum contamination is present both on and offsite on the downgradient Gillander property. Contaminant levels are decreasing in groundwater which is being sampled on an annual basis. The floor drain located inside the building was inspected and sampled in November, 2007. No VOCs were detected. Floor drain will be abandoned during November 2009 sampling event. One neighboing water supply well has had very low levels of MTBE, and is sampled on a semi-annual basis.

800 Edson Hill Rd

Release detected during the removal of a two heating oil USTs. It appears the full extent of contamination was defined during the tank closure. Soils were stockpiled onsite. Monitoring of the soil in June of this year revealed no signs of petroleum contamination. Soils were used to backfill another UST excavation at the site. Two nearby bedrock wells were sampled for VOCs and showed no readings above the minimum detection limits.

Soil Remediated. Groundwater Enforcement Standards Met At Property Boundary.

Paul's (formerly Charley's) Quick Stop

Gasoline UST release. SVE system shut down, natural attenuation to polish site. System recovered over 1150 gallons prior to shut down. Biennial GW and surface water monitoring, next rd. fall 2011.

Source removed. Groundwater not above standards.

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961948 Sheldon LOW Matt Moran ###

992682 Paull Residence Montpelier SMAC Bruce Linton 9/1/1999 0:00 3/22/2000 0:00

20002819 Pauls Dry Cleaners 293 N Main St Rutland City SMAC Michael Smith 7/5/2000 0:00 12/1/2003 0:00

921212 Pauls Fish Fry Bennington NFAP Lynda Provencher 6/1/1992 0:00 8/10/1993 0:00880252 Pauls Mobil Manchester NFAP Site Closed Unassigned951890 Peacham School Bailey Hazen Rd Peacham NFAP Landfarming Complete, Site Smac'd Unassigned 12/1/1995 0:00

972231 Peacham Town Garage Town Hgwy #2 Peacham SMAC Unassigned 7/1/1997 0:00 6/28/1999 0:00

20002755 Pearl Street Mobil 281 Pearl St Burlington SMAC Sarah A. Bartlett 3/22/2000 0:00 10/2/2008 0:00

20043298 Pearson Residence 78 River Rd Londonderry SMAC Sarah A. Bartlett 11/8/2004 0:00 1/29/2007 0:00

20023065 Peavey Apartment House 108 S Main St Bradford SMAC Matt Moran 4/2/2002 0:00 5/19/2008 0:00

951783 Pecks Rental Realty 112 Creek Rd Middlebury LOW Matt Moran 5/1/1995 0:00

Pauline's (formerly Marge's) Quick Stop

Rt 105 and Town Rd

Diesel and gasoline UST releases. GW monitoring biennial; next rd. summer 2010. Bailing diesel product in MW-4 discontinued. ~29 gallons bailed to date. PCS treatment complete and thin spread offsite at Todd Derry property.

30 Hubbard Park Drive

Underground storage tank removed. Contaminated soil removed. Site SMACed March 2000.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation Complete, minimal contamination only, not above any standards. Site SMACed

Main And Depot Sts

Site Assess Complete, Gw Not Impacted Above Standards

Ust removed and contamination found. Site investigation completed and site closed.

Petroleum contamination discovered during March 2000 piping upgrade. 500 gallon waste oil UST removed May 2000. Five rounds of groundwater samples conducted between January 2001 and May 2008. MWs 1 and 3 contained low levels of TMBs (below VGES) prior to well closure.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. SI reveled little residual contamination, no apparent impact to sensitive receptors. Site closed 01.29.2007

1,000 gallon No.2 oil UST leaked, removed 4/02, assessment 9/02. ISI, remediation, and well decommissioning completed, including 120 yds of soil disposed at ESMI. Site Closed.

UST contaminantion investigation complete for GW and soil impacts. Approved onsite thin spreading of 75 yds PCS. Once MWs closed, site eligible for SMAC. Pending Phase II for property sale as of Feb. 2008.

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921285 Pecor Auto Sales 376 Main St Winooski NFAP Passive On Site Polyencapsulation Of Soil Unassigned 1/1/1995 0:00

880285 Pecor Nissan NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

20063480 Penta Mill Street Rockingham MED 1/31/2006 0:00

880158 Pepsi Cola Co 20 Karen Drive MED Matt Moran 5/1/1994 0:00

770184 Percey Property Bennington SMAC Linda Elliott 3/13/2007 0:00

931432 Rt 106 Weathersfield NFAP Unassigned/mg 8/1/1993 0:00 2/1/1994 0:00

20012856 Perojo Residence 25 Terrace St Montpelier SMAC Unassigned 9/27/2001 0:00 4/12/2002 0:00

20093932 Perrault Residence Shelburne MED Ashley Desmond 5/13/2009 0:00

20093992 Perrott Residence Hyde Park LOW Ashley Desmond 10/8/2009 0:00

951852 Route 302 Berlin LOW Gerold Noyes

931423 Perry Oil In Bradford Rt 5 Bradford SMAC Tami Wuestenberg 7/1/1993 0:00 1/15/2008 0:00

South Burlington

Hugo Martinez Cazon

South Burlington

Biennial GW, storm drain, and pond outlet monitoring for gasoline UST release; next round spring 2010; possible candidate for supplemental cleanup as MNA may not reach standards site-wide until 2070. .

306 Northside Drive

Dec Pa Completed 6/90, Epa Completed Sip 6/95. 2005 detection of PCE in groundwater onsite. PCE plume being investigated at Monument Plaza. EPA Archived 2007.

Perkinsville Community Church

Workplan Approved, Invest Ongoing, Site Closed

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed. SMAC 4/12/2002.

501 Beaver Creek Rd

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Expressway investigation underway.

250 Sterling View Rd

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found.. Initial investigation found limited quantity of dissolved contamination. Additional monitorinng to be conducted.

Perry Bulk Fuel Storage Facility

Annual groundwater monitoring, 5/01, 5/02, 5/03, 7/04, 9/05 2 MWs over VGES, sheens in MW, biennial monitor

Site Investigation Needed. Owner has recieved four letters (1993, 1996, 2003 and 2006) requesting cooperation, and there has been no reply. Sent letter July 2006. Site Combined with 98-2394. Two additional USTs removed in 1998, SI performed and gw monitoring was conducted until met applicable standars and site was closed.

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962085 Perrys Service Station 152 State St Montpelier MED Tami Wuestenberg 10/1/1996 0:00

941608 Perrys' Oil Route 14 and 15 Hardwick LOW Bob Haslam 5/1/1994 0:00931482 Persis Worrall Residence 380 Maple St Burlington NFAP No Vapor Impacts On Buildings, Site Closed. Unassigned 10/1/1993 0:00 2/1/1994 0:00

10/96 UST removal. Soil contam found. 9/00 ISI confirmed GW contam. 6/5, 9/26,12/6/01, 4/30/02 4 of 7 MWs, 4/3 9/17/03 7 of 10 MWs above VGES biennial monitoring. 10/05 - sent letter that we're awaiting more work - abandoned UST investigation and more WQ sampling. Received wp/ce to investigate abandoned tank and install nutrient recharge gallery in July 2006. UST removed fall '06; nutrient gallery installed fall 06'. WQ monitoring and recharge gallery evaluation currently occuring (1/07).

Impacted Water Supply Replaced, Monitoring Ongoing

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20063485 Peshkin Residence 36 Discovery Rd Essex SMAC Ashley Desmond 1/23/2006 0:00 12/4/2006 0:00

972147 Peter's Country Store Route 22 A Benson HIGH Matt Moran 1/1/1997 0:00

20012870 Peterson Brook Farm Edson Hill Rd Stowe SMAC Gerold Noyes 5/29/2001 0:00 5/15/2008 0:00

982560 Petrak Residence Dover Rd Newfane SMAC Unassigned ### 7/7/1999 0:00

AST fell through floor of a shed, which was located adjacent to the onsite residence. Oil migrated across property to pond. Verterre installed a drum top blower with attached carbon drum to eliminate fuel odors from inside the house. This system was operated for approximately 6 weeks following the release, and was removed in April when indoor air showed no PID readings above 0.1 parts per million. Verterre obtained permit to treat and discharge contaminated groundwater from beneath the onsite shed. In June of 2006, shed was removed along with 60 cubic yards of contaminated soil. Large swath of contaminated soils (117 tons) removed from between former shed and the pond in October 2006. It appears the bulk of contaminated soils have been removed and disposed of. PID readings of <0.1 were obtained across the excavated area. Samples collected from the excavated areas, onsite well and the pond outlet show no detection of any petroleum related contaminants. Discharge permit for the site has been terminated.

Gasoline UST release. BIOSCREEN model indicates onsite supply well threatened. DPE pilot unsuccessful. Work requested 2004 and again 5/2008, with WP-CE due 6/14/08.

farm gas UST removed, contam found. Annual monitor. 10/05 1 MW below VGES, 2 MWs ND, 10/07, 2 MW ND, tank pit MW below VGES. SMAC

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found and investigation completed. Site closed.

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20063496 Phelps Residence Morristown SMAC Ashley Desmond 2/2/2006 0:00 3/10/2006 0:00

20043308 Phelps-Kinsey Residence 136 Deforest Rd Burlington SMAC Ashley Desmond 11/1/2004 0:00 5/17/2005 0:00890465 Philip Davis Wilmington NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

982511 Phillips Construction Route 100 Waitsfield SMAC Gerold Noyes 10/5/1998 0:00 11/1/1999 0:00

982495 Phillips Construction Waitsfield SMAC Gerold Noyes 9/23/1998 0:00 11/1/1999 0:00

921274 Pierce Farm Box 585 Franklin LOW Bob Haslam

900591 Pierce General Store Shrewsbury SMAC monitoring completed Bob Haslam 8/1/1997 0:00900642 Pierce Mobil Montpelier NFAP Site Closed Unassigned911006 Pierce Mobil 3 Berlin Street Montpelier LOW Monitoring Ongoing. Richard Spiese 1/1/1991 0:00

941574 Pierce Residence Springfield MED UST contamination. Investigation needed. Unassigned 3/1/1994 0:00911044 Pierson Garage Route 25 Corinth NFAP Site Evaluation Complete - Site Closed Unassigned/mg 8/1/1993 0:00

770191 Pike Hill Copper Mine Pike Hill Road Corinth HIGH Linda Elliott

911066 Pike Industries Granger Rd Berlin SMAC Richard Spiese 10/7/1998 0:00 6/1/1999 0:00

911164 Pike Industries Industrial Drive Williston NFAP Investigation Complete. Soils Properly Treated. Unassigned/caw 12/2/1991 0:00

397 Upper main St

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Following removal of 0.25 cubic yards of soils, a confirmatory sample was collected from the tank grave. No VOCs were detected. All properties in the area are served by municipal utilities.

Underground storage tank closed in place. Contamination found. Verterre Group Investigation indicated that no receptors were effected, groundwater was absent near the release, and contamination was limited.

UST removed. Contamination found. Investigation completed. Annual groundwater monitoring required. All monitor wells below VGES. Supply well non-detect. SMAC. Site combined with SMS#98-2495.

1673 Main Street (Route 100)

Annual groundwater monitoring required. Site file consolidated with #98-2511 SMAC

Drinking Water Supply Treatment And Monitoring On Going

Eastman & Old Plymouth Rd.

15 Juniper Hill Rd

Listed in Cerclis in 1990. PA and SI complete. EPA Contractor conducted further testing (10/99) to determine NPL eligibility. Site listed on the NPL July 2004.

Site reopened 10/98 following Phase II work.Contamination from floor drains need evaluation. Real estate transaction pending.

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20063589 Websterville Rd Barre Town SMAC Ashley Desmond 8/25/2006 0:00 9/17/2007 0:00

890464 Berlin NFAP Site Closed Unassigned870093 Pike/martell New Haven NFAP Site Closed Unassigned890327 Pine Tree Table Co Rt 142 Vernon NFAP Long Term Monitering Complete. Site Closed. Richard Spiese

931551 Pittsfield Fire Dept Route 100 Pittsfield SMAC No Gw Or Soil Contamination Lynda Provencher 1/1/1994 0:00 2/1/1998 0:00

972281 Pittsfield Pit Stop Route 100 Pittsfield SMAC Unassigned 10/1/1997 0:00 4/10/1997 0:00

20002837 Pittsford Mill Apartments 2239 US Route 7 Pittsford SMAC Richard Spiese 11/2/2000 0:00 12/9/2002 0:00

941707 Pittsford Town Garage Pleasant St Pittsford MED Unassigned

Pike Industries - Websterville

Contamination discovered during the removal of an underground storage tank and during inspection of a nearby rock crusher. Apparently hydraulic fluid leaked from the lines in the crusher. This machine has since been dismantled. EPS VT conducted site investigation at this property in June, 2007. Over 500 cubic yards of contaminated soil was excavated and transported to ESMI for disposal. Surface water infiltrated the excavation during the soil removal process. Impacted water was pumped out and treated. The nearest drinking water supply well is located approximately 700 feet from the excavation.

Pike Industries/Cooley Asphalt

Site file combinned with site #97-2154. This site was closed on 4/10/97.

Underground storage tanks removed. Contamination found. Investigation showed FP in one MW in UST grave. GWESs not exceeded. 120 yards soil removed and disposed.

Piping leak was discovered during an annual tightness test in 1994. Owner was asked to hire a consultant to determie the degree and extent of the contamination in a letter dated February 21, 1995, but owner has yet to respond. As of this update, the Feb. 95 letter is the most recent activty in this file. (8/2/99)

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20002745 MED Matt Moran 7/10/2000 0:00

982353 Pizzagalli Construction Co SMAC Unassigned 12/1/1997 0:00 4/12/2002 0:00921348 Pizzagalli Residence Rt 7 Charlotte NFAP Contaminated Well. Source Unknown. Richard Spiese 5/1/1994 0:00

20093921 PJ's Soil Pile Morristown SMAC Richard Spiese 1/1/2009 0:00 5/22/2009 0:00941593 Plachta Equity Assoc Route 11 Londonderry NFAP Soil Remediated. Invest Complete. Unassigned/jf 4/1/1994 0:00 2/1/1996 0:00

900552 Plainfield Auto Parts Rt 2, Box 190 Plainfield SMAC Unassigned 1/1/1997 0:00

931375 Plainfield General Store Rt 2 Plainfield NFAP Site Assess Completed Lynda Provencher 12/1/1993 0:00

992639 Plainfield Town Garage Cameron Rd Plainfield SMAC Gerold Noyes 6/7/1999 0:00 1/25/2000 0:00

20022961 46 Nichols St Rutland City SMAC Lynda Provencher ### 8/29/2008 0:00

992632 Plymouth SMAC Matt Moran 6/1/1999 0:00 12/3/1999 0:00

Pizzagalli (former CVPS) - St. Albans

Lower Welden Street

St Albans City

Additional SI indicated shallow MODF contamination is insignificant. Residual gasoline contamination from CVPS UST requires additional MWs. Report due 11/22/01.

72 San Remo Drive

South Burlington

Underground Storage Tank Removed. Contamination Found. Investigation Needed. SMS approve a workplan from the Stone Environmental co on September 25, 1998, but as of this update, there has been no further activity in this file. (9/10/99). 97 Lab results found in 2001. Site SMAC

621 Jersey Heights

Soils removed in December 2008 and stockpiled on site. Soils treated as of April 2009 and used as file around new USTs. GW evaluation indicated no GW impacts.

Additional Invest Complete. No Off Site Migration.

UST removed. Contamination found. Investigation completed. No impact to GW above VGES. SMAC

Pleasant Manor Nursing Home

2 fuel oil tanks removed in 2001. Contaminated soil removed and transported to ESMI. Four groundwater monitoring wells installed and no contaminaiton was found. Wells were properly closed according to the Water Supply Rule, Chapter 21, Section 12.3.5. Residual soil contamination present so notice was placed on land record.

Plymouth Cheese Corporation

106 Messer Hill Road

Heating oil UST contamination. Initial site investigation completed with no significant GW impact. Old supply well free of petroleum contamination, as well as the new one.

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911155 Plymouth General Store Rt 100 Plymouth LOW Richard Spiese 6/1/1992 0:00

20093986 Poginy Residence Victory MED Impact to drinking water. Installing GAC system. Bob Haslam ###

982352 Point Bay Marina Charlotte LOW Lynda Provencher 12/1/1997 0:00

921321 Poissants Mobil Route 2 Alburg MED Ashley Desmond 11/2/1992 0:00

GWES exceeded in two monitor wells, annual groundwater monitoring continues. Only TMBs and Napthalene above GWESs.

1258 B Victory Hill Rd

1401 Thompsons Point Rd

Three underground storage tanks removed (two gas, one diesel) in February, 1998. Low levels of groundwater contamination found. Annual groundwater monitoring of the one onsite monitoring well ongoing. Next sampling in Summer, 2009. If contaminants remain below standards, site will be eligible for SMAC, once .5 cubic yard of polyencapsulated soil is clean and spread, and well is closed according to Water Supply Rule.

Contamination was discovered at this property during a gasoline UST removal in 1992. Soil stockpile was generated and is now stored onsite. Initial site investigation was finally completed by Heindel & Noyes in 2006, and showed that petroleum contamination has impacted a large portion of the property. Groundwater enforcement standards were exceeded in two of four wells. No free product was encountered, though MTBE was detected in one well at a concentration of 764 ppb. H&N conducted additional investigation work at the property in 2008, which included the installation of additional wells. 8 of 10 wells were found to be clean. An onsite drain outfall was found to have elevated levels of MTBE and xylenes. The inlet of this drain was not located, though it is possible that the drain line runs next to the UST system. Further evaluation will be completed in 2009.

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992657 Pollio Property Grafton SMAC Gerold Noyes 8/13/1999 0:00 5/4/2001 0:00

911097 Pollution Solutions 2 Avenue D Williston MED Unassigned

20043194 Polya Residence 46 Fields Lane Jericho SMAC Ashley Desmond 1/5/2004 0:00 4/7/2005 0:00

20053329 Pomainville Residence 6565 US Rt 7 Pittsford SMAC Ashley Desmond 1/7/2005 0:00 4/18/2005 0:00

20093989 Pond Meadow Park 198 N Main St Rutland City MED Ashley Desmond 9/29/2009 0:00

982444 Pool World 66 Oak Circle Colchester SMAC Unassigned 6/9/1998 0:00 2/3/1999 0:00

931522 Porter Medical Center South St Middlebury SMAC Stockpile Spread, Gw Below Standards Unassigned/jf 12/1/1993 0:00 2/1/1996 0:00

941592 Portland Glass Rutland SMAC Unassigned 4/1/1994 0:00 10/1/1996 0:00

20012857 Portland Street School 510 Portland St St Johnsbury SMAC Gerold Noyes 3/22/2001 0:00 3/13/2002 0:00

412 Hall Ranch Rd

UST removed. Contam found. Investigation completed. Confirmatory soil & GW samples non-detect. SMAC

Draft And Pa Plus Received 7/92 Further environmental sampling and test is required for site to be considered for SMAC status. At present, site is considered to be a high release risk and is in the actives/hazardous file for that reason.

Above ground storage tank failure. Tank removed and a temp set up. Soil borings and well water sample indicated no evidence of contamination. Vapor concentrations in the house are non-detectable. SMAC.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation revealed a peak PID reading of 7.4 and no groundwater to a depth of 11 feet below grade. No contamination present in confirmatory sample or in the onsite drinking water well. SMAC.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed.

Groundwater not encountered. Soils okay to be spread.

311 South Main St

Groundwater Enforcement Standards Met On Entire Site

UST removed. Contam found. Investigation completed. 4/13/01 1 MW above, 3 MWs below VGES, 10/19/01 4 MWs below VGES, SMAC

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931407 Portland St St Johnsbury LOW Lynda Provencher

20063581 Post Residence 6 Walker Terrace Montpelier SMAC Ashley Desmond 6/29/2006 0:00 10/9/2006 0:00

20073645 Poulos Property 4 Laurel Hill Rd MED Ashley Desmond 4/16/2007 0:00911038 Poultney Auto Supply Main St. Poultney NFAP No Groundwater impact. Site Closed Unassigned 12/7/1992 0:00900651 Poultney Auto Supply Main St. Fair Haven NFAP Ust Contamination Found. Unassigned

961977 Poultney BP/Exxon 12 - 14 Main St Poultney SMAC John Schmeltzer 4/1/1996 0:00 5/1/2006 0:00

941557 Poultney Mobil Poultney MED Matt Moran 1/4/1998 0:00

Portland Street Valero (Bedards Mobil)

Petroleum contamination discovered in May, 1993. Soil vapor extraction system was in operation from June, 1999 until July, 2003. Mulit-phase extraction and air sparging were also attempted at the site but not successful. Groundwater has been monitored over time and levels have decreased significantly. As of April, 2009, only one monitoring well contained levels of contaminants in excess of Vermont Groundwater Enforcement Standards. SMS has requested that groundwater be sampled on a bi-annual basis, with the next sampling event occurring iin April, 2011.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Groundwater collected from a test pit installed in the UST grave showed no VOC concentrations above the Vermont Groundwater Enforcement Standards (VGES). No evidence of vapor contamination encountered in the onsite residence.

South Burlington

Underground storage tank release. Tank abandoned 20 years ago. Rainwater filled lines forcing out oil. EP&S hireds topump out tank. PCS stockpiled on site.

05/06: Spring 2005 monitoring showed no target contaminant levels above Vermont Groundwater Enforcement Standards. Wells properly closed on April 21, 2006. SMAC assigned.

1 East Main Street

2009 UST gasoline piping release investigation requested 7/22/09. ISI completed, awaiting report. Prior drywell GW and soil investigation completed. PCS determined to be non-hazardous, and was to ship to WSI.

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962038 Poultney Post Office 66 Main St Poultney SMAC Invest Complete. Site Closed Tim Cropley 11/1/1996 0:00 6/1/1997 0:00

20093930 Poultney Town Garage 170 Furnace St Poultney MED Ashley Desmond 5/18/2009 0:00

20053466 Powderhound Inn Warren SMAC Ashley Desmond ### 7/31/2006 0:00

20093968 Pownal MED Gerold Noyes 7/27/2009 0:00

951927 Pownal SMAC Limited Soil Contam, Site Closed Unassigned 3/1/1996 0:00

931504 Pratt Residence Upper Terrace St Montpelier No Vapor Or Groundwater Impacts Detected. Linda Elliott 12/1/1993 0:00 6/1/1995 0:00

20083795 Pratt's Store 2504 VT Rt. 22A Bridport LOW Sarah A. Bartlett 5/6/2008 0:00

770188 Portland St St Johnsbury SMAC No Contamination To Groundwater Unassigned 10/1/1997 0:00

900603 Pratts Store Route 22a Bridport NFAP Unassigned

20033149 Pray Residence 44 Roberts Ave Rutland City MED Gerold Noyes 8/12/2003 0:00

770185 Preci Manufacturing Winooski SMAC Source Removed. Site Closed. Unassigned 11/1/1997 0:00

Underground piping removed. Contamination found. 43 cubic yards of soil has been stockpiled at the property. No further subsurface investigation needed, but soils need to be monitored.

203 Powderhound Rd

2 underground storage tanks removed. Contamination found. Ihnvestigation needed. Approved Llewellyn-Howley plan for site investigation. ISI found no contaminants exceeding minimum lab detection levels in groundwater surrounding the tank. Water supply source is located several hundred feet from the tank and is not considered to be at risk from residual contamination.

Pownal Elementary School

94 Schoolhouse rd

2 underground storage tanks removed. Contamination found,. Investigation needed. Closed site - 19951927

Pownal Elementary School

School St, Route 7


PCS discovered during UST replacement - believed to be related to contamination discovered during 1990 UST removals. See old site file #90-0603.

Pratt-read (old True Temper)

5/6/08 Contamination discovered during tank removal. Soils stockpiled on Pratt property off-site. Contamination Discovered During Tank Pull. Soils Stockpiled.

UST removed. Contam found. Investigation complete. 6/04 1 of 2 MWs above VGES, annual monitor

400 Weaver Street

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972135 Precision Metals West Barnet Rd Barnet SMAC Site Invest Complete, Site Closed Unassigned 1/1/1997 0:00 3/1/1997 0:00

972235 Pearl St Springfield MED Patricia Coppolino 7/1/1997 0:00

20053394 Price Residence Warren SMAC Ashley Desmond 6/6/2005 0:00 10/5/2005 0:00

962052 Priggin Residence Durfee Pond Rd Windham HIGH Richard Spiese 9/1/1996 0:00

20012918 Prindle Residence 156 Prindle Lane Jamaica SMAC Bob Haslam 8/20/2001 0:00 ###870115 Proctor Coal Co Proctor NFAP Site Closed Unassigned770063 Proctor Dump Deere Road Pittsford MED Dec Pa Completed 10/87 Unassigned

931373 Proctor High School Park St Proctor MED Gerold Noyes

20012852 98 Allen Street Rutland City MED Bob Haslam 3/2/2001 0:00

20083843 Project Soar School SMAC Sarah A. Bartlett 8/13/2008 0:00 5/13/2009 0:00

Precision Valley Development

Chlorinated solvents found in bedrock well. Investigation ongoing. EPA Removals completed cleanup of PCB transformers and oils. SWCRPC conducting assessment work at property. Marin and Griffen both collected groundwater and soil. Johnson Company completed updated Phase I

1925 West Hill Rd

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Most of the contaminated soil was removed from the ground. No groundwater encountered in excavation. Soil sample showed no target contaminants exceeding soil standards.

Above Ground Tank Leak, Impacted Well, Insurance To Clean.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation completed. No groundwater or surface water impacts detected.

Free Product Recovery & Gw Monitoring Ongoing.

Professional Park Condo Association

VES system has mitigted vapor impacts. Leaking #2 fuel oil tank caused vapor impact in several offices in the building. Remediation included soil removal, soil vapor extraction, and product recovery. Operation of SVE is complete, site approaching SMAC status.

178 McGinn Drive

St Albans City

12,000 gallon fuel oil UST closed 08/08, PID readings ranged from 7.0 to 254 ppm. ISI conducted 12/08, 4 MWs installed. No PID readings during installation, soil samples contained no petroleum VOCs in excess of method detection limits. Source area and one down-gradient well contained low levels of TPH. No sensitive receptors impacted.

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911138 14 The Green Woodstock NFAP Investigation Complete, Site Closed Unassigned/caw ###

20094011 Prospect Street Prospect Street Hartford MED Patricia Coppolino

20053417 Prospect Street Housing 3 Prospect St Montpelier SMAC Ashley Desmond 7/25/2005 0:00 9/28/2005 0:00

20093908 Proud Residence Bennington LOW Ashley Desmond 12/9/2008 0:00

20002789 Provoncha Property 352 S Main St Stowe SMAC Unassigned 6/8/2000 0:00 4/11/2001 0:00

931426 Provost Auto Mart North Main St Northfield NFAP Unassigned 7/1/1994 0:00

972225 Pruniers Market Rt 4 A Castleton SMAC Tim Cropley 6/1/1997 0:00 1/11/2007 0:00

20073687 PS Service Station Arlington LOW Patricia Coppolino 10/1/2007 0:00

Property Maintenance Bldg

This site originated as Hartford Oil CoSMS# 20002770 and has now been combined with this site. There were several parcels of land that have been included in a Phase I and II to determine environmental impact and potential remediation needed for redevelopment.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. 12.2 cubic yards of contaminated soil removed from tank excavation and transported to ESMI in Louden, NH. No detection of VOCs on the sidewalls or bottom of the excavation. Confirnatory samples from tank grave showed no detection of petroleum contaminants.

Pleasant Valley Rd.

Heating oil UST removed. Contaminated soils and groundwater encountered beneath tank. Full extent of contamination not determined. Some heavily contaminated soils were removed from the subsurface and disposed. AGS will conduct an expressway investigation in Spring 2009.

UST removed. No contaminants in private water supplies.

Stockpiled Soil Spread On Site, No Invest Necessary, Smac

GW monitored until below VGES. PCS screening was ND in July 2003. Permission given to thinspread onsite. Soil thinspread and MWs properly abandoned on 5/15/2006.

3885 Vermont Route 313 W

The site was assessed via the BRPC EPA grant money. That money is no longer available and the remaining assessment work needs to be conducted by the owner. Contamination was detected in a garage pit that has a soil bottom and in an area where waste oil drums were stored.

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20093945 PSNH Canaan Hydro Canaan MED Bob Haslam

20053375 Pub Outback 481 Route 114 Burke SMAC Ashley Desmond 6/14/2005 0:00 6/14/2005 0:00870074 Pulpwood Co Essex NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

992624 Pump and Pantry SMAC Tami Wuestenberg 5/12/1999 0:00 5/22/2009 0:00

890350 Purcell Fuel Route 110 Chelsea SMAC Soil Properly Disposed Unassigned 9/1/1996 0:00

962029 Putney SMAC John Schmeltzer 9/1/1996 0:00 6/19/1999 0:00

921296 Putney Fire Dept Rt 5, Main St Putney SMAC Unassigned 9/17/1992 0:00 2/19/2004 0:00

941605 Main St Putney MED Tami Wuestenberg

Creosote contaminated soils resulting from preservatives used to treat wooden penstock. JOCO completed SI, soil removal scheduled for September 2009.

UST heating oil tank removed. Limited soil contamination. Soils removed and disposed at Waste USA landfill. On site water supply well tested and found free of petroleum contamination.

32 Business Center Rd


Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation complete. Low contamination. WQ sampline event scheduled for spring 2006 . GWES exceedences in source area well - annual sampling - next to occur spring 2007. Annual sampling occurred in 2007 and 2008. No GWES exceedences in spring 2008 sampling event, confirmatory round occurred in fall 2008. Wells closed, site SMACd.

Putney Central Elementary School

Westminster West Rd

Contaminated defined and confined within UST area. Stockpile soils were screened. Contaminantions in the stockpile were reduced to levels that met the Agency's criteria for thinspreading.

Soil Impacted - Free Product Contam From Ust. Invest Pending. PCS excavated stored off-site at town garage. Soils spread at town garage, confirmed 1/14/2004. SMAC

Putney Paper Sludge Lagoons

EPA ESI completed. Waiting for a local resident to submit comments on this report. The SMS expects to have a position paper regarding this site completed in the first half of 2003. No activity as of April 2006.

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941606 River Rd Putney MED Tami Wuestenberg

941647 Putney Rd - Rice Oil Putney Rd Brattleboro MED Tami Wuestenberg 6/29/1994 0:00

20093998 Putney Town Hall 127 Main St Putney MED Ashley Desmond ###

20083856 Pyrofax Bulk Plant 379 Richville Rd Manchester MED Contaminated soil found during excavation work. Sarah A. Bartlett 10/2/2008 0:00

972259 Quality Motors U S Route 5 St Johnsbury LOW Matt Moran 10/1/1997 0:00

982388 Quarry Hill Quik Stop Quarry Hill Rd Barre City MED Gerold Noyes 5/9/1998 0:00

962050 Quattrocci Residence Gove Hill Rd Lincoln SMAC Contaminated Soil Removed And Disposed Richard Spiese 9/1/1996 0:00 11/1/1996 0:00

951813 Quechee Inn Clubhouse Rd Hartford SMAC Soils Thinspread On Site Tim Cropley 6/5/1998 0:00

20063538 Quechee Jiffy Mart Rt 4 Hartford SMAC Gerold Noyes 5/23/2006 0:00 7/28/2008 0:00

921193 Quechee Lakes Murphy Rd Hartford SMAC Soils Treated And Disposed On Site. Site Closed. Unassigned 11/1/1996 0:00890310 Quechee Mobil Rt 4 Hartford LOW Site Being Monitored Richard Spiese 1/1/1989 0:00

Putney Paper Sludge Landfill

Site Investigation Completed fall 1997, EPA ESI completed in June 2002. Waiting for the comments from a local resident about this report. The SMS expects to have a position paper about this site completed in the first half of 2003. No activity as of April 2006.

Cap Completed however never implemented. Ongoing Semi-annual Groundwater Monitoring. Quarterly FP recovery initiated. Requested CAFI fall 2006. CAFI approved May 2007. Recovery wells installed and second high vac recovery event to occur June 2009.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed.

UST removed. Contamination Found. Investigation completed. To SMAC w/Notice to Land Record, or further investigate residual contamination. Plan requested by 12/8/2000.

USTRemoved. Contamination Found. SI and CAFI complete. MPE/SVE remedial system under PfP 8/6/01-2/11/02, 5/21/03-present milestones #1, #2, #3, #4 achieved, 8259 # of gas recovered. PfP closed incomplete, continue T&M

3 USTs removed, contam found. Investigation complete. GW below VGES after 2 years monitoring. SMAC

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951878 Quechee Residence Dewey Mills Rd Hartford SMAC Spill Cleaned Up, Site Closed. Lynda Provencher 2/1/1996 0:00

982349 Quechee Saw Mill Site Hartland SMAC Unassigned 2/1/1998 0:00 ###

992609 Quik-N-Go Rt 5, Ascutney Weathersfield SMAC Gerold Noyes 4/23/1999 0:00 6/19/2001 0:00

20033076 Quinn Residence 1468 Main Street New Haven SMAC Chuck Schwer 1/8/2003 0:00 1/8/2008 0:00

20022999 R and R Automotive Route 107 Royalton MED Unassigned 5/23/2002 0:00890442 R J Country Store Thetford NFAP Site Closed Unassigned870015 R K Miles Manchester NFAP Site Closed Unassigned880232 R L Vallee St Albans NFAP Site Closed Unassigned900531 R L Vallee St Albans NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

951874 R L Vallee - Fairfield Spill Route 104 A Fairfax MED Lynda Provencher 9/1/1995 0:00

921195 R L Vallee Bulk Plant South Main St LOW Lynda Provencher900661 R L Vallee Inc St Albans NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

Morgan and Quechee Rd

Underground Storage Tank Removed. Contamination Found. Investigation Needed. (9/10/99) Soils transported to ESMI, 5/98 SMAC

UST removed. Contamination found. ISI showed no soil contam. No impact to groundwater. SMAC

AST tipover. 250 gallons heating oil released. On site water supply well threatened. Free product encountered. Cleanup and long-term monitoring completed. Site SMACed on 1/8/2008.

Petroleum discharge to soil. Floor drain discharges to ground surface. Samples taken.

Approximately 4,600 gallons of gas was spilled in September, 1995 when a tanker truck overturned. A remedial system was subsequently installed and was shut down in March, 1999 due to a logging truck accident. Remediation using phytoremediation was successful but some residual petroleum contamination remains. Consultant recommended site be given SMAC designation with a notice to the land record, and SMS concurred. SMS approved the notice letter in Nov., 2007; no response was received. A follow up letter was sent to the land owner in June, 2009 from the SMS.

St Albans Town

Soil From Site And From Switchyard Mobil Being Monitored At Bulk Plant - No Groundwater Issues Remaining

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972157 R L Vallee Mobil Route 15 Morristown SMAC Tim Cropley 5/1/1997 0:00 6/17/2003 0:00

992653 R S D Leasing 30 Avenue B Williston SMAC Gerold Noyes 7/16/1999 0:00 3/6/2000 0:00

941682 R&J Citgo 460 N Main St Barre City LOW Matt Moran 10/1/1994 0:00

900619 Rabbit Hollow Water St Northfield LOW Bob Haslam 5/26/1998 0:00 3/1/1994 0:00

20033128 Rabion Farm Searles Rd LOW Gerold Noyes 6/11/2003 0:00

962057 60 Battery St Burlington SMAC Unassigned 9/1/1996 0:00 11/1/1996 0:00

890433 Railroad St Texaco 125 Railroad St St Johnsbury LOW Richard Spiese 1/1/1989 0:00770208 Ralph Wright Property Route 14 Hartford MED Request Site Assessment. Unassigned

982467 Ralphs Foreign Auto Parts 616 S Willard St Burlington MED Gerold Noyes 7/6/1998 0:00

962001 253 S Main St Rutland City LOW Matt Moran 6/1/1996 0:00

941619 Randbury Commercial Randbury Rd Rutland SMAC Matt Moran 6/1/1994 0:00 5/1/1996 0:00

3/1/97 - Gasoline vapors in store. TSEC installed vent sys and determined source from surface releases. Sealed pavement. 9/26/2000 - Performed soil borings. Minimal cont. found. Confirmed source and no recurrence of vapors in store. SMACed on 11/6/2000. Reopened after release found during piping replacement on 5/20/02. Advanced soil borings. Limited soil cont. and no cont. at GW. Closed on 6/17/03

UST removed. No contam at waste oil UST. Contamination found in diesel tank pit. Investigation completed. 3/3/00 1 MW, no impact to GW. SMAC

Gasoline UST release. Biennial GW monitoring. Next round due June 2010.

Formerly closed site re-opened 5/98 due to release from UST. Petroleum contaminated soils stockpiled on site.

Newport Town

UST. Contamin found. Investigation complete. 6/04, 9/04 3 of 8, 3/05 2 of 8 MWs, 5/07 1 MW above VGES, biennial monitor

Radisson Hotel - Burlington

Invest Complete Following Ust Removal. Site Closed.

Remediation Complete, Gw Monitoring Ongoing.

UST removed and initial investigation completed. 11/03, 3/04, 11/04 2 of 3 MWs above VGES. MTBE up but dropping, confirm inspection showed no source of release

Ramada Inn (former Days Inn)

Heating oil UST release. Investigation completed with natural attenuation remedy completed 2008. To SMAC following well closures. Contamination did extend offsite onto Hannaford's property, but further site access not granted.

Soils Treated & Thinspread, No Evidence Of Gw Contamination

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972255 Randolph Bridge Route 12 Randolph MED 8/1/1997 0:00

972249 Randolph Center Garage Randolph SMAC Lynda Provencher 8/1/1997 0:00 1/1/1998 0:00

962005 Main St Randolph SMAC Tim Cropley 6/1/1996 0:00 9/30/2003 0:00

880215 116 N Main St Randolph HIGH Matt Moran

951867 Randolph Village Garage Hedding Drive Randolph MED Unassigned 9/1/1995 0:00

20063519 Randys Service Station Middlebury MED Ashley Desmond 4/10/2006 0:00

20012877 Ranker Residence Northfield SMAC Unassigned 3/30/2001 0:00 1/13/2003 0:00

770006 Rathe Landfill Colchester MED Linda Elliott

RP is inactive. Seeking state legal action. RP submitted tank pull report and investigation August 25, 2006. AOT began Bridge replacement project. Investigation is temporarily delayed until Spring 2008.

Hugo Martinez Cazon

Route 66 And Rand Rd

Soil Pile Incorporated Into Asphalt Mix For Town

Randolph Center Post Office

Soil Excavation Performed. Soils disposed of at AMREC on 8/29/96. No further action needed.

Randolph Champlain Farms - WESCO

Catastrophic release of diesel from UST. Cleanup and investigation ongoing 2001. Report for overdue '97 work and diesel investigation overdue. Resamping site wells spring '03.

Soil contamination was within MCL, so stockpiled soils were spread onsite on July 9, 1996. No further activity in this file. (8/4/99)

44 North Pleasant St

3 underground storage tanks removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed. Approved KAS workplan for initial site investigation. Investigation revealed elevated levles of 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene, MTBE and PCE. Additional work found no specific source of PCE contamination. Levels appear to be hovering around the VGES for this compound. Additional well were installed at the property and show that the bulk of contamination is restricted to the source area. Semi-annual compliance monitoring will continue at this property.

Berlin Pond & Onion River Rd

Above ground storage tank failure. Cleanup completed. Site SMACed on 1/31/2003.

Box 81, Rathe Road

Dec Si Report 4/1/87. Post closure monitoring under Solid Waste Program. Additional investigative work requested January 2005 to address offsite contamination.

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20053453 Rauch Residence Stowe SMAC Tami Wuestenberg ### 3/1/2006 0:00

911007 Rawsonville Routes 100 & 30 Jamaica HIGH Bob Haslam

951899 Ray & Dees' Place Route 4 Bridgewater SMAC Tim Cropley 12/1/1995 0:00 4/9/2004 0:00770155 Ray's Repair Pownal NFAP Waste Oil Soils Cleanup, Site Closed Unassigned

20012848 Raymond Residence 20 James St Rutland City SMAC Gerold Noyes 12/8/2000 0:00 ###

770115 Raymond S. Roberts 230 Canal Street Brattleboro SMAC Richard Spiese 1/1/1991 0:00 7/1/1994 0:00

911116 Rays Citgo Rt 7 Shelburne LOW Bob Haslam

770100 Readex Box 219 Chester SMAC Richard Spiese 2/16/2000 0:00911046 Readsboro General Store Tunnel St. Readsboro NFAP Closed 12/8/92 Unassigned 12/8/1992 0:00

20083808 Readsboro Masonic Hall Readsboro 8/29/2008 0:00

921332 Readsboro N E T Tunnel Rd Readsboro SMAC Matt Moran ### 1/22/2001 0:00

951875 Readsboro Town Garage Brooklyn St Readsboro SMAC Tim Cropley 9/1/1994 0:00 4/20/2000 0:00

951873 Readsboro Village Garage Main St, Rt 100 Readsboro SMAC Tim Cropley 9/1/1995 0:00 4/20/2000 0:00

1248 Stowe Hollow Rd

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Site Investigation performed November 2005. No groundwater encountered. SMACd site - 03/01/06 TW

Remediation complete, drinking water supplies remain impacted, monitoring ongoing.

PCS treatment complete and moved off site. MW samples had no detectable VOCs. MWs closed. Same location as Site # 91-1168 Mosher Energy.

UST removed. Soil contam, FP in tank pit and GW below VGES found. Investigation complete. Contam and FP removed by excavation. SMAC

Site Invest Complete. Canal St Mobil Cleaning Up Gasoline contamination to Whetstone Brook.

Site Discovered As Result Of Adjacent Site Investigation.

Contamination From Offsite Release. No metals detected in GW. Site SMACed.

Hugo Martinez Cazon

No. 2 fuel oil UST release. All PCS (10 yds) excavated and disposed offsite. Followup investigation completed with 7 borings, and 7 VOC and TPH samples. No concerns identified, site closed.

Contaminated soils from gasoline tank pit removed and successfully treated via polyencapsulation. Groundwater monitoring from #2 fuel oil release is complete (below VGES).

Groundwater concentrations below VGES. Stockpiled soil successfully treated via polyencapsulation.

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20093952 Real Sports Manchester MED Sarah A. Bartlett

900635 Rebo Motors Rt 105 Sheldon SMAC Sarah A. Bartlett ###

972215 Recycled Auto Parts Route 5 Brattleboro SMAC Gerold Noyes 12/1/1996 0:00 12/9/2003 0:00

982551 Red Crickett Inn Rt 100 Dover SMAC Gerold Noyes ### 6/2/1999 0:00

951869 Redeemed Repair Inc 38 Main St Bennington SMAC Unassigned 9/1/1995 0:00 3/1/2001 0:00

20053433 Redington Garage 63 Glover Rd Barton MED Ashley Desmond 8/16/2005 0:00

962056 Redlinger Property Guilford SMAC Site Investigation Complete, Site Closed. Linda Elliott 9/1/1996 0:00 6/1/1997 0:00

951935 Redwood Plaza Texaco Route 7 Milton SMAC Matt Moran 11/1/1995 0:00 1/17/2001 0:00

20023012 Reed Property Montpelier SMAC Gerold Noyes 6/27/2002 0:00 6/2/2003 0:00

Riverside Heights and Depot St

Petroleum contamination discovered during waterline work. Contaminated soils stockpiled at town garage. More work needed.

Monitoring Completed. New water supply well installed on neighboring property. Verbal confirmation that temp groundwater monitoring wells were removed by owner. Site closed 12.27.2006

Contamination Found. Investigation Needed. Letter On 10/10/97 Requesting Work Plan. 4/27/98 No Response. Site was combined with 982366, both the same site.SMACed 12/09/2003.

UST tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation completed. 30 yd of soil disposed of by ESMI, water and soil sample indicate all contamination removed. SMAC

Site To Be Closed When Soils Are Thinspread. Soils confirmed spread 02/16/2001.

3 underground storage tanks removed. Contamination found. Ross conducted isi via Expressway. Contamination found to be migrating to neighboring properties. Ross has proposed installation of additional monitoring points in the nearby tributary and continued monitoring of the existing wells.

120 Jacksonville Stage Rd

Petroleum contamination found at dispensers during piping replacement. All PCS backfilled. GW contamination monitored until below Standards. No impact to Minor Funeral Home supply well. MW closures due spring '01.

20 Deerfield Drive

UST removed. Contam found. Investigation completed. 8/5/02 1 MW below VGES, 2 ND, 3/25/03 3 MWs below VGES, SMAC

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20043183 Regency Manor Hayward St Rutland City SMAC Gerold Noyes 12/3/2003 0:00 7/30/2008 0:00

20053447 Rehlen Property 629 Main St Castleton SMAC Sarah A. Bartlett 6/10/2005 0:00 1/13/2009 0:00

880180 Reilly Tire NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

20012890 Reinhardt Residence Ferrisburgh SMAC Gerold Noyes 5/15/2001 0:00 2/6/2002 0:00

972204 Renes Discount Beverage Rt 7 Milton LOW Richard Spiese 6/1/1997 0:00

20012929 Rent Way 429 Railroad St St Johnsbury SMAC Gerold Noyes 7/6/2001 0:00 4/4/2002 0:00

921337 47 Bridge St Barre Town MED Lynda Provencher 11/1/1992 0:00

15 USTs removed. Contam found. Apartment complex with 30 year old USTs, site investigations complete, no more GW above VGES, SMAC

Heating oil UST removed June 2005. ISI conducted April 2008. 4 MWs installed, PID readings ranging gtom 0.0 to 4.9 ppm. Groundwater samples contained no petroleum VOCs in excess of lab. method detection limits. MWs closed Dec. 08.

South Burlington

286 Old Hollow Rd

UST tank release. Impact to foundation drain & surface water. Drain excavation. SMAC

Ust Removed. Contam Found. Investigation shows limited GW contamination.

UST removed. Contam found. Investigation completed. 4 soil borings ND for VOCs, no GW found. SMAC

Reynolds And Son Property

Drinking water well was installed at adjacent impacted property (Lavigne's). Low levels of MTBE was detected in the new well. A new well also drilled on Reynolds & Son property, contaminated with BTEX. MTBE also present in Shannon water supply. Soil vapor extraction system operated at the site from November 1993 until 2002 and removed approximately 1189 gallons of petroleum product in the vapor phase. Water quality study indicated no other likely source than former tanks at Reynolds and Son. Currently determining how best to manage risk the contamination in bedrock aquifer poses. Also requested that overburden contamination in former tank area be addressed (possible excavation).

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20063510 Waitsfield SMAC Ashley Desmond ### 8/16/2007 0:00

20023050 Reynolds Residence SMAC Gerold Noyes 9/30/2002 0:00 2/19/2003 0:00

951908 Reynolds Residence Route 17 Fayston LOW Richard Spiese 10/1/1995 0:00

20023058 Rheaume Residence Starksboro SMAC Lynda Provencher ### 6/30/2004 0:00

962064 Rhoades Salvage 15 Shirley Ave Milton HIGH Linda Elliott

972320 Rice Lumber Co Shelburne LOW Tami Wuestenberg 12/1/1997 0:00

Reynolds Philliips Property

90 N. Fayston Rd.

Release detected during the closure of a gasoline UST and associated pump island. Over 7 cubic yards of contaminated soil was removed and properly disposed of at ESMI in Fort Edward, NY. Two wells were installed directly in tank area. Recent samples collected from the monitoring wells and drinking water supply showed no detection of VOCs. The bedrock well had a trace level of lead and Freon. Both monitoring wells have been properly abandoned.

830 Cherry Tree Hill

East Montpelier

UST removed. Investigation complete. Soil samples ND. GW not encountered.

Leaking Fuel Oil Ust - Impacts Pond. Cleanup Finished. Waiting on proof that UST was properly disposed.

221 Lazy Brook Drive

No contamination in groundwater. AST repaired to prevent further releases. No contaminants in drinking water wells. All groundwater monitoring wells properly closed according to Water Supply Rule.

Site under enforcement through Attorney General's Office. Site investigation requested of site owner. State hired contractor to sample private supply wells and adjacent Hobbs Ponds. EPA Removals completed a Preliminary Assessment/Site Inspection in March 2009.

2035 Shelburne Rd

Assessment completed. Annual Groundwater Monitoring Report was reviewed in January 2003. The site couldn't be SMACed, as request by the RP, since some contaminants were above the VTGES in the downgradient wells. Groundwater monitoring frequency was changed to one every two years. The next round of sampling is scheduled for the fall of 2004. 10/05: sent letter requesting site status update. Low contaminant levels - annual sampling, next event 10/06.

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20063531 Rice Residence Barre City SMAC Ashley Desmond 5/22/2006 0:00 7/6/2007 0:00

982417 Richard Green Inc Route 105 Enosburg SMAC Unassigned 5/11/1998 0:00 10/1/1998 0:00890343 Richard Holland Dover NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

20002739 Richards Auto Service 51 N Main St Windsor SMAC Gerold Noyes 4/19/1999 0:00 8/22/2000 0:00

20083754 Richardson Residence Shelburne SMAC Ashley Desmond ### 8/6/2008 0:00

`117 Richardson Rd

Contamination discovered during the removal of a heating oil UST. Five monitoring wells were installed downgradient of the tank. PID readings for soils peaked at 5.8 ppm during well installation. Groundwater results for both monitoring events showed no detection of VOCs. All properties in this area are served by the municipal water system. Monitoring wells have been properly abandoned.

Site closed. Investigation completed. Source removed.

UST pipe system replaced. Contam found. 100 yd contam soil mixed with clean soil. 500 yd stockpiled and thin spread. Investigation completed. No impact to groundwater above VGES. SMAC

165 Woodbine Rd

Contamination discovered during the removal of a heating oil UST. After the excavation of contaminated soil, it appeared that the full extent of contamination had been delineated. All properties in this area are served by the municipal drinking water system. Screening of the indoor air spaces revealed no elevated PID readings.

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20043227 14 Pinnacle Road Richford SMAC Ashley Desmond 7/12/2004 0:00 ###

880218 Richford Quick Stop Rt 5 Richford MED Lynda Provencher

880247 Richford Shortstop Rt 105 Richford LOW Richard Spiese 1/1/1988 0:00

962084 Richford Texaco Richford SMAC Richard Spiese 4/27/1998 0:00 1/16/2001 0:00

20083835 Richmond Creamery 74 Jolina Court Richmond LOW 7/30/2008 0:00

20043292 Richmond Dental Clinic 72 Bridge Street Richmond SMAC Ashley Desmond 12/1/2004 0:00 9/30/2005 0:00

972239 Richmond Gulf 71 Pleasant St Woodstock MED John Schmeltzer 6/1/1997 0:00

Richford Border Patrol Station

Contamination at this property originated from a heating oil tank. Spill response activities included the removal of 150 gallons of free product from a nearby drainage ditch. A recovery well was installed at the site, and monitoring points were established around the source area. No product was found in any of the wells, and groundwater contaminant levels barely exceeded the Vermont Groundwater Enforcement Standards (VGES) in the source area during several monitoring events. The most recent event showed no exceedances of the VGES. Monitoring wells have been properly closed. The onsite water supply is reportedly a dug well located 400 feet upgradient of the release.

Semi-annual groundwater monitoring ongoing. Next sampling event should be June 2000.

Remediation Shutdown, Site In Natural Attenuation

301 South Main St

Release Detected In Underground Tank Removal. Follow Up Investigation showed no impacts to groundwater above VGWES.

Application for Petroleum Determination RCRA file number 04-11-006PRPEN

Hugo Martinez Cazon

On site heating oil UST removed and contamination found. Investigation underway to setermine degree and extent of contamination. Property ownership transfer underway. ISI found no contamination above PAL. Following SMS requests, monitoring wells were properly closed.

July 2002: Approved work plan to continue monitoring and add more monitoring wells to better define the degree and extent of contamination. Activities to take place in Summer/Fall 2002. Expect report describing results in late Fall.

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20053327 Richmond Mobil Richmond MED Ashley Desmond 9/28/2004 0:00

890457 Richmond Town Garage Thompson Rd Richmond LOW Lynda Provencher

951847 Route 2 Richmond LOW Matt Moran 9/1/1995 0:00

20002731 Esplanade Street Richmond SMAC Matt Moran 1/10/2000 0:00 ###

20063590 Richter Residence Winhall SMAC Ashley Desmond 9/21/2006 0:00 7/25/2007 0:00

20023010 Riendeau Residence Orwell SMAC Gerold Noyes 6/26/2002 0:00 7/11/2003 0:00

1436 West Main St Rte 2

Contamination found on site. Investigation needed. First letter sent in February 2005. Pathways conducted ISI in fall of 2005. Contamination in excess of VGES found in the vicinity of the current UST system and gas pumps. Soil contamination is below Region IX Standards in all monitoring points. Recommended additional sampling round in Spring 2006.

Groundwater samples should have been taken in January 2000. Stockpiled soil is present onsite in an "impoundment". The SMS requested that it be removed and stockpiled on and under plastic so it could be periodically screened for volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

Richmond Truck And Auto Repair

Annual groundwater monitoring of petroleum UST contamination. Work overdue. Reminder letter sent 7/3/2001.

Richmond Wastewater Treatment Plant

Approximately 1,000-gallon catastrophic release of No. 2 heating oil; UST had multiple holes. Emergency investigation and SVE and hand bailing cleanup completed. Spring monitoring requested 2004.

10 Quarter Mile Rd

Possible release detected during the removal of a heating oil UST. PID readings were all below the action level for heating oil sites. Stained soils were observed beneath the tank, but did not have a petroleum odor. Water was encountered in the tank grave at approximately 2 feet below grade. PID readings in the adjacent basem*nt showed no evidence of vapor impact. All properties in this area are served by the municipal drinking water system.

37 Hibbard Hill Rd

USTs removed. Contam found. Investigation completed. 8/2/02, 1 MW above VGES, 4 dry, 4/22/03 2 MWs below VGES, 2 ND. SMAC

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20063528 Riley Residence 70 South Rd Stowe SMAC Tami Wuestenberg 5/23/2006 0:00 3/26/2008 0:00

992594 Rillo Residence Gauthier Drive Swanton LOW Bob Haslam 4/6/1999 0:00880208 Rinkers Randolph NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

20053328 Rinkers Mobil 1917 VT Rte 66 Randolph LOW Tami Wuestenberg 9/29/2004 0:00

20063573 Rippa Residence Essex SMAC Ashley Desmond 7/17/2006 0:00 4/2/2007 0:00

20073708 Ripton Country Store 1192 Rte 125 Ripton MED Ashley Desmond 4/20/2006 0:00900611 Ripton Country Store Rt 125 Ripton NFAP No Groundwater Impact. Soil Disposed Of Unassigned 12/1/1993 0:00770182 River Street Dump River Street Richford LOW PA Completed 4/90, S I Underway Unassigned

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. SI received August 2006; low PCE level detected in one well; No VOCs detected above VGES; Requested additional limited sampling event to confirm results. PCE continues to show up below VGES but above HAL in one well; 12/06 - requested source evaluation and additional sampling. MW-3 was inadvertently destroyed during perimeter drain work. REA did additional source evaluation and sampled from footer drain outfall. Since no VTGES exceedences and no sensitive receptors, SMACd site.

Petroleum contaminated drinking water supply. Site investigation completed, water supply replaced.

Site assessment shows contamination. Investigation needed. First letter sent in February 2005. ISI reviewed in May 2006 - limited gw contamination, no offsite migration, no supply well impact. WQ to occur spring 2007. No further GQES exceedences. Once wells are abandoned, site will be eligible for SMAC.

22 Brigham Hill Rd

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. It appears that the full extent of contamination was defined and excavated during the tank removal. SMS requested testing of the onsite water supply well prior to site closure. No petroleum contaminants were detected in this well using EPA Method 524.2.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed. Previous Site 19900611. Closed 1993.

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992584 River Street Homes River Street St Johnsbury SMAC Lynda Provencher 3/1/1999 0:00

20012944 Rivera Residence Stowe SMAC Unassigned ### 3/25/2002 0:00

890316 Riverside Apartments Main St Vergennes HIGH Richard Spiese 1/1/1989 0:00

770004 Riverside Avenue Dump Riverside Avenue Burlington HIGH Gas Monitoring On-going Unassigned 1/1/1987 0:00

20093937 Riverside Beverage Burlington MED Ashley Desmond 6/2/2009 0:00

20083879 Riverside Middle School 13 Fairground rd Springfield MED Ashley Desmond 8/12/2008 0:00

911149 Riverton General Store Berlin SMAC Unassigned 10/1/1991 0:00 2/1/1998 0:00

961993 Road Res - Q 1 Main St Essex LOW Matt Moran 5/1/1996 0:00

951782 Colchester SMAC Unassigned 5/1/1995 0:00 2/26/2001 0:00

Recurring vapors in homes from sewer since 2/98. SMS has used the Site Investigation Contract to monitor vapors over several months; however, no vapors were detected during the monitoring events. From 1999 to 2009, no complaints were received by either the St. Johnsbury Fire Department or the Waste Management Division. Exact source was never found.

316 Gold Brook Circle

Underground storage tank removed and contamination found. Investigation completed. No additional work needed. Site SMACed on 3/25/02.

Remediation Continues. Site conditions improving and no current receptor impacts.

500 Riverside Ave.

Five underground storage tanks removed. PID readings over 800 ppm recorded in soils at a depth of 14 feet below grade. No significant groundwater contamination found during initial site investigation. Followup monitoring to be performed in Fall, 2009.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. First letter written to Springfield School District requiring additional site investigation.

Rt 12, Crosstown Rd

Invest Of Gasoline Usts Completed, No Gw Or Supply Impacts. DBA "Crosstown General" as of 4/11/05.

Biennial GW monitoring of gasoline UST release. Next sampling round Spring 2011. Utilities informed of subsurface contamination along Rte 115 June 2000.

Roadway Expressway Terminal

58 Hercules Drive

Plan To Treat And Monitor 20 Yds Pcs & Determine If Gw Is Impacted. Soils were being spread July 10, 1998. SMAC

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911173 Robares Harbor Store Rt 2 North Hero LOW Lynda Provencher 12/6/1991 0:00

20023007 Robbins Property 928 Rt 30 Dorset SMAC Unassigned 5/21/2002 0:00 7/3/2003 0:00

972314 Robert Greene Inc Bennington MED Bob Haslam 11/1/1997 0:00

20033085 Robert Wheeler Richmond SMAC Matt Moran 2/5/2003 0:00 3/30/2006 0:00

921205 Fourth St Swanton SMAC Mike Young 9/28/1998 0:00

20094013 Robins-Hinds Residence 5 George St Montpelier MED Unassigned ###

20063530 Robinson Residence 66 Terrace St Montpelier MED Ashley Desmond 5/24/2006 0:00870067 Robinsons Essex NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

Piping leak detected December 6, 1991. 30 cubic yards contaminated soil was excavated during piping assessment and stockpiled offsite at the Scandore Gravel Pit in May, 1992. Three underground storage tanks were removed in 1998. Annual groundwater sampling ongoing with the next sampling event occurring in April, 2009.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation completed. No contamination to surrounding water supplies. Site SMACed on 7/3/2003.

675 North Branch St

UST Removed. Contamination Found. Investigation completed, cleanup underway. (9/9/99)

204LwrCircle-Riverview Commons

200-300 gallon kerosene AST release. FP cleanup manually and via SVE system installed 4-03. 11 MWs installed. Post cleanup SMAC w/ Notice to Land Record of residual source area contaminantion.

Robin Hood/Swanton Elem School

Soil encapsulated on site. GWES met on property. Institutional Controls.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed.

1/1/1900 12:00:00 AM

Tank was emptied in preparation for removal. Fuel company refilled the tank in error just before tank removed. When excavation began, movement of the tank caused the release of approx. 140 gallons of fuel oil. Most of the product was recovered. Issued first letter instructing the owner to have an investigation conducted to further define the extent of contamination.

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982473 Robinsons Inc 34-35 Park St Essex LOW Gerold Noyes 7/29/1998 0:00

931356 Robinsons Quick Stop Route 2 Alburg LOW John Schmeltzer 11/1/1992 0:00

20002753 Rocheleau Property 39 Pheasant Way SMAC Gerold Noyes 3/30/2000 0:00 6/15/2004 0:00

20043284 Rock of Ages Barre Town LOW Tami Wuestenberg 9/10/2004 0:00

972198 Rock Of Ages Barre Town SMAC Marc Roy 9/1/1997 0:00 3/16/2000 0:00

951780 Barre Town SMAC Unassigned 5/1/1995 0:00 12/1/1996 0:00911122 Rockingham Bus Depot Rt 103 Rockingham NFAP Low/closed Unassigned/caw 5/13/1992 0:00880277 Rockingham State Police Rockingham NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

972286 Route 103 Rockingham SMAC Richard Spiese 10/1/1997 0:00 3/13/2001 0:00

20093913 Rockingham SMAC Ashley Desmond 5/7/2009 0:00 8/18/2009 0:00

921223 Rodd Roofing 2 Perkins Street St Johnsbury SMAC Richard Spiese 5/18/1992 0:00 6/8/2005 0:00

972172 Rods Mobil Route 2 St Johnsbury MED Gerold Noyes 5/1/1997 0:00

USTs removed. Contamination found. 8/99, 3/00 3 of 5 MWs over VGES, 8/00 FP 1 MW, 2 of 4 MWs over VGES, 12/00, 3/01 FP gone, 3 of 8 MWs over VGES, 10/01 4 of 7 MWs over VGES, 9/08 2 of 7 MWs above VGES, bienial monitor

Jan 2010: Ongoing monitoring. Monitoring reduced to once a year in Fall.

South Burlington

UST overfill. Impact to basem*nt and French drain. Emergency corrective action. Cost recovery. Remediation complete. SMAC

772 Graniteville Rd

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. 20-60 cubic yards of soil stockpiled. Annual monitoring ongoing, last event occurred spring 2006 - elevated PIDs remain. Requested ce to dispose of soils and to add manure to pile.

772 Graniteville Rd

Awaiting Sampling Results Due 10/15/97 (see Spill #97-074)

Rock Of Ages - Compressor Building

769 Graniteville Rd

Contam Soil Treated, No Gw Impact. Site Closed.

Rockingham Transportation

UST contamination found. Site investigation showed no impacts on GW.

Rockingham Veterinary Clinic

197 Lower Bartonsville Rd.

Underground storage tank removed. Small volume of contaminated soils excavated. It appears that the full extent of contamination was defined. A sample from the onsite water supply well showed no detectable levels of contamination. Soil properly disposed of at ESMI.

Soil Contamination Found During Ust Removal. No GW contamination identified. Soils treated and thinspread on site.

SMS requested futher investigation in 5/29/97 letter to William Sellinger. SI report rec'd 4/04. Sup SI rec'd1/05, SVE folowed by O2 injection

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972309 Rods Mobil - Putney Route 5 Putney SMAC Gerold Noyes 11/1/1997 0:00 4/27/2009 0:00

20053411 Roger's Fuel Middlebury SMAC SMAC Unassigned 8/9/2005 0:00 8/31/2005 0:00

951796 Rogers Corp Rt 1, Box 63 Dorset SMAC Lynda Provencher 1/27/2004 0:00

20033148 Rogers Farm 2050 Pleasant St Bethel SMAC Sarah A. Bartlett 9/23/2003 0:00 ###

20043252 Rogers Residence Essex LOW Lynda Provencher 8/12/2004 0:00

972295 Rolands Mini Mart Vt 302 Barre Town SMAC Gerold Noyes 9/1/1997 0:00 3/5/2009 0:00

20063561 Rome Residence 179 Chapin Road Essex SMAC Ashley Desmond 7/17/2006 0:00 10/9/2006 0:00900649 Rons Gulf Burlington NFAP Site Closed Unassigned870071 Rose Avena Rockingham NFAP Site Closed Unassigned921188 Roseman Residence 80 Cross Rd Stowe NFAP Site Clean Up Complete, No Impact To G W Richard Spiese 12/1/1993 0:00

20053340 Rosen and Berger Salvage Business Rte 4 SMAC Richard Spiese 4/8/2005 0:00 10/5/2009 0:00

UST removed and contamination found. 12/22/99, 10/3/00, 7/2/01, 5/10/02, 4/15/03, 5/5/04 2 of 4 MWs above VGES. Continue w/biennial sample, 6/08 all MWs below VGES

185 Exchange Street

Well sample taken 11/4/2003 non-detect. SMAC 1/27/04.

3 underground storage tanks removed. ISI revealed limited petroleum contamination at levels below VGES. Will SMAC after MW closure.

17 Frederick Road

UST removed. Tank was in poor condition with holes. July 2007 report indicates groundwater contaminant levels have reached Vermont Groundwater Enforcement Standards. Once monitoring wells are properly closed, site will be eligible for a SMAC designation.

USTs removed. Contam found. 6/03 1 of 2 MWs above VGES for MTBE, 11/03 1 MW, 1 seep below VGES, 3/16/04 1MW at VGES, 4/7/05 2 MWs above VGES, 50 ppb MTBE, 417/07 2 MWs ND, SMAC

Contamination discovered during UST removal. Limited soils excavation under the tank appeared to reach extent of contamination as evidenced by soil samples. Onsite drinking water well has been tested and showed no evidence of contamination.

Rutland Town

Impacted Water Supply serving 5 residences. POE on and bottled water being delivered. RP to perform investigation of area. Petroleum contamination believed to be from crushing operation.

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20023028 Rosen Residence 38 Lochlea Lane Wells MED Lynda Provencher 5/17/2002 0:00

20073629 Rosenbach Residence West Ridge Rd Stratton SMAC Ashley Desmond ### 4/17/2009 0:00

20093907 Rosenthal Residence Morristown MED Richard Spiese

911069 Rosetti Property Burlington LOW Linda Elliott 11/1/1994 0:00

992695 Ross' Auto Repair 1184 Main St Fairfax SMAC Matt Moran ### 6/8/2009 0:00

951920 Ross' Garage Bridge St Rockingham MED Unassigned

941679 Rossetti Real Estate Burlington SMAC Matt Moran 12/1/1994 0:00 9/1/1995 0:00

931466 Rossi Buick Route 302 Berlin MED 07/02 Annual Monitoring continuing at the site. John Schmeltzer 10/1/1996 0:00

20043294 Rossi Residence Berlin MED John Schmeltzer ###

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. It appears that the extent of contamination has been defined through excavation and sceening. Soil samples taken from the base of the excavation showed no mearsurable concentrations of petroleum compounds. Soils were properly disposed of in Louden, NH. A sample taken from the onsite well showed a trace level of toluene.

6901 Elmore Mountain Rd

175 Lakeside Avenue

Groundwater Monitorign reduced to annual schedule. Next round June 2010. No apparent impact to identified receptors. No detection of lead scaveners EDB and 1,2-DCA.

Gasoline UST contamination. ISI found GW impact, release of used oil/kerosene from dry well. MWs attained standards 7/05. PCS thinspread 11/04. SMAC once MWs closed.

SMAC status is pending notificaton of soils being thinspread onsite. (8/4/99)

175 Lakeside Ave

Site Invest Complete, No Impact To Soils Or Gw From Ust's

237 Barre-Montpelier Rd

Underground storage tank removed. Residual contamination found in vicinity of former UST. Notice to land record filed. Site SMACed on 12/23/2004. Free-product found in one monitoring well after SMAC. Site re-opened 4/10/2007.

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911065 Rossi Trucking S Vine St Barre City SMAC Ashley Desmond 6/4/1991 0:00 9/29/2006 0:00

770091 Rossignol Ski Industrial Avenue Williston SMAC Investigation Complete. Site Closed. Linda Elliott 5/20/1996 0:00

982527 Rotary Mart Burlington SMAC Richard Spiese 10/6/1998 0:00 9/12/2005 0:00

20012902 Rouleau Granite Co 21 Metro Way Barre City SMAC Richard Spiese 7/30/2001 0:00 11/8/2002 0:00

982382 Rountree Ford Site Rt 9 and Rt 5 Brattleboro SMAC John Schmeltzer 6/8/1998 0:00 9/1/1998 0:00

951866 Route 100 And 11 Rt 100 and Rt 11 Londonderry SMAC Soil pile thinspread onsite. Linda Elliott 7/5/2000 0:00

951891 Route 103 P C S Route 103 Ludlow SMAC Bob Haslam 2/16/1996 0:00

Tank Pull Showed Contamination. SMS requested ongoing quarterly sampling of monitoring wells on Feb. 27, 1992. Work at the site was discontinued after this request. Groundwater monitoring resumed in July of 2005. The results showed some residual contamination at concentrations slightly above the Verrmont Groundwater Enforcement Standards. The SMS offered to either close the site with a notice to the land record or continue monitoring. The decision was made to close the site. Notice is located in the Barre City Land Records, Volume 233, Page 498.

103 Shelburne Rd

Limited GW contamination discovered. Site in Natural Attenuation monitoring. GWESs met on site. MWs closed.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation showed no GW contamination.

SMAC: Contaminated soils excavated at site (floor drain system and UST area). Based on the available information about the site, no additional work is required

Investigation Complete, no VGES exceedences detected, site closed

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921283 Route 14, East Calais Rt 14 Calais MED Lynda Provencher

911024 Route 7 Rt 7 Milton SMAC Linda Elliott 10/1/1997 0:00

931441 Routhiers Garage Route 101 Troy NFAP Soils Remediated, Spread On Site Lynda Provencher 8/1/1993 0:00 11/1/1994 0:00

921247 Row City Newport City NFAP Lynda Provencher 11/4/1994 0:00

900494 Rowley Fuels Rt 7 Milton LOW Linda Elliott

921225 Roxbury Country Store Route 12 A Roxbury MED Richard Spiese 5/1/1992 0:00

972217 Roxbury Fish Hatchery Rt 12 A Roxbury SMAC Unassigned 7/1/1997 0:00 7/1/1998 0:00

961963 Roxbury Town Garage Roxbury SMAC Subsurface Invest Completed Unassigned/jf 1/1/1996 0:00 6/1/1996 0:00

982564 Roxbury Town garage Ken Brown Rd Roxbury SMAC Unassigned 11/6/1998 0:00 3/29/2002 0:00

Three underground storage tanks removed in 1989 (one gas, one kerosene and one unknown), and two gas USTs removed in 1992. Petroleum contaminants have migrated offsite across Route 14 towards the Kingsbury Branch. Annual groundwater sampling is occurring . Pilot test occurring on Plume Eater technology. Plume Eater technology enhanced biodegradation; a CAP is being developed by LAG.

A number of junkyard/salvage yards along Route 7 potential source for groundwater contamination. Properties connected to municipal water. Groundwater Monitoring Complete.

Glen & Fairview Streets

Site Assessment Complete- No Impact To Groundwater

Annual site monitoring and passive free product recovery in 4 wells. GWES exceedances in several wells. Stockpiled soils onsite.Surface water investigation requested. Next round of site and water quality April 2009.

Further Determine Degree And Extent Of Contamination. Last MW sampling report SMS recieved was dated November 24, 1997. As of this update, there has been no further activity in this file. (8/24/99)

Groundwater enforcement standards met in all onsite wells. No unacceptable risk to human health or the environment.

Town Highway 47

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation completed. Site SMACed on 3/29/2002.

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20012894 Rt 12A Roxbury SMAC Gerold Noyes 8/2/2001 0:00 2/19/2003 0:00

900633 Royal Texaco Rt 107 Royalton SMAC Gwes's Met On Entire Site. Site Closed.d Richard Spiese 9/1/1997 0:00

941658 Royalton Town Garage Rt 14 Royalton NFAP Groundwater Not Impacted, Site Closed 10/18/94 Unassigned 8/1/1994 0:00 10/1/1994 0:00

972139 Royers Service Garage Route 5 Coventry LOW Sarah A. Bartlett 10/1/1996 0:00

911095 Rt 7 Contamination Rt 7 Bennington LOW Unassigned 2/1/1994 0:00

20063483 Rubenstein Residence 8 Village Chalets Winhall SMAC Ashley Desmond ### 2/8/2006 0:00770029 Rudenis R-of-w Clarendon NFAP Waste Oil Soils Cleanup, Site Closed Unassigned

982501 Rugby Building Products Putney Rd Brattleboro SMAC Gerold Noyes 7/23/1998 0:00 5/12/1999 0:00

900500 Russell Corporation 30 Allen St. Rutland City SMAC Site Closed No Migration Offsite. Linda Elliott 4/1/1998 0:00

20002812 Russell Property New Haven SMAC Gerold Noyes 9/29/2000 0:00 2/21/2001 0:00

911013 Russell's Autobody Rt 106 Weathersfield MED Brian Woods 9/1/1991 0:00

Roxbury Union Congregational Church

UST removed. Contamination found. 8/31/01 4 MWs installed, 1 MW below VGES, 3 ND. 6/14/02 4 MWs ND. SMAC

05/01: Stockpile monitoring continuning. Levels are low but still above the criteria for spreading. 04/09 Soil stockpile thinspread, additional request for Notice to Town Land Records sent.

Cercla Nfrap-additional Sampling To Be Conducted

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. 1 ton of soils excavated from the tank area. Confirmatory sample showed no detection of VOCs. No groundwater encountered. Indoor air screened with PID- no results above background. Soils properly disposed of. All houses in immediate vicinity appear to be connected to Stratton-Winhall FD 1.

UST removed. Contamination found. Investigation completed. Soil contamination in tank pit only. SMAC

433 Campground Rd

Drums and stained soils found during Phase II site assessment. Investigation and removal complete. Floor drain closed. SMAC

Supplemental investigation completed, report submitted 11/03. Requested additional information and round of groundwater samples in 3/04 letter, awaiting response from site owner.

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20083868 Ruth Place Residence Derby MED Tami Wuestenberg 9/17/2008 0:00

911052 Rutland Airport Route 7 B Clarendon LOW Bob Haslam870124 Rutland Airport Rutland NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

900562 Rutland City Garage Rutland City MED Unassigned

900563 Rutland City Hall Rutland City SMAC Ashley Desmond 6/12/2006 0:00

20033169 Rutland City Hall Washington St Rutland City SMAC Ashley Desmond 11/6/2003 0:00 6/12/2006 0:00

238 Terrace Drive

250 gallons of kerosene released from delivery line under residence. FP present in monitoring wells. Additional work required. Old release (20 years) discovered during ISI - therefore two releases at site. 7/2009 - Received CAFI, soil excavation recommended; SMS requested CAP - excavation should occur summer 2009.

Remediation and groundwater monitoring completed.

Spruce & South Sts.

Site Assessment Completed. Monitoring Ongoing.

52 Washington St.

Tanks pulled and contamination found. No monitoring conducted from 1992 until 2006. SMS informed RP that potential for enforcement action existed. Paul Clifford of Public Works stated that they would have the work done in the fall. Stone Environmental hired to conduct investigation- completed in Jan 2006. Minimal contamination found in the two former tank locations at the property. No groundwater encountered in either boring , one of which was 23 feet deep. Notice filed to the Rutland Land Record (Book 525, Page 85). See site file 20033169 which details another tank pull at the same site.

2 underground storage tanks removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed. See Closed Site #900563. WP due in Fall O5 per conversation with Paul Clifford, Public Works Director. Stone Environmental hired to conduct investigation- completed in Jan 2006. Minimal contamination found in the two tank locations at the property. No groundwater encountered in either boring , one of which was 23 feet deep. Notice filed to the Rutland Land Record (Book 525, Page 85). See related site, #90-0563.

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20073641 13 Center St. Rutland City MED Ashley Desmond 4/2/2007 0:00

931404 Rutland City SMAC Contam Soil Disposed, No Gw Impacts Unassigned 8/1/1996 0:00770108 Rutland Dodge Clarendon NFAP Soils Cleanup Completed, Site Closed Unassigned900564 Rutland Fire Dept Rt 7 & Center St Rutland City NFAP Site Is Low/closed. Unassigned

941736 Rutland City LOW Matt Moran 12/1/1994 0:00

20073723 Rutland House Ltd Rutland City SMAC Ashley Desmond 9/19/2007 0:00 1/28/2008 0:00

20083842 Rutland City SMAC Ashley Desmond 6/17/2008 0:00 11/7/2008 0:00

20083889 46 Pine St Rutland City SMAC Richard Spiese 5/30/2008 0:00 7/23/2009 0:00770020 Rutland Landfill Gleason Road Rutland City MED SIP Completed 2/95 Unassigned900606 Rutland Library Rt 7 Rutland City NFAP Soils To Be Landfarmed At Rutland Landfill. Unassigned

Rutland County Community Land Trust

Release reported to SMS via workpan from Weston & Sampson. It appears that there was a reporting violation at this property, as there has been known contamination at the site since at least 2005. Contamination may have originated from both an AST release and an AST overfill. Weston & Sampson will conduct initial site characterization at the site.

Rutland Cumberland Farms

145-149 N Main St

Rutland Gulf (former Dart Mini Mart)

258-260 S Main St

MWs closed July 2009. To issue SMAC letter. Prior owner, Yankee Associates, informed utility owners (Rutland City and Bell Atlantic) of worker risks January 2000.

162 South Main St

Contamination discovered during the in place closure of a heating oil UST. Residual contamination is a depth and does not appear to be impacting any receptors. All properties in this area are served by the municipal drinking water system. No indoor air impacts or groundwater impacts were noted, though soils had elevated TPH readings. No VOCs exceeded the EPA Region IX PRGs in the soil sample from beneath the tank. Notice to the land record has been filed for this property because of the elevated TPH readings.

Rutland Intermediate School

63-67 Library Ave

Contamination discovered during the removal of a heating oil UST. It appears the full extent of contamination was removed. No groundwater or bedrock encountered. Soils were properly disposed of at ESMI in NY.

Rutland Land Trust Property

Leaking AST in basem*nt. Staining and free product. Tank & PCS removed 11/16. Emergency CA approve 2/4/2009. Soils excavated and site SMACed.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (342)

982385 Rutland Masonic Temple 51 Washington St Rutland City SMAC Gerold Noyes 5/7/1998 0:00 9/12/2008 0:00890391 Rutland Mobil Main St Rutland City LOW Quarterly Monitoring Ongoing. Richard Spiese 1/1/1989 0:00

20043233 Rutland Railyard 53 Park Street Rutland City MED Michael Smith 2/1/2004 0:00

941709 Rutland Short Stop Rutland City LOW Richard Spiese 11/1/1994 0:00

931391 Rt 7 Rutland SMAC Ust Removed, Further Invest Needed Unassigned 12/1/1997 0:00

982469 Rutland Sunoco Rutland City LOW Richard Spiese 8/13/1998 0:00

20053330 Ryan Plumbing & Heating 133 Main St Vergennes SMAC Ashley Desmond ### 4/29/2005 0:00

20002746 Ryder Residence Colchester SMAC Gerold Noyes ### 8/3/2000 0:00

992717 Ryder Transportation 520 Shunpike Rd Williston SMAC Unassigned ### 7/13/2000 0:00890456 Ryegate Town Garage Ryegate NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

941700 S And B Pitt Stop Route 15 Morristown SMAC Richard Spiese 10/1/1994 0:00 6/1/1997 0:00870161 S B Collins Charlotte NFAP Site Closed Unassigned870162 S B Collins Vergennes NFAP Site Closed Unassigned870154 S B Collins St Albans NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

UST Removed. Contam found. Investigation completed. Annual gw monitor in Aprilc, minor free product in MW-1&-2, 3.6 gal recovered to date, 4/01, 5/02, 4/03, 4/04, no FP 3 MWs above VGES, 4/06, 2 MWs above VGES, 4/08 1 MW slightly above VGES, SMAC

Phase II ESA completed. Additional work including risk assessment to follow.

Junction Rt 4 and Rt 7

FP recovered. Site in Natural Attenuation monitoring at a semi-annual frequency.

Rutland State Police Barracks

99 Woodstock Ave

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation shows soil and groundwater contamination. Griffin to perform additional investigation into degree and extent of contamination..

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. All contamination removed from the excavation, as confirmed by a PID analysis and lab sampling. Soils properly disposed of by ESMI. SMAC.

274 Galvin Hill Rd

USTremoved. Contamination found. Investigation completed. No impact to GW. SMAC

Underground storage tank piping replaced. Contamination found. Investigation needed. Site Management Activities Completed.

Gw Enforcement Standards Met At Property Boundary

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (343)

951906 S B Collins Bulk Facility MED Matt Moran 12/1/1995 0:00

911174 S B Collins Bulk Plant St Albans NFAP Petroleum Contamination Found At Bulk Plant. Unassigned 5/13/1992 0:00

972186 S D Ireland Corporation 100 Grove St Burlington SMAC Bruce Linton 6/1/1997 0:00 ###

972149 S T Griswold 35 Industrial Ave Williston LOW Long Term Monitoring Michael Smith 2/1/1997 0:00

911156 S T Griswold 35 Industrial Ave Williston NFAP Unassigned 12/1/1993 0:00911132 S T Griswold Junction Rd Berlin NFAP Low/closed Unassigned/caw 5/25/1993 0:00

931472 S T Griswold Batch Plant Swanton SMAC Linda Elliott 10/1/1993 0:00 8/13/1999 0:00

951834 S T Paving Coffee Lane Waterbury SMAC Matt Moran 4/10/1995 0:00 1/22/2001 0:00

911075 S. Main St Grocery 139 S Main St SMAC Linda Elliott 7/1/1991 0:00 ###

900522 Rt 106 Woodstock MED Gerold Noyes 5/30/1990 0:00

20023026 Sabo Residence 4 East Rd Milton SMAC Gerold Noyes 8/8/2002 0:00 10/9/2003 0:00

951823 Sacred Heart School Pleasant St Newport City MED Unassigned 9/1/1995 0:00

54 Lower Welden St

St Albans City

Monitoring PCS and MWs biennially - next round fall 2010. Dissolved phase gasoline UST contamination offsite, possibly along utility corridor. No significant GW solvent impact from waste oil UST. Monitoring well network extends to CVPS site.

54 Lower Welden St

Extent of contamination found. Soil excavated and stockpiled onsite. Site SMACed November 1999.

Soils Spread On Site, No Ground Water Contamination Found

Demers Industrial Park

Soils thinspread onsite. No additional work requested.

Contamination found during waste oil UST removals. PCS successfully treated and thin spread. Site closed.

St Albans City

Ongoing monitoring has shown limited contamination in former USTareas. Grondwater Enforcement Standards have been met. No additional work requested.

S. Woodstock Country Store

5/90 UST Contam. Site supply well & UST tank pit MW tested ND. SMAC 11/1/06 site reopened due to leaking dispenser discovered during UST inspection

1/1/1900 12:00:00 AM

UST removed. Contam found. investigation complete. No impact to GW. SMAC

On 9/21/95, owner agreed to hire a consultant and perform tests by June 1996 to determine the degree and extent of the contamination, but as of this update, there has been no activity in this file since. (8/3/99) Owner information updated--new mailing address. (01/07/04)

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (344)

911098 Safety Kleen Corp Middlesex MED Unassigned

972290 Safety Medical Systems Colchester SMAC Matt Moran 12/1/1997 0:00 1/4/2000 0:00

770095 Safety-Kleen Barre City SMAC Brian Woods 9/21/2007 0:00

870042 Sage City Syndicate Routes 67 & 674 Bennington MED Richard Spiese 1/1/1987 0:00

951916 Sailor Construction Route 100 A Plymouth SMAC Soils disposed of at Waste U S A Landfill. Unassigned 1/1/1996 0:00 9/1/1998 0:00

951804 Saint's Quick Stop Route 105 Berkshire HIGH Matt Moran 7/1/1995 0:00

20002778 Saladino Residence Fairlee SMAC Gerold Noyes 7/11/2000 0:00 8/22/2000 0:00

20053445 Salisbury Street Salisbury Street Randolph MED Patricia Coppolino20093445 Salisbury Street Randolph LOW

20043267 Salt Shed - Montpelier Stonecutters Way Montpelier MED Matthew Becker

992711 Salvation Army 64 Main St Burlington MED Matt Moran ###

Three Mile Bridge Rd

Draft Pa Plus Received 7/92 E P A deferred July 28, 1995

43 Hercules Drive

Facility closed through Assurance of Discontinuance with DEC. GW contamination (e.g., metals and volatile organic compounds) and soil contamination (i.e., dioxins) adequately naturally attenuated.

23 West 2nd Street

RCRA Corrective Action Investigation completed. Five consecutive groundwater monitoring events showed no detections of contaminats of concern above GWES.

Scaled Down Remediation shut down. Site Conditions Improving. On going monitoring.

Gasoline UST release. Pay for Performance cleanup contract signed 10/24/01, with MPE cleanup complete and contract fulfilled. Annual MNA ongoing, with next round 10/08. Offsite PCS ready for confirmatory sampling.

4140 East Lake Road

UST removed. Contamination found. Investigation completed. GW below VGES in tank pit MW. No other GW impact. SMAC

The site is to be enrolled in the RCPP. A phase I has been conducted. This is the former Ethan Allen Plant. No contamination has been identfied on the property.

Phase II received. Soils with PCBs and SVOCs. Additional Phase II completed Jan. '05-PCB delineation and removal. CAP approved.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation completed. Evaluating for SMAC designation.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (345)

20002826 Sampson Property Route 144 Benson MED Chuck Schwer 11/7/2000 0:00

20022964 Sanborn Residence Kirby SMAC Gerold Noyes ### 5/2/2002 0:00

880244 Milton NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

20053448 Sanders Residence 225 Stuart Lane Waterbury SMAC Ashley Desmond ### 8/10/2007 0:00

931411 3 Main St Montpelier LOW Matt Moran 7/1/1993 0:00941673 Sargents Short Stop 300 Main St Bennington LOW Annual Gw Monitoring. Tim Cropley 9/1/1994 0:00

20063578 Sarvak Residence SMAC Ashley Desmond 4/10/2006 0:00 10/9/2006 0:00

Phase II site assessment completed in 1999. Further work was scheduled to be completed to determine degree and extent. Work still outstanding.

529 Brookside Rd

UST removed. Soil contamination found. Investigation complete. No impact to GW. SMAC

Sandbar Wildlife Mgmnt Area

Contamination discovered during the removal of a heating oil UST. Four soil borings/monitoring wells were installed in the vicinity of the former tank. Screening of the soils using a PID showed that contamination generally decreased with increasing depth. Soil samples taken from three of the wells during this process and analyzed for VOCs and TPH showed no detectable concentrations. All monitoring points found to be dry during both installation and the initial monitoring event. A sample from the bedrock supply well was ND for VOCs, though low concentrations chlorine bi-products were detected. Monitoring wells have been properly abandoned.

Sarducci's, frmr Great American Salvage

Free phase gasoline product found 12/00, Additional investigation completed. Biennial monitoring due spring 2010. RP not interested in limited cleanup or notice to land record to expedite reaching closure. Winooski River ~30 feet from UST grave, but not threatened.

290 Hinesburg Rd

South Burlington

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. EPS VT removed 6 tons of petroleum contaminated soil from the tank area. Confirmatory soil samples indicated that the area has been adequately remediated. No further investigation required.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (346)

20033180 Saunders Residence 59 Glen St Brattleboro MED Gerold Noyes 8/26/2003 0:00

20012896 Sausville Residence Bennington MED Unassigned 5/18/2001 0:00972137 Savelle Property Route 111 Holland LOW Soil removal, stockpiled offsite Bob Haslam 2/1/1997 0:00

770135 Saxtons River Saxtons River Rockingham MED Richard Spiese 1/1/1990 0:00

20073647 Saxtons River El School 11 School St Rockingham HIGH Richard Spiese 4/26/2007 0:0020033091 Saxtons River Mill Rockingham LOW Richard Spiese

20023011 Scandinavia Inn Stowe SMAC Gerold Noyes 6/11/2002 0:00 5/21/2003 0:00

20063514 Scarlett Property Alburg SMAC Ashley Desmond 4/4/2006 0:00 5/9/2007 0:00

AST failure. Contam soils removed, MW's and temp SVE system installed. SVE discontinued, 3/29, 5/25/04 3 of 3 MWs above VGES contam decreasing

155 Northside Drive

Above ground tank piping leak. Water sampled. Investigation needed to determine degree and extent of contamination.

Clean Up Complete. Site In Natural Attenuation. PCE still in several bedrock water supply wells. Need to continue with well sampling.

Fuel Oil leak impacted school with vapors and stream near school. School public well at risk. Aggressive soil removal to mitigate most grossly contaminated soils. Evaluations ongoing.

3576 Mountain Rd Route 108

UST removed. Contam found. Investigation completed. No impact to GW. SMAC

300 Alburgh Springs Rd

Release detected during the in-place closure of a 500-gallon heating oil UST. Verterre conducted an initial site investigation to further define the degree and extent of contamination. No significant contamination detected in the source area. Trichloroethene (TCE) was detected in the onsite well at a concentration of 230 ppb during initial tests. Two follow-up monitoring events showed no detection of this compound. The suspected source of this compound was the former water pump, which was replaced over the course of investigations at the site.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (347)

20073676 Schlott Residence 9 Vine St Montpelier SMAC Ashley Desmond 8/2/2007 0:00 2/27/2009 0:00

931471 Schmucker Residence 1480 Dorset St SMAC Unassigned 10/1/1993 0:00 9/12/2003 0:00

880258 Brattleboro NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

20022990 Schultz Residence Route 100 Eden SMAC SMAC Marc Roy 3/31/2002 0:00 ###

870041 Scott Hinckley Rt 11, N Main St Chester LOW Richard Spiese 1/1/1987 0:00

20073653 Scribner Farm 287 Walker Rd Poultney SMAC Ashley Desmond 4/3/2007 0:00 10/3/2008 0:00

972173 Sears Roebuck And Co Shelburne Rd SMAC Investigation complete Linda Elliott 6/1/1997 0:00 8/1/1998 0:00

Contamination discovered during the removal of a heating oil UST. No significant contamination detected during Expressway investigation. No elevated PIDs in adjacent structures. Water is supplied by the municipal system. Monitoring wells properly closed.

South Burlington

Need Plan For Stockpiled Soil And Receptor Check, which was requested in a letter dated October 14, 1993. As of this update (7/27/99) there has been no activity in this file since.

School Of International Training

Remediation Complete, Closure Monitoring Commenced

Contamination discovered during the removal of two gasoline USTs. ISI involved installation of several soil borings. No groundwater was encountered in any of the borings, so no wells were installed. The full extent of contamination was not determined. Approx. 45 tons of soils removed from source area. Final PIDs of the excavation were as high as 500 ppm. Samples from the bottom of the excavation showed no VOCs above the Region IX Guidelines. A TPH reading of 1,300 ppm was found in the same area. No significant risk to receptors- contamination is at depth and does not appear to have impacted groundwater. Onsite drinking water supply well was tested and showed no detectable VOC concentrations. Area of contamination is about 130 feet from the residence.

South Burlington

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (348)

972287 Seaton Residence Dover Rd Dover SMAC Chuck Schwer 11/1/1997 0:00 9/1/1998 0:00890297 Seaway Carwash Burlington NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

921266 Secretary Of State 26 Terrace St Montpelier NFAP Unassigned 10/1/1993 0:00

20043200 Seeley Residence 366 Brown Lane Charlotte SMAC Lynda Provencher ### 8/6/2004 0:00

20063593 Segal Property 74 Shady Lane Warren MED Ashley Desmond

20002821 Segel Residence Berlin SMAC Gerold Noyes ### 6/4/2009 0:00

20022954 Seguin Residence 299 E Allen St Winooski MED Sarah A. Bartlett ###911135 Seguin Residence 26 Canusa St Holland NFAP Site Closed 3/23/92 Unassigned 3/1/1992 0:00

941629 Senwright Pharmacy State St Montpelier MED Unassigned 6/1/1994 0:00

941720 Severy Residence Route 12 A Northfield SMAC Gw Standards Met, Soil Thinspread Richard Spiese 11/1/1994 0:00 11/1/1996 0:00

20002750 Sewards Dairy 224 N Main St Rutland City MED Unassigned 1/6/2000 0:00

20063543 Shady Lawn Motel 89 Maple St Hartford MED Alex Geller ###

20053427 Shaffer Property Barton SMAC Ashley Desmond 8/11/2005 0:00 ###

Aspill cleanup and monitoring completed. Site closed.

Site Invest Complete, No Further Action Required

Groundwater not encountered. No soil contamination. No contamination in water supply.

Contamination discovered following the removal of a heating oil UST.

778 Paine Turnpike South

UST removed. Contam found. Investigation complete. 2/7 1 of 4 MWs above VGES. 6/11/01 1 of 4 MWs above VGES, 1 heavy sheen of FP, semi-annual monitor, 5/15/02 1 MW above VGES, .04' of FP in tank pit MW, monthly bailing to continue. 2 MWs ND 11/02, 1 MW above VGES, 11/03 1MW below VGES, 1 FP, quarterly FP removal, 11/3/08 TMB below VGES in tank pit MW, ND elsewhere. SMAC

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed

UST removed in '94. Owner has not responded to request to determine degree and extent of contamination. (7/30/99) Owner information updated--new mailing address. (01/07/04)

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed.

673 Willoughby Lake Rd

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Confirmatory tests showed no impact to indoor air, onsite well, or soils in tank excavation. SMAC

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (349)

20022967 Shaftsbury Auto 1594 Route 7 A Shaftsbury MED Tami Wuestenberg 2/17/2002 0:00

20093902 96 Airport rd Shaftsbury MED Ashley Desmond 12/9/2008 0:00

20002784 Shaftsbury Town Garage 69 Buck Hill Rd Shaftsbury SMAC Gerold Noyes 4/26/2000 0:00 2/2/2001 0:00

20023043 Sharkey Residence 54 Bridge Road Thetford SMAC Unassigned 8/23/2002 0:00 ###

992705 Sharon Trading Post Route 14 Sharon SMAC Matt Moran ### 6/1/2006 0:00

962087 Shatneys' Garage Route 14 Woodbury LOW Linda Elliott890363 Shea Motors Middlebury NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

931353 Shearer Chevrolet LOW Gerold Noyes

931533 Sheffield SMAC Unassigned 12/1/1993 0:00 5/9/2001 0:00

20012861 Shelburne Corp Shelburne LOW Gerold Noyes 4/23/2001 0:00

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed. RP not responding. Last correspondence sent requesting work - August 2006. RP hired ECS to conduct SI - work completed fall '06. Sent letter May '07 requesting additional work - site may be eligible for smac - no soil or gw contamination encountered during SI.

Shaftsbury State Police Barracks

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. First letter sent requiring additional investigation on Feb 18, 2009.

UST removed and contamination found. Investigation complete. 3 MWs ND for VOCs. 1 MW 10.7 ppm TPH. SMAC

Contamination found tank out of service for 9 years. Very limited contamination, no followup wrok required.

Gasoline and kero. USTs removed, along with all PCS. 10 yds polyencapsulated at Creamery Rd. sandpit in Bradford. Soil thin spread July 2002, but delay in documenting task. No petro. contaminants in water supply.

Annual screening of stockpiled soils and water supply. Wetland assessment requested.

1675 Shelburne Rd

South Burlington

UST Release Confirmed, annual GW monitor April 05 2 of 6 MWs above VGES, 10/08 3 of 6 MWs above VGES, UST removed, biennial GW monitor

Sheffield Municipal Building

Town Highway 32

Contaminated soils to be spread/backfilled onsite. Upon notice of this being completed, site will be reccomended for closure. (7/28/99)

6221 Shelburne Rd

USTremoved. Free product surfacing. 740 yd3 soil excavated, stockpile venting underway. 5/03 1 of 11 MWs above VGES, 12/09 GW below VGES, annual soil stockpile monitoring

1/1/1900 12:00:00 AM

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (350)

20033130 Shelburne Inn Shelburne SMAC Gerold Noyes 4/5/2002 0:00 12/6/2007 0:00

931545 Shelburne Middle School Harbor Rd Shelburne SMAC Invest Complete, No Gw Contam, Site Closed Unassigned 1/1/1994 0:00 1/1/1996 0:00890461 Shelburne Post Office Shelburne NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

941589 MED Linda Elliott 4/1/1994 0:00

911018 Shelburne Town Garage Harbor Rd Shelburne SMAC Tami Wuestenberg 12/1/1995 0:00 10/5/2005 0:00

911084 Sheldon Construction Rt 30 Pawlet SMAC Limited site investigation completed. Site closed. Unassigned 7/2/1991 0:00 1/8/2001 0:00

931484 Sheldon Mini Mart Rt 105 Sheldon MED Linda Elliott 10/1/1993 0:00

961945 Grey Rd Calais SMAC Bob Haslam 9/14/2000 0:00

931408 Sheldons Market Rt 30 South Pawlet LOW Ashley Desmond 6/14/1993 0:00

951839 School House Rd Killington SMAC Contam Soil Disposed, Site Closed Lynda Provencher 1/1/1996 0:00911113 Sherburne Town Garage 2981 River Rd Killington LOW Investigation Needed Bob Haslam

Contam soil discovered during sewer line investigation, soils excavated, long term monitor. MWs ND. SMAC

Shelburne Road Mobil - North

977 Shelburne Rd

South Burlington

May 2003, CAP soil removal work. Ongoing semi-annual groundwater monitoring collected in spring and fall. Next round Spring 2008.

Stockpiled soils free of evidence of VOCs. Soils approved to be spread on 3/16/00. Once spread, site will be eligible for SMAC. Site SMACd 10/05 - tw

Underground storage tanks replaced. Sporadic cooperation from site owner. Water quality samples collected in May 2003 which indicated GWES exceedances in source well. Continued monitoring requested by May 2004.

Sheldon Residence (now Masland)

Investigation and remediation completed. Water supply now clean, POET removed. Soils properly disposed. Site SMACed.

Ust's removed and contamination found. Investigation required but not yet completed. 2003 tank pull found very little contamination in soils, and no qualitative evidence of gw contamination. Recommmendation was for site closure. Letter to RP in July 2005 stated that the site could be closed following sampling of bedrock wells in the area. ATC sampled site and found no contamination in bedrock well. Will sample any soil stockpiles remaining at the site before site is closed.

Sherburne Elementary School

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (351)

20002760 Sherman Allen Bulk Plant Academy St Fair Haven LOW Richard Spiese 4/4/2000 0:00890302 Sherman Allen Texaco Rutland NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

20033165 Sherman Property 50 Railroad Ave Pawlet SMAC Linda Elliott ### 4/28/2004 0:00

890306 Sherman V. Allen Washington St Fair Haven SMAC ###

911090 Shermans Store Rt 153 Rupert SMAC Matt Moran 7/18/1991 0:00 ###

20043218 Sherwin Williams 62 River St. Montpelier MED Tim Cropley 4/25/2004 0:00

20063569 Sherwin Williams Store 659 Putney Rd Brattleboro MED Ashley Desmond 7/12/2006 0:00

921198 Sherwin-Williams Plaza NFAP Unassigned/caw 1/1/1993 0:00

Eleven above ground storage tanks removed. Half buried in bank. Contamination found. Investigation showed soil and groundwater impacts to south of ASTs. Wetland area minimally affected.

2 underground storage tanks removed. Up to 130 tons of contamianted soils removed under expressway program. Followup site monitoring shows levels meet standards. Eligible for SMAC.

Site re_opened as site #98-2555. Site file # 89-0306 is SMACed additional work going forward since 1998 is included in the Former Showcase Video file (site # 98-2555).

Unassigned/richard Spiese

After several attempts to get voluntary compliance, a site investigation was finally performed in the summer of 2000 prior to property sale. Excavated PCS treated, GW and supply well clean. Site closed.

#2 fuel oil UST leaked and discharged to Winooski River. During cleanup, additional historic petroleum contamination discovered. 1st letter to be sent to RP requesting additional work.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed. First letter written requesting additional information regarding receptors and subsurface conditions following UST removal. Soils have been stockpiled onsite and need to be disposed of.

370-374 Shelburne Rd

South Burlington

Investigation Complete, Soil Asphalt Batched,site Closed

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (352)

20053428 Sheuer Property 5261 Lake Rd Charlotte SMAC Ashley Desmond 7/30/2005 0:00 ###

20093949 Shore Acres Drive Colchester SMAC Ashley Desmond 6/23/2009 0:00 8/10/2009 0:00

931450 School St Shoreham SMAC Soils Treated, Site Closed. Unassigned 11/1/1996 0:00

962105 Main St Shoreham SMAC Tim Cropley 11/1/1996 0:00 8/12/2003 0:00982359 Shoreham Service Center 2949 Route 22A Shoreham LOW Annual GW monitoring Gerold Noyes 3/1/1998 0:00

20033163 3167 Route 22 A Shoreham LOW Linda Elliott 10/1/2003 0:00

770160 Shortle Subaru Rutland NFAP Unassigned

982555 Showcase Video Fair Haven LOW Richard Spiese 12/7/1998 0:00

20012931 Shrewsbury SMAC Gerold Noyes 9/27/2001 0:00 8/20/2003 0:00900589 Shumlen Residence 30 Bird St. Putney MED Soils Taken To Landfill. Site To Be Closed. Unassigned 9/29/1990 0:00

Underground storage tank removed. Suspected contamination due to sheen on groundwater. No quantitative indications of petroleum contamination were found. Limited site investigation involved installation of 2 soil borings. No defined groundwater layer encountered to a depth of 8 feet below grade.. Confirmatory soil samples taken from borings showed no VOCs when analyzed using EPA Method 8260. "Groundwater" encountered during tank pull may have been from surface water runoff in clay rich soils. Onsite well tested clean.

484 Shore Acres Drive

Underground storage tank removed. Contaminated soils removed and properly disposed. No further work needed.

Shoreham Elementary School

Shoreham Inn And Country Store

Annual GW monitoring complete. VOCs below lab detection limits and MWs have been properly abandoned. Site SMACed.

Shoreham Telephone Company

550 gallon UST removed in 1980's. Environmental Site Assessment conducted in 2003 reveals petroleum contamination onsite. Former tank area remains impacted. Annual groundwater monitoring schedule.Next round April 2010..

Site Investigated, No Contamination Detected, Site Closed

4th and Washington St

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation shows low level GW contamination. Site in Natural Attenuation monitoring.

Shrewsbury Mountain School

300 Mountain School Rd

UST removed. Contam found. Investigation completed. Confirmatory sample shows no impact to GW above VGES. SMAC

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (353)

982332 Shunpike Road Property 20 Shunpike Rd Williston SMAC No Gw Impact, Soil Samples N D Site Closed. Lynda Provencher 9/1/1997 0:00 8/1/1998 0:00

992587 Shute Road Spill Shute Rd Hartland SMAC Gerold Noyes 2/10/1999 0:00 2/19/2003 0:00890370 Silver Residence Bennington NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

20083765 Silver Towers Camp Ripton LOW Matthew Becker 2/7/2008 0:00

20053406 Silvius Property Burke SMAC Ashley Desmond 7/1/2005 0:00 12/9/2005 0:00

770084 Simmonds Precision Panton Road Vergennes MED Michael Smith

900493 Simmonds Precision Panton Rd Vergennes NFAP Unassigned

911039 Simmonds Precision Rt 5 Rockingham SMAC Bruce Linton 1/7/2005 0:00

921213 Main St Vergennes SMAC Site Closed Mike Young 4/1/1993 0:00

20033179 Simmons Residence 58 Walker Rd Arlington MED Unassigned 9/15/2003 0:00

992719 Simon's Deli and Grocery MED Ashley Desmond 11/4/1999 0:00

38 yds petroleum contaminated soil stockpile. Annual Soil Screening. 10/30/02 confirmatory samples below standards. Thin spread. SMAC

56 Silver Towers Road

Semi-annual monitoring post fuel tank removal. Passive product recovery. Next monitoring event scheduled Spring 2010.

5309 Darling Hill Rd

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Verterre wp for site investigation approved 9/05. Borings in the tank grave and next to the tank grave showed that the contamination was limited in extent. Water supply well was tested and showed no evidence of petroleum contamination.

RI Completed. Ongoing Annual Groundwater Monitoring. Work is being conducted by the former owner of the site: "Hercules" corp

File Moved To File # 770084. File Closed Not Site.

Annual groundwater monitoring completed. Site SMACed in January 2005.

Simmonds Precision Plant #2

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Injvestigation needed.

974 Shelburne Rd

South Burlington

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed. See also Closed Site #870153. Verterre wp approved 8/05. Initial investigation found significant concentrations of MTBE in source area. SMS recommended additional evaluation of receptors, which will include additional groundwater characterization and analysis of indoor air in surrounding buildings.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (354)

951877 Burlington HIGH Matt Moran 9/1/1995 0:00

961961 2 Park St Essex LOW Ashley Desmond 1/1/1996 0:00

931388 262 Main St Winooski MED Ashley Desmond

982558 Simons Berlin Store Route 302 Berlin MED Ashley Desmond 9/29/1998 0:00

Simon's Downtown Quick Stop

93 South Winooski Ave

Release from gasoline USTs. Third party impacts still being investigated - FP offsite and weekly recovery ongoing through 2009. GPR in October with no evidence of USTs in ROW. Approved PCS thinspreading 3/00.

Simon's Five Corners (fmr.r Essex Agway)

Initial Investigation Complete. Ongoing Groundwater Monitoring stopped several years ago- comprehensive letter sent to Joe Handy in March 2005 mentioning potential enforcement action if monitoriing not commenced. Workl Plan submitted by Verterre in Oct 2005.

Simon's Winooski (McLaughlins Garage)

No investigation work completed at the site since 1998. Contamination continued to exceed the VGES. Three additional tanks removed in 2000. Contamination found. Verterre Group is currently conducting supplemental investigations at the site. Additional subsurface characterization to be performed.

Five underground storage tanks removed in 1998. Contamination found. Verterre wp approved 8/2005. Initial site investigation involved the installation of four wells across the property. Groundwater contamination identified in two monitoring wells. Follow-up monitoring recommended for the Spring of 2007.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (355)

982420 Simons Chimney Corners Colchester SMAC Ashley Desmond 5/12/1998 0:00 ###

20073747 Simonu Residence 97 School St Newport City MED Alex Geller ###

20033074 Simpla Property 17 W Main St Wilmington MED Unassigned ###

931542 Simpson Paper Co Lunenburg SMAC John Schmeltzer 1/1/1994 0:00 6/5/2003 0:00

20053450 Simson Property 4087 Route 113 Arlington SMAC Ashley Desmond ### 9/26/2006 0:00941646 Sirloin Saloon - Rutland 200 S Main St Rutland City NFAP Site Invest Complete Unassigned 7/1/1994 0:00 1/12/1996 0:00

Ethan Allen Highway

Contamination discovered during the removal of two gasoline tanks, which were found to be in excellent condition. Contamination may have originated from overfill(s) during tank refills or dispensing. Verterre conducted a site investigation in December 2005. Five borings were installed in the vicinity of the former tanks. Contamination appears to be focused in soils from 4 to 7 feet below grade. Confirmatory analysis from the drinking water supply showed no detectable concentrations of VOCs. There are no other supply wells within 1/4 mile of the site. Soil samples taken from the borings showed several elevated VOC concentrations, though none were above the EPA Region IX PRGs.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Awaiting indoor air quality results.

2 underground storage tanks removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed.

Riverside Ave - Gilman

12/06/05 SMAC related to petroleum releases from ASTs at the site only

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found.GZA conducted soils removal project at the property. Full extent of contamination not defined. GZA conducted an subsurface investigation at the property, which included the installation of four monitoring wells downgradient of the former tank and a survey of sensitive receptors. Several drinking water supplies in the area were tested and showed no detectalbe levels of contaminants. Indoor air in nearby buildings was screened and showed no readings above 0 ppm. The monitoring wells at the property were properly closed.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (356)

961952 Sisters Of Mercy Burlington SMAC Invest Complete, No Further Work Necessary Unassigned/jf 2/1/1996 0:00 7/1/1996 0:00

20023051 9 Clement Rd Rutland City SMAC Linda Elliott 8/29/2002 0:00 6/2/2004 0:00

941737 Sketchley Services Inc 1099 North Ave Burlington SMAC Michael Smith 1/1/1995 0:00 ###

992598 Skiff Residence SMAC 5/26/1999 0:00 9/29/2000 0:00

870118 Slalom Ski Newport City NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

20033162 Smart Property Rutland City SMAC Gerold Noyes 9/23/2003 0:00 ###

951911 Smilie School Rt 2 Bolton SMAC Matt Moran 1/1/1995 0:00 12/1/1996 0:00870156 Smith Barnard NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

951771 Smith Buick/gmc Truck Route 7 Rutland SMAC Gw Does Not Exceed Standards Downgradient Lynda Provencher 2/1/1997 0:00

20073714 Smith Residence 4434 VT Rte 242 Jay MED Alex Geller 10/1/2007 0:00770176 Smith Well Barnard NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

100 Mansfield Ave

Sisters of St Josephs College

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Ongoing monitoring reveals low levels of contamination. No additional work requested.

Long Term Gw Monitoring, Also Chlorinated Compounds Site SMAC'ed See Ethan Allen Launderette (95-1787) for information on chlorinated solvent contamination

89 Springhouse Rd

South Burlington

Underground storage tank removed. No groundwater encountered. No VOCs found in soil samples. TPH found in soil at levels far below Waste Management Division guideline level of 200 parts per million. SMAC letter 9/29/00

Hugo Martinez Cazon

75 Woodstock Ave

UST removed. Contam found. Investigation complete, 1 MW below VGES, 3 ND, confirm 7/05 3 MWs ND, SMAC

Heating oil UST release investigation completed. No significant GW or soil impact. Site closed.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. REA will conduct an initial site investigation through the Expressway Process. Awaiting Spring sampling from REA.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (357)

890392 Smith's Store Main St. Greensboro SMAC Ashley Desmond 6/17/1989 0:00 11/7/2005 0:00

900487 Rt 127 Colchester MED Brian Woods

20012905 Smiths Project Middlebury SMAC Gerold Noyes 7/12/2001 0:00 6/18/2002 0:00

911158 Smiths Store Route 100 Waterbury LOW Bob Haslam870016 Smokey House Danby NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

20033112 391 Currier Rd Danby MED Unassigned 3/20/2003 0:00

941691 Smugglers Notch Ski Area Route 108 Cambridge SMAC Tami Wuestenberg 10/1/1994 0:00 10/5/2005 0:00

911184 Snow Valley Sunoco Route 100 Waterbury MED John Schmeltzer 1/1/1992 0:00

Investigation complete for 1989 tank removal. Investigation still required for 1997 and 2003 tank removal projects. Sent the RP a letter detailing required work in July 2005. This included a previous first letter from the '97 tank pull. AD Site investigation involved advancing soil borings in the immediate vicninty of the tank. No groundwater reached to a depth of 6 feet below grade. Nearby public water system has never had petroleum contamination. Store is slab on-grade.

Smiths Petroleum (AOT Baldwin)

Active remediation (excavation and pump-&treat) complete; annual groundwater monitoring program ongoing.

88 South Pleasant St

Sampling done as part of property transaction. Historical spills and staining. Abandoned UST removed, clean. Floor drains connected to sewer. Investigation completed. SMAC

Pet. Contam Found During Bridge Construction From Smiths Store.

Smokey House Center - Cottage Property

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed. See Closed Site 870016

10/05 - SMACd site - combined soils with Site #2003-3103 (TW). Owner agreed to monitor the stockpiled contaminated soils (11/8/94), but there have been no reports from the owner or their contractor since. Since 11/8/94, there has been no further activity in this file. (8/2/99) Soils removed, and combined with another treatment area at site #2003-3103.

06/08: Monitoring ongoing. Next round May 2010

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20022974 Killington MED Tami Wuestenberg 2/23/2001 0:00

941731 Soap Shed Laundromat Route 103 Chester MED Ashley Desmond 12/1/1994 0:00

20073727 Soler Property 206 Smedley Rd Royalton MED Sarah A. Bartlett 8/23/2007 0:00

992663 Sonnys Sunoco 125 Canal St Brattleboro SMAC Gerold Noyes 8/18/1999 0:00 ###

972210 Soucy Motors Rt 106 Springfield SMAC Site Closed. Investigation Completed. Unassigned 7/1/1997 0:00 7/1/1998 0:00

Snowshed Containment Area

4763 Killington Rd

Leaking underground tank discovered in Feb 2001. Cleanup performed. Site investigation underway. 5100 gallons of product removed from containment area in May 2001. Waiting for the consultant to complete the Site Investigation Report. Sent letter requesting update within 15 days; if no response may send to enforcement. Received email from MCI on 11/15/05 - will have update report by 12/23/05. As of 1/10/07 consultant says work is completed, waiting on report.

Last contact with owner was a May 1, 1995 letter requesting further sampling. Water line work in Summer 05 found contamination at the site. SMS contacted owner regarding investigation activities. MacTec has been hired to perform additional investigation work. Will submit new wp (11/05)

3 Underground storage tanks removed. Contamination found. 6 cubic yards PCS stockpiled on-site, will be transported for treatment in Spring 2008.

UST removed and contam found. Investigation complete. 4/21/00 GW below VGES soils at 2000+ via PID during MW installation. 6/27/00 Ethylene dibromide above VGES in 1 MW, no other exceedences. TCE & carbon tet below VGES 10/21/02, SMAC

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961970 South Barre Mini Mart Route 14 Barre Town LOW Lynda Provencher 4/1/1996 0:00

962072 South Barre Mini Mart Route 14 Barre Town SMAC Transfer This Site To 96-1970. Not Closed. John Schmeltzer 9/1/1996 0:00 1/19/1999 0:00

921301 NFAP Unassigned 5/27/1993 0:00

921207 South Burlington Chrysler SMAC Unassigned 12/1/1996 0:00

931384 575 Dorset St LOW Matt Moran

931383 Patchen Rd LOW Matt Moran

951914 Route 30 Dorset SMAC Unassigned ### 2/20/2002 0:00

972185 South End Auto Route 12 Randolph MED Gerold Noyes 1/23/2006 0:00

941730 South Hero Grocery 328 Route 2 South Hero MED Lynda Provencher 12/1/1994 0:00

20043220 South Lincoln Farm 785 Grimes Rd Lincoln LOW Tami Wuestenberg 4/26/2004 0:00

Several letters have been sent to RP requesting a site investigation be conducted in response to petroleum contamination detected in soil during piping replacement in September, 1995. Also elevated selenium found in surface water in a Phase II site assessment in March, 1996. Most recent letter sent on April 30, 2009; if no response is received, will send to Enforcement.

South Burlington Central School

1181 Williston Rd

South Burlington

Ust Removed. Identified Contamination. Further Work Pending.

1095 Shelburne Rd

South Burlington

Site Invest And Monitoring Complete, Site Closed

South Burlington Police Dept

South Burlington

Biennial GW monitoring of gasoline UST contamination. Next round Spring 2010. Site expected to reach standards by 2020. Decommission unused wells fall 2005.

South Burlington Street Dept

South Burlington

Annual GW monitoring of gasoline UST release. Next round May 2009. Evaluating ways to better define downgradient extent of contamination, e.g., use landfill wells.

South Dorset General Store

Investigation complete, contaminated soils taken offsite. No contamination to on-site well. Site SMACed on 2/20/2002.

4 tank pad MWs installed 12/7/99, no contam SMAC, 1/06 site reopened, contam found on down gradient property, FP removal & monitor rqrd; no work due to dispute over insurance & PCF

Semi-annual groundwater monitoring is ongoing. Petroleum contaminants appear to be either stable or slowly decreasing.

2 underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Need to verify that soils have been disposed of prior to site closure.

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982363 South Main Yankee Inc Weathersfield SMAC Gerold Noyes 3/30/1998 0:00 ###

911031 Dover Rd Newfane NFAP Richard Spiese 8/1/1993 0:00

961946 101 Chelsea St Royalton SMAC Tim Cropley 6/1/1996 0:00 1/12/2006 0:00

20033096 South Village Mobil 974 VT Rt 12S Northfield MED Bob Haslam890422 Southshire Market Bennington NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

982335 Bennington LOW Sarah A. Bartlett 12/1/1997 0:00

20093906 PO Box 860 Springfield MED Patricia Coppolino770190 Space Research North Jay Road Jay LOW PA Complete 4/91. SI Underway. Unassigned 6/1/1991 0:00

982404 40 Main St Springfield SMAC Unassigned 6/25/1998 0:00 7/28/2000 0:00

20033120 Spates property Derby SMAC Sarah A. Bartlett 5/15/2003 0:00 5/14/2009 0:00

20012940 Spaulding Graded School 60 Washington St Barre City SMAC Gerold Noyes 8/30/2001 0:00 2/6/2002 0:00

20023009 Spaulding High School 115 Ayer St Barre City SMAC Gerold Noyes 6/18/2002 0:00 6/5/2003 0:00

14 Ascutney Place

UST pipe replacement. Soil contamination found near pipes. No impact to ground water. SMAC

South Newfane General Store

Tank Pull Showed Soil & Grndwater Contamination. Wells Nearby.

South Royalton Post Office

Soil Excavation and GW investigation performed. No GW cont. found. PCS disposed of at AMREC. MWs properly abandoned.

Sudden UST release, 1500 gallons lost. Drinking water supply impact, water treatment in place. Groundwater monitoring is ongoing

Southwestern Medical Center

100 Hospital Drive

UST leak and removal #6 Fuel Oil. Investigation complete. Some residual GW & soil contam present. Notice to Land records requested.

Soutthern Vermont Rec Center

Sparrow Building/ Village Pizza

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found, and investigation completed. Site SMAC letter 7/28/00

Hinman Settler Rd

One diesel and one gasoline UST closed in 05/03 as part of a bridge construction project. ISI conducted 06/03, down-gradient wells contained petroleum related contaminants in excess of VGES. Additional monitoring conducted 10/05 and 07/06, levels fell to below VGES.

UST removed. Contamination found. Investigation completed no impact to soil or groundwater. SMAC

UST removed. Contam found. Investigation completed. 3 MWs ND, 1 MW 2.9 ppb MTBE, SMAC

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20083827 Spear Residence 115 Bouchard Rd Stowe SMAC Ashley Desmond 6/10/2008 0:00 9/12/2008 0:00

900515 Charlotte MED Matt Moran 10/1/1996 0:00

972310 Spears Service Center Route 7 Charlotte MED Unassigned 11/1/1997 0:00

951861 Route 116 Middlebury SMAC Matt Moran 9/1/1995 0:00 6/1/1997 0:00

900482 Specialty Paperboard Burdies Road Brattleboro SMAC Fuel Oil Solidified, G W E S Met, Site Closed Richard Spiese 11/1/1994 0:00

941705 Speedi Lube Rutland City MED Matt Moran 11/1/1994 0:00

931361 Speedway Motors Rt 7 Brandon NFAP Site Assessment Completed, No Risk To G W Lynda Provencher 6/30/1993 0:00

951904 Speedwell Gas Lyndon MED Tim Cropley 12/1/1995 0:00

20043240 Sperling Residence Milton SMAC Matt Moran 11/2/2003 0:00 1/30/2008 0:00

Contamination discovered during the removal of a heating oil UST. After the excavation of contaminated soil, it appeared that the full extent of contamination had been delineated. No VOCs and only minor TPH detected in confirmatory soil sample from tank grave. A sample taken from the onsite well showed no detected of VOCs. Soils have been properly disposed of.

Spears Corner (formerly Marble's) Store

Hinesburg-Charlotte Rd.

Gasoline UST release. Annual GW, PCS & supply well monitoring, next round 8/08. Bottled water supplied as precaution from prior detections of benzene & MTBE.

Underground Storage Tank Removed. Contamination Found. Investigation Needed. Letter Dated 4/22/98 Requesting A Work Plan. No Response As Of 4/27/98 (9/9/99)

Specialty Filiments (formerly Polymers)

GW investigation of fuel oil USTs completed, PCS disposed, site closed.

Route 7 and Route 4

Investigation of 2nd release completed. Semi-annual GW monitoring in 2004. Offsite source investigated and found spring '04. Future work likely linked to new site fall '04.

Rt 5 and Red Village Rd

Additional release discovered in November 2001. HEAT Events performed. Quarterly Monitoring Continuing. CAFI wp/ce submitted but approval delayed due to PCF issues.

77 Pinewood Lane

Basem*nt AST release of ~150 gal of No. 2 heating oil. Contaminated materials disposed. Oil seeped out crack in poured concrete floor. ~100 gal recovered via SVE. No detectable PID in home or SVE influent. 1/30/08 SMAC.

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960146 Spillanes Petco Burlington LOW Richard Spiese 1/1/1996 0:00

870146 Spillanes Petco Burlington LOW Richard Spiese 9/1/1999 0:00

880219 Spillanes Petco Rt 302 Berlin MED Matt Moran

870012 Spillanes Servicenter Route 7 Shelburne MED Richard Spiese 1/1/1985 0:00

941722 Spillanes Texaco 125 Battery St Burlington LOW Richard Spiese 11/1/1994 0:00

20043273 Sp*rn Residence 9 Spron Drive Tunbridge SMAC Ashley Desmond 8/26/2004 0:00 6/7/2005 0:00

921189 Sports West Rt 4 West Rutland LOW Richard Spiese 1/1/1992 0:00

20073685 Sprague Energy Terminal Middlebury LOW Tami Wuestenberg 8/30/2007 0:00

222 Riverside Ave

Remediation of site by SVE/AS complete. Plunging plume and new apartment building caused remediation. No impact to apartment building. Site in Natural Attenuation monitoring.

222 Riverside Ave

Site Closed. Reopened 6/96 - Site # 960146. SVE/AS remediation shut down. No impacts on new apartment building. Site in natural attenuation monitoring.

Biennial sampling GW and Stevens Branch; next rd. 7/2010. Quarterly manual product recovery replaced spring '08 with automated recovery unit. Intermittent MPE in 2003.

Level Of Contam Declining, Site In Natural Attenuation

GWES exceeded in one monitor well, continued semiannual groundwater monitoring warranted.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. No petroleum impact in soil borings at the site. Drinking water well and ambient air in basem*nt show no contamination.

Investigation Complete, Svs Installed 12/93. Cleanup completed. Site in Natural Attenuation monitoring.

103 Exchange Street

Phase I/II ESA performed for property transaction. Elevated soil contamiantion, no gw data. Bulk AST field to be dismantled. New owner to perform additional investigation once bulk ASTs are gone. 430 cubic yards of petroleum contaminated soil stockpiled onsite. Low levels of petroleum contamination across stie - related to USTs and bulk operations. Currently only slight benzene and napthalene exceedence above VTGES. KAS to monitor wells and soil in Spring 2009.

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982481 Sprayregen Residence Lake Road Charlotte LOW Linda Elliott 9/9/1998 0:00

20043195 Charlotte SMAC Lynda Provencher 2/9/2004 0:00 1/6/2006 0:00

941683 Springfield Armory Fairground Rd Springfield SMAC Richard Spiese 9/1/1998 0:00 7/18/2000 0:00

20002730 139 Main St Springfield SMAC Gerold Noyes ### 1/23/2001 0:00

972318 Springfield Electroplating 135 Main St Springfield SMAC Gerold Noyes 11/1/1997 0:00 11/9/2000 0:00

20023057 Springfield Family Center 365 Summer St Springfield MED Unassigned 5/3/2002 0:00

951858 Route 106 Springfield MED Matt Moran 8/1/1995 0:00

982475 Springfield Fire Dept Hartness Ave Springfield MED Lynda Provencher 7/21/1998 0:00

890380 Springfield Hospital Springfield MED Unassigned 7/18/1989 0:00

982465 Skitchaway Trail Springfield LOW Bob Haslam 9/1/1998 0:00

3 fuel oil USTs removed (1 closed in-place). 8 cy of soils moved to Whalley Rd. property for annual monitoring. No groundwater impacts.

Sprayregen Turtle Moon Road Property

100 Turtle Moon Rd

1,000 gallon leaking fuel oil UST removed. Cleanup of Lake Champlain completed. Groundwater not impacted. All onsite monitoring wells and abandoned drinking water well properly closed according to Water Supply Rule.

GWESs met in all monitoring wells on site. PCSs taken to a treatment facility for disposal. Site SMACed 7/18/00.

Springfield Community Center

UST removed. Contam found. Investigation complete. No impact to groundwater. Contam soils disposed off site. SMAC

UST Removed. Contamination Found. Investigation completed. See also SMS #972315. No impact to GW. SMAC

3 underground storage tanks removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed.

Springfield Fence (Frmr Michel Chevr)

SMS requested that the owner hire a consultant to conduct further investigations in a letter dated October 20, 1995. As of this update, there has been no response and no further activity in this file. (8/25/99)

Gasoline contamination present in groundwater resulting from UST removal in July 1998. Seven groundwater monitoring wells have been installed and quarterly groundwater monitoring is ongoing. Low levels of free product present in MW-2, where the former UST was located.

25 Ridgewood Ave

Ust Contamination. Landfarm Ongoing. As of 5/2/97, SMAC status was pending a visual/odor test.

Springfield Humane Society

Heating oil above ground tank release. Emergency corrective action 9/98.

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972267 2-4 Main St Springfield SMAC 9/1/1997 0:00 ###

982540 Fairground Rd Springfield LOW Richard Spiese ###

770076 Springfield Sandpits Springfield SMAC Brian Woods

951806 Mineral St Springfield LOW Lynda Provencher 1/1/1995 0:00

982522 Springfield Town Garage Fairgrounds Road Springfield SMAC Richard Spiese ### 4/3/2009 0:00

20043274 Union St Springfield SMAC Ashley Desmond 8/11/2004 0:00 ###

982513 Clinton St Springfield MED Brian Woods 7/30/1998 0:00

Springfield Parent/Child Center

Ust Removed. Contamination Found. Investigation completed to determine the degree and extent of contamination. (9/7/99) SMAC letter 11/16/2000

Hugo Martinez Cazon

Springfield Recycling Center

Limited GW contamination found. Site in Natural Attenuation monitoring.

Spencer Hollow Road

CERCLA NFRAP 1/7/97. Synthetic cap over contaminated area completed February 2002. Groundwater monitoring completed. Institutional controls in place.

Springfield Terminal Railway

PAH contamination present in soils near former coal storage area. In May 1997, a work plan was approved to remediate site through bioremediation and soil covering. SMS did not receive any response following this letter. A reminder letter was sent March 30, 2000.

Drywell contamination discovered in WHPA. Investigation shows limited GW contamination and no risk to Town Well. Soils around dry well removed.

Springfield Union Street School

Contamination discovered during the removal of a heating oil UST. Four monitoring wells installed at the property. No significant PID readings recorded during boring installation. Groundwater samples taken from the wells showed no elevated VOC concentrations. Water is supplied by the municipal system. Monitoring wells properly abandoned. Soils generated during the tank removal were stockpiled offsite and thinspread when they were free of VOC odors and elevated PID readings.

Springfield Waste Water Treatment Plant

Fuel oil UST removed in July 1999. Contamination found; soils stockpiled on site.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (365)

921310 Springtree Corp 89 Putney Rd Brattleboro SMAC Unassigned ### 8/5/2004 0:00

20053373 Spruce Base Lodge Stowe SMAC Tim Cropley 4/22/2005 0:00 1/13/2006 0:00

20043248 Spruce Peak Substation Stowe SMAC Richard Spiese 6/21/2004 0:00 ###

20063564 Sqauirs Residence Barre City SMAC Ashley Desmond 7/20/2006 0:00 7/20/2007 0:00

911109 Bellevue Hill LOW Matthew Becker

Ust Contamination. On September 2, 1994, owner Paul Simons called SMS and refused to cooperate with further investigation/sampling/ remediation activites, and as of this update (July 22nd, 1999), there hasn't been any activity in this file since. Site Investigation Report received 6/10/04. No further investigation needed. Recommend SMAC upon receipt of proper well closure. (C. Crehan, 7/1/04) Well closure reports received. SMAC designation issued. (C. Crehan, 8/11/04)

5781 Mountain Rd

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation performed. Groundwater samples were ND for VOCs. 16 yds of PCS were moved to the Tom Lot and will be managed under site # 2005-3320.

Route 108, Mount Mansfield

PCB oils found at substation over 50 ppb. PCBs found in soils around substation. EPA to take lead. Additional soil sampling, soil removal, PCB oil removal, and concrete removal proposed and approved. Work completed in August 2004. Approximately 60 tons of PCB contaminated soils and concrete shipped to NY for disposal.

15 Barre View Drive

Release detected during the removal of a heating oil UST. PID readings did not exceed 10 ppm. Groundwater in the UST grave showed no visible sheens. A sample taken from the neighbors water supply well showed no evidence of contamination. All other properties in the area are served by the municipal drinking water system. Screening of the indoor air showed no PID readings exceeding background concentrations.

St Albans Air Force Station

St Albans Town

Brownfield investigations completed. Areas areas of concern identified. Further Phase II work required prior to development of CAP.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (366)

890319 St Albans Bay Park St Albans NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

20012885 29 Bellows St SMAC Gerold Noyes 6/26/2001 0:00 8/6/2002 0:00890338 St Albans Co-op St Albans NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

911110 St Albans Co-op Creamery Deal St LOW Ongoing Monitoring, Site in Natural Attenuation. Richard Spiese 1/1/1991 0:00

972270 St Albans Colonial Mart 119 Swanton Rd LOW Richard Spiese 9/1/1997 0:00

20022953 St Albans Exxon Route 7 LOW Gerold Noyes ###

770197 St Albans Gas And Light MED SI Completed, Recommended for ESI Michael Smith870070 St Albans School St Albans NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

951810 South Main St SMAC Tim Cropley 5/1/1995 0:00 7/9/2003 0:00

20012928 St Francis Church 3 Saint Peter St Winooski SMAC Gerold Noyes 7/12/2001 0:00 ###

20063545 St Francis DeSales 238 W Main St Bennington SMAC Ashley Desmond 6/22/2006 0:00 6/13/2007 0:00

St Albans City Elem School

St Albans City

Transformer spill. Contam surface soils removed. Investigation completed. Confirmatory samples show no impact to GW. SMAC.

St Albans City

St Albans Town

UST Removed. Limited GW contamination. Site in Natural Attenuation monitoring.

St Albans City

USTs removed. Contam found. Investigation completed. 3 of 6 MWs above VGES. Biennial monitoring required

1/1/1900 12:00:00 AM

Corner Of Maple & Lasalle

St Albans City

St Albans Town Central School

St Albans Town

3 yds PCS was inadvertently mixed with clean fill and spread onsite during construction activities. PCS averaged 37 ppm when first stockpiled. Based on low soil volume, the SMS concluded no additional work warranted.

2 USTs removed. Soil contam found. Due to location of USTs, 2 investigations needed. Investigation complete. No impact to GW. Notice to Land Records for contam soils left in place. SMAC

Contamination was discovered in relation to two former underground storage tanks (USTs). No PID readings were conducted during the tank closure due to an equipment malfunction. Two monitoring wells were installed directly in each tank grave. No petroleum vapors or groundwater contamination was detected in either monitoring point. All properties in the vicinity of this site are served by the Bennington Municipal Water Supply System.

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20053319 ST Griswold Bennington SMAC Tim Cropley ### 7/28/2008 0:00

880274 39 Maple St. Hartford MED Linda Elliott

770080 St Johnsbury Dump High Street St Johnsbury MED Unassigned

962032 24 Western Ave St Johnsbury SMAC Contamination Limited To Ust Area. Site Closed. John Schmeltzer 7/1/1996 0:00 3/1/1997 0:00

931398 Main St St Johnsbury SMAC Sarah A. Bartlett 5/20/1993 0:00 1/28/2008 0:00

982356 St Johnsbury Rail Yard Rt 5 and Bay St St Johnsbury MED John Schmeltzer 4/1/1998 0:00

931415 Rt 5 St Johnsbury NFAP Unassigned 10/1/1995 0:00

206 Harwood Hill Rd

80 yds of PCS removed and stockpiled on site. Recovery well installed. MWs to be installed and investigation performed. GW dropped to below VGES and PCS shipped to ESMI. RW abandoned and 2 MWs being used for Morse Block Site # 97-2507.

St J Trucking-RSD Transportation

1988, 3 UST removed. Limited petroleum contamination. Groundwater sampling reveals solvent contamination possible from offsite source. ESA completed in 2002 with further investigation requested. April 2004 additonal work requested.

EPA contractor report completed. Site assigned low priority.

St Johnsbury Middle School

St Johnsbury Municipal Bldg

14 cubic yards petroleum contaminated soils stockpiled on-site following UST removal. Sampled Sept. 1994, PID readings ranged from 0 to 0.5 ppm. Soils thin-spread as requested by SMS, no record of when or where thin-spreading occured.

Nov 01: Based on soil samples collected throughout the central yard, no remediation is required to address PAHs in soil under current use. Additional samples were requested ti define the degree and extent of arsenic in surface soils and to determine if chromium VI is present in the soils.

St Johnsbury Subaru (former)

Gw Contam Confined Within Property Boundary. Invest Complete.

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972178 Almshouse Rd St Johnsbury MED Tami Wuestenberg 4/1/1997 0:00

941579 St Johnsbury Trucking St Johnsbury MED Tami Wuestenberg 3/1/1994 0:00

870091 St Johnsbury Trucking St Johnsbury NFAP Site Closed Unassigned880196 St Johnsbury Trucking Bennington NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

911157 Western Ave St Johnsbury MED Ashley Desmond890436 St Michaels College Colchester NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

931378 St Michaels College Colchester NFAP Invest Complete Unassigned/mg 7/1/1994 0:00

20063473 Main Campus Colchester LOW Matt Moran 1/13/2006 0:00

962125 Lime Kiln Rd Colchester SMAC Gerold Noyes 9/1/1996 0:00 1/1/1999 0:00

20093975 1 Winooski Park Colchester MED Gerold Noyes 8/10/2009 0:00

951868 College Parkway Colchester MED Matt Moran 8/1/1995 0:00

St Johnsbury Town Storage

07/02: Awaiting work plan in response to SMS letter and site meeting in June for further characterization, including installing at least one monitoring well.; 10/05: sent letter requesting work plan for supplemental site investigation. April 2006 - performing additional site characterization. Sent email to PRP and KAS on 1/23/07 requesting site status update.

68 - 76 Portland St

Last contact with owner was a 5/5/94 letter requesting further sampling and a workplan for soil treatment/disposal. As of this update there has been no further activity in file. (7/29/99). Sent another letter to RP in fall 2005.

St Johnsbury Water & Sewer

UST contamination found. Investigation required. Town manager (Mike Welch) contacted in 7/05, will conduct investigation. Said that he contacted John Malter to draft work plan. AD

56 College Pkwy, Winooski Park

St Michaels College - Joyce Hall

Source of oil in town sewers from 10,000 gallon heating oil UST. During UST closure 37 gal. oil removed from pit, and 40 yds soil removed & treated at ESMI. Biennial monitoring and product check 2010.

St Michaels College - Rescue Garage

Investigation completed. Minor impact to soils. SMAC

St Michaels College - Ryan Hall

UST removed, cntam found. Investigation needed.

1/1/1900 12:00:00 AM

St Michaels College - Senior Hall

>280 gal. gasoline recovered. Annual GW monitoring scheduled for 2008. Ongoing monthly product hand bailing. Additional characterization of source area 2008.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (369)

870102 St Michaels School Montpelier NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

911143 St Monica School 79 Summer St Barre City SMAC Soil Spread On Site Mike Young 9/28/1993 0:00

20073665 St Patricks Church 161 Church Rd Fairfield SMAC Ashley Desmond 6/21/2007 0:00 8/22/2008 0:00

20094007 St Pauls Catholic Church 358 Bonnet St Manchester MED Ashley Desmond ###

20094015 St Rose of Lima Parrish 501 US Rte 2 South Hero MED Unassigned 10/7/2009 0:00

20083794 St Thomas Church 6 Green St Underhill SMAC Ashley Desmond 5/7/2008 0:00 3/11/2008 0:00

20093894 LOW Richard Spiese 1/1/2009 0:00

941558 277 N Main St LOW Matt Moran 1/1/1994 0:00

20083818 LOW Phase 3-Delineation of contamination required. Matthew Becker ###

Contamination discovered during the removal of a heating oil UST. Groundwater and bedrock encountered below the tank. ISI indicated that contamination was limited the immediate vicinity of the former tank. Approx. 34 yards of soils removed. It appears the vertical limit of contamination was defined. The most recent water quality results from the monitoring wells and basem*nt sumps showed no detection of VOCs or TPH. PID readings of the indoor air adjacent to the tank were all 0.0 ppm. This property is served by the municipal drinking water system.

Petroleum found at 4.5 feet during Phase I. Dorr Oil to do exploratory work.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed.

Contamination discovered during the closure of a heating oil UST. No significant contamination detected during exploratory excavation and receptor survey. No elevated PIDs in nearby Church. Onsite drinking water well was ND for VOCs.

St. Albans Cooperative Creamery #4 UST

140 Federal Street

St Albans City

Soil contamination discovered during sewer work. Contamination from #4 fuel oil UST removal in 1989. Investigaiton or Notice to Land Record required. 30 cu. Yds. PCS stockpiled on site.

St. Albans Go Go (former Lesters)

St Albans City

Semiannual GW and annual PCS sampling 2008 for gasoline UST release(s). BOC new lead RP for GW, with shared role for new PCS work. Requested offsite soil gas survey fall 2008. Poquette soils monitored by S. French.

St. Albans Municipal Parking Lot No.1

St Albans City

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (370)

911016 St. Johnsbury Schools St Johnsbury SMAC Landfarm Completed Bob Haslam 1/13/1993 0:00

900536 St. Johnsbury Wwtf Bay St St Johnsbury NFAP Ust Contamination Found. Soils Stockpiled. Richard Spiese 1/1/1994 0:00

961965 Stacey Fuel And Lumber Depot St Windsor LOW Investigating Contamination Patricia Coppolino 12/1/1995 0:00

20073621 Stacey Residence 175 Hooker Rd Leicester LOW Bob Haslam ###

770017 Staco Poultney SMAC Michael Smith

951793 Stafford Residence 6 Chestnut Hill Brattleboro NFAP Unassigned/jf 6/1/1995 0:00 6/1/1995 0:00

982380 Stagecoach Facility 14 S Main St Randolph MED Gerold Noyes 5/1/1998 0:00

20093947 Stall Residence 151 Dwight rd Hartford MED Ashley Desmond 6/26/2009 0:00

941559 Stambersky Property Killington SMAC Remediation Completed, site SMACed. Bob Haslam 11/7/2000 0:00

20023006 Staples Plaza 861 Williston Rd SMAC Gerold Noyes 6/21/2002 0:00 1/23/2003 0:00

20002780 Starksboro Country Store Route 116 Starksboro MED Sarah A. Bartlett 6/9/2000 0:00

982546 Starr Transportation Inc Main St Troy MED Unassigned 12/3/1998 0:00

St. Johnsbury Center St

Petroleum impacted drinking water supply POET installed. Investigation completed, water supply no longer impacted, POET removed.

Beaman Road, Route 30

In Redevel Of Contam Properties program. The Certificate of Completion has been issued. No further work is required. Site has received SMAC letter

Sites Mgmnt Complete, Minimal Release/risk, Site Closed

Phase 2 ESA found VOC soil contam. 4 MWs installed. 4/00, 7/00, 7/6/01,7/11/02, 7/11/03, 7/7/05 all wells above VGES, 2009 CAP complete, waiting for funds to implement

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed.

Roaring Brook Rd

South Burlington

USTs removed. Contam found. 5 MWs ND, tank pit MW slightly above VGES, no other impact to receptors, SMAC.

Requested MW closure 05/20/04. Wells not yet closed.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (371)

20093905 Montpelier NFAP Matthew Becker 2/5/2009 0:00 2/6/2009 0:00

972323 State Police Barracks Route 104 LOW Richard Spiese 12/1/1997 0:00

20083880 State Street Gulf State St. Montpelier MED Ashley Desmond 6/20/2007 0:00

961990 State Street School Windsor SMAC Matt Moran 4/1/1996 0:00 12/1/1996 0:00

20073674 Stedman Property 33 Elm St Randolph MED Ashley Desmond 8/10/2007 0:00890401 Steele Mobil 83 Main Street Middlebury NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

20022962 Steeles Mobil 83 Main St Middlebury SMAC Gerold Noyes 6/11/2001 0:00 7/27/2005 0:00

20073673 Steiner Property Woodstock SMAC Ashley Desmond 7/3/2007 0:00 6/6/2008 0:00

State of Vermont Land on Taylor Street

Arsenic and PAHs in surficial soils greater than residential and industrial criteria-resultant from railroad use. Concentrations do not pose risk for current siteuse, railroad. Redevelopment of property for other use/zoning would require management of soils. Investigations were conducted in anticipation of consolidation and redevelopment of this property with the adjacent Carr Lot property.

St Albans Town

Limited GW contamination discovered. Site in Natural Attenuation monitoring.

Leak identified in dispenser during an inspection by the UST Program during Summer, 2007. Gasoline was leaking from the suction dispenser directly into the subsurface. NOAV issued requiring subsurface investigation be completed. NOAV closed upon receipt of workplan from Aquaterra. Project transferred to SMS at that time (August 2007). Site investigation will be completed during Winter, 2009.

State And Ascutney St

All PCS excavated and successfully treated. Site closed.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed.

UST removed. Contam found. See Closed Site #890401. 8/12/03 1 of 3 MWs above VGES. 8/2004 2 of 4 MWs below VGES, 2 ND. SMAC

6402 Folding Hills Rd

Release detected during the removal of a UST. It appears that the bulk of contamination was excavated during the tank removal. No significant contamination detected in a post-excavation sample. On site water supply well was found to be free of contamination. Soils were properly disposed of at ESMI in Louden, NH.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (372)

992702 Steinman Property Berlin SMAC Gerold Noyes 11/2/1999 0:00 7/18/2002 0:00

890371 Steins Beverage Outlet NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

900580 Sterling College Main St Craftsbury SMAC Lynda Provencher 4/1/1998 0:00

951854 Stevens Property Mc Iver Rd Vershire MED Determine Degree And Extent Of Contamination Unassigned

20053439 Stewart Property Route 2 Danville SMAC Ashley Desmond 8/26/2005 0:00 12/8/2005 0:00

972276 Stewarts Food Mart 60 West St Rutland City HIGH Linda Elliott 7/1/1997 0:00

982552 Stewarts Ice Cream Main St Arlington SMAC Richard Spiese ### 5/11/2004 0:00

972212 Stewarts Shop 713 Main St Bennington SMAC Richard Spiese 5/1/1997 0:00 11/1/1998 0:00

961959 Stewarts Shop Fair Haven HIGH Richard Spiese 1/1/1996 0:00

992635 Stewarts Shop #199 Route 7 Pownal SMAC Richard Spiese 6/1/1999 0:00 8/25/2000 0:00

770195 Sto Industries Rutland NFAP Unassigned

20073633 Stockbridge Town Garage Blackmer Blvd Stockbridge MED Ashley Desmond 1/9/2007 0:00

161 Barre-Montpelier Rd

UST removed. Contam found. Investigation completed. 4/00 1 MW above VGES. 10/00 1 MW slightly bove VGES. 10/01 4 o4 MWs ND. SMAC


Stockpiled Soils Clean, Spread And Seeded On Site

Underground storage tank closed in place. Contamination found. Investigation needed. Property was once a auto repair business. GeoInsight will conducted limited site investigation. ISI found no significant impact to nearby receptors, including surface water and drinking water. Any remaining contamination is somewhat contained below the on-slab foundation of the garage.

Gasoline contamination from UST. Quarterly groundwater monitoring. Offsite migration of contamination. Next round Spring 2008.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Low level groundwater contamination in on-site monitoring wells below GWESs after monitoring.

Ust Removal. Contamination Found. Investigation showed no GW impacts.

Route 4 A & Dutton Ave

1100-1200 Gal Release Over 2 Mos. Remediation Continues.

upgrade tank tops and add pump island. Contamination found. Investigation shows no groundwater contamination.

Limited Contamination, Soil Removed, Site Closed

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (373)

770062 3 Wall Street Northfield MED Tami Wuestenberg

982344 Stone Gate Farm Maple Hill Rd Shaftsbury SMAC Unassigned 3/11/1998 0:00 4/12/2001 0:00

20063474 Stone Residence Hartford SMAC Ashley Desmond 11/7/2005 0:00 11/6/2006 0:00

890435 Stones Garage Barre City NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

992643 Stones Service Center Barre City MED Unassigned 6/10/1999 0:00

951872 Stones Texaco P O Box 3 Fairfield MED Ashley Desmond 9/1/1995 0:00

Stoddard Enterprises Incorp.

EPA NFRAP Sept 98, Phase II reviewed, additional investigation report under review. Potential purchaser may do further investigation, expecting workplan fall 2005.

Underground Storage Tank Removad And Contamination Found. Investigation And Remediation Underway. (9/10/99)

22 Maplewood Terrace

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. The Johnson Company conducted initial investigation activities at the site which involved the installation of several soil borings. No groundwater was present at the site to a depth of over 30 feet below grade. Soil samples taken at this depth showed elevated levels of contaminants, though EPA Region IX Standards for residential properties. This residence and all surrounding properties are served by the municipal water system. The basem*nt of the residence was thoroughly screened using a PID and showed no evidence of contamination.

Washington Street

133 Washington St

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed. Closed Site #890435

Last contact with owner was an October 2, 1995 letter requesting he hire a contractor to determine the degree and extent of contamination and to assess any potential receptors in the area. As of this update there has been no respone and no further activity in this file. (8/4/99)

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (374)

20012867 Trapp Hill Rd Stowe MED Brian Woods

961957 Stowe Auto Mountain Rd Stowe HIGH Richard Spiese 3/1/1996 0:00

20002776 Stowe Car Wash Route 100 Stowe HIGH Richard Spiese 5/22/2000 0:00

931385 Stowe Hardware Main St Stowe NFAP Site Assess Completed Lynda Provencher 1/1/1994 0:00

20002815 Stowe SMAC Bruce Linton 6/8/2000 0:00 10/9/2002 0:00

20002741 Stowe Oil Co Foundry St Morristown MED Gerold Noyes ###

Stonybrook Condominiums

Broken fuel line at Bldg #3 Units 6-7-8 resulted in release of fuel oil discovered in 2001. The UST from this building was removed in May 2005, along with approximately 30 cubic yards (46 tons) of petroleum contaminated soil from the piping release and the monitoring well in this area. All excavated soil was transported off-site for treatment and disposal. No further action required. Removal of UST from Bldg #1 Units 1-2-3 in May 2004. Low concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbons detected in groundwater, but no regulated substances. Land record notice posted for residual contamination. No further action required.

1750 Gallon Release From UST. Active remediation (SVE) has been completed. The system has been dismantled. Oxygen injection with groundwater monitoring is currently being evaluated at the site.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Contaminated drinking water supplies confirmed. SVE pilot test completed and was sucessful. A PFP contract was finalized in 2002. A Corrective Action Plan was completed in late 2002. A SVE/AS system is expected to be installed in the spring of 2003.

Stowe Mtn Resort Base Lodge UST

Stowe Mountain Resort

Abandon UST discovered in June 2000. Monitoring wells installed. Groundwater monitoring ongoing. Wells closed, site SMACed in October 2002.

Former bulk facility. Investigation complete. 8/7/00 5 of 12 wells above VGES, 5 of 12 wells with 0.01-0.04' free product, 12/5/00 CAFI complete 4/12 wells FP, 4/12 above VGES

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (375)

972293 Stowe Post Office 105 Depot St Stowe SMAC Unassigned 12/1/1997 0:00 9/29/2003 0:00951829 Stowe Quick Mart 75 S Main St Stowe LOW ISI needed. 3d request sent 12/29/09. Sarah A. Bartlett 6/1/1995 0:00

20063529 Stowe Rec Center Office 254 Park St Stowe SMAC Ashley Desmond 5/9/2006 0:00 1/9/2009 0:00

931539 Stowe School Route 108 Stowe SMAC Richard Spiese 1/1/1994 0:00 2/1/1996 0:00

20073675 Stowe Village Apartments Stowe SMAC Ashley Desmond 7/25/2007 0:00 1/10/2008 0:00

20033083 Stoweflake Inn Stowe SMAC Unassigned 1/13/2003 0:00 2/11/2003 0:00

Ust Removed. Contamination Found. Investigation completed, and contam. soils were approved for excavation and disposal at ESMI. This occurred on June 5, 1998. No futher activity required.

Contamination discovered during the removal of a heating oil UST. Five monitoring wells installed at the property. Source area well was the only well with contamination above the VGES during five monitoring events. Trace levels of freon detected in wells- possibly from nearby hockey rink. Nearest building is slab on-grade, which may limit the risk of vapor intrusion. Water is supplied by the municipal system. Monitoring wells properly abandoned.

Investigation Completed, No Risk To Gw, Site Closed.

Unit 10 & 11, 287 Mountain Rd

Contamination discovered during the removal of a heating oil UST. Four soil borings were advanced at the property in the vicinity of the former UST. No elevated PID readings recorded during the boring installation. Bedrock refusal was encountered from 5 to 9 feet below grade- no groundwater was encountered in any boring. Confirmatory soil samples collected from the bottom of each boring were all non-detect for petroleum compounds. Screening of the indoor air spaces adjacent to the former tank with a PID showed no elevated readings. All properties in this area are served by the municipal drinking water system.

2077 Mountain Rd

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed. Soils certified destroyed at ESMI 02/07/2003. SMAC.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (376)

20063601 Strafford Town Garage Rte 132 Strafford MED John Schmeltzer 10/5/2006 0:00

20094001 22 Stratton Rd Rutland City MED Unassigned ###941584 Stratton Mountain Ski Area Stratton LOW Monitoring Ongoing, Heating Oil Releases Bob Haslam870079 Stratton Mountain Stratton NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

962081 Stratton SMAC Site SMACed January 1999. Bruce Linton 1/21/1999 0:00

961950 Stratton SMAC Bruce Linton ###

972144 Stratton SMAC Bruce Linton 2/1/1997 0:00 8/30/1999 0:00

931494 Mountain Rd Winhall SMAC Site SMACed. Bruce Linton 11/1/1993 0:00 1/27/1999 0:00

911154 Stratton Mtn Inn Maple Ridge Rd Stratton LOW Tami Wuestenberg 10/1/1991 0:00

992651 Stratton Soil Site Stratton SMAC Bruce Linton 8/27/1999 0:00 2/12/2002 0:00

931495 Stratton Town Garage Mountain Rd. Stratton SMAC Matt Moran 11/1/1993 0:00 1/22/2001 0:00

20022985 Strickholm Farm 26 Mill Road Lincoln SMAC Gerold Noyes 4/30/2002 0:00 7/9/2007 0:00

2 underground storage tanks removed. Contamination found. First letter sent requiring additional investigation on November 20, 2006. This site was previously listed as #88-0228.

Stratford Technical Center (Rutland HS)

Underground tank release. 2000 gal fuel oil leak. Arranged for tank pull.

Stratton Mountain Energy Center

Stratton Mountain Resort

Stratton Mountain Maintenance Facility

Stratton Mountain

Remediation Complete. Ongoing Groundwater Monitoring. Site SMACed November 2000.

Stratton Mtn - Sun Bowl Area

Stratton Mtn Resort

Removal of Compressor Pad and underlying contaminated soil in September 1998. Site SMACed August 1999.

Stratton Mtn Golf Maintainance Center

Soil thin spread in the fall of 1997. SMAC planned in the spring of 2003. Waiting on proof of well abandonment, spoke with RPs lawyers fall 2005. Property sold, Sent new owners correspondence in May 2006 and again January 2007 requesting the wells to be abandoned then site can be SMACd.

Stratton Mountain Road

Contaminated soil stockpiled from a number of other Stratton sites. SVE system constructed. Remediation completed. Site SMACed February 2002.

GW monitoring completed, contaminants below standards. Petroleum contaminated soil treated and used as road fill. Site closed.

Gasoline UST, 2 55-gal drums, fuel oil AST removed, soil & GW contam detected. Site investigation complete. 5/10/02, 4/26/04 1 of 4 MWs above VGES, biennial monitor, SMAC

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (377)

992620 Strong Property 1995 Center Rd LOW Bob Haslam 6/1/1999 0:00

941562 Strongs Ave Rutland City MED Linda Elliott 3/1/1994 0:00

20033140 295 West St Rutland City MED Michael Smith 7/1/2003 0:00911045 Sudbury General Store Rt 73 Sudbury NFAP Site Closed Unassigned 4/2/1993 0:00

992679 Sudbury Town Hall Route 30 Sudbury SMAC Chuck Schwer 9/27/1999 0:00 1/2/2001 0:00880204 Sugar House Johnson NFAP Site Closed Unassigned870159 Sugarbush Warren NFAP Site Closed Unassigned770163 Sugarbush Waitsfield NFAP Pcb Soil Cleanup, Site Closed Unassigned

972132 Sugarbush North Mt Ellen Warren SMAC Bruce Linton 1/20/2000 0:00

982375 Sugarbush Service Station Rt 100 Warren SMAC Gerold Noyes 4/1/1998 0:00 2/1/1999 0:00

East Montpelier

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation conducted.

Strongs Ave Stewarts Ice Cream

GWES exceeded. Quarterly groundwater monitoring. Offsite impacts to neighboring property.

Suburban VT (Former Agway Bulk Plant)

Historical AST releases at site. No UST's on property but releases have occurred at adjacent properties. Jco's sampling event in December 2005 showed petroleum compounds as well as some PCE in groundwater. Source of PCE looks to be offsite, but Jco will investigate further. Based on results of investigations by Stone Env. For the SMS, GE Aviation has retained ERM to conduct further site investigations of the extent of chlorinated solvent contamination including investigating and addressing as necessary indoor air issues

Heating Oil UST found to be leaking. Tank has been removed from ground. Soil and groundwater cleanup completed.

Soil sampling completed. Soil thinspread on-site. Site SMACed January 2000.

UST removed. Contamination Found. Investigation completed. MTBE contamination found below VGES. SMAC

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (378)

870103 Sugarbush South Warren LOW Tami Wuestenberg

20093979 Sugarhouse Motel New Haven MED Gerold Noyes 8/27/2009 0:00

982396 Sugarwood Ridge Route 7 Pittsford SMAC Unassigned 2/1/1998 0:00 1/5/1999 0:00911139 Suicide Six Stage Rd Pomfret NFAP Low/closed Unassigned/caw 9/14/1992 0:00

20063549 Sullivan Property 34 Maple Rd Stowe SMAC Ashley Desmond 4/28/2006 0:00 10/9/2006 0:00

20043259 Summers Residence South Hero SMAC Gerold Noyes 8/12/2004 0:00 ###

931501 Summit Lodge Killington HIGH Bob Haslam 12/1/1993 0:00

911062 Sunny Hollow Quick Stop Colchester MED Ashley Desmond ###

Sugarbush Access Rd

Soil vapor extraction complete. 10/2005 - Reduced to Quarterly FP checks; semi-annual groundwater monitoring is ongoing. Elevated Freon levels found however levels are decreasing and no sensitive receptors are impacted. 08/06 - Quarterly FP checks to continue in MW-7; however very low VOCs downgradient, therefore reduced to annual monitoring in spring. Next WQ event scheduled for May 2007. Annual WQ ongoing.

202 Ethan Allen Highway

UST removed. Contam found. Investigation needed.

UST Removed. Contamination Found. Investigation completed: SMS reccomended basem*nt air monitoring onsite, feeling that risk for futher contamination was "minimal", in a February 4, 1999 letter. (9/13/99)

Underground storage tankremoved. Limited contamination found in tank area. Degree and extent of contamination appears to have been defined and removed from this area. SMS requested that a sample be taken from the onsite well before closure. No detectable levels of contamination were found in the water supply well sample.

317 West Shore Rd

UST removed. Contam found. Investigation complete. Shallow GW not present. Supply well tested ND. SMAC

Killington Access Rd

Remediation and monitoring ongoing. 38 water supplies impacted.

97 Roosevelt Hgwy (Rt 7)

Real Estate Transaction Discovered Contamination. SMS requested additional site investigation work in several letters issued from 1993-2005. Sent another letter requesting si in November, 2008. Workplan approved for site investigation on 12/15/2008.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (379)

972245 Grafton SMAC Richard Spiese 8/1/1997 0:00 7/5/2006 0:00

20033126 Sunrise General Store Rts 100 and 4 Bridgewater MED Unassigned 5/13/2003 0:00

931507 Sunset Pond Brookfield LOW PAHs identified in pond sediments Bob Haslam

770193 Hinesburg SMAC Linda Elliott890312 Superior Muffler St Albans NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

900605 Superior Muffler/Mobil Lake St LOW Richard Spiese 1/1/1990 0:00

770067 Main St Proctor SMAC Brian Woods 9/1/1997 0:00

870054 Swanton Bait And Tackle Route 78 Swanton LOW Richard Spiese 1/1/1987 0:00

962049 Swanton Car Wash 128 Grand Ave Swanton LOW Matt Moran 10/1/1996 0:00

961960 Swanton Exxon Route 78 and I 89 Swanton MED Matt Moran 4/1/1996 0:00

972168 43 First St Swanton SMAC Michael Smith 4/1/1997 0:00 ###

951849 Swanton Municipal Bldg 120 First St Swanton MED Unassigned 9/1/1995 0:00921295 Swanton Town Garage Fourth St Swanton NFAP Gwes's Met In All Mw's Matthew Becker 11/1/1994 0:00

20002839 Sweat Commings Main St Richford MED

Sunoco Station-Grafton Village Garage

Route 121, Main St

Ust Removed. Contamination Found. MNA has moved site to MW closurer point. MWs closed and site SMACed 7/5/2006.

4 underground storage tanks removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed. See closed site 19880231

Near Floating Bridge

Sunset Villa Mobile Home Park Well

Hinesburg-Richmond Rd

CERCLA Site Discovery 1991; NFRAP 2000. No additional work under state program.

St Albans City

Pet Contam On Site Invest Proceeding.RLVallee proceding with investigation and monitoring.

Sutherland Falls Quarry Dump

Site is abandoned quarry used for disposal of marble scrap, metal and other debris.

Remediation Shut Down. Site In Natural Attenuation

Biennial GW monitoring, next round fall 2009; summer '01 offsite MTBE investigation did not reveal source. MTBE impacted supply well for former car wash. Air monitoring confirmed lack of ambient air impact.

Requested additional site assessment 9/13/96. OVERDUE

Swanton Laundromat & Dry Cleaners

low levels of PCE in groundwater Remedial System Constructed Remediation completed

Last contact with owner was a September 26, 1995 letter requesting that he hire a contractor for testing to determine the degree and extent of contamination. As of this update, there has been no reply and no activity in this file since. (8/3/99)

S.I. ongoing. Demolition ongoing. Drum removed. On site UST removed. GW sampling. SI report received 5/19/06. May 23, 2006 DEC response, more investigation needed into perforated UST.

Hugo Martinez Cazon

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (380)

911121 Sweet And Burt Wabun Ave Morristown MED Richard Spiese 1/1/1991 0:00900556 Sweet And Burt Stowe NFAP Site Closed Unassigned870059 Sweet And Burt Johnson NFAP Site Closed Unassigned870165 Sweet And Burt Elmore NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

972128 Route 100 Stowe MED Richard Spiese

972129 Creamery St Hardwick SMAC GWES met on site, Site Closed Mike Young 11/1/1997 0:00

982413 Sweet Briar Country Store Route 9 Marlboro SMAC Same as Site number 911042. Richard Spiese 5/26/1998 0:00 6/4/1999 0:00

20022992 Sweet Residence Chester SMAC Linda Elliott 5/1/2002 0:00 ###20083776 Swirl Putney LOW Richard Spiese 1/1/2008 0:00

20073730 Swish Facility 703 Pine St Burlington SMAC Ashley Desmond 9/25/2007 0:00 5/6/2008 0:00

992578 SMAC Richard Spiese 1/1/1999 0:00 ###

Soil excavated, semi-annual groundwater monitoring.

Sweet And Burt Bulk Facility

Site Closed #900556. 300 cy soil excavated, semiannual screening. Annual groundwater monitoring.

Sweet And Burt Bulk Facility

350 Route 103 South

#2 fuel oil UST removed. Soil and groundwater contamination investigated. 1,3,5 trimethylbenzene below GWES. No further work requested.

Contamination discovered during the closure of a heating oil UST. It was originally speculated that there had been a gasoline release in the vicinity of the UST due to high PID readings, but the VOC analysis indicated a profile similar to heating oil. Investigation at this site included a boring into a sump in the warehouse floor. No elevated VOCs were encountered during the installation of this boring. Napthalene remains slightly above the VGES in the vicinity of the heating oil UST, but has declined steadily over three sampling events. No elevated PIDs recorded from the indoor air screening event. This property and all adjacent properties are served by the municipal drinking water system.

Switchyard Shopping Center

120-129 Lake Street

St Albans City

Phase II Assessment found soil and groundwater contamination. Corrective Action limits risk with property notice.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (381)

941689 Sylvesters Store Rt 118 Montgomery LOW Matt Moran 10/1/1994 0:00

20002822 Szczerbak Residence 35 Pheasant Way SMAC Gerold Noyes 10/6/2000 0:00 ###880231 T C's General Store Bridgewater NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

972159 T-bird Mini Mart Rockingham SMAC Soil Boring Showed No Groundwater Impact Unassigned 4/1/1997 0:00 11/1/1997 0:00

20083851 T-Bird Mini Mart 46 - 50 Clinton St Springfield MED UST overfill. Product to sewer system and street. Tami Wuestenberg 9/17/2008 0:00961972 Taft Corners Short Stop 450 Essex Rd Williston MED Free product on site, CAP being developed Michael Smith 4/1/1996 0:00

972311 Taft School Burlington LOW Annual GW monitoring. Tim Cropley 10/1/1997 0:00

972264 Tafts Service Center Hartford SMAC Unassigned 9/1/1997 0:00 9/1/1998 0:00

931424 Tallmans Store Rt 109, Box 122 Belvidere HIGH Matt Moran 7/1/1993 0:00

941740 Tamarack Automotive 53 Sears Lane Burlington LOW Linda Elliott 1/1/1995 0:00870135 Tanny Whitingham NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

770194 Tarbox Monitor Wells Barton NFAP Linda Elliott

951785 Tater Hill Country Club Windham SMAC Matt Moran 7/1/1995 0:00 6/8/2004 0:00921306 Tatro Residence Golf Course Rd Richford NFAP Monitoring Ongoing Bob Haslam 6/1/1993 0:00

962013 Taylor Appliance 51 Berlin St Montpelier SMAC All Mw's Non-detect. Richard Spiese 8/1/1996 0:00 9/1/1997 0:00

Biennial GW monitoring, next round spring 2010; standards attainment expected w/in next couple rounds. Summer '08 soil thin spread offsite following treatment & MW repair/closure work done. ORC socks initial success in MW-105 rebounded upon removal.

South Burlington

UST removed. Contam found. Investigation completed. Spring 2004 no impact to GW. SMAC

124 Rockingham St

14 South Williams St

Taft And Hewitt St

Investigation complete. Contamination minimal. Site closed.

Gasoline USTs have impacted GW and North Branch. Work resumed 2008. Additional wells and sampling scheduled for 2008.

Ongoing routine monitoring. VT GWES exceeded in 2 wells. Recent increase in contamination warranting more frequent monitoring schedule. No known receptors impacted. Next round December 2009.

School & East Streets

Dec Preliminary Assessment Completed 11/90. Nfrap.

Popple Dungeon Rd

Gasoline UST contamination to soil and GW. Overdue work finally completed - precipitated by pending property transaction. Followup work found no remaining evidence of contamination.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (382)

20073677 Taylor Parking Lot Montpelier SMAC Ashley Desmond 6/11/2007 0:00 7/31/2008 0:00

20063602 Taylor Residence 824 Perini RD Newbury LOW Bob Haslam ###

20033127 Taylor Residence 34 Skyline Drive Essex SMAC Unassigned 6/18/2003 0:00 2/26/2004 0:00

900557 Taylor's Automotive Main Street Barton NFAP Unassigned

992670 Teago General Store 2035 Stage Rd Pomfret LOW Gerold Noyes 8/30/1999 0:00870064 Tebco Ii Middlebury NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

972219 Technology Park SMAC Lynda Provencher 8/1/1997 0:00 3/1/1998 0:00

972240 Ted Green Ford Route 100 Stockbridge SMAC Unassigned 8/1/1997 0:00 5/5/1999 0:00

972150 Teddy Bear Common Shelburne Rd Shelburne SMAC Michael Smith 3/1/1997 0:00 12/8/2005 0:00

Taylor & State Sts

Contamination discovered during the removal of an abandoned UST. Lab samples indicate this was most likely a gas tank (MTBE present). REA conducted an investigation. No significant groundwater contamination was recorded in the area. All properties in this area are served by the municipal drinking water system. There is limited risk to receptors from any residual contamination.

AST release to basem*nt. Groundwater/Product recovery and SVE system installed.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed. 7 cubic yards PCS stockpiled onsite. Soils shipped to ESMI 6/27/2003. Site restoration completed 11/11/2003. SMAC

No Impact To Sensitive Receptors, Site Assess Completed

UST removed. Contamin found. Investigation complete. 3/15, 8/22, 12/15/00, 4/17, 11/2/01, 4/4/02, 4/4/03, 3/29/04, 4/06, 5/08 VGES exceedences. Soil stockpile ready for thin spread. Concentration decreasing. biennial monitor

30 Community Drive

South Burlington

No Groundwater Contamination Found In Downgradient Mw's

Ust Removed. Contamination Found. Investigation completed. Site closed.

Remedial System constructed and operating Remediation complete. SMAC designation 21 Dec 05.

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20073634 Templewood Court 5 Tremont St Rutland City SMAC Ashley Desmond ### 6/20/2008 0:00

20043263 Ten Acres Lodge 14 Barrows Rd Stowe SMAC Gerold Noyes 8/11/2004 0:00 6/15/2007 0:00

972163 Tenney Brook Market 217 N Main St Rutland City SMAC Tim Cropley 4/1/1997 0:00 7/2/1999 0:00

20002694 Tenzer Residence Ledge Road Benson NFAP Bob Haslam

961987 Tewksbury Store 2 Weston St Randolph MED Matt Moran 4/1/1996 0:00

870098 Texaco Food Mart 129 Main Street Ludlow MED Richard Spiese 1/1/1987 0:00

20043253 Thatcher Brook Inn Waterbury SMAC Ashley Desmond 7/22/2004 0:00 12/4/2006 0:00890474 The A. Johnson Co. Route 116 Bristol NFAP Landfarm In Progress Unassigned

Contamination discovered during the removal of three heating oil USTs at the property. No significant contamination was detected in soils or groundwater during the initial site investigation activities, which included the installation of three wells in the vicinity of each tank. All properties in this area are served by the municipal drinking water system. Screening of the indoor air in nearby buildings revealed no elevated PID readings. Monitoring wells have been abandoned.

2 USTs removed. Contamin found. Expressway, investigation complete, annual monitor, all 3 MWs ND VOC, tank pit MW 7.5 mg/l TPH, supply wells ND SMAC

Groundwater sampling completed. Groundwater enforcement standards met on entire site.

On site petroleum spill contaminated bedrock supply well. Well no longer impacted

UST investigation overdue. Requested workplan again with due date of 11/28/97. Needs enforcement division assistance.

Site reopened 11/98, Additional investigation requested.

1017 Waterbury-Stowe Rd

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. SMS approved EIV plan for subsurface investigation in the Fall of 2005. Investigation report submitted in August of 2006. Limited contamination was discovered downgradient of the former UST. PID readings of indoor air showed no detection of volatile compounds. Nearby water supply well tested and showed no detection of petroleum compounds.

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911019 The Bay Store Rt 36 LOW Richard Spiese 1/1/1991 0:00

931461 The Book Press Brattleboro NFAP Site Invest Needed, Leaking Ust's Unassigned 9/1/1993 0:00 4/1/1993 0:00

951938 N Main St Hartford SMAC Unassigned/jf 12/1/1995 0:00 4/1/1996 0:00

972246 The Car Store Route 5 South Norwich SMAC Unassigned 8/1/1997 0:00 9/1/1998 0:00

972203 The Deli At Killington Killington LOW Linda Elliott 7/1/1997 0:00

941672 The Harmonyville Store Rt 30 Townshend SMAC Lynda Provencher 9/1/1994 0:00 9/1/1997 0:00870101 The Lodge, My Snow Dover NFAP Site Closed Unassigned880261 The Public Warehouse Essex NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

941671 Elm Lea Farm Putney MED John Schmeltzer 9/1/1996 0:00

20053347 The Rose Bowl Route 12 Randolph MED Unassigned 4/8/2005 0:00

931473 The Smokehouse Rt 30 Newfane NFAP Unassigned 4/1/1994 0:00

20073635 4945 Main Street Manchester MED Michael Smith 2/16/2007 0:00

St Albans Town

Remediation of GW P&T and bioventing/sparging completed. Gw Monitoriing Continues (former Edgewater Mkt). Site conditions make site close to SMAC.

P O Box 8282, Putney Rd

The Boston And Maine Corp

Petro Contam Soil Disposed, Investigation Complete

Investigation completed. No contamination to water supply. Site closed.

Route 4 and Route 100

USTs closed in 1997. Soil and groundwater impacted. GWES exceeded in one onsite wells. Annual groundwater monitoring. Sewer line work spring 2009 encountered PCS. Soils removed to ESMI. Next round of monitoring June 2010. Evaluate for SMAC eligibility.

No Gw Contamination - Stockpiled Soil Spread On Site

The Putney School - Keep House

Approved Workplan To Screen Basem*nt For Voc's

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed. Degree and extent of PCS not defined during closure activities. Work plan submitted by KAS and approved in Jul 05.

Need Soil Plan And Further Define Contamination

The Village Valet Dry Cleaner

The site is a small dry cleaner located on property owned by Joan Miller. She was informed of on site contamiantion in June 2006 in response to a Phase 1 investigation by H&N. Although H&N told her she needed to contact the state, she did not. The Dry Cleaner's insurance company is paying for an investigation of the site. There is also a drycleaner located next door to this facility.

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992599 Thetford Auto Rt 113 Thetford SMAC Unassigned 3/31/1999 0:00 6/5/1999 0:00

20022996 2689 Route 113 Thetford SMAC Unassigned 4/15/2002 0:00 2/19/2003 0:00

20053374 Thetford Town Garage Route 113 Thetford LOW Patricia Coppolino ###

890462 Thetford Town Garage Thetford SMAC Unassigned

931440 Thetford Village Store Rt 113 Thetford NFAP Determine Degree And Extent Of Contamination Unassigned 8/1/1993 0:00 8/1/1994 0:00

941569 Thibideau Property Route 5 Hartford SMAC GWES met on site. No furrther action necessary. Linda Elliott 3/1/1994 0:00 9/9/2003 0:00

20012854 Thoma Residence 23 Hill Side St Newport City SMAC Gerold Noyes 2/14/2001 0:00 5/21/2001 0:00

20083767 Thomae Property Warren SMAC Unassigned ###

20023018 124 Oak Hill Rd Williston SMAC Gerold Noyes 6/20/2002 0:00 7/9/2003 0:00890339 Thomas Hudon Getty Brattleboro NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

911001 Thomas Residence Hinesburg Rd. Guilford NFAP Soils Remediated. No Gw Impacts. ###

20043219 Thompson Residence 1054 Eureka Rd Springfield SMAC Gerold Noyes 6/1/2004 0:00 1/28/2005 0:00

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed.

Thetford Elementary School

Underground storage tank removed. Investigation and cleanup completed. Site SMACed on 2/19/2003.

Phase II completed by Griffin identified elevated levels of cVOCs, PAHs and arsenic in surficial soils. VHB currently conducting a supplemental Phase II with EPA assessment money through TRORC Refer to 890462 (Tank Pull)


UST removed. Some contam found. 4 soil borings installed, Nondetect VOCs & TPH. GW not encountered. SMAC

1911 Roxbury Mountain Rd

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Six soil borings detected bedrock at appx. 6.5 feet below grade. No groundwater found. VOC soil analysis detected low concentrations in the source area soils, but below that of EPA region 9 soil standards. Water supply tested non-detect for VOC's. Site closed 1/16/09.

Thomas Chittenden Health Center

Holes in UST found during removal. Investigation complete. Tank pit GW & soil above VGES. No impact outside of tank area. SMAC

Unassigned/richard Spiese

USTremoved. Soil contam and holes in UST found. Investigation complete. No impact to GW. SMAC

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941732 Thompsons Drive Essex SMAC Closed Michael Smith 1/1/1996 0:00911148 Thompsons Garage Route 12 Woodstock LOW Remediation and moitoring completed Bob Haslam

20053370 Thrane Residence 5606 Peabody Rd Woodstock SMAC Ashley Desmond 4/15/2005 0:00 ###

992675 Thrasher Residence 4 Glinney Place Montpelier SMAC Gerold Noyes 8/19/1999 0:00 2/11/2000 0:00

921303 Middlesex SMAC Matt Moran ### 9/21/1998 0:00

972145 Thresher Residence Union Brook Rd Northfield SMAC Tim Cropley 2/1/1997 0:00 6/1/1998 0:00

20023005 Thunder Road Racetrack Quarry Hill Rd Barre City SMAC Bruce Linton 6/24/2002 0:00 8/31/2004 0:00

20093951 Thurston Residence MED Bob Haslam

20053369 Tilton Property VT Rt 109 Cambridge SMAC Gerold Noyes 5/19/2005 0:00 10/7/2005 0:00

19 Thompsons Drive

Contamination discovered during the removal of a heating oil UST. Tank was sitting on bedrock.. Two samples from the onsite bedrock supply well were ND for VOCs. Well is located approximately 50 feet from the former tank. Four soil borings installed around the source area- no elevated PID readings detected. No significant groundwater was encountered above the bedrock surface. No elevated PID readings recorded in the basem*nt next to the tank grave. Basem*nt has a dirt floor.

UST removed. Contamination found. Investigation completed. Hand augured soil borings down gradient of former tank found no VOCs by PID, lab soil sample was ND for 8021B & TPH, no ground water encountered. SMAC

Three Mile Corp. Frmr.Benoit/Maxham Bldg

Three Mile Bridge Rd

Institutional controls (ie notice to landrecord) in lieu of ongoing BTEX & TCE groundwater sampling. No remaining contaminants in supply well. SMAC designation completed.

Contaminated Soil Removed For Treatment. Awaiting Update. Clean-up complete.

Dump site discovered on the property. Work Plan was submitted in 12/02. Site Investigation planned in the winter of 2003. Site Investigation completed in 2004 and the site was SMACed in 08/04.

East Montpelier

Residential bedrockwell contaminated with petroleum compounds. SMS conducting investigation.

2 abandoned diesel USTs removed. Contam found. Investigation completed. No impact to GW, SMAC

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20023008 Timerson Residence River Rd Hardwick SMAC Gerold Noyes 5/18/2002 0:00 7/9/2003 0:00

962094 Tims Convenience Store Route 2 Marshfield SMAC Gerold Noyes 8/1/1996 0:00 1/1/1999 0:00

20083785 Tiplady/Sease Residence Wallingford MED Ashley Desmond 4/4/2008 0:00

20022960 Tisdale Property 69 Barre St Montpelier LOW Tami Wuestenberg ###

962117 Tivoly U S A Inc Baxter Ave Derby MED John Schmeltzer 10/1/1996 0:00

20022989 TLR Complex Rockingham MED

20012891 Tofani Residence 280 Camp St Barre Town SMAC Unassigned 5/18/2001 0:00 7/18/2002 0:00

UST pulled. Contam Found. Investigation completed. 8/2/02, 4/24/03 tank pit MW below VGES, 3 MWs ND. SMAC

Required investigation of dispenser area. 4 soil borings to 15' did not encounter groundwater. Soil sample analysis did not detect any BTEX or MTBE. Soil thin spreading approved 12/16/98. SMAC

334 Hartsboro Rd.

Contamination reported in a basem*nt sump after a site assessment by WEM. Probable source of contamination is a former AST. WEM will conduct initial site investigation.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation conducted. Semi annual gw monitoring ongoing. FP discovered in one well August 2005. Quarterly FP monitoring (Aug/Nov/Feb/May), Semiannual GW monitoring (Nov/May). FP not observed at site since August 2006. VOCs declining, elevated napthalene in 3 wells as of fall 2007 round. Semiannual sampling to continue. Decrease to annual sampling starting spring 2009. 7/2009 - Napthalene exceedence in two wells. No offsite impact. Annual monitoring to continue in spring 2010. Eligible for SMAC with a Notice, not sure if PRP is interested.

06/04: Monitoring twice a year. Next round scheduled for Summer 2004. Chlorinated Solvents are the contaminants of concern.

1 Mill St, Bellows Falls

Formerly site 92-1267. EPA removal action completed. SI proposal under review. Investigating possible RPs.

Hugo Martinez Cazon

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed.Expreesway investigation completed. Report turned in year late. SMAC

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20053320 Tom Lot Soil Treatment Stowe LOW Tim Cropley 7/20/2005 0:00

921250 Tomasi Chevorlet Routes 5 & 25 Bradford SMAC Unassigned 5/21/1992 0:00 ###

992687 Tomasi Residence 231 Grove St Rutland City MED Gerold Noyes 8/18/1999 0:00

921200 Tomlinsons Market Bridge St Morristown NFAP Gw Es's Met On Entire Site. Lynda Provencher 6/1/1995 0:00900561 Top Gas Rt 100 Warren LOW Soils Stockpiled. Bob Haslam

20012922 Topnotch Resort Mountain Rd Stowe SMAC Gerold Noyes ### 4/14/2004 0:00

770083 Topsham Plating Topsham MED Patricia Coppolino 3/1/1988 0:00

972175 Topsham LOW Tim Cropley 4/1/1997 0:00

962126 Tornabenes Auto Route 7 Pownal MED Unassigned 9/1/1996 0:00

5781 Mountain Rd

5 yds of PCS from the Cliff House UST closure were brought to the Mt Tom Lot for Stockpiling and monitoring. This site # will be used to manage all future and previous PCS stockpiles generated by work at the MMC.

Stockpiled Soils. Ust Removal. Awaiting Soil Status In Spring 93 soils assumed to be tested several months after stockpiling and then thin spread onsite.

UST removed. Contam found. Investigation complete. 12/14/99 2 of 5 wells above VGES. 2/23/00 1 well with 1' free product, 4 of 5 wells ND. 6/31/00 well with 1 cup FP. 1 well above VGES, 12/17/01, 4/12/02 2 of 4 MWs above VGES, 3" FP

9/13/01 USTremoved. Contam found. Investigation complete. GW below VGES. SMAC. 11/17/02 2nd UST 1 MW above VGES, 5/7/03 3 MWs ND. SMAC

Powder Spring Road

Inactive, Remediation Not Completed Phase I conducted through TRORC

Topsham Telephone Company

Rt 25 and Fairground Rd

Semi-annual monitoring complete. MWs abandoned. Work complete.

SMS requested in a January 21, 1997 letter that a consultant be hired to perform a site investigation/receptor assessment. There has been no response and no further activity in this file. (8/25/99)

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890421 763 Franklin St Brandon LOW Tami Wuestenberg 9/12/1989 0:00

20043310 Tovani Residence 9 Palmer Dr. Pownal LOW Tim Cropley 12/7/2004 0:00

770053 Lyndon NFAP Nus Pa Completed 12/87, Low Priority Unassigned

972181 SMAC Tim Cropley 6/1/1997 0:00 3/26/2009 0:00

972306 Town And Country Honda Paine Turnpike Berlin SMAC Unassigned 7/1/1997 0:00 6/16/1998 0:00870136 Town Garage Brattleboro NFAP Site Closed Unassigned870142 Town Garage Windsor NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

900602 Town Of Addison Route 17 Addison NFAP Stockpiled Soils Disposed Following Treatment Unassigned890358 Town Of Cambridge Cambridge NFAP Site Closed Unassigned890449 Town Of Essex Essex NFAP Site Closed Unassigned890468 Town Of Hartford Wilder Well Site Hartford NFAP Closed 12/6/93 Mike Young

20043275 173 Airport rd Hartford MED Sarah A. Bartlett 6/30/2004 0:00900614 Town Of Kirby Kirby Rd. Kirby NFAP Soil Disposed Of Appropriately Unassigned 5/1/1993 0:00

Torrey Tires, former Mac's Citgo

Annual WQ sampling done in 2003, elevated levels above VTGES. Sent letter for update report in September 2005. WQ event to occur May 2006. VGES exceedences in several wells - furthest downgradient well included. Requested updated sensitive receptor survey to occur in fall 2006 - if no impacts, annual spring monitoring to continue. Spring 2007 reported continue decline in VOCs, however still above VTGES in 3 wells. Annual GW monitoring to continue.

Outside AST tipped over releasing kerosene to ground surface. Miller excavated 56 cu. yds. of PCS and stockpiled on site. No additional subsurface work necessary. Bridget Brockway inherited Richard Tovani's house in November 2005.

Tower Sludge Disposal Area

Town And Country Apartments

22 Thorpe Ave Ext

St Albans Town

Low level VOCs in GW but above VGES. Griffin requested SMAC in June 1999. SMS requested continued annual GW monitoring. Monitoring continued through Feb 2007 when MW abandonment was requested prior to SMAC.

Groundwater Sampled. All Below Vges. Soil Disposed At Esmi. Site Closed 6/98.

Town of Hartford Highway Garage

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed. Second request sent 4/09.

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962118 Route 100 B Moretown SMAC Ashley Desmond 12/1/1996 0:00 6/30/2009 0:00

982376 Plainfield SMAC Unassigned 4/1/1998 0:00 4/5/2004 0:00890364 Town Of Pomfret Pomfret NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

931376 Town of Reading Reading LOW Bob Haslam880228 Town Of Strafford Strafford NFAP Site Closed Unassigned870168 Town Of Walden Walden NFAP Site Closed File combined with #88-0168. Unassigned890463 Town Of Westmore Westmore NFAP Site Closed Unassigned870123 Town Of Wheelock Wheelock NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

982536 Town Offices 81 Main St Essex SMAC Sarah A. Bartlett ### 1/26/2007 0:00

20083881 Townshend Town Garage Rte 35 Townshend LOW Gerold Noyes 9/19/2008 0:00

972164 Traceys Midway Station Rt 14 Sharon SMAC Gw Contam Below Standards John Schmeltzer 4/1/1997 0:00 3/1/1998 0:00880270 Tracy Londonderry NFAP Site Closed Unassigned890298 Tradewinds Morgan NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

Town Of Moretown Garage

Contamination discovered during the replacement of a gasoline/diesel tank in 1996. Four monitoring wells installed at the property. Groundwater monitoring continued at the site until levels fell below the VGES. Entire tank system, along with 40 tons of contaminated soil, was removed from the property in 2008. A notice has been filed with Moretown to document residual soil contamination. There is now a slab on-grade building foundation atop the source area. All drinking water wells at adjacent properties were tested and found to be free of petroleum contaminants. Monitoring wells properly closed.

Town Of Plainfield Wastewater Plant

146 Recreation Field Rd

UST heating oil leak. Site investigation proceeding on expressway. Investigation complete last well closed 2001. SMAC.

Rt 106, P O Box 176

Investigation complete. Several drinking water supplies impacted with low levels of MTBE.

Contamination discovered during excavation site work by town. Site Investigation conducted January 1999. Town opted to SMAC with Notice to the Land Record. Site closed 01.26.2007

PCS discovered in test pits. Will test water supply.

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20023054 Tradewinds 6569 Route 111 Morgan MED Richard Spiese 9/3/2002 0:00

20043243 Trading Post 186 River St Montpelier SMAC SMAC Marc Roy 4/2/2004 0:00 8/10/2006 0:00

770024 Trafton/Hoisington Farm Hewitt Road Windsor SMAC Michael Smith

20083780 Travel Inn Property Rutland City MED Alex Geller 3/13/2008 0:00

20002833 Travis Residence 41 Middle Rd Weston SMAC Unassigned 8/3/2000 0:00 1/3/2008 0:00880266 Tri Mount Texaco Bennington NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

20012878 822 Tri Town Rd Addison LOW Gerold Noyes 6/7/2001 0:00

941590 Tri-Town Sunoco Rt 302 Berlin LOW John Schmeltzer 3/1/1994 0:00

890378 Tri-Town Toyota Dewitt Drive Hartford SMAC Ashley Desmond 9/9/2005 0:00

880253 Trinity College Burlington NFAP Unassigned

Former Hazardous Waste site. Sheen found on well water. Business not in operation at this time.

Cap Approved, Construction Will Begin Spring 98 SMAC 25 Jan 2005

125 Woodstock Ave

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. 4 monitoring wells installed at the property. No VOC's or other target Analytes detected. Monitoring wells removed on 4/7/2009.

4 gw monitoring wells installed Nov. 2000. Source area well contained several petroleum VOCs both above and below VGES. Additional samples collecrted June 2002 and Nov. 2003. Source area well and water supply well sampled Dec. 2007, both free of VOCs. MWs closed.

Tri Town Water Treatment Facility

USTs removed. Contam found. Investigation needed. 10/18/02, 5/03 1 of 5 MWs below VGES. Soil stockpile not ready Resample in Summer 2004

02/06:Ongoing monitoring, next round Sping 2006

Remediation Complete. Soils monitoring not done since early 1990's. Applied GeoSolutions sampled the site in Summer 2005 and found no significant petroleum contamination.

Site Closed. Additional information on former Ira Buidling can be found in #20022993

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20043204 Rutland City HIGH Matt Moran 3/22/2004 0:00

20053422 Trombley Residence Williston SMAC Ashley Desmond 9/1/2005 0:00 ###911030 Tron Residence Route 7a Dorset NFAP No Impact To Water Supply. Site Closed Unassigned 11/1/1994 0:00

20043187 Trottier Building Hartford MED Ashley Desmond ###

20083886 Trow & Holden 45 South Main St Barre City MED Ashley Desmond ###

962059 Troy Country Store Route 100 Troy SMAC John Schmeltzer 9/1/1996 0:00 6/8/2007 0:00

982476 Troy Elementary School Main St Troy MED Brian Woods 7/27/1998 0:00

20093988 Trudeau Residence 50 Blakey Rd Underhill MED Ashley Desmond 9/25/2009 0:00

Trolley Barn Square - JA Russell

170 South Main Street

Leaking No.2 heating oil UST removed. FP recovery ongoing via hand bailing and vacuum truck. Over 300 gallons recovered to date. Investigation also revealed gasoline impact. Next phase of investigations overdue, mailed letter 8/12/06. Requested update from WES 3/08.

4272 St George Rd

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found, EPS conducted expressway investigation at the property. Five groundwater monitoring wells installed near the former tank. No elevated PID readings recorded during the installation. No groundwater contamination recorded above the Vermont Groundwater Enforcement Standards. All wells in the area were analyzed for VOCs. Small amount of styrene detected in neighboring well, though at levels well below the VGES. This contamination is not believed to be related to the UST release. Monitoring wells have been properly closed.

240 South Main St

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Sent first letter to RP requesting an initial site investigation.

No target petroleum compounds were found above the detection limits in the groundwater samples from the four wells. Wells have been properly closed.

Underground storage tanks - 1 removed, 1 closed in place. Contamination found. Additional subsurface investigation needed. Off-site stockpiled soils approved for spreading 7/26/01.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed.

1/1/1900 12:00:00 AM

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (393)

900523 Tudhope Marine Rt 2 North Hero LOW Lynda Provencher

931502 Tudhope Sailing Center Route 2 Grand Isle SMAC Gw Monitoring Complete. Sites Closed. Lynda Provencher 6/1/1997 0:00870044 Tulsa/n E Video Manchester NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

20063535 Turner Estates Milton SMAC Tami Wuestenberg 6/9/2006 0:00 8/1/2006 0:00

20043268 Turntable Park-Montpelier Stonecutters Way Montpelier Matthew Becker

982341 Tuttles True Value Depot St Bennington SMAC John Schmeltzer 3/1/1998 0:00 11/9/2005 0:00

962114 Twin City Plaza Berlin LOW Matt Moran 11/1/1996 0:00

Semi- annual groundwater monitoring ongoing. In 2/00, consultant was requested to investigate possible water line which may be serving as a preferential pathway for contaminant migration to MW-9 and possibly further downgradient to Lake Champlain. ISOC technology currently being implemented to enhance degradation of groundwater contaminants. Verterre is evaluating effectiveness of this technology and will be presented in May, 2009 semi-annual sampling report.

460 Route 7 South

TMB gw exceedences in 2003; not reported to SMS until 2006 ESA; wq samples in 2006 below VGES; however TPH and Lead samples in soils in 2003 were above guidelines; requesting additional soil samples; results indicated no elevated metals or VOCs in soil. Issued SMAC.

Phase II submiited and reviewed. PCE and TCE soil impacts. Additional Phase II completed 1/19/2005. CAP approved.

11/05: Groundwater and residual contamination confined to the site property. Notice to land record in place. Half of the wells were closed. A maintenance plan was developed for the remaining wells. Current owner plans to continue monitoring in hope that contaminant levels in groundwater sample from MW-1 decreases below the VGES.

Barre-Montpelier Rd

Gasoline UST release. Biennial GW monitoring, next round 6/2010. Requested plan for limited cleanup 8/08 given ineffective natural attenuation.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (394)

20053386 Twin Farms 6134 Stage Rd Barnard SMAC Gerold Noyes 2/10/2005 0:00 1/10/2006 0:00

20033177 Twin State Fruit 25 Railroad Row Hartford SMAC 12/3/2003 0:00 6/6/2005 0:00

911026 Twin State Fuels-chester First Ave Chester NFAP Lynda Provencher 1/1/1995 0:00

911131 Twin Village Quick Stop Barnet SMAC Gerold Noyes 9/16/1991 0:00 5/22/2000 0:00890469 Twinfield Auto Marshfield NFAP Site Closed Unassigned941652 Tyson General Store Rt 100 Ludlow NFAP Site Invest Complete, Site Closed 10/18/94 Unassigned 8/1/1994 0:00 10/1/1994 0:00

911150 U P S Berlin Granger St Berlin SMAC All Petro Contam Soil Removed Unassigned 1/1/1996 0:00

941725 U P S Brattleboro Old Ferry Rd Brattleboro SMAC Unassigned/jf 8/1/1994 0:00 2/9/2004 0:00

Release from ASTto ground, vapors in residence, limited excavation performed, site investigation complete. No impact to GW or residence. SMAC

Undergoing Site Investigation Unregistered UST closures scheduled Jan 2004. Multiple tanks removed through August 2004. Tetrachloroethene also detected. No Site Investigation report. Multiple Tank Closure reports presented. Have requested a Site Investigation Report multiple times. Site sold to Bill Bittinger, present owner. SMACed 6/6/05.

Hugo Martinez Cazon

Nd Levels Of Petro Contam Found In Gw, Soiul Asphalt Batched

Rt 5, McIndoe Falls

Contam Found During 1991 Ust Removal. 1/25/2000 property transaction. Off site supply well with 24.7 and 38.1 ug/L MTBE, initial site investigation required, 5/00 2 down gradient MWs non-detect. Supply well contam apparent result of activities near well. See 2000-2765. SMAC

Annual Stockpiled Soil Monitoring. %cubic yards PCS stockpiled onsite. 11/23/2003 soils confirmed spread on-site. SMAC

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20063568 U S Border Patrol Station Highgate SMAC Ashley Desmond 7/18/2006 0:00 9/22/2009 0:00

972143 U S Border Station Route 5 Derby SMAC John Schmeltzer 1/1/1997 0:00 6/1/1997 0:00

992729 87 State St Montpelier SMAC Gerold Noyes 9/23/1999 0:00 6/15/2000 0:00

992628 U S Post Office 151 West St Rutland City SMAC Unassigned 4/16/1999 0:00 6/28/1999 0:00

972299 U S Post Office 60 White St SMAC Unassigned 11/1/1997 0:00 1/12/2006 0:00900539 U S Postal Service Vergennes NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

20043196 U S Tsubaki 222 Bowen Rd Bennington COC Patricia Coppolino 3/5/2004 0:00 12/1/2004 0:00880217 U V M Burlington NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

562 Welcome Center Rd

Subsurface contamination discovered in relation to a diesel spill in the hazardous containment area. Containment system had developed cracks allowing petroleum to escape. Several monitoring wells installed at the property. Source area well was the only well with contamination above the VGES during three monitoring events. Minor free product detected at this point- at beginning of investigation, but this quickly diminished. No contamination detected in onsite drinking water supply. Spill containment system has been properly sealed from the environment. Several monitoring wells abandoned, but others will be maintained to monitor the onsite wastewater system.

Site Invest Complete, Contam.confined To Form.ust,no Gw Contam

U S Federal Office Building

UST closed in place. Investigation completed. Minor soil contam. found around tank, 2 soil samples, 125 and 150 ppm TPH. No impact to GW. SMAC

Underground storage tank removed and contamination found. Investigation completed and site closed.

South Burlington

Ust Removed. Contamination Found. Investigation Performed and PCS excavated/disposed of at ESMI. MWs have been properly abandoned. Ronald Robbins of USPS is official contact.

Phase II report shows minor contamination. No impact to GW above VGES. SMAC Reopened site to conduct further assessment. RCPP project Property went through RCPP and COC issued to Walter Friedman

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982488 Carrigan Drive Burlington SMAC Unassigned 4/14/1998 0:00 6/28/1999 0:00900553 U V M Hill's Building Burlington NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

890445 U-haul Burlington NFAP Tami Wuestenberg

951790 U-Haul - Rutland 2705 Main St Rutland City SMAC Lynda Provencher 4/1/1995 0:00 4/29/2003 0:00

900496 U-Save Beverage Williston Rd LOW Bob Haslam

911099 U.S. Border Patrol Station Rt 114 Norton SMAC Gerold Noyes 8/1/1991 0:00 ###870097 Ultramar Burlington NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

20093898 Main St Barton MED 1/20/2009 0:00

20063588 Underhill Central School Underhill SMAC Ashley Desmond 8/24/2006 0:00 ###890427 Underhill Town Garage Underhill NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

U V M - Agricultural Engineering

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found and investigation completed. Site closed.

Site Closed; VTDEC requested ISI in 2006 due to contamination along property boundary of neighboring site (2002-3064). ISI completed in 2007, elevated PIDs in soil and some low levels of soil and gw contamination. No VTGES exceedences. Additional work may be required.

No groundwater contaminants found above Vermont Groundwater Enforcement Standards. Monitoring wells closed, notice to the land record placed indicating residual soil contamination may be present.

South Burlington

Ust Contamination Found. Site Assessment Completed. Monitoring Ongoing.

Ust Contamination. One soil boring in tank grave, no contamination found. SMAC

un-numbered parcel- Barton Motors

Hugo Martinez Cazon

6 Irish Settlement Rd

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Contaminated soils were removed from the UST area. Confirmatory analysis from the tank grave indicated that all contaminated soils were removed from the site. School is served by a regulated NTNC supply well which undergoes routine monitoring. No VOCs have been detected in this water source.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (397)

20033171 Ungvarsky Residence Andover SMAC Ashley Desmond 7/2/2003 0:00 7/14/2006 0:00

770112 Unified Data Products Grafton SMAC Institutional Controls Implemented Mike Young 2/1/1997 0:00

870007 Unifirst NFAP Gerold Noyes

770087 Unifirst Corporation Brush Hill Road HIGH Gerold Noyes 8/1/1983 0:00880264 Union Butterfield Derby NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

770060 Union Street Dump Union Street Newport City NFAP Unassigned 4/1/1995 0:00

20023056 United Christian Academy 65 School St Newport City SMAC Unassigned 8/20/2002 0:00 12/5/2002 0:00

20002777 United Church of Christ 9 Park St Underhill SMAC Gerold Noyes 6/21/2000 0:00 3/16/2001 0:00

982505 12 Third Street Newport City SMAC Site SMACed October 1999. Bruce Linton 9/14/1998 0:00 10/5/1999 0:00

931547 Ledgely Drive Bennington SMAC Unassigned 1/1/1994 0:00 10/4/2002 0:00

20012914 Main Campus Burlington SMAC Unassigned 6/29/2001 0:00 ###

3697 Weston-Andover.Rd

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found in soils above the tank. Soil sample taken from the bottom of the tank excavation showed no detectable concentrations of petroleum related contaminants. A groundwater sample taken from the onsite bedrock well also showed no detection of petroleum compounds.

Route 121, Hcr Box 103


duplicate site closed. See 77-0087 ongoing monitoring and GW treatement


On Going Gw Treatment & Air,surface,gw Monitoring

Pa Si Showed No Haz Waste In Dump. Daycare Is No Longer There.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation completed. Soil borings had no VOCs or TPH compounds. SMACed.

UST removed. Contam found. Investigation complete. Minor soil impact adjacent to UST. No impact to groundwater. SMAC

United Church Of Newport

United Counselling Service

Owner has not produced results of alleged site investigation. Last contact with owner was on 8/2/96, a follow up to an unaswered request for said results in 1994. As of this update (7/28/99) there has been no further activity in this file

Univ of Vermont - Terrill Hall

Abandoned tank removed. Limited contamination remediated by soil removal. No potential for human health or environment remaining. Residual soil contamination does not pose an unacceptable threat to human health & environment. SMAC

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (398)

982472 University Exxon Williston Rd SMAC Gerold Noyes 7/16/1998 0:00 7/27/1999 0:00

900646 University Gulf Williston Rd MED Monitoring Ongoing Following Ust Removal. Unassigned

20002751 University Inn 5 Dorset St LOW Gerold Noyes 2/29/2000 0:00

900664 University Of Vermont Colchester Ave Burlington SMAC Unassigned 6/4/2002 0:00870133 University Of Vermont Burlington NFAP Site Closed Unassigned870111 Unsworth Exxon Burlington NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

911167 Uphams Store Main St Chelsea SMAC Richard Spiese 5/26/1998 0:00

20033144 Upper Valley Automotive 71 North Main St Hartford SMAC Unassigned 7/24/2003 0:00 9/3/2004 0:00

20094008 Upper Valley Food Co-op Hartford SMAC Ashley Desmond ### ###

982358 Upper Valley Press Bradford SMAC Michael Smith 9/3/1998 0:00

911118 UPS Rutland 125 Park St Rutland City LOW Tami Wuestenberg 1/1/1991 0:00

South Burlington

UST removed. Contamination found. Investigation completed. 1 MW installed GW below VGES, soils impacted, Notice to Land Records. SMAC

South Burlington

South Burlington

2 fuel oil USTs closed in place. Contam found. 6/00, 3/01 4 of 5 MWs, 7/03 2 of 5 MWs above VGES, 1 FP, 5/04 3 of 5 above VGES.

Site File Consolidated With 890418. Site SMACed 6/4/2002.

Only Small Area Contaminated. Groundwater Enforcement Standards Met At Compliance And Spread On Site.

Investigation completed-soil only impacted. Site closed. (CC, 10/6/04)

193 North Main St.

Contamination discovered during the removal of a heating oil UST. 10 tons of soil removed and disposed of at ESMI. No significant PIDs remained in excavation. TPH and VOC analyses of soil were acceptable. Property is served by the municipal drinking water system.

A Site Investigation Found Elevated Levels Of Metals In Sludge Found In Floor Drains, Pipes And Septic Systems. Sludge was removed, Site SMAC'ed

Passive Remediation, Gw Monitoring On Going.CAP for MPE approved. CAP implementation fall 2005. Received System Installation Startup and Operation Report - November 2006. MPE system in operation - continued operation and semiannual wq to occur.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (399)

982543 Bridge Street Rockingham SMAC Bruce Linton ### 3/14/2000 0:00

961953 Uttons' Muffler 33 River St Montpelier SMAC Gerold Noyes 3/1/1996 0:00 1/1/2006 0:00

982542 622 Main St Burlington SMAC Linda Elliott 11/2/1998 0:00 1/7/2000 0:00

951812 UVM Bio-research Lab 655 Spear St Burlington SMAC Unassigned 9/1/1995 0:00 2/1/1996 0:00

890418 UVM Centennial Field Colchester Ave. Burlington SMAC Linda Elliott 6/4/2002 0:00

921317 UVM Dewey Hall 85 S Prospect St Burlington NFAP Site Assess Complete Lynda Provencher 6/30/1993 0:00

962035 UVM Entomology Lab 655 Spear St SMAC Linda Elliott 7/1/1996 0:00 5/1/1997 0:00

951786 Spear St Burlington SMAC Gw Monitoring Complete Linda Elliott 12/1/1996 0:00

931445 Main Street Burlington NFAP No Further Action Necessary, Site Closed Unassigned 8/1/1993 0:00 3/1/1994 0:00

992654 UVM Pomeroy Hall 483 Main Street Burlington SMAC Linda Elliott 8/4/1999 0:00 8/5/1999 0:00900601 UVM Southwick Bldg. S. Prospect St. Burlington NFAP Site Invest Complete-smac Unassigned 8/1/1994 0:00

20053432 UVM Terrill Hall Main Street Burlington SMAC Linda Elliott 10/7/2005 0:00 3/14/2006 0:00

20053455 Main Street Burlington MED Linda Elliott ###

US Generating-Island Coop Facility

Transformer pad release. Initial characterization complete. Site Investigation completed August 1999. Excavation completed. Site SMACed March 2000.

Annual GW Monitor. Site purchased by and combined with neigboring Cumberland Farms. Refer to SMS #99-2692 for all work after 1/1/06

UVM Purchasing Services Building

Fuel Oil USTremoved. Limited contamination to soil and ground. Monitoring completed.

Soil Asphalt Batched. No Gw Impact. Site Closed.

Soil Venting System Shut Down 3/98; Semi Annual Groundwater Monitoring Ongoing. Next round of monitoring September 2000. Site combined w/900664. Site SMACed

South Burlington

Site Investigation And Monitoring Complete, Site Closed.

UVM Environmental Safety Facility

UVM Living And Learning Center

Petroleum contaminated soils removed offsite. No additional work requested.

Buidling renovations uncover petroleum contaminated soils. Most likely related to former UST No. 6 fuel oil removed in 2001. 238 cubic yards removed. Investigation reveal limited contamination below enforcement standards. No additional work requested.

UVM-CoGen Chilling Facility

Petroleum contaminated soils discovered during recent construction work on campus. In 1997, 50,000 gallon #6 Fuel Oil UST closed in place with no additonal site work required. Work plan to address contaminated soils approved Dec. 05.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (400)

921215 V A Hospital N Hartland Rd Hartford LOW Ust Contamination, Soils Stockpiled Bob Haslam

941714 V S P S - Ludlow Main St Ludlow NFAP Unassigned 11/1/1994 0:00 7/15/1995 0:00880209 V T A R N G Rutland NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

992582 Vaillancourt Tree Route 7 Pittsford SMAC Gerold Noyes ### 11/8/2000 0:00

20073753 Valade Property Charlotte SMAC Ashley Desmond ### 2/15/2008 0:00870170 Vallee Mobil St Albans NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

951898 Vallemar Farm Lincoln SMAC Site Invest Complete, Site Closed. Don Robisky 10/1/1995 0:00 12/1/1996 0:00

20073683 Valley Cares Property 457 Grafton Rd Townshend SMAC Ashley Desmond 7/10/2007 0:00 ###

Gw Below Enf Standards. Sites Mgmnt Activity Complete

UST removed. Contam found. Investigation completed. No impact to GW. Soil contam excavated. SMAC

208/212 Wings Point Road

Contamination discovered during the removal of a two heating oil USTs. About 5 gallons of free product was encountered below the tanks. Absorbents used to collect product. PID readings up to 250 ppm encountered in soils beneath tank. It appears that the bulk of contaminated soils were successfully removed. No groundwater or bedrock was encountered during the excavation activities. A confirmatory soil sample from the excavation had detections of several VOCs, though at concentrations below the EPA Region IX PRGs. Samples taken from the two onsite drinking water wells had no VOC detects. Contaminated soils were disposed of at ESMI in NY.

1540 Upper Notch Rd

Contamination discovered during the removal of a 1,000-gallon heating oil UST. Approximately 23 cubic yards of contaminated soil was removed from the tank grave and disposed of at ESMI. Confirmatory soil samples were all non-detect for petroleum-related compounds. Samples taken from three nearby wells showed no detection of VOCs. The indoor air of the onsite building was screened using a PID and showed no evidence of contamination.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (401)

992600 Valley Garage Rt 22 A Shoreham SMAC Gerold Noyes 4/15/1999 0:00 1/2/2009 0:00

20023022 Valley Rent-All 53 N Main St Waterbury LOW Gerold Noyes 4/10/2002 0:00

20033086 Van Horne Residence Stratton MED Alex Geller ###

20083832 Van Turbergen Residence Lowell SMAC Alex Geller 6/27/2008 0:00900511 Vance Contractor Danville NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

20073726 Vance Residence Webster Hill Rd Danville SMAC Sarah A. Bartlett ### ###

982426 Varney Trucking I-91, Route 5 Hartland MED Gerold Noyes

20053458 VEC 182School Street Johnson MED Patricia Coppolino

20053345 Verd Mont Mill East Hill Road Ludlow LOW 4/14/2005 0:00

ISI complete, 7/22/99, 10/8,1/18/00, 4/28, 11/6, 4/27/01 3 of 4 wells above VGES. 4/00 abandonded UST removed. 9/00 100 yd soil removed during town sewer const. 11/4/04, 4/27/05 3 of 4 MWs above VGES, 9/07 site excavation, 4/08 all MWs ND, SMAC

UST removed. Contam found. Investigation complete. SMAC after floor drain closure

Chalet 17, Middle Ridge Rd

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Contaminated stockpiled soils exist offsite. Condition unknown. Attempts to contact Virginia Walsh have been unsucessfull. 4/3/09

386 Stephenson Rd

2 underground storeage tanks removed. Contamination found. Four MW's installed and sampled show no signs of contamination. Onsite water supply sampled - no contamination. Requesting additional water supply sample and indoor air which was omitted in the ISI. Wells abandoned. No threats identified. Site Closed.

2,000 gallon fuel oil UST removed Oct. 2007. Initial Site Investigation conducted Jan. 2008, limited groundwater contamination (below enforcement standards) detected. Additional round of samples collected July 2008. MWs closed Oct. 2008.

1994 Phase II detects diesel free product in groundwater. Report submitted August 1998. Request for additional infrormation. Requested a revised workplan in a November 30, 1998 letter to Mr. Varney. AOD issued 2/4/00

Enrolled in the RCPP. LCPC is funding Phase I and Phase II. PCBs and PAHs found in surface soils.

Phase II ESA presented. Further work proposed. Metals in groundwater.

Hugo Martinez Cazon

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (402)

992597 Vergennes Armory 37 Monkton Rd Vergennes SMAC Richard Spiese 2/10/1999 0:00 12/6/1999 0:00

20033142 42 East St Vergennes LOW Gerold Noyes 7/18/2003 0:00

962122 43 East St Vergennes SMAC Gerold Noyes 8/1/1996 0:00 4/15/2002 0:00

20012881 Monkton Rd Vergennes MED Unassigned 5/31/2001 0:00

20093957 Vergennes Variety 65 Main St Vergennes MED Ashley Desmond 7/15/2009 0:00

921339 Vergennes Variety 65 Main St Vergennes SMAC Lynda Provencher 3/27/1995 0:00

20012917 Canal St Vergennes SMAC Richard Spiese 4/30/2001 0:00 7/31/2003 0:00

941742 Route 7 SMAC Matt Moran 1/1/1995 0:00 ###

870172 88 Park St. Rutland City NFAP Unassigned ### 2/28/1989 0:00

20083854 88 Park St Rutland City MED Sarah A. Bartlett 9/2/2008 0:00

770043 Airport Road HIGH Brian Woods

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation revealed no GW impacts.

Vergennes Union Elem School

UST removed. Contam found. Investigation complete. Closed Site 19962122. Tank pit MW above VGES, ND around tank, contam limited to tank pit by clay, annual monitor

Vergennes Union Elementary School

2 USTs removed. Soil contam found and excavated. 70 yd thinspread off site. GW not encountered. SMAC

Vergennes Union High School

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. First letter written requiring additiona site investigation work.

Site Assess Complete, No Threat To Sensitive Receptors.

Vergennes Waste Water Treatment Plant

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation showed no impacts to groundwater above VGES.

Verizon (former NYNEX) - Rutland

Rutland Town

Gasoline UST, and solvent contamination. Several phases of investigation completed. 322 cubic yards PCS removed & asphalt batched 9/20/99. Monitored natural attenuation of GW, site closed.

Vermont Achievement Center

Petroleum contamination discovered during tank removal. Site closed when groundwater contamination subsided.

Vermont Achievement Center

3 underground storage tanks removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed.

Vermont Air National Guard

South Burlington

Basewide supplemental remedial investigation underway summer '04; report by early '05. Site 1 groundwater interception trench operating as designed. Site 3 free product recovery systems operating as designed.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (403)

20023040 Vermont American Corp Pudding Hill Rd Lyndon SMAC Richard Spiese 8/29/2002 0:00 2/5/2003 0:00

770102 Vermont Art Studio Po Box 25 Pittsford SMAC Mike Young 12/1/1997 0:00

951825 Vermont Asbestos Group Town Rd #1 Lowell HIGH John Schmeltzer

20083803 Vermont Barnboard Wilmington MED Not active 8/29/2008 0:00

941715 Vermont Castings Beanville Rd Randolph SMAC Soil Thermally Treated. Site Closed. Matt Moran 11/1/1994 0:00 9/1/1995 0:00870108 Vermont Castings Bethel NFAP Unassigned890394 Vermont Castings Bethel NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

941598 Vermont Castings Inc Route 100 Bethel SMAC Petro Contam Soil Treated, Site Closed Matt Moran 1/1/1994 0:00 6/1/1997 0:00

20033131 Vermont Clay Studio Rt 100N Waterbury SMAC Gerold Noyes 8/1/2003 0:00 4/5/2004 0:00

941650 College St Montpelier NFAP Gw Impacted Well Below Vges Unassigned 9/1/1994 0:00 12/1/1994 0:00

972229 Westminster SMAC Lynda Provencher 6/1/1997 0:00 3/27/2009 0:00

One underground storage tank removed. Two closed in place. Contamination found. Investigation showed limited subsurface contamination. Excavated in 18 cu. Yds. Of PCS. Soils disposed in 2002. Former Site #911141, Northeast Tools Division

Pa Completed 11/89, Sampling Complete. Guidelines Met

Ongoing investigation to assess the short-term and long-term impacts on human health and the environment posed by the past mining operation. EPA is evaluating this site for potential Superfund listing.

Mill Street Extension

Hugo Martinez Cazon

Pre-WWII gas station site, property transaction screening found dissolved lead @676 ppb in test pit GW sample, ND VOCs, no USTs found, 19 ppm VOCs in septic system, water supply sample ND lead, SMAC

Vermont College - Stone Hall

Vermont Custom WoodSt Johnsbury Trucking

Rt 5, Westminster Rd

Groundwater not encountered during tank removal; no monitoring wells installed. 70 cubic yards of soil has been stockpiled onsite, which was approved to be spread onsite in a letter dated December 10, 2002 and was subsequently spread.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (404)

921235 Vermont Electric Coop Route 15 Johnson LOW Lynda Provencher

20012932 Vermont Gas Systems 85 Swift St SMAC Gerold Noyes ### 12/1/2008 0:00

20053456 Burlington LOW Tami Wuestenberg 12/6/2005 0:00

951884 Vermont Graphics 18 Granger St Rockingham SMAC Unassigned 10/1/1995 0:00 5/20/1999 0:00

941653 Vermont Law School Chelsea St Royalton SMAC Matt Moran 8/1/1994 0:00 9/1/1995 0:00911165 Vermont Law School 204 Chelsea St Royalton NFAP Invest Complete Linda Elliott 8/6/1992 0:00

770050 Rr 1 Box 69 Hartland SMAC Michael Smith 6/6/2006 0:00890334 Vermont Maple Products Essex NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

992647 Vermont Mold and Tool Barnet SMAC Richard Spiese 7/6/1999 0:00 11/8/2002 0:00

962047 Pierpoint Ave Rutland City SMAC Gw Monitoring Complete, No Off-site Migration Mike Young 8/1/1996 0:00 7/1/1997 0:00

Soil vapor extraction system was shut down and dismantled in October 1997, having removed a total of approximately 691 gallons of product. Annual groundwater monitoring is ongoing. Spring 2009 sampling showed groundwater with concentrations exceeding standards. Next sampling will occur in 2010. If contaminants are below standards at that time, site will be eligible for a Site Management Activity Completed (SMAC) designation. Onsite supply well was last sampled in 2007 and was free of contaminants. Was supposed to be hooked up to municipal system.

South Burlington

UST removed. Contamination found. Investigation completed. 12/18/01 1 MW above VGES for MTBE, 2 MWs below VGES, 1 MW ND. 2 MWs @ 42 ppb MTBE, SMAC

Vermont Gas Systems, Inc. Property

60 Riverside Avenue

Phase I ESA & Subsurface Investigation confirmed presence of cyanide, PAHs and metals contamination in soils. Further subsurface investigation is planned after source removal. Work to occur summer 2006.

Contamination found during removal of Ust's. Investigation completed, contaminated soils properly disposed. Site closed.

Fuel Oil Leaking Underground Storage Tank Investigation Complete, Site Closed.

Vermont Log Building Incorporated

CERCLA NFRAP, Additional work requested Investigation delineated area of cintaianted soils, Soils were capped in place with a notide to the deed

4693 Garland Hill Rd

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found in source area only. Quarterly sampling showed GW met GWESs.

Vermont National Guard - Maint Site #2

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (405)

962065 Vermont Plastics Inc Graves St Montpelier SMAC Gw Below Standards Unassigned 8/1/1996 0:00 1/1/1998 0:00

770179 Vermont Railway 1 Railway Lane Burlington SMAC Richard Spiese 1/1/1991 0:00 8/29/2008 0:00

931521 207 Flynn Ave Burlington MED Unassigned 12/1/1993 0:00

921271 Vermont Railway Inc 53 Park St Rutland City NFAP Linda Elliott 8/23/1994 0:00

921203 Vermont Shopping Center Rt 302 Berlin SMAC Richard Spiese 1/1/1992 0:00 1/1/2000 0:00

951897 Vermont Technical Group Route 66 Randolph SMAC John Schmeltzer 11/1/1995 0:00 11/1/1996 0:00870046 Vermont Tissue Woodford NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

770032 Vermont Tissue Route 67 A Bennington MED Patricia Coppolino

770144 Vermont Transit 343 N. Winooski Burlington SMAC Gerold Noyes 1/21/2000 0:00 3/10/2003 0:00

972294 Vermont Transit Sykes Ave Hartford SMAC Unassigned 8/1/1997 0:00 3/16/2001 0:00770094 Vermont Weatherboard Route 15 Wolcott NFAP Closed, No Evidence Of Contamination Unassigned

982541 Vermont Whey Co Georgia MED Brian Woods ###

Epa Removal Pa Completed 7/89. Fuel oil UST removal and GW investigation showed limited soils and GW contamination. GW monitoring GW met GWESs.

Vermont Railway - Flynn Ave

SMAC status pending notification from Vermont Railway that contaminated soils have been spread or backfilled onsite.

Site Contam Complete, G W E S Met At Compliance Point

Fuel Oil & Perc. Contamination, Remediation Complete. Site SMACed.

Site Invest And Monitoring Complete, Site Closed

Wastewater to lagoons. Cercla investigation documents metals contamination. CERCLA NFRAP 1995. Additional Work Requested By SMS. No response to date. In 2004, 1,000 gallon diesel and 10,000 gallon #6 fuel oil (to be removed) USTs closed and removed.

Former bus maintenance garage redeveloped for multi-family housing and business through RCP program. Certificate of Completion issued.

Ust Removed. Contamination Found. Investigation completed,. Contaminated Soils removed on June 8, 1998 to ESMI of New York. (9/9/99) Smac.

Industrial Park Rd #3

Underground storage tank removed. Investigation performed in March 1999. Soil and groundwater samples were non-detect for petroleum. Soil stockpile still on site.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (406)

20053364 Vermonter Motor Lodge 2968 West Rd Bennington SMAC Ashley Desmond 4/27/2005 0:00 9/30/2005 0:00

931377 Vernon Hydroelectric Route 142 Vernon SMAC Lynda Provencher 10/1/1996 0:00900592 Vernon Town Garage Rt 142 Vernon NFAP Soils Spread On Site Bob Haslam880205 Vesco's Rutland City NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

20023025 Via Residence 37 Markum Lane Weston SMAC Lynda Provencher 8/7/2002 0:00 7/21/2003 0:00

951746 Victoria Residence Tafts Rd Townshend SMAC John Schmeltzer 1/1/1994 0:00 9/1/1997 0:00

951888 Victory Circle 1 Victory Circle Hartford NFAP Matt Moran 10/1/1995 0:00870125 Vieta Franklin NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

20093997 Viking Auto Repair 530 Tyler Hill Rd Vernon MED Ashley Desmond 9/3/2009 0:00

870068 Village Beverage Routes 2 & 2 A Colchester HIGH Richard Spiese 1/1/1987 0:00

880226 Village Citgo Route 15 Johnson LOW Richard Spiese 8/1/1988 0:00

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation at the site found no significant levels of contamination. Following SMS recommendations, monitoring wells were properly abandoned at the property.

Contam Soil Removed And Batched. No Impact To Gw

No contamination to groundwater. Soil excavated and transported to ESMI. Onsite drinking water well sampled and no contamination present. Invesgation complete.

Monitoring Dicontinued,gw Below Vges Standards. Stockpile Now Clean.

PCS treated via asphalt batching in N.H. Site closed.

Contamination discovered during the removal of heating oil UST. After the excavation of 80 cubic yards of soil, no significant PID readings were recorded in the excavation. No groundwater or bedrock encountered to a depth of 10 feet below grade. Followup investigation work will be conducted to monitor drinking water and the stockpiled soils.

Expanded remedial system installed shut down. New remedial approach needed. Site to go PfP.

Low level groundwater contamination under site. Periodic emergences of dissolves in river. Ongoing groundwater monitoring.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (407)

941665 Village Court Plaza 38 Court St Middlebury LOW Michael Smith 8/1/1994 0:00

870109 Village Garage Rt 2, Main St Waterbury SMAC Richard Spiese 6/6/1987 0:00 6/19/2009 0:00870112 Village Garage Pownal NFAP Site Closed Unassigned870053 Village Garage - Sandri Grafton NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

880259 Village Grocery Rt 100 Waitsfield HIGH Bob Haslam

890311 Village Market Rt 7 Pownal LOW Linda Elliott

931442 Village Mobil Service Rockingham SMAC Lynda Provencher 8/1/1993 0:00 ###

Corrective Action Plan Being Implemented Monitoring has shown indoor air is not a problem. Groundwater data shows rapid degradatipon of PCE to ethene is occurring in some areas. The physical barrier to gw flow has been completed and site is in long term monitoring. The insurance company paid for several ISCO events to try to address PCE contamiantion. The present resposne to both plumes is long term monitoring which is showing that the pluem is slowly shrinking and does not pose a threat to human health or the environment

Remediation Complete. Annual Groundwater Monitoring showed site met GWESs. MWs closed. Site closed on 6/19/2009.

Remediation Complete, Monitoring Ongoing.Drinking water supply impacts, water treatment in place.

Annual site monitoring. No evidence of offsite migration. Next round of water quality monitoring in December 2009.

Rt 5, Monument Square

Sves Shut Down, Gw Contamination Non-detectable

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (408)

911072 Dickins Ave Enosburg SMAC Ashley Desmond ###

982453 Rt 2 Marshfield LOW Gerold Noyes 6/15/1998 0:00

972213 Village Service And Auto Rt 15, Box 111 Underhill MED Unassigned 7/1/1997 0:00

20053344 Village Square 5031 Main St Waitsfield LOW Richard Spiese ###

962076 25 Village Square Rockingham SMAC Site Closed Unassigned 10/1/1996 0:00 6/1/1997 0:00

Village of Enosburg Falls (AOT) Garage

Site Assessment Completed, Further Work Needed. On May 26, 1992, SMS recommend quarterly sampling of monitoring wells. No sample results on file after 6/22/95. Enosburg Falls now owns site. Contacted town (Gary Atherton) on 7/7/05 - sent materials and requirements for site investigation. AOT and the Village of Enosburg hired Heindel & Noyes to conduct further investigation of the source area at the site. A monitoring well was installed in the area where contamination had been documented in 1994. No petroleum related contaminants were detected at this point. This property and all surrounding properties are now served by the municipal drinking water system. The monitoring well at the site has been properly abandoned.

Village of Marshfield - Rt 2 & Cabot Rd

Petroleum contam found by water main installation. 6/3/99 Ground penetrating radar and magnetometer fail to locate abandoned USTs. 1/15, 5/30/00 1 MW above VGES, 1 ND, 3 dry, 12/6/00 1 MW below VGES, 4 dry, 7/27/01 test pits find no UST, 1 MW above VGES, 3 MWs ND, 3 MWs dry. 9/5/01 Requested Notice to Land Records

SMS requested further investigation to determine the degree and extent of contamination in an October 9, 1997 letter to Mr. Alexander. There had been no reply and no activity in this file since. (8/31/99)

Underground storage tank closed in place. Visual and olfactory evidence of petroleum contamination observed. First letter written in April 05. AD Monitoring wells show very low levels of GW contamination just above VGES right next to the UST grave.

Village Square Branch - Chittenden Bank

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (409)

20083831 Village Substation Route 100 Stowe MED Tami Wuestenberg 7/21/2008 0:00

921349 Village Sunoco Rt 112 Whitingham MED Tami Wuestenberg

921292 Vinton Motors Route 5 St Johnsbury LOW Lynda Provencher

911043 Vocational Center 12 Charles Ave Middlebury LOW Matt Moran 7/1/1996 0:00

20043296 Vogeler Residence 3062 Main St Manchester SMAC Ashley Desmond ### 3/23/2005 0:00

PCBs found in concrete and shallow soils while decomissioning an electrical substation. Levels slightly above EPA Region IX PRGs for residential soil. Additional testing to determine if soils will be shipped or capped to occur ASAP.

Ust Not Removed. Contamination Found. Tanks pulled 1997, SI 1998 no communications after SI. SMS requested one additional round of WQ and sensitive receptor survey (water supply sampling) in January 1999; Sent another request January 2006. Spoke with owner - said can't afford additoional work - sent loan information 08/06.

Annual groundwater monitoring. Last sampling event occurred in July 1998. The onsite stockpiled soil contained non-detect PID levels in May 1996.

Annual groundwater sampling, Nxt Rd 5/99 Combined with Site 96-2123. Petroleum contaminated soil treated, to be thin spread.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed. Site activities conducted in Feb 2005. Contaminated soiils excavated from site and disposed of at ESMI. Analytical tests showed no contamination over the minimum detection limits. SMAC.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (410)

20073705 Vowles Residence Montpelier MED Sarah A. Bartlett 8/29/2007 0:00 ###

992617 Vernon SMAC Gerold Noyes 4/30/1999 0:00 9/16/2008 0:00

911096 Vt Aot Pine St Burlington NFAP Unassigned 8/1/1993 0:00

921291 Vt Aot - Ascutney Garage Rt 133 Weathersfield NFAP Soil, Treated, No G W Contam Found Lynda Provencher 6/1/1994 0:00

20033078 Boswick Drive Hartford SMAC Gerold Noyes ### ###

911108 Vt College Of Norwich E. State St Montpelier SMAC Richard Spiese 1/1/1991 0:00 8/31/2009 0:00

931354 Route 9 Wilmington NFAP Lynda Provencher 6/30/1993 0:00

3 Greenfield Terrace

500 gallon oil UST removed following discovery during prep work for a foundation drain installation, PID readings peaked at 130 ppm at time of removal. Limited source area soil removal November 2007. ISI and additional SI conducted October 2007 and June 2008, no MWs contained VOCs in excess of VGES, but PID readings peaked at 615 and 470 ppm. SVE pilot test conducted September 2009, data suggest vapor phase contamination naturally attenuated.

Vt Yankee Nuclear Power Station

Governor Hunt Rd

Chlorinated solvents, PCBs and diesel contam reported. Investigation completed. 12/13/99. 4 wells above VGES. 7/00 4 wells above VGES for petroleum, 1 wells above VGES for PCE, 3 wells ND. 9/00, 10/01, 11/02, 10/04, 10/05, 10/06 1 wellsabove VGES for petroleum, 2 well above VGES for PCE, FP recovery, SMAC with Notice to Land Records for petro & PCE contam, nuclear issues regulated by others

Site Part Of Pine St Barge Canal - See File 770042

VT AOT White River Garage

Leaking diesel dispenser. Fitting repaired. Soil vapor survey found contam. MWs dry in 5/03, 4/04. See closed site 880262. SMAC

Remedial System Shutdown Ongoing Monitoring shows GWESs met on site. Site SMACed.

Vt Electric Coop - Wilmington

Site Assess Cpmplete, No Impact To Gw Above Standards

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (411)

20063558 VT Liquor Control Office Montpelier SMAC Tami Wuestenberg 7/24/2006 0:00 5/8/2009 0:00

870030 Vt Morgan Barre City LOW Remediation Complete. Monitoring Ongoing. Bob Haslam 1/1/1987 0:00

20012920 VT N E Regional Library Tilton St St Johnsbury MED Unassigned 7/24/2001 0:00

20093960 VT Police Academy 317 Academy Rd Pittsford MED Sarah A. Bartlett 7/7/2009 0:00

20012901 Vt Precision Tools 12 Jonergin Drive Swanton SMAC Gerold Noyes 8/6/2001 0:00 1/15/2003 0:00

20083844 146 State St Montpelier SMAC Ashley Desmond 7/16/2008 0:00 ###

921255 Vt State Liquor Store Depot St Bennington NFAP Lynda Provencher 4/6/1992 0:00 7/1/1994 0:00

911032 Vt Tap And Die Corp 79 Main St Lyndon HIGH Richard Spiese 1/1/1991 0:00

20073622 1540 Rt 66 Randolph SMAC Richard Spiese ### 3/13/2008 0:00

13 Green Mountain Drive

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed. ISI report received January 2006. Limited gw contamination. No VTGES exceedences. Requested spring 2007 wq sampling event. Sampled in spring 2008 - no VTGES exceedences. Wells closed, site closed.

524 North Main St

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed.

USTremoved. Contam found. Investigation completed. 1 MW below VGES, 4 MWs ND,

VT State Employees Credit Union

Contamination discovered during the removal of a heating oil UST. Excavation proceeded to a depth of approx. 11 feet below grade, at which point the PID readings had declined to 13 ppm. 12 cubic yards of contaminated soils were stockpiled and later transported for disposal at the Moretown Landfill. All properties in this area served by the municipal drinking water system. PID readings taken from the adjacent structures were all non-detect.

Assess Complete, G W Not Contam Above Standards, Soil Clean,on-site

Ri/fs Completed And Remedial Options Being Evaluated. Site being monitored bi-annually.

VT Technical Enterprise Center

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Initial site investigation to be conducted through the Expressway Process. Results showed limited contamination. In 2008, site met VT GWESs.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (412)

20073625 Rt 110 Tunbridge SMAC Ashley Desmond 12/5/2006 0:00 5/30/2008 0:00870089 VT Transit Barre NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

20093970 1992 Rte 302 Newbury MED Ashley Desmond 7/22/2009 0:00

20093971 VTrans - Lyndon Garage 1630 Gilman Rd Lyndon MED Ashley Desmond 7/23/2009 0:00

20093972 490 Main St New Haven MED Sarah A. Bartlett 7/29/2009 0:00

20093973 VTrans - Orange Garage 30 Reservoir Rd Orange MED Ashley Desmond 7/30/2009 0:00

20083798 VTrans Garage 341 Creek Rd Middlebury SMAC Ashley Desmond 5/13/2008 0:00 1/2/2009 0:00

VT Trans Garage - Tunbridge

Contamination discovered during an assessment of the diesel pump. Six soil borings were installed around to the diesel dispenser during the initial site investigation. No elevated PID readings encountered during this process. Four wells installed at the site were sampled for VOCs. No petroleum contamination was detected in any of the samples during two monitoring events. Drinking water is supplied to the property by a bedrock well, which was sampled and found to be clean. Any residual contamination appears to be confined to the immediate vicinity of the former tank.

VTrans - Boltonville Garage

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. It appears that all contaminated soil was removed from the subsurface. Soil needs to be properly disposed of.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Additional investigation needed.

VTrans - New Haven Garage

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. It appears that all contaminated soil was removed from the subsurface. Soil needs to be properly disposed of.

Unerground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed.

Contamination discovered during the removal of a diesel UST. Five monitoring wells installed around to the tank during initial site investigation. No significant contamination encountered in groundwater or soils. Drinking water is supplied to the property by the municipal system. Any residual contamination appears to be confined to the immediate vicinity of the former tank.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (413)

20002743 261 N Main St Rutland City SMAC Gerold Noyes 1/17/2000 0:00 3/3/2000 0:00

972180 Railroad St Newbury LOW Gerold Noyes 5/1/1997 0:00

900658 W S T J Broadcasting St Johnsbury NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

992593 W S Y B Radio 250 Dorr Drive Rutland City SMAC Ashley Desmond ### 4/8/2005 0:00

20053316 Wadhauls Residence 76 Davis Drive Wilmington SMAC Ashley Desmond 7/6/2004 0:00 ###

951753 Wagner - Turner Supply 70 South Main St Barre City NFAP Unassigned 2/1/1995 0:00 3/1/1995 0:00

W C Landon True Value Hardware

Minor soil contamination. No impact to ground water. SMAC

W E Jock Oil Co - Railroad St Facility

USTs removed. Contam found. Investigation complete. 8/26/97, 12/16/99 2 of 4 MWs above VGES, 2 ND; 5/18/00, 10/1/01 1MW above VGES, 1 below, 2 ND. SMAC AFTER MW CLOSURE, 11/1/04 reminder sent

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed. See Closed Site #91-1176 for additional information. Wells were properly closed as verified in a letter from ECC. SMAC.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. 40.79 tons of contaminated soils were removed from the site. Confirmatory samples taken from the extent of the excavation showed that the majority of contamination had been removed. Water supply sample had no petroileum contaminants exceeding the Vermont Groundwater Enforcement Standards. Toluene was detected in the onsite well at a concentration of 0.7 ppb, which is below the VGES and the Preventive Action Level (PAL).

Investigation Complete, No Gw Impact, Site Closed

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (414)

20043313 Wagon Wheel Truck Plaza VT Rte 104 MED Ashley Desmond ###

20022982 Wait Farm Inn 4805 Main St Waitsfield MED Gerold Noyes 3/25/2002 0:00

20093927 Waite Property Franklin LOW Tami Wuestenberg 6/11/2009 0:00

St Albans Town

Phase I and II site investigation done at request of S B Collins who is purchasing the property. Soil borings and MW installations done. Several UST's are located on property as well as previous UST locations. Groundwater samples contained some petroleum contamination. Extent of contamination still uncertain- may continue across road to BFA St Albans. GW monitoring in Winter 06 found minimal offsite contamination, though levels had increased. Spills occurred at the site in Fall 05 and in April 06. April spill involved customer overfilling their car. 18 gallons believed to have been released. Groundwater monitoring conducted in May 06 showed increased contaminant levels in general. Benzene concentrations had increased near the spill vicinity. Contamination exceeding the VGES is focused around former tanks/current dispensing area.

UST removed due to line leak. Contam found. Spill to adjacent pond. 2 MWs above VGES. FP in other 2 MWs. 5/21 3 of 3, 9/25/03, 3/29/04 no FP 4 of 4 MWs above VGES, 5/27/05 1 MW w/FP, 3 above VGES

31 Patton Shore Rd

06/09 - Kerosene release from fitting at AST. ~12 tons of pcs removed; cleanup and invistigation ongoing

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (415)

941617 Waits River General Store Rt 25 Topsham SMAC Ashley Desmond 6/1/1994 0:00 5/30/2006 0:00

20022966 3951 Main St Waitsfield SMAC Gerold Noyes ### 7/8/2002 0:00

20002763 9 Bridge St Waitsfield MED Sarah A. Bartlett 6/1/2000 0:00

880271 Walden General Store Rt 15 Walden LOW Lynda Provencher 12/1/1997 0:00

880168 Walden Town Garage Route 15 Walden SMAC Lynda Provencher 8/1/1996 0:00 3/22/2004 0:00

Contamination turned out to be from a previous excatavation in 1983, approx. 100 cubic yards of low-contam. Soil was taken to an "approved disposal area", no mention in file of where exactly that was. (7/30/99) Site Investigation work plan approved 6/18/04. (C. Crehan, 7/1/04) Soil stockpiled - thinspread without permission from SMS. SMS concurred that thinspread soils were clean and did not need further monitoring. The last round of gw samples (which included drinking water well and monitoring wells), taken in October 2005, showed no detection of petroleum related compounds. Monitoring wells were properly closed.

Waitsfield Elementary School

UST removed. Contamination found. Investigation completed. No impact to GW. SMAC.

Waitsfield Town Offices/Joslin Library

SI conducted August 2001. MW advanced in former source area, sample collected contained no petroleum VOCs. Water supply well sample also clean. Indoor air screened, no VOCs detected by PID. Requested well closure November 2001, again October 2003.

Closed in 1997 due to No Gw Contamination, No Drinking Water Well Contamination. Re-opened in May, 2009 due to high VOCs detected via PID in soil borings for monitoring well installation. No contaminants detected in gw above standards. Drinking water wells will be sampled.

Sampling To Be Done Fall '98, Monthly Inspection Of Brook By Town Personnel. File combined with 870168,apparently not SMAC'd. Will ask for the 98 work to be completed. Attemps to resample wells failed. Wells dry. Notice to land records filed with Town of Walden. SMAC

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (416)

20012916 Walker Farm Benson SMAC Unassigned 8/23/2001 0:00

20033108 Walker Motors 265 River St Montpelier MED Gerold Noyes 4/23/2003 0:00880199 Walker Motors Montpelier NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

20033093 Walker Residence Hardwick SMAC Richard Spiese 3/24/2003 0:00 4/5/2004 0:00

20012921 Walkers Apartments 1407 Maple St Hartford SMAC Lynda Provencher 9/25/2001 0:00 10/8/2003 0:00

972238 Wallace Residence Route 106 Reading SMAC Linda Elliott 7/1/1997 0:00 9/22/1999 0:00

911094 Wallingford Dump Rt 140 Wallingford SMAC PA Completed. Mike Young 6/1/1995 0:00

890452 Wallingford Mobil Rt 7 Wallingford MED Matt Moran 12/5/1989 0:00

20053452 Wallingford Property Fayston SMAC Ashley Desmond 6/22/2005 0:00 5/1/2006 0:00

1052 Howard Hill Rd

Probable release of petroleum to subsurface. No free product observed. No further investigation recommended. Property in process of transfer to Vermont Land Trust. SMAC before soils thin-spread, VLT will notify SMS once thin-spreading has occured.

UST removed. FP, Investigation underway, CAFI, excavation, 6/04 1 MW FP, 10 of 15 MWs above VGES

1301 West Hill Rd

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Vapors in building, FP in sump, and product flowing out sump pump. Remediation begun. Sump replaced. Floor repaired in basem*nt. SMAC

Contaminants in groundwater all below Vermont Groundwater Enforcement Standards; monitoring wells properly closed; no drinking water supply wellls in the area.

Site Investigation reveal no impacts to groundwater or receptors. No additional work requested.

Residual hazardous waste in floor drains to be noticed to land record. Drywell to be further sampled for PCBs and SVOCs. Groundwater impact from TCE, PCE and gasoline UST to be assessed. Report due 1/11/2001.

390 German Flats Rd

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Most of the contaminants were removed from the ground and properly disposed. Sample from the onsite well showed no detection of VOCs.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (417)

992618 Wallingford Sawmill 2 Maple St Wallingford LOW Gerold Noyes 6/2/1999 0:00

20073716 Walowit Residence 77 Smith Rd Wilmington MED Ashley Desmond 9/19/2007 0:00

982342 Walten Property Charlotte LOW Heating oil release, remediation ongoing. Bob Haslam 2/28/1998 0:00

992668 Walter Davis Estate Route 103 Mount Holly LOW Gerold Noyes 9/7/1999 0:00870155 Walter Pavitt Waterbury NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

20083820 Ward Residence Hartford HIGH Matt Moran 6/9/2008 0:00911129 Wards Garage Route 113 Vershire MED Invest Complete, Monitoring Ongoing Bob Haslam

20053362 Waring Property Bethel SMAC Ashley Desmond 4/14/2005 0:00 ###

900637 Wark Brothers Route 14 Barre Town NFAP Unassigned880186 Warner Windham NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

20083819 Warren Dump 450 Dump Rd Warren LOW Matthew Becker ###

982427 Warren Elementary School Brook Road Warren LOW Bob Haslam

Site assessment discovered soil and groundwater contamination. Investigation completed. Soil & GW petroleum & metals conntam confirmed. FP sheens found. Quarterly monitoring.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed.

North Pasture Lane

USTs removed, contam found. Investigation needed. Followup letters sent 10/03, 5/07 original owner deceased, 5/1/07 letter returned, no phone or town listing unable to contact current owner

333 Baker Turn Road

No. 2 fuel oil release from garage tank. Shallow depth to bedrock. Onsite and neighboring supply well impacted. Treatment systems placed on water supplies.

1896 Brink Hill Rd

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed. First letter written in May 05. Three tests pits advanced at the site with oversight from KAS. No contamination detected. Onsite well was tested- no contamiation detected. Nearby surface water showed no visual or olfactory signs of contamination.

Investigation Completed. Awaiting Sms Response.

Phase I -November 2007 Phase II/CAP Recommended

PCE was detected in the water supply. Treatment was system installed, and has since been removed. PCE is no longer present.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (418)

20033087 Warren Shatzer Residence 1855 Spear St MED Gerold Noyes 2/21/2002 0:00870021 Warren Store/pitcher Inn Warren NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

20083816 Warren Town Garage School Road Warren LOW Matthew Becker 6/14/2007 0:00770158 Washburn Mobil Richmond NFAP Waste Oil Soils Cleanup, Site Closed Unassigned

982390 Washburns Laundromat Main St Randolph SMAC Unassigned 4/29/1998 0:00 5/25/1999 0:00890467 Washco Properties Montpelier NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

931437 Washington Apartments 14 Washington St Barre City HIGH Matt Moran 8/1/1993 0:00

870131 Washington Electric NFAP Unassigned

941721 Route 14 SMAC 75 Yds Soil Treated And Thinspread Richard Spiese 11/1/1994 0:00 5/1/1997 0:00

941688 Washington Street Gulf Barre City SMAC Matt Moran 3/1/1994 0:00 2/1/1996 0:00

962044 Washington Town Garage Firehouse Rd Washington MED Determine Degree And Extent Of Contamination Richard Spiese 6/1/1996 0:00880213 Wassick Tire Bennington NFAP Site Closed And Combined With 911095 Unassigned

992685 Palidades Park Moretown SMAC Gerold Noyes 9/28/1999 0:00 1/17/2000 0:00

941662 Water Wheel Trading Co Rt 4 Killington LOW Lynda Provencher 8/1/1994 0:00

890405 Waterbury B.P. Waterbury NFAP Soil Investigation Complete Unassigned 12/1/1993 0:00

South Burlington

2 USTs removed, Contam found. FP in basem*nt sump, 1 MW FP, 2 MWs ND, 11/12/03, 4/5 & 11/28/04 1MW above VGES, 2 MWs ND, no FP, 4/05 1 MW above VGES

Phase I June 2007 Phase II recommended by consultant

UST removed and contamination discovered. Investigation completed with no affect on groundwater. Site closed.

Ongoing manual product recovery. No work done since 2001, sent RP request to resume work 5/2008.. To evaluate gasoline source - possible o/o/s service station east of church.

East Montpelier

Site Closed. No documentation available. See documentation in Site File #94-1721.

Washington Electric Co-op

East Montpelier

169 Washington St

3 Soil Borings Complteed. Ltd Soil Contam. Site Closed

Waste Professionals of Vermont

UST removed. Contamination found. Investigation completed. No petroleum contam in GW. 20 yds soil disposed as daily cover. Only UST site closed. Facility is managed under Solid Waste Program. SMAC for UST site only

Annual groundwater monitoring ongoing of all onsite wells, including the drinking water supply well, except MW-1 and MW-7. Last sampling event occurred in 2004.

145 South Main St

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (419)

982499 Waterbury Citgo 49 S Main St Waterbury SMAC Bruce Linton 8/24/1998 0:00 9/23/2002 0:00

20083796 52 N Main St Waterbury LOW Gerold Noyes 5/23/2008 0:00

962068 47 Stowe St Waterbury SMAC Soil Removal Completed, Site Closed Unassigned 9/1/1996 0:00 4/1/1997 0:00

992666 Waterbury Mobil Waterbury SMAC Richard Spiese 9/17/1998 0:00 8/10/2001 0:00

992710 Old Dump Rd Waterbury SMAC Michael Smith ### 6/20/2008 0:00870069 Waterbury School Waterbury NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

911057 Waterbury Town Garage Guptil Rd Waterbury LOW Richard Spiese 1/1/1991 0:00

982423 Waterhouses Marina West Shore Rd Salisbury SMAC Gerold Noyes 5/29/1998 0:00 7/24/2001 0:00

921315 Waterville Garage Main St Waterville MED Bob Haslam

951876 Waterville Wells Route 109 Waterville LOW Bob Haslam

931459 Wayne Ford-Chrysler Route 5 N St Johnsbury SMAC Gerold Noyes 10/1/1993 0:00 4/20/2004 0:00

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation conducted in August 1999. Site being monitoried annually. Site SMACed 09/02.

Waterbury Crossroads Citgo

Site investigation needed. ISI shows minimal contamination. Confirmatory sample requested before closure.

Waterbury Elementary School

758 Waterbury Stowe Rd

Leaking flex connector. See Closed Site 890359 also. Groundwater not impacted.

Waterbury Municipal Dump

Initial investigation completed. Additional field work was conducted in the winter of 2000-2001. Annual groundwater monitoring for five years will be conducted and then the site will be reevaluated once some historical contamination trends are established. Long term monitoring showed no contaminants migrating off site, a notice to the deed was developed, and monitoring wells were properly abandoned.

Ust Contamination Found. Investigation Ongoing.

UST removed. Contamin found. Investigation complete. 6/2/99 2 of 4 MWs above VGES. 9/25/00 1 of 4 MWs above VGES, 5/23/01 1 MW with MTBE 5 ppb above VGES, no other contam above VGES, SMAC

Possible intermittant surface water impact, Monitoring Ongoing

Water supply no longer contaminated, monitoring completed.

UST removed. Soils excavated. 3 MWs installed. No VGES exceedences. Paint thinner found in oil drum storage area. 10/11/00 3 new MWs required. Soil contam found. 1 MW below VGES, 2 ND. 11/03 contam soil excavated during UST replacement. SMAC

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (420)

20002836 Waypoint Center Rockingham MED ### 3/10/2005 0:00

20012888 WDEV Radio Station Blush Hill Rd Waterbury SMAC No groundwater impact. SMAC Gerold Noyes 7/19/2001 0:00 7/31/2001 0:00

20043265 1862 Rt 106 Weathersfield MED Lynda Provencher 8/16/2004 0:00

951799 Weathersfield MED Lynda Provencher 6/1/1995 0:00

972265 Weathervane Lodge Dorr Fitch Rd Dover SMAC Unassigned 9/1/1997 0:00 1/26/2005 0:00

20063521 Weathervane Motel Manchester SMAC Ashley Desmond 3/16/2006 0:00 5/10/2007 0:00

921228 Webb's Getty Route 78 Swanton MED Bob Haslam870126 Webster Barton NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

992678 Websters Store Route 5 Barnet MED Gerold Noyes 7/28/1999 0:00

17 Depot Street Bellows Fall

ASI intochlorinated solvents in G.W. received 6-24-02 Site SMAC achieved 3.10.05 with Notice to Land Record.

Hugo Martinez Cazon

Weathersfield Elem School

2 underground storage tanks removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed.

Weathersfield Town Garage

Stoughton Pond Rd

Annual monitoring is ongoing, with the next sampling event occurring in April 2006. Drinking water wells no longer impacted.

Ust Removed. Contamination Found. Investigation needed to determine the degree and extent of contamination. (9/7/99) Owner information updated--change in ownership. (01/07/04) Stockpiled soil not located after change in ownership. SMS concluded no significant health risk from residual contamination. SMAC (1/26/05)

Route 7A, PO Box 378

Contamination discovered during the removal of a heating oil UST. Nine soil borings and four monitoring wells installed at the property to further define the degree and extent of contamination. Only one of the four wells was found to have contamination exceeding the Vermont Groundwater Enforcement Standards. Following the increase in the standards for 1,2,4-trimethlybenzene and 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene, no further monitoring was required at the property. Monitoring wells have been properly closed. No VOCs were detected in the drinking water supply, which is a 600 foot deep bedrock supply well.

Remediation completed, groundwater and drinking water supply monitoring is ongoing.

USTs removed. Contamination found. Impact to GW. 9/17/01, 4/18 & 10/18/02 5 of 5 10/03 8 of 9, 4/04, 12/04 7 of 8 MWs above VGES. Semi-annual sample

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (421)

20022952 Wehe Residence Stowe SMAC 11/9/2001 0:00 4/17/2002 0:00

982554 Weiss Residence Chandler Rd Chester SMAC Gerold Noyes 11/5/1998 0:00 9/23/1999 0:00

20083849 Welch Property 308 Hubble Drive Peru SMAC Ashley Desmond 8/28/2008 0:00 5/22/2009 0:00

941710 Wells Country Store River Rd Underhill MED Bob Haslam

992684 Wells Trading Post Route 30 Wells SMAC Ashley Desmond 9/13/1999 0:00 9/2/2005 0:00

962093 Weltons' Sunoco Station 115 Main St Barton SMAC Lynda Provencher 10/1/1996 0:00 2/22/2000 0:00

20033097 Wemette Residence Middlebury SMAC Marc Roy ### 7/7/2003 0:00870141 Wesco Gulf Brandon NFAP Site Closed Unassigned890386 Wesco Oil 82 Shelburne St Burlington LOW 12/06: Annual Site Monitoring Ongoing. John Schmeltzer

770081 Wessner Landfill Sunderland MED Unassigned 3/1/1986 0:00

911035 Lake St Addison NFAP Low/closed Status, site reopened as 1999-2637 Unassigned 8/1/1992 0:00

1061 Weeks Hill Rd

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed SMAC designation 4/17/2002

Hugo Martinez Cazon

UST removed. Contamination found. Investigation completed. No contamination found to groundwater or water supply well. SMAC

Contamination discovered during the removal of a heating oil UST. Five soil borings/four monitoring wells installed at the property as part of Expressway Investigation. No contamination detected in groundwater samples. Monitoring wells have been properly closed. Sample from onsite drinking water supply was analyzed for VOCs and had no detectable levels of contamination.

Remediation has been completed, monitoring of drinking water supply wells and groundwater is ongoing. One supply well replaced.

Contamination found near surface during piping upgrade at the site. Soil borings, moniotoring wells, and two drinking water sources in the area show no evidence of contamination. Monitoring wells closed.

Stockpiled soil non-detect, so spread and seeded onsite.

796 Boardman Street

Soil venting system and oil/water treatment system dismantled. Site SMACed on 7/7/2003.

Sunderland Borough Road

EPA NFRAPed site. Need to evaluate whether further work required under state authority.

West Addison General Store

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (422)

992637 Route 17 Addison LOW Gerold Noyes 6/3/1999 0:00

951880 West Barnet Garage Main Rd Barnet MED Matt Moran 9/19/1995 0:00

890349 West Barnet General Store Barnet NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

992602 West Barnet General Store Main St Barnet MED Gerold Noyes 2/19/1999 0:00

770113 West Burke Auto Body Box 35 Burke MED Linda Elliott

20073718 Charleston HIGH Richard Spiese 11/2/2007 0:00

20053354 5078 VT Rt 105 Charleston MED Linda Elliott 4/18/2005 0:00

West Addison General Store

piping replacement & UST installation, contam found, 2/25 & 6/22/05, 4/28/06, 5/1/07, 5/13/09 2 of 3 MWs above VGES, biennial sample, see also 911035

Gasoline UST release. Pay for Performance cleanup completed w/MPE systems. Annual GW, supply well, and surface water monitoring 2009. In complaince again with VT Water Quality standards in Harvey's Lake Stream.

UST removed. Contam found. ISI done. Additional MWs required. Former SMS #890349. No impact to site & neighboring water supply wells. Semi-annual gw monitoring required 10/99. 12/14 1 well above VGES. 5/5/00 1 MW above VGES

SIP underway using EPA contractor. Report due 11/98.

West Charleston Contaminated Wells

Contamined Water Supplies identified in Village of West Charleston

West Charleston Town Garage

2005 Diesel release. Drinking water wells show no impacts. Fall 2007 implementation of corrective action with MPE system.. MPE events show favorable results. GW quality improving. Continued semi-annual site in spring and fall.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (423)

20063562 954 Rt 113 West Fairlee SMAC Ashley Desmond 6/21/2006 0:00 5/22/2008 0:00

20073707 West Glover Ambulance 48 County Rd Glover MED Tim Cropley 9/10/2007 0:00

961967 14 Main St Hartford SMAC Stockpiled Soil Clean And Spread On Site Unassigned/jf 1/1/1996 0:00 4/1/1998 0:00

20053392 West Property Elmore SMAC Ashley Desmond 6/21/2005 0:00 7/22/2005 0:00

941685 West River Market Rt 30 Jamaica SMAC Unassigned/jf 9/1/1994 0:00 9/1/1999 0:00

931422 West River Valley Market Rt 30 Dummerston LOW John Schmeltzer 7/1/1993 0:00

941686 Ross St West Rutland MED Gerold Noyes 10/1/1994 0:00951760 West Street Mobil 446 West St Rutland City LOW 07/02: Monitoring ongoing John Schmeltzer 1/1/1995 0:00

West Fairlee Congregational Church

Contamination discovered following a spill from an AST. This property is served by the municipal drinking water system. A sample collected from a monitoring well in the release area had no elevated VOCs. Three drinking water wells were sampled in this area and were free of petroleum contamination. Basem*nt monitoring well has been decommissioned. The bulk of contamination was removed during the spill response activity. A new foundation was installed beneath the church, which will limit any potential for vapor intrusion.

Sheen reported in Roaring Brook. Underground storage tank located. Contamination found during excavation. Investigation needed.

West Hartford Village Store

75 Worchester Ridge Rd

Underground storage tank removal. Contamination found. Extent of contamination is believed to have been determined. Confirmatory samples from tank pit showed no petroleum contaminants exceeding the MDLs. COD for soils received. AD

soils clean - spread onsite.Groundwater not encountered during tank removal. Supply well & adjacent supply well sampled & free of contamination.

07/08: Monitoring ongoing. Next round scheduled for May 09.

West Rutland Town Garage

9/94 UST removal, contam found, 10/2004 ISI completed, 1 MW above VGES, 04/05 1 MW above VGES, annual sample

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (424)

900559 Topsham SMAC Matt Moran 7/1/1990 0:00 1/22/2007 0:00

941697 West Windsor Garage Route 44 SMAC Unassigned 10/1/1994 0:00 3/1/2001 0:00

890335 Westbury Park Kellogg Rd Colchester MED Unassigned 8/1/1989 0:00

20063471 Western Avenue neighbors 570 Western Ave Brattleboro MED Ashley Desmond ###

931419 Brookside Rd Westford SMAC Stockpiled Soil Spread On Site Unassigned 7/1/1993 0:00 8/1/1996 0:00900638 Westford Town Garage Cambridge Rd Westford NFAP Monitoring Completed. Unassigned

20022991 Westgate Apartments Westgate Drive Brattleboro MED Richard Spiese 5/15/2002 0:00

20063518 Westminster MED Gerold Noyes 5/4/2006 0:00

972282 Route 5 Westminster SMAC Richard Spiese 10/1/1997 0:00 9/26/2000 0:00

941566 Weston Marketplace Weston MED John Schmeltzer 5/1/1994 0:00

911102 Weston Post Office Weston SMAC Soils Treated And Disposed Richard Spiese 1/1/1996 0:00

941622 Weston Town Garage Weston NFAP Unassigned 6/1/1994 0:00 5/1/1995 0:00

West Topsham Country Store

486 Vermont Rt 25

Last round of GW monitoring for UST release non-detect. Court ordered compliance by former owners w/fine assessed - only $1000 paid at property sale - other debtors had priority.

West Windsor

Soil testing indicated contamination levels well below the MCL, and the soils were spread onsite. Soils confirmed spread 02/21/2001. SMAC.

Replaced Water Lines, Solved Petroleum Contaminate Problem. Monitoring Ongoing Through Water Supply Division.

Closed Site 19890340. 1 UST removed. Contam found. Investigation needed. Workplan approved for additional site investigation in Feb 06.

Westford Elementary School

Three leaking #2 FO USTs identified during building upgrades. Investigation needed. Site on Expressway. (Site location on EIL approximate)

Westminster Realty Group Property

1308 Westminister Heights Road

Phase II ESA at former Farnsworth Construction Co. property found petroleum contaminated soils in vicinity of former diesel ASTs and oil-water seperator. WP for investigation approved

Westminster Station Market

Ust Removed. Contamination Found. Investigation showed GWESs met under entire site..

Route 100, 722 Main St

03/08:Monitoring ongoing including water supply well.

Rt 100 & Landgrove

Green Dale Rd T H 7

No Impact To Groundwater. Soil Asphalt Batched.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (425)

982436 Westside Citgo Bennington LOW Richard Spiese 6/29/1998 0:00

20033161 Westwind Condominiums Burlington MED Tim Cropley 9/30/2003 0:00

20083761 Wetmore Property 325 Rte 7 North Middlebury SMAC Ashley Desmond 10/1/2007 0:00 12/5/2008 0:00

931458 Weybridge Elem School R D 1 Weybridge SMAC Unassigned 9/1/1993 0:00 3/27/2001 0:00

770049 Weyerhaeuser Company Route 100 Hanco*ck SMAC Site SMACed in June 1997. Bruce Linton 6/30/1997 0:00

941693 Wheatley Farm - Unifirst Route 14 Brookfield MED Gerold Noyes

20083800 Wheeler Residence Pittsford SMAC Ashley Desmond 5/8/2008 0:00 ###

982509 Wheeler Sports Route 5 Broad St Lyndon LOW Richard Spiese 9/29/1998 0:00

165 West Main St

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found.Site in Natural Attenuation annual monitoring.

308 S Winooski Ave

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Full extent of contamination removed. Contaminated soils have been propertly disposed of. No further investigation is required.

SMAC status pending further Soil Sample Information, as of this update (July 27, 1999) no activity in this file since June 26, 1996. Soils thin-spread confirmed 03/19/2001. SMAC 03/27/2001

Ri/fs Completed, Remedy Selected, Environmental Monitoring. See also Unifirst sites

857 Sangamon Rd

Contamination discovered during the removal of a residential heating oil UST. Excavation proceeded to a depth of approx. 10.5 feet below grade, at which point the PID readings had declined to 22 ppm. No staining and minimal odors were present in the bottom of the excavation. No groundwater was encountered. About 4 cubic yards of contaminated soils were stockpiled and later transported for disposal at ESMI in NY. A sample collected from the onsite water supply well showed no detection of VOCs.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation shows limited GW and soil contamination. MNA ongoing.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (426)

961983 Wheelock Village Store Rt 122 Wheelock LOW Matt Moran 5/1/1996 0:00

20012871 Whelan Residence 403 Buck Hill Rd Arlington SMAC Gerold Noyes 5/30/2001 0:00 8/27/2002 0:00

911059 Whetstone Brook Canal & Elm Sts. Brattleboro SMAC Richard Spiese 1/1/1991 0:00 6/22/2009 0:00

972138 Whipple Property Richmond SMAC Tim Cropley 1/1/1997 0:00 9/1/1997 0:00

982559 Upper Main St Colchester LOW Gerold Noyes ###

20033172 White House Inn Route 9 East Wilmington SMAC Sarah A. Bartlett ### 1/12/2010 0:00

951794 White Residence Buckwheat St Ferrisburgh LOW Bob Haslam

961969 Route 107 Bethel LOW Sarah A. Bartlett 11/1/1995 0:00880280 White River Texaco Hartford NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

20002766 White River Texaco Hartford SMAC Richard Spiese 5/24/2000 0:00 9/16/2004 0:00

Biennial GW, stream and outfall sampling; next round fall 2010. DPE remediation performed under a Pay for Performance Contract. Curtain drain treatment discontinued.

USTclosed. Contamin found. Supply well replaced. SMAC

Investigation Identified Responsible Party; Rice Oil /canal St Mobil Own Source. Work Continues. Ambient Air Levels at discharge point elevated and monitored. Model shows NA of site should work. On going monitoring to confirm. Refer to 91-1005.

152 Riverview Rd

Kerosene Contam Soil Disposed. Invest Closed.

Whitcomb Construction Colchester

USTs removed. Contam found. Investigation completed. 7/23/99 1 of 4 MWs, 5/2/00 1 of 6 MWs, 11/20/00 4 of 8 MWs, 5/30/01 3 of 8, 11/21/01, 5/13/02 2 of 4, 5/15/03 4 of 4 5/09 2 of 2 MWs above VGES biennial sample required.

5000 gallon heating oil UST removed Oct '03. PID readings peaked at 150 ppm during excavation. SI conducted Mar '08, additional gw monitoring Oct '08 and Apr '09. VOCs in source areas MW below VGES for multiple sampling rounds. MWs closed Oct '09.

Drinking water supply no longer impacted by MTBE, monitoring completed

White River National Fish Hatchery

Pending Stockpile Soil Disposal. Review For Smac Designation (8/4/99) Site not closed. 1998 pull clean. 1996 soils stockpile not accounted for. Wells need closing.

352 N Hartland Rd

Piping replacement for 4 UST's. Contamination found. Investigation performed. Only low level CoC found in groundwater under site. Was site #88-0280. Notice placed on land record of excedence of GWES in one MW on 8/11/04.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (427)

770069 Beanville Road Randolph MED Matt Moran951797 White River Works Laury Rd Stockbridge LOW Trying To Get Owner To Monitor Gw Michael Smith 4/1/1995 0:00

20063584 Whitehorse Inn Waitsfield SMAC Lynda Provencher 9/13/2006 0:00900524 Whites Fuel Service Castleton NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

20012910 Whiting Country Store Route 30 Whiting HIGH Richard Spiese 9/6/2001 0:00

992613 Route 100 Whitingham MED Richard Spiese 4/22/1999 0:00

890299 Whitingham High School Whitingham NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

951931 Whitingham Town Garage Route 100 Whitingham SMAC Limited Soil Contamination, Site Closed. Unassigned 3/1/1996 0:00

20033143 Whitmore Property SMAC Gerold Noyes 8/12/2003 0:00 9/5/2006 0:00

770199 Rockingham SMAC Linda Elliott 1/17/2007 0:00

White River Valley Hardwoods

EPA SI Sampling conducted August 98, CAP under review.

999 German Flats Rd

1000 gallon fuel oil underground storage tank removed.No contamination in onsite drinking water well, pond, or six groundwater monitoiring wells. All monitoring wells properly closed.

Site NFAP as Lil's Country Store (SMS site #880194). Store water sampled by Griffin for secured lender. Gasoline contamination found in store water supply. No other water supplies in area found to be affected. Investigation needed.

Whitingham Country Store

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation shows moderate levels of GW contamination migrating off-site towards the SW. Additional MWs to be installed to investigate. No know affected receptors at this time.

345 Dorset Heights

South Burlington

USTremoved. Contam found. Investigation complete. 6/23/05 naphthalene @33 ppb in tank pit MW, steadily declining, no other exceedences. SMAC

Whitney Blake Co. Of Vermont

P.O. Box 579 Industrial Drive

EPA Cerlca investigation. S I Completed 2/93, EPA NFRAP. 10,000 gallon UST pull 6/98 . 15 cubic yards of soils stockpiled onsite. Followup monitoring shows low levels. No additional work requested. Site SMAC'd 1/2007.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (428)

20043303 Whitney Brook Inn Cavendish SMAC Ashley Desmond 11/9/2004 0:00 4/7/2005 0:00921252 Whitney Farm Sawmill Rt 9 Marlboro NFAP Landfarm Complete Richard Spiese 6/1/1992 0:00 7/1/1994 0:00

20073658 Whitney Trust Residence Middlebury SMAC Ashley Desmond 5/21/2007 0:00 9/19/2008 0:00

20083871 Whitten Residence Bennington SMAC Ashley Desmond ### 2/6/2009 0:00

992590 Why Not Farms Inc # 2 Whiting SMAC Lynda Provencher 2/3/1999 0:00 7/1/1999 0:00

931438 Why-Not Farms Inc Shoreham SMAC Lynda Provencher 10/8/2003 0:00880282 Wickes Lumber Burlington NFAP Site Closed, Combined With Site #921319 Unassigned

2423 Twenty Mile Stream Rd

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation by Applied GeoSolution showed no VOCs had impacted the drinking water and indoor air, and that soil contamination was limited in extent. SMAC.

178 Terrace Heights

Contamination discovered during the removal of a heating oil UST. It appears that the bulk of contaminated soils were successfully removed. No groundwater or bedrock was encountered during the excavation activities. A confirmatory soil sample from the excavation had detections of TPH at 80 PPM. This site is served by the municipal drinking water system (Middlebury). Contaminated soils were disposed of at ESMI in NH. PID readings taken from the indoor air showed no elevated readings.

229 Walloomsac Rd

Contamination discovered during the removal of a heating oil UST. After the removal of 1 drum of contaminated soil, no significant contamination remained in the tank grave as verified by PID and two confirmatory soil samples. Property is served by the municipal drinking water system. A sample collected from the basem*nt sump showed no detection of petroleum contamination. Soils were properly disposed of at ENPRO.

249 Shoreham-Whiting Rd

Petroleum contaminants in groundwater below standards. Onsite supply well free of petroleum compounds. Stockpiled soil transported to thermal desorption facility.

Whiting-Shoreham Rd

25 tons clean soil spread onsite; 117 tons of soil transported to ESMI in Fort Edward, NY. Groundwater not encountered during tank pull; no gw monitoring wells installed.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (429)

921319 Wicks Lumber Co NFAP Unassigned 2/17/1993 0:00

972193 Wiggens Concrete 2 East Street Winooski SMAC Richard Spiese 1/1/1997 0:00 10/5/2009 0:00

992603 Wilder Farm 595 Route 2 South Hero LOW Sarah A. Bartlett 4/7/1999 0:00

20083799 Wilder Smart Shop 906 Hartford Ave Hartford SMAC Ashley Desmond 5/12/2008 0:00 2/6/2009 0:00

911027 Wileys Garage Main St Londonderry SMAC Lynda Provencher

962098 Willett Farm West Hill Rd Ludlow LOW Linda Elliott

982525 William Dailey Inc Route 7 A Shaftsbury SMAC Sarah A. Bartlett ### 9/22/2009 0:00

1825 Shelburne Rd

South Burlington

Reopened To Determine Necessary Remedial Action, Was Site #880282

Site in MNA. MWs on site have all met GWESs. Awaiting MW closure to SMAC site.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation indicates groundwater contamination limited. Semi annual groundwater monitoring requested but not implemented. Second request sent 2/09.

Contamination detected during replacement of the spill buckets. Borings installed at the site to further define the extent of contamination. No volatile compounds detected in any of the six borings. No groundwater encountered during the closure process or subsurface investigation, which reached depths of 21 feet below grade. All properties in this area are served by the municipal drinking water system.

Contaminants are below enforcement standards in groundwater. When confirmation is received that wells have been properly abandoned, the site will be eligible for a Site Management Activity Completed designation.

Ongoing groundwater monitoring and passive free product recovery in one well. Stable to declining trend in contaminant concentrations. No offsite migration. Next round of water quality monitoring Spring 2009.

UST removed. Product spill during removal. Investigation completed. 12/98, 11/10/99, 11/8/00, 1 MW in UST grave over VGES, 11/7/01 MW below VGES. MWs closed, samples from all four on-site H2O supply wells clean.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (430)

992697 William E Dailey Plant Route 7 Manchester SMAC Gerold Noyes ### 3/3/2000 0:00

770065 Route 30 Poultney SMAC Epa NFRAP. SMAC 15 April 2005 Michael Smith 9/1/1989 0:00 4/15/2005 0:00

20043264 Williams Residence Montpelier SMAC Sarah A. Bartlett 9/1/2004 0:00 ###

982528 Williamson Residence Charlotte SMAC UST Removed. GWES meet on property. Mike Young ### 11/1/2000 0:00

972226 Brush Hill Rd MED Unassigned 7/1/1997 0:00

900506 Williamstown Garage Depot St NFAP Ust Contamination Found. Stockpiled Soils. Unassigned

992674 120 Hebert Rd SMAC Gerold Noyes 8/2/1999 0:00 10/4/2007 0:00

770088 Williamstown Landfill Route 14 SMAC Gerold Noyes 3/1/1986 0:00 4/10/2006 0:00

870010 Williamstown Landfill NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

20012868 Willis Property 25 Pleasant St Woodstock SMAC Gerold Noyes 5/15/2001 0:00 9/13/2001 0:00

900550 Williston Central School Rt 2 Williston LOW Bob Haslam

951765 Williston Country Club N Williston Rd Williston LOW Lynda Provencher900488 Williston Fire Dept Williston NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

UST removed. Contamination found. Investigation completed. 1/20/2000 3 MWs, 1 supply well, no impact to groundwater. SMAC

Williams Machine Company

26 Hubbard Park Drive

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. MWs abadoned Spetember 2006.

694 Church Hill Rd

Williamstown Elementary School


Ust Removal. Contamination Found. Investigation completed, long-term monitoring is underway. (9/7/99)


Williamstown Junior/Senior High School


Fuel oil USTremoved, contam found. 4/2007 investigation complete, no impact to GW. SMAC


Closed landfill, followup study of Unifirst waste disposal completed August 2005, no PCE detected, post closure certification & monitoring required, transferred to Solid Waste Program


Fuel oil UST removed. Contam observed. Expressway ISI. GW not found at 13.5', minimal soil contamination. SMAC

Ust Contaminated Soils To Landfill. Site To Be Closed

Annual groundwater sampling occurring with next sampling event happening in April 2000. The contaminant plume is commingled with the Alden Bryan Residence site #92-1345. There has been a general decrease in contaminant concentrations over time.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (431)

921297 Williston Landfill Redmond Road Williston NFAP Lynda Provencher ###

911041 Williston Rd Mobil 811 Williston Rd LOW Richard Spiese 1/1/1991 0:00

900545 MED Bob Haslam 9/1/1996 0:00

921327 Williston Road Mobil LOW Tami Wuestenberg890403 Williston Town Garage Williston NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

962041 Willow Rd Bennington LOW Richard Spiese 1/1/1998 0:00

890458 Wilmington Mobil Rt 9 Wilmington SMAC Monitoring On Annual Basis Richard Spiese 4/12/2002 0:00

911112 Wilmington NFAP Unassigned ###

Site Assess Complete, No Impact To Sensitive Receptors

South Burlington

Monitoring Ongoing Following Ust Removal. Chlorinated solvents and metals in GW above VGES.

Williston Road Citgo - Dave's Citgo

1241 Williston Rd

South Burlington

Vapor impacts in adjacent building. SVE remedial system installed 11/00. Remediation completed, remediation system has been shut off, monitoring ongoing. No indoor air impacts

1314 Williston Rd

South Burlington

Gw Impacted From Ust. Invest Needed; 01/2006 - Recevied Expressway Notification - SI to occur Jan/Feb. 2006; VGES exceedences reported; most likely offsite contamination - further investigation to occur. Offsite migration confirmed in June 2006. Still not defined, further downgradient wells planned for fall 2006. VTGES exceedences in additional downgradient wells. More site characterization planned for spring 2007. Low levels; no sensitive receptors. Current recommendation is for neighboring gas station SMS Site # 90-0496 to do further characterization to determine if downgradient plumes are combined. Quarterly GW sampling ongoing.

Willow Road Garage (Town of Bennington)

Ust Removed. Contamination Found. Monitoring wells showed low level of BTEX groundwater contamination. Stockpiled soils on site.

Wilmington Reconstruction

Rt 9 And Lake Reponda Road

Ust's Found At Construction Site. Contam. Found.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (432)

992707 Wilmington Sunoco Route 100 Wilmington MED Gerold Noyes 12/8/1999 0:00

20093910 Wilmington Town Dump Fairview Ave. Wilmington LOW Richard Spiese 11/1/2008 0:00

962063 129 Strongs Ave Rutland City SMAC To Be Smac'd John Schmeltzer 10/1/1996 0:00 8/1/1997 0:00

20073737 Wilson Wetland Sand Hill Road Putney LOW ###

20073735 Wimble Residence 12 Sand Hill Rd Fairfax MED Ashley Desmond ###

20053314 Winchell Residence Stowe SMAC Ashley Desmond 12/2/2004 0:00 ###

921230 Windham Town Garage Town Hwy 1 Windham SMAC Soils Thin-spread In Site Richard Spiese 1/1/1996 0:00

931549 Windshield World Railroad St St Johnsbury MED John Schmeltzer 12/1/1993 0:00

982441 Windshield World 22 Portland St Morristown SMAC Richard Spiese 7/7/1998 0:00 3/1/1999 0:00

911142 County Rd Windsor SMAC Unassigned 9/23/1991 0:00 2/27/2004 0:00900597 Windsor County Feeds Pleasant St. Royalton NFAP Monitoring Complete, Site Closed Unassigned 8/1/1992 0:00

20083810 Windsor Technology Park 7 Everett Lane Windsor Patricia Coppolino

UST pump release. CAFI completed. 2/15 4 of 7, 8/16 8 of 9, 12/7/00 8 of 11, 5/10/01 7 of 11 MWs, 8/7/01 8 of 11 MWs, 5 of 11 MWs above VGES. 10/11/06 6 MWs above VGES, 1 MW 0.02' FP . Site supply well has occasional low levels of MTBE & toluene. Annual sampling.

Former laqndfill. GW contam above standards. Monitoring ongoing. Continue work to identify source.

Wilson Moving And Storage

UST removal. Awaitting closure of MWs. No further action anticipated. See file SMS 99-2607 for reports.

Hugo Martinez Cazon

AST failure. Surface impact. Unknown vertical extent. Investigation needed.

233 Hollow View Rd

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. 22.5 tons of petroleum contaminated soil removed from around tank. Four confirmatory samples from the excavation showed no target contaminants. Onsite water supply tests showed no contamination.

03/06: annual monitoring continuing. Awaiting a proposol for a pilot test using oxygen injection compounds to enhance natural attenuation.

Soils removed and treated. Investigation showed very limited soil contamination.

Windsor Correctional Facility

Ust Contamination Found. Awaiting Tss Sample Of Adjacent Well. 20 to 30 cubic yards of PCS stockpiled onsite. Soils non-detect July 1993. Soils spread. SMAC

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (433)

982407 Windsor Texaco 55 Main St Windsor SMAC Richard Spiese 5/7/1998 0:00 4/8/2005 0:00

770092 Windsor Town Dump Route 5 N Windsor MED Unassigned

911175 Windsor Town Garage Central St Windsor SMAC Sarah A. Bartlett 8/27/1991 0:00 5/20/2009 0:00

941654 Wings Market Route 5 Fairlee SMAC Matt Moran 8/1/1994 0:00 ###

972208 Route 30 Winhall MED Unassigned 7/1/1997 0:00

992644 Winmill Publishing Corp Town Crier Drive Brattleboro SMAC Richard Spiese 5/18/1999 0:00 5/9/2000 0:00

20063508 Winooski Auto Winooski MED Unassigned ###

770047 Winooski Dump Colchester LOW Unassigned

951815 Winooski Exxon 280 East Allen St Winooski HIGH John Schmeltzer911182 Winooski High School Main St Winooski NFAP Low/closed Status Unassigned 8/6/1992 0:00

20093900 Winooski Post Office 50 Main St Winooski MED Ashley Desmond ###

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Site completed Natural Attenuation monitoring. GWESs met at all MWs on site.

EPA NFRAP 9/99, Additional samplig conducted, results under review.

Three USTs removed 1991, PCS stockpiled on-site. Limited ISI 08/01. Levels of 1,2,4- and 1,3,5-TMB, and Naphthalene fell to below VGES by 07/05. MW closed 10/08. Stockpile sampled 10/08, met thin-spreading requirements. Moved to Town owned gravel pit per Town request.

Gasoline UST release. Investigation completed. Natural attenuation selected as treatment option. Site now within GW standards. Site given SMAC (closure) designation.

Winhall Elementary School

Ust Removed. Contam Found. SMS requested an investigation in an October 7, 1997 letter to Ms. Amendon, but there has beenno reply and no further activity in this file. (8/31/99)

Lead contaminated soils found during Phase II ESA. Soil removal completed. Site SMACed 5/9/2000.

91 Mallets bay Ave

550 gal UST closed in place. Contamination found. Investigation needed.

Malletts Bay Ave.

Epa concluded no additional investigation needed. State review required before site can be SMACed.

03/07: Monitoring ongoing. Evaluating other remedial options to address residual contamination remaining after dual-phase remediation completed.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Expressway investigation underway.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (434)

20002754 Winooski MED Gerold Noyes ###

992728 Lincoln St Essex SMAC Unassigned 9/23/1999 0:00 3/31/2000 0:00

961998 Wisowaty Residence Hardscrabble Rd Monkton LOW Bob Haslam

20023067 Withington Estate Hartford MED Gerold Noyes ###

20033107 WKVT Radio 458 Williams St Brattleboro LOW Linda Elliott 3/20/2003 0:00

931475 Wolcott Store Wolcott HIGH Matt Moran 10/1/1993 0:00

931534 Wolcott Town Garage Elmore Rd Wolcott SMAC Richard Spiese 12/1/1993 0:00 9/18/2003 0:00

982348 Wolfe Residence 316 Dewey St Bennington MED Alex Geller 8/20/2003 0:00

992604 Wollum Residence Charlotte MED Unassigned 3/17/1999 0:00

992680 SMAC Richard Spiese 6/3/1999 0:00 9/30/1999 0:00

Winooski Redevelopement Area

Main and East Allen St

Petroleum and chlorinated solvent contamination in redevelopement area. 12/5/01, 8/29/02 TCE, VC, DCE above VGES in 2 MWs

Winston Prouty Federal Building

Underground storage tank removed. Minimal contamination found. Laboratory result clarification indicated no additional work needed.

Investigation Completed, contaminants no longer present, POET removed.

2366 Hartford Ave

UST removed. Contam found. Investigation complete. 2 of 7 MWs above VGES, 5/5/03, 4/22/04, annual sample

Fuel oil contamination from underground storage tank.GWES exceedance in onsite well. No offsite migration detected. Annual groundwater monitoring. Next round April 2007.

Route 15 -72.462062, 44.547429

Gasoline/diesel UST release(s). Monitoring semiannual supply well / POETand annual GW 2008. Bottled water being supplied. 300yd3 soil pile - 125 yds thinspread, remainder to Waste USA - Coventry, VT landfill. COCO taking lead for BOC.

Stockpiled contaminated soils met thin spreading levels. Spread on site.

1998 UST removed. Contamin found below GW standards. SMAC. 8/20/03 reopened construction discovered new contamination, filter.and mntring bi-monthly curtain drain and sump. Awaiting confirm. soil samples from 2004.

2613 Greenbush Rd

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed.

Wolworth's Garage-Commons Shopping Ctr

Commons Shopping Center

St Albans Town

Limited soil contamination found in initial investigation. Follow-up investigation id limits of low level soil contamination and no groundwater contamination.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (435)

941615 Woodbury Country Store Rt 14 Woodbury HIGH Requested Groundwater Monitoring Linda Elliott 6/1/1994 0:00900636 Woodbury Lumber Co Forest St Rutland City NFAP Invest Complete, No Further Action Necesary Unassigned 3/1/1994 0:00

941677 Woodbury Town Garage Dog Pond Rd Woodbury NFAP Determine Degree And Extent Of Contamination Unassigned 9/1/1994 0:00 6/1/1995 0:00

982517 Chittenden MED Gerold Noyes 9/21/1998 0:00870048 Woodford Inn Woodford NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

20053404 Woodruff Residence 3527 Mt Philo Rd Charlotte SMAC Ashley Desmond 6/22/2005 0:00 9/30/2005 0:00

20073692 Woodside Facility Woodside Drive Essex SMAC Ashley Desmond 9/8/2007 0:00 10/2/2009 0:00

Wooden Barrel Country Store

231 Chittenden Rd

UST piping upgrade. Contam found. 2/2 MWs above VGES. 9/20/02, 6/4/03, 12/11/03 4/5 MWs above VGES, CAFI underway

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found.. Expressway investigation, which included two groundwater monitoring rounds, showed no contamination in the immediate vicinity of the tank grave. SMS recommended well closure prior to SMAC. EPS confirmed that wells were properly closed.

Contamination was encountered at this site following the closure of a heating oil underground storage tank. 56.93 tons of contaminated soil removed and disposed of at ESMI. Five monitoring wells and one product recovery well installed in the vicinity of the former tank. Some free product encountered in one monitoring well during site investigation. Free product depths declined to 0 inches over the course of the investigation. No product found in 4-inch recovery well. VGES met at all monitoring points during last monitoring event. Wells have been properly closed. This property is served by the municipal drinking water system. No elevated PID readings recorded in the wells adjacent to the onsite building or in the ambient indoor air spaces.

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962000 15 South St Woodstock HIGH Matt Moran 6/1/1996 0:00900519 Woodstock Fire Dept Woodstock NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

961954 Route 4 Woodstock SMAC Brian Woods 12/1/1995 0:00 12/4/1998 0:00890323 Woodstock Inn Woodstock NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

20083811 Woodstock Jungle Site Woodstock Patricia Coppolino

20073627 54 River St Woodstock MED Ashley Desmond 1/6/2007 0:00

20063524 Woodstock Town Garage Woodstock SMAC Ashley Desmond 4/14/2006 0:00 ###

900596 Woodstock Town Garage Woodstock NFAP Site Closed Unassigned

Woodstock Elementary School

About 16,000 gallons fuel oil recovered by product pumps. Recovery ongoing. Interceptor trench installed. Inactive SVE piping installed beneath gymnasium floor as precaution against future indoor air impact. Annual GW monitoring, next rd. spring '09.

Woodstock Honda (former)

Deed notice in place which documents hydraulic oil release and residual metals contamination in groundwater.

Woodstock Recreation Center

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed.

501 Woodstock Road

Contamination from a dry well and USTs during an engineering evaluation. No significant groundwater plume identified at the property during subsequent investigation work. Some residual PAH contamination remains in soil surrounding the dry well, which has since been decommissioned. Land record notice has been issued. Water is supplied by the municipal system. Monitoring wells properly closed.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (437)

20063548 Woodstocker Inn 61 River St Woodstock SMAC Ashley Desmond 7/5/2006 0:00 ###

890291 St Johnsbury NFAP Waste Oil Contaminated Soils. Unassigned911012 Worcester General Store Rt 12 Worcester NFAP Closed Unassigned 7/7/1991 0:00

770110 Workspace Incorporated Chelsea NFAP Contamination Below Action Levels, Site Closed Unassigned

951838 World Learning Inc Kipling Rd Brattleboro SMAC Soil Spread On Site, No Gw Impact, Site Closed. Unassigned 9/1/1995 0:00 2/1/1996 0:00

921199 Wright Construction Highgate Rd Franklin SMAC Unassigned 2/26/1992 0:00 8/31/2000 0:00

20083822 Wright Residence Montpelier MED Alex Geller 5/9/2008 0:00

870009 Wright/bressett Randolph NFAP Gerold Noyes

911176 WSYB / WZRT Radio Dorr Drive Rutland SMAC Gerold Noyes 7/31/2001 0:00

982445 WVNY - TV Mt Mansfield Stowe SMAC Gerold Noyes 5/20/1998 0:00 ###

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Approved Harper Env. Work plan for additional investigation in August 2006. Harper installed several soil borings around the source area. No groundwater encountered at any of the four boring points, which extended to a depth of 11 feet below grade. Soil contamination detected in two of the borings, but at concentrations below the EPA Region IX Preliminary Remedial Goals. All properties in the area are served by municipal utilities. PID readings taken in the basem*nt of the Inn showed no detection of volatile compounds.

Woodway Moving And Storage, Inc

St.J.-Lyndonville Indust. Park

Lust contamination and investigation completed. Residual soil contamination measured on site but at levels below the SMS guideline levels for action.

12 Clarenden Ave

150-gallon Gasoline Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Expressway investigation with 4 MW's detected no contaminants above VGES levels. Awaiting MW removal to close site.

Unifirst Site, duplicate record See 770019, same site. Monitoring ongoing

1991 Contamination Found During Tank Removal. NFRAP. 1998 UST removal, no impact to soil or GW. SMAC

UST removed. Contamination found. 1 year of supply well monitoring. No detectable VOCs on 5/26/98, 6/7/99, 9/23/99. SMAC

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (438)

982575 Wyeth Nutritionals Inc Industrial Ave Georgia MED Brian Woods ###870045 Wymans Berlin NFAP Site Closed. Combined With 770096. Unassigned

770096 Wymans Northfield Road Berlin SMAC Gerold Noyes ### 2/4/2002 0:00

20033146 Wyre Wheel Salvage Yard Route 7 Middlebury MED Michael Smith 9/3/2003 0:00

20093931 Xtreme Collision Center 897 Brooklyn St Morristown SMAC Ashley Desmond 5/21/2009 0:00 6/30/2009 0:00

982379 Yandow Property Burlington SMAC 5/18/1998 0:00 2/1/2007 0:00

972236 Route 7 Ferrisburgh MED Tami Wuestenberg 8/1/1997 0:00

30 gal. #2 fuel spill reported in May 1997. 80cy soil stockpiled on-site. Piping upgrade performed in January 1999. Exisiting iron piping close in place. 16cy soil stockpiled on site. Subsurface investigation performed March-April 1999. Four wells installed. Groundwater and soil samples were non-detect for petroleum. Two 40K gal. USTs removed in November 2001. 6cy of soils stockpiled. Soil stockpile remains on site.

Multiphase site investigation completed 8/99. Contamination confined to site. SMAC with Notice to Land Records

Site assessment performed in response to property transfer. Contamination noted in the car crusher area. New owner (Earth Waste Systems) will be stockpiling soils on site for treatment. May request CAP.

Underground storage tank removed from site. Contamination encountered. Full extent of contamination removed from subsurface. All properties in the area served by municipal water.

351Shelburne St and Flynn Ave

Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessment Complete. Groundwater And Soil Impacts By Gasoline Compounds. Requesting Follow-up Investigation. SMAC obtainied 2/1/07 October 2006: demolition work coordinated with soil management plan results in stockpile of contaminated soil. Awaiting results.

Hugo Martinez Cazon

Yandow Sales And Service

Ust Removed. Contamination Found. Investigation is underway, SMS is waiting for a project report. (9/7/99) No impact to GW; 18 yards of petroleum contaminated soils stockpiled - screened in 1998 and 1999 - still above 1ppm. No activity in file since fall 1999. Sent status update letter August 2006.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (439)

20083883 Yankee Farm Credit Middlebury SMAC Gerold Noyes ### 6/23/2009 0:00

20043307 2769 Lake St Addison SMAC Lynda Provencher ###

20012883 Yankee Traveler Motel 342 Portland St St Johnsbury SMAC Gerold Noyes 5/21/2001 0:00 10/2/2002 0:00

20033166 Yerkes Property St Johnsbury MED John Schmeltzer 11/2/2003 0:00

20012898 Yersel Residence Lyndon SMAC Bruce Linton 9/4/2001 0:00 ###

20033077 189 Route 100 Waitsfield MED Unassigned ###

972317 York Street Auto 83 York St Poultney SMAC Unassigned 11/1/1997 0:00 2/9/2004 0:00

992700 Young Farm Craftsbury SMAC Richard Spiese 8/30/1999 0:00 5/10/2000 0:00

770011 Young Landfill Route 78 Highgate MED

1436 Exchange Streer

UST removed. Contam found. Expressway ISI complete, confirmatory sample ND. No impact to groundwater SMAC

Yankee Kingdom Landscaping

1,000 gallon abandoned gas UST removed in November, 2004. High PID readings in tight soils. CAP submitted by LAG to conduct limited excavation to remove the most grossly contaminated soils. 101 tons of soil was excavated in June 2005 and transported to ESMI of NY. All onsite monitoring wells contain non-detect levels of contaminants as of April 2008 groundwater sampling. Wells allnon-detect in April 2009 sampling round. Wells properly abandoned on August 11, 2009.

UST removed. Contam found. 4 MWs installed, 2/8/02 1 ND, 3 dry. 4/24/02 4 MWs ND, SMAC

1566 Vermont Route 5

6/04: Site characterization ongoing. Additional wells and monitoring points to be installed this summer.

5824 Memorial Drive

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Soil excavation completed. Groundwater monitoring ongoing. Site SAMCed 11/02.

Yestermorrow Design/Build School

2 underground storage tanks removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed.

UST Removed. Contamination Found. Investigation completed, monitoring ongoing. (9/9/99) 60 cubic yards PCS excavated shipped off-site. Soils spread after 3 years. SMAC

743 Seaver Brook Rd.

Leaking AST affected farm water supply. JCO investigated and had well replaced. Old well grouted shut. Site SMACed 5/10/00.

S I P Completed 7/94, ESI completed 07/00. 3.23.2007 Owner re-initiated contact. Long. 73 05' 07.4" Lat. 44 56' 04.5"

Hugo Martínez Cazón

1/1/1900 12:00:00 AM

1/1/1900 12:00:00 AM

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (440)

900477 Young Residence Old Athens Rd Westminster SMAC Richard Spiese ###

20063611 Z's Northern Properties 379 N Main St Barre City MED Ashley Desmond 9/12/2006 0:00

992656 Zaccareo Residence Dover MED Sarah A. Bartlett 8/13/1999 0:00

20033174 Zacherys Pizza MED Unassigned ###

931529 Zorbas Mobil Killington SMAC No Impact To Gw, Site Closed Unassigned 12/1/1993 0:00 2/1/1996 0:00

20033116 Zuefle Residence Braintree SMAC Richard Spiese 5/6/2003 0:00 1/14/2004 0:00

20002794 Zuleika Farm SMAC Bob Haslam 8/22/2000 0:00 3/7/2008 0:00

Site Evaluation showed no ongoing impact on drinking water supply. No other receptors of concern.

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Approved AGS workplan for initial site investigation.

Upper Highland Rd

Underground tank overfill. Contaminated soil removed and stored for disposal. Second request for site investigation sent May 2008.

1891 Williston Rd

South Burlington

Underground storage tank removed. Contamination found. Investigation needed.

Killington Access Rd

3189 Braintree Hill Road

Unidentied petroleum product found in drinking water well. SI contract used to hire JCO to try and identfy source. POET put on well. Source found to be leaking pump in well. Pump replaced and water supply cleaned up to ND.

656 Morrison Road

West Windsor

Petroleum was used for dust control on soils in an indoor horse riding ring. These soils were removed and landfarmed on a nearby property. The soils were sucessfully remediated by landfarming.

ANR - HazSites - [XLS Document] (2024)
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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

Phone: +5958753152963

Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.